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Isat 2011

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1. A projectile is fired at an angle 60◦ with some velocity u.

If the angle is changed infinitesimally, let the

corresponding fractional changes in the range and the time of flight be x and y, respectively, Then y is
(A) 3
(B) − 23 x
(C) 2x
(D) −2x

2. A ball is dropped down vertically from a tall building. After falling a height h it bounces elastically
from a table inclined at an angle θ and hits a wall at a distance d from the point of earlier impact
horizontally, then

(A) θ = (1/2) sin−1 (2d/h)

(B) θ = (1/2) tan−1 (d/h)
(C) θ = (1/4) sin−1 (d/h)
(D) θ = (1/2) tan−1 (2d/h)

3. A photon with an initial frequency 10 11 Hz scatters off an electron at rest. Its final frequency is
0.9 × 1011 Hz. The speed of the scattered electron is close to (h = 6.63 × 10−34 Js, me = 9.1 × 10−31 kg)

(A) 4 × 103 m s−1

(B) 3 × 102 m s−1
(C) 2 × 106 m s−1
(D) 30 m s−1

ET-21 3/32 SET-A

Comprehensive (4 - 5)
An α-particle experiences the following force due to a nucleus (k > 0)

F⃗ = 2 r̂ if r>R
= 3 ⃗r if r<R

4. The correct potential energy diagram for the above force is

(A) (B)

k k

0 R r 0 R r

(C) (D)
k k
R 2R
0 r 0 R r

5. Suppose the particle starts from r = ∞ with a kinetic energy just enough to reach r = R. Its kinetic
energy at r = R/2 will be

(A) k/R
(B) (5/8)(k/R)
(C) (3/8)(k/R)
(D) 0

ET-21 4/32 SET-A

6. Let a particle have an instantaneous position ⃗r(t), velocity ⃗v (t) and acceleration ⃗a(t). Necessary con-
ditions for it to be considered as an instantaneous circular motion about the origin are

(A) ⃗r.⃗v = 0 ; ⃗a.⃗v = 0 ; ⃗a.⃗r < 0

(B) ⃗r.⃗v = 0 ; ⃗a.⃗v = 0 ; ⃗a.⃗r > 0
(C) ⃗r.⃗v > 0 ; ⃗a.⃗v = 0 ; ⃗a.⃗r = 0
(D) ⃗r.⃗v = 0 ; ⃗a.⃗v > 0 ; ⃗a.⃗r < 0

7. A large parallel plate capacitor is made of two metal plates of size 2m × 1m. It has a dielectric slab
made of two dielectrics of permeability K1 and K2 as shown in the figure, the distance between them
being 0.1m . It is charged by a battery of 1000V after which the battery is disconnected. Now the
dielectric slab is pulled out by 10cm. The work done in doing so is (ignore the gap between the plates
and the dielectric slab)

1m 1m

0.1m K1=3 K2= 2

(A) 2.5 × 105 ϵ0 J

(B) −2.5 × 105 ϵ0 J
(C) 5 × 105 ϵ0 J
(D) −5 × 105 ϵ0 J

ET-21 5/32 SET-A

8. A current I is flowing in a long straight wire along the z-axis. A particle with mass m and charge q has
an initial position x0 î and velocity v0 k̂. The z-component of its velocity after a very short time interval
∆t is
! "2 2
µ0 I q
(A) vz (∆t) = v0 [1 − 12 2πx 0 m2
(∆t)2 ]
! "2 2
µ0 I q
(B) vz (∆t) = v0 [1 + 21 2πx 0 m2
(∆t)2 ]
! "2 2
3 µ0 I
(C) vz (∆t) = v0 [1 − 2 2πx0 mq 2 (∆t)2 ]
(D) vz (∆t) = v0

9. A non-conducting sphere of radius R has a charge Q distributed uniformly over its volume. The sphere
is surrounded by a thin metal shell of radius b (b > R) with a charge −Q. The space between the shell
and the sphere is filled with air. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the corresponding
electric field?

(A) (B)

|E| |E|

R b R b

(C) (D)

|E| |E|

R b R b

ET-21 6/32 SET-A

10. The magnetic field at the center of a loop carrying a current I in the circuit shown is given by


I 60

µ0 I 7
(A) 3R 8

µ0 I 5
(B) 3R 8

(C) − µ3R
0I 7

(D) − µ3R
0I 5

11. A current I is flowing in a wire of length l. The total momentum carried by the charge carrier of mass
m and charge q is
(A) q
(B) q
(C) m
(D) m

ET-21 7/32 SET-A

12. In an oil drop experiment,#
charged oil drops of mass m and charge q are released at a height h, one at
a time, at intervals ∆t > 2h/g. The drops are collected in a large metal sphere of radius R with a
small opening at the top. The total number of drops that are able to enter the sphere will be
m g 4 π ϵ0 (h−R)
(A) q2
m g 4 π ϵ0 (h−R)2
(B) q2
m g 4 π ϵ0 (h−R)
(C) q
m g 4 π ϵ0
(D) (h−R)q

13. Two lenses, one biconvex of focal length f1 and another biconcave of focal length f2 are placed along
the same axis. They are separated by a certain distance such that a parallel beam of light incident
on the convex lens also emerges parallel from the concave lens subsequently. The magnification of the
combination is given by

