Beaconhouse School System BPCB: Weekly Planning Sheet

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Beaconhouse School System

Weekly Planning Sheet
Class: XM Topic: Chapter 13: Support and Movement Date: 15th-18th August, 2017

Day Main Lesson Homework Resources

Monday Human Skeleton(Role of skeleton, Bone Biology XM model of

and Cartilage Understanding the concept Q1 skeleton

Tuesday Axial and Appendicular skeleton Biology XM model of

Wednesday Types of joints

Thursday SHORT QUESTIONS:3,4and 5 model of skeleton

Notes will be given Chapter 13


HM: _____________ Teacher: Mrs Shazia Yousaf

Topic: Gaseous Exchange Date:21.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

Pupils will be able to Test Notebook They will be assessed on
Solve objective 5min Biology their understanding of the
and Subjective questions. Worksheet will be distributed. book. topic Gaseous Exchange
formally by asking
35 min questions orally.

Evaluation of Teaching: If you were to teach this lesson again, What would You do Evaluation of Student learning:
differently? Why?
Week2. Day 2

Topic: Bones Date: 22.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

Pupils will be able to Practical: Notebook They will be assessed on

Investigate the chemical nature of bone 5min Biology their understanding of the
To know about the The bone matrix carries most of its mass. It contains large book. HCl, topic bones informally by
amounts of calcium. bones ,Petri
chemical nature of bones Hypothesis: The bone matrix contains calcium.
practical activity
through practical activity. 05 min dishes. observation and recording.
Deduction: If a bone is placed in acidic solution, its calcium will
get dissolved and bone will become porous.
Apparatus: Three rib bones of goat, Petri dish, beaker, 20%
HCl, 20% NaOH, distilled water
Take three Petri dishes and mark them A, B and C. 10 min
Place one rib bone in each of the dishes.
Add distilled water in dish A, HCl in dish B and NaOH in dish
Keep the apparatus as such for 2 hours.
Observation: 15 min
Pupils will Observe the bones in the three Petri dishes.
The bones in Petri dishes A and C do not show any change
while the bone in dish Bbecomes much weaker and porous.
Results: The observation indicates that bone is made of
calcium (in the form of CaCO ). HCl 3 reacts with CaCO and
dissolves it
Homework 5min.

Draw a diagram showing the joints.

Wrap up by the teacher.

Evaluation of Teaching: If you were to teach this lesson again, What would You do Evaluation of Student learning:
differently? Why?
Topic: Biology Date:23.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

Pupils will be able to Revision Notebook Assessment will be based on
Biology Solving of MCQS
To solve MCQS chapeter1.2 Chapter 1, 2 and 3 MCQS Weekly test 5min. book.
and 3 35 min
Questions will be written on the board,

Wrap up by the teacher.

Evaluation of Teaching: If you were to teach this lesson again, What would You do Evaluation of Student learning:
differently? Why?
Week2. Day 4
Topic: MUSCLES AND MOVEMENT Date: 24.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

Day 4
Pupils will be able to Brainstorming about Joints Notebook They will be assessed on
Teacher will write points on the board 5min Biology their understanding of the
To know about the Skeletal Students will focus on book. topic Muscles informally by
muscles. MUSCLES AND MOVEMENT asking questions orally.
Study the antagonistic action Introduction of the lesson by the teacher. 05 min
of a pair of skeletal muscles. movements in bones Feedback session and
Pupils will study about the Skeletal muscles and antagonistic answering short questions.

Explanation by the teacher through flowcharts and model. 10 min


Pupils will make class notes about 15 min

Biceps and Triceps muscles.

4. Explain antagonism in muscle action selecting biceps
and triceps as example

Wrap up by the teacher.

Evaluation of Teaching: If you were to teach this lesson again, What would You do Evaluation of Student learning:
differently? Why?
Week2. Day 5
Date: 25.8.17
Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

Pupils will be able Brainstorming about Skeletal muscles Notebook They will be assessed on
5min Biology their understanding of the
Teacher will write points on the board book. topic DISORDERS OF
Students will focus on SKELETAL SYSTEM
to solve the questions by 05 min informally by asking
applying the knowledge of Introduction of the lesson by the teacher. questions orally.
Pupils will study about the disorders of joints Feedback session and
answering short questions.
Explanation by the teacher through flowcharts . 10 min


Pupils will solve SHORT QUESTIONS 15 min

1. Differentiate between cartilage and bone.
2. What is the role of skeleton in support and movement?
3. How would you differentiate between osteoporosis and
4. Label the biceps and triceps in the following diagrams and
also mention their contracted or relaxed states 5min.


Revise chapter for the test

Wrap up by the teacher.

Evaluation of Teaching: If you were to teach this lesson again, What would You do Evaluation of Student learning:
differently? Why?
Week3. Day 1
SUBJECT: Biology Topic: Homeostasis Class: XM Date 28.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson 40min Assessment will be based on the
pupils will: Notebooks basis of solving subjective
Revision questions
solve objective and Questions will be written on the board. Accuracy of answers according
subjective questions
the Federal Board.
Test Chapter 12 Headings and sub headings.

Solve any four questions.

