The Differences Between: Receiver Types, Part 1
The Differences Between: Receiver Types, Part 1
The Differences Between: Receiver Types, Part 1
addition, direct-conversion receivers lend themselves well to
LNA Mixer Amplifier
integrated-circuit (IC) designs.
Demodulator Direct-conversion receivers typically filter and amplify a
No = the output x 10-21
= 4noise power.
W/Hz = -174 dBm/Hz tor. The same LO drives both mixers. However, the LO signals
eceivers undoubtedly play a critical role in any select a desired signal despite the presence of other unwanted to each mixer differ in phase by 90 deg. The I/Q signals can
communications system. They perform the signals. A receiver with good selectivity will process desired Noise factor (Siis
i) dependent on the source noise tem- then be processed following the demodulation stage.
tasks of receiving an incoming transmitted sig- signals while sufficiently rejecting unwanted spurious and perature as follows:
nal and then recovering the information con- interference signals. P = kTB THE SUPERHETERODYNE RECEIVER
tained in those signals. Given the massive amount of informa- Sensitivity describes how well a receiver can process very (Si/Ni) No No (GkToB + NR) The superheterodyne receiver is a common receiver configu-
F= = = = Joules/K)(290° K)(1 Hz)
tion that is wirelessly communicated today, it is worthwhile to weak input signals. It can be quantified as the weakest signal (So/No) kTB GNi= (1.38GkTx 10
o B GkT oB ration that has been used for many years (Fig. 2). Superhetero-
have a clear understanding of this subject. level that a receiver can detect to meet a given requirement, = 4 x 10-21 W/Hz = -174 dBm/Hz dyne receivers basically translate an RF input signal to a lower-
This article, Part 1 of the series, provides a general overview such as a specified signal-to-noise and distortion (SINAD) P = kTB
where: frequency intermediate-frequency (IF) signal. The IF signal is
NF = 10 x log (F) (S /N )
of receivers. The direct-conversion receiver and the widely ratio or bit error rate (BER). To = standard noise source temperature i i (290°K); then demodulated to allow the modulation data to be processed.
= (1.38 x 10-23 Joules/K)(290°
used superheterodyne receiver are both discussed here. Part 2, NkTB
R = noise added by the receiver; (So/No)K)(1 Hz) The entire process can be explained by analyzing the basic
which will appear in the April issue of Microwaves & RF, will G = gain= 4ofx 10 -21 W/Hz = -174 dBm/Hz
the receiver. F –1 F3 – 1 Fn – 1receiver shown in Fig. 2 (this receiver is only an example; many
SENSITIVITY AND NOISE NFTotal = 10log F + 2 + ... +
1 ...G
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both implemen- Thermal noise represents the fundamental limit on achiev- (Si/Ni)G1 No G1G2No 1G2 oB
G(GkT + NR) can be implemented). A received signal first enters a
(Si/Ni) F = = = =
tations. The newer direct RF-sampling technique will also be able signal sensitivity. It is a result of the vibrations of conduc- FThe
= noise figure (NF) is simply (So/No)the noise
GNi factor expressed in GkT bandpass filter. This filter, often called a pre-select filter, rejects
(S /N )
GkT oB oB
discussed in the second installment. tion electrons and holes due to their finite temperature. The decibels:o o out-of-band signals. Next, a low-noise amplifier (LNA) per-
power delivered by a thermal source into a load is defined as: (GkT forms the task of boosting the signal amplitude. This LNA is
(Si/Ni) No NF N =o10 x log (F)oB + NR)
THE ROLE OF A RECEIVER F= = = = an extremely important component, as the overall noise figure
P = kTB (So/No) GNi GkToB GkToB
The input signal to a receiver is obtained from a receiving The noise figure of a receiver can be determined by the gain of a superheterodyne receiver is highly dependent on the noise
antenna. These received signals, which are typically very weak, where: and noise figure of its individual components. It F2can
– 1 be calcu- Fn LNA.