(A) M = f1 2 /f2 2
(B) M = f2 /f1
(C) M = f1 /f2
(D) M = (f1 f2 )/(f1 2 + f2 2 )

14. The central fringe in a Young’s double slit experiment with the He-Ne laser ( λ = 632.8 nm) has intensity
I0 . If one of the slits is covered by a 5µm thick film of plastic (refractive index = 1.4), the intensity
becomes I1 . The ratio I1 /I0 is close to

(A) 3/16
(B) 1/4
(C) 1/2
(D) 3/4

ET-21 8/32 SET-A

15. A polarizer is introduced in √
the path of a beam of unpolarized light incident on a block of transparent
material (refractive index = 3). The polarizer can be placed such that its axis is parallel (P) or normal
(N) to the plane of incidence. The incident beam makes an angle θ with the surface of the block. The
light will be completely transmitted if

(A) θ = 30◦ and the polarizer is placed in P

(B) θ = 30◦ and the polarizer is placed in N
(C) θ = 60◦ and the polarizer is placed in P
(D) θ = 60◦ and the polarizer is placed in N

16. A submarine traveling at 10 ms−1 is chasing another one in front of it. It locates its position and
speed by sending Sonar (ultrasonic sound) towards it and recording the time of its travel and return
frequency. The frequency of the Sonar is 25000 Hz and the frequency of the reflected signal is 24900
Hz. If the speed of sound in water is 1500 ms −1 , the speed of the submarine being chased is

(A) 16 ms−1
(B) 14 ms−1
(C) 13 ms−1
(D) 11 ms−1

17. When light of intensity I reflects from a surface separating two media with refractive index µ1 and
µ2 (µ2 > µ1 ), the intensity of the reflected light is (µ2 − µ1 )2 /(µ2 + µ1 )2 . To make reflection zero a thin
layer of a material of refractive index µ of thickness t is inserted between the two media. The value of
µ and t such that wavelength of light λ is not reflected at all is

(A) µ = (µ1 + µ2 )/2; 2µt = λ(2n + 1)/2

(B) µ = (µ1 + µ2 )/2; 2µt = 2nλ

(C) µ = µ1 µ2 ; 2µt = λ(2n + 1)/2

(D) µ = µ1 µ2 ; 2µt = 2nλ

ET-21 9/32 SET-A

18. A point object is placed below a wide glass plate of refractive index n. As an observer moves from left
to right above the glass plate, the angle subtended by the apparent object is
(A) 2 tan−1 n2 −1

(B) tan−1 √ n
n2 −1

(C) 2 tan−1 √ n
n2 −1

(D) tan−1 √ 2n
n2 −1

19. A light sensor is fixed√at one corner of the bottom of a rectangular tank of depth 10 m full of a liquid
of refractive index 2/ 3. The illuminated area through which the light can exit at the top of the tank

(A) a quarter of a circle of radius > 10 m

(B) a quarter of a circle of radius < 10 m

(C) a quarter of a circle of radius = 10 3 m

(D) a quarter of a circle of radius > 10 3 m

20. The average pressure on a sphere submerged in water is the pressure at the depth of its center. A sphere
of radius 10 cm made of steel is held in water as shown in the figure. The force that water applies on
the surface of the shaded hemisphere is (g = 10ms −2 ; ρwater = 103 kgm−3 )

10 cm

(A) 0 N
(B) 63 N
(C) 126 N
(D) 252 N

ET-21 10/32 SET-A

21. Laplace correction to the speed of sound is made only for gases and not for solids and liquids. This is
because, in comparison to gases, liquids and solids have

(A) larger thermal conductivity

(B) much smaller compressibility
(C) much smaller coefficient of thermal expansion
(D) much smaller relative pressure change when the wave is passing through them.

22. Three rods of equal lengths and cross sectional areas are joined as shown in the figure, with respective
thermal conductivities K, 2Kand K. The left end is at a temperature TA and the right end at a
temperature TB . In steady state, the temperatures T1 and T2 at the junctions are given by

K 2K K


(A) T1 = 35 TA + 52 TB ; T2 = 25 TA + 53 TB
(B) T1 = 45 TA + 51 TB ; T2 = 15 TA + 54 TB
(C) T1 = 35 TA + 52 TB ; T2 = 15 TA + 54 TB
(D) T1 = 45 TA + 51 TB ; T2 = 25 TA + 53 TB

ET-21 11/32 SET-A

23. The diameter of a metal wire is measured using a screw gauge, whose circular scale has 50 divisions.
Two full rotations of the circular scale move two main scale divisions of 0 .5 mm each. When it is used
to measure the diameter of a wire of length 3.14 m, and resistance 10 Ω, its reading is as shown in the
figure. The resistivity of the wire is




(A) 4.84 × 10−5 Ω m

(B) 2.42 × 10−5 Ω m
(C) 1.21 × 10−5 Ω m
(D) 2.42 × 10−6 Ω m

24. Which of the following quantities has the least number of significant digits?

(A) 0.80760
(B) 0.08765
(C) 5.7423 × 102
(D) 80.760

25. In an experiment designed to determine the universal gravitational constant, G, the percentage errors
in measuring the appropriate mass, length and time variables are given by a, b, c respectively. The total
error in determining G is then

(A) (a + 3b + 2c)
(B) (−a + 3b − 2c)
(C) (2a + 3b + 2c)
(D) (a + 9b + 4c)

ET-21 12/32 SET-A

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