73 Magazine 05 May 1962 PDF
73 Magazine 05 May 1962 PDF
73 Magazine 05 May 1962 PDF
May 1962
Popular Priced
Matched Components
Power Supplies
Pre-Amp &
Power Amplifiers
... for entire ham rigs
• • • de W2NSD
• • • never say die
Professi~nal. Quality. COMMUNICATIONS
Communlcat'ons ReceIVer RECEIVER
... " ... ..
;;. _~,{~ ~ ~
:""",,,,~,""'~""'" ,
in Kit Form
Sensitivity Is 1.0 microvolt for 10 db, Signal to Noise retro. The Communicat i on s Receiver that meets every amateur need-
Se l ect ivity Is :± 0.8 KeS at -6db with Q-MULTIPLIER. TUBES: available in easy-to-assemble kit f orm . Signal t o noi se ratio is
6BA6-RF Amp, 68E6 Mixer, 68E6 USC., GAY6 Q-Multiplier- 10 db at 3.5 Me with 1.25 microvolt signal. Selectivi ty Is--60
BFa, 2-68A6 IF Amp., GAV6 Det-AF Amp. ANL, GACS·Audlo cut- db at 10 kc. image reflect ion is -40 db at 3 Me. Tubes: 3-
put, SY3 Rectifi er . 68 06, 2-68 E6, 2-6AV6, 1-6AR 5, 1-5Y3.
• Highly Sensitive Superheterodyne Reetlver
Section for 50-54 Mc
Made in
• Effective Series Gate Noise limiter U.S.A.
• a-staze, '2-Watt Transmitter with 2E26 Final
• illuminated Panel Meter for Plate Current and " S" Readings
• Pi-Network Transmitter Output
• Built-in 117 VAC and 12 VOC Power SupPlies
• Push-To-Talk Ceramic Microphone
Provides maximum convenience and f lexib ility in eith er
mobil e or fi xed operat ion.
Simil ar to above except fo r 10 meter operation
114.95 MONEY
• Highly Stable Oscillator
LAFAYETTE 90·WATT • 8 Me Output
• Illuminated Dial - 50-54
• fully Wired - Not a Kit
MAY 1962
---------------------_1 3
to be universal a nd not discriminate against
anyone on the basi s of color, creed, 0; lack of
intelligence. It would have to take Into con-
sider a t ion that QSL's are almost impossible to
depend on for confirmation. And st ill, with all
of these seem in g limitation s, this must be an
aw ard of heroic proportion s.
I hope you haven't sol d me short. I have de-
vised an award which is awe inspiring in its
scope and which overcomes all of the previously
mentioned limitations. It al so sa t isfies sever a l
obviou s but unmentioned prerequisites such a s
Grab that 0 X with thes e requ iring a record booklet which we can sell
at an enormous profit and having a nominal
strudy E·Z Way Tower s! cha r ge for the cer t ifi ca t es which may eventu-
ally support the whole magazine and a llow us
Here is a s elf-supporter that is top to g ive 73 away free to all w in ners for lif e. De-
favor it e of radi o amateurs around t he tails on this magnificent award w ill be an-
world. The f amous E-Z Way d osb m nou nced in an ea r ly issue of 73, in the mean-
i s Now Bott er Th an Ever! 55,000 while I s ugges t t h a t you get on all bands a n d
PSI high t cns il c s t e el has bee n in- cont a ct a s many st a t ions a s you can, making
c or porated into our tr ied and proven each contact a minimum of 30 minutes (G::\IT)
des ign t o "as sure you o f the s t urdi-
es t , most ver satil e t ow er your money
long. N eat ness counts .
can buy! Cranks up-cranks d own- The O ld Ma n
tilt s ov cr-. s ta nds a lone. See th e
compl et e E~ 7. Wa y lin e at yo ur nea r- P erha ps I am just too inculcated with ARRL
est distribut or. lor e. but I bridle every time I see someon e try-
ing to call hi mself The Old Man. Thi s title
• Put you r Tr iban der ot 41' in should, I think, be r eserved in perpetuity for
70 mph wi nd ( 125 mph c r onk. Hiram Percy Maxim, the founder and long
ed do wn to 24'). time leader of ARRL. I, for one, would welcome
an occasional reprint of some of Maxim's old
• T ilt s over for E • Z a c c e s s editor ia ls . H e wa s an excellent writer and I
t o arra y. doubt if the years have weakened his messages
much. Those of you with library cards can look
• Mounts Ha m·M R otor in si d e
up his wonderful book "A Geniu s in the Fam-
tow er head. Top rad ial bu sh.
ily." This, to me, is one of the all-time greats
ing and v erti c al th ru s t b e ari n g . in humorous writing. I s anyone with me f or
• Saf et y re st loc k s to wer a t k eeping ham radio with just one OLD l\I AN?
d e sired h ei ght . No w e i ght on Or am I out here all alone on the high end of
the c abl e s. twenty with th e band closed ?
~DEL RBS'40!.f ~
nician, Box 465, Billings , Montana. The motto
of the bulletin seems to be, " I'm proud to be a
Dip painted
MODEL RBS ·40G. Hot dipped May Last Year
ga lvani zed, Am Net $209.50 Though we were s t .il l run ning only 64 pages
la st year, we made u p for the shor-t a ge of
(Moun t ing Kits) paper (due to a lowness of advertis ing) by
MODE L G PK ·S 40. Tilt · Ove r ru nning quite a lineup of good articles . \Ve
Grou nd Pos t . Am . Net. $75 .00 st ill have a few copies of t hi s choice issue
MODEL BAK ·S40- Galvanized available a t 50c per.
wall bracket and hinge ba s e. The most popular article in the issue was
Amateur Net $10.50
the ex t r emely sim ple sideba nd exciter by
' V2 N QS. Thi s one uses a pair of the 7360
tubes and almost eve r yt hing is built on a couple
of vector t ype sockets. W8VVD's article on hi s
(Turn to page 92)
~ FA·5
ro · 75,99 me ee 89,99 me
the Ove'ton!
• Al lOw
th1~e to fou ' ~.
Nol J"i t.b1~
137 me
"'C~'''" ,,
101 - 109.99 me
IIG - 131 me
- . "
~ .•
" " ~
When yo u d esign or b ui ld . . . co m -
b ine In ter n a t ion a l cr ystals an d crysta l
sw itches. Switches availa b le from
3-pos ition to 24-position. F or an ten n as
a nd lab or a tor y work use I nter n a tion a l
coax ial switches.
Priced from $2.75 to $19.50
1. S-121 Trip le Socke t Cryst al Switch. Cat.
No. 150-1 26.
2. AC·44 Sing le Pole, 24 -Position Crysta l Swi tch.
Cat. No. 150-131.
3. 12-Posit ion Crysta l Switch . Cat. No. 150-1 63.
4. 3-Position Coaxia l Switch . Ca t . No. 100-112.
MAY 1962 5
2 Meter )
Tank ~
J ohn W onsowicz W9 DUT Photo showing t he " Ec ho" 144 meter tra nsmitter using
422 7 No rt h O riole Ave nue t his Hi g h Q Power Amplifier.
C hicogo 34, Illinois
All p ic tu r es taken by Ho wie Tri(b KN9EBP.
T H E tank circuit about to be described is edges around t he cuts. The capacitor is now
not new. It wa s used by the author on 112 duplicated .
me more than 15 years ago. However, the
merits of thi s tank warrants the re-use of Inductor
this design in the higher frequency spectrum, The horse shoe inductor is made o f 1/16 inch
even above the two meter range. aluminum plate cut to dimension s, a s shown on
As shown in the photo and drawings, the the drawing. Follow the dimension s closely ;
tank was designed for the 8~2-A. but other however, the fini shed project doesn't have to
tubes such a s the surplus 3E29 or its equiva - be exact s ince the above mentioned capacitor
lent 829B can make use of this design by cut- enables some overlap of the 144 me band at
ting down the tu n ing capacity and shorteni ng both end s. \ Vhen the inductor is cut out and
t he inductor. The u nit is easy to build, re- the saw marks are fi led smooth, use a fine
quires no soldering, and can be made in L C texture of st eel wool for polishing and round-
ratios to meet individual designs. Q of this ing all sh a r p corners and edges. Due to sur-
circuit is very high; being comparable to tuned face currents in VHF region, known as the
lines of 7/16" in diameter. sk in effect, it is worth the effort to do this bit
Those of you that like to make Chinese copies of extra work for the sa ke of higher efficie ncy.
will have to resort to modifying the tuning ca- Of course if you want the ultimate, the in-
pacitor a s indicated. Others, who like to roll ductor could be made of sheet copper and then
their own, from start to fini sh, can use the silver plated; but for the average ham the
basic idea for further development and im- aluminum tank is quite satisfactory.
provement of such circuits. Space for this tank W hen the inductor is fin ished, sli de it under
is no problem since the aluminum horse shoe the stator plates by loose ni ng t he four screws
can be bent to various configurations w ith l ittle on t he bottom of the ceramic base. Befor e t ight-
sacrifice in efficiency. ening t he screws, cut two ribbons % i nc h w ide
ou t of al umi num foil, or copper r ibbon, to di-
Tuning Capacitor mensions indicated on the drawing and insert
The capacitor used, which by the way is the them under the st a tor plates at the opposite
only one s uita ble for this design, is a Hammar- end of the horse sh oe tank; then tighten the
lund ::\ICD-35-SX double spaced dual stator screws, making it a complete a ssembly as
variable capacitor. It is a st r a ig ht line capacity shown on the photo. Before you set aside this
model with maximum capacity of 31 mmfd. unit be su r e to elevate the front and back
This capacitor can be used, and was used with- bearing plates of the tuning capacitor by re-
out modification in a 144 mc transmitter with moving the scr ews and inserting sh ims under
a smaller horse shoe tank but for best L C each of the same thickness a s the inductor.
ratio and u ltimate efficiency it should be mod- Otherwise the minimum capacity of th is u nit
ified by re moving plates which is q uite simple . will be too high and reachi ng t he high end of
Usi ng a small metal cop ing saw or a hacks aw two meters may be impossible.
blade cut away the two outside plates of each
sta tor , then us ing a fine file s moot h out the Plate Caps
solder buns on th e shaft and file off all roug-h For the tube pin connection, a piece of 'lh
inch round aluminum stock is cut % inch long
and a Xo. 53 drill used to drill a hole in t he
cente r to accommodate the plate pins of the
8:12A. Through the s ide of the % inch p iece a
tj-;~~ tapped hole is made in the a pproxi mate
center fo r securi ng' it t ig htfy to the plate pins.
On to p of this % in ch p iece, a nother Ih i nch
di am eter disc 1h. inch thick is secu red to th e
% in ch p iece by 2-56 sc re ws loca ted 120 d eg rucs
apart. Bet ween t hese t wo di scs the % in ch w ide
r ib bon lea ding f rom t he tuni ng ca pacitor is
placed a n d tight en ed. In th is fashion u n ifo r m-
ity is carried r ight t hrough .
T he assembled unit can be mounted by sev-
eral methods to suit individual arrangement.
Antenna C o upler
One of the most awkward pieces on VH F
transmitters is the pick-u p loo p. T her e are
n um erous w a y s of arra ng ing com ponents, but
t hey a ll see m to be awkward in doin g the j ob .
Seve r a l atte mpts we re tri ed to sim pl ify t h is
ga dget and t he on e herewith show n seemed to
be idea l. It was built a s a separate pack a g e
with a ll com ponen ts nicely grou ped, as shown
on t he photo. Photo showing th e a nte nna co uple r 'H a complete
mod ule. The coax bra id can be see n solde red to th e
Construct.en rotor ta b of the APC ca pacito r. The center cond uctor
• of the coax is fastened t o one side of t he hair pin.
The mam part of the pick-up loop is the
fiG 5 1 A1\)
Ta nk
Circ uit
2-"6 SCSfE.S
120 · SPACIN G
MAY 1962 7
A piece of 1/ 16 inch aluminum measuring
, "'"=1 .);.;:f-'-
Y'fo--,- l
""'-.-i 3 x 3 inches with a % in ch flange on t he bot-
tom is drilled to accommodate the hairloop
. frame bearing, and on the same li n e 1 % in ches
.L I 31ft' I t"__ 2 to the left , drill three holes to accommodate a
1....:: Il:: Hamma rlund A PC type 50 mmfd capacitor
~.~ L~ . " 28 DRILL
- with a 1,4 inch shaft. These capacitors can be
6-32 TN>
purchased at su r plus stores. If in doubt about
• DRIll
capacity buy one with many plates and cut it
down to have a total of 13 or 14 plates. Mount
this capacitor on the 3 x 3 inch plate but make
su r e that the shaft does not come in contact
,,,. with the mounting plate. The reason behind
thi s is that one point ground should be u sed to
carry the rf and that ground is the shield of
the coax cable, a s shown on the schematic.
,·x,· AL
This capacitor is u sed as fine loading adjust-
FRA ME ment and shoul d be tuned in conjunction with
Antenn<ll Coupler the pick-up loop, to tune out the reactive com-
ponent of the antenna system. I n extending the
capacitor fram e, in thi s case borrowed from a shaft for panel control, u se a insulated coupler.
Hamrnarlund ~ICD-35-SX capacitor, but a com- The RG58A/U coax cable is t ightly secured
patible unit can be used. The stator plates are to the plexiglass by a plastic clip, as shown,
removed, the r otor plates are st r ipped and and the inner conductor is fed t hrough a brass
shaft rounded by remov ing all solder. A piece scr ew to one side of the loop. The other side
of % inch plexiglass 2xl % inches is cut as of the loop is fa stened to the screw on t he bot-
shown, and holes drilled for secu r ing t he p ick- tom of the plexiglass which projects through
up loop and the RG58A /U coax cable. A lA, and fastens to the tA, inch copper braid that is
inch hole is drilled lengthwise through t he 2 soldered to the stator of t he A Pe capacitor.
inch section for the shaft. This h ole is drilled The rotor contact of thi s capacitor is soldered
% inches from one end and t hree 6-32 tapped directly to the R G58A / U coax braid.
holes are provided for tightening t he plexiglass Pick up loop is made of No. 10 or 12 copper
to the shaft. wire, with spa ghetti insulated, a nd t he ends
Bef or e assembling these parts, put a strong h ave solder lug s so t hat it may be f or med on
spring against t he f r ont bearing , then slide the bench before f astening it in pla ce.
the plexigla ss on t he sh aft, press ag ain st the T his hi gh efficiency High Q tank cir cuit is
s pring and tighten the side 6-32 screws. This used in the " Echo De Luxe" 144 m e t ransmit-
a dds extra friction and allows the pick-up loop ter to be described in the coming issue of 73
to be pos itioned solidly. .......... . Wat ch for the article ... W 9D UT
han d.
Two sections of 2 x 2-inch poles, each 12-
f eet lon g, three 4 lh-i nch bolts with nuts and
four eye-hook s were pur chased. Ove rlappin g
the two poles 1S-inch es, t hree holes were
drilled and the bolts inserted and t igh t ened
down. Three eye-hooks w e r e a ttach ed a t t he
top and the f ourth at the j unct ion i n t he m id-
dl e.
A f l-inch hole was du g and the gu y ropes at-
tached. On th e end of the antenna a lon g rop e
was tied. This r ope wa s pull ed t hrough the
middle eye-hook at the top a nd is long eno ugh
so that it will rest on the ground after the
ma st is rai sed. This makes it possible to lower
the anten na after t he ma st is up.
I then grabbed the XYL and coaxed her into
lending a hand stea dying th e mast wh ile it
was raised and the guys tied down . T he an-
tenna wa s pulled up completi ng- th e en t ire / /11 1 1 1 1 1 / ' ( (;
operat ion in Jess than five m inu tes .
The ease of dis assembly and s implici t y of t he
ma st was proven when we moved across town UNNETTLES RIGS
r ecently. Surprisingly enough th e ent ir e a s-
sembly turned out t o be very s tu r dy a nd has Q·MULTlPlIER/NOTCH FIlTERS
held up much better t ha n anticipated . I a m •
now toying around with t he idea of adding a
ten meter ground plane to the syst em by simply
running some #14 up th e s ide of t he mast.
using the radials as extra guys.
Naturally thi s mast is n ot the an swer to the
need s of the permanent QTH , It probably
won't last more than a cou ple of years and
from an elect r ical stan dpoint it obviously is
not the ideal half-wavelength above grou nd .
However it is quite adequate f or those of you
who find yourselves moving around quite a bit
( ser vicemen, etc.] or f or Field Da y a n d ma y
prove helpful for erecting t h at cheap, t empo-
rary antenna system with out putting an y dent
in the pocketbook. . .. K3LTB/5
.- -. .- -.
BOUND VOLUMES If your receiver has a nervous cough, un-
We have spared no e xpense (t o you) to pro- nettle it with a Waters Q.Multiplier/Notch
vide the most b eautiful library b fndfng f or
Volume I of 73. Each Bound Volume is in- Filter. Enj oy a clear signal, the signal you
dividually numbered a n d autographed b y the weremeant tohear, with theWatersQ·Multi-
ed itor . The bindin g is in bright r ed ! V olu m e
[ co n s is t s o f the fifteen issue s from O~o_ber plier/Notch Filter .. . available in 2 models,
1960 through December 1961, plus the c u mu- the 337-755- 1 and the 337-KWM -2. These
latlve tnnex- i 6"rlhe penod. This i s about the fi lters are designed to elimina te he tero -
only way ot getting one of those e l usive J an-
uary 1961 i ssues of 73, w hic h a re n ow selli n" dynes and other undesirable signals in the
fo r as m uch a s $5 each when you can find i-f passband of the Collins 75S-1 receivers
'em. Bound Volume I • . . $15.00
13 • 1319 E . 15th St . • Brooklyn 30, N . Y. and KWM-2 transcei vers. Tu nable over a
5KG range, 2.5 KG on either side of the
455 KGcenter frequency, they require ve ry
BINDERS little power from the Collins equipmen t:
Alright, stop writing. We n ow h a ve binders .3a.@ 5.3v. and 1.4 ma @140 v. (275 v. in
avanabte for the 1960-61 a n d 1962 issues o f 73.
The first binder h a s room f or 15 issue s , the the KW M·2). The notch depth is greater
seco nd 12 issues . These bind ers a re in bright than 40 db. Either Filter comes completely
red t o m atch our b alance sheet. Each i s
s tamped in solid 14K gold with e nough id e n - assem bled with easy to follow instruction s
tification to e l imin a te a ny mystery as to for insta llation and connection.
what y ou h a ve o n your Hbr-ar-y shel ves. N ow
that y o u r issues o f 73 a re already dog-e ared , Avai lable at leading distributors.
here is a handy way t o preserve them that
wa y . Specifiy 1960-61 or 1962 binders . $3.00
13 • 1319 E . 15th St. • Brooklyn 30, N . Y. WATERS MANUFACTURING, INC.
MAY 1962 9
Tra nsm itter
6 M eters
f/ ox
Fred B. Cupp KBAO E
John Yeagle K8MSB Printed Circuit
W illoughby, Oh io
O Nthe VHF scene, many manufa ctu r er s are compl ishe d in exactly t he same man ner as
bringing forth interesting new transceiver single sideban d signals, but .
designs, but these a re a ll Al\I systems. T he T he presence of bot h set s of sideba nds im-
home brew builder seems to have been left be- poses stiffer requi rements on t he receiving
h ind. H er e is a project of speci al interest onl y equipmen t . In exchange fo r t ra nsm itter sim-
to t he home brew fa n . .. a Six Met er AM - pl icit y we a re requir.ng t he rece iving station
DSB transmitter with VOX includ ed and all t o fi lter out the unw anted sideban d. Stations
on a 5" x 7" pr inted circuit boa r d . ha ve been worked by the author wherein t he
Ver y few people will argue t he validity of DSB signal was received on a Colli ns 75A ·4.
t he cla ims made for the superiority of s ide- The reports were that either s ideba nd wa s r e-
band operation . T he increasi ng pop ular ity of ceived just a s well a s a n SS B signal. Other
t his mode of transmission on the lower f r e- cont acts made on less soph ist icat ed recei vers
quencies attests to this. In t he V H F r a nge, indica te that a stea dy h an d is necessary. Two
however, sideband has yet to leave a very contacts were even made with stations u sing
s izeable mark. The reasons a re obvi ous. Only a G-50 communicators in which case t he VFO
small per cent a ge of h ams are ambitious enough was tu rned on and used for carrier rei nsertion.
to attack a project of t his magnitude for V H F. The impo r tant case to be cons idered, how-
Many manufacturers have good exciters f or ever, is t he ave rage station. I n a ll p robability
the lower ba nds, but non e ha ve been bold t he if res ponse is br oa d enough t h at both side-
enough to bring f or th an exciter spec ifically bands will be received. In t his case, th e t wo
for V H F . The recent appearance of commer- sideban ds beat against each other as well a s
cial t ran smitting converters is a step in the th e BFa , pr oducing a peculiar "growling" type
righ t direction but they are of no value to the of distortion. The only cure is to have t he BFa
ham who has no exciter. frequency right "on the nose," altho ugh the
effect is r ed uced by detuning t he r ecei ver so
Cons ider t he Six Meter ba nd . A major it y of th a t t he unwanted sideband is down the slope
the operators are Technician Class licensees of the if response curve. This effect is not too
a nd h ave n o reason to acqu ire a low band ex- bad to overcome especiall y if t he receiver ha s
citer. Her e then is fertile ground f or develop- a "Q" multi pl ier in which case t he reception
ment of t echn iqu es and equ ipment. Simple is just a s good as SS B. T he subject of doub le
t ransceivers have their place in the VH F sun, sideband reception is discussed at some leng th
but the serious ham w ho is interested in t he in Don Stoner's "New Sideban d H a ndbook ,"
more exotic forms of communication is soon pa ge 107.
disillusioned with the limitations of commercial Several prototypes (and six month s ) lat er ,
member s of the East Shore VHF Club of Cleve-
After several years of apprenticeship on land , Ohio showed interest in t he project. T his
AM, we indulged in a brief courtship with was the spur necessary to push u s in to la y ing
F' M. Somewhat better to be sure, but still not out a printed circuit board so t hat the club
t he ultimate. The purchase of several sideband members could duplicate t he design with a
books strengthened our resolve, but the cost of m inimum of difficulty. Th is fi nal design in-
fi lters and the complexity of phasing r igs a n d cl uded sever al extra refinements such as a tone
hetrodyne converte r s led to the fina l acceptance oscillator to fac ilitate t une up on DSB and
of Double Sideba nd Suppressed Carrier as a an improved VOX ci rcuit which is used on both
reasona ble compromise. Al\l an d DSB . Also provision has been made
Reception of Double Sideband signals is ac- for either 6 or 12 volt h eat e r connections.
MA Y 1962 I1
Audio Section un iform load on the power sup ply since the
rf section draws cur r en t when t he VOX tube
The first half of a 12AX7 is a speech p re- is cut-off and vice-versa.
amp. When the microphone is unplugged, how-
ever , the closed circuit phone jack completes Mod ula tor
the circuit from the R-C phase shift network
causing the preamp to oscillate at approx i- . R~ ferring now t o the 6AQ5 modul ator s Ca:~~ ,
mately 1 kc. This tone is used for tune-up on It WIll be noted that swit ch sect ion SlA select"
both AM and DS.B. With the mike plugged in, either the full audio sign al or audio via a 6
the 12AX7 function s a s a normal speech pre- db attenuator. This is done to avoid the nec es-
amp. The output of the first st age is coupled sit y of changing the audio gain and VOX trip
through the .001 capacitor to the audio gain settings when swit ch ing f ro m DSB to AM
pot. Th is capacitor value is deliberately small sin ce AM requires only half a s much modula-
to roll off the low fr equency respon se to pro- tion a s DSB. In the DSB mode of operation
vide better intelligibility, primarily on DSB. switch sect ion S l B ground s the cen t er -t a p of
T he second half of the 12AX7 is a st a ndar d t he mod ulation transformer. Thus the modula-
voltage amplifier. tion ener gy s upplies the scr een voltage for the
2E26 balanced modulators. In the A!\-1 position,
swit ch sect ion S1B connects the center -tap to
VOX C ircuitry a voltage divider ac ross th e B + supply t hu s
The output of the speech amplifiers is fed apply ing const a nt screen voltage. The modula-
to the 6AQ 5 modulator vi a switch sect ion S1A tion voltage appearing across half of the sec-
and also to the VOX trip level pot. The first ondary then add s to or subt r acts from thi s
half of the 12AU7 is a voltage ampli fier and screen voltage resulting in AM screen modula-
its output is coupled through th e .02 capacitor tion. Note that in AM operation switch section
to the voltage doubler rectifiers. An audio sig- S 1C di sables one of th e 2E26 tubes. Since the
nal thus results in a negative voltage being ba lanced modulator is no longer balanced the
developed at the grid of th e relay tube, the carrier is not cancelled out and normal AM
second half of the 12AU7. The 6.8 meg. grid operation is a chieved .
resistor gives a positive return of t he grid RF Section
voltage and eliminates any t end ency of the re-
lay to chatter on noise sp ikes. Note that th e The pentode sect ion of the 6U8 is u sed a s an
VOX relay K1 is energized during receive and oscillator-tripler combination. The scr een is
de-energized for transmit. This provides a more used as the plate in an untuned Pierce oscil-
• OII!l'I!~ .u .......nu
l>OUBC~ ",OO"ND _.N
... '.20 ;_.
._. uu
• 'It ~
.... -llOX
, ,,,0<>
" :~ -1T-
• 00.
100 ....
n. •
rOIl RtVll
......,,"'c -"'
t "" t ... 24 ,,!>UNO Sl .. W .-o1<TloOl
.... ~ _ 'T<OIl
011 n o"
' ....n
de-energize. Speaking into the mike should a lso *a n o t h e r FIRST from FlNco
ca use the relay t o drop out.
The GUS exciter is next checked out. Lea ve
the audio gai n con trol t urned up so that t he
VOX relay remains de-ener gized a nd tune t he
tripler plate tank for max imum output. Insert
th e t wo 2E26 tubes in th eir sock et s. T une t he Patent RE 24,413
gri d ta n k of the 2E26 t ubes to resonance. (Note Other patents pending
6 & 2 Meter
t ha t the DSB-A M s witch m ust be in the DSB Model No. A-62
poaition.) W ith a l OOK resistor in series with Amateur Net A-62 $33.00
Stacking Kit AS-62 $2.19
the probe of a VTV l\I r ea d the voltage on each
of th e 2E26 gr ids. In cr ea se the capacity of t he
tri mmer on t he grid with t he h ighest voltage,
then retune t he grid tank to resonance with the The Only Single Feed Line
other trimmer. Repeat t h is procedure u ntil both
grids rea d approx imately t he sa me volta ge a nd
t he tank is a t reso nance. If you have a dded
6 & 2 METER
t he d ual 25 mmfd vari able across t he grid tank
the job is a littl e ea s ier. Ju st tune t he remai n-
ing tri mmer capacitor f or bal an ce a n d th e d ual
a ir variable fo r max imu m voltage on the grids.
from F••eo
The last step is to add t he 6AQ5 modulator.
With tone modulat ion advance t he a ud io gain • Heavy Du ty Squa re Alu minum Boom.
control until t he pl ate cu rrent is a bout 50 rna. . 10 Ft. Long
A scope patter n is almost essential h ere. Feed
• All El em ent s are Sleeve Rein forced
a udio from one of t he screens to the ho rizontal An d Comple tely Pre-as semb led With
input of t he scope and rf f r om across a dummy "Snap-Out' Lock-Hte Bracke ts
load into the vertical plates. The patter n sh ould • Boo m Suspension Rods Are Supplied
look like t he typ ical " Bow Tie" displ a y of Comple tely Pre-a ssem bl ed , ReadyTo Be
double s ideb an d transmission (ARR L '6 1 Snapped Into Upper End Of Mast
H a n d book, p317, Fig. 11-15 ) .
Wi th t he DSB-A M sw itch in the AM position 18 Element s Full 4 Elements
t he plate current should be 35 to 40 rna . T he I-Folded Dipole Plu s S p ecia l I -Fo lded
scop e pattern should now be t he typical trape- Phasi ng Stub Dipole
zoid characteristic of AM . These current value s 1-3 El em ent Coll inea r I-Re flector
Reflector 2-Directors
are for a B + voltage of approx imately 300 4-3 Element Collinear
volts. Some in trepi d so uls may wi sh to increase Directors
the output by r u nnin g t he fi nal amplifier plates
f rom a h igher voltage sup ply, althou gh we
have not tried th is. If you care to try it, dis-
connect the + side of t he plate su pply meter
a nd connect it to a h igh er voltage sup ply. "2-10 2 Meter 10 Element
A6-4 6 Meier 4 Element Amateur Net $11.88
As far as pe rformance is concerned, t he au- Amateu r Net $17.16 St k· K"t A52 1183
thor s are not D X ho unds, so the D X record Stacking Kit AS-6 $2.19 ae mg I - •
MAY 1962 II
Twoer Modifications Ernest Joy Wolitzer K2 0 RY
2143-82nd Stree t
Brooklyn 14. N. Y.
P hot o credit : Buiot E ckha"s. K2GU/.
Heath transceiver units, commonly a crystal was used, and now I ca n use a VF O.
known a s the Tener, S ixer & T woer are
Construction Details
excellent units in r egard to operation, size, and
cost. This article is based on the T woer , but T he fu se holder in t he rea r of t he u nit was
will hold the same for the others. removed and mou nted in the space that had
The Twoer was used in the home QT H for a originally been used for the eight pin power
while, a nd I became interested in using t he plug. The hole th at was used f or t he f use is
r ig mobile. As some of us might know, setti ng- now t he mountin g hole for t he new switch.
up a mobile r ig takes t ime a nd most of all, P art of t he power supply is built on a s ub-
patience. chassis wh ich is mo unted on the speaker baffle
I n t he Twoer, described here, I did away plat e. This sub-chassis, measuring 3% in. L.
with all of the hard work, such a s ru nning by 2% in. 'V., is made of a piece of n in. steel.
cables, mounting power su pplys, etc. The unit A lh in. lip is bent and used for mounting.
now will operate either 110 vae or 12 vdc at T he silicon diodes and the rest of the power
the flip of a switch. supply components are wired on a termin al
If ever it came to mind to use a VFO. you strip, which is then mounted on the scr ew that
would probably not be too successful, because holds the power transformer. The four prong
with the original oscillator circuit a VFO could power plug is mounted on brackets, and is
not work. I made some minor oscillator positioned near the output transformer. It will
changes that helped to sta bili ze the unit when be found that in order to have access to t he
r9 .001· ---
--- XTAL
1. 10 001
-- - - lOOK
Before After
NC .0 1
30 0 K
2 - -12 VOC SA IlU<
4 - +1 2 vec
~ ,.......
This picture shows the new lceatlen of the f use,
swit ch, and four p rong plug . It also shows how ... ,",.".......
power su pply is mo unted on the speaker baffle
power plug when th e cabinet is installed, you
will h a ve to cu t a h ole in t he rear. HIVERTER 50
Operation Extend s use of your present 14 Me SSB. AM and CW
Tran smitter to 50 Me Band
The new select or swit ch is u sed to selec t
Tubes : 6CL6 Oscillator, 5763 Mixer. and 61 46
either ac or de operation. For ope r at ing on Linear Am p•• with 2 -08 -2 Regulal on.
110 v, connect pins 2 and 3 to the power sour ce.
