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Quartus II IntegratedSynthesis

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Quartus II Integrated Synthesis



As programmable logic designs become more complex and require increased performance, advanced synthesis has become an important part of the design flow. The Quartus II software includes advanced integrated synthesis that fully supports VHDL and Verilog HDL, as well as Altera-specific design entry languages, and provides options to control the synthesis process. With this synthesis support, the Quartus II software provides a complete, easy-to-use solution. This chapter documents the design flow and language support in the Quartus II software. It explains how you can use incremental compilation to reduce your compilation time, and how you can improve synthesis results with Quartus II synthesis options and by controlling the inference of architecture-specific megafunctions. This chapter also explains some of the node-naming conventions used during synthesis to help you better understand your synthesized design, and the messages issued during synthesis to improve your HDL code. Scripting techniques for applying all the options and settings described are also provided. This chapter contains the following sections:

Design Flow on page 82 Language Support on page 85 Incremental Synthesis and Incremental Compilation on page 824 Quartus II Synthesis Options on page 825 Analyzing Synthesis Results on page 877 Analyzing and Controlling Synthesis Messages on page 878 Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis on page 883 Scripting Support on page 890

This chapter provides examples of how to use attributes described within the chapter, but does not cover specific coding examples.

For examples of Verilog HDL and VHDL code synthesized for specific logic functions, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. For information about coding with primitives that describe specific low-level functions in Altera devices, refer to the Designing With Low-Level Primitives User Guide.

Altera Corporation May 2008


Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Design Flow

The Quartus II Analysis and Synthesis process includes Quartus II integrated synthesis, which fully supports Verilog HDL and VHDL languages as well as Altera-specific languages, and supports major features in the SystemVerilog language (refer to Language Support on page 85 for details). This stage of the compilation flow performs logic synthesis to optimize design logic, and performs technology mapping to implement the design logic using device resources, such as logic elements (LEs) or adaptive logic modules (ALMs) and other dedicated logic blocks. This stage also generates the single project database that integrates all the design files in a project (including any netlists from third-party synthesis tools). You can use the Analysis and Synthesis stage of the Quartus II compilation to perform any of the following levels of Analysis and Synthesis:

Analyze Current FileParse the current design source file to check for syntax errors. This command does not report on many semantic errors that require further design synthesis. On the Processing menu, click Analyze Current File. Analysis & ElaborationCheck a design for syntax and semantic errors and perform elaboration to identify the design hierarchy. On the Processing menu, point to Start, then click Start Analysis & Elaboration. Analysis & SynthesisPerform complete Analysis and Synthesis on a design, including technology mapping. On the Processing menu, point to Start, then click Start Analysis & Synthesis. This is the most commonly used command and is part of the full compilation flow.

The Quartus II design and compilation flow using Quartus II integrated synthesis is made up of the following steps: 1. Create a project in the Quartus II software, and specify the general project information, including the top-level design entity name. On the File menu, click New Project Wizard. Create design files in the Quartus II software or with a text editor. On the Project menu, click Add/Remove Files in Project and add all design files to your Quartus II project using the Files page of the Settings dialog box.

2. 3.


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Design Flow


Specify compiler settings that control the compilation and optimization of the design during synthesis and fitting. For synthesis settings, refer to Quartus II Synthesis Options on page 825. Add timing constraints to specify the timing requirements. Compile the design in the Quartus II software. To synthesize the design, on the Processing menu, point to Start, and click Start Analysis & Synthesis.


On the Processing menu, click Start Compilation to run a complete compilation flow including placement, routing, creation of a programming file, and timing analysis.


After obtaining synthesis and place-and-route results that meet your needs, program or configure the Altera device.

The software provides netlists that allow you to perform functional simulation and gate-level timing simulation in the Quartus II simulator or a third-party simulator, perform timing analysis in a third-party timing analysis tool in addition to the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer or Classic Timing Analyzer, and/or perform formal verification in a third-party formal verification tool. The Quartus II software also provides many additional analysis and debugging features.

For more information about creating a project, compilation flow, and other features in the Quartus II software, refer to the Quartus II Help. For an overall summary of Quartus II features, refer to the Introduction to the Quartus II Software manual.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Figure 81 shows the basic design flow using Quartus II integrated synthesis. Figure 81. Quartus II Design Flow Using Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

Functional/RTL Simulation

Constraints & Settings

Analysis & Synthesis Post Synthesis Simulation File (.vho/.vo)

Gate-Level Functional Simulation

Internal Synthesis Netlist

Constraints & Settings



Timing Analyzer Post Place-and-Route Simulation File (.vho/.vo)

Gate-Level Timing Simulation


Timing & Area Requirements Satisfied?

Post Place-and-Route Formal Verification File (.vo)

Formal Verification Using Source Code as Golden Netlist, and VO as Revised Netlist

Yes Configuration/ Programming Files (.sof/.pof)

Configure/Program Device

Notes to Figure 81:

(1) (2) Altera HDL The Block Design File (.bdf) contains the design schematic.


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Language Support

Language Support

This section explains the Quartus II softwares integrated synthesis support for HDL and schematic design entry, as well as graphical state machine entry, and explains how to specify the Verilog HDL or VHDL language version used in your design. It also documents language features such as Verilog HDL macros, initial constructs and memory system tasks, and VHDL libraries. Design Libraries on page 815 describes how to compile and reference design units in different custom libraries and Using Parameters/Generics on page 820 describes how to use parameters or generics and how to pass them between different languages. To ensure that the software reads all associated project files, add each file to your Quartus II project. To add files to your project in the Quartus II GUI, on the Project menu, click Add/Remove Files In Project. Design files can be added to the project in any order. You can mix all supported languages and netlists generated by third-party synthesis tools in a single Quartus II project.

Verilog HDL Support

The Quartus II compilers Analysis and Synthesis module supports the following Verilog HDL standards:

Verilog-1995 (IEEE Standard 1364-1995) Verilog-2001 (IEEE Standard 1364-2001) SystemVerilog-2005 (IEEE Standard 1800-2005) (not all constructs are supported)

For complete information about specific Verilog HDL syntax features and language constructs, refer to the Quartus II Help. The Quartus II compiler uses the Verilog-2001 standard by default for files that have the extension .v, and the SystemVerilog standard for files that have the extension .sv. 1 The Verilog HDL code samples provided in this document follow the Verilog-2001 standard unless otherwise specified.

To specify a default Verilog HDL version for all files, perform the following steps: 1. 2. On the Assignments menu, click Settings. In the Settings dialog box, under Category, expand Analysis & Synthesis Settings, and select Verilog HDL Input.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1


On the Verilog HDL Input page, under Verilog version, select the appropriate Verilog HDL version, then click OK.

You can override the default Verilog HDL version for each Verilog HDL design file by performing the following steps: 1. On the Project menu, click Add/Remove Files in Project. The Settings dialog box appears. On the Files page, click on the appropriate file in the list and click the Properties button. In the HDL Version list, select SystemVerilog_2005, Verilog_2001, or Verilog_1995 and click OK.



You can also control the Verilog HDL version inside a design file using the VERILOG_INPUT_VERSION synthesis directive, as shown in Example 81. This directive overrides the default HDL version and any HDL version specified in the File Properties dialog box. Example 81. Controlling the Verilog HDL Input Version with a Synthesis Directive // synthesis VERILOG_INPUT_VERSION <language version>

The variable <language version> takes one of the following values:


When the software reads a VERILOG_INPUT_VERSION synthesis directive, the current language version changes as specified until the end of the file, or until the next VERILOG_INPUT_VERSION directive is reached. 1 You cannot change the language version in the middle of a Verilog HDL module.

For more information about specifying synthesis directives, refer to Synthesis Directives on page 830. If you use scripts to add design files, you can use the -HDL_VERSION command to specify the HDL version for each design file. Refer to Adding an HDL File to a Project and Setting the HDL Version on page 891.


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Language Support

The Quartus II software support for Verilog HDL is case-sensitive in accordance with the Verilog HDL standard. The Quartus II software supports the compiler directive `define, in accordance with the Verilog HDL standard. The Quartus II software supports the include compiler directive to include files with absolute paths (with either / or \ as the separator), or relative paths (relative to project root, user libraries, or current file location). When searching for a relative path, the Quartus II software initially searches relative to the project directory. If the software cannot find the file, it then searches relative to all user libraries, and finally relative to the directory location of the current file.

Verilog-2001 Support
The Quartus II software does not support Verilog-2001 libraries and configurations.

SystemVerilog Support
The Quartus II software supports the following SystemVerilog constructs:

Parameterized interfaces, generic interfaces, and modport constructs Packages Extern module declarations Built-in data types logic, bit, byte, shortint, longint, int Unsized integer literals 0, 1, x, z, X, and Z Structure data types using struct Ports and parameters with unrestricted data types User-defined types using typedef Global declarations of task/functions/parameters/types (does not support global variables) Coding constructs always_comb, always_latch, always_ff Continuous assignments to nodes other than nets, and procedural assignments to nodes other than reg Enumeration methods First, Last, Next(n), Prev(n), Num, and Name Assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, <<<=, and >>>= Increment ++ and decrement -Jump statements return, break, and continue Enhanced for loop (declare loop variables inside initial condition) Do-while loop and local loop constructs Assignment patterns Keywords unique and priority in case statements

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Default values for function/task arguments Closing labels Extensions to directives define and include Expression size system function $bits Array query system functions $dimensions, $unpacked_dimensions, $left, $right, $high, $low, $increment, $size Packed array (include multidimensional packed array) Unpacked array (include single-valued range dimension) Implicit port connections with .name and .*

Quartus II integrated synthesis also parses, but otherwise ignores, SystemVerilog assertions. 1 Designs written to comply with the Verilog-2001 standard may not compile successfully using the SystemVerilog setting because the SystemVerilog standard adds a number of new reserved keywords. For a list of reserved words in each language standard, refer to the Quartus II Help.

Initial Constructs and Memory System Tasks

The Quartus II software infers power-up conditions from Verilog HDL initial constructs. The software creates power-up settings for variables, including RAM blocks. If the Quartus II software encounters non-synthesizable constructs in an initial block, it generates an error. To avoid such errors, enclose non-synthesizable constructs (such as those intended only for simulation) in translate_off and translate_on synthesis directives, as described in Translate Off and On / Synthesis Off and On on page 869. Synthesis of initial constructs enables the power-up state of the synthesized design to match, as closely as possible, the power-up state of the original HDL code in simulation. 1 Initial blocks do not infer power-up conditions in some third-party EDA synthesis tools. If you are converting between synthesis tools, ensure that your power-up conditions are set correctly.

Quartus II integrated synthesis supports the $readmemb and $readmemh system tasks to initialize memories. Example 82 shows an initial construct that initializes an inferred RAM with $readmemb.


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Language Support

Example 82. Verilog HDL Code: Initializing RAM with the readmemb Command reg [7:0] ram[0:15]; initial begin $readmemb("ram.txt", ram); end

When creating a text file to use for memory initialization, specify the address using the format @<location> on a new line, then specify the memory word such as 110101 or abcde on the next line. Example 83 shows a portion of a memory initialization file for the RAM in Example 82. Example 83. Text File Format: Initializing RAM with the readmemb Command @0 00000000 @1 00000001 @2 00000010 @e 00001110 @f 00001111

Verilog HDL Macros

The Quartus II software fully supports Verilog HDL macros, which you can define with the `define compiler directive in your source code. You can also define macros in the GUI or on the command line. Setting a Verilog HDL Macro Default Value in the GUI To specify a macro in the GUI, on the Assignments menu, click Settings. Under Category, expand Analysis & Synthesis Settings and click Verilog HDL Input. Under Verilog HDL macro, type the macro name in the Name box, the value in the Setting box, and click Add. Setting a Verilog HDL Macro Default Value on the Command Line To set a default value for a Verilog HDL macro on the command line, use the --verilog_macro option, as shown in Example 84. Example 84. Command Syntax for Specifying a Verilog HDL Macro quartus_map <Design name> --verilog_macro= "<Macro Name>=<Macro Setting>" r

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

The command in Example 85 has the same effect as specifying `define a 2 in the Verilog HDL source code. Example 85. Specifying a Verilog HDL Macro a = 2 quartus_map my_design --verilog_macro="a=2" r To specify multiple macros, you can repeat the option more than once, as in Example 86. Example 86. Specifying Verilog HDL Macros a = 2 and b = 3 quartus_map my_design --verilog_macro="a=2" --verilog_macro="b=3" r

VHDL Support
The Quartus II compilers Analysis and Synthesis module supports the following VHDL standards:

VHDL 1987 (IEEE Standard 1076-1987) VHDL 1993 (IEEE Standard 1076-1993)

For information about specific VHDL syntax features and language constructs, refer to the Quartus II Help. The Quartus II compiler uses the VHDL 1993 standard by default for files that have the extension .vhdl or .vhd. 1 The VHDL code samples provided in this document follow the VHDL 1993 standard.

To specify a default VHDL version for all files, perform the following steps: 1. 2. On the Assignments menu, click Settings. In the Settings dialog box, under Category, expand Analysis & Synthesis Settings, and select VHDL Input. On the VHDL Input page, under VHDL version, select the appropriate version, then click OK.


You can override the default VHDL version for each VHDL design file by performing the following steps:


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Language Support


On the Project menu, click Add/Remove Files in Project. The Settings dialog box appears. On the Files page, click on the appropriate file in the list and click Properties. In the HDL version list, select VHDL93 or VHDL87 and click OK.



You can also specify the VHDL version for each design file using the VHDL_INPUT_VERSION synthesis directive, as shown in Example 87. This directive overrides the default HDL version and any HDL version specified in the File Properties dialog box. Example 87. Controlling the VHDL Input Version with a Synthesis Directive --synthesis VHDL_INPUT_VERSION <language version>

The variable <language version> takes one of the following values:


When the software reads a VHDL_INPUT_VERSION synthesis directive, it changes the current language version as specified until the end of the file, or until it reaches the next VHDL_INPUT_VERSION directive. 1 You cannot change the language version in the middle of a VHDL design unit.

For more information about specifying synthesis directives, refer to Synthesis Directives on page 830. If you use scripts to add design files, you can use the HDL_VERSION command to specify the HDL version for each design file. Refer to Adding an HDL File to a Project and Setting the HDL Version on page 891. The Quartus II software reads default values for registered signals defined in the VHDL code and converts the default values into power-up level settings. This enables the power-up state of the synthesized design to match, as closely as possible, the power-up state of the original HDL code in simulation.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

VHDL Standard Libraries and Packages

The Quartus II software includes the standard IEEE libraries and a number of vendor-specific VHDL libraries. For information about organizing your own design units into custom libraries, refer to Design Libraries on page 815. The IEEE library includes the standard VHDL packages std_logic_1164, numeric_std, numeric_bit, and math_real. The STD library is part of the VHDL language standard and includes the packages standard (included in every project by default) and textio. For compatibility with older designs, the Quartus II software also supports the following vendor-specific packages and libraries:

Synopsys packages such as std_logic_arith and std_logic_unsigned in the IEEE library Mentor Graphics packages such as std_logic_arith in the ARITHMETIC library Altera primitive packages altera_primitives_components (for primitives such as GLOBAL and DFFE) and maxplus2 (for legacy support of MAX+PLUS II primitives) in the ALTERA library Altera megafunction packages altera_mf_components and stratixgx_mf_components in the ALTERA_MF library (for Altera-specific megafunctions including LCELL), and lpm_components in the LPM library for library of parameterized modules (LPM) functions.

For a complete listing of library and package support, refer to the Quartus II Help. 1 Beginning with the Quartus II software version 5.1, you should import component declarations for Altera primitives such as GLOBAL and DFFE from the altera_primitives_components package and not the altera_mf_components package.

VHDL wait Constructs

The Quartus II software supports only a single VHDL wait until statement in a process block. Other VHDL wait constructs, such as wait for, or wait on statements, or processes with multiple wait statements, are not synthesizable.


Altera Corporation May 2008

Language Support

Example 88 is a VHDL code example of a supported wait until construct. Example 88. VHDL Code: Supported wait until Construct architecture dff_arch of ls_dff is begin output: process begin wait until (CLK'event and CLK='1'); Q <= D; Qbar <= not D; end process output; end dff_arch;

Example 89 is a VHDL code example of unsupported wait for construct. Process block with wait for, or wait on statement is not synthesizable. Example 89. VHDL Code: Unsupported wait for Construct process begin CLK <= '0'; wait for 20 ns; CLK <= '1'; wait for 12 ns; end process;

Process block with multiple wait until statements is not synthesizable. Example 810 shows an example of multiple wait until statements in a process block. Example 810. Multiple wait until Statements in a Process Block output: process begin wait until (CLK'event and CLK='1'); Q <= D; Qbar <= not D; wait until (CLK'event and CLK='0'); Q <= 0; Qbar <= 1; end process output;

AHDL Support
The Quartus II compilers Analysis and Synthesis module fully supports the Altera Hardware Description Language (AHDL).

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

AHDL designs use Text Design Files (.tdf). You can import AHDL Include Files (.inc) into a Text Design File with an AHDL include statement. Altera provides AHDL Include Files for all megafunctions shipped with the Quartus II software.

For information about specific AHDL syntax features and language constructs, refer to the Quartus II Help. 1 The AHDL language does not support the synthesis directives or attributes described in this chapter.

Schematic Design Entry Support

The Quartus II compilers Analysis and Synthesis module fully supports Block Design Files (.bdf) for schematic design entry. You can use the Quartus II softwares Block Editor to create and edit Block Design Files and open Graphic Design Files (.gdf) imported from the MAX+PLUS II software. Use the Symbol Editor to create and edit Block Symbol Files (.bsf) and open MAX+PLUS II Symbol Files (.sym). You can read and edit these legacy MAX+PLUS II formats with the Quartus II Block and Symbol Editors; however, the Quartus II software saves them as .bdf or .bsf files.

