Resistivity Anomaly at Mount Kaba, Bengkulu, Indonesia, As Inferred From Geoelectrical Investigation

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Titi Anggono, Syuhada, and Bogie Soedjatmiko

Pusat Penelitian Fisika, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia,

Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 15314
Pos-el: [email protected]

Gunung berapi Kaba terletak di jalur magmatik Bukit Barisan di Curup, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong,
Bengkulu, Indonesia. Dua manifestasi geotermal di permukaan dalam bentuk sumber air panas ditemukan di
Suban Airpanas (50oC) dan Sindangjati (37oC). Survei geolistrik dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger dengan AB/2
sampai 2.000 m telah dilakukan pada tahun 2009–2011 di sekitar Gunung Kaba. Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah
menentukan distribusi batuan dengan anomali resistivitas (tahanan jenis) rendah karena perubahan fisis batuan
bawah tanah akibat pengaruh fluida panas. Survei yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa batuan dengan tahanan
jenis rendah (< 5 ohm-m) ditemukan di sebelah timur Gunung Kaba dengan kedalaman sekitar 400 m.
Kata kunci: survei geolistrik, geotermal, tahanan jenis, gunung api Kaba

Mount Kaba is a volcano located in the magmatic arc Bukit Barisan near the town of Curup, Rejang Lebong,
Bengkulu, Indonesia. Two geothermal manifestations have been found in this region in form of hot springs at
Suban Airpanas (50oC) and Sindangjati (37oC). Geoelectrical survey based on Schlumberger array up to AB/2
2,000 m was carried out in 2009–2011 in the surrounding area of Mt. Kaba. The aim of the investigation was to
locate the distribution of low resistivity anomaly layer that may associate with hydrothermally altered subsurface
rock in the area. It is estimated that the depth of low resistivity (< 5 ohm-m) found in the eastern part of Mt. Kaba
is about 400 m.
Keywords: geoelectrical survey, geothermal, resistivity, Mt. Kaba

INTRODUCTION that Indonesia energy mix is still dominated by

oil at 52% and gas at 29%. Due to the decline
Indonesian national energy sources are highly
in the fossil fuel production and limited proven
dependent on fossil fuel and its proven fossil
reserve, it is essential for the government to find
fuel reserves are limited and declining. Currently,
alternative energy. For this purpose, Indonesian
Indonesian energy demand is averaging at about
government published “National Energy Policy
7% per year growth, which is faster than the
(NEP)” in 2002, and set the target of supplying
growth of GDP per year of 5–6%.1 Although
5% or more of the primary energy by renewable
Indonesia well possesses with energy resources,
energy by 2025.
the proven fossil fuel reserves are limited and
the production is now in decline. It is estimated

| 319
Indonesian region is situated in the area
of the three tectonic plate margins of the
Indo-Australian, Eurasian, and Pacific plates.
The interaction among these tectonic plates
causes the generation of volcanisms and fault-
ing along the boundary of these plates. These
conditions have created the possibility for the vast
geothermal prospect along the volcanic island
arc. Identification of the geothermal prospect
area is important for the future development of
the prospect area used as the power generation.
Successful development and utilization of the
geothermal prospect for direct use of electric
generation would facilitate the economic growth.
Geothermal prospect at least needs four aspects
Figure 1. Map showing the location of Mt. Kaba (solid
to be considered for the development, which are red triangle) on Sumatera Island within Bukit Barisan
heat sources, reservoir, cap rock characteristics, magmatic arc.
and hydrology characteristics.
Geothermal exploration operation aims
Exploration for geothermal energy in
at locating geothermal field that can be devel-
Indonesia started to begin in 1970s along the
oped economically. Geophysical methods play
volcanic chain from Sumatera, Java, Nusa
important role in the exploration particularly to
Tenggara, and Sulawesi. As the results from those
detect temperature dependent parameters. The
investigations, about 70 geothermal prospects
geophysical methods mainly aim at structure,
have been identified and the combined potential
trapping region of the hot fluid, or anomalies
could reach about 20 GW.2,3 The first geothermal
reflecting the properties of the hydrothermal fluid.
project started at Kamojang, Garut, West Java, in
The early steps on the geothermal exploration
1983 with 140 MW capacity.4 Most geothermal
can reveal the depth, thickness and area of the
potential can be found in Sumatera (13,800 MW),
reservoir. Geoelectrical survey that measures
Java–Bali (9,250 MW), Sulawesi (2,000 MW),
rock resistivity is an effective tool to observe
and about 964 MW have been developed, which
resistivity anomaly to indicate the occurrence of
are mainly located in Java and Bali.1 Sumatera
an altered rock in the high thermal region. Due to
has large geothermal potential due to the volcanic
high temperature and salinities, geothermal fluids
mountain chain as a result of subduction between
are known to have much lower resistivity values
Indo–Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates.
than cold water in non-thermal ground. Previous
Mt. Kaba is part of Bukit Barisan, which studies showed that the resistivity of thermal
is a volcanic chain along Sumatera, and located ground in the geothermal field is very low (about
in the southern part of Sumatera (Figure 1). Mt. 5 ohm-m) and contrasts sharply with much higher
Kaba is identified as stratovolcano and has been values (> 100 ohm-m) at area far from the field.6,7,8
active in the recent years. The activity of Mt. In this study we carried out geoelectrical survey
Kaba may indicate the occurrence of magma in the area surrounding Mt. Kaba to determine the
chamber in the shallow depth beneath the volcano. resistivity anomaly of the altered rock caused by
Magma chamber in shallow depth may create hydrothermal alteration .
enough heat from the geothermal reservoir. Since
Mt. Kaba is located at Rejang Lebong
the geothermal systems are complex, a single
Regency, Bengkulu, SW Sumatera is part of a
prospecting method cannot characterize them
magmatic arc Bukit Barisan.9 The magmatic arc
accurately; hence, it is necessary to combine
is basically controlled by subduction system of
techniques to be employed.5
Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates at speed of
about 7 cm/year.10 Oblique subduction is created at
angle of N27oE.11 The oblique subduction causes