Pi. Net Output to matc h 50· 100 ohm Ant enna Load
One 12 v -, where t he power can be taken from
the car's cigarette lighter, connect pin 2 to Ca bind ane : 8" I( 7" x 10·'
- 12 v and + 12 v to pin 4 of J 1- P ower Supply Requirements; (Heathkit HP · 20 or si milar)
We found that when operating mobile, low- 6. 3 V . AC· 2.7 Amp s ( F i l am ents)
eri ng the broadcast antenna to approximately 300 v. DC - 60 Ma. ( Ose.• Mixer )
600 V. DC ·12G Ma. ( A mp l ifler )
19 in . worked fa irly well. . . . K 20 RY . 130 V. OC - (Amp. Bias)
Compl.t. In.!,u.tion. ( )
IMPEDANCE BRIDGE IA u g u st 1961 Issue of 73)
Irving Electronics
14 fu ll scele diagrllms of t he pa rts necessary for
this re plica of a $350 Generlll Ra d io RF Imped a nce P. o. Box 9222
Bridg e. Com plete with reprint of the original
article. $1 .00 San Anton io 4, Texas
73 • 1379 E. 15th St• • Brooklyn 30 • N. Y.
MAY 19b2 17
73 tests the
Telco 201
Lar ry Levy WA2 1N M
I 114 Eest 18 Stre et
Brooklyn 30, New York
1\ most heavily populated area s, 6 meter a s the band is getting more and more crowded,
1 operation is getting to be a problem. There is th e mixer output circu it . The)' u se two coil s,
are so many st a t ions on six that one or two in a bandpass configuration, to provide almost
strong sta t ions are sur e to be close enough to perfect response across four mega cycles. It is
overload your six meter converter. Wi th con- then matched, by a tap on the second coil and
ventional 6 meter converters, the overload can two resi stors, to a flat 50 ohm output. (See
be controlled, but only at the expense of noise Fig. 1). This is the only converter that I ha ve
figure. Such a compromise is usually a poor seen using- t his, and it is impor t a nt beca use
one, as it doesn't do much good to eliminate it is j ust about impossible to get a flat re-
the overload if, after you do, you can't hear sponse out of the conventional single coil that
the st at ion that you're trying to work. If you everybody seems to be u sing. This mean s t hat
have a problem of this kind, the an swer is a the converter using one of these coils has a
Telco 201 converter. The 201 is a low noise 6 flat respon se over 1 me of the band at most,
meter n uvi ator converter that is almost im- and the majority of them do not even have
possible to over loa d. Built and designed with t ha t mu ch. with the increasing activity on the
the same qu ality that T apetone is f a mous f or, band it is not uncommon now to hear st ati ons
the 201 is undoubtedly the best G meter con- a s high a s 52 me or more, and the anc ient
verter that I have ever heard. Tapeton e rates converters that were designed wh en you didn' t
the noi se figure a s better than 3 db. On the have to tune over 50.1 me to cover all t~ .·
converter t ested, the noise figure is consider- activity are now well outdated. It should be
ably better than 3 db, probably between 2 and poin t ed out th at while, wi th luck , a coil will
2* db. The rea son that I sa y probably is that tune 1 or Ph me reasonably flat at 50 me, it
I can't mea sure a noise figure better than 2
db with my present test equipment.
* will onl y tune less than * me at 14 me, si nce
the bandw idth decreases with frequency. Since
Anyhow, Tapetone is extremely conservative the rf bandpass is 4 me and the output response
in their ratings, giving, a very consevative is al so 4 me, this conver ter not only has a flat
and true figure instead of an advertisin g f udge response over the en tire band, but it al so has
figure (tru e noi se figure x .69 or so met hing ). a fantastic image r ejection and s uppr ession of
This is achi eved by the use of a 6C\V -1 n u- feed through. This is because the more tuned
vi stor in a gounded grid rf amplifier. The rf circuits th at there are, the greater the skir t
s ta ge is designed to provide maximum pro- select ivit y. In the 201 there are two sets of
tection again st overload without sa cr ific ing bandpass circuits and the rejection of signals
noi se figure. The cathode is carefully matched outside the passband is greatly increased .
to the line, which should be a rea sonably flat The sig-n al from the oscillator is fed into
50 ohm unbalanced one, by a tapped coil which the cathode of t he mixer. The Telco 201 only
is tuned for optimum performance. The plate comes with an if of 14-18 me, probably be-
circuit is one of Tapetone's double-tuned types cause Tapetone felt that image rejection would
which offers almost flat response across the su ffer if a lower if wa s used and most receiv-
entire 6 m eter band, dropping off sha r ply at er's performance drops off if a hig-her one is
either end. The mixer u ses :lh of a 6U8 in a
circuit designed to reduce overload.
Tapetone did quite a bit of experimenting
before they decided t o use the GU 8. They were
trying to find the best tube for noise figure
a s well as r esistance to over load, a combina-
tion that requires several contradictory quali-
t ies. Th e GU 8, with the circuit values chosen,
is a perfect choice. The noi se figure is exceed-
ingly low and it is as res istant to overload a s
a mixer is going to get. On e unusual feature,
and one that is getting ext r emely important
I mentioned t hat the conver t er is hard to
over load . How h ard ? F or a test, I loaded my
100 watt t ra n sm itter into my 11 element beam
a nd pointed it at a receiving d ipole a bout 50
feet away. Th er e was no interference with a
received signal t hat was S-3 15 kc away from
my transmitter except on strong modulation
peaks. Even th is disappeared about 20 kc away
from my signal, and the overloading was
probably due to my receiver.
W hile this test is a little rough for any
converter and, I'm sure t hat Tapetone never
designed it to resist overload li ke that. it per-
the original
forms perfectly under these conditions, Part
of this quality, I think, comes from the fact
that the rf amplifier has no more gain than is
needed. T he converter has more than enough
gain for even the simplest receiver and yet
not enough to cause overload. This seems to
be against the current trend to provide so Saturn 6 Antenna only . . $11.95
much ga in that the receiver doesn't need an Saturn 6 plus mast &
"S" meter. It is only necessary to connect an
0· 1 rna "S" meter to measure the grid cur- bumper mount $16.95
rent of the m ixer tube to tell t he strength of
the received s ig nal. ' Vhen an "S" meter is used,
it read s 60/9 whenever a car st a r t s up within
a mile,
I would like to point out t hat t he cause of
cross mod ulation and related s ide effects is the
fact that when a signal is strong eno ugh to
overcome the bias on positive signal p eaks, t he
mi xer will draw grid current an d act as a
detecto r . Th e a ud io voltage that is det ected
will modulate the received signals in t he same
way t hat a t ransmitter is g ri d modulated. T hi s
ca uses t he effect of hearing one stat ion 's a udi o
on all s ig nals received. T he 201 h as t he p ropel' Long John
a moun t of ga in and, therefore, these effects for Six Meters • • • • •
are missing. Even if there's n o other stat ions
within 100 miles of yo ur mou nta in-top QT H , FEATURES
t he 201 is st ill an ideal converter. Since, with Design.d for ma ximum forward ga in.
a given bandwidth, the limit a t ion of ban d Gamma Ma tch fo r co-ax f e.d.r.
Finest g rad. a luminum tubin!'.
(cosmic) n oise stiII exists, the 201 w ill receive Exceptio nall y s.ro ng . inc. th e re or. no drille d
the sign al perfectly, if it is at all poss ible holes.
All a luminum co nstr uctio n elimi na t•• el.ct rolysil .
to receive it. The noi se figure of the 201 is well Entire bea m a nd . upports can b. g rounded f or
below natural noise in even the qu ietest loca- lightning prot. ction .
tion. We are p roud of this new lonv Jo hn Ant enna. W.'v.
Even with all this, the Telco 201. at $37.40, tried 10 put in every fea tu re you cou ld w an t. Th. re-
sult is a reasonable cos t high gain beam which can
is priced below the cost of a parametric am- easily be put up o nd which w ill stay there practically
plifier. It is also more compact, being built on forever. It has a wide e nough lobe so yo u d on't ho ve
to swing it around all t he time. ye t gj ve s yo u tre-
a 1:lh x3x6 inch chassi s. The black and silver mendous goln where you w an t it.
chassis is an attractive addition to any ham AT fO UR D ISTR IBUTORS O R "RITE DIREcr
st a tion. The connectors are the "BNG" type,
which have a much lower loss than the "UHF"
or :\Iotorola types, besides being s ma ller and
more convenient to work with. I n conclusion ,
the Telco 201 is an amazingly low noise con-
verter for 6 meters that is a real bargain at
Being of the type that has to find somet h ing Products Co.
to complain about, I have one complaint about FITCHBURG, MASSACHUSETTS
this convertor: W hy didn't Tapetone make thi s
sooner? . .. " . . A2 I N ~I
MAY 19b2 19
Arc-5 VHF
V ery high f re q ue ncy.
V ery l ow cost,
ARE you intere st ed in a compact bandawitch- t he rea r of the transm itter pins # I , 2 and 6
ing VII F transmitter for 6, 2 and 1 ';4 me- a re shorted together. The wire on pin #3
ters? One with instant bandswitching t hat does should be disconnected and run t o t he fro nt
not require you to retune from one band to of the transmitter to the control unit socket.
the next? A transmitter that runs up to 3;; T his wire wHI be taken care of later. Ma k e
watts on phone and can be put on the air for sure #4 is grounded. #7 will be modulated
about two kilocents is the ARC-5 /T-23. It has high voltage. #5 will have the low voltage dc
four channels which operate on or near two for the motor and relays. #3 is the filament
meters. These channels can easily be changed ~1I1.
to operate on 50 and 220. Rex Radio in New T he filaments should be rewired as follows:
York City seems to have one of the best prices At the 1625 oscillator and the final 832A no
on this rig. I suggest that you buy a diagram* cha ng-E's are made. At the second 1625 move
of the transmitter to become better acquainted the fi la ment wires ( filaments are the two large
with it and to make the conversion a qu ick di amete r pi ns) all to one of t he pins and
one. The conversion is quite sim ple a nd t he g ro un d t he pin f rom which t he w ires were
result is a 35 watt phone rig which really puts just removed . At the first 832 A move filament
out a beautiful signal. ,.... ires from one filament pin to the other and
To keep interna l wir-ing changes to a mini- ground the pin from which the wires were j ust
mum I decided to build a low voltage de supply removed. This puts the filame nts in parallel.
to run the motor and the relays. The filaments Xow a wire should be connected from the un-
were di sconnected from the 28 volt line and grounded side of the filaments at the first 832 A
rewired for 12 vac. There are two good rea son s to pin #3 on the power socket at the rear of
for this change: (1) the filaments draw a lot the transmitter. After this is done make sure
of current and that would mean a high current that no original wiring is still connected from
rectifier system which would be expensive. (2) the filame nts to the 28 volt line or t rouble will
The relays and bandswitching motor will run br ew.
on a nything from 20 to 40 volts, whi le t he
/ - - - - 7
fi lament s must stay within 10% of 12 volts. BA"CSWIT CH
T his mak es it easy to find a transformer for
the low voltage supply. ,j - • 0
TI RECT fou nd a 20 volt tra nsformer fo r fi ve bits so I
used a ha lf wave rectifie r circ u it. Th e rectifi er
cons rats of four 500 ma 100 volt si licon diodes
• in pa r a llel. T hese a re very inexpensive in th e
112A "" s u r plus sto res. The fi lter uses t wo 1000 mfd
15 volt electrolyt.i cs in series w ith t wo :U O oh m
''0 1 wa tt equalizing r esist or s. I use m y regular
.0 \lAC
PILO T L IGHT sta t ion s u pply a nd mo d ula tor with a bout 400
vol ts on th e p late s. Con nections are made to
the rear power socket a s follows : P ins #1, 2
and 6 get high voltag e, pin #7 gets modulated
Controlled Circuit Changes high voltage, pin # 3 g ets 12vac, pin #4 is
Now let's take a peek at the control and me- g ro u n d and p in # 5 is for 20-40 volts de at 2
tering circuits. At the control un it socket r e- amp s.
move the wire t hat is on pin #6 and ground Coil Changes
it at a conven ient spot (pin #4 will do) . No w
take the wire that wa s di sco nnected from p in Th ough I am using the tra n sm itter in t hi s
#3 on the rear of the chassis and connect it fa shion, an y variety of th e four ba nd s could
to p in #6 on the control unit sock et. That's be used.
all at t h is socke t and no cha nges are made at Band A ~6 meters- coil cha nge nec essary
the test un it socket. Thi s takes care of all th e Band B-2 meters-no co il change
cha nges in the tran smitter f or o pe r a t ion on t he Band C-l1,4 meters-coil c ha nge necessary
original frequencies . The s im ple coil ch a nges Band D-2 meters -En t ire band-no coil
for 50 and 220 will foll ow th e cont rol unit and ch a nge
power s up ply discussi on. T he follow ing is necessa ry to pu t Cha n nel
A on 6 meters. Rem ove 3 tu rns from 3 A and
Control Unit 3 8 . Th ese are on the rea r turret and are easily
removed by removing a br ass clip. Add a 22
The control unit is si m ple and consists of a
mmfd ceramic ca paci tor a cr oss coil 4. Thi s is
bandswitch, a tr-ansmit-receive sw itch and a
betwee n the t wo 83 2A's . The final sho uld be
meter. Bandswitching is accomplished b)' shor t-
re woun d with 29 t urns of #22 enamel wi r e
ing the desired band cont r ol line to ground.
and th e li nk co il sho uld be r eplaced with a one
Thi s st a r ts the turrets in motion and they will
t ur n link around th e ce nter of the coil.
stop wh en the desired band is r eached. Th e
Shunt th e loading- ca pa cito r with a fixed 40
bandswitch (SI) is a s ing le pole 4 position ro-
mmfd fi xed capacitor.
tary. Th e TR switch (S3) is a SPST and it
shor t s pin #6 on t he cont r ol socket to ground, TOP VIE W
closing a ll relays. P ins # 1, 2, 3, and 5 a r e PL ATE COIL STUO S
band control lines for bands A , B, C, and D FINlI l TURRENT
respectively. P in #4 is ground, and pin s #7
and 8 are not used. The meter ( 1\1 1) is a 0 -1
rna . The meter sw it ch ( S 2) is a 2 pole 5 po- w·
sit ion rotary. Position A g oes to pin # 1 on
the test unit socket , B goes to pin #2, C to CONDENSER OVERlAPS PLATE
pin # 3, D to pin # 5. the pos itive s ide of the
meter goes through a 22K 1 watt r e sistor to FRONT OF T RAI\IS "'I TT ER
pin #6. The ground lead is p in #4. A s on
the control un it socket, the pin s #7 and 8 are
not used. Refer to Fig. 2 for th e wiring of th e
con t r ol unit. ADJUST OlSTMI CE
Power Supply ANT LOOPS FQA "'Al( l( MfR
The voltages necessary t o operat e the t ran s-
mitter are 12vac, 20-40 volts, 300-600 volts for 0' ,
p lates and 300-600 volts modulated for the fi- For 1 ';4 meters these changes are n ecessary.
nal. Low voltage for t he scr eens is su p pli ed Band C was u sed. Remove all but 14 turn s
by a voltage divider inside the tran smitter. I from the oscillator p late coil. Remove a ll b ut
1) turn s from coil 3A. R emove all but 8 turn s
Table from 3B. Rem ove a ll but 2 turn s from coil 4.
Tube 6M 2M 1'4 M Remove the final coil, antenna loop and t he
Xtal a t 1625 8 mc 8 8 plate coil form . Mount a h airpin loop 2" long
output 1625 16 mc 16 24 and I" wide on t he plat e coil st uds on th e tur-
2nd 1625 48 mc 48 72 ret. The antenna loop shou ld a lso be I" wid e
1st 832A 48mc 144 216 a nd shou ld ove rla p t he pla te loop by about % ",
final 832A 48 me 144 216 (Turn t o pag e 29 J
MAY 1962 21
73 Tests the
Bill Pestemek WA2HVK
Clegg 99'er 1525 West 8 Sheet
Brooklyn 4. New York
F you do much in the way of six meter op- The receiver is much better than is usually
I erating the report to be given here on the found in a transceiver and compares favor-
Clegg 99'er will be old st u ff to you. B)' now ably with most communications receivers. It
you've heard sever a l fellows using thi s new uses dual conversion with its at 10.7 mc and
transceiver and you've heard t hem telli ng any- 455 kc. A 6DJ8/ECC88 twin triode (see 73,
one who would listen j ust how much they liked Nov. 1900 for mor e info on t h is t ube) is u sed
it. You 've heard t he fi ne signal it put s out and a s a low noise cascode rt ampl ifi er . The first
t he punch t hat you get from t he a dequa te conversion esc-mixer uses a 6 U 8 /6}~A 8 (see
a udio gain and good modulation system. After 73, Aug . 1961, p. 18 ) , ,....ith the triode sect ion
check ing over the parts list for the 99'er I worki ng a s a tunable oscilla tor coveri ng 39.3-
just don't see how it is possible for Ed Clegg 41.3 me. As you can probably gather from this,
\V2L OY to sell th is fabulou s rig for only the receiver tu nes only the first two me of the
$139.95. He must do a lot of the wiring him- band, afford ing excellent electrical bandspread.
self. The second mixer is a GAN8. This is fol-
Until recently the ham on six meters had lowed by a 6BA6 if amplifier and a 6AL5 de-
very little choice when purchasing a trans- tector, ave and anl. A line-up such a s this pro-
ceiver. He either had to spend about $300 for vides plenty of gain while still retai ni ng an
a commu n icator or su ffer with one of the less excellent noise figure . The selectivity is very
expensive u nits. Th e main trouble with these good because of the 455 kc if. Usually a tra ns-
inexpensive! t r anscei ver s was in thei r receivers ceiver has ei ther selectivi ty or im age! rejec-
sena itivity and selectivity. However n ow t hat tion, mai nly because of the choice of if fre-
Clegg h as intr oduced the 99'er, the problem qu ency is a compromi se between the two. The
has been solved. use of double conversion has the best features
of both a high and a low if frequency.
Incidentally.., the 99'er is one of the only
transceivers that I have seen that ha s a local
oscillator stable enough to permit the use of
high selectivity. Ther e is vi rtually no notice-
able drift after a four or five mi nute warmup.
\Vi th a BFO thi s receiver would do fi ne for
SS B reception. A large a ccurate, easy to read
"s" m eter is mount ed on the f r ont p anel a nd
doubles a s a tuning meter f or the transm itter.
The transm itter is a somewhat conventional
8 watt crystal-controlled one using a 7558 in
t he final. The pi network perm its the final to
load a wide variety of load impedances. T he
final is very efficient and sounds like a lot more
than 8 watts input, according to s igna l reports
received. (Clegg's s pecs s ay that the un it pu ts
out 4 to 5 watts.) T he driver is a 6E A8 and
will operate from either 8, 12 or 25 mc cr ys t als.
I n add ition, t he un it will operate with a vfo
and has inp ut a nd control circu its thru the
rear panel power plug for t hi s operation.
A very im po rtant f eatu re is t he spot switch ,
mou nted on the f r on t panel, wh ich warns you
before yo u louse up your frequen cy. The final
amplifier is plate modulated by a 6AQ5 which
doubles a s the audio output in the r eceiver.
The quality of the modulation is excellent and
there is pl enty of it. Th e 99'er has a gain
control for the mic preamp which is a feature
usually left out. w h ile on the subject of fe a -
tures, the 99'er is loaded with them. The meter
is automatically s witched from "transmit" to a
receiver "s" meter when the tran sm it s witch
is thrown.
Th e n oise lim iter work s very well and it is
in operation a t all t imes. Clegg probably feels
(as do I ) t hat the limiter is used mo st of the
time anyway, so why confuse t he issue with
a n AX L switch. The power su p ply is not like
most ot hers. I t u ses a full wave rectifier
(6B \V4) instead of a half wave voltage
doubler. I could never understand the use of
voltage multiplier circuits in tran sceivers be-
cause for sa f ety they have to use a power
transformer anyway. If you are going to use
a power transformer it is possi ble to get any
necessa ry volt ag e without mu lt iplier s.
T he fu ll wave sup ply is mu ch m or e effic ien t
a nd ea sier to fi lter . T he regu lation of a fu ll
Anyway you want to mount your antenna
wave su pply is far su per ior to any form of
voltage dou bler, which probably is the rea son roto rr the HAM·M is the most versatile
for the excellent stability of t he r eceiver. The around! No special parts to buy! (Even
rig will work fine in the ca r if used with a the otherwise difficult inside tower mount
100 watt inverter. This can be r educed con- can be accomplished with some angle iron
s ide ra bly if the tube heaters are connected and a hack saw) •.. Mountability like this
directly to the battery. is just one more reason why, at $119.50
I have been u sing the 99'er for some t ime amateur net, you just can't top the HAM·M!
now and I feel that there is little left ou t of Ask your local CDE Radiart Distributor for
t he u nit. It is qu ite attractive and a worth -
wh ile add itio n to a ny ham sh ack. \Vit h t he
all details.
9!)'er you get mor e t han yo ur mon ey's worth.
Congrat ul ations to \V2LO Y and t he r est of CORNELL·
the crew in Mt . T abor on a job well done.
. . . W A2H VK
MAY 1962 23
A 7077
Two Meter Converter
THERE have been many two meter converter t he tran smitter of th e Pioneer I V sa telli te
circuits published using either the 416B or whose si gnals were hea rd on 960.05 megacycles
417A tubes. To the best of my knowledge there 407.000 miles. Th e objections to the tube are
h as been only on e description of th e applica- its present u nava ilabilit y except new, its rela-
tion of the GE-7077 micro-miniature triode! A tively h igh cost. special socket r equirements
commercial conver t er is now available, manu- and desi rability of a regula ted heater supply.
fa ctured by Centimeg. This tube is exte nsively Anticipating the more ready availability of
used in sa tellite and space circu iting because the tube, the converter herein described was
of its extreme ruggedness, sma ll size, and ex- developed, using what appear to be desirable
cellent electrical characteristics. features from sever al cir cu its. Several of t he
ideas of DL3Fl\12. in particular are employed.
Amplifier (Ant. Switch from p, 84)
The rf cascaded amplifi er circuit was sli gh t - on a 0/.1" squ a r e, 1" high cer am ic insulator
ly modified from t hat described by W2ZHI in post. Th e connec t ion to th is fer rule is a 1,4"
that 18K pla t e resi stors were used , a s recom- str ip of copper sli pped between the cable
mended by the ma nufacturer, rather than po- clamp a nd the ferr ule and solder ed to the an-
tentiometers. The socket of the first 7077 is tenna 80-239. 4-40 brass nu t s a n d lock wash.
modified a s illustrated because of its grounded ers secu re the solder ing lugs to the other two
cat hode configuration. Shield ing is provided s witch con tacts and 16 gauge bare wire con-
between st a ges with feed through bypass con- nects these to the other two rece ptacles. E x-
densers. All hea t er and pla te leads are sh ielded treme care should be used to avoid breaking
a nd bypas sed . Wh ile n o button bypass condens- th e gla ss to metal seals of t he switch.
ers were em polyed, lea ds f r om the bypa ss con- A 1-%." length of J.A" T eflon r od is used a s
densers used were cut to negligible length. P ro- t he actuating arm for the vacuum swit ch. Th e
vision for lifting the cathode of the fi r st rf in sulating qualities are s uper b and the r od is
stage off ground , a s well a s break ing the B+ flexible enough t o insure positive contact with-
to the rf st a ges and mixer was incorporated out placing undue s t r a in on the s witch. One
us ing a miniature relay. end of the rod is drilled to a depth of 0/.1" w ith
Mixer a #3 1 d r ill and t he other end is slotted t o
accept an iron arm ature plate. One of the di s-
Th e m ixer is an Amper ex 6688 h igh gain ca rded rel ay arma tures may be u sed an d th e
pentode. Th is tube has been used a s a mi xer in rod and plate drilled to pass a #2 ma chine
other circuits, and is superior to any other scr ew which will secu rely hold the armature
pentode tr ied . This is a premium tube. The in place. Very ca refu ll y push the drilled end
gain of the rf amplifier is enough t o provide of the Teflon rod on the exhaust tubulation of
adequate quieting. T he consta nts used are dif- t he swit ch. The crimp in t he t ubulation m a y
ferent t han t hose employed by DL3 Fl\1 but be held with long nose pliers dur ing th is op-
provide 3 volts of cathode b ias which pla ces er ation. Carefu lly orient th e arm atu r e plate
the t ube at a favor able poin t of it s tra nsfer between the r ela y p oles. If r equired, loosen the
characte ristic cu rve with 150 volts on t he mounting screw of t he ceramic post a nd posi-
screen and 250 volt s on the plate. tion so that, when the contact is center ed, the
Osellleter armature is centered between the poles.
T he oscillator sect ion employs a fundam ental Wi r e the balance of the unit, except fo r R-l
crystal at 7222.22 k ilocycles which brings the and R- 2, a nd con nect a jumper between p ins
f r equency out through the multi plier very close 1 a nd 2 of J -l. Connect a 1,000 ohm adj usta ble
t o 130 me for 14-1 8 m e intermedi ate f requency. wirewoun d r esistor, set f or maximum resiat-
This cir cuit is simpler tha n t hat employed by a nce, in pla ce of R-l. Apply power and adjust
DL3Fl\1 but with the incorporation of t he 130 the re sistor for 28 volts across t he coil of
me t r a p produces sa t isf actor y injection with no RL-l. Remove th e resistor, mea sure t he value
and install a 10 watt resistor of the nearest
(See pa ge 26 )
stock value f or R -l. Remove the jumper f rom
J ~1 and r epeat the proced ure to arrive at t he
val ue for R-2. A 5 watt resis tor will prob ab ly
be adequate in th is location. Key the uni t and
observe operation . Th e switch cont a cts should
mak e j ust befo re the armature seats on the
magnet poles, with the flex ibility of t he T eflon
r od taking up the excess travel. If all is well,
mount th e plate on the chassi s, u sing #6 sheet
metal screws. If desir ed, brackets may be a t -
tach ed to permit moun tin g of the u nit. Al-
tern at ively , t he chassis may be mounted wi th
scr ews th r ou gh t he top before the component
mounting plate is attached.
The completed swit ch ing unit should cost
less than a heavy duty coaxial relay and its
performance more than justifies the construc-
t ion effort. As described, the relay will fun c-
tion u p t hr ou gh 30 megacycles without
Detail of modification of Jettron sodet necessary for intr oducing noti cea ble di scontinuity in th e
the first rf stag e. The ground leafs a re c ut off fl ush tran smi ss ion line. Th e ad ded bonu s of quiet ,
with the ba se of t he sodet with sha rp c utters. This de operation a nd the ability of t he un it to
makes the grid c one ction loose in the sodet but t hIS wi thstand consider a ble abu se m ake this a very
constitutes no proble m. The sockets are C a ta log
# 8670, J eHron Products, Inc., Rou te la, Ha nove r, worthwhile proj ect.
New J ersey. . ... .. W 4 W K ~I
MAY 1962 25
All tuned circu its were dipped and adjusted
in t he circu it with t ubes in place but wi t hout
volt age. Th e plate induc tance of the fir st rf
stage tu nes very br oadl y and when it is ad-
justed to dip between 144-148 me needs no fur -
ther attention a s positioning of the slug has no
measurable effect on operation. The plate coil
of the second rf amplifier and the grid coil of
the mixer stage are slightly staggered and
the pla te coil of t he mixer peaked for a pproxi-
ma t ely a 1 me por t ion of the ban d. Th e ga in
of the converter is such t hat adequate ga in is
obtained over the entire two meter band by
adjustment of the rf gain of the communica-
t ions receiver used. Swamping of the plate
coil of the 6688 with 5K resistor can be u sed if
Con verter fro m below: shows general positio n of com- more uniform coverage of the band is desired.
po nents and shieldi ng. Co nverter cou ld easi ly be mad e
smaller t han 5x1 size.
Th e front end is adjusted for min imal noise by
r emoving th e heater voltage of the fi r st 7077
evidence of spurious frequencies. T he In tern a - and adjusting t he n euter izing coil a nd input
t ional Crystal Company circu it recommended capacitor.
for crystals operating on their fundamental The oscillator chain is quite st ra igh t forward
frequency could be used here for more precise and is adjusted for maximum output. The trap
positioning of the injection frequency. is adju sted for 130 me and its point of reso-
6A U6 7077 668 8 12 AT7
7 071
7 071
UOOIAoo. AoolC0~.6.3
I •
1..001 I
:!: .. I, .OOl ~
- ---
1 1 '0
-- H' -" /
I I /
I L'
1, "
~ .
L51 i LO
,4- L.
001 +
f T
f I L4 ~
!, I ,aol
- :I:
I -s-
) ( 0 01 I
.../ ~ R 1 1 -,
I 0.'
I i·oo
' 500 l TOO, ,
,-, R"
• .001 ~
:,: ~
2 50V
-L ---l •
GAUe 40 40
, ~"""
'. / .001 1-
I '/ ~~ :
-~ r
IUO 15 47K LII - r 15
47K 20~
t~ I:lol-'" ~ 20
• 0
0 Ie
rlDO :i 0
- '.00l ~
Circuit d ia q re m of converter. All ca pec:ifors are in mm fd end all resisters may be 112
waf~1 a!fh?ugh seve~el I wett resisto!,s were used in mixer circu it. All bypassing in R. F.
Ci rc uit IS done Wit h sho rtest possible leads. Button ca pacito rs may be prefera ble.
nance is quite noticeable on a n incom ing signa l.
Thi s con ver ter , wh en tested w ith a n accu -
rately ca lib r a t ed rf tight volta g e sou r ce , gave from
a very not iceable s ig na l with les s th a n 0.1
microvolt in p u t . Ther e i s v ery littl e t endency
f or overloa d except from a ve r y p owerfu l local
Send for f ,.. Iiteratu r.
tra nsm itt er a nd t her e is ver y li t tl e evidence on th. Springfield .emi-
of cross mod ula tion. Th e n oise fi g u r e w a s not kit . and Vanguard
f a d a ry a u embled ra d io·
m easu r ed but t he gai n is such t hat t he rf g a in p ho nes. All mod e l. are
of t he comm u n ications receiver is kept reduced -. full y fran s i"arize d a nd
- -_ _..... ar. availa bl. with e i' he r
and even very, ve r y weak sig na ls pop out a s , upe"ege ne ra ' iv. o r . u_
if ther e w er e sq uelc h a ctio n. . . . \ V A 6E\VV perhe t re ce ivers. Printe d circu it converte rs e tee a vailable .
We have be e n su p plying a mate urs a nd ind ustry d irect
He rto re ncee from o ur f a ct o ry . inc. 1951.
lCo lTey , W illia m H . W 2 ZHI 7077 H F A mplifit'r fnt- t h e
IH 2\lt' jtaeyde Band G. E . H a m N ews . .Jenua r y-Fob rua r v
1959. 190·48 99th AVENUE • De p t. H· 3 • HOLLIS 23, N. Y
2Lickfeld , Dr. Karl G. DL3FM A Six 'I'u he E u r opean
S b lf' 1-1 5 :\oI C Ce n ve r ter CQ. Nove mber Itl60, pal:e 38.
ceu T able
L I-4 t u r ns #1 8 cop p er s ilver p lated %i " l.d. AI.p roll: .
Ih" long.
1..2-0.76 uh-l0 turns ~ 2 2 e na mel close wound Vi" iron
s l ug. Sideband On Six!!