For information about creating and editing schematic designs, refer to the Quartus II Help. 1 Schematic entry methods do not support the synthesis directives or attributes described in this chapter.

State Machine Editor

The Quartus II software supports graphical state machine entry. To create a new finite state machine (FSM) design, on the File menu, click New. In the New dialog box, expand the Design Files list and choose State Machine File. In the editor, you can use the State Machine Wizard to step you through the state machine creation. Click the State Machine Wizard icon. Specify the reset information, define the input ports, states, and transitions, and then define the output ports and output conditions. Click Finish to create the state machine diagram. You can also create the state machine diagram using the editor GUI. Use the icons or right-click menu options to insert new input and output signals and create states in the schematic display. To specify transitions, select the Transition Tool and click on the source state, then drag the


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Language Support

mouse to the destination state. Double-click on a transition to specify the transition equation, using a syntax that conforms to Verilog HDL. Double-click on a state to open the State Properties dialog box, where you can change the state name, specify whether it acts as the reset state, and change the incoming and outgoing transition equations. To view and edit state machine information in a table format, click the State Machine Table icon. The state machine diagram is saved as a State Machine File (.smf). When you have finished defining the state machine logic, create a Verilog HDL or VHDL design file by clicking the Generate HDL File icon. You can then instantiate the state machine in your design using any design entry language.

For more information about creating and editing state machine diagrams, refer to the Quartus II Help.

Design Libraries
By default, the Quartus II software compiles all design files into the work library. If you do not specify a design library, or if a file refers to a library that does not exist, or if the library does not contain a referenced design unit, the software searches the work library. This behavior allows the Quartus II software to compile most designs with minimal setup. (Creating separate custom design libraries is optional.) To compile your design files into specific libraries (for example, when you have two or more functionally different design entities that share the same name), you can specify a destination library for each design file in various ways, as described in the following subsections:

Specifying a Destination Library Name in the Settings Dialog Box on page 816 Specifying a Destination Library Name in the Quartus II Settings File or Using Tcl on page 816

When the Quartus II compiler analyzes the file, it stores the analyzed design units in the files destination library. 1 Beginning with the Quartus II software version 6.1, a design can contain two or more entities with the same name if they are compiled into separate libraries.

When compiling a design instance, the Quartus II software initially searches for the entity in the library associated with the instance (which is the work library if no other library is specified). If the entity definition

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

is not found, the software searches for a unique entity definition in all design libraries. If more than one entity with the same name is found, the software generates an error. If your design uses multiple entities with the same name, you must compile the entities into separate libraries. In VHDL, there are several ways to associate an instance with a particular entity, as described in Mapping a VHDL Instance to an Entity in a Specific Library on page 818. In Verilog HDL, BDF schematic entry, AHDL, as well as VQM and EDIF netlists, use different libraries for each of the entities that have the same name, and compile the instantiation into the same library as the appropriate entity.

Specifying a Destination Library Name in the Settings Dialog Box

To specify a library name for one of your design files, perform the following steps: 1. 2. On the Assignments menu, click Settings. On the Files page of the Settings dialog box, select the file in the File Name list. Click Properties. In the File Properties dialog box, select the type of design file from the Type list. Type the desired library name in the Library field. Click OK.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Specifying a Destination Library Name in the Quartus II Settings File or Using Tcl
You can specify the library name with the -library option to the <language type>_FILE assignment in the Quartus II Settings File or with Tcl commands. For example, the following Quartus II Settings File or Tcl assignments specify that the Quartus II software analyze my_file.vhd and store its contents (design units) in the VHDL library my_lib, and analyze the Verilog HDL file my_header_file.h and store its contents in a library called another_lib. Refer to Example 811.


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Language Support

Example 811. Specifying a Destination Library Name set_global_assignment name VHDL_FILE my_file.vhd library my_lib set_global_assignment name VERILOG_FILE my_header_file.h library\ another_lib

For more information about Tcl scripting, refer to Scripting Support on page 890.

Specifying a Destination Library Name in a VHDL File

You can use the library synthesis directive to specify a library name in your VHDL source file. This directive takes a single string argument: the name of the destination library. Specify the library directive in a VHDL comment prior to the context clause for a primary design unit (that is, a package declaration, an entity declaration, or a configuration), using one of the supported keywords for synthesis directives, that is, altera, synthesis, pragma, synopsys, or exemplar. For more information about specifying synthesis directives, refer to Synthesis Directives on page 830. The library directive overrides the default library destination work, the library setting specified for the current file through the Settings dialog box, any existing Quartus II Settings File setting, any setting made through the Tcl interface, or any prior library directive in the current file. The directive remains effective until the end of the file or the next library synthesis directive. Example 812 uses the library synthesis directive to create a library called my_lib that contains the design unit my_entity. Example 812. Using the Library Synthesis Directive -- synthesis library my_lib library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity my_entity(...) end entity my_entity; 1

You can specify a single destination library for all the design units in a given source file by specifying the library name in the the Settings dialog box, editing the Quartus II Settings File, or using the Tcl interface. Using the library directive to change the destination VHDL library within a source file gives you the option of organizing the design units in a single file into different libraries, rather than just a single library.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

The Quartus II software produces an error if you use the library directive within a design unit.

Mapping a VHDL Instance to an Entity in a Specific Library

The VHDL language provides a number of ways to map or bind an instance to an entity in a specific library, as described in the following subsections. Direct Entity Instantiation In the direct entity instantiation method, the instantiation refers to an entity in a specific library, as shown in Example 813. Example 813. VHDL Code: Direct Entity Instantiation entity entity1 is port(...); end entity entity1; architecture arch of entity1 is begin inst: entity lib1.foo port map(...); end architecture arch;

Component InstantiationExplicit Binding Instantiation There is more than one mechanism for binding a component to an entity. In an explicit binding indication, you bind a component instance to a specific entity, as shown in Example 814.


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Language Support

Example 814. VHDL Code: Binding Instantiation entity entity1 is port(...); end entity entity1; package components is component entity1 is port map (...); end component entity1; end package components; entity top_entity is port(...); end entity top_entity; use lib1.components.all; architecture arch of top_entity is -- Explicitly bind instance I1 to entity1 from lib1 for I1: entity1 use entity lib1.entity1 port map(...); end for; begin I1: entity1 port map(...); end architecture arch;

Component InstantiationDefault Binding If you do not provide an explicit binding indication, a component instance is bound to the nearest visible entity with the same name. If no such entity is visible in the current scope, the instance is bound to the entity in the library in which the component was declared. For example, if the component is declared in a package in library MY_LIB, an instance of the component is bound to the entity in library MY_LIB. The portions of code in Example 815 and 816 show this instantiation method. Example 815. VHDL Code: Default Binding to the Entity in the Same Library as the Component Declaration use mylib.pkg.foo; -- import component declaration from package pkg in -- library mylib architecture rtl of top ... begin -- This instance will be bound to entity foo in library mylib inst: foo port map(...); end architecture rtl;

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 816. VHDL Code: Default Binding to the Directly Visible Entity use mylib.foo; -- make entity foo in library mylib directly visible architecture rtl of top component foo is generic (...) port (...); end component; begin -- This instance will be bound to entity foo in library mylib inst: foo port map(...); end architecture rtl;

Using Parameters/Generics
This section describes how parameters (called generics in VHDL) are supported in the Quartus II software, and how you can pass these parameters between different design languages. You can enter default parameter values for your design in the Default Parameters box in the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box. Default parameters allow you to specify the parameter overrides for your top-level entity. In AHDL, parameters are inherited, so any default parameters apply to all AHDL instances in the design. You can also specify parameters for instantiated modules in a Block Design File (.bdf). To modify parameters on a .bdf instance, double-click on the parameter value box for the instance symbol, or right-click on the symbol and choose Properties, then click the Parameters tab. For these GUI-based entry methods, refer to Setting Default Parameter Values and BDF Instance Parameter Values on page 821 for information about how parameter values are interpreted, and for recommendations about the format you should use. You can specify parameters for instantiated modules in your design source files, using the syntax provided for that language. Some designs instantiate entities in a different language; for example, they may instantiate a VHDL entity from a Verilog HDL design file. You can pass parameters or generics between VHDL, Verilog HDL, AHDL, and BDF schematic entry, and from EDIF or VQM to any of these languages. In most cases, you do not have to do anything special to pass parameters from one language to another. However, in some cases you may have to specify the type of the parameter you are passing. In those cases you should follow certain guidelines to ensure that the parameter value is interpreted correctly. Refer to Passing Parameters Between Two Design Languages on page 822 for parameter type rules.


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Language Support

Setting Default Parameter Values and BDF Instance Parameter Values

Default parameter values and BDF instance parameter values do not have an explicitly declared type. In most cases, the Quartus II software can correctly infer the type from the value without ambiguity. For example, ABC is interpreted as a string, 123 as an integer, and 15.4 as a floating-point value. In other cases, such as when the instantiated subdesign language is VHDL, the Quartus II software uses the type of the parameter/generic in the instantiated entity to determine how to interpret the value, so that a value of 123 is interpreted as a string if the VHDL parameter is of type string. In addition, you can set the parameter value in a format that is legal in the language of the instantiated entity. For example, to pass an unsized bit literal value from BDF to Verilog HDL, you can use '1 as the parameter value, and to pass a 4-bit binary vector from BDF to Verilog HDL, you can use 4'b1111 as the parameter value. In a few cases, the Quartus II software cannot infer the correct type of parameter value. To avoid ambiguity, specify the parameter value in a type-encoded format where the first or first and second character of the parameter indicate the type of the parameter, and the rest of the string indicates the value in a quoted sub-string. For example, to pass a binary string 1010 from BDF to Verilog HDL, you cannot simply use the value 1001, because the Quartus II software interprets it as a decimal value. You also cannot use the string "1001", because the Quartus II software interprets it as an ASCII string. You must use the type-encoded string B"1001" for the Quartus II software to interpret the parameter value correctly. Table 81 provides a list of valid parameter strings and shows how they are interpreted within the Quartus II software. Altera recommends using the type-encoded format only when necessary to resolve ambiguity.

Table 81. Valid Parameter Strings and How They are Interpreted (Part 1 of 2) Parameter String
S"abc", s"abc" "abc123", "123abc" F"12.3", f"12.3" -5.4 D"123", d"123" 123, -123 X"ff", H"ff" Q"77", O"77" B"1010", b"1010"

Quartus II Parameter Type, Format, and Value

String value abc String value abc123 or 123abc Floating point number 12.3 Floating point number -5.4 Decimal number 123 Decimal number 123, -123 Hexadecimal value FF Octal value 77 Unsigned binary value 1010

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Table 81. Valid Parameter Strings and How They are Interpreted (Part 2 of 2) Parameter String
SB"1010", sb"1010" R"1", R"0", R"X", R"Z", r"1", r"0", r"X", r"Z" E"apple", e"apple" P"1 unit" A(...), a(...)

Quartus II Parameter Type, Format, and Value

Signed binary value 1010 Unsized bit literal Enum type, value name is apple Physical literal, the value is (1, unit) Array type or record type, whose content is determined by the string (...)

Passing Parameters Between Two Design Languages

When passing a parameter between two different languages, a design block that is higher in the design hierarchy instantiates a lower-level subdesign block and provides parameter information. It is essential that the parameter be correctly interpreted by the subdesign language (the design entity that is instantiated). Based on the information provided by the higher-level design and the value format, and sometimes by the parameter type of the subdesign entity, the Quartus II software interprets the type and value of the passed parameter. When passing a parameter whose value is an enumerated type value or literal from a language that does not support enumerated types to one that does (for example from Verilog HDL to VHDL), it is essential that the enumeration literal is spelled correctly in the higher-level design. The parameter value is passed as a string literal, and it is up to the language of the lower-level design to correctly convert the string literal into the correct enumeration literal. If the lower-level language is SystemVerilog, it is essential that the enum value is used in the correct case. In SystemVerilog, it is recommended that two enumeration literals do not only differ in case. For example, enum {item, ITEM} is not a good choice of item names because these names can create confusion among users and it is more difficult to pass parameters from case-insensitive HDLs, such as VHDL. Arrays have different support in different design languages. For details about the array parameter format, refer to the Parameter section in the Analysis & Synthesis Report of a design that contains array parameters or generics. The following code shows examples of passing parameters from one design entry language to a subdesign written in another language. Example 817 shows a VHDL subdesign that is instantiated into a


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Language Support

top-level Verilog HDL design in Example 818. Example 819 shows a Verilog HDL subdesign that is instantiated in a top-level VHDL design in Example 820. Example 817. VHDL Parameterized Subdesign Entity type fruit is (apple, orange, grape); entity vhdl_sub is generic ( name : string := "default", width : integer := 8, number_string : string := "123", f : fruit := apple, binary_vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101", signed_vector : signed (3 downto 0) := "1111");

Example 818. Verilog HDL Top-Level Design Instantiating and Passing Parameters to VHDL Entity from Example 817 vhdl_sub inst (...); defparam inst.name = "lower"; defparam inst.width = 3; defparam inst.num_string = "321"; defparam inst.f = "grape"; // Must exactly match enum value defparam inst.binary_vector = 4'b1010; defparam inst.signed_vector = 4'sb1010;

Example 819. Verilog HDL Parameterized Subdesign Module module veri_sub (...) parameter name = "default"; parameter width = 8; parameter number_string = "123"; parameter binary_vector = 4'b0101; parameter signed_vector = 4'sb1111;

Example 820. VHDL Top-level Design Instantiating and Passing Parameters to the Verilog HDL Module from Example 819 inst:veri_sub generic map ( name => "lower", width => 3, number_string => "321" binary_vector = "1010" signed_vector = "1010")

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

To use an HDL subdesign such as the one shown in Example 819 in a top-level BDF design, you must first generate a symbol for the HDL file, as shown in Figure 82. Open the HDL file in the Quartus II software, and then, on the File menu, point to Create/Update and click Create Symbol Files for Current File. To modify parameters on a BDF instance, double-click on the parameter value box for the instance symbol, or right-click on the symbol and choose Properties, then click the Parameters tab. Figure 82. BDF Top-Level Design Instantiating and Passing Parameters to the Verilog HDL Module from Example 819.

Incremental Synthesis and Incremental Compilation

The incremental compilation feature in the Quartus II software manages a design hierarchy for incremental design by allowing you to divide the design into multiple partitions. Incremental compilation ensures that when a design is compiled, only those partitions of the design that have been updated will be resynthesized, reducing compilation time and runtime memory usage. This also means that node names are maintained during synthesis for all registered and combinational nodes in unchanged partitions. You can use just incremental synthesis, or use the default full incremental compilation flow in which you can also preserve the placement (and optionally routing) information for unchanged partitions. This feature allows you to preserve performance of unchanged blocks in your design and reduces the time required for placement and routing, which significantly reduces your design compilation time. Altera recommends using the full incremental compilation feature even if you want to preserve just the synthesis information. You can perform incremental synthesis by using full incremental compilation with the Netlist Type for


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

all design partitions set to Post-Synthesis. Some Quartus II features, such as formal verification and incremental SignalTap II logic analysis, require that the full incremental compilation feature be turned on.

For information about using the recommended full incremental compilation flow, refer to the Quartus II Incremental Compilation for Hierarchical and Team-Based Design chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. For information about the incremental synthesis only option, refer to the Quartus II Help.

Partitions for Preserving Hierarchical Boundaries

A design partition represents a portion of the design that you want to synthesize and fit incrementally. Incremental compilation maintains the hierarchical boundaries of design partitions, so you can use design partitions if you need to preserve hierarchical boundaries through the synthesis and fitting process. For example, if you are performing formal verification, you must use partitions with the full incremental compilation flow to ensure that no optimizations occur across specific design hierarchies. 1 Altera recommends that you use Design Partition assignments instead of the Preserve Hierarchical Boundary logic option, which may be removed in future versions of the Quartus II software.

Quartus II Synthesis Options

The Quartus II software offers a number of options to help you control the synthesis process and achieve the optimal results for your design. Setting Synthesis Options on page 827 describes the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box, where you can set the most common global settings and options, and defines the following three types of synthesis options: Quartus II logic options, synthesis attributes, and synthesis directives. The other subsections describe the following common synthesis options in the Quartus II software, and provide HDL examples of how to use each option where applicable:

Major Optimization Settings Optimization Technique on page 831 Speed Optimization Technique for Clock Domains on page 832 PowerPlay Power Optimization on page 832 Restructure Multiplexers on page 834 Synthesis Effort on page 836 State Machine Settings and Enumerated Types State Machine Processing on page 838

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Manually Specifying State Assignments Using the syn_encoding Attribute on page 839 Manually Specifying Enumerated Types Using the enum_encoding Attribute on page 842 Safe State Machines on page 844

Register Power-Up Settings Power-Up Level on page 846 Power-Up Dont Care on page 847 Controlling, Preserving, Removing, and Duplicating Logic and Registers Limiting DSP Block Usage in Partitions on page 833 Remove Duplicate Registers on page 848 Remove Redundant Logic Cells on page 848 Preserve Registers on page 848 Disable Register Merging/Dont Merge Register on page 849 Noprune Synthesis Attribute/Preserve Fan-out Free Register Node on page 850 Keep Combinational Node/Implement as Output of Logic Cell on page 851 Don't Retime, Disabling Synthesis Netlist Optimizations on page 852 Don't Replicate, Disabling Synthesis Netlist Optimizations on page 853 Maximum Fan-Out on page 854 Controlling Clock Enable Signals with Auto Clock Enable Replacement and direct_enable on page 855 To preserve design hierarchy, refer to Partitions for Preserving Hierarchical Boundaries on page 825 Megafunction Inference Options Megafunction Inference Control on page 856 RAM Style and ROM Stylefor Inferred Memory on page 859 Turning Off Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs/ no_rw_check Attribute Setting on page 861 RAM Initialization Filefor Inferred Memory on page 863 Multiplier Stylefor Inferred Multipliers on page 863 Controlling Synthesis with Other Synthesis Directives Full Case on page 866 Parallel Case on page 867 Translate Off and On / Synthesis Off and On on page 869 Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off Directives on page 869 Read Comments as HDL on page 870


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Specifying I/O-Related Assignments Use I/O Flipflops on page 871 Specifying Pin Locations with chip_pin on page 872 Setting Quartus II Logic Options in Your HDL Source Code Using altera_attribute to Set Quartus II Logic Options on page 874

Setting Synthesis Options

You can set synthesis options in the Settings dialog box, or with logic options in the Quartus II software, or you can use synthesis attributes and directives within the HDL source code.

