Saptarishis - Family Lineage of Lord Brahma
Saptarishis - Family Lineage of Lord Brahma
Saptarishis - Family Lineage of Lord Brahma
Lord Brahma is the first of 3 major Hindu gods called the “ Trimurti,” which includes Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver,
and Shiva, the destroyer. Lord Brahma is born from the union of Brahm-Kaal & Durga or Kaali (Maya/Ashtangi/Prakriti Devi).
Sage Marichi
Sage Mareechi and his six brothers(Saptarishis) married the seven daughters of Sage Kardam and Devahuti. It was Kala, Sage
Kardam's daughter who was married to sage Marichi. They begot two children, a son Sage Kashyapa and a daughter Purnima.
Sage Kashyapa was responsible for the procreation of several races including those of the Devas and Asuras.
Purnima had two sons Viraja and Vishvaga and a daughter Devakulya. Today we know Devakulya as the River Ganga.
Regarding the ancestry of sage couple Kardam and Devhuti understand they have come from Manu - Satrupa couple. By marrying
the seven daughters of sage couple Kardam- Devahuti, these Saptarishis have become co- brother also among themselves.
Daksha Prajapati married his thirteen daughters with sage Kashyapa. The world is mainly the
progeny of Kashyapa. Daksha married his 27 daughters to Moon and one daughter Sati to Lord
Siva.So Kashyapa has become co- brother to Lord Siva and Moon God. Mareechi has also become
Sambandhi (relative) of Daksha.
Ganga is the semi God who appears in Mahabharata story and Sage Bhageeratha story. King Santhanu married Ganga. Bhishma
pithamaha was their son. Bhageeratha was an ancestor to Panadvas and Kouravas.
Sage Kashyapa created Sage Vibhandaka using his mental prowess while he was meditating. As soon as Vibondaka came out of
Kashyapa's mind, he went to the deepest forests to perform very severe austerities. He was only performing the austerities for
self-realization, but Indra was worried that he may in time usurp Indra's throne. So Indra as usual asked Brahma for his best
apsara or divine maiden to send with him. Brahma sent Harsha, the ever-smiling one with Indra.
Apsara Harsha came to Vibondaka's hermitage and began chanting mantras. Vibondaka heard this clear pronunciation of
Vedic mantras, and looked at her. She fell at his feet and said, "Only for begetting a son from you have I chanted these mantras. If
you don't accept this request, then I will end me." Vibondaka said that he would not have sex with her as it would reduce the effect
of his penance, but he would not let her die. He dropped some semen and told Harsha to impregnate herself. Harsha then
understood that Indra had nothing to fear, so her mission was fulfilled. But she did not want to become pregnant and Vibondaka's
semen was burning the earth.
So using her divine powers apsara Harsha put the semen in the ovaries of a deer. The deer soon delivered a baby who had a
human form, but with deer horns. This child was Sage Rishyashringa, meanings a human being with deer horns. King Dasaratha
had a daughter by name Santha. Sage Rishiasringa married her. Rishisasringa later conducted Puthra Kameshti yagam of
Dasaratha. So Sage Rishiasringa was Athiambar of Sri Rama, Lakshmana etc. and of course was very elder to them.
Sage Sandilya was the descendant of sage Kashyapa and hence of sage Mareechi. His father's name was 'Devala' He was the
royal priest of king Dileep who belonged to Soorya vamsa. Sage Sandilya was the chief Hota to Sage Viswamithra in creating the
Trisanku swarga yagya.
Sage Atri
Sage Atri had a very chaste wife Anasuya and their son Sage Durvasa. Durvasa remained bachelor. Sage Durvasa appear in
Maha bharata -He grants the boon of children to Kunti. He also curse Sakuntala for not welcoming him immediately in to the
ashram ,she being on thoughts of king Dushyanta.
Sage Kanva- a contemporary of sage Durvasa, too was a bachelor sage who brought up
Sage Angirasa
Deva Guru Brihaspathi was born to Sage Angeerasa and his wife Suroopa. His brothers
were Agni, Utathya and Samvartana.
Seven daughters were born to Shubha " Bhanumati, Raka, Archismati, Mahishrvati, Siniwali
and Havishmati.
Seven sons and a daughter were born to Tara from Brihaspathi. Tara had another son
Budha from Moon God. Budha married Ila and King Pururuva was born. In the lineage of
King Puruva the Pandavas and Kouravas had born.
Mamta gave birth to Kacha who married Devayani, daughter of Asura guru- Sukra.
Deva Guru Brahaspathi's another Son was Sage Bharadwaja ,who was brought up by king
Bharat. Sage Bharadwaja was responsible for the medical development of those days. Sage
Bharadwaja was a disciple of Sage Gauthama as well as of Sage Valmiki. He was a first
hand witness to the incident of the Krauncha birds.
Sage Bharadwaja married Suseela and through her a son was born. He became Sage Garga.
Sage Bharadwaja had a daughter too called Devavarnini. She was given in marriage to Sage
Visravas . Kubera- the wealth keeper was the son born to them . This means Bharadwaja was
the grand father of Kubera from maternal side.
Sage Bharadwaja saw the Apsara Ghritachi rising from the river after ablations, His vitality
emerged from his body. The Rishi stored this vitality in a pot. Rishi Dronacharya was born from
this pot. The meaning of Drona is Pot-born. Bharadwaja trained Drona in use of weapons.