L3-4 turns # 18 1,4" iro n s lug . Approx. " " lone. Audio t one g e nera t or
U - R F C bifilar fi lame n t choce 2 s t ra n,1s # 26 e n a me l VO X co nt rolled o pe ro li on
Ilh " long o n Vi " p lastic t u be o r rod. --
S" x 7" f ib regIo n P.C. boord
1..5-4 turns # 18 c op pe r s ilver pl a ted %" l. d. A I,pro x. 6 Shee" of draw ing .
L6-3 turns # 18 cop pe r s ilve r plated
%" Ld. Anp ro x, spo plu. 1st
pOlt. , e
L7-1 tu rn # 18 insulated wire at c old end of 1..- 5. Ohi e Ru ident. add
L8-20 tu rns # 2 2 ena meled close wou nd %" i ro n s lug. ]0 . Sa le. Tax
1..9- 1 turn #20 i nsulated w ire cold en d 1..-7. See Article page '0, this issue.
1.10- 14 t u r ns # 26 e namel clos e wound ( Tripl es).
1..11-1 0 tu r ns #26 e na mel close wou nd JA" ( T r iples ).
1..12-5 t urns # 18 %c" l.d. A pprox. Ih" ( Doubles) . C-Y ELECTRONICS
L1 3-5 turns ':: 18 %" 2.d. App rox, Jh". 3BI0 E. 36Sth STREET. WILLOUGHBY, OHiO
1.14-1 turn ':: 20 Ins u la ted wire cold end o r 1..-13.
Solu tion: .\I AVE RI C K II. This is a combi-
nation low pass fil ter and power indicator
which is d esigned express ly for six meter
use. T he low pass fil ter has nine individ ually
shielded sections and fi ve t un eable stages.
Th is resu lts in exceptionally low insertion AF-68 TRANS·CITER
Joss (less than I db) and a high atten uation
of harmonics (35 db rejection of h armonics 6 l hru 80 melers-VFO
of 8 me crys tals and other sp u rious signals in all bands-65 walls AM
the Chan nel 2 h and). wtll handle u p t o 400 and CWo
watts at the antenna . The power indicator
plugs in to the filter for remote power read-
ing (su p plied with a fou r foot ca b le) cali-
brated in watts. Size : 4" x 4" x 4th". PMR·8 RECEIVER
Price: $34.75 6 l hru 80 me te rs pius
Other Units: b roadcast band.
Maverick (same, hut no power
meter) $16.95
~ I odel F810 (5 filt ers, 80-1O ~ 1,
I KW) $24.95 Ope rates from 6 or 12
voll s D.C. and 115 volts
\Vrite For Complete Brochures (M·ID71-Power Supply in kil form.)
MAY 1962 ~7
Shrunk on Protection
Although not exactly new t o the industry, Be~or. Stvinking After Nom. Wall
Alpha Number Size Min. I.D. Recovered I.D. Thickneu
many amateurs may not be aware of the many
applications of shr inka ble plastic tubing. Alpha FI T·27So 5/16 5116" .500" .334" .025"
\Vire Corporation manufactures a line of this FIT·275-7/16 7/16" .693" .462" .025"
product known a s "ALPHLEX" which is avail-
able t hrough major distributors. This tubing imit y to a heati ng element, hot air g u n (elec-
is made from a modified, irrad iated, polyolefm t ric h air dri er ?) or by open flame if ca re is
base plastic that is thermally stable. T he tub- exercised .
ing is su ppl ied in expa n de d f orm and a s ize A typical amateur appl ication is shown in
should be selected t o just fit over the obj ect the photograph. Two sizes of the tubing are
to be covered. used to , v-ea t h er proof a U HF connector, co-
Controlled sh r inka ge to the predetermined a xial ca ble j unction. Characteristics of the
size occurs within 7 seconds wh en the tubing tubing used are as follows :
is s ubj ect ed to temperatures between 275 and Two sections of the 5/ 16" tubing are slipped
300 cF. H ea t may be applied by an oven, prox- over the cable and , after the PL-259A connect-
ors are insta lled, pushed over the fer r ules. A
length of t he 7/ 16" tubing is slipped over one
of the cables a nd , after the PL-258 str aight
adaptor is installed, pushed over the junction.
Ex posur e to heat (an oven wa s used in t he
:::::: ;;;:-:;.1.= == example sh own ) shrinks t he t ubing to provide
an insula ted, weather pr oof junction.
Space ha s not been taken to list the complete
range of available s izes of th is versatile in-
s ulat ion. A visit to your di stributor or a letter
to Alph a W ir e Corpora t ion w ill pr oduce t he
r equired data a long with infor mat ion on other
applications. . . . 'V 4'VK1\1
Every antenna fitted for vertical or horizontal polarization.
No additional hardware to purchase.
·2. Perfect matching guarantees maximum delivered power.
I 3. Modular construction. Basic double four easily converted to
HORIZONTAllY POLARIZED double 6 or double 8.
4. Absolutely no tuning at any l ime even when adding units.
5. Easily stacked - harness available for any installation.
S K E l- I; TO N SLOT 144 _1411 I4E GA CYC L.ES D EC I B E L S POINT
144S2 Double 2 8.0 34.0 70 $ 18.95
144S4 Double 4 11.0 18.0 25 23.50
144S6 Double 6 13.0 22.0 20 29.95
144S8 Double 8 14.0 27.0 15 36.50
144S1 6 Two Double 4 15.0 18.0 25 46.50
144S32 Two Double 8 18.0 27.0 15 71.95
144S64 Four Double 8 21.2 29.0 9 143.50
Wr ite DEPT. 73-5 for complete details
1209 West 74th Street • Chicago 36. Illinois • Phone 874-26 10
(ARC·S from p~g e 21 }
'\[ount a 3-30 mmfd trimmer across t he plate
st uds . S hunt t he two 3 mmfd capacitors in th e
grid leads to the final w ith two 2 mmfd ca-
pacitors to bring the total ca paci t y up to 5
mmf d.
T o improve dr-Ive for 220 the f oll owi ng grid
leak resistors s hould be s ubs t it uted for the
or ig i na ls. Osci llator-c-Szk, 2nd 162i>- 50k, fi r st
832A- 100k. fi nal 832A-unchanged.
T a ble 1 gives the approximate frequency of
each multipli er st ag e based on an 8 me rock
in the osc illator . As a final tou ch I ga ve the
tra ns mit t er a two t on e paint job, r eversed t he
name plate on the front of the t.runsmi t te r a nd
put on the decal s. The con trol box al so g ot a
spr a y of blu e pa int and th e decal s were a dded
for a better appearance.
The rig is tuned by mean s of a 3 / 16" nut-
driver and the coils are ad j usted f or m ax im um
ind ication on the me ter. These readings will be 2 METER CONVERTER, Xtol controlleo, 04 db
from half sc a le to full sca le, dependin g on th e n<li~ fig ure , S low neile VHF transistorl . Requires 15 mo @
inter-nal resistance of the meter. The final is 11-15 vue. Comple te wi th instructions, S 49 .95
tuned for d ip with the slug in t he final coil at 6 METER CONVERTER, }(tol conlrolled, 4db
neiloll' fig ure, 4 low n<l i~ VHf' Ironsilton . Req uire s 13 mo@
the front of the tran sm itter and loaded with 11 - 15 vee. Comple te w i' h instructions, S « .95
t he antenna coupli ng- (loading) ca pacitor . 2 METER PREAMPLIFIER, 4 db no ise fig ure , 21
E xcellent sig n a l r e ports h ave been r eceived db gain, ani), I • 2-3/8 inc~s for .as)' instollolion. Requires
with the T-23 and I a m qu it e sa t is fied w ith its 2. 5 mo @II-15yoe . Comple'e with ins'ruc l ions, S 12. 95
overall performance. By the way that 0- 1 rna
met er is a real rugged beauty a nd it costs le ss
t han two dollars. So, how about a trip to radi o
row to become one of the boys on VHF. S ee
you on 220.
£ -,-
L •
o 0
up to
.50 W ATIS
inp u t
com p le te ly - -<. 7- ~
se p or o te RF section s
Incl ud ing spee ch (] m p l i fll~ r
c od
req uires c Ma x 04.50 v 300 mo
W IRED and TES":"ED $124.95 Wr ite for f u ll dola
MAY 19b2 29
LAYER Nam e Symbol Descriptio n
./ SWITCH Sem ico ndu ctor de-
A v ice si mi l a r to a
Silko n Controlle d g as t hyr a t ron, ac ts
INPUT RG Re ct ifier lik e o n o rd ina ry d i-
'I ode th a t has been
-- modified to p revent
fo rwa rd cond uction
un til a small sig na l
is a p p l ie d t o t he
FIG 3 G C ga te.
• 100 WATTS
30 WAns
P.E.P• •••• •
Ii • ~
• Powe r Requirem ents : 400 volts @ 75 mils, 150 • Power Requirem ents : 600 volts @ 200 mils, 150
vo lts re g ula ted, 250 vo lts @ 100 mils, 6.3 fi la.
vo lts regu lated , 6.3 volt fil a men ts.
me nts.
• 300 watts PE P, SSB, reduced out put o n a m. • 3 DB swlteheble RF pad .
• 100 watts PEP, SSB, red uced out put on a m -
inexpe nsive fi nal a mp lifie r tube 6 DQ 5.
H orizonta l Me ter Read s: PA plate an relative RF o ut p ut, minimum of o pe ra ting ad justm ents necessary,
e:a:cellent shi elding , high stability a nd g ood d esig n layo ut to provid e ma ny hours of trouble-free oper-
ation. Ma tc hing powe r sup ply avai la ble to provid e a ll volta ges, swltehe ble o n pa nel betwe en 6 a nd 2
met er rigs.
MAY 1962 31
•• A
' ... ,...
• - New
Plwtogl'oph;t by Linda Gridley
I ~hl~;j
I I -t----"
, -_ + _-, 120 0 11\' "-----' "'"
12 . r
220 I
Sawtooth ener gy is applied to Rl wh ich
regulates the amount to be amplifi ed by V I.
R2 linear control m erely puts a portion of
regulated voltage on the Va ri-C ap and thus
sets the capacity of Vari-Cap close to its
center, so th e sa wtoot h pulse cr ea tes a linear
frequency swing. This ci r cu it gives about 6 kc
sweep. I have used TV horizontal coils for
L l and increased CI and C2 to .003 for 85 ke
and 50 kc opera t ion. However, to get enou gh
swing at low fr equ ency, the Val' i-Cap wa s
chang-ed to a 100 S C2. F or 200 kc to 10 me
the 6.8SC20 g ives ple nty of sweep.
MAY 1962 33
All Band Linear
David Gauger W9CJS
3900 Bluebird Lane South
Rolling Meadows, Illinois
people shy away from the advan- The set u p is sim ply a vfo into a SSB gen-
tages of SSB because of the high cost er ator into a final amplifier. The vfo used is
involved, and to be sure , one ca n spen d the t he old HT-18. F or the benefit of those who
proverbial " potful' on SSB equ ipment if he may be unfamiliar with the HT-18, it is a self
so desires. The setup d escribed here has been conta ined VFO provid ing sever al watts of
in use f or the last t wo years at this st at ion power out put directly on each band, 80 through
and ha s evoked nothing but complementary 10 meters. Because the SB-lO requires drive
comments b y othe r oper a tors , and yet its cost on the same band that output is desired on,
and com ple xity are li ttle more th an the aver- the IIT-18 is a natural choice for a vfo. How
age AM set u p. It is designed primarily for is the fr equency s ta bilit y you a sk'! The stabil-
SSB and C' V operation but does an admir- ity of my HT-18 is excellent. It will " ait" right
able job on AM a s well. on my crystal calibrator for very long periods
The entire arrangement cou ld be duplicated of time, even on ten and fifteen meters, and
for con siderably less than $200. If one is adept it is a stock model in that no additional com-
at scrounging various part s from sur plus gear, pensation or modifications have been made.
he might conceivably reduce the investment by I have never had a complaint of drift by any
a large amount; however, it is not intended st a ti on in the two years that I have operated
that anyone copy thi s arrangement exactly as SSB.
it is. Rather, I would hope that I can convince The vfo will drive the SB-IO to rated out-
some of the skeptics th at it doesn't take a put on all bands. Certainly the SB-IO needs no
fortune in gold to put a very respectable sig- introduction. Perhaps you have heard criti-
nal on the air, both in quality and S units. cisms of variou s troubles in the SB-10. Let
me say thi s, if one follows all the simple sug-
gestions for its operation that the Heath
Company provides, it will provide a good clean
signal with very ad equate carrier and un-
wanted sideb and suppression.
The final is simplicit y itself. It consi sts of
four EL-34 pentodes in parallel u sed in a
very common grounded grid configuration.
\Vith 1000 volts on the plates, one can run
250 watts pep on the lower three bands and
about 150 watts pep on 15 and 10 meters. On
C\V one can run 300 watts input on all bands.
Circuit Description
On th e final am plifier ch assis are in cluded
a low voltage sup ply f or the SB-10, the RF
Front view of the amplifier in finished form. sect ion , a nd it s 1000 volt power su pply. The
Below the meter are the pc ... er switch, the low voltage sup ply provides sli ghtl y over 300
meter seleete- switch and the plate power vdc a t a capability of 125 rna . The output
switch. The oth er six knobs are as follo.....s: top ca paci ty is 40 mfd as recommended, to help
left to right, band switch, and plate tuning: improv e the lin earity of the driver ou t put.
middle, a dummy knob on the left and the out-
put tuninq on the right ; boHam, CW / driver
T he fi nal consi sts of four EL-34's wi th all
barefoot / final switch. and fixed cap.city out- grids ground ed. No fixed bias is used. wtth
put tun ing switch. The panel is I/ a inch alumi- t his arrangement, the total final idling cur -
num in smooth grey, lolf2 x 19 inch es. The r ent is about 80 rna and provid es adequate
knobs are the author's design and were turned load for th e HV sup ply so that no bleeder r e-
from 11f2 inch alumin um turning stc c]; sistor wa s used. The cathodes of the EL-34's
CONVERTERS Topaz !'italic (",,",·~ rt~ .. ol"' ra te the majori ty or mobile tra"" m itt~,.,. a nd r..,~i" rfll. Th roulfh
n~'" "",orr I'UI in (<I n,'.Me. c i.-.:u it ry · th """ uni b d eli\' H m" re ....a ll. 1"'" dol la r Ihan an y com-
paraLk uni t. In addition, th,'Y """ ama lle. and lig hter in weight, a nd higher in ..,l1kirncy . Til; ,
in ..... ·"aL'<l "",,,i,,ll'" t hrou gh 1" "l'.'l" life of bal!>-.i • • and ge neral" . ".
:-<cw m"I<'1, He " OW ,,'-ailable d,',i l/n,',1 8pee ifi,'a lly fo r or IIrl al'lnlll,' (<0 the full" wing npp li_
.."tj""a :
specificat ions :
.\ 1,01/,/ (""WII 'IX;· · r 'n -"... ~,. ,,,II • ...Id.), ..lw .,I"l't,,!>l. I" Colli". A'If .I/ _1 ",..j 1\ 11".11-2.
0.,,,,,1.: hOO \ ' { Il: ( .a n ", ,, .. A I:>A)
1"0 \ "I JC ( .......j,,.~ .....~.4 )
0- 120 " DC Cp/l,. 0.""""'.
, ,., ••,,,,, p ri"'''rJ/' 1""'-"'
60 \ 'A .... ri....... 1
/H''','''' ..10'
$9 9.50
$ 1 19 .9 5 $ 13 4.9 5
~ ~hon circuit prol«1ed
. ~' - onIY 3*· 1 ~
• Epo1Hod ~ ic CO>mpunt'nts
"" ,.6,· ... "._ ... _,--,," ,_ ... ... . . - _... -_. _ ,
~ ------
• Ep<n:)'liher~lass printed cil""-'it boa rd
• Ae,..,,,.;hl~ l1-'f;1.!.<)l'Il, eun<wn"'l'l'(I and t rnn.i.t"",
• Regut.. 1<'<1drIve power 1m ""t11l1ong li f.!
and high ~mci~ncl'
are tied together and grounded through a 2.5 and I was trying to build the unit on a teach-
mh ric. D ri ve from t he S B-lO is applied direct- er's s a la r y, I decided to try half wave recti-
ly to t he ca t hodes and no inpu t t u ning is used fi cat ion and prove t o myse lf th at it would
or needed. Th e plate ci rcu it u ses a standard pi not work, before go ing to t he trouble a n d
sect ion comprised of a 250 mmfd plate tuning expense of incorporating a bridge circuit.
capacitor, and a three sect ion output tuning ) Iuch to my s u r pr ise, the half wave circuit
capacitor of about 1100 mmfd. An additional works. and does so, much better than I ever
switch is used to add fixed capacity if needed. dreamed it would. Believe it or not, there is
T he fina l t a nk coil consists of two coils , one no trace of ripple on my C\V note, even when
fo r t he lower thr ee band s, an d th e sm aller for running 300 rna to t he final. The plate voltage
fi ftee n and ten meter s. T he la r ger coil is an drop s f r om 1150 with 80 rna load t o 1000 volts
Il lu mitron ics var-i-pitch pi-dux, #2008D5 and with 250 rna load. T he familiar two tone test
is ser iesed with a smaller coil of 6 turns of on the final shows that the final begins to fiat
# 12 wire, 1 %" diameter 2 inches long. For top at about 250 rna .
40, meters, the large coil is tapped 15 turns
from the bottom end. On 20 meters, th e Construction
la rger coil is tapped 21 turn s from the bottom. A chassis of considerable size was needed to
F or t he t op two ba nds, th e bu ilder m ust aim- provide room for all necessary components.
ply expe riment to find the best taps. T he The chassis used is a Cadmium p lated steel
author's taps were a s fo llows: fifteen meters, job of dimen sions 17" x 14" x 2". T he panel
tap at 2 Ih turns from the lower end of the is %" aluminum, sp r a yed grey. The cabinet
s ma ll coil and for 10 meters, tap at 4 % turns is a s ur plus item painted grey to match the
from the bottom end. panel. The knobs were turned out of 1 72 "
The fir st high voltage power tran sformer aluminum turning s tock, and are the author's
used went up in a cloud of dense a crid smoke. des ign. The front pa nel meter is a Simpson
E v id ent all y it had picked up some moi sture mode l 29 h aving a basic m ovement of 1 rna.
a n d t he au t hor's ba king hadn 't do ne the job. The 300 rn a scale wa s obtained directly from
T he only replacement was a hu sky surplus unit t he S impson people at a cost of a little over
giving 1280 volts ac across the secondary with $1.00. The meter is lighted by two sma ll sub
a tap at about 250 volts from one end. There m iniature lamps placed through two holes
was no center tap, so a bridge circuit was con- drilled through the meter body at the top. It
templated. Since a bridge circuit is expensive, is recommended that the meter be removed
MAY 1962 35
from the case when thi s is done in order to socket , and a fu se post complete the rear com-
remove drill ch ips. Th e illumination is very ponents.
plea s ing and serves a s a pilot light. The meter A l\Ionimatch was const r ucted and mounted
is swi tched to read cathode cur r ent , high vol- on the back of th e cabinet . Its connections are
tage, f orward and r ever se indications from made through a three conduct or sh ielded cable
the bu ilt-in Monim atch, a nd rf voltage across which emerges through a grommeted hole in
the ant en na con nectio n. In each application , the back chassis apron and plugs into a three
O:1e s ide of t he meter is g rou nded. circuit j a ck in th e bottom of the monimatch
A f u nct ion s witch is placed on the front box.
panel which switches the SB-I0 directly to Up topside on the chas sis, the rf shield cage
the antenna f or local oper a t ion, a second posi- encloses the final tubes, tank circuit and tun-
ti on for normal amplifier operation, and a ing capacitors. The plate tuning capacitor is
CW position where th e output from the vfo a double section unit of about 150 mmfd per
is bypassed around the SB-I0 to drive the sect ion with both sections paralleled. The ou t-
cat hodes of the amplifier, directly. put capacitor is an old broadcast rad io j ob
A coarse loading s witch was fou nd to be having three sect ions of 365 mmfd each,
alm ost unnecessary. This amplifier can be paralleled.
loaded to full output into a 50 ohm non reac- On the front panel, to the left of the meter
tive load on 80 meters, without the u se of the switch is the main power swit ch. To the right
fixed capacitors. is the plate s witch. It is a center off toggle
The back apron of the ch assis includes a switch wired such that when in the down posi-
J ones plug connection for the ac power. The ac tion, only the low voltage to the driver is
line is bypassed bot h inside , at the t erminals on , and when in th e up position, both low and
and outside, with in the shell of the con nector . high voltage su pplies are on.
The line is filtered by an rf choke in each lead. No values in t he schem at ic are cr itical, save
F ou r coaxial connectors, the SB~10 power only the meter sh unt r esistances wh ich I pur-
6T .. 16 ENAM.
.001 SHUNT
'O~" SP3T
TO ANT _ ......
3P" SP6T
6 0 00 ~6 00 ..
o 10 HY
~ 1 2 ~ MA
I, ,I '"
~T~ 6' 000. ~T
6 00..
I~ ,.II
You are the proud possessor of sever a l hun -
dred watts of clean sideba nd power. On e
caution, watch carefully for signs of overdrive
in t he S B-lO. If your carr ier null is ha r d t o
obt a in or keep, once it has been reached,
ch a nces ar e that yo u are d r ivin g th e u nit
too hard . In th is ease, open up the lIT -18 a nd
detu ne t he output s lig htl y until the S B-1O is
no longe r overdi-iven. This may be necessary
on sever a l bands, a s the lI T- I 8 puts out a
real wa llop for a vfo unit. W hi le th e vfo is
ope n, remove the wires f'r cm the tu .i e s wit ch
on the fron t pan el and parallel the switch
ac ro ss th e keying' t ermina ls at the ha ck. Th is
facilit ates zero ing in on frequen cy without
p laci ng a ny carric r on t he air.
Top re ar view of the a mplifier with th e to p of
the fin al a mpli fier rf ca ge rem oved to show
interior detai l. At the re ar left is the low volt-
age power supply exce pt fo r filt er capa citors
which are mounted below. At rear center is the
H. V. fi lter eheke, a nd to its rig ht is th e H.V.
power tr an sform er. on top of wh ich is mounted
the input filter c apacitor. Note th e cooling fan
motor above th e eheke. Within th e cage one
can se e the final plate t uning ca pacito r to th e
left. It hid es from view the tripl e sectio n ou t-
put capacitor which is directly below. The fin a l
t an~ assembly and banndswitch can be seen
a lonq with th e extra coil for r0 a nd 15 meters.
At th e fron t right are the H.V. rectifier a nd
its fi lament tra nsfo rmer. Th e two small holes
a bove the met er a re to allow the two small
lig hting lam ps to be in serted above th e meter
sca le.
80ttom view of the a mplifier, pan el t o t he t op.
posely h a ve not g iven values for. I feel t h a t Th e two larg e ca pac it ors a re e ach 4 mfd a t
most people will use meter s h a v ing different 1500 vdc a nd a re parall el. Th ey a re th e HV
cha racter istics, an d in that case' differ ent filter capacit ors. Th e two small cyli nd rica l ee-
pa cito rs a re th e LV filters for the S8 .10 sup-
sh un t values are d ictated. T he a mplifier h a s
ply. At the bottom left o ne can see th e AC
not been de-T VI'd to a ny extent. The final line chde s an d bypa ss cond e nsers mounted
a mp lifie r ha s been e nclos ed in a ca ge, the line ne ar the J o ne s con nector and fuse post. The
has been filtered to prevent any great amount fo ur coaxial co nnectors are used as follows:
of rf gett ing back into the house wiring, and a from left t o riqht. RF in fro m the HT·18 eco,
parasitic su pp r essor h a s been u sed in the fi nal RF to the 58.10. RF fro m th e 58.10, a nd a m-
plate lead. Oth er than t hat no precautions were plifi e r out put t o th e Monimatch. In the upper
u sed, and yet no sign of TVI is seen on a left cor ner are the meter switc h a nd HV recti-
portable TV set whi ch is oper ating r ight next fi er socket. At top c e nter a re th e four EL-34
se ekers. At th e bottom right is the LV power
to t he ampl ifie r . supply. Th e c hassis is Cadm ium plated steel
14" x 19" x 2" a nd was " res cued from th e
Adjustment .lunx• box."
Operation of the combination I S s implicity There are seve r a l points in the design of
itself. The filame nts are allowed to r each op- th e unit that may draw a rg u ment from some
erating tempe ratu re a nd t he plate su p plies a r e readers who are more techn ically proficient
turned on . T he fi n al cathode cu r r e nt shou ld t h an 1. Among t hem, the most obvious would
idle around 80 to 100 rna. 'W it h th e vfo , S B-lO probably be the usc of a condenser in put , half
and final swi tched to th e sa me ba nd , say 75 wave r ectifier circuit. All I ca n sa y is that
meters, ca rrie r is inserted by detu n ing one of it wo r ks a nd works we ll. No doubt t he unit
t he ca r r ier null pot s on t he S B-10. As t he would be li nea r to a g reater power rating if
S B-lO is peaked for max imum output, the a differ en t power s u pply were u sed, however
cathode current sh ou ld ri s-e to between 250 linear ity is determ ined by a great m any
and 300 rna . Next, the meter swit ch on the th ings , and in my case, the amplifi er begin s
a mplifier is turned to t he forw ard pos ition on to flattop at about the sa me t im e the 8 B-1O
the monim atch a nd the final amp lifier controls begi ns to do so. Thu s, to run more peak power
are tu ned fo r ma ximum ou tp ut. Null t he car- would require seve r a l de sign cha nges . Si nce
rier on t he S B-1O, and turn up the gain. ( Turn to bottom of page 33)
MAY 1962 31
FSK Without Relays
Ted Hert W 5QJR
Sever a l articles have appeared in H am mag- Referring to the sc hem a t ic diagram, Fig.
azines illustrating diode keying circuits for I, th e switch is show n in the more conven-
t he F S K osc ill a tor used in RTTY st a t ion s. B y tional sh if t u p condition . The keyboa r d con-
extending t he idea , a ll the re lays ( except se- ta cts are closed in r esting condition , ca using a
lect or m a gn ets) in t he RTT Y system m a y be current t o flow through diodes CR l and CR2.
elim in ated. Th is includes the fo r m ida ble pola r CR2 is gated closed and pla ces C2 in parallel
relay, a devi ce t h a t is almost a s hard to u se wi th LI-Cl to cause th e oscillator to be at
correctly a s it is to obtai n. the lowest fr equ ency, F L (2125 f or AFSK).
Since most of the RTTY stations use a The .1 mf capacitor m ay be consid ered a sh or t
vacu um t ube keyer f or the selector m agnets, cir cu it f or the f requen cies chosen. When t he
t he only r emaining use f or the polar r elay is keyboa rd contacts open, fo r a mark condition,
to prov ide the capa bility of sh ift ing oscillator no curren t fl ows and CR2 is gated open. C2
f requency up or down to a chieve a fu nction is removed fro m t he tun ed circuit and the
paralleling t hat of upp er or lower sideb a nd f or frequ ency is determin ed by LI -Cl only a s t he
SS B st ation s. This fu nction ca n be a ch ieved high er f r equ en cy, F Il (2975 for AFSK) .
w it h diode keyi ng, th u s eli m ina ti ng all the
reason s fo r u s ing a pola r relay . E ven the cost 8+
of t he t h r ee d iodes r equi r ed is nominal a nd ISOV
the units arc available out of most junk boxes
an d at all elec tro nics p art s hou ses.
F ig . 1 is a sch ema t ic diagram of the di ode ,-/ SEENOl E I.
47 K
key in g circu it . The dashed lin e se pa r a ti ng the
oscillator tube and t he t ank circ uit indicates H'~ T
,-,----+-------~o B'
ISOV -'--"
------ MON ITOR ...
02 UF
47 K 47K R4 c,
R5 c,," c,," LOOP COpy
.02 IN34
39 K
--- I- CI RCUI T
10 K CR2
* ,'N3 4 C. RECEIVER
CRJ 1-1- R2
lTI~N~OO "'" h.. 1.8K '--B. WITH HAND KEY OR BUG
~ --- - - SHIFT
.II DN (
SWI UP With t he sw itc h posit ioned to the sh ift down
po sition a nd , since th e keyboard contacts are
TO closed f or spa ce, a positive voltage will be
R3 KEY&::l£l.RD applied to CR3 to pr event cur r ent flow throu gh
3 .9 K CQNTt>CTS the diod es. Th e circui t now r est s a t F H. A
FOR USE WITH ~, mark condition opens t he keyboa r d contacts
and a llows cur rent flow t hr ough CR2 ca using
tha t t he circu it may be u sed f or eit he r a n the oscilla tor to shift t o FL.
A F SK system wit h t he va lues shown or LI-Cl Whe n us ed w it h a 150 volt power supply
may be components of the VFO tank cir cu it current flow t hroug h the diodes is limited to
for t hose w ho p refer keying at t he r f f re- 2.5 ma by the bleed er re sistor networks, Rt,
quency. Th e values shown on the Schemat ic R3 , R4, and R5. Rl, R2, and R3 were chosen
f or LI-CI -C2 a r e app roxi mate only and should to provide pro per f r eq uency sh if t in both
be select ed fo r 2125 and 2975 cps. For keying switch positions, eliminating circuit interac-
the VFO choose LI-CI- C2 t o provide 850 cps tion s. e R3 should be a s ilico n diode, while CRI
sh ift at the fr equency de sired. a nd CR2 s hould be g ermanium diodes. Typical
430 Mc.-$9. 2S; 220 Mc.-$ 12.95; 144 Mc.- $ 16.00 (16 ELEMENTS)
MAY 1962 39
I found a half p int plastic b ottle, complete
with bottle cap and decided to u se it for a WANTED
coil form. I fir st painted a vertical dial on Tubes, Diod e s, Tran sistors, a ny quantity, all ty pes ;
the bottle w ith my X YL's red finger nail polish also Milita ry, C e mme rcl el La b-Grad e Test Equip-
and then wound the outside of the "coil form" men t, C omp one nts, PRC , GR D Equipm en t , Aircraft
with some number 20 wire, I put a sm all fixed Eq uip ment by C o ll ins. TOP PRICES. W rite details,
Bob Sa nett, W6 REX, V & H Radio & Ele ctronics,
mi ca capacitor a cross th e coil, a value that 2053 Venice Blvd., l os Angeles 6, C a lifo rnia .
made the coil and ca paci tor combination tune
to the middl e of th e broadcast band, I next
mounted a 1N34 d iode to the coil, another
s ma ll coil with one en d a s antenna and one WRONG FREQUENCY?
a s the ground wire and then hooked a pair Cha nge cryst al frequency w ith this uyslal etching kil .