Analysis & Synthesis Settings Page of the Settings Dialog Box

On the Assignments menu, click Settings to open the Settings dialog box. The Analysis & Synthesis Settings page allows you to set global synthesis options that apply to the entire project. These options are described in later subsections.

Quartus II Logic Options

Quartus II logic options control many aspects of the synthesis and place-and-route process. To set logic options in the Quartus II GUI, on the Assignments menu, click Assignment Editor. You can also use a corresponding Tcl command. Quartus II logic options allow you to set instance or node-specific assignments without editing the source HDL code. Logic options can be used with all design entry languages supported by the Quartus II software.

For more information about using the Assignment Editor, refer to the Assignment Editor chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook.

Synthesis Attributes
The Quartus II software supports synthesis attributes for Verilog HDL and VHDL, also commonly called pragmas. These attributes are not standard Verilog HDL or VHDL commands; synthesis tools use attributes to control the synthesis process in a particular manner. Attributes always apply to a specific design element, and are applied in the HDL source code. Some synthesis attributes are also available as Quartus II logic options via the Quartus II GUI or with Tcl. Each attribute description in this chapter indicates whether there is a corresponding setting or logic option that can be set in the GUI; some attributes can be specified only with HDL synthesis attributes.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Attributes specified in your HDL code are not visible in the Assignment Editor or in the Quartus II Settings File. Assignments or settings made through the Quartus II GUI, the Quartus II Settings File, or the Tcl interface take precedence over assignments or settings made with synthesis attributes in your HDL code. The Quartus II software generates warning messages if invalid attributes are found, but does not generate an error or stop the compilation. This behavior is required because attributes are specific to various design tools, and attributes not recognized in the Quartus II software may be intended for a different EDA tool. The Quartus II software lists the attributes specified in your HDL code in the Source assignments table in the Analysis & Synthesis report. The Verilog-2001, SystemVerilog, and VHDL language definitions provide specific syntax for specifying attributes, but in Verilog-1995, you must embed attribute assignments in comments. You can enter attributes in your code using the syntax in Examples 821, 822, and 823, where <attribute>, <attribute type>, <value>, <object>, and <object type> are variables, and the entry in brackets is optional. The examples in this chapter demonstrate each syntax form. 1 Verilog HDL is case-sensitive; therefore, synthesis attributes are also case-sensitive.

Example 821. Synthesis Attributes in Verilog-1995 // synthesis <attribute> [ = <value> ] or /* synthesis <attribute> [ = <value> ] */

Verilog-1995 comment-embedded attributes, as shown in Example 821, must be used as a suffix to (that is, placed after) the declaration of an item and must appear before the semicolon when one is required. 1 You cannot use the open one-line comment in Verilog HDL when a semicolon is required at the end of the line, because it is not clear to which HDL element the attribute applies. For example, you cannot make an attribute assignment such as reg r; // synthesis <attribute> because the attribute could be read as part of the next line.

To apply multiple attributes to the same instance in Verilog-1995, separate the attributes with spaces, as follows: //synthesis <attribute1> [ = <value> ] <attribute2> [ = <value> ]


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

For example, to set the maxfan attribute to 16 (Refer to Maximum FanOut on page 854 for details) and set the preserve attribute (refer to Preserve Registers on page 848 for details) on a register called my_reg, use the following syntax: reg my_reg /* synthesis maxfan = 16 preserve */; In addition to the synthesis keyword as shown above, the keywords pragma, synopsys, and exemplar are supported for compatibility with other synthesis tools. The keyword altera is also supported, which allows you to add synthesis attributes that will be recognized only by Quartus II integrated synthesis and not by other tools that recognize the same synthesis attribute. 1 Because formal verification tools do not recognize the exemplar, pragma, and altera keywords, avoid using these attribute keywords when using formal verification.

Example 822. Synthesis Attributes in Verilog-2001 and SystemVerilog (* <attribute> [ = <value> ] *)

Verilog-2001 attributes, as shown in Example 822, must be used as a prefix to (that is, placed before) a declaration, module item, statement, or port connection, and used as a suffix to (that is, placed after) an operator or a Verilog HDL function name in an expression. 1 Because formal verification tools do not recognize the syntax, the Verilog-2001 attribute syntax is not supported when using formal verification.

To apply multiple attributes to the same instance in Verilog-2001 or SystemVerilog, separate the attributes with commas, as shown in the following example: (* <attribute1> [ = <value1>], <attribute2> [ = <value2> ] *) For example, to set the maxfan attribute to 16 (refer toMaximum FanOut on page 854 for details) and set the preserve attribute (refer to Preserve Registers on page 848 for details) on a register called my_reg, use the following syntax: (* preserve, maxfan = 16 *) reg my_reg;

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 823. Synthesis Attributes in VHDL attribute <attribute> : <attribute type> ; attribute <attribute> of <object> : <object type> is <value>;

VHDL attributes, as shown in Example 823, declare the attribute type and then apply it to a specific object. For VHDL designs, all supported synthesis attributes are declared in the altera_syn_attributes package in the Altera library. You can call this library from your VHDL code to declare the synthesis attributes, as follows: LIBRARY altera; USE altera.altera_syn_attributes.all;

Synthesis Directives
The Quartus II software supports synthesis directives, also commonly called compiler directives or pragmas. You can include synthesis directives in Verilog HDL or VHDL code as comments. These directives are not standard Verilog HDL or VHDL commands; synthesis tools use directives to control the synthesis process in a particular manner. Directives do not apply to a specific design node but change the behavior of the synthesis tool from the point where they occur in the HDL source code. Other tools, such as simulators, ignore these directives and treat them as comments. You can enter synthesis directives in your code using the syntax shown in Example 824 and 825, where <directive> and <value> are variables, and the entry in brackets is optional. Notice that for synthesis directives there is no = sign before the value; this is different than the syntax for synthesis attributes. The examples in this chapter demonstrate each syntax form. 1 Verilog HDL is case-sensitive; therefore, all synthesis directives are also case-sensitive.

Example 824. Verilog HDL Code: Synthesis Directives // synthesis <directive> [ <value> ] or /* synthesis <directive> [ <value> ] */


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Example 825. VHDL Code: Synthesis Directives -- synthesis <directive> [ <value> ]

In addition to the synthesis keyword shown above, the pragma, synopsys, and exemplar keywords are supported in both Verilog HDL and VHDL for compatibility with other synthesis tools. The keyword altera is also supported, which allows you to add synthesis directives that will be recognized only by Quartus II integrated synthesis and not by other tools that recognize the same synthesis directive. 1 Because formal verification tools ignore keywords exemplar, pragma, and altera, avoid using these directive keywords when you are using formal verification to prevent mismatches with the Quartus II results.

Optimization Technique
The Optimization Technique logic option specifies the goal for logic optimization during compilation; that is, whether to attempt to achieve maximum speed performance or minimum area usage, or a balance between the two. Table 82 lists the settings for this logic option, which you can apply only to a design entity. You can also set this logic option for your whole project on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page in the Settings dialog box.

Table 82. Optimization Technique Settings Setting

Area Speed Balanced (1)

The compiler makes the design as small as possible to minimize resource usage. The compiler chooses a design implementation that has the fastest fMAX. The compiler maps part of the design for area and part for speed, providing better area utilization than optimizing for speed, with only a slightly slower fMAX than optimizing for speed.

Note to Table 82:

(1) The balanced optimization technique is not supported for all device families.

The default setting varies by device family, and is generally optimized for the best area/speed trade-off. Results are design-dependent and vary depending on which device family you use.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Speed Optimization Technique for Clock Domains

The Speed Optimization Technique for Clock Domains logic option specifies that all combinational logic in or between the specified clock domain(s) is optimized for speed. When this option is set on a particular clock signal, all the logic in this clock domain is optimized for speed during synthesis. The remainder of the design in other clock domains is synthesized with the project-wide Optimization Technique that is set in the Analysis & Synthesis Settings. The option can also be set from one clock to another clock signal, in which case the logic in paths from registers in the first clock domain to registers in the second clock domain are synthesized for speed. The advantage of using this option over the project-wide setting to optimize for speed is that there is less penalty to the area of the design because a smaller part of the circuit is optimized for speed. This may also have a positive effect on clock speed. This option also has an advantage over setting the Optimization Technique on a design entity because that option forces the hierarchical blocks to be synthesized separately. Doing so may increase area and decrease performance due to the lack of optimizations across hierarchies. The Speed Optimization Technique for Clock Domains option does not treat hierarchical entities separately, and can optimize across hierarchical boundaries for logic within the same clock domain. This option is useful if you have one or more clock domains that do not meet your timing requirements. When there are failing paths within a clock domain, the option can be set on the clock of that clock domain. When there are failing paths between clock domains, the option can be set from one clock domain to the other clock domain. This option is available for the following device families: Arria GX, Stratix series, Cyclone series, HardCopy II, HardCopy Stratix, and MAX II.

PowerPlay Power Optimization

This logic option controls the power-driven compilation setting of Analysis and Synthesis and determines how aggressively Analysis and Synthesis optimizes the design for power. On the Assignments menu, click Settings, and under Category, click Analysis & Synthesis Settings. This displays the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page. The following three settings are available for the PowerPlay Power Optimization option:

OffAnalysis and Synthesis does not perform any power optimizations.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Normal CompilationAnalysis and Synthesis performs power optimizations, without reducing design performance. Extra EffortAnalysis and Synthesis performs additional power optimizations, which may reduce design performance.

This logic option is available for the following device families: Arria GX, Stratix series, Cyclone series, HardCopy II, and MAX II.

For more information about optimizing your design for power utilization, refer to the Power Optimization chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook. For information about analyzing your power results, refer to the PowerPlay Power Analysis chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.

Limiting DSP Block Usage in Partitions

One important step of Analysis and Synthesis is resource balancing. In this step, the Quartus II integrated synthesis looks at the digital signal processing (DSP) block usage in the design and balances it against the resources available in the targeted device that is converting the DSP blocks that cannot fit in the device into equivalent logic. For incremental compilation, each partition has a separate balancing step. By default, the Quartus II integrated synthesis looks at the targeted device information to find out the number of DSP blocks available for use. However, in incremental compilation, each partition looks at the device information independently and consequently assumes that it has all the DSP blocks in the device available for use. This can result in over-allocation of DSP blocks in the design, which means that the total number of DSP blocks used by all the partitions is greater than the number of DSP blocks available in the device. This can eventually lead to a no-fit error during the fitting process. To avoid this, Altera recommends that you set the Maximum DSP Block Usage assignment on each partition to manually limit the number of DSP blocks used. You can set this assignment on a partition using the Assignment Editor by selecting the Maximum DSP Block Usage assignment, and setting it on the root of a partition. Set any positive integer as the value of this assignment. If this assignment is set on a name other than a partition root, the Quartus II integrated synthesis gives an error.

The Maximum DSP Block Usage assignment is available only for supported device families. Refer to the Quartus II Help for list of the devices.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

For more information about using the Assignment Editor, refer to the Assignment Editor chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook. You can also set this assignment globally as a project-wide option using the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page from the Assignments menu: 1. 2. On the Assignments menu, click Settings. In the Settings dialog box, under Category, click Analysis & Synthesis Settings. In the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page, click More Settings. The More Analysis & Synthesis Settings dialog box appears. From the drop-down menu, point to Maximum DSP Block Usage, and from the Settings drop-down menu, select your desired value. The partition-specific assignment overrides the global assignment, if any. However, each partition that does not have a partition-specific Maximum DSP Block Usage assignment limits the number of the DSP blocks to the value set by the global assignment. This can also lead to over-allocation of DSP blocks. Therefore, Altera recommends that you always set this assignment on each partition when you use the incremental compilation.


4. 1

Manually limiting the DSP blocks usage is also useful for HardCopy II device migration, where the number of DSP blocks that can be implemented in a HardCopy II device is more than the number of DSP blocks that can be implemented in its equivalent Stratix II device.

Restructure Multiplexers
This option specifies whether the Quartus II software should extract and optimize buses of multiplexers during synthesis. This option is useful if your design contains buses of fragmented multiplexers. This option restructures multiplexers more efficiently for area, allowing the design to implement multiplexers with a reduced number of LEs or ALMs. This option is available for the following device families: Arria GX, Stratix series, Cyclone series, HardCopy II, and MAX II. The Restructure Multiplexers option works on entire trees of multiplexers. Multiplexers may arise in different parts of the design through Verilog HDL or VHDL constructs such as the if, case, or ?: statements. When multiplexers from one part of the design feed


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

multiplexers in another part of the design, trees of multiplexers are formed. Multiplexer buses occur most often as a result of multiplexing together vectors in Verilog HDL, or STD_LOGIC_VECTOR signals in VHDL. The Restructure Multiplexers option identifies buses of multiplexer trees that have a similar structure. When it is turned on, the Restructure Multiplexers option optimizes the structure of each multiplexer bus for the target device to reduce the overall amount of logic used in the design. Results of the multiplexer optimizations are design dependent, but area reductions as high as 20% are possible. The option may negatively affect your designs fMAX. Table 83 lists the settings for the logic option, which you can apply only to a design entity. You can also specify this option on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page in the Settings dialog box for your whole project.

Table 83. Restructure Multiplexers Settings Setting

On Off Auto (Default)

Enables multiplexer restructuring to minimize your design area. This setting may reduce the fM A X . Disables multiplexer restructuring to avoid possible reductions in fM A X . Allows the compiler to determine whether to enable the option based on your other Quartus II synthesis settings. The option is On when the Optimization Technique option is set to Area, Balanced, or Speed. When the Optimization Technique option is set to Speed, Quartus II integrated synthesis attempts to restructure the multiplexers selectively and makes a good trade-off between area and fMAX.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

After you have compiled your design, you can view multiplexer restructuring information in the Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics report in the Multiplexer Statistics folder under Analysis & Synthesis Optimization Results in the Analysis & Synthesis section of the Compilation Report. Table 84 describes the information that is listed in the Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics report table for each bus of multiplexers.

Table 84. Multiplexer Information in the Multiplexer Restructuring Statistics Report Heading
Multiplexer Inputs Bus Width Baseline Area The width of the bus in bits. An estimate of how many logic cells are needed to implement the bus of multiplexers (before any multiplexer restructuring takes place). This estimate can be used to identify any large multiplexers in the design. An estimate of how many logic cells are needed to implement the bus of multiplexers if Multiplexer Restructuring is applied. An estimate of how many logic cells are saved if Multiplexer Restructuring is applied. An indication of whether registers are present on the multiplexer outputs. Multiplexer Restructuring uses the secondary control signals of a register (such as synchronous clear and synchronous-load) to further reduce the amount of logic needed to implement the bus of multiplexers. The name of one of the multiplexers outputs. This name can help determine where in the design the multiplexer bus originated.

The number of different choices that are multiplexed together.

Area if Restructured Saving if Restructured Registered

Example Multiplexer Output

For more information about optimizing for multiplexers, refer to the Multiplexers section of the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

Synthesis Effort
This option specifies the overall synthesis effort level in the Quartus II software. The level can be either Fast or Auto. When the effort level is set to Fast, Quartus II integrated synthesis skips a number of steps to make synthesis run much faster (at the cost of performance and resource utilization). Auto is the default, which means synthesis goes through the normal flow and tries to optimize your design as much as possible.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Altera recommends using the Fast synthesis effort level with the fitter early timing estimate feature. When the Fast synthesis effort level is used with the full fitter, the fitter runtime might increase because fast synthesis produces a netlist that is slightly harder for the fitter to route as compared to the netlist from a normal synthesis. To set the Synthesis Effort option from the Quartus II GUI, perform the following steps: 1. From the Assignments menu, click Settings. The Settings dialog box appears. Under Category, click Analysis & Synthesis Settings. Click More Settings. Next to Name, from the drop-down menu, select Synthesis Effort. Next to Setting, from the drop-down menu, select Auto or Fast. Click OK. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.

2. 3. 4. 5.


To set the Synthesis Effort option at the command line, use the --effort option, as shown in Example 826. The fast setting can be used to perform fast synthesis, and, with the Early Timing Estimate, it can be used to reduce iteration time and improve logic delay. Example 826. Command Syntax for Specifying Synthesis Effort Option quartus_map <Design name> --effort= "auto | fast"

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

State Machine Processing

This logic option specifies the processing style used to compile a state machine. Table 85 lists the settings for this logic option, which you can apply to a state machine name or to a design entity containing a state machine. You can also set this option for your whole project on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page in the Settings dialog box.

