Seg Mrf2-E

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MRF2 - Frequency Relay


1. Introduction and Application 6. Relay testing and commissioning

6.1 Power-On
2. Features and characteristics 6.2 Testing the output relays
6.3 Checking the set values
3. Design 6.4 Secondary injection test
3.1 Connections 6.4.1 Test equipment
3.1.1 Analog inputs 6.4.2 Test circuit
3.1.2 Output relays 6.4.3 Checking the input circuits and measuring
3.1.3 Blocking input values
3.1.4 External reset input 6.4.4 Checking of operating- and resetting values
3.2 Display of the over-/underfrequency functions
3.3 LEDs 6.4.5 Checking of operating- and resetting values
of the df/dt elements
4. Working principle 6.4.6 Checking the tripping delays
4.1 Analog circuits 6.4.7 Checking the external blocking- and reset
4.2 Digital part functions (inputs)
4.3 Principle of frequency supervision 6.5 Primary injection test
4.4 Measurement of the frequency gradient 6.6 Maintenance
(rate of change of frequency)
4.4.1 Load shedding 7. Technical data
4.4.2 Mains decoupling of electrical generators 7.1 Measuring input circuits
7.2 Common data
5. Operation and settings 7.3 Setting ranges and steps
5.1 Setting- and measuring values 7.4 Order form
5.2 Setting procedure
5.2.1 Setting of nominal frequency 8. Setting-list
5.2.2 Number of measuring repetitions (T)
5.2.3 Pickup values of frequency supervision
5.2.4 Tripping delays for the frequency elements
5.2.5 Parameter for frequency gradient supervi-
sion df/dt at load shedding
5.2.6 Parameters for frequency gradient supervi-
sion df/dt for mains decoupling
5.2.7 Voltage threshold for frequency measure-
5.2.8 Setting of slave address
5.2.9 Assignment of the ouput relays
5.3 Measuring values
5.3.1 Instantaneous values
5.3.2 Tripping memory
5.3.3 Minimum-/maximum values
5.4 Reset For additional common data of all MR-relays please
5.5 Dynamic behaviour of the relay functions refer to manual "MR - Digital Multifunctional relays".

This manual is valid for relay software version from D01_6.00 onwards

2 TB MRF2 08.97 E
1. Introduction and Application 2. Features and characteristics

The MRF2 is a universal frequency relay and contains • Microprocessor technology with watchdog
the protective functions required by most electrical utili- • Effective active low pass filter for suppressing of
ties for mains parallel operation of power stations: harmonics
• Four elements for frequency supervision, alternatively
• Four elements for over- or under frequency protection for under- or overfrequency detection
• Two elements for frequency gradient supervision • Two elements for supervision of the frequency gradi-
df/dt ent df/dt (rate of change of frequency)
• Fast decoupling of the generator from the grid at • Independent separate adjustable timers
mains failure • Adjustable voltage threshold for blocking of the fre-
• Suitable for load shedding systems quency measurement
• Display of all measuring values and setting parame-
ters for normal operation and tripping via an alpha-
numerical display and LEDs
• Display of actual measuring values, storage and
display of tripping values
• Minimum- and maximum measurement of the fre-
quency gradient
• The protective functions can be assigned individually
to the output relays (relay matrix)
• In compliance with VDE 0435, part 303, IEC 255
• Safe and fast mains decoupling by df/dt supervision

TB MRF2 08.97 E 3
3. Design

3.1 Connections

Fig. 3.1: Connection diagram MRF2

Phase voltages can also be connected to A3/A4

3.1.1 Analog inputs 3.1.3 Blocking input

The analog input voltage is galvanically isolated via When required to inhibit the underfrequency and
the input transformer of the relay and the signal is df/dt elements of the relay, the auxiliary voltage has to
passed through an active low pass filter. The fre- be connected to D8/E8 (please also refer to table
quency is detected from the square wave voltages 5.2, page 14).
which are formed via comporators. The external wiring
of the measuring circuits as well as the auxiliary volt-
age are shown in the connection diagram. 3.1.4 External reset input

See chapter 5.4

3.1.2 Output relays

The MRF2 has 5 output relays with change-over con-

Output relay 1: C1, D1, E1 and C2, D2, E2
Output relay 2: C3, D3, E3 and C4, D4, E4
Output relay 3: C5, D5, E5
Output relay 4: C6, D6, E6
Output relay 5: Self-supervision (internal fault of
the relay) C7, D7, E7

All relays are normally off, only the self-supervision re-

lay is normally on.