320 | Widyariset, Vol. 16 No. 2, Agustus 2013: 319–326

Figure 2. A geologic map of surrounding area of Mt. Kaba (scale 1:100,000). Circle indicates the location of Bukit
Kaba, the highest peak at Mt. Kaba. Qhv: quaternary breccias; Qvi: quaternary andesitic-basalt; QTv: quaternary
andesitic; Tomh: tertiary lava; Tmba: tertiary breccias.
two phenomena along Sumatera, which are the this location, the water discharge is likely to
Bukit Barisan magmatic arc and Great Sumatera be associated with the Despetah fault. Another
Fault Zone. The Bukit Barisan magmatic arc is manifestation is found in the summit area of
characterized with lava flow, volcanic breccia, the volcano. Kawah Baru crater shows volcanic
and tuff. activity as characterized by fumaroles.
Mt. Kaba surrounding area is mostly covered
by volcanic deposits from quaternary period with METHODS
breccias and andesitic–basalt lava.12 Figure 2
Rock resistivity characterizes how strongly a
shows a geologic map at Rejang Lebong Regency
rock medium opposes the flow of electric current.
adopted from Gafoer.13 The summit area of Mt.
It depends on a number of parameters, such as
Kaba contains two peaks, which are Bukit Kaba
porosity, salinity of fluid, and temperature. The
(1,938 m) and Bukit Item (1,893 m). The summit
effect of temperature change is the greatest espe-
crater complex is dominated by two large craters,
cially at low temperature (< 100oC) and becomes
and the largest crater called Kawah Lama is
small for temperature > 200oC.14 In deeper parts
located in the southwestern part of the Mt. Kaba,
of a hydrothermal system, the resistivity is more
while a smaller crater is called Kawah Baru. Most
affected by porosity and salinity than by variations
historical eruption occurred mostly in the summit
in temperature, where the effect is more easily
area of the volcano.
observed in horizontal profiling where lateral
Surface manifestations of geothermal system variations in resistivity are mapped.14 Therefore,
are found at Suban Airpanas and Sindangjati. Wa- Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding has
ter discharge with temperature of about 50oC (pH been applied at the surrounding region of Mt.
8) is found at Suban Airpanas, which is located Kaba for mapping the vertical and horizontal
near Curup. Although the hot water is found in variations in resistivity.15
this region, the altered rock zone is not found.
Figure 3 shows the map area of the geo-
It is likely that the how water is associated with
electrical survey conducted in three years
the Ketaun-Tes fault with northwest–southeast
(2009–2011). A total of fifty geoelectrical surveys
orientation. At Sindangjati, hot water discharge
were carried out in the area surrounding Mt.
is found with temperature of about 37oC. At