Table 85. State Machine Processing Settings Setting

Auto (Default) Minimal Bits One-Hot User-Encoded Sequential

Allows the compiler to choose what it determines to be the best encoding for the state machine Uses the least number of bits to encode the state machine Encodes the state machine in the one-hot style. See the example below for details. Encodes the state machine in the manner specified by the user Uses a binary encoding in which the first enumeration literal in the Enumeration Type has encoding 0, the second 1, and so on. Uses an encoding in which the encodings for adjacent enumeration literals differ by exactly one bit. An N-bit gray code can represent 2N values. Uses an encoding similar to a gray code, in which each state only has one bit different from its neighboring states. Each state is generated by shifting the previous states bits to the right by 1; the most significant bit of each state is the negation of the least significant bit of the previous state. An N-bit Johnson code can represent at most 2N states but requires less logic than a gray encoding.



The default state machine encoding, which is Auto, uses one-hot encoding for FPGA devices and minimal-bits encoding for CPLDs. These settings achieve the best results on average, but another encoding style might be more appropriate for your design, so this option allows you to control the state machine encoding.

For guidelines to ensure that your state machine is inferred and encoded correctly, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. For one-hot encoding, the Quartus II software does not guarantee that each state has one bit set to one and all other bits to zero. Quartus II integrated synthesis creates one-hot register encoding by using standard


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

one-hot encoding and then inverting the first bit. This results in an initial state with all zero values, and the remaining states have two 1 values. Quartus II integrated synthesis encodes the initial state with all zeros for the state machine power-up because all device registers power up to a low value. This encoding has the same properties as true one-hot encoding: each state can be recognized by the value of one bit. For example, in a one-hot-encoded state machine with five states including an initial or reset state, the software uses the following register encoding: State State State State State 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

If the State Machine Processing logic option is set to User-Encoded in a Verilog HDL design, the software starts with the original design values for the state constants. For example, a Verilog HDL design can contain a declaration such as the following example: parameter S0 = 4'b1010, S1 = 4'b0101, ... If the software infers states S0, S1,... it uses the encoding 4'b1010, 4'b0101,... . If necessary, the software inverts bits in a user-encoded state machine to ensure that all bits of the reset state of the state machine are zero. To assign your own state encoding with the User-Encoded setting of the State Machine Processing option in a VHDL design, you must apply specific binary encoding to the elements of an enumerated type because enumeration literals have no numeric values in VHDL. Use the syn_encoding synthesis attribute to apply your encoding values. Refer to Manually Specifying State Assignments Using the syn_encoding Attribute for more information. For information about the Safe State Machine option, refer to Safe State Machines on page 844.

Manually Specifying State Assignments Using the syn_encoding Attribute

The Quartus II software infers state machines from enumerated types and automatically assigns state encoding based on State Machine Processing on page 838. With this logic option, you can choose the value User-Encoded to use the encoding from your HDL code. However,

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

in standard VHDL code, you cannot specify user encoding in the state machine description because enumeration literals have no numeric values in VHDL. To assign your own state encoding for the User-Encoded State Machine Processing setting, use the syn_encoding synthesis attribute to apply specific binary encodings to the elements of an enumerated type or to specify an encoding style. The Quartus II software can implement Enumeration Types with the different encoding styles shown in Table 86.

Table 86. syn_encoding Attribute Values Attribute Value


Use an encoding based on the number of enumeration literals in the Enumeration Type. If there are fewer than five literals, use the "sequential" encoding. If there are more than five but fewer than 50 literals, use a "one-hot" encoding. Otherwise, use a "gray" encoding. the Enumeration Type has encoding 0, the second 1, and so on.

"sequential" Use a binary encoding in which the first enumeration literal in


Use an encoding in which the encodings for adjacent enumeration literals differ by exactly one bit. An N-bit gray code can represent 2N values. Use an encoding similar to a gray code. An N-bit Johnson code can represent at most 2N states but requires less logic than a gray encoding. The default encoding style requiring N bits, where N is the number of enumeration literals in the Enumeration Type. Use an encoding with the fewest bits.


"one-hot" "compact"

The syn_encoding attribute must follow the enumeration type definition but precede its use. In Example 827, the syn_encoding attribute associates a binary encoding with the states in the enumerated type count_state. In this example, the states are encoded with the following values: zero = 11, one = 01, two = 10, three = 00.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Example 827. Specifying User Encoded States with the syn_encoding Attribute in VHDL ARCHITECTURE rtl OF my_fsm IS TYPE count_state is (zero, one, two, three); ATTRIBUTE syn_encoding : STRING; ATTRIBUTE syn_encoding OF count_state : TYPE IS "11 01 10 00"; SIGNAL present_state, next_state : count_state; BEGIN

You can also use the syn_encoding attribute in Verilog HDL to direct the synthesis tool to use the encoding from your HDL code, instead of using the State Machine Processing option. The syn_encoding value "user" instructs the Quartus II software to encode each state with its corresponding value from the Verilog HDL source code. By changing the values of your state constants, you can change the encoding of your state machine. Example 828. Specifying User Encoded States with the syn_encoding Attribute in Verilog-2001 (* syn_encoding = "user" *) reg [1:0] state; parameter init = 0, last = 3, next = 1, later = 2; always @ (state) begin case (state) init: out = 2'b01; next: out = 2'b10; later: out = 2'b11; last: out = 2'b00; endcase end

In Example 828, the states will be encoded as follows: init = "00" last = "11" next = "01" later = "10" Without the syn_encoding attribute, the Quartus II software would encode the state machine based on the current value of the State Machine Processing logic option.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

If you are also specifying a safe state machine (as described in Safe State Machines on page 844), separate the encoding style value in the quotation marks with the safe value with a comma, as follows: safe, one-hot or safe, gray.

Manually Specifying Enumerated Types Using the enum_encoding Attribute

By default, the Quartus II software one-hot encodes all user-defined Enumerated Types. With the enum_encoding attribute, you can specify the logic encoding for an Enumerated Type and override the default one-hot encoding to improve the logic efficiency. 1 If an Enumerated Type represents the states of a state machine, using the enum_encoding attribute to specify a manual state encoding prevents the compiler from recognizing state machines based on the Enumerated Type. Instead, the compiler processes these state machines as regular logic using the encoding specified by the attribute, and they are not listed as state machines in the Report window for the project. If you wish to control the encoding for a recognized state machine, use the State Machine Processing logic option and the syn_encoding synthesis attribute.

To use the enum_encoding attribute in a VHDL design file, associate the attribute with the Enumeration Type whose encoding you want to control. The enum_encoding attribute must follow the Enumeration Type Definition but precede its use. In addition, the attribute value must be a string literal that specifies either an arbitrary user encoding or an encoding style of "default", "sequential", "gray", "johnson", or "one-hot". An arbitrary user encoding consists of a space-delimited list of encodings. The list must contain as many encodings as there are enumeration literals in your Enumeration Type. In addition, the encodings must all have the same length, and each encoding must consist solely of values from the std_ulogic type declared by the std_logic_1164 package in the IEEE library. In the code fragment of Example 829, the enum_encoding attribute specifies an arbitrary user encoding for the Enumeration Type fruit. Example 829. Specifying an Arbitrary User Encoding for Enumerated Type type fruit is (apple, orange, pear, mango); attribute enum_encoding : string; attribute enum_encoding of fruit : type is "11 01 10 00";


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

In this example, the enumeration literals are encoded as: apple orange pear mango = = = = "11" "01" "10" "00"

You may wish to specify an encoding style, rather than a manual user encoding, especially when the Enumeration Type has a large number of enumeration literals. The Quartus II software can implement Enumeration Types with the different encoding styles shown in Table 87.

Table 87. enum_encoding Attribute Values Attribute Value


Use an encoding based on the number of enumeration literals in the Enumeration Type. If there are fewer than five literals, use the "sequential" encoding. If there are more than five but fewer than 50 literals, use a "one-hot" encoding. Otherwise, use a "gray" encoding.

"sequential" Use a binary encoding in which the first enumeration literal in the Enumeration Type has encoding 0, the second 1, and so


Use an encoding in which the encodings for adjacent enumeration literals differ by exactly one bit. An N-bit gray code can represent 2N values. Use an encoding similar to a gray code. An N-bit Johnson code can represent at most 2N states but requires less logic than a gray encoding. The default encoding style requiring N bits, where N is the number of enumeration literals in the Enumeration Type.



Observe that in Example 829, the enum_encoding attribute manually specified a gray encoding for the Enumeration Type fruit. This example could be written more concisely by specifying the "gray" encoding style instead of a manual encoding, as shown in Example 830. Example 830. Specifying the gray Encoding Style or Enumeration Type type fruit is (apple, orange, pear, mango); attribute enum_encoding : string; attribute enum_encoding of fruit : type is "gray";

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Safe State Machines

The Safe State Machine option and corresponding syn_encoding attribute value safe specify that the software should insert extra logic to detect an illegal state and force the state machines transition to the reset state. It is possible for a finite state machine to enter an illegal statemeaning the state registers contain a value that does not correspond to any defined state. By default, the behavior of the state machine that enters an illegal state is undefined. However, you can set the syn_encoding attribute to safe or use the Safe State Machine logic option if you want the state machine to recover deterministically from an illegal state. Use this option if you have asynchronous inputs to your state machine. The most common cause of this situation is a state machine that has control inputs that come from another clock domain, such as the control logic for a clock-crossing FIFO, because the state machine must have inputs from another clock domain. An alternative is to add synchronizer registers to the inputs. It is important to note that the safe state machine value does not use any user-defined default logic from your HDL code that corresponds to unreachable states. Verilog HDL and VHDL allow you to explicitly specify a behavior for all states in the state machine, including unreachable states. However, synthesis tools detect if state machine logic is unreachable and minimize or remove the logic. Any flag signals or logic used in the design to indicate such an illegal state are also removed. If the state machine is implemented as safe, the recovery logic forces its transition from an illegal state to the reset state. The Safe State Machine option can be set globally, or on individual state machines. To set this option, perform the following steps: 1. On the Assignments menu, click Settings. The Settings dialog box appears. In the Category list, select Analysis & Synthesis Settings. The Analysis & Synthesis Settings page appears. Click More Settings. The More Analysis & Synthesis Settings dialog box appears. In the Existing option settings list, select Safe State Machine. Under Option, in the Setting list, select On. Click OK.



4. 5. 6.


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Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.

You can also use the Assignment Editor to turn on the Safe State Machine option for specific state machines. You can set the syn_encoding safe attribute on a state machine in HDL, as shown in Example 831, 832, and 833. Example 831. Verilog HDL Code: a Safe State Machine Attribute reg [2:0] my_fsm /* synthesis syn_encoding = "safe" */;

Example 832. Verilog-2001 Code: a Safe State Machine Attribute (* syn_encoding = "safe" *) reg [2:0] my_fsm;

Example 833. VHDL Code: a Safe State Machine Attribute ATTRIBUTE syn_encoding OF my_fsm : TYPE IS "safe";

If you are also specifying an encoding style (as described in Manually Specifying State Assignments Using the syn_encoding Attribute on page 839), separate the encoding style value in the quotation marks with the safe value with a comma, as follows: "safe, one-hot" or "safe, gray". Safe state machine implementation can result in a noticeable area increase for the design. Therefore, Altera recommends that you set this option only on the critical state machines in the design where the safe mode is required, such as a state machine that uses inputs from asynchronous clock domains. You can also reduce the necessity of this option by correctly synchronizing inputs coming from other clock domains. Note that if the safe state machine assignment is made on an instance that is not recognized as a state machine, or an entity that contains a state machine, the software takes no action. You must restructure the code so that the instance is recognized and properly inferred as a state machine.

For guidelines to ensure that your state machine is inferred correctly, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Power-Up Level
This logic option causes a register (flipflop) to power up with the specified logic level, either High (1) or Low (0). Registers in the device core hardware power up to 0 in all Altera devices. For the register to power up with a logic level High specified using this option, the compiler performs an optimization referred to as NOT-gate push back on the register. NOT-gate push back adds an inverter to the input and the output of the register so that the reset and power-up conditions will appear to be high and the device operates as expected. The register itself still powers up low, but the register output is inverted so the signal arriving at all destinations is high. This option is available for all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software except MAX 3000A and MAX 7000S devices. The Power-Up Level option supports wildcard characters, and you can apply this option to any register, registered logic cell WYSIWYG primitive, or to a design entity containing registers if you want to set the power level for all registers in the design entity. If this option is assigned to a registered logic cell WYSIWYG primitive, such as an atom primitive from a third-party synthesis tool, you must turn on the Perform WYSIWYG Primitive Resynthesis logic option for it to take effect. You can also apply the option to a pin with the logic configurations described in the following list:

If this option is turned on for an input pin, the option is transferred automatically to the register that is driven by the pin if the following conditions are present: There is no logic, other than inversion, between the pin and the register The input pin drives the data input of the register The input pin does not fan-out to any other logic If this option is turned on for an output or bidirectional pin, it is transferred automatically to the register that feeds the pin, if the following conditions are present: There is no logic, other than inversion, between the register and the pin The register does not fan-out to any other logic

Inferred Power-Up Levels

Quartus II integrated synthesis reads default values for registered signals defined in Verilog HDL and VHDL code, and converts the default values into Power-Up Level settings. The software also synthesizes variables that are assigned values in Verilog HDL initial blocks into power-up


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

conditions. Synthesis of these default and initial constructs enables the designs synthesized behavior to match, as closely as possible, the power-up state of the HDL code during a functional simulation. For example, the following register declarations all set a power-up level of VCC or a logic value 1: signal q : std_logic = '1'; reg q = 1'b1; -- power-up to VCC

// power-up to VCC

reg q; initial begin q = 1'b1; end

// power-up to VCC

For more information about NOT gate push-back, the power-up states for Altera devices, and how the power-up level is affected by set and reset control signals, refer to Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

Power-Up Dont Care

This logic option allows the compiler to optimize registers in the design which do not have a defined power-up condition. This option is turned on by default. For example, your design may have a register with its D input tied to VCC, and with no clear signal or other secondary signals. If this option is enabled, the compiler can choose for the register to power up to VCC. Therefore, the output of the register is always VCC. The compiler can remove the register and connect its output to VCC. If you turn this option off or if you set a Power-Up Level assignment of low for this register, the register transitions from GND to VCC when the design starts up on the first clock signal. Thus, the register is not stuck at VCC and cannot be removed. Similarly, if the register has a clear signal, it will not be removed because after the clear is asserted, the register will again transition to GND and back to VCC. If the compiler performs a Power-Up Dont Care optimization that allows it to remove a register, it issues a message indicating it is doing so. This project-wide option does not apply to registers that have the Power-Up Level logic option set to either High or Low.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Remove Duplicate Registers

If you turn on this logic option, the compiler removes registers that are identical to another register. If two registers generate the same logic, the compiler removes the second one, and the first one fans out to the second ones destinations. Also, if the deleted register has different logic option assignments, the compiler ignores them. This option is turned on by default. Typically, you should use this option only if you want to prevent the compiler from removing duplicate registers. That is, you should use this option only with the Off setting. You can apply this option to an individual register or a design entity that contains registers.

Remove Redundant Logic Cells

This logic option removes redundant LCELL primitives or WYSIWYG cells. The option is off by default to preserve logic cells that have been used intentionally. If you turn on this option, the compiler optimizes a circuit for area and speed. You can set this option globally or apply it to individual nodes and entities. If you turn on the option at the global level, you can use the keep attribute or Implement as Output of Logic Cell logic option to preserve specific wire signals or nodes (refer to Keep Combinational Node/Implement as Output of Logic Cell on page 851).

Preserve Registers
This attribute and logic option directs the compiler not to minimize or remove a specified register during synthesis optimizations or register netlist optimizations. Optimizations can eliminate redundant registers and registers with constant drivers; this option prevents a register from being reduced to a constant or merged with a duplicate register. This option can preserve a register so you can observe it during simulation or with the SignalTap II logic analyzer. Additionally, it can preserve registers if you are creating a preliminary version of the design in which secondary signals are not specified. You can also use the attribute to preserve a duplicate of an I/O register so that one copy can be placed in an I/O cell and the second can be placed in the core. By default, the software may remove one of the two duplicate registers. In this case, the preserve attribute can be added to both registers to prevent this. 1 This option cannot preserve registers that have no fan-out. To prevent the removal of registers with no fan-out, refer to Noprune Synthesis Attribute/Preserve Fan-out Free Register Node on page 850.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

The Preserve Registers option prevents a register from being inferred as a state machine. You can set the Preserve Registers logic option in the Quartus II GUI or you can set the preserve attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 834, 835, and 836. In these examples, the my_reg register is preserved. 1 In addition to preserve, the Quartus II software supports the syn_preserve attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

Example 834. Verilog HDL Code: syn_preserve Attribute reg my_reg /* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */;

Example 835. Verilog-2001 Code: syn_preserve Attribute (* syn_preserve = 1 *) reg my_reg; 1

The " = 1" after the "preserve" in Example 834 and 835 is optional, because the assignment uses a default value of 1 when it is specified.