Th is papular SAFE WAY k il supplies everything needed
of ea r pho nes up to it. It actually worked, it (e ve n for the pla ted type ), ammonium bi-f1uoride, con-
wasn't very selecti ve . . . in fact I could hear jo ine rs, holders and co m plete instructions. Shipped pest-
paid for $1.00. De Lux model $2 .00. Guaranteed.
nearly all of th e broadcast band at the sa me
tim e, but it work ed . I wa s p r oud of the little HAM KITS - B•• 17Ss, Cronfo rd , Now J e rse y
radio but st ill did not believe it was unique
enough to win a prize. I decided that it sa id , that the cat had gotten its tail caught
would have to be t unabl e. " That better way in the back door and it wa s almost cut off.
to tune a ra dio than t o vary the inductance He wa s trying t o decide if he sh ou ld cut it
of the coil, I thought? I got to looking for the r est of the way off or try to put a splint
some "Hi-Q Co re Material" to put inside the on it. We had sug gest ions to make but we
plastic bottle-something that I could slide in knew that unless the poor cat got some atten-
and out to u se a s a "tuner." I could think of tion pretty soon hi s cr ys of pain would drive
nothing with a Hi gher HQ" than a certain us crazy. Finally one of the boys could stand
Tennessee Sour Ma sh bourbon . . . referred it no longer, he called up a local pet doctor
to in better circles a s "B L J D." This was and phone patched him on the frequency. My
one ham exper imen t that I knew I would en- fri end with the cat carefully explained the
joy. I quickly filled the "coil" with BLJD, eat's trouble and the Doc spent about 15
put on my ear phones and began to slowly minutes carefully telling him how to amputate
" sip the core material." As the core level the eat's tail. My friend was not satisfied ,
got lower and lower, the radio sig na ls got however. He had another fellow to call an-
stronger and st r onger. By the time I got it other Doctor and th is one, via the phone
"tuned" half way up t he band t he signals patch, carefully expla ined h ow to put a splint
really began to come in . I will always swear on a eat's ta il. Now, I ask you n eigh bor,
t hat just a s I took the la st "tuning sip" that where else ca n one obtain the expert advice
I hea r d a ZL ca lllug "CQ G meters." I handed from th e lea ding cat doctors in New York
my "unique radio" to the ham-fest judges and Chicago in a matter of minut es a ft er
(complete with a full coil of Hi-Q core ma- such a ba d accident to a cat? W ha t I didn't
teria l) and expla ined how to "tune it." I knew tell my neighbor and reveal to you f or the
I wa s a su r e winner a s soon a s I noted the first time . . . yes, it was a fictitious cat .. •
judges s toop in g down behind the judges' st a nd I happen to know that the only pet my f rien d
to "tune" my receiver. A cer t a in radio maga- has is an old lazy hound dog. To hear the
zine Editor attended that ham-fest and I careful explanations from the doctors and the
noticed that he stooped a couple of times with qu estions put to them by my fri end was one
the judges. This mi ght explain why he nearly of the most enj oya ble hours I have ever spent
tripped twice while giving his little talk from with my hobby.
the judges' s ta n d later that day. After th e Tale No . 'F our : The Tr ial
contest I r eceived my "unique radio" com-
pletely tuned and the fir st p ri ze . . . a roll of Operating a Ham Station is a good way to
rosin core solde r. I r eached up on the shelf spen d a winter evening . I remember one time
and handed my most unique radio to my vi sit- we had a culprit on 75 meters that was always
ing neighbor, who by t his time was r eady t o g iving us all a hard time. One Saturday eve-
tune anything . H e was nearly convinced, by ning we decided we were tired of his actions
this time, that ham s do have a lot of fun. and decided t o have a complet e trial "on the
I proceded with . . . air." We appointed a Judge (who also acted
a s a net control sta t ion ) , a complete panel of
Tale N o. Th ree : The Cal Ope rat ion. jurors, th e defending lawyer and the prose-
cu t ing attorney. There were also many wit-
W hile cha tting one even ing on 75 meters a nesses. The trial lasted all night. It took
fellow ham broke in with a sa d stor y about nearly three hours of d iscussion for the jury
hi s little girl's pet ca t. 'Ve could even h ear to r each a verdict. Th e culprit was found
the cat in the background ever y once in awhile. guilty and the Judge sent enced him to six
It s u r e seemed to be in pain. It see ms , he weeks on two met ers.
MAY 19b2 41
Yes, SIr, a lot of fu n ny th ings happen t o My first victim wa s an old ex-buddy of mine,
ham s. I had a pretty hard time a f ew years Gr ump y. Gru mpy had an ideal ham sh ack in
back trying t o expla in t o my XYL why a a bea ut if ul P ine paneled Den. He h ad the com-
ce r ta in YL sho rt wave listener kept sending plete KW Collins SSB r ig with a fan cy clock
me swee t , perfumed, powder spr ink led letters. and bea m position indicator. Gr u mpy ser ved
My XYL just couldn't understand why the us all a delightful portion of Hi-Q core mate-
YL "fell in love" with my radio voice. By this rial a nd settled down at hi s oper a t ing desk to
time my neighbor had forgotten all about hi s tryout my little Tester. He spent a little tim e
TVI and r eally seemed to be interested in telling us about his fan cy clock th at had never
ham radio. He looked up on the shelf as he been off by more than two seconds, all the
put my "unique radio" back-less core ma- while carefully reading the tester instructions.
terial and noted a little alum inum box with Rather than take a fu se from some piece of hi s
an ac cord coming out one end. He sa id , "What gear he sa id he would t ry one of his spar es
is thi s little ga dget ?" It was my little fu se first. \Ve a ss ured him this would be a good
t ester and I proceeded with idea. Gr umpy carefull y tun ed his r eceiver in
T ale N o. Five : The Little Gem Fuse Tester. on 3980 kc. set the g ain cont rol and proceeded
Sometimes a li ttle fun can backfire. On e t o "test " the fu se. I sh all never f orget what
year, just befor e ham f est ti me , I was s itting happened when he tu rned t he switch to the
around tuning my "unique radio" and came ON posi tion. All the light s went out , the room
upon the idea of buildin g a little fu se t ester. was suddenly com pletely quite because the
I knew that I would st art out to the ham radio had also go ne dead. The clock stopped
fest, which wa s located over 300 miles away, too, of course and for a minute or two there
and probably s pen d a couple of nights with was a general scrambling noise from Grumpy
old buddies of mine. I wanted to have some and then a fla sh light wa s turn ed on. Grumpy
fun while at each place. I took the small opened up the box of spa r e fu ses and was
aluminum box and mounted a little fu se holder a bou t to put an oth er in the tester when he
on its top, a heavy ON-OFF switch on one cau ght on. Instruct ion 6 had said r epla ce fu se
end under a n eon bulb holder. I brought out -!JUt it di dn't say whi ch fuse. You see, the
an ac cord out t he opposite end after h ooking fu se h older on the tester was a dummy, hooked
it up "pr operly" in the li ttle box. The Little to absolut ely noth ing while the s witch wa s
Gem Fuse Test er was complete an d, after hooked directly acr oss the ac line wh en placed
on the ON posit ion. :\Iy ex-bu ddy , Gr umpy ,
the application of proper lettering on the ou t-
soon fo und another se r vice fus e and placed it
s ide, looked qu ite professional. The most im-
in the fu se box d own in the basement while
portant thing ca me next . . . the writing of a
we began to think of wa ys t o get out without
simple "Operation Manua1." The inst r uct ions getting shot .
read someth ing like this: My next victim was old Joseph. How was I
to k now t ha t he had hi s Ham Shack wired
CAUTION throu gh a 50 Al\'1P circu it breaker. He went
T h is tester is designed to test the one to t hrough t he same or dea l a s Cru mpy but when
te n ampere fuses contained In your ham he pl aced the switch on th e Little Gem Fuse
gear. Do not try to test any fuse larger T est er to th e ON posi tion there was a small
than 10 amperes. Follow instructions very
carefully." explos ion in s ide th e lit tle box and my little
tester went up in s moke. So, dear neig hbor, the
J. Turn rad io on and set dial to 3980 ke. Set li ttle box you hold contai ns a little charred
re ceiver gain control for comfortab le listen- mess of swi tch a nd wire. I've never had the
ing level.
2. Remove top of fuse holder lind insert fuse heart t o r ebuild it.
to be t ested. Carefully replace fuse holder l\Iy n eighbor, by thi s time, wa s con vinced
top. that we hams do have a lot of fun. He next
3. Place ON.OFF switch in the OFF position. asked. "I hear that you hams are a g rea t help
4. Plug the ec line into the nearest ac recep- during time s of d istress. Did you ever help
tacle. NOTE: This test is best conducted on anyone with your hobby"? I thought t o my-
your operating desk, The Test Lamp should self , "I h ave helped th is jerk , he has drank up
light when the ec line is plugged in. all my Sour Ma sh." I quick ly replied, however,
5. Turn the ON·OFF switch to the ON position. "Dh yes , I have done my sh a re I g uess ." I
The t est la mp should go out.
6. Replace Fuse. showed him t he '55 H u rricane Ha zel and '57
Kent uck y T rain \Vreck P ublic Service Awards
In maki ng up these instru ctions I wa s very I had han ging on t he wa ll. I next told him th at
ca ref ul to fill an ent ire pa ge with them. I t hen I felt th e most help I h ad ever been to anyone
had an out if some " sm a rt boy" wanted t o know was back in '49 when I helped in ... Tale N o.
what indication he shou ld get for a good or S ix : The Movement to Keep Grandy \Vindy.
bad fu se. I would merely st a te that I had lost Grandy, an old ex-buddy of mine, wa s per-
page two of the in structions but the action of hap s the windiest Texan ever to operate on
his recei ver tuned to 3H80 kc would let him ten meters. He broad ca st his bruggings to
kn ow if the fu se was good or ba d. ever y \VI, \V2, \V6 and W7 that he could h ook
10-15-30-40-75 METERS
.Now, Get Fixed S ta tion R eports with the " HUSTLER"
Buy o n ly t h e m a st and r e so n at o r s for th e bands you o perate. No need for matc hing devices, no feed line
length probl em s. U se a ny lengt h of 52 ohm ca b le. T h is is a new, efficient concept o f center load i ng.
Each o f the five resonators h as a coil specially designed for maximum radiation fo r a particu lar band.
Center freq u en cy tuning is by means of an adjustable stainless steel rod in the resonator.
The 54-inch fold-over, heat treated , V:z·i n c h aluminum mast permits instantaneous interchange of
r eso n ato rs . Mast folds over for garage storage. When opened to full height. the two sections of the
p erma n ently hi nged mast are held rigidly in position by a shake proof sleeve arrangement. Mast has
%·24 b ase st ud t o fit a ll standa rd mobile mou nts . Po w er r at ing i s 75 watts de input A.M. - 250 watts
PEP input f o r SS B.
MAY 1962 43
up with. He lived in a little T exas town about paign but that I f elt su r e it would have to
20 miles from myoId home QTH. One day j ust die a natural death. It finally tapered off
during a QSO with a certain \V7 it wa s sug - but it took sever al week s. Grandy donated a
r-ested that we should do our best to keep large truck load of beans and soap to an
Grandy windy. It wa s decid ed that if he had orphan home. I am su r e it was a windy place
nlenty of beans in hi s daily diet it would help f or sever al months . . . but very clean. Today
keep h im wind y. 'Ve a greed that we would Grandy is perhaps the windiest fellow in the
ask everyon e we talk ed to on ten met ers t o s ta te of Texas. Yes, ham radio can be most
sh ip Grand y a can or two of beans. Thus, the helpful and a lot of fun.
Rean Campaign wa s born. The local radio club My neighbor mumbled something about go-
thought it to be a good idea and we all really ing home. I helped him out the door after he
r-ot busy a sking f or beans for Grandv. \Ve promised me to do someth ing about all the
»sked everyone we talked to if th ey would al so TVI he wa s causing with hi s UHF Converter.
s-n-ea d t he word. \Ve \V5's talked t o the WI's, I then tuned around the 75 meter phone band
2's. G's and 7's. The \V7's covered the middle- to see what was going on. The usual stuff
west, the east coast hays covered the South. was heard. A gang of SSB operators cussing
Vctually, as it turned out, quite a few DX AM, a gang of AM operators gripping about
... tations zot into the act too. One of the boys SSB, QRl\I and a C\V st a tion telling off some
L. New York suaeested that it would al so be joker for calling CQ on his net frequency. It
a cood idea to include a bar of soap with th e was a t ypical evening and I wondered how
beans. This id ea cau ght on very rapidly. many hams were really having no fun that
Grandy began to get beans and soa p and J evening. I fired up myoId sideb and rig, set
mean he began to get ju st lots of beans and up my chess board and grunted a couple of
a- a n. One fellow even se nt him a full case of times into the mike. Soon the frequency was
each. Grandy became extremel y windy and in filled wi th such r emarks as, "I move myoId
fact h e got r igh t down irrational at times, black Mule t o King three ... I move my little
these times being every t ime someone a sked pawn on Rook f our to your Mule (Ham for
him about beans or soa p. He st ea dfastly re- Knight) three and capture y our old Lady
fu sed to open a s ingle can of beans or unwrap (Queen). About this time some joker dis-
a single bar of soa p. J decid ed to take my life gui sed his voice to sou nd like my opponents
in my own hand s and pay him a visit. I got and had me to move into a wrong play. All
to his hom e just a s a large truck from the heck broke loose. Luckily, we had a Judge on
post office pulled into hi s driveway. The post- the frequency foll owing the game and he soon
ma n unl oaded abou t 25 or 30 p ackages. I go t ou r chess game back on the right road.
a sked the P ostman if h e made many deliveries We threatened to "have a trial and try" the
to thi s address. lIe said, "Oh yes, I have made joker next Saturday night If he messed us
a trip n en rly every day for sever al week s now. up again. \Ve really knew, though, that he
A local ham told me that thi s fellow wa s on would try it again and all agreed that playing
a bean d iet and was tr ying out variou s brands chess on a clear ch a nnel wouldn't be n ear a s
f ro m all over t he world. I don't know what mu ch fun anyho w.
the soa p is for ." Since Grandy was not speak - I finally t hrew the big s witch and decided
in g to me, I had hi s XYL to sneak me in the to call it an even in g . Just before I left the
back door. I h ave been in some pretty big shack I took a long look around . There was the
Supermarkets in my day but I have never seen Little Gem Fuse Tester and the Unique Re-
as many cans of beans or a s much soap. ceiver .. . less core material ... on the sh elf.
Grand)' had built two large shelves f ro m floor A little clear plastic "pill bottle" containing a
to ceiling in one r oom . He h ad carefully un- s ma ll red ape with a bandage on its rear set
packed each package and had a complete r ec- on the spe aker. A little ta g wa s attached th at
ord of who sent what. I beat a ha sty retreat read, "A Texan complete with Saddle Sores."
before he got hi s sh ot gun loaded and gave a On the wall hung a large poster received in
full report at the next ham club meet ing. the mail one day. It adverti sed a gloriou s
A few weeks later I r ecei ved a telegram Cosmo-Color movi e entitled "Intimate Strang-
fro m my W7 fr iend wh ich r ead so met hing like ers," st a rring Jayne ~lansfield and .•. myself.
t his: " Stop Bean Cam paign. Think It is 11- I'll never k now who sen t these little mementos
legal." I quickly g r abbed the message and but you can bet it wa s a ham. Just before go-
headed down town to th e local FCC office. I put ing to sleep that night I wondered just how
th e question to th e local FCC In spector. Some many ham s devote their full hobby time to
few minutes la ter , after he recovered from a trying to "pass a law" our ham radio into
laughi ng fit (h e knew Grandy ), he expla ined some r egimented mess of clear channels or
th at t here was a rul e some pla ce about solicit - j ust worry them selves to sleep ever y evening
ing an yth ing of value over the air. He advised over th e QRl\I. I decided to r emain an "om-
tha t ou r Bean & Soap Campaign might be phaloskepsi s" (look that one up in your dic-
con sidered as being on the fringe of " solicifing tionary) and remain one of the many who st ill
someth ing of value over the air." I agreed have a good time with ou r hobby-ham radio.
that we would do all we could t o stop the cam- . . . W4WQT
R. B. Ku ehn W¢HKF
12 12 Bellows St.
St. Paul 18, M inn.
Receiver Anthology
1961 Ha mma rlu nd HQ- l OO .1 69.00 R ~IE V H F 2·11 146.00
Colli ns 75S·3 620.00 Hamma rlund HQ-1 40X .249.50
H a m ma r-l un d HQ-1 50 . 295.00 1948
Hal l ic ra f'te rs 8 118 99.95
Hallicrafte rs 8 119 49.95 H a mma r -l und Ha llicra f ter s 8-5 1 149.50
HaIlicrafters 8 120 69.95 PR O-310 595.00 H al licra fte rs 8 -53 79. ':;0
Nati on al XC- 190 199.50 H ea t h AR -3 27.9;) Hallic ra fte rs S X-62 .. 269.;0
N a tiona! NC-3 03 419.00 R)IE -4300 194. 00 National H FS 125.00
N ation al NC-33 69.95
1960 1955 N ut .on nl NC· 108 99.50
Drake 2B 2 79.9 ;) Collins 75A·4 595.00
Gonset G ·G :~ 239 .50 GPR-90 395. 00
HalIic rafters SX- 99 . . 149.50 Coll.ns 75· A 53 0.00
Heath GC-l Mohican .. 99.95 Coll ins 75·AI 373.00
H alllcr a f te r s S X-62A .395.00 Hallicra ft ers 8 X-100 . 29i.0 0
lIallier after s S X·380 . 49.95 Halli cra fters 8 X- 16 .. 125.00
Hallicrafte rs SX- 115 . 595.00 Hall icrafters S40- A . . 99.50
Hallicra fte rs S X- 140 .1 09.9.5 Nation al ~C-300 . . . . . 349 .95
National HR O-7 311.36
Lafayette H E·30 99.50 1954 Nat ional XC·46 101.4 0
National NC-270 2·H).93 National NC- 173 179.50
National N C·400 895.00 H alli crafte rs 8 -85 . . .. 119.95
Hall icrafters SX-96 . . 249 .95 Nat ional NC· 183 269.00
R)IE 6900 349 .00 National NC-200 159.50
Nation a l NC-98 149 .95
1059 R)IE HF 10· 20 77.00
1953 RME 84 98.70
Dr ake
< 2A • • • •• • • • • • • 269.95
Gonset G·33 89.95 H a llicra f ters 8 -38C .. 49.50 1946
Gonset G-4:l 15!UiO Halli cra fters S-53A .. 89.95
Ha lli cr uf' t ers SX·88 .. 499.95 H a lli er a fl er s S 20R 60.00
HalIi crafte rs 8-107 89 .95 Hall icra f't ers S221! 74.50
Hallicra ft ers 8- 108 129.50 H am marlu nd HQ-14 0X.2G4 .50
H eath A R·2 25.50 Hall icrafters 8 X-25 . . 94.50
Hal licr nf ter s S X-I 10 . 169.50 H a lli era fl er s S X·28 A .223.00
Halli crafters SX- l ll .249.50 N at ional NC-88 119.95
H allicrafters 8-36X . .4 15.00
H a lli er a ft er s S X- IO I A .399.50 1952 Halli cra fte rs 8-38 . . . . 39.50
H a mma r lund H Q·180 .429.00 Collins 75 A-3 550.00 I1 allicraf ters 8 -39 11 0.00
La fa yette KT· 200 .. .. 64.50 H allicrafters S X-73 . . 975.00 Hallic rafte rs 8 -40 79 .~0
Howard 437A ...•... · 54.50 1938 National NC-I00 ..... 140.60
National N C-45 . . . . . 57.50 H a m ma rl und HQ-120 .129.00 National NC-I0IX .•. 125.00
RM E 41 . . · 94.50 H owa r d 430 . .. 29.95 P at t er son P R-16 ..... 95.70
RME 43 . . 109.50 Howa r d 440 . · 69.50 RCA A RC-175 • . .... . 119.50
1940 National NC-44 . · 49.50
II allicr a f ter s S X-23 . . 115.20 N a t iona l lI RO . . 179.70
H aIlicra fters S X-25 . . 99.50 UME 70 . ., ., ., ., ., . . 138.6 0 S uper Skyr ide r ... . 79.50
Hallicr a ft er s 8 -27 .. . .175.00 1937 National F BX-A . •• . • 51.50
H a Ilicr a ft er s SX-2 8 .,159.90 Patterson P R-12 •••• . 101.70
. , .149.50
H a ll icr a fte r s SX-15 ., 69.50
Howard 490 • RME 69 .,.. .. .. ... 134.90
Hallicrafters SX-16 • • 99.00
Howa r d 437 .. . . . 54.50 RCA ACR-136 . .....• 69.50
KationalONE-T EN · 85.00 Hammarlund RCA AR-60 ..... ., .,495.00
National NC-200 . . . . . 147.50 SU PE R·PRO . . 255.70 Sargent 20M A •.•.•• • 59.50
Nati on a l HR O National N C-80 . · 88.00 TO BE .... .... .,.,., 41.40
Natio nal NC-81 . · 88 .00
( RAC K) 00., 00 00 . . 320.00
R CA AR- n . • .,., . 154.50 UCA A CU-ll . . . . · 46.00 PRE 1935
RME 99 ., . . 139.20 Sargent Model 11 . .. · 44.50 National T hrill Box .. 34.50
National S \V3 • • • • • •• 14.42
1939 1936 National F B7 26.46
H a llicr a ft er s S X-17 00149.50 Hallicrafters Silver Marshall SM-735 64.90
Hallicrafters S20-R .. 49.50 Sky Buddy . 29.50 Silver Marshall
H a llic r a ft e r s SX-24 .. 69.50 Hallicrafters S~I -737 . ., ., .. .,. . 139.60
H ow a r d 438 ••...... · 49.95 Sky Chief • • • • • • • • • 44.50 Hammarlund
National NC-I00XA . . 142.50 National lI R O Junior . 99.00 Comet P r o • • • • • • • • ?
o..'~bt". ,i1v,", Fa voM e ~f!ry' Increase power by 50 %.
pl~ 'ed. prKI.iO<l ........,.,,, P, rc: ••;on R un 240 watts AM -30 U wa tts CW o r 8 S B. Complete
rn..de. On ly ~ e" ......:le. ....ned ki t a nd ins t r uc t ion s for adding another 6146 to final
hole i, necde'd. loc1<ine t ype o nly $19.95. S imila r k it fo r TX-l. Order o r write.
no S("'nYS. S,I",.., p r", N .
"'•. . . . . .70 eo... . . . 1.25 BEST RADIO SERV iCE
6 10 N. Madi$o n Go ldsb o ro, N. C.
DOW - KEY COM PA NY, Thief River Falls. Minn.
. :::: .:
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MAY 1962 47
3- "
C ity ,, Stale' _
MAY 1962 49
A ~~
Fig. 3
THE n eed for a new rece iver and th e price and it extends eleven inches behind t he panel.
a sked for commercially built model s which The completed r eceiver is shown in Fig. 1. F ig.
would meet the requirements of operation on 2 is the block diagram of the receiver. The
the a ma t eur bands today leaves the amateur receiver covers the desired frequency range in
with the choice of mortgaging t he homestead 8 bands of 500 kc each. Each of the ba nds is
or engagi ng in a do-it-yourself project. T he beat down to a va riable fi r-st if of 2500 t o
wr iter decided on the do-it-yourself project. 3000 kc by a crysta l controlled injection signal
The experienced builder should not be intimi- higher in frequency than the received signal.
dated by any apparent complexity of the fin- The output of the first mixer (V3) is fed to
ished receiver. The entire project was con- the first if amplifier (V4) and th en to the
s tr uct ed with only hand tool s and a % inch second mixer (V5). The tuned circuits in the
drill press. No doubt, most of the holes drilled fir st if system and the second oscillator are
with the press could have been done with a tuned by a three gang variable capacitor of
hand drill. the type used in Fl\1 tuners. This capacitor, in
Before the construction project comes the turn, is mec ha nically coupled to permeability
design pro] ect. It was necessary to decide on tuned coils which t une the rf am plifier a nd
the genera l features requi red in t he receiver. first m ixer.
The fir st requirement was the coverage of all The output of the secon d mixer is fed into
amateur bands from 3.5 to 29.7 me, with s uffi- the second if amplifier system which consists
cient s ta bilit y to receive SSB on any of th e of two st a ges. The first st ag e in thi s syst em
ba nds. About the only way to accomplish thi s ( V6, the second if amplifier) is a 6CS6 con-
is by using a crystal fir st oscillator and a vari- trolled amplifier, the third grid of which is
able if system. Other features desired were: A cont rolled by the output of the n oise limiter
Lamb noi se s ilencer , selection of upper and system which consists of the 6BA6 noi se if am-
lower side band without retun ing, a quick at- p lifier (V12) and a cr yst al detector. Also,
tack-slow release AVe system, a Q-mu ltiplier, con nected to the second if amplifier plate is the
and a p roduct detector. All of these features Q-mu ltipIier which uses a GU8A tube (VI3) .
were designed and built into the 85 B. 14. Th e second st a ge in t he syst em (V7, the t h ird
The resulting receiver, including the power if amplifier) is a 6A U6 which is used mainly
s upply is built behind a seven inch rack panel, f or isolation of the second and third if trans-
3 LIS C'~~
.34 ." .'0 .36
:* R1'O V8S
". o
. S> ."
'..!.... S 113 o::::J
V2 12 AT T
<::I 14 Vl4 •• , III
t?~J::l ~C19 c C88 re ::--( s,
~~ ,,_ I /= ~ =1
-'- c e
"" S.'
. --- CJ 7 "1'C83 ~ r ~~~11It--t----r----:j
)--- IISV AC.
;, ••68 SR,
• •• R64 cat:::; 656is
.57 .09
M AY 1962 51
3.S - 4.0 I I ,.
10 - 7.5 Me: ,
2 0 ,
140 - 14.5
2 5 , tol e .
... e s
280-28 5 W"
285 ·,90 Woo
29.0 - 295 MCI
29.5 -300 Mc , 2.5-30 Me s 455 K ' I
1ST NXJ f--- 2 NO MXJ
vt '-;,-- v<
, "'
vie V9 V~
• -
X TA I.. •
"'0 ,
I ..
... 0 MOl'
'" V" ", ".
Fig. 2
formers in the system. Additional capacity may to the interstage circuit to in j ect t he beating •
be switched across the if transformer wi nd ings s ig na l into the grid of the mixer circuit. On the
to move the if syst em r espon se, thus permittin g lower frequency bands th e coupling is capaci-
the selec t ion of eit he r the upper or lower side tive, and on the h igher frequency bands the
band. coupli ng is inductive.
The output of the secon d if syst em is fed Since there are no variable capacitors, con-
into a ca t hode follower ( V8 A ) which drives trollable from th e front panel, con nected a cross
t he A:\I and AVe detectors, and into the first t he interstage and oscilla t or circuits, it is
grid of th e 6CS6 (V14) product detector. The necessary to install trimmers to compensate
detectors are followed by a two st age audio for ch a nges in tube ca pa city and for ease of
amplifier con sisting of a 6C4 (V9) and a initial alignment. e8, 9 and 11 are th e trim-
GAQ5 (VIO). P la te and heater power for the mers for these purposes.
receiver are furni shed by a Triad R-73 B It will be noted th at there are two permeabil-
tran sformer follow ed by a silicon bridge recti- it y tu ned circu its in t he grid circuit of t he rf
fl cr and a choke input filter syst em. The out- ampl ifier and two in the in ter -st a ge circuit. Al-
put of the plate su ppl y is app roximately 120 though it is theoret ically possible to u se one
volts . Operating the rece iver at a low pla t e permeab ility tuned coil to cover all eight of
voltage and t he eli m ination of t he r ect ifi er t ube t he 500 kc bands de si red, because of t he st ra y
greatly reduces th e heat g en erated inside th e capac ity of the coils designed for u se on t he
receiver. lower f r equencies, it is not possible to use
To proceed w ith th e detail ed description of them at a s much a s four times t he lowest fre-
th e circuits, we t urn to Fig'. 3. \Ve h a ve two quency. It is possibl e to u se t he coils designed
antenna input term inal s. The low impeda nce for 3.5 to 4.0 me on 7.0 to 7.5 me, but we must
t erminal taps into the first tuned circu it and have another set of coils to cover the frequen-
the high impedance t erminal con nects directly cies above 14 mc.
to the top of th e first tuned circuit through a The permeability tuned coils mu st be sh un ted
sma ll ca pa ci tor. C2 is th e antenna trimmer, with capacity on the lowest fr equency band on
\.... hich also furni shes the minimum circuit ca - which t h ey are used, and with ind uctance and ,
pacity on the higher f req uency bands. C4 capacity on the high er frequency bands. The
passes the rf s igna l to the g r id of VI and accompli shment of all the necessa r y switching
blocks the AVC voltage, furni shed through calls for a relatively complex swit ch ing device,
RI, from being sh unted to ground through so a Standard Coil TV turret tuner syste m
the input tuned circuit. was adopted a s the heart of the receiver front
The plate of VI is coupled to the grid of V3 end. The t uner chassi s a nd the coil strips are
by Cl 5 and t he interatage circuit is tu ned in a com pletely st r ip ped, except for the contact
manner sim ila r to the input circuit. The plate strips, and t he tuner chassis is bolted to the
circuit of V2, the crystal oscillator, is coupled Inside of a 5 x 9% x 1 % inc h chassi s which
hold s t he tubes, permeability t uned coils a nd
L5. L6 wound o n Millen osc illator crystals . The turret and its a ssoci-
69046 coi l fo rm with oS ated st ri ps sw itch into the circuit t he desired
lengt h of 1's" polysty ~ permeability tuned coil and t he necessa r y shunt
rene tu bing inserted in capacity and /or inductance. F ig. 4 shows the
end. wiring of the st r ips for the eight bands. There
l 4. l 7 wound on Millen was not sufficient room to include the oscillator
69046 coil form. Wind- crystals into the turret a ssembly so a switch
i ng distributed as wafer was mounted on the f ront of th e turret
shown. chassis to switch in the desired oscillator
• •
7mc W.A.C. In 1 hour 11 minutes
An Amazing Accomplishment with
the Ny-Gain Ny-Tower by W6BYB
" . . . I can honestly tell you thot after over a yea r's u se with
this (Hy -G ci n 18HTl lower it is the best thing I have ever
used - especially on 40 and 80M. J'm not ru nn ing a Co li-
fornia KW into it ei the r . . . On February 12th, 19 61 , I
wo rked all continents on 7mc in 1 hour, 1 1 m inutes . . .
J have all ca rds confirmed'" . . . I olso hove worked all
continents on 80M - receiving a 599 report f rom ZSIA,
Ca p e to w n - 579 report from G5WP, etc. Also lost March
I won the plaque from the North California DX Clu b fo r b e st
total 40 /80M score in our annual low frequency contest. So
you see I am really happy with the performance .• •"
o ."
:!~- 40
o "o ~
36 T"' 26E ZQ T '" WE
37T ... 2 6 (.
1'1.0- 1'1 ~
o c
7. 0 - 7 3 A'iO 21 0-21 5 ~ tI COILS WOl.N:l ON 1/40l A POLYSTYRENE ROOS. AI.. .. OTHER COILS Wo.Jtol[) ON OR,G1 NA:. FORM::;
Fig. 4
cr ysta l when t he t urret is rotated . The t u rret a ceramic form and a cathode follow er is used
sha f t is flatted to fit the rotor of the swit ch to isola te the oscillator from the load.
wa f er . Figs. 5 and 6 show the front end chassis C22 is driven by a cable drive arrangement.