4 TB MRF2 08.97 E
3.2 Display

Function Display indication Required push button Corresponding Color of

operation LED the LED
Normal operation: SEG
Measured values: meas. value of voltage <SELECT/RESET> U green
meas. value of frequency <SELECT/RESET> f green
min./max. frequency <SELECT/RESET> f + (min. or max.) green
meas. values before last reset one time for each value
measuring value df/dt <SELECT/RESET> df/dt green
one time for each value
min./max. meas. value of <SELECT/RESET> df/dt + (min. or green
frequency gradient before last one time for each value max.)
Setting values:
Nominal frequency fN setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> fN green
Measuring repetition setting value in periods of <SELECT/RESET><+><-> T red
nominal frequency
Frequency pickup value f1 setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> f1 green
Tripping delay for f1 setting value in seconds one time for each value tf1 red
Frequency pickup value f2 setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> f2 green
Tripping delay for f2 setting value in seconds one time for each value tf2 red
Frequency pickup value f3 setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> f3 green
Tripping delay for f3 setting value in seconds one time for each value tf3 red
Frequency pickup value f4 setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> f4 green
Tripping delay for f4 setting value in seconds one time for each value tf4 red
Frequency threshold fe for setting value in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> fe + df1, as well as green
df/dt - measurement or "VARI" fe + df2
Pickup value df1/dt setting value in Hz/s <SELECT/RESET><+><-> df1 green
Time difference or value of tripping timer setting value in periods of one time for each value dt1 red
for df1/dt nominal frequency
Pickup value df2/dt setting value in Hz/s <SELECT/RESET><+><-> df2 green
Time difference or value of tripping timer setting value in periods of one time for each value dt2 red
for df2/dt nominal frequency
Blocking EXIT <SELECT/RESET><+><-> LED of blocked func- green
Voltage threshold for frequency setting value in Volt <SELECT/RESET><+><-> UB green
measurement UB
Assignment of output relays 1-4 <ENTER> + <TRIP> R green
<SELECT/RESET><+><-> f1 - f4, df1, df2 red
Slave address of serial interface 1 - 32 <SELECT/RESET><+><-> RS yellow
Stored fault values:
Frequency tripping values in Hz <SELECT/RESET><+><-> f1, f2, f3, f4
Rate of change of frequency tripping value in Hz/s <SELECT/RESET><+><-> df1, df2

Save parameter? SAV? <ENTER>

Save parameter! SAV! <ENTER> for abt. 3 s
Software version <TRIP>
one time for each part
Manual tripping TRI? <TRIP>
3 times
Inquire password PSW? <SELECT/RESET>/
Relay tripped TRIP <TRIP>
or fault tripping
Secret password XXXX <SELECT/RESET>/
System reset SEG <SELECT/RESET>
für abt. 3 s

Table 3.1: Possibilities for indications by the display

TB MRF2 08.97 E 5
3.3 LEDs

All LEDs (except LEDs RS and min., max.) are two-

colored. The LEDs left next to the alphanumerical dis-
play light up green during measurement and red at
fault signals.

The LEDs below the <SELECT/RESET> push button

light up green during setting and reading out the set-
ting values printed on the left side next to the LEDs. The
LEDs light up red when the setting values printed on
the right side next to them are activated.

The LED marked with the letters RS lights up green dur-

ing setting of the slave address for the serial interface
(RS485) of the unit.

Fig. 3.2: Front plate MRF2

6 TB MRF2 08.97 E
4. Working principle

4.1 Analog circuits 4.3 Principle of frequency supervision

The input voltage is galvanically insulated via the input Frequency relay MRF2 protects electrical generators,
voltage transformer. The noise signals caused by the consumers or electrical operating equipment in general
influence of inductive and capacitive couplings are against over- or underfrequency.
then suppressed by RC-analog filter circuits. The ana- The relay has, independent from each other, four fre-
log voltage signals are fed to the A/D-converter of the quency elements f1 - f4 with a free choice of parame-
microprocessor and then transformed into digital sig- ters, with separate adjustable pickup values and delay
nals via sample- and hold-circuits. These digital values times as well as two elements for supervision of fre-
are then used for further processing. The analog sig- quency gradient df/dt. With the aid of the frequency
nals are sampled with a sampling frequency of 16 x gradient sign both frequency increase and frequency
fN, namely, a sampling rate of 1.25 ms for every decrease can be supervised.
measuring quantity (at 50 Hz). The input voltage is
also passed through an analog filter for frequency The measuring principle of the frequency supervision is
measurement and is then converted into square wave based in general on the time measurement of complete
signals via comparators. The frequency is determined cycles, whereby a new measurement is started at each
by measuring complete cycles. voltage zero passage. The influence of harmonics on
the measuring result is thus minimized.

4.2 Digital part

u(t) T
The essential element of the protection relay is a pow-
erful microcontroller. All functions - from the analog
digital conversion to the relay tripping decision are
carried out by the microcontroller digitally.

The relay program is located in an EPROM (Electri-

cally-Programmable-Read-Only-Memory). With this
program the microcontroller's CPU calculates the value T
of the measured voltage of the fundamental frequency.
Harmonics are suppressed by an efficient digital filter Fig. 4.1: Determination of cycle duration by means of
zero passages.
based on the Fourier transformation (DFFT = Discrete
Fast Fourier Transformation) When the measured volt-
age falls below the voltage threshold UB, all frequency In order to avoid false tripping during occurence of in-
functions are blocked. terference voltages and phase shifts the relay works
with an adjustable measuring repetition (see chapter
The frequency is established from the time difference of 5.2.2)
two similar voltage zero passages. The microprocessor
compares continuously the frequency measured values Frequency tripping is sometimes not desired by low
and df/dt measuring values with the preset pickup measured voltages which for instance occur during al-
values (setting value) stored in the parameter memory ternator start-up.
(EPROM). If a fault occurs an alarm is given and after All frequency supervision functions can be blocked
the set tripping delay has elapsed, the corresponding with the aid of an adjustable voltage threshold UB in
tripping relay is activated. case the measured voltage value is below this value.