Example 836. VHDL Code: preserve Attribute signal my_reg : stdlogic; attribute preserve : boolean; attribute preserve of my_reg : signal is true;

Disable Register Merging/Dont Merge Register

This logic option and attribute prevents the specified register from being merged with other registers, and prevents other registers from being merged with the specified register. When applied to a design entity, it applies to all registers in the entity. You can use this option to instruct the compiler to correctly use your timing constraints for the register during synthesis. For example, if the register has a multicycle constraint, this option prevents the compiler from merging other registers into the specified register, avoiding unintended timing effects and functional differences.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

This option differs from the Preserve Register option because it does not prevent a register with constant drivers or a redundant register from being removed. In addition, this option prevents other registers from merging with the specified register. You can set the Disable Register Merging logic option in the Quartus II GUI, or you can set the dont_merge attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 837, 838, and 839. In these examples, the my_reg register is prevented from merges. Example 837. Verilog HDL Code: dont_merge Attribute reg my_reg /* synthesis dont_merge */;

Example 838. Verilog-2001 Code: dont_merge Attribute (* dont_merge *) reg my_reg;

Example 839. VHDL Code: dont_merge Attribute signal my_reg : stdlogic; attribute dont_merge : boolean; attribute dont_merge of my_reg : signal is true;

Noprune Synthesis Attribute/Preserve Fan-out Free Register Node

This synthesis attribute and corresponding logic option direct the compiler to preserve a fan-out-free register through the entire compilation flow. This is different from the Preserve Registers option, which prevents a register from being reduced to a constant or merged with a duplicate register. Standard synthesis optimizations remove nodes that do not directly or indirectly feed a top-level output pin. This option can retain a register so you can observe it in the Simulator or the SignalTap II logic analyzer. Additionally, it can retain registers if you are creating a preliminary version of the design in which the registers fan-out logic is not specified. This option is supported for inferred registers in the Arria GX, Stratix series, Cyclone series, and MAX II device families. You can set the Preserve Fan-out Free Register Node logic option in the Quartus II GUI, or you can set the noprune attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 840, 841, and 842. In these examples, the my_reg register is preserved.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

You must use the noprune attribute instead of the logic option if the register has no immediate fan-out in its module or entity. If you do not use the synthesis attribute, registers with no fan-out are removed (or pruned) during Analysis and Elaboration before the logic synthesis stage applies any logic options. If the register has no fan-out in the full design, but has fan-out within its module or entity, you can use the logic option to retain the register through compilation. The attribute name syn_noprune is supported for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

Example 840. Verilog HDL Code: syn_noprune Attribute reg my_reg /* synthesis syn_noprune */;

Example 841. Verilog-2001 Code: noprune Attribute (* noprune *) reg my_reg;

Example 842. VHDL Code: noprune Attribute signal my_reg : stdlogic; attribute noprune: boolean; attribute noprune of my_reg : signal is true;

Keep Combinational Node/Implement as Output of Logic Cell

This synthesis attribute and corresponding logic option direct the compiler to keep a wire or combinational node through logic synthesis minimizations and netlist optimizations. A wire that has a keep attribute or a node that has the Implement as Output of Logic Cell logic option applied becomes the output of a logic cell in the final synthesis netlist, and the name of the logic cell will be the same as the name of the wire or node. You can use this directive to make combinational nodes visible to the SignalTap II logic analyzer. 1 The option cannot keep nodes that have no fan-out. Node names cannot be maintained for wires with tri-state drivers, or if the signal feeds a top-level pin of the same name (in this case the node name is changed to a name such as <net name>~buf0).

You can set the Implement as Output of Logic Cell logic option in the Quartus II GUI, or you can set the keep attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 843, 844, and 845. In these examples, the compiler maintains the node name my_wire.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

In addition to keep, the Quartus II software supports the syn_keep attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

Example 843. Verilog HDL Code: keep Attribute wire my_wire /* synthesis keep = 1 */;

Example 844. Verilog-2001 Code: keep Attribute (* keep = 1 *) wire my_wire;

Example 845. VHDL Code: syn_keep Attribute signal my_wire: bit; attribute syn_keep: boolean; attribute syn_keep of my_wire: signal is true;

Don't Retime, Disabling Synthesis Netlist Optimizations

This attribute disables synthesis retiming optimizations on the specified register. When applied to a design entity, it applies to all registers in the entity. You can use this option to turn off retiming optimizations and prevent node name changes so that the compiler can correctly use your timing constraints for the register. You can set the Netlist Optimizations logic option to Never Allow in the Quartus II GUI to disable retiming along with other synthesis netlist optimizations, or you can set the dont_retime attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 846 and 847. In these examples, the my_reg register is prevented from being retimed. Example 846. Verilog HDL Code: dont_retime Attribute reg my_reg /* synthesis dont_retime */;

Example 847. Verilog-2001 Code: dont_retime Attribute (* dont_retime *) reg my_reg;


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Example 848. VHDL Code: dont_retime Attribute signal my_reg : std_logic; attribute dont_retime : boolean; attribute dont_retime of my_reg : signal is true; 1

For compatibility with third-party synthesis tools, Quartus II integrated synthesis also supports the attribute syn_allow_retiming. To disable retiming, set syn_allow_retiming to 0 (Verilog HDL) or false (VHDL). This attribute does not have any effect when set to 1 or true.

Don't Replicate, Disabling Synthesis Netlist Optimizations

This attribute disables synthesis replication optimizations on the specified register. When applied to a design entity, it applies to all registers in the entity. You can use this option to turn off register replication (or duplication) optimizations so that the compiler can use your timing constraints for the register. You can set the Netlist Optimizations logic option to Never Allow in the Quartus II GUI to disable replication along with other synthesis netlist optimizations, or you can set the dont_replicate attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 849 and 850. In these examples, the my_reg register is prevented from being replicated. Example 849. Verilog HDL Code: dont_replicate Attribute reg my_reg /* synthesis dont_replicate */;

Example 850. Verilog-2001 Code: dont_replicate Attribute (* dont_replicate *) reg my_reg;

Example 851. VHDL Code: dont_replicate Attribute signal my_reg : std_logic; attribute dont_replicate : boolean; attribute dont_replicate of my_reg : signal is true;

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

For compatibility with third-party synthesis tools, Quartus II integrated synthesis also supports the attribute syn_replicate. To disable replication, set syn_replicate to 0 (Verilog HDL) or false (VHDL). This attribute does not have any effect when set to 1 or true.

Maximum Fan-Out
This attribute and logic option directs the compiler to control the number of destinations fed by a node. The compiler duplicates a node and splits its fan-out until the individual fan-out of each copy falls below the maximum fan-out restriction. You can apply this option to a register or a logic cell buffer, or to a design entity that contains these elements. You can use this option to reduce the load of critical signals, which can improve performance. You can use the option to instruct the compiler to duplicate (or replicate) a register that feeds nodes in different locations on the target device. Duplicating the register may allow the Fitter to place these new registers closer to their destination logic, minimizing routing delay. This option is available for all devices supported in the Quartus II software except MAX 3000, MAX 7000, FLEX 10K, and ACEX 1K devices. To turn off the option for a given node if the option is set at a higher level of the design hierarchy, in the Netlist Optimizations logic option, select Never Allow. If not disabled by the Netlist Optimizations option, the maximum fan-out constraint is honored as long as the following conditions are met:

The node is not part of a cascade, carry, or register cascade chain The node does not feed itself The node feeds other logic cells, DSP blocks, RAM blocks, and/or pins through data, address, clock enable, etc, but not through any asynchronous control ports (such as asynchronous clear)

The software does not create duplicate nodes in these cases either because there is no clear way to duplicate the node, or, to avoid the possible situation that small differences in timing could produce functional differences in the implementation (in the third condition above where asynchronous control signals are involved). If the constraint cannot be applied because one of these conditions is not met, the Quartus II software issues a message indicating that it ignored maximum fan-out assignment. To instruct the software not to check the nodes destinations for possible problems like the third condition, you can set the Netlist Optimizations logic option to Always Allow for a given node.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

If you have enabled any of the Quartus II netlist optimizations that affect registers, add the preserve attribute to any registers to which you have set a maxfan attribute. The preserve attribute ensures that the registers are not affected by any of the netlist optimization algorithms, such as register retiming.

For details about netlist optimizations, refer to the Netlist Optimizations and Physical Synthesis chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook. You can set the Maximum Fan-Out logic option in the Quartus II GUI, and this option supports wildcard characters. You can also set the maxfan attribute in your HDL code, as shown in Example 852, 853, and 854. In these examples, the compiler duplicates the clk_gen register, so its fan-out is not greater than 50. 1 In addition to maxfan, the Quartus II software supports the syn_maxfan attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

Example 852. Verilog HDL Code: syn_maxfan Attribute reg clk_gen /* synthesis syn_maxfan = 50 */;

Example 853. Verilog-2001 Code: maxfan Attribute (* maxfan = 50 *) reg clk_gen;

Example 854. VHDL Code: maxfan Attribute signal clk_gen : stdlogic; attribute maxfan : signal ; attribute maxfan of clk_gen : signal is 50;

Controlling Clock Enable Signals with Auto Clock Enable Replacement and direct_enable
The Auto Clock Enable Replacement logic option allows the software to find logic that feeds a register and move the logic to the registers clock enable input port. The option is on by default. You can set this option to Off for individual registers or design entities to solve fitting or performance issues with designs that have many clock enables. Turning the option off prevents the software from using the registers clock enable port, and the software implements the clock enable functionality using multiplexers in logic cells.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

If specific logic is not automatically moved to a clock enable input with the Auto Clock Enable Replacement logic option, you can instruct the software to use a direct clock enable signal. Applying the direct_enable attribute to a specific signal instructs the software to use the clock enable port of a register to implement the signal. The attribute ensures that the clock enable port is driven directly by the signal, and the signal is not optimized or combined with any other logic. Example 855, 856, and 857 show how to set this attribute to ensure that the signal is preserved and used directly as a clock enable. 1 In addition to direct_enable, the Quartus II software supports the syn_direct_enable attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

Example 855. Verilog HDL Code: direct_enable attribute wire my_enable /* synthesis direct_enable = 1 */ ;

Example 856. Verilog-2001 Code: syn_direct_enable attribute (* syn_direct_enable *) wire my_enable;

Example 857. VHDL Code: direct_enable attribute attribute direct_enable: boolean; attribute direct_enable of my_enable: signal is true;

Megafunction Inference Control

The Quartus II compiler automatically recognizes certain types of HDL code and infers the appropriate megafunction. The software uses the Altera megafunction code when compiling your design, even when you do not specifically instantiate the megafunction. The software infers megafunctions to take advantage of logic that is optimized for Altera devices. The area and performance of such logic may be better than the results obtained by inferring generic logic from the same HDL code. Additionally, you must use megafunctions to access certain architecture-specific features, such as RAM, digital signal processing (DSP) blocks, and shift registers, that generally provide improved performance compared with basic logic cells.

For details about coding style recommendations when targeting megafunctions in Altera devices, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

The Quartus II software provides options to control the inference of certain types of megafunctions, as described in the following subsections.

Multiply-Accumulators and Multiply-Adders

Use the Auto DSP Block Replacement logic option to control DSP block inference for multiply-accumulations and multiply-adders. This option is turned on by default. To disable inference, turn off this option for your whole project on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box, or disable the option for a specific block with the Assignment Editor. 1 Any registers that the software maps to the altmult_accum and altmult_add megafunctions and places in DSP blocks are not available in the Simulator because their node names do not exist after synthesis.

Shift Registers
Use the Auto Shift Register Replacement logic option to control shift register inference. This option is turned on by default. To disable inference, turn off this option for your whole project on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box, or for a specific block with the Assignment Editor. The software may not infer small shift registers because small shift registers typically do not benefit from implementation in dedicated memory. However, you can use the Allow Any Shift Register Size for Recognition logic option to instruct synthesis to infer a shift register even when its size is considered too small. 1 The registers that the software maps to the altshift_taps megafunction and places in RAM are not available in the Simulator because their node names do not exist after synthesis. The Auto Shift Register Replacement logic option is turned off automatically when a formal verification tool is selected on the EDA Tool Settings page. The software issues a warning and lists shift registers that would have been inferred if no formal verification tool was selected in the compilation report. To allow the use of a megafunction for the shift register in the formal verification flow, you can either instantiate a shift register explicitly using the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager or make the shift register into a black box in a separate entity/module.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1


Use the Auto RAM Replacement and Auto ROM Replacement logic options to control RAM and ROM inference, respectively. These options are turned on by default. To disable inference, turn off the appropriate option for your whole project on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box, or disable the option for a specific block with the Assignment Editor. 1 Although inferred shift registers are implemented in RAM blocks, you cannot turn off the Auto RAM replacement option to disable shift register replacement. Use the Auto Shift Register Replacement option (refer to Shift Registers).

The software may not infer very small RAM or ROM blocks because very small memory blocks can typically be implemented more efficiently by using the registers in the logic. However, you can use the Allow Any RAM Size for Recognition and Allow Any ROM Size for Recognition logic options to instruct synthesis to infer a memory block even when its size is considered too small. 1 The Auto ROM Replacement logic option is automatically turned off when a formal verification tool is selected in the EDA Tool Settings page. A warning is issued and a report panel lists ROMs that would have been inferred if no formal verification tool was selected. To allow the use of a megafunction for the shift register in the formal verification flow, you can either instantiate a ROM explicitly using the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager or create a black box for the ROM in a separate entity/module.

Although formal verification tools do not support inferred RAM blocks, because of the importance of inferring RAM in many designs, the Auto RAM Replacement logic option remains on when a formal verification tool is selected in the EDA Tool Settings page. The Quartus II software automatically black boxes any module or entity that contains a RAM block that is inferred. The software issues a warning and lists the black box that is created in the compilation report. This block box allows formal verification tools to proceed; however, the entire module or entity containing the RAM cannot be verified in the tool. Altera recommends that you explicitly instantiate RAM blocks in separate modules or entities so that as much logic as possible can be verified by the formal verification tool.

RAM to Logic Cell Conversion

The Auto RAM to Logic Cell Conversion option allows the Quartus II integrated synthesis to convert RAM blocks that are small in size to logic cells if the logic cell implementation is deemed to give better quality of
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results. Only single-port or simple-dual port RAMs with no initialization files can be converted to logic cells. This option is off by default. You can set this option globally or apply it to individual RAM nodes. For the FLEX 10K, APEX series, Arria GX, and the Stratix series of devices, the software uses the following rules to determine whether a RAM should be placed in logic cells or a dedicated RAM block:

If the number of words is less than 16, use a RAM block if the total number of bits is greater than or equal to 64 If the number of words is greater than or equal to 16, use a RAM block if the total number of bits is greater than or equal to 32 Otherwise, implement the RAM in logic cells

For the Cyclone series of devices, the software uses the following rules:

If the number of words is greater than or equal to 64, use a RAM block If the number of words is greater than or equal to 16 and less than 64, use a RAM block if the total number of bits is greater than or equal to 128 Otherwise, implement the RAM in logic cells

RAM Style and ROM Stylefor Inferred Memory

These attributes specify the implementation for an inferred RAM or ROM block. You can specify the type of TriMatrix embedded memory block to be used, or specify the use of standard logic cells (LEs or ALMs). The attributes are supported only for device families with TriMatrix embedded memory blocks. The ramstyle and romstyle attributes take a single string value. The values "M512", "M4K", "M-RAM", "MLAB", "M9K", and "M144K" (as applicable for the target device family) indicate the type of memory block to use for the inferred RAM or ROM. If you set the attribute to a block type that does not exist in the target device family, the software generates a warning and ignores the assignment. The value logic indicates that the RAM or ROM should be implemented in regular logic rather than dedicated memory blocks. You can set the attribute on a module or entity, in which case it specifies the default implementation style for all inferred memory blocks in the immediate hierarchy. You can also set the attribute on a specific signal (VHDL) or variable (Verilog HDL) declaration, in which case it specifies the preferred implementation style for that specific memory, overriding the default implementation style.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

If you specify a value of logic, the memory still appears as a RAM or ROM block in the RTL Viewer, but it is converted to regular logic during a later synthesis step. In addition to ramstyle and romstyle, the Quartus II software supports the syn_ramstyle attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

Example 858, 859, and 860 specify that all memory in the module or entity my_memory_blocks should be implemented using a specific type of block. Example 858. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying a romstyle Attribute to a Module Declaration module my_memory_blocks (...) /* synthesis romstyle = "M4K" */;

Example 859. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying a ramstyle Attribute to a Module Declaration (* ramstyle = "M512" *) module my_memory_blocks (...);

Example 860. VHDL Code: Applying a romstyle Attribute to an Architecture architecture rtl of my_ my_memory_blocks is attribute romstyle : string; attribute romstyle of rtl : architecture is "M-RAM"; begin

Example 861, 862, and 863 specify that the inferred memory my_ram or my_rom should be implemented using regular logic instead of a TriMatrix memory block. Example 861. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying a syn_ramstyle Attribute to a Variable Declaration reg [0:7] my_ram[0:63] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "logic" */;

Example 862. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying a romstyle Attribute to a Variable Declaration (* romstyle = "logic" *) reg [0:7] my_rom[0:63];

Example 863. VHDL Code: Applying a ramstyle Attribute to a Signal Declaration type memory_t is array (0 to 63) of std_logic_vector (0 to 7); signal my_ram : memory_t; attribute ramstyle : string; attribute ramstyle of my_ram : signal is "logic";


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Turning Off Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs/ no_rw_check Attribute Setting
Setting the no_rw_check value for the ramstyle attribute, or turning off the corresponding global logic option Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs indicates that your design does not depend on the behavior of the inferred RAM when there are reads and writes to the same address in the same clock cycle. If you specify the attribute or turn off the logic option, the Quartus II software can choose a read-during-write behavior instead of using the read-during-write behavior of your HDL source code. In some cases, an inferred RAM must be mapped into regular logic cells because it has a read-during-write behavior that is not supported by the TriMatrix memory blocks in your target device. In other cases, the Quartus II software must insert extra logic to mimic read-during-write behavior of the HDL source, increasing the area of your design and potentially reducing its performance. In these cases, you can use the attribute to specify that the software can implement the RAM directly in a TriMatrix memory block without using logic. You can also use the attribute to prevent a warning message for dual-clock RAMs in the case that the inferred behavior in the device does not exactly match the read-during-write conditions described in the HDL code.

