Exploration Results THE Geothermal Prospect, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Exploration Results THE Geothermal Prospect, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Exploration Results THE Geothermal Prospect, South Sumatra, Indonesia
The Ulubelu prospect is centred in a terrain dominated by several large andesitic volcanoes, which have been active over the
last 4 million years. The geological, geochemical and geophysical surveys have currently been carried out to confirm these
level prospectivity. The results from these methods delineate that the prospect area is about 30 The chemical
geothermometers indicate maximum reservoir temperaturesas high as with zone of upflow could exist beneath Ulubelu
area at the north and lateral flow of thermal water to the south.
supposed to control the permeability the Ulubelu prospect. The sulfate content is highly variable due to derived from
The local stratigraphy consist of andesitic and basaltic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in the vadose zone. There is
breccias, tuffs and lavas (Figure 2). G. and G . not chemical evidence for the presence of magmatic steam
are young andesitic cones Mio-Pleistocene in the acid spring waters, it is indicated by a little fluorine
built on the northern and southern of the Ulubelu prospect, and chloride concentration in the springs. On the other
suggested these deposits mostly derived from two hand at elevation 150 m discharge neutral springs
volcanoes. A little dacite dome ( G. Duduk) encountered occur in the southern part have an appreciable chloride
in central part and close to surface thermal features. It has content. The chloride concentrations of around 600 - 875
been dated at approximately 3.93 Ma age ppm and ratios of 35-50. The low ratios are
1992). Exposed in the southeast part of the prospect and caused by relatively high B contents which is indicated a
also underlying it, are lava and breccias andesitic as well possibility of interaction between reservoir water and
as Miocene granodiorite intrusion. Some of quaternary sedimentary rock. The relatively high ratios of
volcanic rocks in the area have been hydrothermally with little magnesium concentrations, suggesting these
altered in a manner which indicates mainly steam heating, waters coming from deep reservoir. Solute
but also the action of acid condensates. mometer is indicated minimum deep temperatures of
around 200°C.
Thirteen springs and three gas samples were collected Soil mercury surveys have been carried out over the area.
from selected sites during 1990. The results analyzed are anomalous results are located over the steam heated zones
reported in Table 1. By the chemical constituents of hot in the Pagaralam and Datarajan, which is associated with
springs, they can be classified as sulfate waters and several fault systems. There is large areas of elevated soil
chloride waters. This combination is typical of high mercury content grater than 260 ppb and occasionally
temperature liquid water geothermal system in mountain coincide with thermal features (Figure 3).
Figure Compilation map Ulubelu prospect
105 Figure 4 Temperature gradient of
South Indonesia Sumatra,Indonesia
20 70
The prospect occurs in moderate-high terrain with the By using these data are inferred three dimensional model
presence some discharges boiling neutral spring and geothermal of Ulubelu prospect as can be seen in figure 5.
fumaroles. There are two principle local structural trends Initial explorationdrilling should be planned to investigate
the deep characteristics of the reservoir within boundary ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
prospect close to shallow well bore ULB-2, which is
considered base on several prospect data and accessibility We would like to thank the management of Pertamina for
aspects. their permission to publish this paper.
Figure S
3 D Model of Ulubelu geothermal prospect
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