The relay setting values for all parameters are stored in

a parameter memory (EPROM - Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory), so that the actual
relay settings cannot be lost, even if the power supply
is interrupted. The microprocessor is supervised by a
built-in "watchdog" timer. In case of failure the watch-
dog timer resets the microprocessor and gives an
alarm signal via output relay "self supervision".

TB MRF2 08.97 E 7
4.4 Measurement of the frequency gra-
dient (rate of change of frequency)

Supervision of the frequency gradient df/dt is applied Measuring principle:

to the following applications:
The df/dt function of relay MRF2 is active only below
• As additional criteria for underfrequency supervi- a set frequency threshold fe. When the measured sys-
sion at load shedding systems tem frequency drops under fe, a timer is started (setting
• For fast decoupling of mains parallel electrical value dt in periods). When the measured system fre-
generators at mains failure (mains decoupling) quency drops under tripping value fT within the time dt,
MRF2 trips immediately. The tripping value fT results
The df/dt elements can be set accordingly depending from settings df1, fe and dt:
on the type of application .
fe − f T
df = ⇒ fT = fe -- df⋅dt
4.4.1 Load shedding
If the actual frequency does not fall below fT within dt,
During massive disturbances in the public electricity no tripping occures.
supply the stability of the entire grid can be endan- Only when the frequency again rises above threshold
gered in case of the breakdown of several electric fe, unit MRF2 is automatically rearmed.
supply companies and the mains frequency drops rap-
idly because of the power deficit now.
Unit MRF2 can be used for well-aimed load shedding f d t start
dt start
in order to stabilize the mains again. Hereby the four fN
frequency elements are set as underfrequency elements df =
fe - f T
for throwing off the load. fe
f>f T TRIP
Above this unit MRF2 offers two special measuring fT
elements for the mean frequency gradient df/dt. Via
the rate of change of frequency the level of the power
deficit can be determined and thus can cause load
dt dt t
The following points should be considered when ap-
plying df/dt- measurement for load shedding schemes: Fig. 4.2: Working principle of df/dt measurement

• At the beginning of mains failure the frequency

gradient can be very different from substation to
substation and is mostly not time-constant. This de-
pends on the power demand of the individual sub-
stations which makes it difficult to shut off the con-
sumers selectively.
• During frequency drop in the mains power oscilla-
tions between the individual power stations can
occur. Hereby the frequency gradient is not con-
stant which means a safe decision for tripping be-
cause of the instantaneous value of the frequency
gradient is not possible.

Because of the a.m. disadvantages only the mean

value of the frequency gradient should be taken into
consideration at load shedding systems.

The a.m. problems are excluded because the fre-

quency gradient supervision of MRF2 can operate
acc. to this prinicple.

8 TB MRF2 08.97 E
4.4.2 Mains decoupling of electrical 5. Operation and settings
5.1 Setting- and measuring values
Electrical generators running in parallel with the mains,
e.g. in captive power plants, should be separated Setting values:
from the mains immediately when the tie to the grid is fN : nominal frequency
suddenly lost as a result of a mains failure. Due to fol- T: measuring repetition for frequency measure-
lowing reasons: ment
f1 : pickup value of the first frequency element
• It must be pervented that the electrical generators tf1: tripping delay of the first frequency element
are damaged when mains voltage is recovering f2 : pickup value of the second frequency element
asynchronous, e.g. after auto reclosure. tf2: tripping delay of the second frequency element
• The captive power plant's power supply must be f3 : pickup value of the third frequency element
maintained. tf3: tripping delay of the third frequency element
f4 : pickup value of the fourth frequency element
A reliable criterion of detecting mains failure is the tf4: tripping delay of the fourth frequency element
measurement of the rate of change of frequency df/dt. fe1: frequency threshold for df/dt-element 1
Precondition for this is a power flow via the mains fe2: frequency threshold for df/dt-element 2
coupling point. At mains failure the power flow chang- df1: pickup value for rate of change of frequency
ing then spontaneously leads to an increasing or de- df/dt of the first frequency element
creasing frequency. At power deficit of the internal tdf1: differential period or value of the tripping
power station a linear drop of the frequency occurs timer for the first df/dt element
and a linear increase occurs at power excess. Typical df2: pickup value for rate of change of frequency
frequency gradients occuring during mains failures are df/dt of the second frequency element
in the range of 0.5 Hz/s up to over 2 Hz/s. The tdf2: differential period or value of the tripping
MRF2 detects the instantaneous frequency gradient timer for the second df/dt element
df/dt of each mains voltage period in an interval of UB: voltage threshold for frequency measurement
one half period each. Through multiple evaluation of RS: slave address of the serial interface
the frequency gradient in sequence the continuity of R: assignment of the output relays
the directional change (sign of the frequency gradient)
is determined. Because of this special measuring pro- Displayed measuring values:
cedure a high safety in tripping and thus a high stabil- U: system voltage in Volt
ity against transients, e.g. switching transients is f: system frequency in Hz
reached. The total tripping time at mains failure is be- df: frequency gradient in Hz/s
tween 60 ms and 80 ms depending on the setting. fmin/max: minimum and maximum value of the system
frequency in Hz
dfmin/max: minimum and maximum value of the frequency
gradient in Hz/s

5.2 Setting procedure

Before changing a parameter a password has to be

entered first (see chapter 4.4 of description "MR-digital
multifunctional relay)

The parameter setting procedure is guided by two-

colored illuminated LEDs. During setting of the fre-
quency setting values fN, f1 - f4, fe, df1 and df2 the LEDs
light up green. During setting of the tripping delays,
differential periods or counters these LEDs light up red.
The desired pickup values, nominal values and trip-
ping delays can be adjusted by pressing push buttons
<+> and <-> and stored with <ENTER>.