For more information about recommended styles for inferring RAM and some of the issues involved with different read-during-write conditions, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. To set the Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs logic option through the Quartus II GUI, click More Settings on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box. Example 864 and 865 use two addresses and normally require extra logic after the RAM to ensure that the read-during-write conditions in the device match the HDL code. If you dont require a defined read-during-write condition in your design, this extra logic is not required. With the no_rw_check attribute, Quartus II integrated synthesis wont generate the extra logic.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 864. Verilog HDL Inferred RAM Using no_rw_check Attribute module ram_infer (q, wa, ra, d, we, clk); output [7:0] q; input [7:0] d; input [6:0] wa; input [6:0] ra; input we, clk; reg [6:0] read_add; (* ramstyle = "no_rw_check" *) reg [7:0] mem [127:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (we) mem[wa] <= d; read_add <= ra; end assign q = mem[read_add]; endmodule

Example 865. VHDL Inferred RAM Using no_rw_check Attribute LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; ENTITY ram IS PORT ( clock: IN STD_LOGIC; data: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 DOWNTO 0); write_address: IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to 31; read_address: IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to 31; we: IN STD_LOGIC; q: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 DOWNTO 0)); END ram; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF ram IS TYPE MEM IS ARRAY(0 TO 31) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL ram_block: MEM; ATTRIBUTE ramstyle : string; ATTRIBUTE ramstyle of ram_block : signal is "no_rw_check"; SIGNAL read_address_reg: INTEGER RANGE 0 to 31; BEGIN PROCESS (clock) BEGIN IF (clock'event AND clock = '1') THEN IF (we = '1') THEN ram_block(write_address) <= data; END IF; read_address_reg <= read_address; END IF; END PROCESS; q <= ram_block(read_address_reg); END rtl;


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

RAM Initialization Filefor Inferred Memory

The ram_init_file attribute specifies the initial contents of an inferred memory in the form of a Memory Initialization File (.mif). The attribute takes a string value containing the name of the RAM initialization file. Example 866. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying a ram_init_file Attribute reg [7:0] mem[0:255] /* synthesis ram_init_file = " my_init_file.mif" */;

Example 867. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying a ram_init_file Attribute (* ram_init_file = "my_init_file.mif" *) reg [7:0] mem[0:255];

Example 868. VHDL Code: Applying a ram_init_file Attribute type mem_t is array(0 to 255) of unsigned(7 downto 0); signal ram : mem_t; attribute ram_init_file : string; attribute ram_init_file of ram : signal is "my_init_file.mif"; 1

In VHDL, you can also initialize the contents of an inferred memory by specifying a default value for the corresponding signal. In Verilog HDL, you can use an initial block to specify the memory contents. Quartus II integrated synthesis automatically converts the default value into a MIF for the inferred RAM.

Multiplier Stylefor Inferred Multipliers

The multstyle attribute specifies the implementation style for multiplication operations (*) in your HDL source code. You can use this attribute to specify whether you prefer the compiler to implement a multiplication operation in general logic or dedicated hardware, if available in the target device. The multstyle attribute takes a string value of "logic" or "dsp", indicating a preferred implementation in logic or in dedicated hardware, respectively. In Verilog HDL, apply the attribute to a module declaration, a variable declaration, or a specific binary expression containing the * operator. In VHDL, apply the synthesis attribute to a signal, variable, entity, or architecture.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Specifying a multstyle of "dsp" does not guarantee that the Quartus II software can implement a multiplication in dedicated DSP hardware. The final implementation depends on several things, including the availability of dedicated hardware in the target device, the size of the operands, and whether or not one or both operands are constant. In addition to multstyle, the Quartus II software supports the syn_multstyle attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools.

When applied to a Verilog HDL module declaration, the attribute specifies the default implementation style for all instances of the * operator in the module. For example, in the following code examples, the multstyle attribute directs the Quartus II software to implement all multiplications inside module my_module in dedicated multiplication hardware. Example 869. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to a Module Declaration module my_module (...) /* synthesis multstyle = "dsp" */;

Example 870. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to a Module Declaration (* multstyle = "dsp" *) module my_module(...);

When applied to a Verilog HDL variable declaration, the attribute specifies the implementation style to be used for a multiplication operator whose result is directly assigned to the variable. It overrides the multstyle attribute associated with the enclosing module, if present. In Example 871 and 872, the multstyle attribute applied to variable result directs the Quartus II software to implement a * b in general logic rather than dedicated hardware. Example 871. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to a Variable Declaration wire [8:0] a, b; (* multstyle = "logic" *) wire [17:0] result; assign result = a * b; //Multiplication must be //directly assigned to result


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Example 872. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to a Variable Declaration wire [8:0] a, b; wire [17:0] result /* synthesis multstyle = "logic" */; assign result = a * b; //Multiplication must be //directly assigned to result

When applied directly to a binary expression containing the * operator, the attribute specifies the implementation style for that specific operator alone and overrides any multstyle attribute associated with the target variable or enclosing module. In Example 873, the multstyle attribute indicates that a * b should be implemented in dedicated hardware. Example 873. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to a Binary Expression wire [8:0] a, b; wire [17:0] result; assign result = a * (* multstyle = "dsp" *) b; 1

You cannot use Verilog-1995 attribute syntax to apply the multstyle attribute to a binary expression.

When applied to a VHDL entity or architecture, the attribute specifies the default implementation style for all instances of the * operator in the entity or architecture. In Example 874, the multstyle attribute directs the Quartus II software to use dedicated hardware, if possible, for all multiplications inside architecture rtl of entity my_entity. Example 874. VHDL Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to an Architecture architecture rtl of my_entity is attribute multstyle : string; attribute multstyle of rtl : architecture is "dsp"; begin

When applied to a VHDL signal or variable, the attribute specifies the implementation style to be used for all instances of the * operator whose result is directly assigned to the signal or variable. It overrides the multstyle attribute associated with the enclosing entity or architecture, if present. In Example 875, the multstyle attribute associated with signal result directs the Quartus II software to implement a * b in general logic rather than dedicated hardware.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 875. VHDL Code: Applying a multstyle Attribute to a Signal or Variable signal a, b : unsigned(8 downto 0); signal result : unsigned(17 downto 0); attribute multstyle : string; attribute multstyle of result : signal is "logic"; result <= a * b;

Full Case
A Verilog HDL case statement is considered full when its case items cover all possible binary values of the case expression or when a default case statement is present. A full_case attribute attached to a case statement header that is not full forces the unspecified states to be treated as a dont care value. VHDL case statements must be full, so the attribute does not apply to VHDL.

Using this attribute on a case statement that is not full avoids the latch inference problems discussed in the Design Recommendations for Altera Devices and the Quartus II Design Assistant chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. 1 Latches have limited support in formal verification tools. It is important to ensure that you do not infer latches unintentionally, for example, through an incomplete case statement when using formal verification. Formal verification tools do support the full_case synthesis attribute (with limited support for attribute syntax, as described in Synthesis Attributes on page 827).

When you are using the full_case attribute, there is a potential cause for a simulation mismatch between Verilog HDL functional and post-Quartus II simulation because unknown case statement cases may still function like latches during functional simulation. For example, a simulation mismatch may occur with the code in Example 876 when sel is 2'b11 because a functional HDL simulation output behaves like a latch while the Quartus II simulation output behaves like dont care. 1 Altera recommends making the case statement full in your regular HDL code, instead of using the full_case attribute.

The case statement in Example 876 is not full because not all binary values for sel are specified. Because the full_case attribute is used, synthesis treats the output as dont care when the sel input is 2'b11.


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Example 876. Verilog HDL Code: a full_case Attribute module full_case (a, sel, y); input [3:0] a; input [1:0] sel; output y; reg y; always @ (a or sel) case (sel) // synthesis full_case 2'b00: y=a[0]; 2'b01: y=a[1]; 2'b10: y=a[2]; endcase endmodule

Verilog-2001 syntax also accepts the statements in Example 877 in the case header instead of the comment form shown in Example 876. Example 877. Verilog-2001 Syntax for the full_case Attribute (* full_case *) case (sel)

Parallel Case
The parallel_case attribute indicates that a Verilog HDL case statement should be considered parallel; that is, only one case item can be matched at a time. Case items in Verilog HDL case statements may overlap. To resolve multiple matching case items, the Verilog HDL language defines a priority relationship among case items in which the case statement always executes the first case item that matches the case expression value. By default, the Quartus II software implements the extra logic required to satisfy this priority relationship. Attaching a parallel_case attribute to a case statements header allows the Quartus II software to consider its case items as inherently parallel; that is, at most one case item matches the case expression value. Parallel case items reduce the complexity of the generated logic. In VHDL, the individual choices in a case statement may not overlap, so they are always parallel and this attribute does not apply. Use this attribute only when the case statement is truly parallel. If you use the attribute in any other situation, the generated logic will not match the functional simulation behavior of the Verilog HDL.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Altera recommends that you avoid using the parallel_case attribute, due to the possibility of introducing mismatches between Verilog HDL functional and post-Quartus II simulation. If you specify SystemVerilog-2005 as the supported Verilog HDL version for your design, you can use the SystemVerilog keyword unique to achieve the same result as the parallel_case directive without causing simulation mismatches.

The following example shows a casez statement with overlapping case items. In functional HDL simulation, the three case items have a priority order that depends on the bits in sel. For example, sel[2] takes priority over sel[1], which takes priority over sel[0]. However, the synthesized design may simulate differently because the parallel_case attribute eliminates this priority order. If more than one bit of sel is high, more than one output (a, b, or c) is high as well, a situation that cannot occur in functional HDL simulation. Example 878. Verilog HDL Code: a parallel_case Attribute module parallel_case (sel, a, b, c); input [2:0] sel; output a, b, c; reg a, b, c; always @ (sel) begin {a, b, c} = 3'b0; casez (sel) // synthesis parallel_case 3'b1??: a = 1'b1; 3'b?1?: b = 1'b1; 3'b??1: c = 1'b1; endcase end endmodule

Verilog-2001 syntax also accepts the statements as shown in Example 879 in the case (or casez) header instead of the comment form, as shown in Example 878. Example 879. Verilog-2001 Syntax (* parallel_case *) casez (sel)


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Translate Off and On / Synthesis Off and On

The translate_off and translate_on synthesis directives indicate whether the Quartus II software or a third-party synthesis tool should compile a portion of HDL code that is not relevant for synthesis. The translate_off directive marks the beginning of code that the synthesis tool should ignore; the translate_on directive indicates that synthesis should resume. You can also use the synthesis_on and synthesis_off directives as a synonym for translate on and off. A common use of these directives is to indicate a portion of code that is intended for simulation only. The synthesis tool reads synthesis-specific directives and processes them during synthesis; however, third-party simulation tools read the directives as comments and ignore them. Example 880 and Example 881 show these directives. Example 880. Verilog HDL Code: Translate Off and On // synthesis translate_off parameter tpd = 2; // Delay for simulation #tpd; // synthesis translate_on

Example 881. VHDL Code: Translate Off and On -- synthesis translate_off use std.textio.all; -- synthesis translate_on

If you wish to ignore a portion of code in Quartus II integrated synthesis only, you can use the Altera-specific attribute keyword altera. For example, use the // altera translate_off and // altera translate_on directives to direct Quartus II integrated synthesis to ignore a portion of code that is intended only for other synthesis tools.

Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off Directives

The Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off directives logic option directs Quartus II integrated synthesis to ignore the translate_off and synthesis_off directives described in the previous section. This allows you to compile code that was previously intended to be ignored by third-party synthesis tools, for example, megafunction declarations that were treated as black boxes in other tools but can be compiled in the Quartus II software. To set the Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off directives logic option, click More Settings on the Analysis & Synthesis Settings page of the Settings dialog box.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Read Comments as HDL

The read_comments_as_HDL synthesis directive indicates that the Quartus II software should compile a portion of HDL code that is commented out. This directive allows you to comment out portions of HDL source code that are not relevant for simulation, while instructing the Quartus II software to read and synthesize that same source code. Setting the read_comments_as_HDL directive to on marks the beginning of commented code that the synthesis tool should read; setting the read_comments_as_HDL directive to off indicates the end of the code. 1 You can use this directive with translate_off and translate_on to create one HDL source file that includes both a megafunction instantiation for synthesis and a behavioral description for simulation. Because formal verification tools do not recognize the read_comments_as_HDL directive, it is not supported when you are using formal verification. In Example 882 and 883, the commented code enclosed by read_comments_as_HDL is visible to the Quartus II compiler and is synthesized. 1 Because synthesis directives are case-sensitive in Verilog HDL, you must match the case of the directive, as shown in the following examples.

Example 882. Verilog HDL Code: Read Comments as HDL // synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on // my_rom lpm_rom (.address (address), // .data (data)); // synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off

Example 883. VHDL Code: Read Comments as HDL -- synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on -- my_rom : entity lpm_rom -port map ( -address => address, -data => data, ); -- synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

Use I/O Flipflops

This attribute directs the Quartus II software to implement input, output, and output enable flipflops (or registers) in I/O cells that have fast, direct connections to an I/O pin, when possible. Applying the useioff synthesis attribute can improve I/O performance by minimizing setup, clock-to-output, and clock-to-output enable times. This synthesis attribute is supported using the Fast Input Register, Fast Output Register, and Fast Output Enable Register logic options that can also be set in the Assignment Editor.

For more information about which device families support fast input, output, and output enable registers, refer to the device family data sheet, device handbook, or the Quartus II Help. The useioff synthesis attribute takes a Boolean value and can only be applied to the port declarations of a top-level Verilog HDL module or VHDL entity (it is ignored if applied elsewhere). Setting the value to 1 (Verilog HDL) or TRUE (VHDL) instructs the Quartus II software to pack registers into I/O cells. Setting the value to 0 (Verilog HDL) or FALSE (VHDL) prevents register packing into I/O cells. In Example 884 and 885, the useioff synthesis attribute directs the Quartus II software to implement the registers a_reg, b_reg, and o_reg in the I/O cells corresponding to the ports a, b, and o, respectively.

Example 884. Verilog HDL Code: the useioff Attribute module top_level(clk, a, b, o); input clk; input [1:0] a, b /* synthesis useioff = 1 */; output [2:0] o /* synthesis useioff = 1 */; reg [1:0] a_reg, b_reg; reg [2:0] o_reg; always @ (posedge clk) begin a_reg <= a; b_reg <= b; o_reg <= a_reg + b_reg; end assign o = o_reg; endmodule

Verilog-2001 syntax also accepts the type of statements shown in Example 885 and 886 instead of the comment form shown in Example 884.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 885. Verilog-2001 Code: the useioff Attribute (* useioff = 1 *) input [1:0] a, b; (* useioff = 1 *) output [2:0] o;

Example 886. VHDL Code: the useioff Attribute library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity useioff_example is port ( clk : in std_logic; a, b : in unsigned(1 downto 0); o : out unsigned(1 downto 0)); attribute useioff : boolean; attribute useioff of a : signal is true; attribute useioff of b : signal is true; attribute useioff of o : signal is true; end useioff_example; architecture rtl of useioff_example is signal o_reg, a_reg, b_reg : unsigned(1 downto 0); begin process(clk) begin if (clk = '1' AND clk'event) then a_reg <= a; b_reg <= b; o_reg <= a_reg + b_reg; end if; end process; o <= o_reg; end rtl;

Specifying Pin Locations with chip_pin

This attribute enables you to assign pin locations in your HDL source. The attribute can be used only on the ports of the top-level entity or module in the design, and cannot be used to assign pin locations from entities at lower levels of the design hierarchy. You may assign pins only to single-bit or one-dimensional bus ports in your design. For single-bit ports, the value of the chip_pin attribute is the name of the pin on the target device, as specified by the devices pin table.


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

In addition to chip_pin, the Quartus II software supports the altera_chip_pin_lc attribute name for compatibility with other synthesis tools. When using this attribute in other synthesis tools, some older device families require an @ symbol in front of each pin assignment. In the Quartus II software, the @ is optional.