Drona also learnt the use of weapons from sage Parasurama himself. Dronacharya was the
teacher on Arms to Pandavas.
Sage Angirasa along with Sage Atharvan are said to have composed most of the Atharvana Veda.
Sage Gouthama- a descendent of sage married to Ahalya and 3 sons were born to them - Vamadeva, Nodhas and Shatanada
. The Chief priest of King Janaka of Mithila, was Shatananda.
Sage Pulasthya
We have learnt earlier that Satrupa was mind born daughter of Brahma. In the lineage from Satrupa and his wife Prasuti, one of
the daughters named Preeti got married to Sage Pulasthya. He also married Sradhha, granddaughter of sage Pulaha.
Preeti who wife of Sage Pulasthya had two sons named Dattarnavr and Dahvahu. She also had a daughter named Dwashdwati.
Sage Pulaha
Sage Pulaha married to Kshama, on of the daughters of Satarupa (mind born son of Lord Brahma) and his wife Prasuti. They
had three sons - Kardama, Arva-rivat, and Sahishnu. Out of this Sage Kardam became prominent. His wife was Devhuti. They had
seven daughters and one son Kapila. They were married to Saptarishis.
Sage Kardama's daughter was Sradhha. This mean Sradhha was the grand
daughter of sage Pulaha. She married Sage Pulasthya.
Sage Parasara was the grandson of Sage Vasistha. Parasara married Satyavati
and son born was Vedavyasa.
Sage Pulaha was also father of Sage Visravas, the father of Kubera and Ravana
through demon women, and all the Rakshasas are supposed to have sprung
from him. In simple language sage Pulahawas thatha of Kubera and Ravana.
Sage Kratu
Sage Kratu did not produce normal beings. It was Kriya, Sage Kardam's
daughter who was married to sage Kratu. Kratu had 60,000 sons called as
Valikhilyas. They were no bigger than a joint of the thumb.
Sage Vasistha
Arundhati married to Sage Vasishta and produced Seven Sons - Chitraketu,
Surochi, Viraja, Mitra, Ulbana, Vasubhridyana and Dyuman, who became great
sages themselves. Vasishta also had children from his other wife. Most prominent was sage Sakthi.
Sage Veda Vyasa- Lineage of Vasistha and his wife Satyavathi who Son of sage Parasara.
Veda vyasa was father of Sage Suga, Pandu and Dhritharshtra and Vidura. He was the grandfather of Pandavas and Kouravas.
Viswamithra was father of Sakunthala, grand father of king Bharat. Since Viswamithra and Vasistha appear in Ramayana story
they were contempory with Rajarshi Dasaratha.
Bharatha was the son born to Sakunthala from king Dushyantha by Gandharva marriage. So Viswamithra was the grand
father of Bharatha. Bharatha's adopted son was sage Bharadwaja. So Sage Bharadwaja was the great grandson of Sage
Viswamithra. The legend is that sage Bharadwaja was born, as the son of Brihaspati. His mother was the wife of Utathya. She
became pregnant by her husband and by Brihaspati, it is told.that Dirgha-tamas, the son by Uthathya kicked his half-brother
(Bharadwaja) out of the womb before his birth in anger. At that time Brihaspati said to his mother, `Bhara-dwa-jam,' `Cherish this
child of two fathers.'
Once, a desire arose in the mind of Veda vyasa.He met the Sage Jabali and proposed to
marry his daughter Vatika. Accepting the proposal, the sage Jabali happily married his
daughter Vatika to VedaVyasa. Thus, living in his hermitage amidst the forests,
Maharishi Vedavyasa began his married life. With time, his wife Vatika became pregnant
and had a peculiar birth of a child. He was Sage Suka. Sage Suka remained as bachelor.
Sage Suka preached Shrimad Bhagwat to King Parikshith (grand son of Arjuna) for 7
days continuously. Sage Ugrava present there repeated it to sage Suta. Hence Srimad
Bhagavatham has become famous.
Brahma is said to have been created from the navel of Vishnu. The life span of Brahma is of 100 years (day time). During the day
Brahma starts the creation process and at night Brahma goes to sleep (only Brahma goes to sleep not Lord Shiv and Lord Vishnu)
and during the night all life force he created is absorbed back into him. The creation and destruction is repeated forever.
The entire time period of the universe is known as Kalp. "Kalp" equals to one day (day + night) of Brahma. Day means the
existence period of the universe and night means the destruction period of the universe. The time period of day and night is
In the Hindu religion Vedas were formed in the beginning of the universe. The counting of the time period of the beginning of the
universe is as following.
One day of Brahma (only day) is divided into 14 parts and each part is known as Manvantara.
Each Manvantara = 71 Chaturyug. Chaturyug is combination of 4 yugs (satyug, tretayug, dwaparyug and kalyug). Each manvantara
is ruled over by a Manu.
Indra Savarni Agnibáhu Suchi Sukra Magadhá Gridhra Yukta Ajita
According to Bhagwat Puran, We are at present in Seventh (7th) Manvantara, 28th Chaturyuga where Satyug, Tretayug and
Dwaparyug were completed and now Kalyuga going on which started at 3102 BCE..