Lesson Plan Demonstration

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Critical Content in Science 4 Training-Workshop

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

School Camanga Elementary School

Teacher Mary Seal C. Pejo
Learning Area Science 4
Quarter 2nd
I. Objectives
The learners demonstrate understanding the parts and functions of
the skeletal system
A. Content Standard

Label the parts of the skeletal system

and describe the functions of the different bones.
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies Identify the different bones in the skeletal system

Describe the functions of the bones in the body.

Major Organs of the Body: Bones

A. Referrences
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 73-79

2. Learner’s Material pages pp. 58-63

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources Projector, PowerPoint presentation, video clip, activity sheets,
pictures of bones, markers
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Let the pupils do the Skeleton dance.
presenting new lesson Ask the pupils if they enjoyed the dance.
(Body coordination in dancing, integration in Physical Education)
B. Establishing a purpose for the - “What would we look like if we have no bones in our body?
lesson Setting of Objectives:
1. Identify the major bones that make up the skeletal system
2 Describe the functions of the bones in the body.

C. Presenting examples/ instances Unlocking of Difficulties:

of the new lesson. Internal organs-consist of organs inside the body like heart, lungs,
stomach and liver

Activity 1: Let the pupils touch and feel their bones. By group,
pupils are going to write on their metacards a word/s that tell
something about the bones.
Note: Set Standards for Group Activity
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 2:
practicing new skills.#1 Pupils are asked to assemble the puzzle of a human skeleton.
Pupils are then asked to post and present their work.
E. Discussing new concepts and -The teacher further explains the lesson.
practicing new skills #2. Guide questions:
1. What is the function of the skeletal system?
2. What bones make up the human skeleton?
What are the bones that protect the internal organs?

Teacher presents a video clip explaining the parts and functions of

skeletal system. Pupils are also asked to note important details from
the video clip.

Note: Noting important details from viewing media is a skill integrated in

the English Subject.

The skeletal system is the framework of the human body. It is made

up of bones that give support, shape, and protection to the body.

An adult’s human skeleton has 206 bones but, as a newborn baby,

you may have as many as about 300 bones. Soon after birth, your
bones start to harden and some of them fuse together.

What bones make up the skeleton?

Skull- The skull protects the brain. It also provides shape of the face.
Clavicle-It is also called collar bone
Sternum-It is also called breastbone, the central bone in front.
Rib cage-Protects your heart and lungs
Humerus-bone in the upper arm
Radius and Ulna-together forms the lower arm
Spine-Also called backbone which protects our spinal cord
Pelvis-or hipbone protects the urinary bladder
Femur-Longest bone in the body
Tibia and Fibula-Forms the lower part of the leg.

F. Developing Mastery Activity 4: Label the different bones in the human skeleton.
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3)
And complete the chart about the bones that protect the internal organs
and explain the function of each.

Bone Function
G. Finding practical *What do you think might happen to our internal organs if there are no
application of concepts and bones?
skills in daily living * Integration-Home Economics:
Bulalo, a Filipino dish that originated from Batangas, is a very tasty
soup whose main ingredient is the kneecap and bones of a cow.
Contrary to popular belief that one eats the brain of the cow in
bulalo, what you actually find inside the bone is the marrow—a kind
of soft tissue that is responsible for the storage of fats.
H. Making Generalizations * What are the functions of the bones?
and Abstraction about the *What are the bones that protect the internal organs?
I. Evaluating Learning What bone protects the following:
1. Brain A. Backbone/spine
2. Heart B. Rib cage
3. Lungs C. Skull
4. Spinal cord D. Pelvis
5. Urinary bladder
J. Additional Activities for Draw the bones that protect our internal organs.
Application or Remediation

A. No. of learners earned 80%in the
B . No. of learners who required additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by:
Mary Seal C. Pejo
Teacher I
rib cage

Bone Function

2. Rib Cage

3. Pelvis

4. Spine

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