TB MRF2 08.97 E 9
5.2.1 Setting of nominal frequency 5.2.4 Tripping delays for the frequency
First the nominal frequency (50 or 60 Hz) has to be
set before unit MRF2 is put into operation. Tripping delays tf1 - tf4 of the four frequency elements
All frequency functions are determined by setting the can be set independently from tf1min - 120 s. The mini-
nominal frequency, i.e. whether the set frequency mum tripping delay tf1min of the relay depends upon the
thresholds are evaluated as over- or underfrequency number of set measuring repetitions T (periods) and
(see also chapter 5.2.3). Also the cycle duration amounts to:
(20 ms at 50 Hz and 16.67 ms at 60 Hz) derives
from this setting which determines the minimum tripping T tf,min
delay for frequency elements f1 - f4 with an adjustable 2....49 (T+1)·20 ms
multiplier (see also chapter 5.2.4). 50....69 (T - 49)·50 ms + 1 s
During setting of the nominal frequency a value in Hz 70....99 (T - 69)·100 ms + 2 s
is shown on the display.
When setting the tripping delay to "EXIT" by pressing
push button <+> up to the maximum setting value, the
5.2.2 Number of measuring repetitions (T) corresponding tripping relay is blocked. Pickup of the
frequency element is however displayed on the front
In order to avoid false tripping of the unit at short volt- plate by the corresponding LED, an assigned alarm re-
age drops of the system voltage or interference volt- lay is also activated.
ages, MRF2 works with an adjustable measuring repe-
tition. When the instantaneous frequency measuring
value exeeds (at overfrequency) or falls below (at un- 5.2.5 Parameter for frequency gradient
derfrequency) the set threshold value, the counter is in- supervision df/dt at load shedding
cremented, otherwise the counter is decremented
down to the minimum value of 0. Only when the Table 7.1 in chapter 7.3 shows the possible setting
counter exceeds the value adjusted at T, alarm is parameters with their setting ranges.
given and after the tripping delay of the frequency For the frequency gradient supervision df/dt at load
element has elapsed the tripping command is given. shedding the following parameters are important:
The setting range for T is between 2 - 99.
fe: frequency threshold from which the df/dt evaluation
Recommendation for setting: starts.
For short tripping times, e.g. for machine protection or Please observe: For this application fe must not be set
for mains decoupling T should be set in the range from to "VARI"!
2 - 5. df1 and df2: tripping value of the df/dt elements in
At precision measurements, e.g. exact measurement of Hz/s (see also chapter 4.4.1 "load shedding").
the mains frequency a setting of T in the range from dt1 and dt2: time interval in periods of nominal fre-
5 - 10 is recommended. quency.

5.2.3 Pickup values of frequency Setting example:

supervision df/dt measurement is to be started when the frequency
falls below the pickup value of fe = 49.2 Hz. Tripping
The frequency supervision of MRF2 has four inde- of MRF2 is to follow when a mean frequency gradient
pendent frequency elements. Acc. to the setting of the of df1/dt1=1Hz/s is exceeded before the critical fre-
pickup value above or below the nominal frequency, quency dt1 of 48.9 Hz is reached, this comes to a
these elements can be used for over- or under fre- time interval df1 to be set of:
quency supervision. Dependent on the preset nominal
frequency fN the pickup values from 30 Hz up to 70 49.2Hz − 48.9Hz
Hz at fN = 50 Hz and from 40 Hz to 80 Hz at fN = dt1 = = 15(periods)
1.0Hz / s ⋅ 0.02s
60 Hz can be set. During setting of the pickup values
f1 - f4 the display shows the values in Hz. A value of for
instance 49.8 Hz is indicated with "4980".
The function of the individual frequency elements can
be deactivated by setting the pickup values to "EXIT".
To achieve this setting the frequency setting value must
be set to the adjusted nominal frequency fN.

10 TB MRF2 08.97 E
5.2.6 Parameters for frequency gradient 5.2.7 Voltage threshold for frequency
supervision df/dt for mains measurement
At very low system voltage, e.g. during alternator start-
At this application threshold fe must be set to "VARI". up or voltage failure the frequency measurement can-
Parameters df1 and df2 are pickup values in Hz/s. not be done correctly. An adjustable voltage threshold
Usually df1 and df2 are set to the same values, how- UB prevents a false tripping of the MRF2 in such cases.
ever with different signs When the system voltage drops below this threshold,
(e.g. df1 = -2 Hz/s and df2 = +2 Hz/s). In this way all frequency functions of unit MRF2 are blocked.
both can be detected, an unpermissible frequency in-
crease and also a frequency decrease.
Measuring repetition counters dt1 and dt2 are for 5.2.8 Setting of slave address
checking the monotony of the frequency increase or -
decrease and can be set in the range from 1 - 64 cy- When pressing push buttons <+> and <-> the slave
cles. For mains coupling a setting from 2 - 4 is rec- address can be set in the range from 1 - 32, hereby
ommended. Setting of 2 cycles corresponds to an in- LED RS lights up.
teral evaluation of 4 measuring cycles and resulting
from this a tripping delay of 2 x 20 ms = 40 ms.