F3 – 1 figure of the – 1 Another bandpass filter, known as an image-
kTB = (1.38 x 10 -23 Joules/K)(290° K)(1 Hz) NFTotal = 10log F + + ... +
can be described as modulated RF carrier signals. The modu- k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10-23 Joules/K); NF =by10the
lated x log (F)
well-known 1
equation for cascaded noise G1 figure: G1G2 reject filter, ...Gn–1 the LNA. The purpose of this filter is to
= 4 x 10 -21 W/Hz = -174 dBm/Hz
lation carries the actual information, which can be audio, T = temperature in degrees Kelvin (K); reject the unwanted image frequency band.
F2 – 1 F3 – 1 Fn – 1
video, or data. A receiver must perform a number of actions B = noise bandwidth. NF = 10log F + + ... +
A mixer then converts the RF signal to a lower-frequency
(Si/Ni) Total 1
on a received signal so that the modulation information can F= G1 G1G2 G1G2 ...Gn–1 IF signal. Both the RF signal and an LO signal enter the mixer,
ultimately be deciphered and processed. The standard (So/No)
P = kTBsource noise temperature, or To, is 290°K. Thus, thereby generating the IF signal that appears at the mixer’s out-
Receivers are required to perform effectively despite the the thermal noise generated in a 1-Hz bandwidth is: where: put. The frequency of this IF signal is equal to the difference of
(Si/Ni) No No (GkToB + NR)
presence of noise and other interfering signals. Therefore, F
-23= =
kTB = (1.38 x 10 Joules/K)(290° K)(1 Hz) = = F 1 = noise factor of stage 1; the RF input signal’s frequency and the LO signal’s frequency.
selectivity and sensitivity are important characteristics of one. (So/No) GNi GkToB GkToB F2 = noise factor of stage 2; Following frequency downconversion, bandpass filtering is
= 4 x 10 W/Hz = -174 dBm/Hz
Selectivity describes the capability of a receiver to identify and Fn = noise factor of the nth stage; implemented in the IF stage to remove any unwanted signals.
The noise(S floor sets the
= 10on the(F)
x log minimum detectable G1 = gain of stage 1; Next, an IF amplifier provides a significant amount of gain to
signal level.
F = A noiseless receiver would therefore have a noise G2 = gain of stage 2; the IF signal. Multiple amplifiers may be employed as well. The
LNA Mixer (S /No)
floor of −174 odBm/Hz. P However,
= kTB every receiverF adds – 1 someF – 1 F –G1n-1 = gain of stage n-1. amplified IF signal is then demodulated, allowing the informa-
Demodulated 2 3 n
baseband output amount of noise, further NF Total =its
limiting 10log F1 + A receiver+can
sensitivity. ... + tion to be processed.
fRF (Si/Ni) No No (GkToBG+1 NR) G1G2 G1G2 ...Gn–1
be characterized
F= by its=noise
kTBfactor (F),
==(1.38 x which is a measure of the
= Joules/K)(290°
10-23 K)(1 Hz) DIRECT-CONVERSION RECEIVER Superheterodyne receivers are often implemented with two
degradation (S /Nosignal-to-noise
inothe ) GNi GkT oB(SNR) asGkT
-21 oB passes
a signal A direct-conversion receiver, also known as a homodyne frequency-conversion stages. This configuration is particularly
= 4 x 10 W/Hz = -174 dBm/Hz
fLO = fRF through a network. It can be defined by the following equation: or zero-IF receiver, is one type of receiver architecture (Fig. beneficial for higher-frequency applications. Part 2 of this series
NF = 10 x log (F) (S /N ) 1). Direct-conversion receivers convert an RF signal to a 0-Hz will further examine dual-conversion superheterodyne receiv-
i i
1. Direct-conversion receivers translate an RF input signal to a F= signal in one stage. They are generally considered low-cost ers. It will also explain the pros and cons of direct-conversion
baseband output in one stage. F2 – 1 F3 – 1 Fn – 1 solutions, mostly because they require few components. In and superheterodyne receivers.
NFTotal = 10log F + + ... +
1(S /NG G(GkT B+N )
i i) 1 No G1G2No 1G2 o n–1 R
F= = = =
(So/No) GNi GkToB GkToB
NF = 10 x log (F)