Sri Vaiñëava-Çaraëa: Surrender To The Vaiñëavas by Devakinandan Das Thakur

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Sri Vaiñëava-çaraëa

Surrender to the Vaiñëavas

By Devakinandan Das Thakur

våndävana-bäsé jata vaiñnavera gaëa mahäprabhura gaëa-saba patita-pävana

prathame vandanä kori sabära caraëa täi lobhe mui päpé la-inu çaraëa
The devotees of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are
First of all, I offer my worship to the lotus feet of the
deliverers of the most degraded persons. Being greedy
residents of Vrindavan, all of whom are vaiñnavas.
for that deliverance, this sinner surrenders unto them.
néläcala-bäsé jata mahäprabhura gaëa
vandanä korite mui kata çakti dhari
bhümite paòiyä vandoì sabära caraëa
tamo buddhi doñe mui dambha mätra kori
Next, I fall down on the ground and worship the lotus What power or ability do I have to glorify the devotees
feet of all of Mahaprabhu’s associates who live in of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? Being engrossed in
Nilacala, Jagannath Puri Dham. ignorance, it is only out of pride that I attempt to do so.

navadvépa-bäsé jata mahäprabhura bhakta tathäpi mükera bhägya manera ulläsa

sabära caraëa vandoì haïä anurakta doña kñami’ mo adhame koro nija däsa
I then worship the devotees of Mahaprabhu in Nabadwip Even though I have no speaking power to glorify
and pray for loving attachment to their lotus feet. them, still I am feeling great pleasure in my mind.
Please overlook my faults, O vaiñëavas, and make me
mahäprabhura bhakta jata gauòa-deçe sthiti your servant.
sabära caraëa vandoì koriyä praëati
sarva väïchä siddhi haya yama-bandha chuöe
I then worship the lotus feet of all of Mahaprabhu’s
jagate durlabha haïä prema-dhana luöe
devotees residing in Gaudadesh, Bengal.
The great wealth of prema is very rare in this world, but
ye deçe ye deçe baise gauräìgera gaëa by somehow obtaining it all desires are fulfilled and
ürdhva-bähu kori’ vandoì sabära caraëa one achieves freedom from the clutches of Yamaraj.
With upraised arms I worship the lotus feet of
manera väsanä pürëa aciräte haya
Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s dear devotees, wherever
devakénandana däsa ei lobhe koya
they may reside.
Being greedy that the desire of his heart be fulfilled
haïächena haibena prabhura jata däsa very soon, Devakinandan Das writes this song.
sabära caraëa vandoì dante kori ghäsa
With straw in my teeth I worship the lotus feet of all
the servants of Mahaprabhu that ever were in the past
or that ever will be in the future.
brahmäëòa tärite çakti dhare jane jane
e veda-puräëe guëa gäya jebä çuëe
In the Vedas and Puräëas it is said that each of the dear
devotees of Sriman Mahaprabhu has the potency to
deliver the entire universe.

From Sri Krishna Kathamrita Magazine issue 6.

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