• details . The sa me cable is used to drive the dial which
Th e outpu t signa l from t he m ixer is passed is mounted on the w indlass sh a ft which oper-
through a parall el reson a nt 6')00 kc trap (C 17, ates the eleva tor f or the fou r slug tun ed coils
18 and L9 ) which elim inates, or r educes to a (L4, 5, 6 a nd 7) u sed in t he front e nd of t he
negligible level, a few bird ies fou nd on the 3.5 r ecerver.
to 4.0 me band. F ollow ing the trap, t he signal The o utput of the second mixer is f ed in to
is fed into the in put circu it V4, the first if Tl. Th e 'I'L , T2 and T 3 a re if cathode traps
a mplifier. H er e t he r f s ignal is pa ssed to the from ~lN-26 radio com pass receivers. The in-
grid by C23 whi ch blocks the de f r om flowin g ductors in t hese trap s are enclosed in f errite
between the tu ned circuit a nd t he AV e sys- pots with adju stable cores and the Q at 455 kc
tem. Anoth er tu ned cir cuit form s the inter- is in the vicinity of 200 . The 5000 mmfd ca -
sta ge cou pl ing between V4 and V5, the second pacitors ori ginally connected across the in-
mix er. The beat in g sig na l to beat the fir st if ductors a re removed a nd the capacitors show n
s ig na l down to 455 kc is furn ished by Vll in the diagram subst it u ted. 82 se lects the
\vhich is connected as a pentode grid tickler proper additional capacitors to move the band-
osc illa t or a nd a triode cat hode f ollower. The pass of th e if syste m from the upper side band
pla te a nd screen voltages of the oscillator are to either th e center band pa ss or the lower s ide
regulated by ZI , a 62 volt zener diode. band.
Th e circu its associa ted with t he first if am- Th e f ull volta ge a cr oss t he seconda r y of Tl
plifi er, second m ixer an d second oscillator are is appli ed t o the grid of Vl2, the noise if a m-
t uned by C22, a th r ee gang F:\l t uning capa ci- plifier. On e-tenth of t he secondar y volta ge is
tor . Because t he ca pa cit y variat ion of this ca- applied t o th e grid of V6, t he cont r olled if am-
pacitor is so sma ll , it was necessary to tak e plifier. Thi s makes available suffi cient voltage
some precauti on s to insure sat isf a ct or y osc' I> to prop erly operate the noi se silencer without
lutor sta bili t y . The oscillator coil is wound on danger of overloading the rema ind er of the if
, -
Figs. 5 and 6
MAY 19b2 55
R38 varies the cathode bias on VI and V4 the BFO and the signal generator with the
and in conjunction with R37 and R69 forms BFO tuning capacitor set at midscale. S3 is
a bridge circuit for the operation of the S then reset to AM.
meter. 82 is set for t he lower side band and trim-
T he audio amplifier is a conventional two mers C35, 39, 43, 45, 51 a nd 53 are a dj usted
st age system with about 6 db of inverse feed- for maximum response at 453 kcs.
back appli ed t o lower t he output impedance of W ith 56 set at PEAK, 53 set on AM, C82
the sys tem and to pr event extr eme voltages set at mid range, and R59 set so Vi 3 is osc il-
from bei ng developed across t he primary of T4 la ti ng , Li 3 is a djusted to g ive a zero beat be-
in case the load is removed from the second- tween t he BFO and VI3.
ary of T 4. A closed circuit jack in the second- Next the BFO and the Q multiplier are
ary of T4 allows the use of headphones, and turned off and a 455 kc modulated signal is
it cuts off the audio signal to the speaker jack applied to the grid of V5 and adjusted for an
when a plug is inserted in the jack. R23 is a audio output well above the noise level. T he
r esi stor load used to mainta in t he stability of noise limiter system is then turned on and t he
t he am plifier u nder all conditions. gai n of V12 incr ea sed until an incr ease in the
The power transfo rmer, T 5, f eeds into a sili- output signal is observed. The pri mar y a nd
con bri dge rect ifier a nd t hen into the choke secondary of T 6 are then adjusted t o give
inp ut fil ter system consisting of L1 6 a nd C92. max imum output. C76 is then adjusted to give
Further filtering for all circuits, except the a minimum output.
plate of VIO, is done by R66 and COL R67 ' Ve are now ready to align the first if sys-
and R6S act as a bleeder system and furnishes tem. To do this we must connect a signal gen-
30 volts to screen grids of VO and VI4. erator covering the frequency range of 2500 to
The entire receiver is built on a 10 x 17 x 2 3000 kc to the grid of V3. By adj usting the
inch chassis, which is mounted an inch beh ind trimmer capacitors at t he h igh frequency end
t he 7 x 19 inch rack pan el. Special end brack- of the band and the in ductor s at t he low fre-
ets were made to s implify the r emainder of t he quency end of t he band, it sho uld be p ossi ble
receiver en closu re . U nder-chassis partitions to get the desired coverage a fter go ing through
were placed between the various stages of t he the ad j ustment process a few times. Once all
r ecei ver to min imize birdies and in st a b ili ties. the adjustments are considered to be sa tisfac-
Because of the low if gain in the receiver, the tory and the tracking of the three circuits is
if interstage partitions may well be superflu- proper, the dial may be calibrated. This should
ous, however it is easier to build them in in be done with an accurate frequency meter or
the first place than to add them after the re- frequency standard. When the dial is being
ceiver is fi nished. See Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10. lettered, it must be remembered that t he high
After the construction of t he receiver is frequency end of t he first if band is t he 10\"
completed, we may begin the pr ocess of align - en d of t he input fr equen cy band. Th us a first
men t a nd calibration. T he rf gain control is 1f of 3000 kc corresponds to an inp ut f requency
set at minimum gain S3 set at Al\!, noise of 3500 kc and a first if of 2500 kc corresponds
lim iter turned off, Q multiplier set at reject to an in pu t frequency of 4000 kc. By having
and R57 set at maximum value. S2 is set for the first figure, or figures, of the desired band
the upper sideband and the if transformers on the dial mask, it is necessar-y to have only
are aligned to 457 kc. The Q multiplier is two scales on the dial. One from 0 to 500 kc
then turned off and C77 is adjusted for maxi- and one from 500 kc to 1000 kc.
mu if response. The a lignment of the front end of the re-
S2 is t hen set at the center position and ceiver b ecomes a li ttle more tedious, but it is
t rimmers e36, 40, 44, 46, 52 and 54 are a d- not difficult. The crystals an d tu rret strips a re
j usted to set the if bandpass to 455 kc . With inserted f or one ba n d at a time, start ing with
the s ignal generator set to produce an u nmodu- the lowest freq uency. Th us the 6500 kc crystal
la ted signal at 455 kcs, the S3 is set to SSB, and t he 80 meter strips are placed in the re-
L14 is adjusted to g ive a zero beat between ceiver and a signal generator covering t he band
is connected to the antenna. With the gen-
• erator and receiver dials set at 4000 kc, the
antenna trimmer and trimmers cn and 11 are
adjusted fo r maximum signal. The generator
and r eceiver dia ls are t hen set for 3500 kc and
the antenna tri mmer a nd en ad justed for max-
im um r esponse. If t he t ri mmers requ ired an
increase in capacity, the coil slugs should be
lowered furt her in to the coil fo rms. If they
requi re a decrease in capacity, the slugs should
be withdrawn slightly from the forms. It may
take a few adjustments before satisfactory
track ing is achieved. Once the 80 meter band
is finished, we may move to the 40 meter band.
The 5000 kc crystal and t he 40 meter strips
[ll4L 1iIl 4 SI( WITH OfIILT OfIIE
Exclusive Features
Other Mini-Products of Model 8-4010
Compact Antennas 40 plus 10 meters
f or 6 ,1 0 - )5 - 2 0 m ~lers
• N e w end l oading r or
C48LE OftUN m aximum r adiation effi-
_ I CH DRIVES • Mode l B-24
TtN"IG C APll,OTQFl T wo E le m ent B ea m cie- ncy ", No e<:nt<:r loadi n ,
N et - $54.95 employed.
~. , . -- ..".~\
- ~
• E le m ent length o n ly 20' ;
[LEVATOR llr'l"lOl.A SS • M o cf.el C· 4
boom 10 '.
., C o ax ia l Ve rt ic a l
(no r a d ia ls ) • A bou t 22 Jbs, in weight,
:• 0 I/.r N o< - $34. 9 5
• Feed line 50 ohm coax.
x -,
. ~/
• M odel M ·4 M obite
• S W R . , . 1. 5 :1.
" . ' a -b a nd - 5' 3" high
N o< - $16.95 • R a t ed forf ull l OOO W -A. M.
,. Pa l t"n l .• p .." di n ~
Mo d e l 8.4 01 0 Amoleur
N et -
are inserted in t he receiver a nd t he s ignal gen-
erator and the receiver dial are set for 7200 ~_" s; $79.50
M AY 19b2 57
is possible to horne build a receiver which is
modern in ever y respect and one which is
equal to, or better, than the majority of re-
• ceivers which may be bought commercially.
. . . Bernard
t s, L9 20T #26 E close wound on a :Vs" diam-
eter form
lI0 7ST #30 E close wound on a National
XR.72 form tepped at 40 turns from
bottom end
LII 7ST # 30E close wound on a National
XR·72 form
lI2 Plate winding is 60T #26 E close wound
250 kc each s ide of center. and tapped 20 turns from cold end of
Naturally, after having built the receiver, coil. Grid winding is lOT #30E wound
next to cold end of coil. W 'ndinqs are
there are some suggestions that I would make wound on National XR·62 form with iron
to anyone wi shing to build one like it. T he slug rem oved and a silver disk 1/ 4" di-
first is one t ha t would result in a little more ameter substituted
ease of construction. If I had it to do over
aga in, I would leave 1 % or 2 inches between lI 3 Miller #6300 fe rrite antenna
the front panel and the front of t he chassis. lI 4 Permeability t uned coil .4 to .6 Mh.
A larger tuning capacitor for the fir st if sys-
tem would make it easier to achieve the de- LIS 2.5 Mh RF choke
sir ed second oscillator stability. If the con-
lI 6 10 H 100 Ma fi lt er chOke
st r ucto r has or can obtain a tuning capacitor
with a st r a ig ht line frequency characteristic Detai ls of Tu rret Tuner Staips
and a b. C of about 150 mmfd per section, I 28.0-28.5 Me. JOT #22E JOT # 22E 14T #26 E
would highly recommend it as a replacement t a p ped at 6T
for the capacitor specifi ed. If t he capacitor h a s 28.5-29.0 Me. 28T # 22 E 28T # 22E 14T #26 E
four sections in stead of t hree it would be pos- t ap pe d at 6T
sibe to use a double tuned circuit bet ween t he 29.0-29.5 Me. 26T # 22E 26T # 22E I JT # 26E
first mixer a nd the first if am plifier. This tapped at 5T
would possibly give enough rejection to make 29.5-J O.0 Me. 25T # 22E 25T # 22E IJT # 26E
the 6500 kc trap un necessary. t a pp ed at ST
For t he designer who wishes t o use some P ARTS L IS T
means of producing if selectivity ot her t han Cl 100 rumfd GP cerami c
the double tuned transformers described , t here C2 100 mmfd ai r va r-in b le
is an abundance of reserve gain ava ilable in C:I, 10 S ee coil da t a
the second if system to make up for the loss C' 220 rumfd GP ceramic
C5. 20, 55 .01 mfd GP c eramic
in any filter system wh ich may be desired. cs. 7, 14. 16. 19 , U.
T he grid of V6 could be moved up t owar d 25 , 27, 3 0. 3 1, 37. 38,
the top of the secondar y of 'I'I with a possible 47, 58. 59. 62, 67 . GR,
gain increase of 20 db. Another 15 of 20 db 70 . 71 , 72, H. 88, 89,
90, g.a .02 mrd GP ceramic
of gain could be real ized by reducing the value C8. 9, 11, 18, 21, 26,
of the cathode resistor of V7 and bypassing 76. 77 5-50 mm rd cera mic tri mmer
the resi stor. CI2 22 mm fd m ica
CI3. 23. 28. 29, 83 220 mmfd mica
An additional three 500 kc bands w ithin CIS. 56, 57, 65. 78,
the frequency range of the receiver may be 79. 93 220 mmfd GP cera mic
covered by the in sertion of the proper crystals CI1 160 m m fd m ica
C22 3 ga ng F:M tun ing ca pneitor-,
and coil s in the f r ont end. This can be in- M iller 1461
creased to fo ur additional bands if a twelve C32. 33 , n, U, 4S, 49 270 rumfd silver mica
position rather than an eleven posit ion switch C34. 50 2700 mm fd s ilver mica
is used for swit ch ing the cr yst als. C35, 36, 39, 40. U ......
45. 46. 51. 52. 53, 54 1-1 2 ru mCd mica t r-immc r-s
The t otal desired range may be covered in C60 10 m f d 25 V electroly tic
seven bands if the tuning range of the fir st COl 2 mfd 200 V p ape r
if is increased to 2400 to 3000 kc. This would (63 , 87 100 rumfd mica
allow one ext ra band to be covered in addition C" 50 mm fd air t r im mer
C66 1200 rnmCd silver m ic a
to the amateur bands. This would requ ire some e69. 73 par t or T6
modification of the slug tuned coils and would e75 50 mmfd GP eer-a mie
require three dial scales rather than two. C80 900 rom fd s ilver m ic a
Whether or not th e reader wishes to dupli- C" 25 00 rumfd s fl ver- mi ca
C82 50 mmfd a ir va r ia ble
cate this receiver exa ctl y, this article will have eM" 33 0 rnmCd silver mica
ser ved its purpose if he is convinced that it cos 1200 mmCd silver m ic a
C86 35 rnmCd a i r v a r ia ble
C91 .fo O m fd 150 volt electrolytic
All res is tors Ih watt
80 m fd 150 vol t e lectrolytic
fi xed carbon un less otherwise
NEW! from P & :E-3:
speci fied
R I, II 270 K
R 3, 32, 62 lOOK
R -I, 52, 55, 56 1M TRANSFER UNIT
H 5 -t.7 K
R 6, 8. 21, U . 39, 71 470 K
R 9, ss 22 K
RI . 150
HI 2, 6-1 290
R I3 . 26, 5-1 10K
HU 33 K
Ri a 27 K
RI 6, 65 2M
R I7 .lOO K potentiometer
R I9
3.a K
H2 0, 27, U , 61, 63, 71 47 f\.
R 22 560
R 23. 37 22
R 25, 28. 29 , 30, 31, 33,
3 -1. 35, 3 6, n. 41, 50 IK
IU S 20 K potenfiomc ter
HI' 6S K
H I3 39 K
H J5 2.7K
R l6 10 K 1 watt
R.. 82 K Here is the a nsw e r to th e proble m of using you r trc n s-
R 53 20K potentiometer w ith sw itch eeiv er as an exci te r for any lin ea r a m p lifie r. The AR·I
R S7, 59 15K p ot entiomete r transfers th e an ten na to th e tra nsce ive r whi le rece iv-
R58 6.S K
R 60 ing a n d pro vides t he necena ry swit chin g to conne ct
R66 th e excite r to the amplifier, a nd t he a m pl ifier to the
56 2 watts
R61 6.S K 2 watts antenna when transmitti ng . A fr ont panel swi tch aha
R 68 <I .7 K 1 watt permits the e xcit er to operate straight through to the
R 6ft 50 potentio mete r antenna. The rela y is sb cek-mounted and th e case is
RFe 1 2.5 Mh N ational R -I OOU insulated to reduce n o ise. Stand ard S0239 co nn ectors
nrc a 2.5 Mh Mille n J-3 00-25 00 are provided for low impedan ce coax lines.
81 Ce n t r a lab t y pe UD w e rer
mo u n ted o n tu r re t t u n e r LOW INSERTION LOSS: Transcei ver output to amplifier
82 3 d o ub l e pole 3 p o s it i o n input, leu than 1.02: 1 SWR, 3 to 30 Me. Amplifier
ewitc h es m ech anically ganged output to antenna, leu than 1.12:1 SWR, 3 to 30 Me.
8' DPDT rotary s witch
84 The ARo1 requires 6 .3VAC (6 .3V jack on KWM.2) a nd
SPDT toggle s witch wit h cen-
ter off position normally open auxil iary contacts on th e exciter relay.
85 S PST. pa rt of R53 (ANT. RELAY jack on KWM·2 ). The AR·1 may a lso b e
8. 3 pole 3 pos ition rota ry switch used as a conventional antenna change.over relay.
8' SP ST toggle swi tch Size 3" X 4" X 4"0 50
TI, 2, 3, Cat hode tra ps from MN-26
radio compass r eceivers. Mi lle n
61455 suggested as subs tit ute
PRICE •• , ••• • • , • • , • • , •••• , •• •• $32
Ou t put t ra nsfo r me r 7000 to
3.2 oh ms
P owe r t ra nsfo rmer. T r iad
R. 73.B
T' 455 Kcs output if t r a n sformer.
Mille r 512-C4
~Il 600 uA IJh inch meter
ZI 62 V Zener diode. 1 watt min i.
S R I , 2, 3, -I
m um
Stl tcon recti fiers . min i mum
r ati n l{8 200 PlY. 125 Ma 400
Heathkit Parts Sale
Close-out of n ew electron ic parts orig-
PlY. 500 M a should cost Ittt'e
more and ha ve a destrnble ina lly pu rchased f or use in kits n ow
safety fac tor d iscontinued from the H ea thk it line. Re-
sistors, ca pacitors , transformers, tubes,
C rystals for fird os cilla t or
Inj t'<'l ion Fnq u~ ncy C rys ta l Frequf'n cy
a nd hard wa re every k it builder, ham,
hobbyist, and ind ust rial user will want.
R an llP li es ~Ic. ~I cs
Pri ces just a fra ction of th e usual. Quan-
3.5- 4.0 6.5 6.5
7.0- 7.5 10.0 5.0 tit ies li m ited .
14.0-14.5 1i.0 8.5 SEND FOR FREE LIST 24.0 8.0
29.0-29.5 32.0 8.0 Benton Harbor 11. Mic:hiC)an
29.5-30.0 32.5 8.125
MAY 1962 59
Charles Spitz W4A PI
1420 South Rendclph Street Traps
A rli ng t on 4, Virginio!l
NE questionable benefit of being a DX by pulling turns apart one at a time. The trap
O sta t ion is that you are on the receiving wa s then sp r a yed with General Cement No.
end of things and are able to develope some 9123 high voltage Spra-Koat to hold the turns
perspective about the efficacy of various an- firmly in place. The capacitor was connected
tennas and transmitters. Several years of to the antenna with ho se clamps, but a long
operating and thousands of QSO's have con- insulator was used to take up the weight of
vinced me that the long wire multi-hand the element which would be too much for the
trap antennas put out a sig nal second only glass of the capacitor alone. A Birnbach 6G8
to vertical antennas in weakness. They seem wa s u sed for this.
to work a lot better on 40 and 80 meters and This sa me deal can be perpetrated on a 40 /20
are kind of handy to have around as a result. meter antenna such as is described on page
One of the major problems in getting these 365 of the 1960 ARRL Handbook. In this case
antenna s working- and keeping them working 25 mmfd capacitors and a 4.7 uh coil would
is in making the traps. I tried the traps de- be u sed. The dimensions in Fig. 2 are for the
scr-i bed by W9JYH in the December 1955 QST phone bands. With the smalle r vacuum capaci-
(page 24), only to have the wooden dowels tors it is possible to make a good connection
go up in smoke when I fed a ki lowatt to them. by carefully drilling t he ferrule ends and in-
Next I tried ceramic rods, but eventually the se r t ing a bolt. Use care as the ex haust stem
sun and rain corroded the alum inum tubing is in the ferr ule on many of these and dr-ill-
capacitor and I was out of business agai n. ing s hould be done as far away from the ca-
The original trap specifications call for 95 pacitor end as possible.
mmfd and 5 uh in order to have resonance in The very common General Electric 50 mmfd
the 40 meter phone band. Ceramic capacitors capacitors are available surp lus in good quan-
are OK, but limit you in power. T his was ex- tity and can be used, two in series, to provide
plained by W2CYK in his October 1956 QST the 25 mmfd. They may be connected in paral-
article. The solu tion to this problem suddenly lel for 40 /80 . In thi s case the simplest method
dawned when [ s potted some Jennings vacuum is to use nine turns of B & ·W 3905-1 air
20,000 volt capacitors in a local surplus stor e. inductor, as recommended by \V2CTK.
They were inexpensive and performed per- The u se of vacuum capacitor eliminates
fectly. the most critical sour ce of deterioration in
Details traps. Should you be experiencing poor per-
formance from your trap antenna you might
A 28 turn close-wound coil of number 14 look to them for an answer. Due to mechanical
enameled wire was wound over the center problems, vacuum capacitors apply only to
sect ion of the ca pacitor glass (3%" dia.). This long wire antennas rather than to beams.
was tuned with a grid-dip meter to 7200 kc ... W4API
' •
. ~ 'tf.·~·.
ROHN -ooec
• ""llF.:J "', .-
• •
By now e ve r yone has heard of solid-sta te
power s u pplies-c-or have they ? H er e is a DESIGNED
rugged littl e unit, ex t remely light weight, that for
is ideally r ated for transmitters such a s the
Elma c, etc. Input 12 V, Output 500 V and 250 Amateur
V at any com bina t ion of cu rren ts t otalling 125 use!
watts , \Ve know of t ests where they have held
up fo r hours at much hi gher drains, so this
is conse r va t ive. Ju st a palmful, 3" x 4" x 5"
and 28 OZS . , yet power to s pare in runnin g a
medium-power tran sm itter and receiver. You
might want to bug AIR E LE CTROK ICS, 7250
H inds A ve., N orth H olly wood , Calif. for more fiu-t" IN DESIGN ~-t" I N SALES
detail s. At la st co unt they were $49.50 each.
R Oli N " fo ld- o ve r " towers a re ESPE -
C I A L L Y made for amateu r u se . T h e y a re
the most practical tower in design becaus e
they allow you to work ON T HE G ROUND
for antenna mai nt e na n ce and s e r v ic i n g.
You 'lI Qui ck ly a g r ee that thi s is a most
Fi lter won de rfu l featu re fo r an a mateur tower . I n
ad dit io n , th e s e towe r s a rc ma de a nd de-
The November ' 61 issue of 73 had a very signed for t r ue, h e a v y d u t y use. T he y a re
nice T V tuner r eceiver which seems to have s t r u ct u ra lly s t urd y for u se up to 70 feet a n d
in e no ug h s izes for all t y p e s and s i ze s of
headed quite a few readers toward the work- a ma teu r ant e n n a e. T his m e a n s tha t the y
benc h. A lot of interest h as been genera ted in ca n ea ail y handle your re qui r e m e n t s . They
t he little filter shown a s pa r t of t his circu it. h a v e un e x c e lled w o rk ma n ship. Th e y a re
h ot -d ip ped ga lvanized a f t er fab r ic a t ion
This is m ade by Itek Elect r o-Products Com- w h ich moa n s y o u h ave no p roblem o f m a in -
pa ny an d you ca n get a ca talog sheet, com - t eua nce. Th ey co m e as a com p lete packa ge
plete wit h considerable circu it da ta from th em w it h nil ma te ria ls a nd a c ces sories i n cl uded .
Add a ll t hese w o n de r f u l fe a tu r e s toge ther
by drop ping a line to H ugh W a r e \VIPY D, lind y ou s ee wh y t h e y 're t h e m os t d ema n d -
Itek , 75 Cambridge P arkway, Cambridge 42, ed t o w er t o d a y! Priced f ro m $ 186.
Ma ss. fREE li te rature and near source of supply gladly se nt,
Be Sure you inve d igate ROHN towers before buying!
·Patent - 2,87S,86S
MAY 1962 61
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -!
certainly isn't necessary to extolI the use- grids the bridge is balanced by t his control. A
fulness of the vacuum-tube voltmeter, how- positive voltage to the grid of t he 12AU7 (pin
ever, many hams and ca sual experimenters do 2) will make the triod e draw more current,
without the aid of this instrument because they which in turn causes the cathode voltage to
already have an ordinary volt-ohm "meter , and rise. The milliammeter then read s the current
f eel they ca n 't sh ell out the ext r a cash f or a flow between the two cathodes, which is pro--
commercially built job, or even one in kit form. portionate to the voltage applied to the grid.
If you fall in this ca teg or y, here is your chance In building a unit such a s this on a budget,
to add a VTVl\1 to your test equipment, eco- considerable savings can be made with a
nomically. reasonably well stocked junk box. \Vhen buil d-
Every effort ha s been made to reduce the ing my own meter the only purchases neces-
circuit to its s implest form and st ill maintain sary were the power transformer and the
good performance, accuracy and st abilit y. This minibox, so the actual cost was less than five
has been done, for the most part, by eli mina t- dollars. The milliammeter was removed from
ing the f rill s and ever -ything not absolutely a piece of Navy s ur plus and the r est sca venged
connected with the voltmeter oper a tion itself. from the proverbial junk box. However, even
Leaving all ot her possible fun ctions, su ch as if alI parts have t o be purchased, the cost
r esi stance and current r eadings, to the afore- should st ill be less than h a lf that of a VTV~1
mentioned volt-ohm meter. in kit form . Th e costl iest single item is the 0-1
The circuit is the fam iliar bridge, with each milliammeter, but the more reasonably priced
triode section of the 12AU7 formi ng one arm, moving van e type of meter will keep t he cost
and the "zero ad just" potentiometer forming low, and it works very well in the circuit.
the other two arm s. Voltage from the trans- All components are hou sed in a 3 x 4 x 5
f ormer is applied t o t wo corners of the bridge, minibox, however the location of parts is not
the one f ormed by the con nection of t he two critical, so any convenient box can be u sed
pl ates of the 12A U7, and the oth er by the and thi s is left t o the discretion of the builder.
cent er tap of the " zero adjust" potentiometer Controls on the front panel from left t o right
through ground . With no voltage on the 12A U7 are, ac switch, scale multiplier switch , and
"zero adjust" potentiometer. The "calibration"
potentiometer is mounted on a brack et inside
the case, and after once adjusted need not be
• touched for long periods of time. The " hot"
II7VAC test lead mu st be sh ielded cable. A two or three
, foot length of microphone ca ble, or even small
MERIT P·304S ,. co-ax is ideal for this purpose. The common
STAItCOf! PS·&4 I~
POWER Xl'MR lead is ordinary flexible test lead wire. No at-
tempt was made to provide jacks f or the leads
because they need n ever be removed. This al so
eliminates any possible trouble due to loosening
and subsequent poor ' contacts. The resistors
necessar y t o multiply t he meter scale in the
proper ra tio, are not s t anda r d va lu es, so in
each case t wo s ta nda r d r esistors are paralleled
to obta in t he pr oper res ista nce v alues.
I n ca librati ng t he meter it is n ecessary to
ca librate t he low voltage sca le only. The ot hers
will be automatica lly cal ibrated in mu lt iples of
ten a nd one hu ndr ed. A new scale mu st be
made for th e met er. T o do t h is , cu t a p iece of
heavy whi te pa per to t he size and sh a pe of The biggest improvement in crank-ups
t he or igi na l meter f ace. D r aw an arc cor re-
s pon ding to the one on the meter a nd divide
yet - you crank up th e antenna and
it int o five equal pa r t s. S ubdivide t hese into not the tower. It takes a minimum of
five equa l subdivis ions. You will n ow have a space. is fast to erect, and you can
basic five volt sca le, which is mu lt iplied to 50
volt a nd 500 volt sca les. A known voltage
never fall ofll Makes it a ,nap to change
sou rce is need ed f or cali br ation, a cou ple of beams or make adjustments whenever
fl a sh light batter ies in seri es will do n icely. Ac- you please. You can even crank the
cu r a tely measure t he voltag e with a nother
meter. Zero t he meter on the VTVl\I and put
beam up to the best height for current
t he lea ds across the k nown volt age. Adjust the propagation conditions. See the photos
"ca libr a te" control, which is m ounted inside on page 15 of th e March '62 73 for a
the case, u ntil the meter r eads the k nown vol -
tage. The meter then sh ould read correctly for
better id ea of what this is all about.
a ll scales. Send for literature and prices:
During the sever a l m onths that the meter
h as been in operation here in th e shack , it has TOWERS
held its zero adjust a nd ca li br a t ion very well ,
and h as wor ked most satisf a ctor ily on all SULLIVAN
counts. • .• W7INX ILLINOIS
No Books To Read-No Visuol
Gimmicks To Distrod You. Just
listen and I.a,n
•- (,0 o' Based on lIIoderll psych ,I•• I",
,.010 t , ehnlqun _ Th h eoun, will take
.. :,...-. • you beyond 13 W.p .III , I"
Get silnals you didn't hurl
Not a gimmick. but a tested
and provlm accesoory. Pre-
cision mad<=. fully backed by
EXCLUSIVE Dow_Key's t,aditiOf'lal Factory
D id , ou knoll' B ob On halD dub only in Ama te ur R adio Warranty.
Equ ip ment' Did YOU II nOl' he' h.. lwo ' tore. handllnl[ onl)' HELP YOUR RECEIVER!
eq u lpwe'nt such .. Collin•. Nu lon ai. lla lll er an en , na mlD lrlund. The DKC.RFB Boo.ter Is ;II
Gon."t. J ohnlOfl. Cent ral Elec"lronln. Clpl[l[. Ol nbe'. Pte.' n Il'! 50 to 70 ohm imPfldance
, ou know be nrrl ree all t,Pf" or ham I'u r as well AI bun. matching " broachand pre-
tn.dH , .wap., ren u . and In Ua11l fI(Iul pment ' D id 'OU II.~ M ...-plif;"''' ruaranteed to incr"ase the Ovet"-all &ain by I to 6 ' '5''
h.. • lu l'p ..elec"llon or , f<OOd ltioned I nd &,ua n.n tee<! u' " units on all bands 11 .5 to 30 me). To Improve sensi tivity, work
r u ,f You d ldn ' tl Well oow J<!U d o .ith OX, and brin&, up ~k unintelli ilibleo signals. 'IOU'U wanl a
GRAHAM RADIO INC. OKC_RFB. [)nigned for fee" ivers up to tke $300 c;lass.
505 Main St., Reading. Man. • T.I. 944-4000
1105 No, Main St., Randolph, Mon. • T.1. WO 3-5005
MAY 1962 63
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1
Pe g bo ard
WATT FOR WATT Mo unting A id s
-UNBEATABLE! Many am ateurs use peg-board fo r mountin g
549.50 for 125 tools and accessor ies and with t he w ide range
WATT5 at 85% of hang er s a va ilable , its use goes a long way
toward reduci ng cl utter in the shack and
shop. T her e are , however, ma ny items that do
Dual Output ; not lend themselves to mounting with com-
500 V @ 200 MA .-
2S0V @ 100 MA .- mercial hangers. The photograph shows two
rippl e less than 10/0 techn iques t hat are useful in mounting t hose
• o r a ny eembtnc- "difficult" items.
t i on of cu rre nts t c - Ver y sma ll tools a nd a ccessor ies may be
tolling 125 wafts. stored in plastic "pill boxes" or t ubes. A st a n-
dard , clip t yp e tool hold er ma y th en be u sed
Input : 12VDC positi ve o r neg ati ve ground . to mount t he t ube. T he photograph shows an
FOOLPROOF - Prot ected from HV short. assortment of Swiss needle files stored in this
fashion. l
Small. but mi9hty! 4 x 4 x 51
MODEL P5·12·125
$49 50 Mounting special fixtures on pegboard is
complicated by the fact that there is normally
no access to the rear of t he board. If the object
AMATEUR NET to be mounted is not too heavy , standard ma-
Posta g e Poid
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE- l -YR. PARTS WARRA NTY chine screws may be used. The 12-24 size screw
SAVE MONE Y, SPACE, W EIG HT - CONV ERT YO UR threads n icely into t he perforations of t he
SHACK OR CAR TO AIR ELECTRONICS TRAN SI STOR· boa rd a nd w ill hold a substantial weight. The
IZED POW ER SUPPLIE SI photograph shows a commercial wrench set
mounted using this techn ique. . . . \ V4\VK M
7250 Hinds Avenue N. Hollywood. Calif.
Ijear " 'a)·o(" :
---------------------- It you'd like to increase the DX capability of the
2.455 kmc receiver in the March 62 is sue, try putting
En closed is $9.95. Please send me one of ubuut fiO microamps forward bias on the IN2l B d iode.
your 3·0 maps immediately. U.S.- World - T bis is standard practice i n crvstal -vldec receivers a nd
gTCUtly increases the sensitivity of t he d iode de tecto r .