The df/dt elements can be blocked when the pickup

value of the frequency gradient is set to 0. The display
shows "EXIT".

TB MRF2 08.97 E 11
5.2.9 Assignment of the output relays

Unit MRF2 has five output relays. The fifth output relay The assignment of output relays 1 - 4 to the frequency
is provided as permanent alarm relay for self supervi- elements can be changed by pressing <+> and <->
sion is normally on. Output relays 1 - 4 are normally push buttons. The selected assignment can be stored
off and can be assigned as alarm or tripping relays to by pressing push button <ENTER> and subsequent in-
the frequency functions which can either be done by put of the password. By pressing push button
using the push buttons on the front plate or via serial in- <SELECT/RESET>, LED f1 lights up red. The output re-
terface RS485. The assignment of the output relays is lays can now be assigned to this frequency element as
similar to the setting of parameters, however, only in tripping relays.
the assignment mode. By pressing push buttons
<ENTER> and <TRIP> simultaneously, the assignment Relays 1 - 4 for the other elements are selected in the
mode is selected. same way as described before. By repeatedly press-
ing of the <SELECT/RESET> push button and assign-
The relays are assigned as follows: ment of the relays all frequency- and df/dt elements
LEDs f1 - f4 are two-coloured and light up green when can be assigned separately to the relays. The assign-
the output relays are assigned as alarm relays and ment mode can be terminated at any time by pressing
red as tripping relays. the <SELECT> push button for some time (abt. 3 s). For
the df/dt elements the output relays can only be as-
Definition: signed as tripping relay, then LEDs df1 and df2 light
Alarm relays are activated at pickup of the relay. up red together with LED R.
Tripping relays are only activated after elapse of the
tripping delay. Note:
• The function of jumper J2 described in general
After the assignment mode has been activated, first description "MR Digital Multifunctional Relays" has
LED R lights up red and LED f1 lights up green. Now no function. For relays without assignment mode
one or several of the four output relays can be as- this jumper is used for parameter setting of alarm
signed to frequency element f1 as alarm relays. At the relays (activation at pickup or tripping).
same time the selected alarm relays for frequency ele- • A form is attached to this description where the set-
ment 1 are indicated on the display. Indication ting requested by the customer can be filled-in. This
"1_ _ _" means that output relay 1 is assigned to this form is prepared for telefax transmission and can
frequency element. When the display shows "_ _ _ _", be used for your own reference as well as for te-
no alarm relay is assigned to this frequency element. lephone queries.

Relay function Output relays Display- LED : Color

1 2 3 4 indication
f1 alarm X 1___ f1: green
tripping ____ f1: red
f2 alarm ____ f2: green
tripping X _2__ f2: red
f3 alarm X 1___ f3: green
tripping X _2__ f3: red
f4 alarm ____ f4: green
tripping ____ f4: red
df1/dt1 tripping X __3_ df1: red
df2/df2 tripping X ___4 df2: red

Table 5.1: Example of assignment matrix of the output relay. (Default settings)

df/dt elements can only be assigned as tripping functions.

12 TB MRF2 08.97 E
5.3 Measuring values Operation:
At each reset (see chapter 5.4) the stored min.-/max.-
5.3.1 Instantaneous values values are deleted. From this time the min.-/max.-
storage runs without time limitation until the next reset.
The indication of the instantaneous measuring values is The measuring values of the min.-/max.-storage can
described in the general description "MR - Digital Mul- be called by pressing push button <SELECT> several
tifunctional Relays", chapter 4.5.1. times. Simultaneously the respective LEDs light up, for
instance LEDs "f"and "min" light up at the indication of
the minimum frequency.
5.3.2 Tripping memory