Resistivity Anomaly at ... | Titi Anggono, Syuhada, and Bogie Soedjatmiko | 321
Kaba. The location of the geoelectrical survey shallow depth up to a few tens meter; while low
was selected at distant of about 2 km to cover as resistivity is observed at deeper part. Apparent
much as possible or whenever the topographic resistivity distribution at AB/2 1,200 m is shown
conditions permitted to conduct the survey. Most in Figure 4. High resistivity is observed at area
of the geoelectrical surveys were carried out around SGL-03 while low resistivity is observed
with maximum AB/2 1,000 m, the geoelectrical in the west direction (GL 37 and GL-40).
surveys conducted in 2011 were mostly carried Geoelectrical surveys up to AB/2 1,200 m do
out with maximum AB/2 2,000 m. Two traverse not reveal apparent resistivity < 10 ohm-meter
lines in the northeastern part of Mt. Kaba were that associates with clay or geothermal reservoir
carried out in 2011 to image the cross-section in cap rock.
the subsurface. The two traverse lines, which were Spatial distributions of apparent resistivity
chosen based on the interpretation of the results using AB/2 1,600 m and 2,000 m are shown in
from 2009 and 2010 surveys, were selected to Figure 5. Similar characteristics of resistivity
be perpendicular with maximum AB/2 of 2,000 distribution at AB/2 1,200 m are also observed
m. The surveys were carried out with Martiel using AB/2 1,600 m (Figure 5a). High resistivity
Geophysics resistivity meter MGG 1,260 type. is observed at region around SGL-03 and low
Data were processed and analyzed with RESOMA resistivity is observed at area of GB-53 and SGL-
software. 01. However, apparent resistivity < 10 ohm-m is
still not observed at the AB/2 1,600 m. Apparent
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS resistivity at AB/2 2,000 has similar characteristic
of resistivity distribution of AB/2 1,600 m (Figure
Geoelectrical surveys at the surrounding region
5b). We suggest that low resistivity may be
of Mt. Kaba show spatial distribution of rock
localized beneath the area of GB-53 and SGL-01.
resistivity about 5 ohm-meter up to about 3,500
Low resistivity is also observed in the eastern
ohm-meter. High resistivity is usually observed at
Suban Airpanas

Figure 3. Locations of geoelectrical survey surrounding of Mt. Kaba (scale 1:100,000). Solid black, red, and blue
circles represent the locations of the survey conducted in 2009, 2010, and 2011, respectively. Two traverses lines
AB and CD are also shown. Black square indicates the area used for resistivity contour with AB/2 1,200 m. Red
square indicates the area used for resistivity contour with AB/2 1,600 m and 2,000 m.

322 | Widyariset, Vol. 16 No. 2, Agustus 2013: 319–326

Figure 4. Spatial distribution of apparent resistivity at AB/2 1,200 m.

(a) (b)
Figure 5. Spatial distribution of apparent resistivity at AB/2 (a) 1,600 m and (b) 2,000 m.

direction from Mt. Kaba, which associates with of thermal ground in the geothermal field.6,8,16 The
the geothermal fluid at Sindangjati. anomalously low resistivity shown in the eastern
Geoelectrical surveys up to AB/2 2,000 part of Mt. Kaba may suggest the presence of
m at the region in the eastern part of Mt. Kaba hydrothermally altered subsurface rocks.
reveal the occurrence of low resistivity zone From both geoelectrical traverse lines AB
at depth of about 400 m. The values of low and CD, the low resistivity region becomes
resistivity (< 5 ohm-m) agree with the low values shallow in the southern and eastern part from

Resistivity Anomaly at ... | Titi Anggono, Syuhada, and Bogie Soedjatmiko | 323
the Mt. Kaba (Figure 6). We suggest that the low surface manifestations. Two hot springs found at
resistivity layer coincides with the location of Suban Airpanas and Sindangjati may associate
the hot water springs at Sindangjati, which may with the Ketaun-Tes and Despetah faults.
strongly associates with the geothermal reservoir. From geoelectrical prospecting using
From section AB, we interpret that the depth of Schlumberger array with AB/2 up to 2,000 m,
anomalously low resistivity layer is about 400 we suggest the existence of anomalously low
m beneath point SGL-01. At point SGL-04, we resistivity (high conductivity) less than 5 ohm-m
suggest that the anomalously low resistivity layer in the eastern part of Mt. Kaba. These low
is located at about 200 m depth. Relatively high resistivity layer is located close to Sindangjati
resistive body seems to intrude the anomalously hot spring. We suggest the low resistivity layer is
low resistivity beneath point SGL-05 (Figure 6a). associated with the conductive impermeable cap
In section CD, we interpret that the anomalously rock found in the geothermal system. The depth of
low resistivity layer is about 400 m depth beneath the anomalously low resistivity layer is estimated
points SGL-02 and SGL-01 (Figure 6b). However, to be about 300–400 m from the surface.
the low resistivity layer dips northwardly reaching
greeter depth below point SGL-03.

CONCLUSIONS This study was supported by Ministry of Research

and Technology through Program Peningkatan
Geologically, geothermal prospect at Mt. Kaba Kemampuan Peneliti dan Perekayasa. We thank
is possible. However, geothermal manifestation Dinas Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral of Rejang
such as hot spring is quite rare so that it is quite Lebong, Bengkulu, for their assistance during the
difficult to estimate the potential only based on geoelectrical survey for three years.


Figure 6. True resistivity observed at sections (a) AB and (b) CD. Low resistivity less than 5 ohm-m is observed at
about 400 m depth from the surface.

324 | Widyariset, Vol. 16 No. 2, Agustus 2013: 319–326

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