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Lorentz Violation and The Yukawa Potential: B. Altschul

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Lorentz Violation and the Yukawa Potential

arXiv:hep-th/0605044v1 3 May 2006

B. Altschul1
Department of Physics
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405 USA


We analyze Lorentz violations in the bosonic sector of a Yukawa-type quantum field

theory. The nonrelativistic potential may be determined to all orders in the Lorentz viola-
tion, and we find that only specific types of modifications to the normal Yukawa potential
can be generated. The influence of this modified potential on scattering and bounds states
is calculated. These results could be relevant to the search for new macroscopic forces,
which may not necessarily be Lorentz invariant.

[email protected]
There is presently quite a bit of interest in the possibility that Lorentz symmetry may
not be exact in nature. If Lorentz violation does exist, it would be a very important
clue regarding the nature of Planck-scale physics. There are a number of possible ways
that Lorentz violation could arise, including spontaneous violations of the symmetry in
string theory [1, 2] and elsewhere [3], mechanisms in loop quantum gravity [4, 5] and non-
commutative geometry [6, 7], Lorentz violation through spacetime-varying couplings [8],
and anomalous breaking of Lorentz and CPT symmetries [9].
To date, experimental tests of Lorentz violation have included studies of matter-
antimatter asymmetries for trapped charged particles [10, 11, 12, 13] and bound state
systems [14, 15], determinations of muon properties [16, 17], analyses of the behav-
ior of spin-polarized matter [18, 19], frequency standard comparisons [20, 21, 22, 23],
Michelson-Morley experiments with cryogenic resonators [24, 25], Doppler effect measure-
ments [26, 27], measurements of neutral meson oscillations [28, 29, 30, 31], polarization
measurements on the light from distant galaxies [32, 33, 34], and others. In order to
evaluate the results of these experiments, it has been useful to develop a local quantum
field theory that parameterizes the possible Lorentz violations. The most general such
theory is the standard model extension (SME) [35, 36, 37]. The structure, as well as
stability [38] and renormalizability [39], of this extension have been extensively studied.
Most SME calculations are only done to first order in the Lorentz-violating coefficients,
because practically, all Lorentz violations are small. Few results that are valid to all or-
ders in the Lorentz violation are known, and new all-orders results, such as those we shall
obtain here, are theoretically interesting.
Another area where high-precision experimental tests are important is in searching for
new forces. Many of the same theories that predict Lorentz violation also predict that new
forces may arise at, for example, submillimeter distances. Searches for weak, macroscopic
forces other than electromagnetism and gravity have thus far not been successful. (For
recent results, see [40, 41, 42]. There is, however, a hint of possible new forces acting in
the Pioneer anomaly [43, 44].) Possible new interactions are frequently parameterized in
terms of a Yukawa-type potential. While this kind of potential is sometimes chosen merely
for its simplicity, it does have strong theoretical motivations, and it would be worthwhile
to consider just what kinds of Yukawa-like interactions can exist within generalizations of
the standard model. There are also Yukawa interactions in the standard model itself, both
effective (as between pions and nucleons) and fundamental (involving the Higgs field). So
it is reasonable to ask how Lorentz violation might affect Yukawa physics.
We shall examine this question using the effective field theory approach of the SME.
First, we develop the nonrelativistic Yukawa theory, as modified by Lorentz violation.
We pay particular attention to the potential energy, because this is what is generally
constrained by precision macroscopic force experiments. Then we compare the Lorentz-
violating Yukawa potential to the analogous quantity that arises when there is Lorentz
violation in the electromagnetic sector.
We shall consider a theory with Lorentz violation in the bosonic sector only. The

Lagrange density is
1 1 1
L = A (i6 M)A + ( )( ) + k ( )( ) m2 2 g A A . (1)
2 2 2
A 4 interaction would also be required for renormalizability; however, we shall neglect
it, as we shall only be considering tree-level phenomena. The index on the fermion field
A labels distinguishable fermion species. These are included so that we may extract the
interparticle potentials simply, without having to worry about exchange or annihilation
The coefficient k is the source of the Lorentz violation. k is a traceless symmetric
tensor, which modifies the propagation of free scalar particles. This is the only superficially
renormalizable form of Lorentz violation that can be written down involving only the real
scalar field . If the elements of k have typicalsize m/MP , where MP is some large scale,
then this theory is usable up to scales of order mMP . Above that scale, one encounters
causality violations unless higher-derivative operators are included in the theory.
For a complex scalar field , there is also a CPT-odd Lorentz-violating interaction,
which has Lagrange density

La = ( ) ( ) + ia [ ( ) ( ) ] m2 . (2)