Example 887, 888, and 889 show different ways of assigning input pin my_pin1 to Pin C1 and my_pin2 to Pin 4 on a different target device. Example 887. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying Chip Pin to a Single Pin input my_pin1 /* synthesis chip_pin = "C1" */; input my_pin2 /* synthesis altera_chip_pin_lc = "@4" */;

Example 888. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying Chip Pin to a Single Pin (* chip_pin = "C1" *) input my_pin1; (* altera_chip_pin_lc = "@4" *) input my_pin2;

Example 889. VHDL Code: Applying Chip Pin to a Single Pin entity my_entity is port(my_pin1: in std_logic; my_pin2: in std_logic;); end my_entity; attribute chip_pin : string; attribute altera_chip_pin_lc : string; attribute chip_pin of my_pin1 : signal is "C1"; attribute altera_chip_pin_lc of my_pin2 : signal is "@4";

For bus I/O ports, the value of the chip pin attribute is a comma-delimited list of pin assignments. The order in which you declare the ports range determines the mapping of assignments to individual bits in the port. To leave a particular bit unassigned, simply leave its corresponding pin assignment blank. Example 890 assigns my_pin[2] to Pin_4, my_pin[1] to Pin_5, and my_pin[0] to Pin_6. Example 890. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying Chip Pin to a Bus of Pins input [2:0] my_pin /* synthesis chip_pin = "4, 5, 6" */;

Example 891 reverses the order of the signals in the bus, assigning my_pin[0] to Pin_4 and my_pin[2] to Pin_6 but leaves my_pin[1] unassigned.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 891. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying Chip Pin to Part of a Bus input [0:2] my_pin /* synthesis chip_pin = "4, ,6" */;

Example 892 assigns my_pin[2] to Pin 4 and my_pin[0] to Pin 6, but leaves my_pin[1] unassigned. Example 892. VHDL Code: Applying Chip Pin to Part of a Bus of Pins entity my_entity is port(my_pin: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);); end my_entity; attribute chip_pin of my_pin: signal is "4, , 6";

Using altera_attribute to Set Quartus II Logic Options

This attribute enables you to apply Quartus II options and assignments to an object in your HDL source code. You can set this attribute on an entity, architecture, instance, register, RAM block, or I/O pin. You cannot set it on an arbitrary combinational node such as a net. With altera_attribute, you can control synthesis options from your HDL source even when the options lack a specific HDL synthesis attribute (such as many of the logic options presented earlier in this chapter). You can also use this attribute to pass entity-level settings and assignments to phases of the compiler flow beyond Analysis and Synthesis, such as Fitting. Assignments or settings made through the Quartus II GUI, the Quartus II Settings File (.qsf) or the Tcl interface take precedence over assignments or settings made with the altera_attribute synthesis attribute in your HDL code. The syntax for setting this attribute in HDL is the same as the syntax for other synthesis attributes, as shown in Synthesis Attributes on page 827. The attribute value is a single string containing a list of Quartus II Settings File variable assignments separated by semicolons, as shown in the following example: -name <variable_1> <value_1>;-name <variable_2> <value_2>[;]


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Quartus II Synthesis Options

If the Quartus II option or assignment includes a target, source, and/or section tag, use the following syntax for each Quartus II Settings File variable assignment: -name <variable> <value> -from <source> -to <target> -section_id <section> The syntax for the full attribute value, including the optional target, source, and section tags for two different Quartus II Settings File assignments is shown in the following example: " -name <variable_1> <value_1> [-from <source_1>] [-to <target_1>] [-section_id <section_1>]; -name <variable_2> <value_2> [-from <source_2>] [-to <target_2>] [-section_id <section_2>] " If a variables assigned value is a string of text, you must use escaped quotes around the value in Verilog HDL, or double-quotes in VHDL, as in the following examples (using non-existent variable and value terms):

Verilog HDL

"VARIABLE_NAME ""STRING_VALUE""" To find the Quartus II Settings File variable name or value corresponding to a specific Quartus II option or assignment, you can make the option setting or assignment in the Quartus II GUI and then note the changes in the QSF. You can also refer to the Quartus II Settings File Reference Manual, which documents all variable names. Example 893, 894, and 895 use altera_attribute to set the power-up level of an inferred register. Note that for inferred instances, you cannot apply the attribute to the instance directly, so you should apply the attribute to one of the instances output nets. The Quartus II software moves the attribute to the inferred instance automatically. Example 893. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying Altera Attribute to an Instance reg my_reg /* synthesis altera_attribute = "-name POWER_UP_LEVEL HIGH" */;

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Example 894. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying Altera Attribute to an Instance (* altera_attribute = "-name POWER_UP_LEVEL HIGH" *) reg my_reg;

Example 895. VHDL Code: Applying Altera Attribute to an Instance signal my_reg : std_logic; attribute altera_attribute : string; attribute altera_attribute of my_reg: signal is "-name POWER_UP_LEVEL HIGH";

Example 896, 897, and 898 use the altera_attribute to disable the Auto Shift Register Replacement synthesis option for an entity. To apply the Altera Attribute to a VHDL entity, you must set the attribute on its architecture rather than on the entity itself. Example 896. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying Altera Attribute to an Entity module my_entity() /* synthesis altera_attribute = "-name AUTO_SHIFT_REGISTER_RECOGNITION OFF" */;

Example 897. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying Altera Attribute to an Entity (* altera_attribute = "-name AUTO_SHIFT_REGISTER_RECOGNITION OFF" *) module my_entity() ;

Example 898. VHDL Code: Applying Altera Attribute to an Entity entity my_entity is -- Declare generics and ports end my_entity; architecture rtl of my_entity is attribute altera_attribute : string; -- Attribute set on architecture, not entity attribute altera_attribute of rtl: architecture is "-name AUTO_SHIFT_REGISTER_RECOGNITION OFF"; begin -- The architecture body end rtl;

You can also use altera_attribute for more complex assignments involving more than one instance. In Example 899, 8100, and 8101, the altera_attribute is used to cut all timing paths from reg1 to reg2, equivalent to this Tcl or QSF command:
set_instance_assignment -name CUT ON -from reg1 -to reg2


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Analyzing Synthesis Results

Example 899. Verilog-1995 Code: Applying Altera Attribute with -to reg reg2; reg reg1 /* synthesis altera_attribute = "-name CUT ON -to reg2" */;

Example 8100. Verilog-2001 Code: Applying Altera Attribute with -to reg reg2; (* altera_attribute = "-name CUT ON -to reg2" *) reg reg1;

Example 8101. VHDL Code: Applying Altera Attribute with -to signal reg1, reg2 : std_logic; attribute altera_attribute: string; attribute altera_attribute of reg1 : signal is "-name CUT ON -to reg2";

You may specify either the -to option or the -from option in a single altera_attribute; integrated synthesis automatically sets the remaining option to the target of the altera_attribute. You may also specify wildcards for either option. For example, if you specify * for the -to option instead of reg2 in these examples, the Quartus II software cuts all timing paths from reg1 to every other register in this design entity. The altera_attribute can be used only for entity-level settings, and the assignments (including wildcards) apply only to the current entity.

Analyzing Synthesis Results

After you have performed synthesis, you can check your synthesis results in the Analysis and Synthesis Section of the Compilation Report and the Project Navigator.

Analysis and Synthesis Section of the Compilation Report

The Compilation Report, which provides a summary of results for the project, appears after a successful compilation, or you can choose it from the Processing menu. After Analysis and Synthesis, before the Fitter begins, the Summary information provides a summary of utilization based on synthesis data, before Fitter optimizations have occurred. Synthesis-specific information is listed in the Analysis & Synthesis section. There are various report sections under Analysis and Synthesis, including a list of the source files read for the project, the resource utilization by entity after synthesis, and information about state machines, latches, optimization results, and parameter settings.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

For more information about each report section, refer to the Quartus II Help.

Project Navigator
The Hierarchy tab of the Project Navigator provides a summary of resource information about the entities in the project. After Analysis and Synthesis, before the Fitter begins, the Project Navigator provides a summary of utilization based on synthesis data, before Fitter optimizations have occurred. If you hold your mouse pointer over one of the entities in the Hierarchy tab, a tooltip appears that shows parameter information for each instance.

Analyzing and Controlling Synthesis Messages

This section provides information about the messages generated during synthesis, and how you can control which messages appear during compilation.

Quartus II Messages
The messages that appear during Analysis and Synthesis describe many of the optimizations that the software performs during the synthesis stage, and provide information about how the design is interpreted. You should always check the messages to analyze Critical Warnings and Warnings, because these messages may relate to important design problems. It is also useful to read the information messages Info and Extra Info to get more information about how the software processes your design. The Info, Extra Info, Warning, Critical Warning, and Error tabs display messages grouped by type. You can right-click on a message in the Messages window and get help on the message, locate the source of the message in your design, and manage messages. You can use message suppression to reduce the number of messages listed after a compilation by preventing individual messages and entire categories of messages from being displayed. For example, if you review a particular message and determine that it is not caused by something in your design that should be changed or fixed, you can suppress the message so it is not displayed during subsequent compilations. This saves time because you see only new messages during subsequent compilations.


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Analyzing and Controlling Synthesis Messages

You can right-click on an individual message in the Messages window and choose commands in the Suppress submenu. Another way to achieve the same goal is to open the Message Suppression Manager. To do this, right-click in the Messages window and point to Suppress, and click Message Suppression Manager.

For more information about messages and suppressing them, refer to the Managing Quartus II Projects chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook.

VHDL and Verilog HDL Messages

The Quartus II software issues a variety of messages when it is analyzing and elaborating the Verilog HDL and VHDL files in your design. These HDL messages are a subset of all Quartus II messages that help you identify potential problems early in the design process. HDL messages fall into the following three categories:

Info messageLists a property of your design. Warning messageIndicates a potential problem in your design. Potential problems come from a variety of sources, including typos, inappropriate design practices, or the functional limitations of your target device. Though HDL warning messages do not always identify actual problems, you should always investigate code that generates an HDL warning. Otherwise, the synthesized behavior of your design might not match your original intent or its simulated behavior. Error messageIndicates an actual problem with your design. Your HDL code may be invalid due to a syntax or semantic error, or it may not be synthesizable as written. Consult the Help associated with any HDL error messages for assistance in removing the error from your design.

In Example 8102, the sensitivity list contains multiple copies of the variable i. While the Verilog HDL language does not prohibit duplicate entries in a sensitivity list, it is clear that this design has a typo: Variable j should be listed on the sensitivity list to avoid a possible simulation/synthesis mismatch. Example 8102. Generating an HDL Warning Message //dup.v module dup(input i, input j, output reg o); always @ (i or i) o = i & j; endmodule

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

When processing this HDL code, the Quartus II software generates the following warning message: Warning: (10276) Verilog HDL sensitivity list warning at dup.v(2): sensitivity list contains multiple entries for "i". In Verilog HDL, variable names are case-sensitive, so the variables my_reg and MY_REG in Example 8103 are two different variables. However, declaring variables whose names only differ in case may confuse some users, especially those users who use VHDL, where variables are not case-sensitive. Example 8103. Generating HDL Info Messages // namecase.v module namecase (input i, output o); reg my_reg; reg MY_REG; assign o = i; endmodule

When processing this HDL code, the Quartus II software generates the following informational message: Info: (10281) Verilog HDL information at namecase.v(3): variable name "MY_REG" and variable name "my_reg" should not differ only in case. In addition, the Quartus II software generates additional HDL info messages to inform you that neither my_reg or MY_REG are used in this small design: Info: (10035) Verilog namecase.v(3): object Info: (10035) Verilog namecase.v(4): object HDL or VHDL information at "my_reg" declared but not used HDL or VHDL information at "MY_REG" declared but not used

The Quartus II software allows you to control how many HDL messages you see during the Analysis and Elaboration of your design files. You can set the HDL Message Level to enable or disable groups of HDL messages, or you can enable or disable specific messages, as described in the following sections. For more information about synthesis directives and their syntax, refer to Synthesis Directives on page 830.


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Analyzing and Controlling Synthesis Messages

Setting the HDL Message Level

The HDL Message Level specifies the types of messages that the Quartus II software displays when it is analyzing and elaborating your design files. Table 88 details the information about the HDL message levels.

Table 88. HDL Info Message Level Level


Displays high-severity messages only

If you want to see only those HDL messages that identify likely problems with your design, select Level1. When Level1 is selected, the Quartus II software issues a message only if there is a high probability that it points to an actual problem with your design. If you want to see additional HDL messages that identify possible problems with your design, select Level2. This is the default setting. If you want to see all HDL info and warning messages, select Level3. This level includes extra LINT messages that suggest changes to improve the style of your HDL code or make it easier to understand.


Displays high-severity and medium-severity messages Displays all messages, including low-severity messages


You should address all issues reported at the Level1 setting. The default HDL message level is Level2. To set the HDL Message Level in the GUI, on the Assignments menu, click Settings, and under Category, click Analysis & Synthesis Settings. Set the desired message level from the drop-down menu in the HDL Message Level list, and click OK. You can override this default setting in a source file with the message_level synthesis directive, which takes the values level1, level2, and level3, as shown in Example 8104 and 8105. Example 8104. Verilog HDL Examples of message_level Directive // altera message_level level1 or /* altera message_level level3 */

Example 8105. VHDL Code: message_level Directive -- altera message_level level2

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

A message_level synthesis directive remains effective until the end of a file or until the next message_level directive. In VHDL, you can use the message_level synthesis directive to set the HDL Message Level for entities and architectures, but not for other design units. An HDL Message Level for an entity applies to its architectures, unless overridden by another message_level directive. In Verilog HDL, you can use the message_level directive to set the HDL Message Level for a module.

Enabling or Disabling Specific HDL Messages by Module/Entity

You can enable or disable a specific HDL info or warning message with its Message ID, which is displayed in parentheses at the beginning of the message. Enabling or disabling a specific message overrides its HDL Message Level. This method is different from the message suppression in the Messages window because you can use this method to disable messages for a specific module or entity. This method applies only the HDL messages, and if you disable a message with this method, the message is listed as a Suppressed message in the Quartus II GUI. To disable specific HDL messages in the GUI, on the Assignments menu, click Settings. Expand Analysis & Synthesis Settings and click Advanced. In the Advanced Message Settings dialog box, add the Message IDs you wish to enable or disable. To enable or disable specific HDL messages in your HDL, use the message_on and message_off synthesis directives. Both directives take a space-separated list of Message IDs. You can enable or disable messages with these synthesis directives immediately before Verilog HDL modules, VHDL entities, or VHDL architectures. You cannot enable or disable a message in the middle of an HDL construct. A message enabled or disabled via a message_on or message_off synthesis directive overrides its HDL Message Level or any message_level synthesis directive. The message will remain disabled until the end of the source file or until its status is changed by another message_on or message_off directive. Example 8106. Verilog HDL message_off Directive for Message with ID 10000 // altera message_off 10000 or /* altera message_off 10000 */

Example 8107. VHDL message_off Directive for Message with ID 10000 -- altera message_off 10000


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Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

Being able to find the logic node names after synthesis can be useful during verification or while debugging a design. This section provides an overview of the conventions used by the Quartus II software when it names the nodes created from your HDL design. The section focuses on the conventions for Verilog HDL and VHDL code, but AHDL and BDFs are discussed when appropriate. Whenever possible, as described in this section, Quartus II integrated synthesis uses wire or signal names from your source code to name nodes such as LEs or ALMs. Some nodes, such as registers, have predictable names that typically do not change when a design is resynthesized, although certain optimizations can affect register names. The names of other nodes, particularly LEs or ALMs that contain only combinational logic, can change due to logic optimizations that the software performs. This section discusses the following topics:

Hierarchical Node-Naming Conventions on page 883 Node-Naming Conventions for Registers (DFF or D Flipflop Atoms) on page 884 Register Changes During Synthesis on page 885 Preserving Register Names on page 888 Node-Naming Conventions for Combinational Logic Cells on page 888 Preserving Combinational Logic Names on page 890

Hierarchical Node-Naming Conventions

To make each name in the design unique, the Quartus II software adds the hierarchy path to the beginning of each name. The | separator is used to indicate a level of hierarchy. For each instance in the hierarchy, the software adds the entity name and the instance name of that entity, using the : separator between each entity name and its instance name. For example, if a design instantiates entity A with the name my_A_inst, the hierarchy path of that entity would be A:my_A_inst. The full name of any node is obtained by starting with the hierarchical instance path; followed by a |, and ending with the node name inside that entity, using the following convention: <entity 0>:<instance_name 0>|<entity 1>: <instance_name 1>|...|<instance_name n> For example, if entity A contains a register (DFF atom) called my_dff, its full hierarchy name would be A:my_A_inst|my_dff.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

On the Compilation Process Settings page of the Settings dialog box, click More Settings and turn off Display entity name for node name to instruct the compiler to generate node names that do not contain the name for each level of the hierarchy. With this option off, the node names use the following convention: <instance_name 0>|<instance_name 1>|...|<instance_name n>

Node-Naming Conventions for Registers (DFF or D Flipflop Atoms)

In Verilog HDL and VHDL, inferred registers are named after the reg or signal connected to the output. Example 8108 is a description of a register in Verilog HDL that creates a DFF primitive called my_dff_out: Example 8108. Verilog HDL Register wire dff_in, my_dff_out, clk; always @ (posedge clk) my_dff_out <= dff_in;

Similarly, Example 8109 is a description of a register in VHDL that creates a DFF primitive called my_dff_out. Example 8109. VHDL Register signal dff_in, my_dff_out, clk; process (clk) begin if (rising_edge(clk)) then my_dff_out <= dff_in; end if; end process;

In AHDL designs, DFF registers are declared explicitly rather than inferred, so the software uses the user-declared name for the register. For schematic designs using BDF, all elements are given a name when they are instantiated in the design, so the software uses the user-defined name for the register or DFF. In the special case that a wire or signal (such as my_dff_out in the preceding examples) is also an output pin of your top-level design, the Quartus II software cannot use that name for the register (for example,


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Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

cannot use my_dff_out) because the software requires that all logic and I/O cells have unique names. In this case, the Quartus II integrated synthesis appends ~reg0 to the register name. For example, the Verilog HDL code in Example 8110 produces a register called q~reg0: Example 8110. Verilog HDL Register Feeding Output Pin module my_dff (input clk, input d, output q); always @ (posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule

This situation occurs only for registers driving top-level pins. If a register drives a port of a lower level of the hierarchy, the port is removed during hierarchy flattening and the register retains its original name, in this case, q.

Register Changes During Synthesis

On some occasions, you may not be able to find registers that you expect to see in the synthesis netlist. Registers may be removed by logic optimization, or their names may be changed due to synthesis optimization. Common optimizations include inference of a state machine, counter, adder-subtractor, or shift register from registers and surrounding logic. Other common register changes occur when registers are packed into dedicated hardware on the FPGA, such as a DSP block or a RAM block. This section describes the following factors that can affect register names:

Synthesis and Fitting Optimizations on page 886 State Machines on page 887 Inferred Adder-Subtractors, Shift Registers, Memory, and DSP Functions on page 887 Packed Input and Output Registers of RAM and DSP Blocks on page 887 Preserving Register Names on page 888 Preserving Combinational Logic Names on page 890

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Synthesis and Fitting Optimizations

Registers may be removed by synthesis logic optimization if they are not connected to inputs or outputs in the design, or if the logic can be simplified due to constant signal values. Register names may also be changed due to synthesis optimizations, such as when duplicate registers are merged together to reduce resource utilization. NOT-gate push back optimizations may affect registers that use preset signals. This type of optimization can impact your timing assignments when registers are used as clock dividers. If this situation occurs in your design, change the clock settings to work on the new register name. Synthesis netlist optimizations often change node names because registers may be combined or duplicated to optimize the design.

