A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the parts and The learners demonstrate understanding of the sun as the
functions of animals and importance to humans. main source of heat and light on Earth.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to enumerate way of grouping The learners should be able to practice precautionary
animals based on their structure and importance. measures in planning activities.
C. Learning Describe ways of proper handling of animals (S3LT-IIc-d-7) Describe the effects of the sun (S4ESIVj-11
Write the LC for each
Living Things The Sun
1. Animals 1. Effects of Sun to humans
A. Topic
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q=invertebrates+animals+names&tbm=isch&chips=q:inverte %3A1613015381546&ei=VakkYP_tIKWmmAXC8amwDg&
brates+animals+names,online_chips:worksheets&hl=en&sa q=good+and+bad+effects+of+the+sun+to+living+things&o
=X&ved=2ahUKEwiglZXluN_uAhWOG6YKHZ5VDBQQ4lYo q=good+and+bad+effects+of+the+sun+to+&gs_lcp=Cgdn
B. References DHoECAEQJg&biw=1349&bih=600 d3Mtd2l6EAEYAjIICCEQFhAdEB4yCAghEBYQHRAeMgg
One day, they have realized that they miss Sun. They
wanted to cheer the sun up that all the animals managed it.
The dog tries to talk to Sun, “Hello Sun, we are very much
sorry for hiding from you. It is because of the heat that you
have, we might be burn if we stay closer and longer with
you. We hope that you will understand. But still, you can
play with us if you want. Just stay there and join us to play.
Let your beautiful light rays play with us.” The Sun
immediately accepted the apology of the animals. Soon the
sad Sun has shine, with happiness, and he returned to the
forest and to the rest of the world.
Guiding Question:
1. Who are the playmate of the Sun?
2. Where did they play?
3. What are the animals in the story?
4. Are these animals can be seen at home? Does your
animals can be play with you too?
E. Developmental Activities WITH TEACHER WITHOUT TEACHER
The class will be grouped into two. The teacher will raise the Written (by pair)
function and importance of the specific animal and the group
will identify what animal it is. The teacher will give three pictures every pair. They will
identify what effect it is to humans.
Directions: Identify its function and importance to humans. The class will be grouped into two, each group will have a
task in which they will act the corresponding task.
1. Group 1:
They will present the good effect of the Sun.
Group 2:
They will present the negative effect of the Sun.
G, Generalization What is the importance of animals to humans? What is the effect of the sun to humans?
H. Application The teacher will show a picture of animals, and will explain The teacher will call two students. Student A, will be the
that whatever animals it is, it must be treated nice and be model of always playing under the heat of the sun, while
loved. the other one will be the model of not too much exposing
to the sun. Then the teacher will ask, to what would
possibly happen to student A, the same as student B.
IV.EVALUATION (Written quiz) (Written quiz)
Directions: Match Column A to Column B. Directions:
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
A. B.
_____1. Sunlight directly affects the survival of
1. He barks, and wiggles a. plants and animals, as all life on earth depends on
his tale if he sees me. acquiring the right amount of sunlight for energy
He is my best friend. and nourishment.
_____2. It gives food to plants.
2. It is mostly seen in farm _____3. Too much exposure to sunlight can cause
with two horns. b. skin disease.
_____4. Morning sun light gives Vitamin D.
_____ 5. Too much exposure to sun do not give
bad effect to all humans.
V.ASSIGNMENT Directions: Read the safety precautions of the Sun, page 75-77
Draw at least five animals that you have at home and write
its importance to humans.