However, the current term multiplying a degenerates to zero in the real case, and it is not
natural to consider a complex scalar field in connection with a Yukawa-type interaction,
because of the theorys Hermiticity and symmetry structure. A theory with a multiplet
of 2N real scalar fields can also be written in terms of N complex scalar fields, but an
a-like term will violate the SO(2N) symmetry.
In (1), we are neglecting Lorentz violations in the fermion sector, which are generally
much more complicated. Because of the fermions Dirac matrix structure, there are many
more Lorentz-violating interactions possible. However, it is important to keep in mind
that we are treating the most general possible bosonic Lorentz violation in this theory.
Since any new long-range Yukawa interactions are known to be quite weak, the Lorentz
violation associated with them does not have to be extremely strongly suppressed to
have escaped detection. On the other hand, Lorentz violations for the most commonly
observed fermionselectrons, muons, protons, and neutronshave been relatively well
Moreover, the simple fact that we shall want to calculate a potential for this theory
is actually another reason to consider Lorentz violation in the Yukawa boson sector only.
Without rotation and Galilean invariance, the conventional definition of the nonrelativistic
potential may not be useful, as Lorentz violations can affect the division of the effective
Hamiltonian into potential and kinetic components in a nontrivial fashion. This fact can
be made evident most easily by looking at the relativistic bosonic system described by
La . The action in this theory is a bilinear function of and , and so the theory is free.

In particular, a field redefinition

eiax , eiax (3)

converts the Lagrange density into

La = ( ) ( ) (m2 + a2 ) . (4)

So even though a couples to an expression containing derivatives, it can be seen as af-

fecting the potential part of the Lagrangian. Normally, a2 would be considered a small
correction to the mass term, but for large values of a2 , the nature of the theory can change
qualitatively. There exists a physical spectrum only for a2 m2 , for if a2 < m2 , the
energy is not bounded below. While this bosonic example is the simplest, similar con-
siderations apply to fermions and in the nonrelativistic regime. When there is Lorentz
violation, particle energies possess unorthodox structures, and so their division into ki-
netic and potential parts can be tricky and is not necessarily unambiguous. However,
these problems with defining an interparticle potential do not exist if there is no Lorentz
violation in the Lagrangian for the external particles in which we are interested. (The
complexities of the energy-momentum relations in Lorentz-violating fermion theories are
discussed further in [35, 45, 46], where particular attention is paid to the intimately related
question of how the velocity behaves in these theories.)
The greatest virtue of the simple theory defined by (1) is that a number of tree-level
results may be worked out exactly (i.e. to all orders in k ). The Yukawa potential will
illustrate this. This potential will naturally be modified by the Lorentz violation, and
we shall find that it is a relatively simple matter to determine the structure of these
modifications nonperturbatively in k .
To determine the potential, we consider the nonrelativistic scattering of two distin-
guishable fermions by one- exchange. The particles have initial (final) momenta p and
k (p and k ), and nonrelativistically these must take the form

p = (M, ~p ) , k = M, ~k ,

p = (M, ~p ) , k = M, ~k .

So the momentum exchanged is

p p = q = (0, ~p p~ ) , (6)

up to corrections suppressed by powers of |~p |/M. Since we are considering a nonrelativistic

system, only the kjl portion of k (which breaks rotational invariance) will contribute.
Any effects of k0j are also suppressed by factors of |~p |/M.
The matrix element for the scattering process is then
ig 2 


iM = 2M 2M , (7)
q q + k q q m2

where s and r (s and r ) label the incoming (outgoing) spins. The key quantity in this
expression is the part that comes from the Yukawa boson propagator. This is essentially
the three-dimensional Fourier transform of the modified potential:

g 2
V (~q ) = . (8)
qj qj kjl qj ql + m2

To get the interparticle potential, we simply invert the Fourier transform,

d3 q g 2
V (~r ) = eiqj rj . (9)
(2)3 qj qj kjl qj ql + m2

We can reduce this integral to the one that appears in the Lorentz-invariant case by
making changes of variables. First, let us define a matrix K with elements Kjl = jl kjl .
This matrix is symmetric and, presuming |kjl| 1, positive definite, so by making an
orthogonal rotation of the coordinates, we may reduce it to a diagonal matrix. Then
in the rotated coordinates, the denominator in the Fourier transform expression becomes
K11 q12q+ K22 q22 + K33 q32 + m2 . We may then rescale the integration variables by introducing
qj = Kjj qj . (Here and for the rest of this paragraph, there will be no implied summations
over the index j; other repeated q Roman indices are still summed, however.) The exponent
iql rl
becomes e , with rj = rj / Kjj , and the integration measure transforms as

3 d3 q
dq= . (10)
det K
This brings V (~r ) into the form

1 d3 q g 2
V (~r ) = eiql rl , (11)
det K (2)3 ql ql + m2

and the calculation is then elementary:

g2 emr
V (~r ) = , (12)
4 det K r

r = rl rl (13)
= (K 1 )ln rl rn . (14)