The indication of the measuring values in case of a trip 5.4 Reset

is described in the general description "MR - Digital
Multifunctional Relay“, chapter 4.5.2. MRF2 has the following 3 possibilities to reset the dis-
play as well as the output relays at jumper position
J3 = ON.
5.3.3 Minimum-/maximum values (see also chapter 4.2 of description "MR-Digital Multi-
functional Relays".
Unit MRF2 offers each, one minimum-/maximum stor-
age for the measuring values of the frequency and the Manual reset
frequency gradient. These min.-/max. storages are • by pressing push button <SELECT/RESET> for
used mainly for the evaluation of the mains quality. some time (abt. 3 secs.).
Each time the largest or smallest values of each period
are measured and stored until the next reset. Electrical reset
• by applying aux. voltage to C8/D8.
Min.-/max. measurement of the frequency:
Unit MRF2 calculates from each cycle of the mains Software reset
voltage the instantaneous frequency. These measuring • software reset has the same effect as the
values are written into the min.-/max.-storage. Hereby <SELECT/RESET> push button. Please also refer
only a new minimum- or maximum value overwrites here to the communication protocol of RS 485 in-
older stored values. According to the setting of T and terface.
the tripping delay it can happen that the stored min.-
/max.-values are far above the tripping thresholds, but Resetting the display is only possible when there is no
tripping does not occur. This is established by the stor- pickup anymore (otherwise signal "TRIP" will still remain
age of instantaneous values. in the display and the relays remain activated). Reset-
ting the relay does not change the preset parameters.
Min.-/max.-measurement of the frequency gradient
The before described is valid in the same way for
storage of min.-/max. values of the df/dt measure-
ment. Because every instananeous df/dt value is
stored, high values can occur which however do not
lead to tripping. This can for instance occur due to
switching transients where high positive and negative
df/dt values occur. Because of the special measuring
procedure the relay does not trip.

Very helpful are the min.-/max.- measurements for long

time study of the mains quality.

TB MRF2 08.97 E 13
5.5 Dynamic behaviour of the
relay functions

The following table shows the dynamic behaviour of

the relay functions under various system conditions.

System condition/
event f> f< df/dt for df/dt for
load shedding mains decoupling
Applying auxiliary voltage active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s
Applying auxiliary voltage
to the external blocking in- not blocked blocked blocked blocked
Disconneting the auxiliary
voltage from the external no influence active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s
blocking input
Applying auxiliary voltage reset of the relay reset of the relay reset of the relay reset of the relay
to the external reset input
Applying the system volt-
age to the frequency active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s
measuring input
Applying a voltage <UB to
the frequency measuring blocked blocked blocked blocked
Applying a voltage with a
frequency <fe to the fre- active after 1 s active after 1 s no tripping no tripping
quency measuring input
Disconnecting system volt-
age from the frequency blocked blocked blocked blocked
measuring input
Voltage drops below UB blocked blocked blocked blocked
Recovering of system volt- active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s active after 1 s
Voltage vector surge no tripping no tripping no tripping no tripping
Short time voltage drop no tripping no tripping no tripping no tripping

Table 5.2: Dynamic behaviour of MRF2-Functions

14 TB MRF2 08.97 E
6. Relay testing and commissioning 6.2 Testing the output relays

The following test instructions should help to verify the NOTE!

protection relay performance before or during commis- Prior to commencing this test, interrupt the tripping cir-
sioning of the protection system. To avoid a relay cuit to the circuit breaker if tripping is not desired.
damage and to ensure a correct relay operation, be
sure that: By pressing the push button <TRIP> once, the display
• the auxiliary power supply rating corresponds to the shows the first part of the software version of the relay
auxiliary voltage on site. (e.g. „D01-“). By pressing the push button <TRIP>
• the rated frequency and voltage of the relay corre- twice, the display shows the second part of the soft-
sponds to the plant data on site. ware version of the relay (e.g. „7.00“. The software
• the voltage transformer circuits are connected to the version should be quoted in all correspondence. Press-
relay correctly. ing the <TRIP> button once more, the display shows
• all signal circuits and output relay circuits are con- "PSW?". Please enter the correct password to proceed
nected correctly. with the test. The message "TRI?" will follow. Confirm
this message by pressing the push button <TRIP>
again. All output relays should then be activated and
6.1 Power-On the self supervision alarm relay (watchdog) be deener-
gized one after another with a time interval of 1 sec-
NOTE! ond. Thereafter, reset all output relays back to their
Prior to switch on the auxiliary power supply, be sure normal positions by pressing the push button
that the auxiliary supply voltage corresponds to the <SELECT/RESET>.
rated data on the type plate.

Switch on the auxiliary power supply to the relay and 6.3 Checking the set values
check that the message "ISEG" appears on the display
and the self supervision alarm relay (watchdog) is en- By repeatedly pressing the push button <SELECT>, all
ergized (Contact terminals D7 and E7 closed). relay set values may be checked. Set value modifica-
tion can be done with the push button <+><-> and

TB MRF2 08.97 E 15
6.4 Secondary injection test 6.4.2 Test circuit

6.4.1 Test equipment For testing MRF2 the connection of a voltage source
with adjustable frequency is required. Fig. 6.1 shows
• Voltmeter and frequency meter with class 1 or better a simple example of a test circuit. For checking the
• Auxiliary power supply with the voltage correspond- df/dt function a voltage source is needed which can
ing to the rated data on the type plate generate a constant rate of change of frequency.
• AC voltage supply with frequency regulation (Volt-
age: adjustable from 0 to ≥ 2 x UN;
Frequency: adjustable from 40 - 70 Hz)
• Timer to measure the operating time
(Accuracy class ±10 ms)
• Switching device
• Test leads and tools