Name Call • . . ...• Puul Barton 's explu nation of the modulutlon YOU re-
Address ...•. . . .. .. . ...•..... . .. ... ....•.. celve on the police radar s ig na l wasn't quite correct.
To get the doppler modulation. the received s ig n a l has
City . . •••.. . . . . . .. . Zone ••.. State ••. .• . .. to be beat against the transmitted signal, which is not
Please incl ude at no charge with th is order a available in your car. The received s ig na l does turn
out to be amulttude modulated, but this is due to the
one year ( new) ( ren ew) subscription to 13 ground reflected signal setting up an interference pat.
starting with the ..•.•...•..•••.•.... issue. tern with the direct s ig n a l. This causes a rapid flutter
(Two years with two map s.) as you drive thrcuxh the patter-n, s imilar to what you
S.nd order to : 73 Magazin., 1379 E. 15th st., get operating vhf mobile, but enough higher in fre-
Brooklyn 30. N. Y. quency to be audible ali a tone. In a ny case, the r-e-
cetvee should work, N a than Gol d Kll\tl A
Buy if
70day PRICE
NO TE, ArlY beam plus lower package (om ·
binat ion ,hipped pre-pa id anywhero in U.S•
••copl Ala ska and Howaii.
TA· 36
$99.75 TEtRE X
$ 129.50 TELREX
1( -88
$ 159.00
HY·GAIN TH ·3 $89.95 30 ft. Rohn tower
HY·GAIN TH ·4 $ 117.50 co mplete with fabul ous
HAM·M Rotator,
for exceptionally fine tuning and inside lower
Superb craftsmanship b)' Jackson 8ros.
of Enaland. Ball bearlna drlv' l V.." mounting rotor plate.
dl.. shaft. 1V." lon" 6:1 ratio,
'Iy n tor tin. tuning. Easily adapt- Reg. $185.95
b Yllue
l~.::to - any shaft. Comparabl,
Amateur Net $1.50 ea.
Save $31 .00 on
ShOwn 10 for $13.50 PACKAGE DEAL
, app roximately actu al si ze
$1549 5
F.O. B. Mineola. N. Y.
Silicon Rectifiers
John C. Wtlit K51PY
Route 8
Fayettevi lle. Arkan stls
I~ ~FEREN CE . is mad~ .to the t.wo articles higher than that which might occur (which
, 10 73 .11UUlt= l1lC on S i lt con rectifiers. (Vol. would be more cos tl y ) , or the u se of nonlinea r
I, No. 12, Sept. 1961, "Silicon Rect ifier s" b)' resistors to give protection against the voltage
Hen r y Cross, WIOOP, and VoL III, No.1, peaks (G eneral Electric trad e name 'I'hyr-ite}.
Feb. 1962, 'Silicon Rectifiers . . . Continued" Overload protection for s ilicon r ectifiers mu st
by Cha r les Pier ce, ' VA6QFD) . The article by be fnst acting (about one-half cycle or less).
Cross sta tes "For the s imple way out, avoid: This can be done by using s pecia l high-s peed
Choke I n pu t Filters . . ." Both articles ap- fuses (such as Bussman 's Silver Strand). A
pear to deal with capacitor input fi lte r s and more costly means of protection would be to
avoid the choke-input type. use rectifiers of higher current rating.
Choke I np ut F ilters have super ior voltage- w h ile on the subject of choke-input circuits,
regu lation compared to the capacitor input we might consider the m in imum value of in-
type. And, because of the hig h cu rrent peak s ducta nce needed. T hi s is the value of in-
du ri ng the charging of the input capacitor, ducta nce needed to ensure a cont inuous flow of
there is a reduction of the current-carrying- current under low-load conditions. T he fo llow-
cap acity of t he rectifiers when used with a ing exa mple (in which tran sformer and recti-
ca pacit or input filter. fier r esist a nces a re neglected ) will serve to
T he Peak Inverse Voltage of t he rectifiers illust r a t e a method of ca lculating the mi n im um
(t he peak voltage that t he rectifier mu st wi th- in ductance.
st and when the voltage is a pplied in t h e non - W e h ave a single-pha se, f' ull-vv-a ve choke-
conducting direct ion ) depends upon t he ci rcu it in pu t power sup ply operat ing f rom a GO-c)'cle
used. The p.i. v. can be 3.14 ( 11") t imes the de so urce . T he de ou t put voltage is 1500 volts
ou t put volt age f or the ca se of a single-ph ase , min im um load cu rrent is 100 ma. , bleeder re-
f ull-wave, center-ta p connection. (T he p. i.v . s ist er is 50,000 oh ms, a nd th e choke resistance
of 3. 14 happens when, sa y, t he cathode is at is 80 ohms. The ex ter na l load r es istance at
a positive pea k voltage + E a nd t h e peak min im u m load I S
voltage ap plied to the anode is - E , resul t ing E output ] 500
in a p.i .v. of 2 E. S ince t he de volta ge is 2E hr, = = 15,000 ohms.
the r at io of t he two is 11" which is equal to I mi n. loa d 0.100
about 3.1.t.)
A s An Example, if GOO p.i.v. silicon diodes E xt er nal load res istance paralleled with
are to be used to su pply 1500 vdc usi ng a bleeder r esistance is
s ing le-ph ase, fu ll-wave, cente r -taped circuit 10000 x 00000
(which is the usual ca se), the p.i.v. is equal ~ 11540 ohms.
to ( 1500 x 3.14) w hich equals 4710 volts. The 15000 + 00000
number of diodes used in each leg woul d be
equal to (4710/600) which equals e ight. One Tot al load resi stance (choke resistance plus
might use nine diodes in each leg as a f actor bleeder resi stance paralleled with external
of sa f ety. load) is
The Voltage Peaks (transient voltage) are R - 80 + 11540 ~ 11620 ohms.
not evenly distributed across t he st r ing of
diod es and may exceed the voltage rating of The minimum (critical) inductance IS
73 Tests The
Heathkit HA-10 Linear
A I Brogd on W 4UWA/K3K M O
316 W e st Fairmount Ave nue
Sta t e College , Pe nnsylva nia
EATII has come through again with a real The HA-IO's pla te power sup ply is a husk).'
H deal- where el se can you get a kilowa t t full -wave r ectifier with a pair of 8(j6A's de-
for $230 1 The Heath IIA-10 sells for $230 livering nominal voltages of 1600 key-up and
in kit form or (for th e Citizens Band crowd) 1350 key-down . ( A note of exp la na t ion is in
$330 wired and tested. Th e kit takes about ten order here . "Key-up" and "key-down" are
hours to wire , so if you want to brag about archaic phrases that allude to ancient times
the time you did a j ob f or ten buck s an hour, when a mateurs u sed t elegraph keys for com-
buy the kit and wire it yourself. A s with all munications. T hese conditions are equ iva lent
H eathk its , you need no knowledge of radio to "no load" a nd "full load" respectively.} The
or elect r onics-all you need is a r eaonable abil- bias su pply delivers a stiff 4.5 volts to t h e
ity in r ea ding pla in English, and a hot solder - g rids of the 8UA's , with provision on the
ing i ron for where it sa ys (8) . rear panel for connect ing 45 to 150 volts of
Th e HA-IO cir cuit is the "tried and th e cut -off bias during r eceiving period s. A cooling
true" 8 Il A g rounded g r id cir cu it that has fan is mounted directl y behind t h e 8UA com-
been described a great numb er of times in partment and comes on when the filaments
the vario us amateur radio publications. Thi s are turned on to in sure adequate cooling.
particular k it uses fo ur of t he 8 U A 's in paral- A single 1 rna meter is used for meteri ng,
lel to run 1000 watts PEP on sideba n d, 1000 being switched to r ead (full-scale) 200 m a
wa t ts CW, 400 watts AM linear, or 500 watts grid current, 1000 rna plate current, 2000 volts
wit h a controlled -carrier exc ite r. A neat littl e plate voltage, and an arbitrary scale (0-1000)
neutrali zing circuit is used that makes use relative power output. The r elative power out-
of a t hi r d w indi ng on the fi la ment choke for put position is valuabl e for "on-the-nose" tun-
t h e necessary fe edback. ing, sin ce maximum output does not always co-
Th e HA-10 has an untuned input circuit incide with minimum plate current. (As a note
t ha t matches th e 50-75 ohm output of mo st of historica l inte r est , it should be mentioned
exci ters, and a bandswitching tank circuit for that th e phrase "on-the-nose" is a tribute to
80 t hr ough 10 meters that use s a pi-section to one of our con tem po ra r ies in amateur radio,
match 50-75 ohm loads . Any antenna outside a nd a great ope rator-c-Mr. K. Nose, K H 6I J .
thi s impedance rang e should be fed through Many s uc h phase s may be found in ham radio,
a n antenna t u ne r. Th e in struction manual rec- such a s t he CW oper a tors' fav orite exp res-
omm ends t hat " every effor t be made to get the sions of "FB" and "73," referring, of course,
SW R of t he a nten na down to less than 2 to 1." to the grand old man of telegraphy, Samuel
Of cou r se, th is is no p roblem, sinc e most F . B. Morse, and th eir favorite magazine,
modern ham s thin k it is impossibl e to "get respectively.)
out" wi th an SW R high er th an 1.5 : 1, and have In add ition to t he panel meter, an adju stable
th eir f eedlin es perfectly flat. Per sonally, I oscilloscope take-off is provided on the rear
wou ld rath er " get out" well than have a apron of the ch assis. The inst r uction manual
pretty reading on a "vizwaa r" meter, but g ives full details on hook-up for monitoring of
some ham s prefer the pretty reading. But your sign a l on a scope, a wo rth-whil e feature
I digress. for proper l inear operation.
The rf sect ion of th e HA-10 is placed along
Condensed Speci fi cations the front half of th e chassis, with the power
IJriv in-'t puw er required- 50 to 75 watt s . r epe n d- su pply com pone nts along t he r ear half. The
ing 011 freq u ency i n u sc. rf section is provided w it h a full sh ield around
Maximum power input- to OO watts P l<;P 88 B,
1000 wa tts C Wo 400 wnt t s AM (500 watt s co n -
it. This, plu s t he added shieldin g of the cabinet
t rolled ca r rier) . itse lf, does an excellent job of sh iel ding which
Input drcuit- a p proxi ma te1y 70 oh ms, un tuned. a id s in TV I r eduction. The packaging job on
Oulput circuit-Pi-n et w o r k , 80 t h r o ug h 10 m et e r s . the H A-I O is very n ice, with th e whole linear
50 to 75 o h ms.
'r u be eo m p le me n fe--Iour 811 A, t wo 861;A . weighing in at 90 pounds and taking up less
Pow er requtre mc nts-c- t t r v at', 50-60 cps , 125 0 than two cubic f eet. Indeed, this is a far cry
watts ma xi mum. from the 75 meter phone kilowatts of ten years
Ca h i n e t si zt"- 19 lh " wide x ll .y~" h ig h x If) " deep.
Weight- 90 pou nds a c t ua l. 100 p oun d s II h ip lJ in g'.
ago, which w ere built in seven-foot r elay racks
( a nd requ ired a dozen hu sky men to move
around. from the meter reading. The efficiency a s
The instruction manual gives full informa- shown in Table 1 is called "indicated effi-
tion on operation of the linear, including de- ciency," s ince part of the H T-32A output will
scr ipt io n of pads to be u sed if yo u r exciter appear in the \ Va r r ior output. It would have
runs more than 100 watts output, or if the required far more time than was available
linear is to be u sed for ext ens ive AM opera- for measurements, to measure the actual effi-
tion . The II A-I O is designed for use with the ciency , so the figures are labeled apparent
common 50 to 100 watt exciters, but may be efficie ncy and the h eck with it.
run at reduced input with less than 50 watts. T he apparent efficiency on all bands is 50 70
A statement appears in the manual sa ying or better, so thi s is fair efficiency. There are
t hat "the H A -I O should not be u sed to amplify som e purists in the crowd who b)' now are
A l\1 signals in excess of 100 watts, a s a worth. sc r ea m ing , " I can get 75 % efficiency with a
while increa se in power will not be realized." class C sta ge !" True, hut let us mull this over
I a d m ire H eath 's honest y in mak ing t his state- a bi t. Assume we ha ve two one-K w a mplifier s ,
ment, si nce t here a r e m an y of ou r f ellow one of whic h is 50 % efficient, the other, 75 % .
amateurs today who do no t rea lize th at t he So one pu ts out 500 wa tts, an d the ot her, 750.
S-un it sca le is not lineal', but requi res a four So what? T his is only I lh db, or a qua r t er of
times power boos t to read one S u n it h igher. a n S un it . If you are so bad off that t his quar-
But nowadays, the kilowatt is a status symbol, ter of an S u nit will kill you-take up stamp
a nd a lot of the f ellows will run the H A-I O collecting. W or ry in g about that last db is
behin d their Apaches, DX-I OO's and Viki ng II 's somewha t aki n to the fellow who worked for
with t he only indica t ion of the power increase month s in finding compass directions from
being the increased electric bill each month. his location to any point in the world-within
Speaking of electric power, the HA- I O manual one half of one degree. Then he used these
mentions no less than three times that wiring figures to aim hi s four element beam-s-you
to th e outlet feeding the HA-IO 115 vac input know, the one with a beamwidth of 15 degrees.
should be no smaller than # 14. This advice It should be pointed out to owners and pros-
should be heeded, si nce the Wa r- r -i or- draws over pective owners of the Wa r -r-ior or any other
10 amps u nder full load. linear amplifier that the FCC defines input
The front-panel controls include ba nd switch, power with grounded grid amplifiers to be the
tun ing , loading, met er switch, relative power input to a ll st ag es su p ply ing power to the
sens itivity, fi lament switc h a nd plate switch. a nte nna. T h is mea ns that the input power with
Also on the fro n t pa nel are the meter an d the the combi nation used in the tests mentioned
two king-size pilot lam ps. Across the rea r above , according to F CC defi nition, would be
ap ron of t he H A-I O a re t he following connec- the s um of th e inpu t power to th e HT- 32A a nd
tions: rf in pu t , rf output, g rou nd lug, AC that of t he Wa rrlo r. A nd thi s su m shoul d not
input, b ias ter mina ls, sco pe out put, and scope exceed 1000 watts. The 1000 watts was ex-
ampli t ude a djustment. ceeded duri ng the efficiency tests , but t his was
\V3JZF, now in Flor ida awaiting his new into a d ummy loa d , so it was OK . But be
"four" call, was ki nd enough to allow his Wa r - careful not to exceed the li mit when you're
rior to be used in some efficiency measure- on th e a ir, else a friendly FCC representative
ments. Table 1 shows the results of this effort. might catch you at it some day.
The Wa r r ior was driven by an H T-32A ex- All in all, the W a r- r ior is a very attractive,
citer, and the output was fed to a 50 ohm lightweight (considering), and compact pack-
dummy load. T he rf voltage wa s mea sured at age that is well worth the asking price. In
the load with a Hewlett- Packa rd model 410B fact, if you will check catalog prices of com-
VTVM. In put was adjusted to 700 rna indi- parable components, you will see that it would
cated plate current on all bands except 10 be difficult to copy the Wa r -r-ior for $230. And
meters, where the HT-32A could only drive the an added fe ature a s far a s economy goes is
Wa r- r -i o r- to 660 rna plate current. As noted in t hat the 8IlA final tubes may be bought on
the inst ruction man ua l, 30 rna of bleeder CUI' - the su r plus market for as little as $3.65 each .
rent is included in t he current indica ted on the This heats hav ing to buy a $35 tube in case
pla te meter, 8 0 t his amou nt wa s discounted of a fail ure . . .. K3K MO
Vo ra ge °f tput •
(r volt s)
Pow er
Pow er
Efflci ency
3900 670 1350 165 905 54 5 60 %
7250 670 13 90 170 930 580 62%
14330 670 1460 162 980 525 54 %
21300 670 1450 156 970 490 51%
28900 670 1420 1 58 895 500 56%
·Output measured ac r oss a 50 ohm dum my load .
MAY 19b2 b9
Complete Fire Insurance
Or How Not To Tun e for
Maximum Smok e
J e me s Lee W6VAT
Box 45621
Los Angeles 45. C elifcrnle
$8. 5 0 130 VO LTS .
.fO" \~
. • Molded Plug
• ::~;~~:C;~:e
Mode114CB (Cilcuil Bruhr Type) $10.50
A New Di:mension
in Am.ateur Radio
The Hammarlund HQ-IIOA looks like the IIO-but basic design
changes create the subtle difference between excellent and exquisite!
A joyful performer as the HQ-IIO, the new HQ-IIOA reaches
new heights of operating pleasure by including such extras as:
ARR· 2; ASB·5; BC-659, 1335A; CPR ·46ACJ .
THE SURPLUS HANDBOOK (Rece ivers and Tra nsce ivers)
VOLUME I - Schemat ic Diagrams I nd luge photographs
only - APN ·l ; APS·1 3; ARB; ARC·4 ; ARC·5 (l. F.) : ARC·5 POLARIZED I I
(V. H.F.); ARN ·5; ARR ·2 ; ASB·7; BC ·222, 3 12, 3 14 , 342 ,
344, 348, 603 , 61 1, 624, 652 , 654. 659 . 669, 683 , 728, "'"' L _ _ _ _ _
745 . 764, 779 . 794 , 923, 1000, 1004, 1066 , 1206 , 1306 , -: FRA ME
1335; BC·AR·23 1; CRC·7; OAK ·3: GF-ll; Ma rk II; MN · 26 ; EXT ERNAL. GROI.ND
RAK ·5 ; RAl·5 ; RAX·l ; SCR·522; Super Pro; TBY; TCS;
Resistor and Capacitor Color Codes; Cross Index of A/N V.T.
a nd Commercial Tubes . The circuit sh own here give s a POSITIVE
·O,d" lrgm Jour fu orile electronic PltlS d istributor. indication of proper grounding, as well a s cor-
1/he canno t supply, sen d 1.1.$ h is name and you, rect polarization of the power plug. A neon
remittance, and we will supply: foreign, add 10%. lamp, mounted on the front panel, is connected
between the frame of the apparatus and the
HIGH side of the incoming lin e. The neon la mp
will glow ONLY if t he power plug is properly
polarized and the chassis is connected to an
exter na l g ro u nd . . . . 'V2WY:M
Side Lines
45 -CURTA COMPUTER. The wo rld 's 'mollest computer. Send
fo r detai led informo tion. Ma kes t he s lide r ule loo k s ick.
Like a Mon roe co mp ute r e nly hand slze , $125.00
• Radar!
Your hamshack IS no better than Bradford Electron ics
yo ur reference lib rary (th ings a re in makes a little godge t
t hat is des igned t o
bad shape, eh 7). so get cracking at t his detect
un it..
Thoug h
ro d ar
list of recommended books. If you st ill hayen't tested it, we
understond t ha t this
have some money left over then loo k i. the ma.t se nsi tive
yet made. Just by oc-
back over the last ad or two in past is- cident this unit tune s
t wo UH F crnoteur
sues of 73. bonds ond we highly
recommend il for t his
purpose. 12 Y. Sell.
fo r $44. 95.
We s urveyed a n um ber of lo p elect ronics schools and Ro dar-Te cta r (Spe cia l)
have it on good au thori ty t hat the se ore the best up- $28.95
to-dote books on
by Till ma n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •$8. 00
6S-TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT ANALYSIS-J o yce & Clork Ever miss a . ked ? An appoint-
$10.75 men t? Thi s Time x wris t eter....
66-DESIGN MANUAL FOR TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT$- w a tch goes off like a rattle -
Ca rro ll $9.50 sna ke . You' ll lo ve it. Comp lete
67-TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT & DESIGN -Fifche n $13.00 w ith expansion plastic w as ha ble
68-HANDBOOK OF TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT DESIGN- bond. Mode l 302 ......•.. $19. 50
Pulle n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• • • • . . . • • . . •. .. ... $13.00
G94-TRANSISTORS- Te 't' m, Bui ld Test Eq pt.•.••.. $1.95
79-TRAN515TOR PROJECTS - Skip The o r y, , tort haying
fun • • • •• •• •••••••• • • • •• • •. ••.•... ... . • • • • •• •$2.90 Slop Walch
We hove teste d just abou t eyery
br and of wo tch in the wo rld and
8-RADI0 - TElEVISION & BASIC ElECTRONICS - Oldfield ho ve f ound this to be one of th e
Log ical p rese nta tion a nd d e scri pti ve illu stration make thi s best a ll-aroun d b uys evcneble. We
on idea l book f or th e begi nne r. 342 pages. $4.95 im port th is wa tch di rectl y from the
a-HAM REGISTER-Lewis (W3VKD) . Thumb nail ske tches of fa ctory in Ge rma ny . Cro w n . to rts a nd
10,000 of th e ectlve a nd well kno w n ho m, o n t he ai r stops wo tch . Side button zeroes ha nd s
today. This is t he Who's Who of hom radio. f a scinoting while wotch i••ta p ped . Amazing ac-
reading. No w only $2.50 curacy. Diol reads bolh se co nds and
18-50 YOU WANT TO BE A HAM-He rt zberg (W1 DJJ l hundredths of 0 minute. Small dial
Second edition. Good in troduction to the hobby. Ha s photos re o ds 10 30 minute•.
ond brief descrip tions of olmost eyery commercially avai l- 56 / 105 Stopwatch _. $2 4.50
able tra nsmitter and re eelver, plus a ccessorie s. Layishl y
ill ustrated and re a d a ble . $2.95
Orr ....•. .. .•••• • . • . . . . . . ... . •. • ••• . • . . . •• • . .. . $1 .00
21-VHF HANDBOOK -Johnson (W6Q KI). Types of VHF pro p- 63 64 65 66 67 68 55 (;94 79 8 16
agation, VHF circuit ry, co mponent limitations, ante nna de -
sign and construction, le sl e quipment. Very thorough book 18 21 22 26 27 S7A 58 74 731 734 735
and one Ihal should be in every VH F sha ck. $2.95 45 46 90 Red er-Teeter
22-BEAM ANTENNA HANDBOOK - O rr (W6S AI). Ba sics, W rist Alarm #302 Stop Watcn# 56/105
Iheory and construction of beams, t ra nsmiss io n lines, match -
ing dev ices, and test equipment. Almost a ll hom sta tions
need a beam of some sort • • • he re is t he on ly source C ircle the book numbers you wish to order.
o f basic info to help you decide wha t beam to build Pleese include cesh. check, money order • . .
o r b uy , to ins tall it, how to tune it. $2.70 or somethi ng we cen deposit in the ben k.
26-5-9 SIGNALS-Orr (W6SAI). A man uo l of pra ct ical de-
tailed data covering de sig n and co nst ructio n of hig hl y e f -
ficien t, inexpensive a nten nas for the amateur b ands that
you ca n build yourself. $1.00 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Call .. . ..
27-QUAD ANTENNAS - Orr (W6SAI). The o ry, design, con-
st ructio n, and opera tion of cubical quods. Bui ld-it you r-
se lf info. Fe e d syslems, t uning. $2.85
co ye ro ge. mobile a nd directionol eetennes for 27 mc. band.
Address . . . ............. .... . .
Buil d and tu ne 'em. $1.00
Fo rmulos & lo ws, constonts, stando rds, symbols o nd codes.
Moth ta bles, misc. da ta . $2.95 City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . State .. . . . . - .
731 -HAM TV.W'l>KYQ. This is t he o nly book ovo iloble o n
Ihis fo scinot ing b ra nch of hom ra d io. De scri be s comple te
ho m TV stalion th at costs un de r $50. Very s imple.
734-INDEX TO SURPLUS-Bibl io gra ph y of 011 surplus articles
printed in 011 ra d io magazines to da te . Brie f description, e te. 1379 Easl 151h Street, Brooklyn 30. N. Y.
735-BOUND VOLUME- October 1960 through December 1961,
15 issues (Vo l. I ). $15 .00 (N.Y.C. add 3"1. lax)
MAY 1962 13
73 Tests The
Kni ght RF Z- Bridge
Larry Levy WA21NM
• -. • r
Poltern is beamed toward the horizon
for optimum r_sponse.
Pocket YOM . TG-5-S
$74.25 Net
( 144- 170 m, ) TG-2-R
$18.00 Net
3 EL EMEN TS Half Wove
Lar ry levy WA21NM Fixed Station Eleme nt
3X Powe r o f Maximum
TG· 2- R Po ss ib le Gai n
Alt ho ug h inde pende nt use o f th e
TG -5 -S a nd TG-2-R g ive o mO:l;'
ing perfo rma nce, t he ir com b ine d
use a s "Teem- Ma les" produ ce
t he ul t ima t e in g ain and e f fi-
cie ncy . The engi ne e red ecm c ct -
ible chara cterist ics of pu re
ve rt ical po lo riz cfion and
motched fe ed points, wi th
the el imi nati o n of ho rhon-
tal pol ori za t io n, mo ke t he
" Tea m-Ma t e s" lea ders in
the f iel d o f co mmu n ica tio n
Goin Fi gures, Radiation Pat-
t erns a nd Cotalogs listin9
All Mod el s ar ~ Avai lable
$189.00 Rock Mounted- $14.50 for Cobine .
The N_ Model " K" Tel ewr it lll' co nverter (d tl$lloed by M. J . " Don" WlllIins W4EHU ) Inclu des : I. Li near a ud io d iscrimin a tor
. ith high Q toruid s for maxim um intet fll're nc e t ej et tl on. 2. Advan ced key in, tub e c irc uit to compensa te 10f' d ist orti on wit h fr ont pan &!
control. 3. Sepa rata mal net clll"re nt supp ly wit h milliammet er. 4. Dual eye indicator. 5. Chass is termina ls for polar re lay billS, g.R
re lay, and loop. 6. Front PIInel jatks fOl" keyboanl a nd printer. 7. S end -Ree. a ad P olar ity Revel"i lnll swHc he.. For f urther Inform, tI "
and recondltlon&cl te letype li st . write: Alltr nnics Howard Coa.. Box 19. Boston I. Mas s. ( Rich mond 2·0043. _
MAY 1962 75
73 Tests the
Ha llic ro fters HT-40K
Donald Smith W 3UZN
Asso ciate Ed itor
Camp I.,. " cCllib rClI .d
' .5 ICI 3 00 MC in 6 ,an9e1
MC>d.1 SA· lOW
$23.95 2-"mit , .,
Ideal for few feet or up 10 9 mil e s, Ea c h ph o ne Ra ng e $ ccler-c e de d to ma! c h coi l$. un da mp ed 1
hal se pcrc te red button, wh ich when de pressed MA me te r. Va ria b le se n siti vily con tro l fo r op .
sends p le a sing I;g no! tone ; b la ck b ull on fo r . imu m Grid curre nt a d just me n t. Cal ib ra!ed d ial .
tork ing. Re ce iver il tro ns isto rind cry slo t un it ; a djus lable lIa irl in e , a l lo ws p re cise a ccu rac y.
'ron sm ilte, is co rbo n unit . Ea ch un it ha s sp iral Pllone iac k per mits use a s mod u lat io n mon it o r.
p hone c:o .d . Ope rat ion requ i re s n o swi tc hing_ Oscilla tor l ube is o AF" . 6 J/, • 3 V• • 1 VI". 6
Use seve ro l un itt lo gethe r, Im porled .
ALtc coi l. 1ualll ied . 11 7 V• .50·60 cp•. 2 lb •. Im lla rle d .
~~~ .....-
net to g rip fender, et c. Imported.
DC current, 50 Jj.a, 2.5 ,"0.
C'V operation is accomplished by keying th e tor and final tune and loading need be adj usted.
cathode circuits of all stages in th e transmitter It is impossible to tune the drive control (a
section of t he rig. A jack is prov ided for thi s capacitor in the final g r id circu it) to a har-
purpose on the front panel, a s if to encourage monic of the operating f requ ency, due t o the
CW operation. select ion of coils used in the grid circuit. Out-
The design of the modulator is s uch that the put into a dummy load was 43 watts on C' V
modulator ha s low plate resi stance and acts as and 39 watts on AM phone peaks. On 6 meters
a high level cathode f ollower. Th e scr een of the t h is output wa s so mewha t less, no doubt d ue
final has considerably high er impedance and to dou blin g in t he final.
thus becomes a consider able portion of th e I thin k th at Hallicraft er with their entry
cathode follower impedance. The audio fr om into the kit field has put ou t a rig wh ich will
the cathode follower ( modula to r) , is appli ed be of inter est t o many ama teurs , pa r ticularly
to th e scr een of th e fina l through a .47 mfd the n ewcome r. It ha s r ea sonable power output,
capacitor and of cou rse modulates the screen of s implicit y of const r uct ion and good design
the final in normal, controlled carrier fa shion. coupled w ith looks and a well known manu -
The power supply is tran sformer operated facturer. . . . W3UZN
and uses a volt ag e doubler circuit (full-wave).
to develop t he high B + voltage. Diodes are
used for rectificat ion, cutting conside ra bly the
heat which is characteristic of tube type r ec-
tifiers. Filtering is accompl ish ed b)' a pi -type
filter circuit, with a filter chok e being used in
t he pi, for better fil tering. RF C chokes and
ca paci tor s a r e used in the line to min im ize
The kit was ea sy to bu ild and went toge the r
s mooth ly. A cabled harness is furni shed for
the long runs of wire, s implif y ing and making
a neater job of the wiring. I n t he final a ssem-
bly you beg in to see just how attractive th e
rig look s. T he final tuning and loa d ing knob s
are larg-e, helping t o mak e tuning- easy.
Tune up is very ea sy ; onl y th e dri ve ca paci-
MAY 1902 17
ALASKA mlllB~ • • • • • • • • • • • • ···... •mmmmmmmm
...... . .-
III WI 111m II1IIII1II II1II WI• • • •I11III ElimE ......
-- .. - - - _._----_._-- -- -
._.-.-- ---- . ,
ALASKA mWlWlmmmm•
...... ."' II1II WIWI liliiiililiiii••• ••• •
• • • • •lllllllmlmlmmmllllllllll
ARGENT INA ...... ...... ...
............ .. ... ..
....... ...... .. ..
...... ·IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII• • • • • • • • • •IIIIl ...·..· .. .
.... ...... m 'IIm """II1IIII1II• • • • • •I11IIIII1IIII1IIII1II mm ..... """ ••• ii•.,,"'''.'.''':
'"'' II1II
', , """ .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •mmllllllllllBlIIIIIIlIIIlllllllllll_
'" ' '~""',,, . ,,''' ;;W
GERMANY • • • • • • • • • • • • •Wlmmmmmmm•
.. liliiii Ill!! 1Il1I• • • • •• • I11III mllllllllllll """""" .r: •••. •"." •", •••.. •
HAWAII ...... .. ,.. ... """.
...... '
I.OCAL TIME 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
••••••m=••• ~~ ~ ~ m m m m.
••••••mmmmmm ••• mmmm••
2000 MILES ••••••mmmmmmmm R mmmm••
1250 MILES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •mmmmm. . . .
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •11111111
500 MILES 11111111 11111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111• • • • • • • • • • • •111111111111111111111111
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 1• • • • •1111111111111111 11111 11111111
1111111111111111 _ II!IIIIIIIIIII
--Swan SSB Transceiver--.
