Exploration OF Geothermal Field, Flores - East: Ulumbu Nusa
Exploration OF Geothermal Field, Flores - East: Ulumbu Nusa
Exploration OF Geothermal Field, Flores - East: Ulumbu Nusa
J1. Trunojoyo Blok M 1/135 - Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
carried out. The Poco Leok volcanic complex within which the
Ulumbu geothermal system occurs reach on
Following this, two (2) deep exploration wells elevation of approximately 1600 metres.
(ULB-01 and ULB-02) were drilled succesfully, and
well testing will be implemented after reinjection It has been erupted onto a miocene basement to
well is drilled. PLN assures that geothermal energy comprise volcanics including lavas, breccias and
at Ulumbu will substitute the diesel generation tuffs and possible calcareous sediment of similar
wherever it is economically feasible. age. The complex be formed from tuffs and
andesite lavas erupted from Mandosawu volcanic
This paper describes the ongoing proggress of the center approximately 7 kilometers to the north of
Poco Leok and successive lava flows and breccias Warm springs occurs some 5 km west of Ulumbu
of the Rii eruptions and later volcanism. at lower elevation 430 metres. The relative low
sulphate content of these bicarbonate rich neutral
Renewed volcanism followed formation of the Rii pH waters indicates that they are most likely to
Caldera and the product breccias and lavas known have formed by condensation of high CO, or low
as the Poco Leok volcanic, partially infill it. The H2S being steam into ground waters. No deep
Poco Leok centre which is about 1.5 kilometres water being discharged in any of these features
from the Ulumbu thermal features, has not been sample thus far. The steam and gas analyses
volcanically active historically. indicates deep fluid temperature of the least 250°C
and possibly temperature to 300°C. The water
The Ulumbu geothermal field on the flank of the chemistry shows the warm spring in the west are
Poco Leok volcanic complex at an elevation of farther from the source than those at Kokor and
some 650 metres above sea level. Lungar.
The chemistry of these spring is similar to those at Environmental constrain preclude utilization of
Ulumbu except that they have a neutral pH and surface disposal of effluent geothermal fluids, such
contain appreciable concentration of calcium and effluent fluids produced from the production well.
bicarbonate. And also similar origin to the Ulumbu
features. Information collected during the drilling of well
ULB-0 1 indicates underground formation to the head pressure should reach about 27.6 bar, a
total depth of 249 metres are mainly consistings of pressure which is very close to the minimum
volcanic breccia, pyroclastic deposit (tuff) and pressure saturated steam at maximum enthalpy.
volcanic lava (andsite) and formation from 249
metres to the total depth of 838 metres are mainly
volcanic breccia interlayed by volcanic lava. This would tend to indicate that there is steam cap
Volcanic breccia shows relatively high degree of the reservoir. The temperature excepted at this
alteration that indicates fluid flows through rock depth will be about 235OC if this is a steam zone. In
porous. an attempt to hasten the heating of the 700 m zone
the well put on bleed through a 2 inch pipe.
The loss zone below 680 metres and possible
presence of Adularia below 770 metres might The well was bleed for two hours during which
indicates some reasonable permeable zone from 680 time only gas, with a distinct smell of H2S, was
- 853 metres. The loss zone between 680 metres to observed existing the bleed line.
853 metres as the permeable zone also is indicated
from the result of geophysical exploration. The The pressure of gas from the bleed line decrease
formation to the total depth of 1887 metres are over the two hours periode. With in thirty minutes
mainly calcareous sediment. of closing the bleed line a well head pressure of 9
bar was recorded and this steady increase a to 27.6
Immediatly after the well was shut in temperatures
Measurement within the drill string made during the were recorded between 600 m and 800 m depth.
drilling which was run into the well. The measured The desired effect was achived in that temperature
pressure at 450.7 m (CT) depth was 24.1 bar which at 700 m increased from 123.99"C to 137.8"C
is a water level at 214 m assuming a column of however the temperature increase was not high as
20°C water. was excepted.
However, it is interesting that that the stable well According to the local tradition a Lingko Rame is
direcly related to a Rumah Gendang and is owned
and exploited by the Tua Ten0 (head man) and his 1. Karto Kusumo W.S and Somad (1982):
rural elite family. This special agriculture field is Geochemistry report of the Ulumbu
inherited from one generation on the other Geothermal Area in Flores, East
generation. The Lingko Rame at the drilling site Nusatenggara.
(ULB-01, 02 and 03) is called Lingko Nio. It is
very fertile field. 2. Radja VT (1990) : Preliminary Evaluation
of the Geothermal Energy Potential of
The local communities has give an alternative to Flores.
realignment of the temporary road to the land Monograph No. 08 ER-70.
behind the village. The people has no objective to
give their land away to clear the way for the 3. Setiawan and Saputra (1984) : The geology
alternative road. of Ulumbu Geothermal Area, Flores
The result of exploratory drilling, especially ULB- 6. Sulasdi, Didi (1985) : Exploration of the
01 which was drilled to a depth of 1887 m with the Lahendong Geothermal, North Sulawesi,
top 838 m consisting of volcanic breccia with 1st Afro Asia Geothermal Conference,
subordinate andesitic and basaltic lavas and tuffs. Chiang Mai Thailand.
These volcanic rocks are quaternary age.