Fig. 6.1: Test circuit

16 TB MRF2 08.97 E
6.4.3 Checking the input circuits and 6.4.6 Checking the tripping delays
measuring values

First the measuring voltage as high as the nominal For checking the tripping delays tf a voltage source is
voltage is to be connected to terminals A3 and A4. needed which changes the frequency in a defined
Then the actual measuring values of the frequency can quantity at a certain time and at the same time gener-
be read by pressing push button <SELECT/RESET>. ates an output signal.
The measured frequency is indicated on the display by While checking the tripping delay a timer can be
the simultaneous illummination of LED f as follows: connected with the contact of the tripping relay. The
5001; corresponds to 50.01 Hz. timer is simultaneously started with the change of the
The rate of change of frequency is indicated on the frequency and stopped when the relay trips. Hereby
display when LED df (indication in Hz/s) lights up. Ex- the test frequencies have to be selected so that the re-
ample 3.1 corresponds to 3.1 Hz/s. lay detects a safe under- or overfrequency. The trip-
ping time measured with the aid of the timer should not
deviate more than 3%, or more than 20 ms (at short
6.4.4 Checking of operating- and resetting tripping delay), from the set tripping delay.
values of the over-/underfrequency It is to be observed that the measured time till tripping
functions is longer by the number of the measuring periods (T) to
be evaluated than the set tripping delay.
During frequency test each of the four frequency ele-
ments should be checked. To guarantee a trouble-free 6.4.7 Checking the external blocking- and
test run the other frequency elements of the unit have reset functions
therefore to be blocked at the beginning by adjusting
the corresponding frequency operating values f1 - f4 The external blocking input blocks the underfrequency
to "EXIT". and df/dt functions of the MRF2.(please refer to tab.
5.2 , page 14)
To check the operating- and reset values the test fre-
quency must be increased or decreased until the relay At the beginning of the test the auxiliary voltage is
picks up. This is signalized when LEDs f1 - f4 light up. connected to terminals D8/E8 of the unit. Then a test
When comparing the values indicated on the display frequency has to be set which normally leads to trip-
with those of the frequency meter, the deviation must ping of one of the frequency functions. Neither an
not exceed more than 0.01 Hz. alarm nor tripping must take place.
The reset values are detected by increasing or de-
creasing the test frequency slowly till the output relay After this the auxiliary voltage has to be removed from
releases. the blocking input. Changing the frequency again by
The reset value for overfrequency must be larger than the same amount, the relay trips and the signal "TRIP"
0.99 x fN, for underfrequency it must be smaller than appears on the display. After this the test frequency
1.01 x fN. must be set again to a value which does not lead to
tripping. By applying auxiliary voltage to the reset in-
put (C8/D8), the LED indication extinguishes and the
6.4.5 Checking of operating- and resetting display resets.
values of the df/dt elements

During testing the df/dt function the four frequency
elements should also be checked individually. There-
fore the other frequency functions must be blocked by
adjusting the pickup values to "EXIT".
Frequency threshold fe and the df/dt function can,
however, only be tested with a function generator
which can generate a definite frequency gradient.

TB MRF2 08.97 E 17
6.5 Primary injection test 6.6 Maintenance

Generally, a primary injection test could be carried out Maintenance testing is generally done on site at regu-
in the similar manner as the secondary injection test lar intervals. These intervals vary among users depend-
described above. With the difference that the pro- ing on many factors: e.g. the type of protective relays
tected power system should be, in this case, con- employed; the importance of the primary equipment
nected to the installed relays under test "on line", and being protected; the user's past experience with the re-
the test voltages should be injected to the relay through lay, etc.
the voltage transformers with the primary side ener-
gized. Since the cost and potential hazards are very For electromechanical or static relays, maintenance
high for such a test, primary injection tests are usually testing will be performed at least once a year accord-
limited to very important protective relays in the power ing to the experiences. For digital relays like MRF2,
system. this interval can be substantially longer. This is be-
Because of its powerful combined indicating and
measuring functions, the MRF2 relay may be tested in • The MR-relays are equipped with very wide self-
the manner of a primary injection test without extra ex- supervision functions, so that many faults in the relay
penditure and time consumption. can be detected and signalised during service. Im-
portant: The self-supervision output relay must be
In actual service, for example, the measured voltage connected to a central alarm panel!
and frequency values on the MRF2 relay display may • The combined measuring functions of MR-relays en-
be compared phase by phase with the concerned in- able supervision the relay functions during service.
dications of the instruments of the switchboard to verify • The combined TRIP test function of the MR-relay al-
that the relay works and measures correctly. lows to test the relay output circuits.

A testing interval of two years for maintenance will,

therefore, be recommended.
During a maintenance test, the relay functions includ-
ing the operating values and relay tripping times
should be tested.

18 TB MRF2 08.97 E
7. Technical data

7.1 Measuring input circuits

Rated data: Nominal voltage UN: 100 V, 230 V, 400 V

Nominal frequency fN: 50/60 Hz
Operating range: 0.05...2.0 x UN

Power consumption: <1 VA at UN

Thermal rating: continuously 2 x UN

7.2 Common data

Dropout to pickup ratio: f>: > 99.99 % f<: < 100.02 %

Dropout time: 30 ms
Time lag error class index E: ± 10 ms
Minimum operating time: 60 ms
Max. allowed interruption of the
auxiliary supply without influence to
the function of the device: 50 ms

Influences on frequency measuring:

Aux. voltage: in the range 0.8 < UH / UHN < 1.2 no additional influences to be meas-
Frequency: no influences
Influences on delay time: no additional influences to be measured

GL-Approbation: 98776-96HH
Bureau Veritas Approbation: 2650 6807 A00 H

For additional common data of all MR-relays please refer to manual "MR - Digital Multifunctional relays".