(lij )}--/ /- //-C~J';.i~.~jIj~}- • •• $275
Reduces Interferenu
Nolu on All Mak e. Sh ort
Wave Recei ver •. Mak.. World
Wide Reu ptlon S trona er .
Clear er on All Bands l
For A LL Amat eur Tran a·
mitter.. Guarant eed 101
500 Wa th P ower for PI _
Net or Link D lne t FUd.
LiG ht, Neat . Weatherprool
" •
. .• Net
Com plete II shown tota l lene lh 10 2 t i : with 87 ft, or n. ohw One band ISO-watt transceiver
bail nced Ieedltne , HI -Imp act molded reaoo en t trap• . (Wt. 8 01
I " I: 5" IWl' l . You lu st t une to d n lred band for beamllk e t.
lu l te. E zcellent for ALL world-wide shor t-w ave recehen alh,
amateur tra nsm l Ueu . For NOVICE AN D A LI~ CL ASS A)l.l Ask abou t th e new 12-volt DC Power Sup ply.
Most models a vailab le for imme d iate shipme nt
Ellm lnatea 5 lepante antenn as with eseeueot perfonn . ". ,
gua ranteed. U. e .. In vert ed V for I II ba nd power l a i n. r-;u
80 ·to-20- 15- I O meter ban d•. Complete . • • .• •• . . .• •• •• . •$1.. ,9 5
40 - 20 · lli·l 0 me t. r banda. M -rt. an t. (!Jelt fo r w- w awl 'a ) 13.95
20- 15- 10 mete r banda, Dua l Trap. 24· ft. an tenna . . . , . • .. l !lllt
SEND ONLY $3.00 (cub, c:II:. , mol and par pollman bai l or..
COD pillS posh,e on arrha l or nnd full price for Pot tPlll.. ELLIOTT ELECTRONICS, INC.
denvers. jeree l.nrormatlon.
A Wlllab l~ "nil' fro m : 418 N. 4th Ave., Tucson. Arizona
W F!H E RN RAD I O De.. ! ~ 7-5 • Kear ney. Ne bra aka
MAY 1962 79
RF Q Multiplier
Gu s G erde K6 BlJ
You've heard of a Streetcar named Desire, but have you heard of a bus
called Ebircs7 Of cours e not. However. now is your chance to change
all that. Fare on th e Ebircsbus is only 05.3$ for one whole ra ey l Isn't t hat
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . .. .. .. ...
name call I na me ca ll
. . . .. . . . . . . . t
I .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. ....... .. ... . . .... ........ . .
address (OTH) I add ress (OTH )
. .. . . . .. . . . . I
I . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .... .
city 'Zone date I c.ity 'Zone date
$3.50 one year D $40 LIFE o $3.50 one year D $40 LIFE
o $b.50 two years o Renewal o $b.50 two years o Renewa l
o $9.00 three years o New subscri ption o $9.00 three yean o New subscription
Start with: current issue 0 next issue 0 Sta rt with: current issue 0 next issue 0
80 73 MA<;;AZINE
COI L 1$ SURPLUS 522 Send for NEW
LI TO BASE w ith oscillator
circuits ........
U eTLAN .. 24 1/2" 10 ," LONG
All crystals made from . Grade " A "
import ed qu artz- g r oun d and etched to
e xac t frequen cies. Unconditionally
g uarante ed I Supp lied in :
FT.243 holden MC.7 holde n
Pin sp aci ng ~ "
P in diameter ,093
P in spa cing
Pin diameter .125
C RIA/ AR h old ..n F T·1 71 hold en
Pin spacing lh " Pin sp aci ng %"
Pin d iameter ,125 Banana pins
MAD E TO ORDER CR YSTALS, • • Specif ,. holder w.nt..d
1001 KC t o 1600 KC : ,005% t olerance _._.._ .. ..$4 .50 ea.
1601 K C t o 2 500 KC : ,005"!.. t olerance __ __~_ '2,75 ea.
2501 K C t o 9 000 KC : .00 5% t olerance __'2.50 ea.
9001 KC to 11,000 KC: .005 % t olera nce . ~ .. $3 .00 ea.
• •
Amateur, Nov ice, Technician Band Crystals
.0 1 % Tolera n ce . , , $1.50 .... - 80 meters (3 701·3 749 KC)
40 meters ( 71 52·71 98 KC), 15 meters (7034-7082 KC), 6 meters
The amateur constructor who hopes to match ( 8335-8650 KC ) with in 1 KC
F T·2 41 Lat t ice Cf)'lItals in all frequene iea from 370 KC to
commercial equipmen t appearance must be 540 KC (011 except 455 KC and 50 0 KC) .5Oc II! • •
on the alert for hardware items a nd construc- Pin spa cin g lh- P in dia meter ,093
)fa tched pam _ 15 c)'cles $2 .50 per p a ir
t ion techniques t o incorporate in hi s projects. 200 KC Cr )"lItalll, $2.00 .... : 4 55 KC Crystals, ' 1.25 u . ; 500 KC
In thi s connection, a pl easing treatment of Crystals, '1 .25 ea, : 100 KC Freque ncy Sta ndar d Crystals in
H C6/ U hold er-s '4.50 ea.; Socke t f or FT-2-13 Crystal I5c ea.;
speak er openings is one problem that often Dual Socket f or F T·243 Cf)'stals, 15e u .; Sockets f or ~IC-7 a nd
ar-ises. FT-I71 Cr)'stals 25c ea.; Ceramic Socke t f or H C6/ U Cf)'stals
20e ....
There is available in the dime stor es a E NG INEER ING SA MPLES a nd small qu an t it ies f or pratct ypes
chrome plated sink st r a iner that will help dress no w made at either Chicago or F ort )I)-f'n p lants wit h 2 -1 h our
up your equipment. This perforated metal service, IX CH ICAGO. PHOXE GLadstone 3·355 5
. .
disk is shown installed in a previously de- IF YOU R P A RTS DEA LER DO E SN 'T STO CK Texas Crystals,
oroer direet a nd send Ull his name.
scr lbed ! conversion of th e AN /ARC-3 receiver.
The strainer is supplied with a metal reta in ing TERMS : All items subject t o prior sale and change of price
without n otice . All cr )'sta l c r de es must be a ccompa nied b)' cheek,
clip riveted to t he ce nter of t he disk. Drill t hi s money order or cash with J:a)'ment in f ull.
rivet out and p roceed with the installation.
The st r a iner sh own measures 3 %" in di-
ameter and is manufactured by Franklin Metal
& Rubber Com pan y of Hatboro, Pa. For 19 1000 Cry.t.1 Dr i...., Fort Mye n , Florid.
cents you can ' t go wrong. • .. W4'VKM D ept . 73 .5 P hone WE 6 ·2 100
l " A not ber T w o Me t e r Convers ion ," 'V"VK:M , Dec., FOR SH IP MENT V IA F IRST CLASS MAIL AT NO E XTR,A
1961 73 Ma g a zine. COST ATTAC H T H IS ADVT. TO YOU R O RDE R!
Photo Credit : M orga,. S . Gassman_ Jr.
MAY 1962 91
High Power Antenna Switching Unit
Roy E. Pe fenberq W4W KM
316 Stratford Ave nue
Photo C,.'dit: M organ S. Gassma n, Jr. F",jrfax, Virginio
Ol\D 1E RCI A L coaxial relays are thor- crated in lines with low S WR and I F they arc
C oug'hl y reliabl e devices and should give never required to s witch with appreciable rf
many years of sa t is fa ctor y service IF' the power applied . F a ilu re to observe these pre-
loa ted power is nut exceeded, JF they a r e op- caution s will result in the ca tastrophic demi se
, •
~OO' I
, • =
~ OO'
• •
~ OO' I
, = I
, : t=00'oo J,J
a •
~ oo'
J R-'
'0 •
=- I
'I:' 00'
- I
T OO' RL · 1
'" + ee -oc
11 7 VAt -:I:' 001
4 00 P I" "'." 20m !
0 Ol XMITlS()-Z3
or de ter ioratio n of t he rela y contacts.
For those who are tired of welded contacts
.• BARRy············•
and th e smell of bu rn ing insulation, v acu um : ELECTRONICS CORP. :
antenna s wit ching- r ela ys will sta nd almost an y • •
am oun t of abuse without failure . The advan-
tage of t hese va cu u m s witches can not be qu es-
• 7.000 ' "C T / l A mf'. Rr l "I(JI~ Tra" lj'lrmt:r (3500-{)- •
tioned. T he writ er ' \'3 S once a sked to test, to : 3500V. @ 1 AIIIIl). Tapp e-d ptima r v: zoa to 140 V. plu:J :
dest ructi on if possible, a n umber of J enn ings • o r mi nu s II v. Un used . 166 Ibs. $65.00 FO B s hip ping •
units. Two of th ese r elays wer e installed In a
600 ohm , open wire tran smission li ne t o swi tch
•• poi n t c P a ,
• GER MAS I U M Rl:CflFU:R. I n : 11 7 V.-\C . O ut : 11 5 •
a 50 KW t ra nsmi tte r from a r ho mbic antenna • VOC (g; 1 0 A m ~ . 7 ~ " w x .. .. 1..>. w« J}i lb-s. $1" .00. •
to du mmy load . .A timer was ar r a nged to •
s witch t hese relujvs, under load , a t 10 second • I n : 115-60 C PS. Out : 150 -300 V U C ~ 100-1 15 M e. •
• Hi gh Volta ge intermittent l bOO V . !" · Il" !}.·. Excellen t •
intervals. T he test was term inated after 40 • for SS B sc reen supply &- power SllPP!}.· for a monitoring •
minutes because of tra nsmitter trouble. Al- • scope . Re m o ved from unused equ ipment. $15.00. •
though th e tran sm itter output coupling circuit •
B &- W 5 100· B X mrr. 5195.00.
had broke n down under the high swit ch in g • S.lO· R wit h He at h Q M ultilllier. $49.95. •
tran s ien t s, the rela ys s uffer ed absolutely no • Gl obe Ki ng "OO W att X mtr. $195.00 wit h Globe 755:\ •
damag e.
Des pite t he obvious advantages of t hese
• EQ UIPMENT. Now In s t ock ! •
components , t heir cost prohibits their u se in • ( Write fo r de tails) •
ma ny am a teu r ins ta llations. T her e I S, ho w- • !'\C_l ?O. !'\C-3OJ. '1-IQ- I05T R . J oh nson •
• Co urie r 500 W "'lt Am j>lifi"r. tcattonat :'\C_400. C D R •
eve r, a low cost an swer availabl e on the su r - • lI a m.:l.1 Rot ator. J o hnson Ra nge r Vi king Killo wa tt •
plus market. Th e AN I ART-13 tran sm itter uses • a nd Desk , :l.l oslt" y T:\-36" Elem ent Be un and ot he r •
• M oslev Be r ms and Vert iclls. RM EfI')()() Receiver and •
a compact va cu um s witch in t he keyin g relay • R~I 1-: 690 1 Ma tching Speaker ( SS RJC \\,/.'\ ~I) . e e- w •
assemb ly. Althoug h t he rel ay is used in the : Mod el 050 Match master, 8 &- W Model 85 1 Pi·:\"et :
• work Cond uctor. •
relat ively low power A N I ART -13, t he swit ch • SYLVANIA MODEL4025"Sco~ (Synchro-scope). •
con ta cts ca n hand le a K W with ease. H ig h al- • Bra nd new. O rigina l cartons. $125.00. •
titude operation and th e unpred ictable char- •
• T MC VFO Model VOX ( 2 to M Ma) RACK ••
acteristics of milit ary aircr aft antenna s r e- • MOUNTE D . $550.00. •
qui r ed a n even more ge nerou s sa f et y f actor •
than IS engi neered in to most mi litary equ ip- • $250.00. ,'r1 .
ment. • CORSELI..DUB II. IER 2 MFD . @'l 6000 VDC CA - •
• PAC ITO RS (in o rig. ac rtons). $11.95. •
Although the a ctua tor mechanism used in
the AN(ART-1 3 is un suited to most amateur
• R E DM O N D 160 C .F.M . BLOWER . 115 VAC (Ii. 60 • •
• C PS. New. W ith 0 foot cord and "Sna pit" switc h. •
application s, t his poses no particular problem
sm ce a more sa t is fa ct or y device is eas ily fab -
$12 .95.
2 M ET E R TRANSM ITTER . Uses 12AT7 s into 6360 ' .
fi nal . $12.!'i0 . (requi res s im ple co n version - comes
ricated f ro m s u rplus 28 volt de r ela ys. Since
• w ith c onversion sheets). •
a sim ple power s up ply IS requ ired for the re-
: MO B II.E 10 METER TRANSMlTIER . Uses 5018 :
lay mag nets, it may al so be u sed to a ctuate a • osc illator to 30 walt 55 10 final with con versio n in- •
sl ave rel a y and t he a ddi t ional contacts brought • forma tio n. $9 .95. •
out f or utility st a t ion s witch ing use . F igure 1 • R C A " X1 50 A T URES. New jA :"\ stoc k. $12.50. •
shows th e schema tic di agram of the complete •
RM E CO~fM UN ICAT ION M IKES In stock! 1664 •
D y n a m ic III·Z wit h des k s ta nd. $57.00 . ~9 1 1 Crystal. •
unit. The vac uum swit ch s pecified I S appar- • III.Z. $19.50( 1'715 Ce ra mic HI · 2 $1 .80 and M odel •
ently III good su pp ly on t he s ur plus m arket. • 715S Ceramic, HI · I with Switch. $9 .00. •
• RCA COMPACT 125 WATT MOD. Xfmr. 3 Ibs.
" _9~• .
• •
• 100 V.D.C. /260 Ma. /l1 vDC Input SanQamo •
• Dy n:lmotor. Brand new. 513 .95. •
• S.-\.NGA~fO 8 ,000 ~f(d./55 VDC j15 "DC Surge •
: Capacitors . Brand new . $2.95. :
• •
512 UO.lDW.lY. NlW YO lK 12 . N. Y, I
WALKER 5.7000 AliA CODEI 212
o Endoeed is mooey o rder or check . nd my orde!". ("' rieft
FOB. N VC. S hipm..nts o ver 10 lbe. will boe .hi p~ j collect for
shippina charaes . L<ess t han 101 M. include sumcrent postaae.
An y o'·..raae will be refu nded. I
o Sen :! copy of la test "Green S h~t" Catalog. I
o Send information on : - .
C I na ve a vail.ble for trade-In tbe followina .
...................................................... I I
Na me ... .... . .• . . . . .• . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··· ··· · · · Title I
Compa ny ........• .•. .. . ... ...•.... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Addr~ .. ... .. . .. . . . . .• .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ·· ·· · · · · · · · · · I
t City · .Sta te . . . . . • • I
Trade-Ins on New Factory Boxed 1962 Hammarlund Gear
Advise what equipment you have and Hammarlund Equipment you wont. Top
trades given on surplus and civilian gear.
Deor Bill, W4FHY:
Nome _
o I have to Trade in my _
Address _ I
D I'm interested in 0 Hommarlund _ I
City Stote _ _
o Send 1962 Hammorlund Catalog with your quote. I
MAY /962 85
Gary Steck WA2 PG X
A C hea p, sinip!« pl ate modulator 115-77 224 St ree t
Cernbr le Ht s. 11, New York
A S the t itl e implies, t h is modulator is an in- would probably be wise to use the 12 volt equiv-
ex pe nsive un it r equiring a min im um of alent of the 68::\ 7, the 12SN 7, and t he existing
con struction t ime and chassis butchery. It is 12 volt su p ply. Also, you can build the unit on
j ust the thing for modulat ing most Novice or a regular chassis. I didn't for two reason s: the
CW carrier cont rolled phone r igs h a ving any- tube sockets and transformer were already
where from 50-to 120 \va tts input . The se in- mount ed, and the cha ssis looked pr ett y good a s
clude the DX 20-60 series t.runs mitters , HT ..W, it was.
Globe Chief, N aviga tor, a nd especiall y ARC-5 T o begin constructi on, r emove t he cover pla t e
r igs converted for ha m use, because t hese were and remove t h e tubes to preve nt t heir br ea k-
or ig ina lly used with this modulator. U sing age, then remove t he bottom plate. Unscrew all
carrier control I found that I could barely com ponents from the s ide of the chassis except
get through th e first layer of QRM, but now for one 1.2 mfd condenser, and the dual 5 mfd
I can pu sh through almost anyth ing. E ven and 20 mfd condenser ; the tube sockets and the
more important, the all too fami liar report two 620 ohm resistors soldered to th e 1625
"You're 40db over S-9, but can 't you bring sockets a lso rema in . Remove a ll wires con-
u p the audio just a litt le? " isn't heard in my nected to t he plugs at t he r ea r of t he cha ssis
shack any more. a nd a ll others necessary to f r ee t he com ponents
The heart of t hi s mod ulator is a surplu s you j ust r elea sed . Lea ve t he wi res connected to
MD-7, A RC-5 plate modu lator which is a vail- t he output t ra nsformer a nd al so lea ve t he w ires
able locally for about eight or nine dollars, oe- connecti ng pins 3, 5, 6, and 7 of the two 1625
pending on your patience and abi fi t jr to argue sock ets together.
price. One word of caution though. make sure N ext, remove the mike and key j acks from
vou g-et an MO-7 a nd not a BC-45G screen
the rear panel and replace t he m ike j ack w ith
modulator. It is possible to m istake one for the an Amphonol t ype 75-PC-1 l\1 m ike connector
ot her beca use of t he aimi la r -i t y in th ei r chassi s. or its eq uiva lent . (the connector fits r ight into
The 1\10-7 ha s two 1625's which are v isible the ori gin al hole.} Remove bot h fu seholders
when you remove th e uni t's top plate, the Be· and their covers, and fit the driver transformer
456 has only one. Also, t he ir posi ti ons are in t wo of t he holes left by t he fu seholder on
marked on the u nit's cover. the left of t he chassis. 1\1y pot fit in one of the
The main part of the con version consi sts of holes left towards t he fro nt of t he driver trans-
add ing a speech amplifier to the modulator to fo rmer, r igh t in the corner, a nd I mou nted t he
make possible the use of a crystal mike or du al 20 mfd can on the r ight of t he chass is.
other low output type. A dual triode, a 6S:N7, All direct ion s referred to are looking at t he
is mounted in the socket originally occupied by underside of the chassis with the 1625 sockets
the 12J5, while the 12.J!l driver tube is placed to the rear. Mount the A:'oI -C\V switch on the
in the V R-150's socket. Th is is do ne to fac ili- f ront panel to the left of the squa re conde nser,
tate t he pa rts layou t . I had bot h a 6SN ? and a and mount your outpu t socket in the spa ce pr e-
G volt su ppl y ava ilable, so I used t h em . It viousl y occupi ed by the three-prong dynamotor
, •) • ~ • ,. • •
a.a e
".• .ro.'l.7K
• •
• ~
300 .... 2W
'" TExt
• •
, ,.
- - ~
" • --- • SClJEEN
20~ ! m • 20 • •
O. 'X' 4~ O. T"~ '
80 7) MAGAZI N E
connector. T h is connector is easily removed by
prying it up with a screwdrive r . T he a ctual
wiri ng of the un it is str a ightforw ard; f ollow
t he us ual wir in g proced u res a nd ru n the long
lea d fro m t he G- or 12S N7 to t he ga in cont rol
with sh ielded wi r e. The wires can be laid out
fCUR ou s Q·5'.r. 190-550 ke. The receiver you've been
for conven ience in lacing if you wish, but t hi s lo oki ng for a l only ....... ..... ....... ..•.. $9.9 5
is not necessary. BC-454 / R.26 : 3 -6 Me. 7.95
BC-455 /R.27 : 6 -9.1 Mc _ 7.95
As a final note I would lik e to sa y that the MD.7 MODUlAJOR : Special 3.95
s witch ing arrangement I have shown is most T-18 /A RC-5 XMTR. 2.1-3 Me excellent condit ion 4.95
T.19/A RC-5 XMTR. 3 -4 MC excellent cond ition . 6 .95
suited for my rig; however, all that is required J-20 /ARC-5 XMTR . 4-5.3 Me excellent condi tion 4.95
is that the AI\I-C \V switch shorts out the T.2 1/A RC.5 XMTR. 5.3 -7 MC excellent condi tion 4.9 5
seconda r -y of the modulation transformer dur-
ing C.\V. operation and that there is provis ion HEADSET BARGAINS !
for remov ing the high voltage from the plates HS.23: Hi impedance. Le ather covered heed -
of the tubes at the sa me time. band. Bra nd new. G rea l buy. Only . . . • . • . .. $5.95
HS-33: l o w impedance. Leathe r co vere d .head-
T her e are two outputs available on the tran s- band. Bra nd new. A J. J. Candee Speclal.: . 6.95
former ; one is roughly 6000 ohms and is a close Hi Fi HeCldse t: 15,000 cydes' Bra nd ne w WI th
chamois cushions. Te rr ifi c! Only . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 9.95
enough match for most tubes operating in the CD. 307 A He adset Ex te ns ion Cor d : Bra nd new.
vicinity of 600 volts at 150 mil s such a s the Approximately 5 ft . length . Only . . . .. . . . .. .. .9 B
807, 6146, 1625, and 6DQ5. T h is is only a par-
tia l list. T he r eason that you can match quite APX·6 TRANSPONDER
a fe w tubes is t hat t he 1625's a r e r un ning at A m id gel wa re house o f porhl Blowers, t hree
a bout half their r a ted output a nd as s uch ar e veede r- jtect counten, I. F. strips, cavity, ove r
30 tu be s. e tc. Incl ud e s 3 E29 tvbe. Good cond o 14 95
ver y n on -cr itical as to loading. T he second out- A STE AL AT O Nly .................. .. . . . • . $ .
put is a screen wind ing- and th is can also be APX.6 Mo nvo l _ $1 .49
used for mo st t ubes with no ill effects. I used
t his wind ing when mo du lating my H T-40 be- WALK-IN BARGAINS GALORE !
ca use it ha s t he sc reen t ied to it s own su p ply, J. J. Candee ho s p urch ased the Ii,o n' s share at a
closing auctio n of o ne o f the wo rld 5 large st surplus
and I ca me u p with excellent r es ults. w a reho use s. O ur opportu nity is you rs . Come see a! 1
This ends t he li st of gory det ail s a ssociat ed th e goodies l We' ll lisl some nexl mon t h fo r ma ll
with building th e mod ulator; so, if you h ave order.
dispensed with the proverbial s moke test , con-
nect the rig, modu la tor an d power su pply a nd
let everyth ing- warm u p. Tun e t he rig in the YOU GOT III WE WANT IT! LET'S DEAl!
We 're payi ng top $$$ f or G RC-9; PRC-6, ·S, .9,
CW posit ion int o a dum my load and turn th e . 10. All e lect ro nic test e q uipme nt c nd lo b e qpt.
modulator on, m ak in g sure t hat the unit is in
t he Al\I pos iti on and t hat the tra nsforme r is Alt i , ..", . 1"0 11 Ih . r'''''' '' , Cali /., ... bj..cr It> p r ior . .. 1...
not shor ted out. Wh en you talk into t he m ike, I n Ca ll/. a,ld 4 0/0. ,tU n . order ' 4 .95.
the la mp 's brillia nce shou ld vary wi t h you r
voice intens ity. Adjust the ga in cont r ol until
it j ust bri ghten s on voice peaks. The best way J. J. CANDIEE CO.
to properl y a dj ust t he un it is wit h a scope, but 509 No . Victory Bl vd ., Burba nk, Ca lif.
since most of us do n't have one, here is an DOD 0 ,.0 213 - VI 9-2411
alternate method. Ha ve someone with a crysta l 244 S. Pork Avenue , Tucso n, Arizono
filter in his receiver listen to your si gnal a s DOD o reo 602 - 624·2014
you bri ng t he gai n up. \Vhen you just begin
s plattering, red uce t he gain a t rifle a nd you 're
in bu siness.
I n general, you s hould have no trouble build-
ing the unit or g ettin g it into operation, and BUYS
you will find that the modulator has plenty of
reserve punch, even when delivering a full 60
watts of audio. Also it will make an excellent &
driver for any high level modulator, so the
un it r eall y will be a good, long term invest-
ment. . .. WA 2P GX
FAST Barry
BAlli-TV SEllS
Com pI e t e instruction s
& FAIR Electronics
$3 00 GEAR
fo r q ett inq on TV f or un -
d er S50. 00. Jo in the Fun.
512 Broadway
New York 12
MA Y 196 2 87
Bring the hom center up out of the eellee-c-let t~e whole family sbere in the
fascinating world opened up by global communications. The handsome styling of this
functional unit fits w ell in any decor-neatly organizes equipment and cables.
I. UN IQU1<: power channel sa f e ly encloses all in t er-
eonneettne wiring, relays , e tc. Eliminates "rat's-
neet" behind t'qu ipment. RCK>m for bu ilt-in power
lI u p p ly , filter network, etc .
2. CONVENIENT "bi~ s w it ch " wit h tndtcatt ne fu se-
h older and neon pilot light-add it ional individu-
ally co nt ro lled and fused circ u it switc h es ma y be
a dded.
3. T HHEE w ire det achable line cord bring s in all
power-insu r es proper g r oundinll.
Standard 4. POW EH c h a nnel has eigh t i t e -v ol t outlet_"
$99.95 • above top and" below top--with grounding contact
--eliminates makeshift outlet s t r ips or adapters .
Delux e 5. CO MFORT ABLE operatimt posltfon-c-Ieea a re ad-
jUlita ble to s u it you r- individual needs-c-castera
$139.95 C::::::::-J1-JJ m a y ht' added for por t a b ility .
6. MA S SIVE 1%" thi ck top 26 " x 60" provides ample
r oom for transmitter, receiver, Vt'o, amplifier, etc.
DELUXE stATION FACILITY ••• complete with f or mico top, Deluxe top is white formica-stanllard is mason ite.
v inyl tr immed end, _ ,helf and all electrical and mechanical 7. ADJUSTABLE s h e lf, s t a n da r d on deluxe m odel .
features lis ted ebeve, A. p pro x . shipping weight 190 lb,. h olds t est , monitoring o r other equtnmen t, con -
f .O. B. BROCKTON. MASS. venient to o per a to r.
Port "umber ,203-205f ... AMATEUR NET only $139 .95.
STANDARD STATION fACILITY OR WORK BENCH • 8 . END p anel covers r emovabfe-e-p rovid e a dd it io na l
com p le le with standa rd steel ends. masoni te top, and all s to ra g e a rea fo r too ls. t u bes. etc.
applicable featu res a s desc ribed above. Appro lt. shipping 9. DI>:LUXE model equipped w ith 3 8 0 -239 H I<' an-
weight 160 Ib,. f .O .8. BROCKTON, MASS. tenna lead con necto rs.
Port number 5203-255F'" AMATEUR NET only $99.95. 10 . E AS I L Y a ssembfed with 1,4 " wrench and sc r ew-
Order dired from fclC;tory or w rite 10 cu sto mer d e p<" tm e nt dr h 'e r - all screws r emova b fe with coin ,
for odditionClI in fo nn Clt io n . II. PLI>:A SING appearan ce will a p pea l to XYI.. De-
luxe-s-two tone Kray-gleam inK white form ira to))
Keep your Key
from Crawling
3434 74th Ave .. S.E.
Merce r lslen d . Wash.
MAY 1962 89
R·267 /ARR·27 RCVR . tv ocble e pprcx. 45 0-5 10 mc:s BLA N K CA LIB RATI O N BOO K 10' BC·221
contoins 28 lube s, b low e r, COOl( rela y, 2 gear. Frequ ency Meter, suitable fo r LM als o.
heed m oton, e te. BR A ND N EW IN DOU BLE Boxed NEW . $2.50
SEA LE D CA RTO NS . Shipping w I- c ppro x , 50 Ib s.
W AS $ 24.50 Cl o se o ul Special $ 19 .50 TUBE DA TA CA RDS f or 1- I 77A and B with
MX·949 Ad a pt er d ated O ct. 1952. NEW 2.50
RA-42A PWR SUPPL Y me te red outpu t, d e - ART· 13 CABLE with Plugs U-7U an d U.9U ,
liven vor DC 200.275 V @ 9Omo pl us la-pin M & F. NEW . .. ..... . . .... 4.00
6 .3 @ 30. Ideal for AR C-5, AR B, BC 603 DYNAMOTOR 12 VDC, O utpu t 500 VDC
e tc. li ke new. C lo se 01,11. • • • • • • • •• ••• • $ 14 .50
@ 250 rn a . BOled N EW . . . . . . . ..... B.75
BC-22 1 Freq. Meter. Ellce lle nt lik e new
cond ition .. ..• . .. . . ... . . ... . . . . .. • •. $64 .5 0 I DYNAMOTOR 0 VDC, Output 000 VDC
@ 175 ma _ Boxe d N EW
CONTACTOR 12 VDC for 12V Dynamo-
" T il ES
807 . 1. 25 5V4G 75 t
5881 . 1.50 5R4 GY .... . .. •.. . . 50t A ma le u rs who were o riginally licensed in 1912
6F4 e eeen . 1. 75 6AK5 SOt a re eligible for the Gol den An niversary o f Ama-
4X150A 12.50 6A G S 3St teur Radio L ice ns i ng Award s po nsor ed b y a num-
2C39A . . 7.50 6A56 7St ber o f societ iea includ ing A RRL, AFCEA . IR E,
7218 3 .50 12AU7 o r 12AT7 S0t' QCWA , Radio Club o f America and SSllA R A.
They s hou ld send the origi nal or a n attested
p ho tocopy o f thei r in it ia l a mateur radio li cens e
~i n a , de r 55.00. Pse include pas tog e. Eilee n re - iss ued in 19 12 to A RRL Head qua r t ers, w est H a r t-
fu nded immedia tel y. A ll prices FOB ou r W o rehouse , fort! 7, Connecticut , Attention Mr. J oh n H u n -
B'o n ", N . 1 . toon, before AUltu llt 15. 1962. I n cases whe re t he
urigi n lll 19 12 license ha s been los t or de stroyed.
13618 S . WE STER N
All o rders FOB Gardena, Co l if. M in im um 25 % w ith o rde r. M inimum e rde r $3. Colif Re i . odd 4:% s te te fax _
Roll Your Own RF Chokes 2-M E T E R RECEIVER & 2/6/10 METER XMTR
SCR-S22 rcvr, xmt r, ra ck &
case, exc. condo 19 tubel in -
10 me te rs IIH ' wind ing #30 Wif e d ude 832A' I . 100-156 mc AM.
5/16 " die, Satisfaction g rid . So ld at leu
Iho n t he t ub e cosl in l u rpl us!
6 meters 44 turns # 30 on 5/16" die . Shpg w i 85 Ibs . f O B Bre m-
2 meters 17 turn s #22 o n 5/16" die. e rton, WOlh. $14.95
11/. meters 16 turn s #22 on 5/ 16" die. ~d~ S3·.00· f~; .~omp'ele tech.
n ical da la g rou p ind udi ng
. . . W95 LM o rigin a l Iche ma tin & porh
lists, I. f ., x II formu las, inltru ct. ~...
for AC pwr sply, for rcvr can-
t in uo u5 tu n ing , fo r xmlr 2 ·mete, use. and for putting
"mt r on 6 and 10 melers.