Since (12) and (14) are written in terms of the basis-independent quantities det K
and (K 1 )jl rj rl (now summing over j again), these expressions are valid in any basis. In
particular, they hold in the original basis in which Kjl is not necessarily diagonal. So they

give an expression for the Lorentz-violation-modified Yukawa potential which is correct
to all orders in kjl .
As a simple check of the correctness of this result, we may consider the case in which
k = Cg . Then there is no physical Lorentz violation, and k may be eliminated

rescaling the field . The net result is a rescaling of g and m each by a factor of 1/ 1 + C,
which is just what (12) and (14) together indicate in this instance.
Obviously, it is useful to expand the expression for V (~r ) to leading order in kjl . The
determinant part is easy to expand. To leading order, det K is equal to 1 kjj , so
1 1
1 + kjj , (15)
det K 2
and this depends only on the trace kjj over the space part of k . However, this dependence
on the trace can simply be absorbed into the overall scaling of g. The expansion of r to
leading order in kjl is also simple. Since (K 1 )jl jl + kjl , we have
r r 1 + kjl rj rl , (16)
where r is the unit vector ~r/r in the direction of ~r. So the complete O(k ) expression
for V (~r ) is
g 2 emr 1 1
V (~r ) 1 + kjj (1 + mr) kjl rj rl . (17)
4 r 2 2
Since ~r is the only vector appearing in the problem that can be contracted with kjk , the
expressions kjj and kjl rj rl are really the only tensor structures that can arise at this order.
As previously noted, the first of these quantities only scales the interaction strength (as
long as we consider effects only in a fixed reference frame); however, the second quantity
enters in a particular and interesting fashion. At small distances (less than the boson
Compton wavelength), the constant term in (1 + mr) dominates, but at larger distances,
the mr part gives the dominant Lorentz-violating contribution unless the scalar field is
The particle-antiparticle potential is the same. This follows from the fact that the
fermionic structure in the theory is completely conventional. So we have shown that
(12) is essentially the only interparticle potential that can arise from a renormalizable
Lorentz-violating modification of the Yukawa sector. At leading order, rotation invariance
is broken only by a term of the form kjl rj rl , while purely phenomenalistic modifications
of the Yukawa potential could also involve the structure vj rj (for some constant vector ~v )
or similar contractions with tensors of more than two indices.
We can also easily derive the nonrelativistic scattering cross-section from our expres-
sion for iM. In the center of mass frame, with the two initial particles approaching one-
another along the z-axis, each with (nonrelativistic) energy , the momentum exchange
is just
~q = 2M (cos sin , sin sin , cos 1) = 2 2M |sin (/2)| q, (18)

in terms of the scattering angles and . So the cross section for scattering with the
particle spins unchanged is

d g2
= i2 , (19)
256 2 2 4 sin2 (/2) (1 kjl qj ql ) + 2M

and to leading order in k , this is just

8 sin2 (/2) kjl qj ql

" #
d g2
i2 1+ m2
. (20)
d 4 sin2 (/2) + 2M
256 22 4 sin2 (/2) + 2M

Since for small enough m, the Yukawa potential has bound states, we can also see how
these are affected by the Lorentz violation. Our results still apply in the m = 0 limit, and
in this limit, we can extract the leading-order energy shifts for the nonrelativistic bound
states by ordinary perturbation theory. However, because of the degeneracies of the
hydrogenic spectrum, there is a secular matrix to diagonalize, and this cannot generally
be done in closed form. The energy shift has a simple form only for the ground state,
where it is equal to !2 
M g2 2

E= 1 + kjj . (21)
2 4 3
The potential that we have found is similar in structure to the modified electrostatic
potential A0 that appears in a CPT-even Lorentz-violating electromagnetic theory. In
such a theory, the Lorentz violation arises from a Lagrange density
1 1
LF = F F kF F F A j . (22)
4 4
The four-vector potential for a point charge q (appropriately normalized) in this theory
is [47]
q 1h i
A0 (~r ) 1 (kF )0j0l rj rl , (23)
4 r
q 1h i
Aj (~r ) (kF )0ljl (kF )jl0n rl rn . (24)
4 r
The angular dependences of A0 (~r ) and V (~r ) are essentially the same, but what distin-
guishes the vector theory is the presence of a nonzero A ~ (and correspondingly, a nonzero
~ even in the absence of moving charges. This mixing of electrostatic and magneto-
static effects gives us the possibility of distinguishing, via magnetic measurements, be-
tween scalar- and vector-mediated Lorentz-violating forces. The specific Lorentz-violating
coefficient (kF )0j0l that appears in (23) can actually be (to leading order) exported to the
matter sector by a redefinition of the coordinates [47]. This results in a proportional kjl

coefficient for each of the matter fields, but this differs from the Yukawa case we have
considered, because the fermions will also have the same kjl as the scalar bosons.
If, in the future, weak new forces are discovered, then it is definitely an interesting ques-
tion whether these forces are Lorentz invariant. We have shown that a Lorentz-violating,
renormalizable effective field theory can support only a limited class of modifications to
the nonrelativistic Yukawa potential. Lorentz violations in the bosonic sector can only
result in the specific CPT-even changes to the potential that are described by (12). This
expression for V (~r ) is correct to all orders in the Lorentz violation, but at leading order it
closely resembles the electrostatic potential in a Lorentz-violating electromagnetic theory.
However, the electromagnetic theory will generally also contain mixing between electric
and magnetic interactions, which distinguishes it from the scalar Yukawa theory. Identi-
fying the field-theoretical origins of any experimentally observed Lorentz violations would
be very important, and these results provide the tools to help make such an identification.

This work is supported in part by funds provided by the U. S. Department of Energy
(D.O.E.) under cooperative research agreement DE-FG02-91ER40661.

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