TB MRF2 08.97 E 19
7.3 Setting ranges and steps

Function Para- Setting range Steps Tolerance

Rated frequency fN 50 Hz/60 Hz 50 Hz/60 Hz none
Frequency T 2...99 (periods) 1 none
measuring repeti-
Frequency f1 30...49.99; EXIT; 50.01...70 Hz 0.1; 0.01 Hz 0.005 Hz
element 1 40...59.99; EXIT; 60.01...80 Hz
tf1 tf,min...120 s; EXIT 0.02; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; ±1% or ±20 ms
0.5; 1.0; 2.0 s
Frequency f2 30...49.99; EXIT; 50.01...70 Hz 0.1; 0.01 Hz 0.005 Hz
element 2 40...59.99; EXIT; 60.01...80 Hz
tf2 tf,min...120 s; EXIT 0.02; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; ±1% or ±20 ms
0.5; 1.0; 2.0 s
Frequency f3 30...49.99; EXIT; 50.01...70 Hz 0.1; 0.01 Hz 0.005 Hz
element 3 40...59.99; EXIT; 60.01...80 Hz
tf3 tf,min...120 s; EXIT 0.02; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; ±1% or ±20 ms
0.5; 1.0; 2.0 s
Frequency f4 30...49.99; EXIT; 50.01...70 Hz 0.1; 0.01 Hz 0.005 Hz
element 4 40...59.99; EXIT; 60.01...80 Hz
tf4 tf,min...120 s; EXIT 0.02; 0.05; 0.1; 0.2; ±1% or ±20 ms
0.5; 1.0; 2.0 s
Thresholds and fe + df1 40...49.99; VARI; 50.01...60 Hz 0.01; 0.1 Hz 0.005 Hz
tripping values 50...59.99; VARI; 60.01...70 Hz 0.01; 0.1 Hz 0.005 Hz
for df/dt- fe + df2 40...49.99; VARI; 50.01...60 Hz 0.01; 0.1 Hz 0.005 Hz
element 50...59.99; VARI; 60.01...70 Hz 0.01; 0.1 Hz 0.005 Hz
df/dt- element 1 df1 -10...-0.2 Hz/s; EXIT; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 Hz/s 0.1 Hz/s
0.2...10 Hz/s
dt1 2...64 (periods) 1
df/dt- element 2 df2 -10...-0.2 Hz/s; EXIT; 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 Hz/s 0.1 Hz/s
0.2...10 Hz/s
dt2 2...64 (periods) 1
Voltage thresh- UB 5...100 V (UN = 100 V) 1V ±1% from setting
old for frequency 10...230 V (UN = 230 V) 1V value or <0.3% UN
measurement 20...400 V (UN = 400 V) 2V

Table 7.1: Setting ranges and steps

for setting fN = 50 Hz
for setting fN = 60 Hz
fe setting "VARI": df/dt measurement for mains decoupling
"value": df/dt measurement for load shedding schemes

7.4 Order form

Frequency relay MRF2-

Rated voltage: 100 V 1
230 V 2
400 V 4
Housing (12TE) 19“-rack A
Flush mounting D

Technical data subject to change without notice!

20 TB MRF2 08.97 E
8. Setting-list MRF2

Project: SEG job.-no.:

Function group: = Location: + Relay code: -

Relay functions: Password:

Default Actual
Function Unit settings settings
fN nominal frequency Hz 50
T measuring repitition for frequency measurement 4
f1 pickup value of the first frequency element Hz 48,00
tf1 Tripping delay of the first frequency element s 0,1
f2 pickup value of the second frequency element Hz 49,00
tf2 tripping delay of the second frequency element s 0,1
f3 pickup value of the third frequency element Hz 51,00
tf3 tripping delay of the third frequency element s 0,1
f4 pickup value of the fourth frequency element Hz 52,00
tf4 tripping delay of the fourth frequency element s 0,1
fe(df1) frequency threshold for df/dt-element 1 Hz VARI
df1 pickup value for rate of change of frequency df/dt of the first Hz/s -0,2
frequency element
dt1 differential period or value of the tripping timer for the first df/dt periods 4
fe(df2) frequency threshold for df/dt-element 2 Hz VARI
df2 pickup value for rate of change of frequency df/dt of the second Hz/s +0,2
frequency element
dt2 differential period or value of the tripping timer for the second df/dt periods 4
UB voltage threshold for frequency measurement V 10/23/40*

RS slave address of the serial interface 1

* threshold dependent on rated voltage 100 V / 230 V / 400 V

TB MRF2 08.97 E 21
Assignment of the output relays:

Function Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Relay 4

Default Actual Default Actual Default Actual Default Actual
settings settings settings settings settings settings settings settings
f1 alarm X
f1 tripping X
f2 alarm X
f2 tripping X
f3 alarm X
f3 tripping X
f4 alarm X
f4 tripping X
df1/dt1 tripping X
df2/dt2 tripping X

Setting of code jumpers

Code jumper J1 J2 J3
Default setting Actual setting Default setting Actual setting Default setting Actual setting
Not plugged X No function X

22 TB MRF2 08.97 E

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