For more information about the type of optimizations performed by synthesis netlist optimizations, refer to the Netlist Optimizations and Physical Synthesis chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook. The Quartus II Compilation Report provides a list of registers that are removed during synthesis optimizations, and a brief reason for the removal. In the Analysis & Synthesis folder, open Optimization Results, and then open Register Statistics, and click on the Registers Removed During Synthesis report, and the Removed Registers Triggering Further Register Optimizations report. The second report contains a list of registers that are the cause of other registers being removed in the design. It provides a brief reason for the removal, and a list of registers that were removed due to the removal of the initial register. Synthesis creates synonyms for registers duplicated with the Maximum Fan-Out option (or maxfan attribute). Therefore, timing assignment applied to nodes that are duplicated with this option are applied to the new nodes as well. The Quartus II Fitter can also change node names after synthesis (for example, when the Fitter uses register packing to pack a register into an I/O element, or when logic is modified by physical synthesis). The Fitter creates synonyms for duplicated registers so that timing analysis can use the existing node name when applying assignments. You can instruct the Quartus II software to preserve certain nodes throughout compilation so that you can use them for verification or making assignments. For more information, refer to Preserving Register Names on page 888.


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Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

State Machines
If a state machine is inferred from your HDL code, the registers that represent the states are mapped into a new set of registers that implement the state machine. Most commonly, the software converts the state machine into a one-hot form where each state is represented by one register. In this case, for Verilog HDL or VHDL designs, the registers are named according to the name of the state register and the states, where possible. For example, consider a Verilog HDL state machine where the states are parameter state0 = 1, state1 = 2, state2 = 3, and where the state machine register is declared as reg [1:0] my_fsm. In this example, the three one-hot state registers are named my_fsm.state0, my_fsm.state1, and my_fsm.state2. In AHDL, state machines are explicitly specified with a machine name. State machine registers are given synthesized names based on the state machine name but not the state names. For example, if a state machine is called my_fsm and has four state bits, they may be synthesized with names such as my_fsm~12, my_fsm~13, my_fsm~14, and my_fsm~15.

Inferred Adder-Subtractors, Shift Registers, Memory, and DSP Functions

The Quartus II software infers megafunctions from Verilog HDL and VHDL code for logic that forms adder-subtractors, shift registers, RAM, ROM, and arithmetic functions that can be placed in DSP blocks.

For information about inferring megafunctions, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. Because adder-subtractors are part of a megafunction instead of generic logic, the combinational logic exists in the design with different names. For shift registers, memory, and DSP functions, the registers and logic are typically implemented inside the dedicated RAM or DSP blocks in the device. Thus, the registers are not visible as separate LEs or ALMs.

Packed Input and Output Registers of RAM and DSP Blocks

Registers can be packed into the input registers and output registers of RAM and DSP blocks, so that they are not visible as separate registers in LEs or ALMs.

For information about packing registers into RAM and DSP megafunctions, refer to the Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Preserving Register Names

You may want to preserve certain register names for verification or debugging, or to ensure that timing assignments are applied correctly. Quartus II integrated synthesis preserves certain nodes automatically if they are likely to be used in a timing constraint. Use the preserve attribute to instruct the compiler not to minimize or remove a specified register during synthesis optimizations or register netlist optimizations. Refer to Preserve Registers on page 848 for details. Use the noprune attribute to preserve a fan-out-free register through the entire compilation flow. Refer to Noprune Synthesis Attribute/Preserve Fan-out Free Register Node on page 850 for details. Use synthesis attribute syn_dont_merge to make sure registers are not merged with other registers, and other registers are not merged with it. Refer to Disable Register Merging/Dont Merge Register on page 849 for details.

Node-Naming Conventions for Combinational Logic Cells

Whenever possible for Verilog HDL, VHDL, and AHDL code, the Quartus II software uses wire names that are the targets of assignments, but may change the node names due to synthesis optimizations. For example, consider the Verilog HDL code in Example 8111. Quartus II integrated synthesis uses the names c, d, e, and f for the combinational logic cells that are produced. Example 8111. Naming Nodes for Combinational Logic Cells in Verilog HDL wire c; reg d, e, f; assign c = a | b; always @ (a or b) d = a & b; always @ (a or b) begin : my_label e = a ^ b; end always @ (a or b) f = ~(a | b);


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Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis

For schematic designs using BDF, all elements are given a name when they are instantiated in the design and the software uses the user-defined name when possible. 1 Node naming conventions for schematic buses in the Quartus II software version 7.2 and later are different than the MAX+PLUS II software and older versions of the Quartus II software. In most cases, the Quartus II software uses the appropriate naming convention for the design source file. For designs created using the Quartus II software version 7.1 or earlier, it uses the MAX+PLUS II naming convention. For designs created in the Quartus II software version 7.2 and later, it uses the Quartus II naming convention that matches the behavior of standard HDLs. In some cases, however, a design may contain files created in various versions. To set an assignment for a particular instance in the Assignment Editor, enter the instance name in the To field, choose Block Design Naming from the Assignment Name list, and set the value to MaxPlusII or QuartusII.

If logic cells, such as those created in Example 8111, are packed with registers in device architectures such as the Stratix and Cyclone device families, those names may not appear in the netlist after fitting. In other devices, such as newer families in the Stratix and Cyclone series device families, the register and combinational nodes are kept separate throughout the compilation, so these names are more often maintained through fitting. When logic optimizations occur during synthesis, it is not always possible to retain the initial names as described. In some cases, synthesized names will be used, which are the wire names with a tilde (~) and a number appended. For example, if a complex expression is assigned to a wire w and that expression generates several logic cells, those cells may have names such as w, w~1, w~2, and so on. Sometimes the original wire name w is removed, and an arbitrary name such as rtl~123 is created. It is a goal of Quartus II integrated synthesis to retain user names whenever possible. Any node name ending with ~<number> is a name created during synthesis, which may change if the design is changed and re-synthesized. Knowing these naming conventions can help you understand your post-synthesis results and make it easier to debug your design or make assignments. The software maintains combinational clock logic by making sure nodes that are likely to be a clock are not changed during synthesis. The software also maintains (or protects) multiplexers in clock trees so that the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer has information about which paths are unate, to allow complete and correct analysis of combinational clocks.

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Multiplexers often occur in clock trees when the design selects between different clocks. To help analysis of clock trees, the software ensures that each multiplexer encountered in a clock tree is broken into 2:1 multiplexers, and each of those 2:1 multiplexers is mapped into one look-up table (independent of the device family). This optimization might result in a slight increase in area, and for some designs a decrease in timing performance. You can turn off this multiplexer protection with the option Clock MUX Protection under More Settings on the Analysis & Synthesis page of the Settings dialog box. This option applies to Arria GX devices, the Stratix and Cyclone series, and MAX II devices.

Preserving Combinational Logic Names

You may want to preserve certain combinational logic node names for verification or debugging, or to ensure that timing assignments are applied correctly. Use the keep attribute to keep a wire name or combinational node name through logic synthesis minimizations and netlist optimizations. Refer to Keep Combinational Node/Implement as Output of Logic Cell on page 851 for details. For any internal node in your design clock network, use keep to protect the name so that you can apply correct clock settings. Also, set the attribute on combinational logic involved in cut assignments and through assignments. 1 Setting the keep attribute on combinational logic may increase the area utilization and increase the delay of the final mapped logic because it requires the insertion of extra combinational logic. Use the attribute only when necessary.

Scripting Support

You can run procedures and make settings described in this chapter in a Tcl script. You can also run some procedures at a command prompt. For detailed information about scripting command options, refer to the Quartus II Command-Line and Tcl API Help browser. To run the Help browser, type the following command at the command prompt: quartus_sh --qhelp r The Quartus II Scripting Reference Manual includes the same information in PDF form.


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Scripting Support

For more information about Tcl scripting, refer to the Tcl Scripting chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook. Refer to the Quartus II Settings File Reference Manual for information about all settings and constraints in the Quartus II software. For more information about command-line scripting, refer to the Command-Line Scripting chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook. You can specify many of the options described in this section either on an instance, global level, or both. Use the following Tcl command to make a global assignment: set_global_assignment -name <QSF Variable Name> <Value> Use the following Tcl command to make an instance assignment: set_instance_assignment -name <QSF Variable Name> <Value>\ -to <Instance Name>

Adding an HDL File to a Project and Setting the HDL Version

Use the following Tcl assignments to add an HDL or schematic entry design file to your project: set_global_assignment set_global_assignment set_global_assignment set_global_assignment set_global_assignment name name name -name -name VERILOG_FILE <file name>.<v|sv> SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE <file name>.sv VHDL_FILE <file name>.<vhd|vhdl> AHDL_FILE <file name>.tdf BDF_FILE <file name>.bdf

You can use any file extension for design files, as long as you specify the correct language when adding the design file. For example, you can use .h for Verilog HDL header files.

To specify the Verilog HDL or VHDL version, use the following option at the end of the VERILOG_FILE or VHDL_FILE command: HDL_VERSION <language version> The variable <language version> takes one of the following values:


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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

For example, to add a Verilog HDL file called my_file that is written in Verilog-1995, use the following command:
set_global_assignment name VERILOG_FILE my_file.v HDL_VERSION VERILOG_1995

Quartus II Synthesis Options

Table 89 lists the Quartus II Settings File variable names and applicable values for the settings discussed in this chapter. The Quartus II Settings File variable name is used in the Tcl assignment to make the setting along with the appropriate value. The Type column indicates whether the setting is supported as a Global setting, an Instance setting, or both.

Table 89. Quartus II Synthesis Options (Part 1 of 2) Setting Name Quartus II Settings File Variable Values

Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance Instance

Allow Any RAM ALLOW_ANY_RAM_SIZE_FOR_RECOGNITION Size for Recognition Allow Any ROM ALLOW_ANY_ROM_SIZE_FOR_RECOGNITION Size for Recognition Allow Any Shift Register Size for Recognition Auto DSP Block Replacement Auto RAM Replacement Auto ROM Replacement Auto Shift-Register Replacement Block Design Naming Fast Input Register Fast Output Enable Register Fast Output Register



Implement as IMPLEMENT_AS_OUTPUT_OF_LOGIC_CELL Output of Logic Cell Disable Register Merging



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Scripting Support

Table 89. Quartus II Synthesis Options (Part 2 of 2) Setting Name

Maximum Fan-Out Optimization Technique PowerPlay Power Optimization Power-Up Dont Care Power-Up Level Preserve Registers Remove Duplicate Logic Remove Duplicate Registers

Quartus II Settings File Variable


<Maximum Fan-Out Value> Area Speed Balanced

Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Instance Instance Global Instance Global Instance Global Global Instance Instance




Remove Redundant REMOVE_REDUNDANT_LOGIC_CELLS Logic Cells Restructure Multiplexers


Speed Optimization SYNTH_CRITICAL_CLOCK Technique for Clock Domains State Machine Processing



Global Instance

Maximum DSP Block Usage Synthesis Effort


<Maximum DSP Block Usage Value> AUTO FAST

Global Global

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Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Assigning a Pin
Use the following Tcl command to assign a signal to a pin or device location. set_location_assignment -to <signal name> <location> For example, set_location_assignment -to data_input Pin_A3 Valid locations are pin location names. Some device families also support edge and I/O bank locations. Edge locations are EDGE_BOTTOM, EDGE_LEFT, EDGE_TOP, and EDGE_RIGHT. I/O bank locations include IOBANK_1 to IOBANK_n, where n is the number of I/O banks in a particular device.

Creating Design Partitions for Incremental Compilation

To create a partition, use the following command: set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY \ <file name> -to <destination> -section_id <partition name> The <destination> should be the entitys short hierarchy path. A short hierarchy path is the full hierarchy path without the top-level name, for example: "ram:ram_unit|altsyncram:altsyncram_component" (with quotation marks). For the top-level partition, you can use the pipe (|) symbol to represent the top-level entity. For more information about hierarchical naming conventions, refer to Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis on page 883. The <partition name> is the user-designated partition name, which must be unique and less than 1024 characters long. The name can consist only of alpha-numeric characters, as well as pipe ( | ), colon ( : ), and underscore ( _ ) characters. Altera recommends enclosing the name in double quotation marks (" "). The <file name> is the name used for internally generated netlists files during incremental compilation. Netlists are named automatically by the Quartus II software based on the instance name if you create the partition in the GUI. If you are using Tcl to create your partitions, you must assign a custom file name that is unique across all partitions. For the top-level partition, the specified file name is ignored, and you can use any dummy value. To ensure the names are safe and platform independent, file names must be unique regardless of case. For example, if a partition uses the file


Altera Corporation May 2008


name my_file, no other partition can use the file name MY_FILE. For simplicity, Altera recommends that you base each file name on the corresponding instance name for the partition. The software stores all netlists in the db compilation database directory.


The Quartus II software includes complete Verilog HDL and VHDL language support, as well as support for Altera-specific languages, making it an easy-to-use, standalone solution for Altera designs. You can use the synthesis options available in the software to help you improve your synthesis results, giving you more control over the way your design is synthesized. Use Quartus II reports and messages to analyze your compilation results. This chapter references the following documents:

Referenced Documents

Assignment Editor chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook Command-Line Scripting chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook Designing With Low-Level Primitives User Guide Design Recommendations for Altera Devices and the Quartus II Design Assistant chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook Introduction to the Quartus II Software Managing Quartus II Projects chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook Netlist Optimizations and Physical Synthesis chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook PowerPlay Power Analysis chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook Quartus II Incremental Compilation for Hierarchical and Team-Based Design chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook Quartus II Scripting Reference Manual Quartus II Settings File Reference Manual Recommended HDL Coding Styles chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook Tcl Scripting chapter in volume 2 of the Quartus II Handbook

Altera Corporation May 2008


Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

Document Revision History

Table 810 shows the revision history for this chapter.

Table 810. Document Revision History Date and Document Version

May 2008 v8.0.0

Changes Made

Summary of Changes

Adjusted the items listed in SystemVerilog Support on Updated for Quartus II page 87 software version 8.0 Added the section VHDL wait Constructs on page 812 and release. associated Examples Added the section Limiting DSP Block Usage in Partitions on page 833 Added the section Synthesis Effort on page 836 Added hyperlinks to referenced documents throughout the chapter Minor editorial updates Added three new constructs to SystemVerilog Support on page 87 Added new section State Machine Editor on page 814 Renamed section as Analyzing and Controlling Synthesis Messages on page 877 and added section Quartus II Messages on page 877 Other minor changes and text additions Updated for Quartus II software version 7.2.

October 2007 v7.2.0


Altera Corporation May 2008

Document Revision History

May 2007 v7.1.0

Updated language constraints supported in SystemVerilog Support on page 87 Updated Incremental Synthesis and Incremental Compilation on page 823 Removed Preserve Hierarchical Boundary section and replaced it with updated section Partitions for Preserving Hierarchical Boundaries on page 823 Updated Synthesis Attributes on page 826 Added Disable Register Merging/Dont Merge Register on page 845 Added Don't Retime, Disabling Synthesis Netlist Optimizations on page 848 Added Don't Replicate, Disabling Synthesis Netlist Optimizations on page 849 Updated and added more description to Node-Naming Conventions in Quartus II Integrated Synthesis on page 879 Added Preserving Register Names on page 884 Added Preserving Combinational Logic Names on page 886 Updated Adding an HDL File to a Project and Setting the HDL Version on page 888 Updated Table 89 on page 889 to match the new chapter content Added Referenced Documents on page 892 Added Arria GX devices where appropriate

Updates made for new attributes, options, and language support in the Quartus II software version 7.1 and Arria GX devices.

March 2007 v7.0.0

Updated date and revision for the Quartus II software version 7.0.

Altera Corporation May 2008


Quartus II Handbook, Volume 1

November 2006 v6.1.0

Added information on how to set the HDL version in Verilog HDL Support on page 85 and VHDL Support on page 810 Updated the list of supported constructs in SystemVerilog Support on page 87 Added Initial Constructs and Memory System Tasks on page 88 Added Design Libraries on page 813 to include information on libraries and duplicate entity names in all languages Added Using Parameters/Generics on page 818 Reorganized the options in the Quartus II Synthesis Options section Added information about reset status to State Machine Processing on page 833 Added Safe State Machines on page 836 Removed section on obsoleted logic option Remove Duplicate Logic Added Controlling Clock Enable Signals with Auto Clock Enable Replacement & syn_direct_enable on page 846 Added RAM to Logic Cell Conversion on page 849 Added Turning off Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs/ no_rw_check on page 851 Added synthesis_off and on directives to Translate Off and On / Synthesis Off and On on page 859 and Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off Directives on page 860 Updated options to include Stratix III in the Stratix series of devices as required

This chapter has been updated to include information about additional functionality and support for integrated synthesis. The updates made to this chapter describe new and/or enhanced features to language support, incremental synthesis, and many of the Quartus II synthesis options.

May 2006 v6.0.0

Updated for the Quartus II software version 6.0.0: Added language support. Added Quartus II Synthesis options. Added information on setting other Quartus II options in HDL source code.

December 2005 v5.1.1 October 2005 v5.1.0 May 2005 v5.0.0

Minor typographic update.

Updated for the Quartus II software version 5.1. Chapter 7 was formerly Chapter 8 in version 5.0. Chapter 8 was formerly Chapter 6 in version 4.2. Updated information. Updated figures. Restructured information. Renamed sections. New functionality for the Quartus II software 5.0. Chapter 7 was formerly Chapter 8 in version 4.1. Added documentation of incremental synthesis feature New functionality for the Quartus II software version 4.2 Updates to tables, figures. New functionality for the Quartus II software version 4.1.

December 2004 v3.0 June 2004 v2.0 Feb. 2004 v1.0

Initial release.


Altera Corporation May 2008

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