Quantum Physics III (8.06) - Spring 2016 Assignment 6

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Quantum Physics III (8.

06) — Spring 2016

Assignment 6
1. Born Approximation for Scattering From Yukawa and Coulomb Potentials,
plus a Practical Example of the Latter (25 points)
Make sure you are aware of Griffiths’ Examples 11.5 and 11.6 on page 415 as you do
this problem. He has done some of the work for you.
Consider a Yukawa potential
V (r) = β
where β and µ are constants.

(a) Evaluate the scattering amplitude, the differential cross section dσ/dΩ, and the
total cross section in the first Born approximation. Express your answer for the
total cross section as a function of the energy E.
(b) Take β = Q1 Q2 and µ = 0, and show that the differential cross section you obtain
for scattering off a Coulomb potential is the same as the classical Rutherford
result. Use this differential cross section in part (d) below.
(c) Differential cross sections are what physicists actually use to calculate the rate
at which scattered particles will enter their detectors. The number of particles
scattered into solid angle dΩ per second by a single scatterer is given by
d2 N dσ d2 N
= ×
dtdΩ dΩ dtdA
where d2 N/dtdA is the incident flux in units of particles per second per unit area,
ie per unit cross sectional area transverse to the beam. Consider a uniform beam
of dN/dt particles per second with a cross sectional area A. This beam strikes a
target with density n (n is the number of scattering sites per unit volume) and
thickness t.
Give an expression for the number of particles scattered into a detector with
angular size dΩ per unit time.
Show that your result is independent of the cross sectional area of the beam even
if the beam is not uniform across this area. [Note that this is important, because
it is typically easy for an experimenter to measure dN/dt but hard for her to
measure either A or the uniformity of the beam across the cross sectional area.]
(d) Consider a beam of alpha particles (Q1 = 2e) with kinetic energy 8 MeV scattering
from a gold foil. Suppose that the beam corresponds to a current of 1 nA. [It is
conventional to use MKS units for beam currents. 1 nA is 10−9 Amperes, meaning
10−9 Coulombs of charge per second. Each alpha particle has charge 2e, where
e = 1.6 × 10−19 Coulombs.] Suppose the gold foil is 1 micron thick. You may
assume the alpha particles scatter only off nuclei, not off electrons. You may also
assume that each alpha particle scatters only once. You will need to look up the

Quantum Physics III (8.06) — Spring 2016 Assignment 6

density of gold and the nuclear charge of gold (Q2 ). How many alpha particles
per second do you expect to be scattered into a detector which occupies a cone
of angular extent (dθ = 10−2 radians, dφ = 10−2 radians) centered at θ = π/2?

2. Scattering from a spherical well (30 points) For some parameters γ, b, consider
the following spherically symmetrical potential:
( 2
− 2m
γ2 r ≤ b
V (~r) = V (r) = (1)
0 r>b

We will consider s-wave (i.e. ` = 0) scattering off this by an incoming plane wave with
momentum ~k.

(a) The radial Schrödinger equation is

d2 u(r) 2m
+ k 2 u(r) = 2 V (r)u(r).
dr ~
For r > b this has solution u(r) = sin(kr + δ0 ). Write down a valid solution for
r ≤ b. Use the r = 0 boundary condition to ensure that this solution has only
one free parameter.
(b) Match boundary conditions and solve for δ0 as a function of k and b.
(c) Compute the scattering length a ≡ − limk→0 tan(δ
. Plot a/b as a function of γb.
(These axes labels are chosen so that both are dimensionless.)
(d) Your plot should have many zeros. For these values of γb we have σ0 = 0 and
there is no s-wave scattering. This is known as the Ramsauer-Townsend effect.
Numerically find the smallest positive value of γb for which a = 0.
Your plot should also have infinities when γb = (n + 1/2)π for n a nonnegative
integer. What happens to δ0 and σ0 at these points? Is this consistent with the
bound from partial-wave unitarity?
(e) Let’s try to explore these infinities more. In the above we took the E → 0 limit
from above, i.e. considering E to be positive and very small. Now consider
limE →0− ; i.e. suppose E < 0 and take the limit as E approaches zero. Now
solutions to the Schrödinger equation correspond to bound states. We can equiv-
alently think of k as iκ for some κ > 0. Such a bound state with E very close to
zero is called a “threshold bound state” because it is near the threshold energy for
valid bound states. Which values of γb correspond to threshold bound states? For
each such value of γb how many bound states (i.e. not only including threshold
bound states) does the potential support?
For partial-wave scattering at fixed `, the S-matrix (relating outgoing to incoming
waves) is 1-by-1. When the S-matrix equals ∞ we can interpret it as a solution
in which there is an outgoing wave but no incoming wave; this is precisely what
happens for bound states if we allow the imaginary wavevector k = iκ.
(f) Sketch u(r) as a function of r/b for k = 0 and γb equal to 0, π/4, π/2,π.

Quantum Physics III (8.06) — Spring 2016 Assignment 6

(g) Suppose γb is slightly larger than π/2, so there is a threshold bound state with
energy −EB . Show that for incoming waves of (positive but small) energy E,
σ0 ≈ E+E B
for some c. Find c.
This is an example of the general and widely useful principle that low-energy
scattering can be used to detect bound states.

3. Scattering from a δ-Shell (20 points)

Consider s-wave (` = 0) scattering from the potential

V (r) = λ δ(r − R)
with λ a large positive constant. To find the phase shift δ0 (k) we have to solve

d2 u 2 λ
+ k u = δ(r − R)u ,
dr2 R
with u = 0 at r = 0 and u = sin(kr + δ0 ) for r > R.

(a) What is u in r < R?

(b) By comparing u0 (r)/u(r) just inside and just outside r = R, find a formula to
determine δ0 .
(c) Find the scattering length a ≡ − limk→0 δ0 /k.
(d) Assume λ  1. Sketch δ0 (k). Show that for kR just below nπ, with n a positive
integer, δ0 (k) increases very rapidly by π (as kR increases towards nπ). Sketch
the s-wave cross-section σ0 . Show that the s-wave scattering from this potential
is the same as that from a hard sphere of radius R for all values of kR except
those such that kR is close to nπ. What is the significance of these values?

Quantum Physics III (8.06) — Spring 2016 Assignment 6

4. Partial Waves (25 points)

Suppose the scattering amplitude for a certain reaction is given by
1 Γk 2iβk3 3
f (θ) = + 3e sin 2βk cos θ (2)
k k0 − k − ikΓ

where Γ, k0 , and β are con

pstants characteristic of the potential which produces the
scattering. Of course k = 2mE/~2 is the deBroglie wavenumber.

(a) What partial waves are active (i.e. what values of `)?
(b) What are the phase shifts in the active partial waves? Do they have the proper
behavior as k → 0?
(c) What is the differential cross section, dσ/dΩ for general values of k?
(d) What are the partial wave cross sections, σ` ?
(e) Assume βk03  1. Give an approximation to the total cross section σ(k) for
k ≈ k0 .
(f) What is the total cross section for general values of k? What is the imaginary
part of the forward scattering amplitude? Do they satisfy the optical theorem?

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8.06 Quantum Physics III

Spring 2016

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