C ry,tal Calibrators
La fa ye tt e Ra d io ha s been at it agai n . They wi lh th e se Navy cameros CRV-59AAC W/5ync unit
810ck I CoT, a s rem oved fr om operating Navy Air·
will s oon ha ve a bigg er li ne uf ham goods than croll, wilt. All the lubes (a ll!) plul the VHf xmtr
anyon e e ls e. T h is time they have brought out for il . some condit ion, T·61 /AXT-2 , plus 5che mo t icl/
conver lion ins tr. to home TV sy nu , fob los
t he T E-2 7. a 100 kc and 1 me oscillator, which Ang " __ 5149.50
se lls for $ 17.95, and the T E.29. a 100 kc os- POPULAR Q·S'ER
cill ator, which sells for only $ 11.95 net. Bot h 8C-453-8 : 190 -550 kc; I.f. 8 5 k e. Ul e (I S rcvr, a s
are self contained and use li tt le 49¢ 9 v tran - t una b le I.f., 01 dou b le - conversion fo r o ther revn.
Checked oul, good co nd ., w/sche m., a lign. inst r.,
sist e r bateries . Both provide harmon ic up to
r;:r A":~:le~o~~,. . ~t.~ .•R_o.i~~~ . ~~~~'. . ~~~ $12.95
5.t me a nd can be zeroed in on WW V. f or Fi"ers: Some, inoperat ive __ . . __ 55.95
See p. 66 Dec . 73 or w r; le us fo r re prinl. Thi ll il
Ihe BC-453 ·B in handso me case wi th xfr m r- ty pe p wr
Le tters Iply, Ipeo ker, ~II co nl ro ls, phone jock,
ready 10 plug , n a nd u se .. . . . . . ...•.
t:ditor 73
RBS: 2 10 20 m C 14 -t ube superhe t h 05 voice filter for
Yesterday. Murch 28, p r " ! l 8 Ifu : i " n condltion s were the lo w noile, eor·sover AG e , e te. SIr ici ly for communi-
worst I ha ve obaerved in ma ny It muo n . A Qu ick check colions l Very ho tl I. F. 1255 ke. Checked, oligne d ,
oC Da ve H row ns Il rt-d ic t iulI >l in ttw Mu r c h is sue, m ade w /po wa r lupp ly, co rds, schematic, in structions, f ob
a couple of m on th " in ndvn n e e, indicated that the o nly g~I;I~':~~, .S:~: . ~~ . :~~ . .~~:~ I.e.s~ . ~~.I ~f: $99.50
h a d day i n March would he the 2~t h I T hat's w ha t I call
top n o t ch fo r eClIs t in j:. I t ill sig niflcen t to n ot e that ALL-BAND RECEIVER
Georg e .I ucob'a M urr- h IIn'd iction s in "CQ" list ed fo ur R-45 /A RR-7 : 0 .55 10 43 mc AI , A2, A3. Unu l ed Air
e x cep tinnully go",1 dllY s (01' Mu r eh , o ne of t hem b ei n g Force lu rp lus, C0 5t Gov ' t $750.00! Ind u des o ur own
60 cy pw r sp ly f or hlr5, 8+, e nd the DC f or Ihe
t he 28th ! I You can d raw yo ur ow n conclus io n s. rcvr ' l outo m oli c tu nin g mola r. Th is rsvr h al e ve ry ,
G il Countrym an W4JA (e x W3HH ) th ing l XII IF filt er, 6 select ivi lies, 8FO . S-Me ter, AFt
RF Goin, Noi se li mit., e tc . Sha rp o nd Hot l Be st b uy
tod.. y for OX. IF ill 455 k e, id eal for d ouble can'
Dea r w a yn e, ve rsio n wi th eithe r 8C -453 or QX -S3S described
e beve. Be fo re sh ipping. w e have 0 poin5tok in g Com-
I am writinl{ in n 'Ka r,! t o t he n r-ticle I wrote, " One mun icotio n5 rodiomo n inlpec t each unil thoroughly,
More U se For The BC4S:l." In the article I quoted chec k it, a lig n it, bypan rer odiot io n supp ressor, im.
X LIAAX a s oay i n K the GAH 8 is as extin ct as th e dodo prove a nt. imped o nce molch and ho ng h is O K tag
b ird, and s u g g est ed the use of the n 60 or the 6BU8- o n it. W ,"chemotic, a lign, do lo. e te. absol utely reody
so t ar so good . Thi ll week I h a.t the c h a n ce to try the t o plug in o nd u se . . . no thing e lse
to do. FOB Son An tonio , Te xa s . . . . .
$179 50 •
GBU 8 in the circuit. I did wha t I (pel som e one else Time Pa y Plan: $17.95 d ow n, 11 mas at $16.0 3
mig h t do. I instel led the tube w it ho u t checking the
" IWCS lind developed a ve r y mic r cpho nlc tube. After check - RCVR/SPECTRUM ANALYZER
ing, I found Ihat I s houl d nu t e xceed 150 vo lts on the AN /A PR.4 rcv r is I I - tube lupe rhet 01 I. F., S-meter,
plate. When I corrected Ihi s goof all was FB. I t h e n e tc . for the 30 m e oulpu t of the t un in g
un its. Aligned, OK , fob l OI Ang e le s . . .
$69 50
put the 6A R8 back i n and found that 150 volts seem ed
to make no change in the original unit.
If th e art ic le's sch e m a t ics have n ot been r edra w n a s
~.:I~·h:7~e:8 r: ,3.~-,1 ~. ~~;. ~~~~~~ $85.00
yet, w ould you change the vo ltage that s u p p lies the 6ARB TN-19, 975,2200 mc $5 9.50
and th e IF amp t o 150 vo lts )fAX . If i t ill too la t e . please LM FREQUENCY METER
print it in the "goof col u m n " 11.8 th e author' s error. CrYl to l·calibrated every 1000 kc w /doto to use many
Dick P. G rid le y K6J HJ minor xtl checkl in between. XII is .00S·k or bet -
te r. 125 ·20,000 kc w 'usoble hormonicl f a r beyond.
Too late . . . ed W tmo tching -serio! ca lib book, xtl, Ichemotic, pwr-
~~~ele~at.~,.. ~.~~~~~~ ..~~. ..~~ .. ~~~ $49.50
'-elm to Ieeeeese 5{lt'ed with I"
f AO is TB X-rcv , sply, 115 v 60 cy, furnishes 011 volt·
I nl l ru l'tOarap!l-tb e Code T n ,-her thl l t ake l ogel. Very nea t. Ne w , w /lporel, plug, schem. d ....gs.
Ihe place or an ooera tor-l nllrurlar and en l b le. and eeev. to standard pwr sp ly, fob Son Diego SB_9 5
Iny"ne to miner CUtle ,,-lIho,u f urlh..r I5lh t- Add S1.OO for extra paris needed for on lM supply,
I"re. ", una b le lapel fr"m ....li:lnnt·rl Ilph ln..t plus the rev hed schematic for the lM use.
to I,.p l.-al mesll llu on I II lub jecll. ~{lt"ed TlMf PAY PLAN available for an y p urchase o ver
till ite 5 to 40 WI':\1. "' IWI H r..."I)"-no QIO I $150.00 total.
T hO" lI ndl hl f e ""'qulreu t he eode" .. llh Ill..
I nll ru l'tOauph Snl elIl. Write tod l )' f or con'..n -
lent rental or p u ~h u e pl ln l .
471 3 SHER IDAN ROAD . C H IC AG O 40 . I l l.
4700 Cre nlhl w Bl vd .• l OI Anl elu 43. Cilif.
MAY 19b2 91
(W2NS D Iecm paqe 4)
mho If you ge t the circuit board from I rving hybrid cou pler ( phone patch) they now have
E lectronics or make it a s described y ou won't added a nice looking coax switch and some
get into an y of these troubles, notch filters for the Collins owners that fit
K5CKC/6 went to the trouble to do what I right into the units just as if they were orig-
should have a nd worked out the formu la pre- inal equipment. Wa tch for their new R F
sent ed by W2KPE and found that th e line power met er with bu ilt-in dummy load too.
should be 22.7 feet, not 27,7 feet, Ugh on Gavin Instruments will be introd ucing a fine
'V2KPE and on me for not checking with the lit tl e two meter band pass T VI filter next
slide rule. Change that on page 27. month, thereby adding to their present line of
six meter and all-band filters. Gavin has been
Oscar working night and day to keep up with the
This project ha s been so extensively covered demand.
in the other ham magazines that I didn't see Xew-Tronics had a winner in their contest.
much purpose in printing more of the same. Their new line of all-band mobile whips will
Th e fellows involved arc to be commended for now be called " T he H ustler ". Some 6000 fel-
helping to put ham radio into public view. lows wrote in with entries a nd hopes of wi n-
Publicity like thi s will be of great value to ni ng t he K \Vl\I-2. Now a ren't you sorry t hat
the hobby. Let's g et more of those gadgets up you didn't give it a try? K8VZU, John
there f ellows. Nowacki (16 years old) if the winner, say
One of t he local space hardware manufac- hello to him on the air.
tu rers called to find out if we mi ght be inter- Harker & William~on put their new rig on
es ted in g etting t he ham s behi nd th e constr uc- view at the SSB Dinner in N ew York during
tion of anot her sa t ellite, one which would fur- t he I RE show and attracted a lot of attention.
nish us with a fr equency st a nda r d. With the The 6100 uses a crystal syn t hesizer , the first
price of calibration oscillators where it is now one to appear in ham gear so far. T he dial is
I guess we don't need anyth ing so fancy. resett.. t ble to 100 cycles!
Commercial Notes P & ][ ha s done a lot toward bringing SSB to
six meters. Their 6-150 transmitting converter
' Va ters ~ [a n uract uri ng is really going into the works like a charm and is getting very popu-
ham market in a big way. I n addition to their lar. We' ll have a r eview of t his r ig soon.
MAY 1962 93
T hese arc all source and getting more
Adi ronda~k
Air Ele ctr o n;u .
Ald e n HCl m Bencb
.. . . . . .. . . ... . . .. . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ..
Allied 96
so every d ay. All a rc limited in sup- Ai llr o niu -Ho w o rd 75
Am be r Industr iol 92
ply, clean, comp lete, a ll ha ve sche- Arro w ................. ................ 65
matics and we ship postpaid: Borry
80y Ro y .. .. . .......... . ... . ..... .... .. . ..•
83 , 87
TM-ll·235 SCR-536, Be·611 hondy folki • . • , •. $5.00 Be ,t Rodio Se rvice 47
TM·1I ~264 AN /GRC-26 9 .00 Bro a dnax , C. H. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . .. •.. 39
TM· II -283 AN /VRC-6. 6X, 6Y, R·257, f208 5 .00 Burk 61
TM-11-300 8C-221 freq. met.r, all models . ". . 7 .50 Co ndee, J. J . 87
TM·I1 ·352 TOl, TG-37 . Teletype model 15 6.50 Co lumbia . " .. 89
TM·I1-S10 URC-4 walkie talkie 6 .00 Clegg . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
TM-II ·S17 ARC-44 8 .00 Conlinento l 31
TM_11_600 8C-603, 8C-404 •.... ....•....... 7.50 Co rne ll ·Dubilier . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 23
1M-11-6184 TRC-Bo,b·TRC_llo & b. TRC-l2.J & b 8.00 Cushcroh 39
TM_l1·630 8C-652-o, 8C-6530 •.......... ... 8 .00 C· Y . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 27
1M-ll -S26 8C--610 E.F·G·H-T _ 10.00 Daw ·Key . 47 . 63
TM-I1-850 Rev". Be-312, 314, 8C-342, 344 5 .00 Ebco 47
TM·l1-BS6o Receive, R-390A 10 ,00 Edi tors & Eng ine e rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
TM-ll·866 8C-779. 8C·1004. RA-74b. c. 6 .00 Ele ctr o p hys ics 75
TM·I1-1067 TS·34 Oscillosc:ope mo int 5 .00 Elliot Ele dro " ics 79
TM·I1·220a T5-2 teletype distortion si g ned 5 .00 Epsi lon Re co rd s 63
TM-I1 _2216 Teletype seh TT·7. TT·a 9 .00 E-Z Woy 4
T....,.11 · 2222 Rec eiving tr Cln,mitter distrib ul :"s. Evons 55
TT·12. TT·13 , TT_21 . TT·25. TT-26 . Finne y ,........................ .. . 15
and TT·52 /FG including other mode l Goi n 28
14 transmitter distr:b uto rs , 9 .00 Ga m 75
TM-I1·2S26 BC-1060 oscilloscope 6 .00 G avi n 27
TM· l l · 2627 1-177 tube tester 4 .00 G lan, J. J. 92
T.\ '-11 ·5S00 T5-297 multimeter 5 .00 G oodhe ort 91
T ~ -ll·SS27 TS·3S2 mullime ter 5 .00 G ra ha m 63
APA·IO ma in tenance instructions 5 .00 Ho m-Boar d s 29
AP.6._11 mointenance in stru cti on s 5 .00 Hom Kih 41 , 55
APN· 1 ma intenonce instructions 6 .50 Ha mm orl u nd ........................•.... . . 71
APN-4 maintenance in structions 8 .00 He Cl t h 48, 49, 59
APN-9 mo intenClnce in structions 10.00 Hi-Po r 19
.AP~ -1 /5PR-l ma int. in structi ons 7 .50 Hi·W a y 90
.6 P :lI ·4 moint. insh. (g e tt in g rClre ) 7.50 Hy -Gain '...... . 53
APT ·5 mCl intenan ce in st ructions 6 .00 Inte rnat ion a l Cr yst a l 5
A ~C · l maint. insh. (o na the r rore mClnu::.I) 8 .50 Irving 17
~~ C- 2 mointenonce manual 8 .50 KT V Tow e rs 63
ARC-5 mo int. (a ll low fr .q. un its C1nd MD-7 ) 8 .50 l o fa yetfe ................................•.. 3
ARC-S mointenance in sh . (VHF un ih & MD·7) 8.50 t-w 29
ARC· 12 maintenonce insh . (RT· 58) 10 .00 Mops, 3 ·D! 64, 89
AQN-S mClintenance instructions • .... . . . . .. . 7 .50 Min i· Products .............. . ...... ...••. . ... 57
ARN-6 mointenance instructions 6 .00 Multi-Elm ::l c ,....... . ...... .......... ... 27
AIlN-7 mClintenance instr uctions 8.50 Nat ional Cov er IV
ARR·2 mointenonce instructions 7.50 New-Teo nic s ,........ ...... ........... . . . 43
ARR·S m aintenance instructions . 8 .50 P & H . . . ........... ..... . . ........ ....•. . 59
ART-13 maintenance instructions 12.50 Pol Ylron ics Co ver III
ART·13 operation manual 3.50 Pro p og of ion Pto d uch 94
ART-13 cal ibration manuol $ .00 Rod ia Booksho p 73
8C -224 a nd 8C·348 monua!s h'le cify ! eries) 8 .$0 Re yco 75
5CR.274 maintenonce mClnuah 8.50 Ro hn 61
1> 11: 4, ARB. ATD, RAX·1 , ABA, A8D m .1n:J J ls, e a. 7.50 SignClI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. 90
BC-375 mo intenance mon u ol s 7 .50 Slep 85
TCS mClnual s (u se d but p erfect) 9 .00 Spoce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90
Subscription, sign up 80
n 'rite us if pon have ally needs not listell. 5·... 01' • • • • . . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • . • . • . • • • • • • . • 79
TA B 95
we have hundreds on hand and receive more Tape tone ........................ .......•... 11
each dou. Tech n ical Materie l Corpora tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45
Feb- ex .. • • • • . .. • . . • • . • • . .. • • . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • 67
Looking fur .\ ir Socket - for the 4- lOOO? ? '~ Te xa s Cr yst o l .......... ....... ......... ... • • 81
,,"'e have them . br and new EIM AC SK·SOO TOPOl Co nverters . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. 35
U. S. # 1 93
sockets, less blower a nd chim ney, sealed car- United Tronsf o rm er Co rpo ra tio n Co ver II
tons, $15.00 each postpaid . two for $25.00 V&H 41
Vanguo rd . .. .... .•. .......... ........... .. • 27
We're buyi ng lest set s and surplus transm it ves re 57
ring tubes. as well as tech manuals of a ll webe r 70
Waters 9
types. We especially need tec h manu als for W(" tern Radio (Ne b ro sko) 79
equipm ent c urre n t ly appearing on the surplus Wes te rn Ro d io (Sa n Die g o ) 17
market but can use manv of the older W \l/I1 73 Ho m TV Book ..•......................... 84
73 Ind e. To Su rplus _......... ... 82
manuals. Pl es-e 1f'1 11" know what you have. 73 Impedance Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
our offe r will mor e th an likely surprise lOU . 73 Subscription .........•..•. . . ........... . . 80
" TA B" Dplratioll UP t l 125' C Ca.. Temp.
Fulor}' T es led G td. ! oC 200Pi_ IOOPI_ 300PI _
D .C. .,
Baity • D.r.,.
..'" A Buy THAT'S
'~ P~ .
2 -
1 ~II R mi
. 55
I. ~O
6 1.00 1.15
ii"TAB" Tub.. Fad."! T....d. I•••dd , 12
2 .90
7. 15 4.9
.! .og
rm l /ll h rm,/ plw r ms/ piw r m, /p l. Six Mont hs Guarantee dl N, Releeh l BoxedI 7u 5.6 0
,4 ,50 10.80
70 / 100
2 10/300
.31 GOYT & MFGRS Slirplusl New & Used
OA2 ..._..• •89 68 l 1 •......• 1.25 U··tO,,)6Stll 240 8.
,. 19 .60
r m l /, I. 082 _ •.- .... _ .._._ . M •
,i ~
2110/400 S50 /500 420/600 4901700 OC3 _ " 'M .r 0
." .SO .63 .77 001
OZ4 _
6C6 _._. 1.08
6C3 _······M 1.08
If' t TrAd,.'
RK59 ._..- I'S9
RK60 - - 1'17
J Iii
560 /800
rm, /p l.,
rm, / pl .
770 /1 10Cl
IA7 _
ILot -
.' 0
6CBi _
6C06 --- 1.49
89 H1"
75 ....._
._- , ' . ,
..- .-
. ..~ " .50
.63 .OS 1.68 1.3' 1ft.. - -
"';--S S
si j 6CFG -
1.4 0
HV75 _
e3V , __
J. "
.95 H10Il 29.7 5
l.ow P ri eM T 31111 Silicon D lodet wI UI~' Tllbell Wh., Do/U H.",? • D"o.le .lOll. Iqr Bo.t!"y ~ CdPdotivt
Ualed 400 pyl /280rm l @300 Ma @100·C ~~ '1:
iCBI •• • • 811 4P R6OA ..31.50 L OQd or D .C. Blocklnil l
.25 88ch; 30 for U : 100 t or $22;
SO for $100 : 100 for $ 180
U5 M'MM" · I 75 60'
6CG8 -
' 8' 6C M6 -
'9 ~
I .l! 4 · 125A _..!r.50 •S tud "._"ttd o n H eo.t·s;nJr
. 19 4XI 50G
6CS6 - - . 70 4X2 50B
6CU' _•..• 1.29 4 · ... 00A
..1 75
Kit GlaliS Diod.. ellu i_. 1:-;3 4A. 46 .
".E" . "' 3"'"
48. 51. \"0 , 64 . 87. 105. 109, 141, 167.
~RK . 29.~. 12 for $ 1. 111 0 l or $6.
" S UP E R I O R" Powers l. t Type 10 IX2 M M 6£5
'" 19 2 ~O TL .19 :;
165W to 132V $6 each ; 2 lo r $10 2C39 A" '-' • Q 6F 4 2, "9 307 A
M ••••••• • %/$1 T ran s ist or P ower
2C40 M" 6 50 6F5 ••••••.••• •63 316A. 5111 CO NV ER TER
M" _ " 6F6 !l9 VR92 __..5 /$1
N EW BA T TERY S tlJd 2'1 lor C.llI!olt DC t o 500VDC
6 V OR 12VO l T
2~4 1 _ e..50 6F7 ~ _ _ .99 38SA _ •.. 3 /$1 u p 10 200MA
2C51 ..._... 2.001 6Fa _ 1.39 " . . ..._.- •_. 0"~
2021 _ _ .65 6HI 59
Hu m B C6- 12\· 10. !'rlr e CDmp le le $14 .
2£22 _.... 1.15 GJ4 -
2 E24 _
2 E2S _
t.90 6J5
2.50 ' J6 _
:59 ==
350 B __. I.7a 10 0 WaH" Tcap at
371 B __ .9;;
1t 4' _ ._ _ 3.90
2£26 _._ %.15 6J7 _ _ : " 4 16B ...._..JI5.0 0 0 8 500 no
Lee<;. !'t'edU. Choreer S,.... m. 2 E30 _ Q 6J8 . 1.39 OO TH _. 43.00
S ..oltod Silico,. S'ud R _tl/i.r 2~n ...... 1.4>11 6K& M'_._ .59 "'50TL _ .....3.pO 12VDC to 2~O V D C UII 10 1 5 ~MA
7I 5C •.....10.lJ ll
7I 7A .....•..5 /S1
I TW O 566A'I and FIL AMENT$6
XF MR 10 1<., 1",lt d SP EC IAL
8';6.\ x rmr 2. 5\' /1 0 .\ / 10I{ V I nl l . • • . $3 .95 3 A4 M'M'" .10 6V6G T .._ .90 72UB .._ 5.00
:\lI r roawllr h nl /N P:-; C /30AS.4 ~ @. 3 for SI ~~~I 1.<10 6X5 _._ .49 72.5A 2.15
T ube 1' la m PI 8 1tt eher • . . .. • • • .. . 5 for SI ..__ 5.95 12ATe _ .59 80S M.'_"_ 8 .50
.u12 a t ~5 1\ y C D Conrlen iH H @. 3 101' $10 38 PI __ S.99 12 AT7 ._ . 89 804 _.... _.. 8.85
wjc t.~ hoke 4ITy/4:iOl la/ 270hms $4 @, lC 24 _ 1.50 12AUI _ .63 105 600
3 hr$10 ' 0 21 ._._US 12AU7 ... . .89 'IT' ···7-- -4 ~
r.me .' llte r 50A /:!50V AC SIO@. 2 tar SII W. BII1!. If/ , Sell! e r• •.
l. Ine .·ll !e r ~Ofl AII30 \' AC SIII @ . 2 lor $30 l E29 ._ ._ 6:00 12AX7 __ . 19 107 ....., 1.10
llru n ln . " ;I r a l1 el 6" Il ule $.69 @. 2 lor $1 3 Q4 _ .68 I2 A V1 _ 1.!9 5/U . 10/ SI:
n:s l .\138 L tn ear ~ . " I nol h 1'01.••. 2 t,r $1 l Q5 _ _ .86 12B 4 .._.. •93
..i' Te " Hela y L i ne 1 Mrac'd SI (iii. 3 for $7 ....65 A ...•~ J3.50 128A6 .65 81 1 3. "5 I L~~~~;;;';::':'i.~~i;~f.cfiT
\" Ht"uum Cono1l'ra 50:\Imfd!1.5I\: Y $3 @
.. Itt SIO : ",", ',: '- 321 .:10 128A 7 .99 811 A .•.... ".U
• •••• t .OO 128 08 •..• .59 ", 3 "
.. XI50A.. Q 128E6 . 59 .......... .•
We buy! Swap & Ssll Se m l'\l nlluctors
4X 250 ..•.36 .0U 12 B H6 .ra 8 1: !l.!I:J
U 500 37 .00 12 8 H7 .99 81 1.15
W ~ n l e d Tranl lato.,. Dlodu . letle,..' 5API .. 2.D;; 128V7 1.00 826 !l!l
W."ted Tell Sell ."d Eqllj pm, ,,' •
" TAB FOR TRANSiSTORS & DIODES " 5 BP I .. Q 12B 27 !l~ 878 9.011
Fil II L gth Leads Factory Testtd& Gtd l 5 BP.
" .95
12 H6 _
IUS __._ .159
7 ;i R2!18 S fi ll
832 A .•...... 15.0 0
1':'\1' II I Power 15 Amp . T03 5CP1 __ D.OO 12J7 _ ..._ .69 1Il3 A _ . S6 .un
'.f F rl'
C""'1l Diamond & T036 Round Ptl
2:"iH I . 1-"217 S1.25 @
10 l or SII
SR' ._._
ST4 _
5U 4 __...
sx 142. 2:'\278 $30 . 4 l or $HI 5V4 __
I2 J8 __._ 1.35
12K8 _._ .89
125A7 ._ .6~
12SC7 •._ .89
Il66A • • • 2.25
::'! I S~
9 54 .•........10 /$ 1
955 _ 3 / SI
2N HS. 2:""lH $40, .. t.,. $14 5YS _ _ .60 12Sn ._ .69 957 , 3 /'1
USA MIt . 2!'\671 SID. 12 for $10 : T03 5Z3 _.•...•_ .8!' 12SG7 .... . 89 95 8A _ ..•.%/' 1
2!'\6a A $20 . 6 t or $10; TOS 2:'\6778 $30 . Send 2'1 lo r Cl/. lo!,!
4 fot StO: T OS 2~ 6 77 C $50 . 2 for $8 ; T 03 15G P 22 ..89 .0 11 12SH7 •..• •89 !I91 51$.
SIO IIr Mor t . T hi s H l'fIl P OIlp ald U .S.A. ! 6A7 ...•...... 1.00
RN D (1 0 36 1. or Di a mond (T03)
rnl<- a k it 30t ca . po wer H eat S Ink
12S J7 ...... •75
12S L7
_ .72 12S N7
• ••• 2.15
5 /.1
3 /$1
10'1 11'''' ,1 ( ~O " ' '1, ) $1.39 . 6AG5 •... . 65 12501 .... •69 1676
M 5 /S1
6A G7 .... . 15 12SR7 _. . .69 1679
M •...... .41$1
&A K5 •._ .69
SELENIUM F.W . BRIDGE RECTIfiERS &AU _ ._ .39 15 R ...._•...4 / SI 55 17 15 E •....•_ 1.19 2050 1.2.;
DC IIV AC ]lJV AC 72VAC ISDV AC ..•.._ 1.2:>
AMP 14V DC lI V DC S4VDC l OOVOC &AQ 5 ...... •156 F G I7 .._.. Q 5608 .... 3 .95
T tJp $$$ P.iJ [or 304 T L, 813, 81111. 8 11A T " bts
' 1.00 Sl. to $3.15 'U O ' A RI _ M 1.95 19Ta _ 1.1 6 5611 3 .25
1.30 1.01 4.11 I. I ~ &AS1 ...._ 3.49 2... G .. _ M 3.50 5651 1.3.~
2.15 1.00 •. 2$ 11 . 1' , An __..l / St 25A6 _._ 1.19 5i54 _ .._ 1.20
2.90 4.00 1 .80 lS.U &AU6 79 25A 7 %.19 565i _ 2;;
4.15 ' .00 " . 75 SI... 6 B8 _. 1.35 25C5 _..•..• . 8~ 5663 _._ 1.1 5
, 10 12. 15 21 .30 4 1.10 4> 8A' _.•~ .59 25L6 ..._._ .1 _ 561 0 _ _ .90
7 1~ 14 . ~ 3'.95 4J .U 6 8 E6 ~._. .:'9 25T ...... ...• 4 .1I~ 56116 1.1;; Gtd' o ct al Si li con-5U4G-Tubs Re .
15 .00
24 . ~ n
211 .45
Write For
RNti!itr CQ IaIt,~
6 BG6
6 8 H6
6 BJ6
2525 ...•..
25 26 •.....
2fi ~7
Top $$S Palll lor XMTTR TflbtJ!
. 7:
3 69
•..•._ U5
.....•.. 4.711
1.9;; I Illat~ment 1\20 R MS 16110 P I_ $4 @
z lo r S6; 4 lo r $ 10
LO ,'/Ut./.;/) .';; , UC O N
D.C. PO W ER SUPP LY 1I 5 V/60 to fi BK7 !!9 FG77 8 .~11 5732 ! .Oll TU m.; "f;I'I, Af:f;",.; ,.·'TS
1100 CYli . In put 330 and 165 VO C up 6B L7 _ •.•• 1.35 H V27 19.3: 5736 8:; .110 1J'lTrl IU:II.T 1.\' SU RGE .
to 150 MA. Cuedl SPEC I AL $5. fi B N4 .Il!! 7807 8. 574!! ..•_.•. Ul:i ..t .\ lI Sf ;lII f ;!' II .H. .I ,\T' ,\(~
6 B N5 _.._ 1.1111 FG33 _ 15.00 57 50 .•...... ! .75
rlW T EC Tl O ."
:'>';1231':'\ 1' 45t . n ror I .i . 100/ SS1 i B N7 1.99 E L34 3.49 575 1 _ 1.2:;
2 S t~t:-; I':-; 45t . 12 for $5 . 100 /$37 6 806 1.1 9 35A5 .._ 69 511 4 1.20 IYPE \lRMS/PI\I AMPS PRICE ,
::-;%93 1"1' :-; 45t . 11: ror 15. 100 / $37 6 B07 .9!1 35L6 __ 59 5117!! _ I ':.on
2:-; ~!3 1':-;1' 80t ...... • • 100/1 65 6 BX7 1.lt l H __..•... 4.49 5119 4 _. 1t ! .00 TII4>6 :,OllO/I OlM 0 .3 Sol ..
2!'\!i97 PSI' II 9,) . .• .• . 11 / $10 6 BY) _ ._ 1.19 3525 ._.... 1.%5 T 5not 1900 /2800 0. 5 $I
2~598 P ~ I ' 11 .90 • . . ••• e /U t 6 8li _~._ .IH RK 39 __ .. ! .99 )tt , S~..t-W, ile ~
2:-;",99 1':'\ 1' $3.50 • .. . . . Slllt
S ID or More . Th h Henl l'oxtpald U.N .A
Y.t:., t ;1t UHl IJ E ~
fat l'rl T0 24 I',·ko: . I{ lt D I,
1,,0 to 400
S ller
: Mlft OtdarN_U-25-,.
F .O .B. Yilt'"
Tin day tuar an l.., prl.. , t
Ge nerel PurJlue - P NP - Co mputer
ur. I F A81Pl lnPr-?"clllator--Il IFI
1 ."Klr-l"~ n oamp-1 ",,·er !luppl :r
I'u lu Am pllft er nr III ~h C u rn nt ~..
veu. v-e . " eb AJlprDI, "OV
ODE8 u p to ..00 MW. Blnels a nd md se. Inly. Our I6 l h n ar.
2N6 j O ra ted 300 !II... 50e @ , 10 fo r $4
double e nded 2 for $1 . With in 3O~ PrI_ ..........n Gra l ubj_d I. c .... ,.••• ~ N'n 71 r ~l f nile '''II 75t @ . 10 for S8
'''R ~ nr e $1 @'; 3 t or $2 . I I IJ E Li berl y 51. . N. V. 6. N. V• • RE 2·6245
Dollar-for-Dollar Your Best Transmitter Kit Buyl
knight-kit T- 6 0 e
at an amazing low
Easy-to-Build IIFirst Rig tor Novice, ••
Technician, or Ham-to-Be •.• ••
IT'S AN ALUED BEST BUY ! r--.~--------- TODAY
.,. "'" LAB inc. NEW MINI·LOAO VFO with adjustable differential
capacitor maintains virtually zero drift
under all conditions
Polylronics lab, Inc. 388 Getty Aven ue . Clitton. New Jersey. Phone 772-1334