.1Describe the process of selective re-absorption in the

2. How do the plants excrete extra water and salts from
their bodies?
3. What is the functional unit of the kidney? Describe its
structure and draw labelled diagram.
4. What steps are involved in the formation of urine in the
5. Along with excretion, kidneys also play role in
Osmoregulation. Comment on this statement.
Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:
What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Week3. Day 2

SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Stomata Class: XM Date 29.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson Background information: Students skills of
pupils will: A stoma is an opening through which leaves exchange 10 min Books, understanding the concepts
gases. related to the topic Stomata
The cells of leaves carry out photosynthesis during daytime
Importance of stomata only.
Biology will be assessed through:
The cells of leaves carry out respiration all the times.
15min textbook XM Their participation in
Procedure: the practical activity.
1. Take a thick leaf and peel off a thin layer (epidermis) from
its surface.
2. Place the thin layer in water in a Petri dish. 10 min
3. Cut a piece of the peeled off epidermis and place it in a
drop of water on a glass slide.
4. Pour a drop of methylene blue and place a cover slip on
the material.
5. Observe under the low and high powers of the
6. Perform the same steps by taking the epidermis of leaf at 5 min
night time.
Observation: Observe both epidermis (upper and lower) and
point out the stomata. Count the number of open stomata in
both and compare their numbers. Draw your observation on
the notebook.
1. How many stomata did you observe?
2. What is the structure of guard cells and how does it helps
in the opening and closing of stomata?
Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:
What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Week3. Day 3

SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Reproduction Class: XM Date 30.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lessonStarter: Elicitation session: The teacher will ask general Students skills of
pupils will questions related to the Reproduction 5 min understanding the concepts
Trigger questions related to the topic
Study about METHODS OF What do you understand by asexual reproduction Biology Reproduction will be assessed
ASEXUAL textbook XM through:
REPRODUCTION. Students will stud about METHODS OF ASEXUAL Their participation in
REPRODUCTION. 10min the class
Teacher will write points on the board. discussion( during the
Teachers exposition class discussion elicitation session)
Their responses in the
Teacher will explain in detail about the binary fission 10min review session.
through animation. Written work.

Class work
Understanding the concepts chapter 14
Q1 5 min

Wrap up session.
Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:
What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Week3. Day 4

SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Reproduction Class: XM Date 30.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lessonStarter: Elicitation session: The teacher will ask general Students skills of
pupils will questions related to the binary fission. 5 min understanding the concepts
Trigger questions related to the topic
Study about METHODS OF What do you understand by asexual reproduction Biology Reproduction will be assessed
ASEXUAL textbook XM through:
REPRODUCTION. Students will study about binary fission in bacterium. Their participation in
Teacher will write points on the board. 10min the class
Teachers exposition class discussion discussion( during the
elicitation session)
Teacher will explain in detail about the binary fission in Their responses in the
through animation. 10min review session.
Written work.
Class work

Understanding the concepts chapter 14 10min

Homework 5 min
Learn the glossary chapter 13.
Wrap up session.
Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:
What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Week3. Day 5

SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Reproduction Class: XM Date 30.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson Starter: Elicitation session: The teacher will ask general Students skills of
pupils will questions related to the topic asexual reproduction. 5 min understanding the concepts
related to the topic
Study about METHODS OF Students will study about fragmentation and budding. Biology Reproduction will be assessed
ASEXUAL Teacher will write points on the board. textbook XM through:
REPRODUCTION. Teachers exposition class discussion Their participation in
10min the class
Teacher will explain in detail about the fragmentation and discussion( during the
elicitation session)
budding . Their responses in the
10min review session.
Class work Written work.

Understanding the concepts chapter 14

Q3 10min
How are the natural and artificial vegetative propagations the 5 min
methods of asexual reproduction in plants? .
Wrap up session.
Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:
What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Week 4 Day:1 Topic: Cells(Practical Activity) Class: Date :1.9. 2017

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment
By the end of the lesson Starter Activity: Brain storming Students skills of understanding
pupils will be able to . Recap of previous lesson through mind maps. 3 min the concepts related to the topic
Pupils responses will be taken on the board and will be Cells will be assessed through:
Explore the basic arranged accordingly. Microscope, handling of apparatus,
structure of living Practical Activity. slides cover prepared slides, pair
organisms. Using onion as a specimen. 11 min slips, prepared checking with
Observe plant cell Using the pre-prepared microscope slides to examine, slides , onions drawing of diagram( with
slides and draw pupils will compare and identify structures in iodine provided specimen)
them in their epidermal cells peeled from the inner surface of an solution,
notebooks. onion bulb and stained with iodine solution. 10 min dropper.
Pupils will draw the diagram of onion slides and will label
the nucleus , cytoplasm and cell membrane.
Peer checking
12 min
Students will check and compare the drawing with the
provided micrographs about the structure of the plant
cell in pairs. 1min

Wrap up by the teacher through reflective questions. 3min

Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:
What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

SUBJECT: Biology Topic : COORDINATION AND CONTROL Class: IXM Date:4.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson Revision Students skills of
pupils will: Questions will be written on the board. 5 min Books, understanding the concepts
Be able to solve objective related to the topic
and Subjective questions Test Chapter 12 Biology COORDINATION AND
textbook XM CONTROL
Solve the questions will be assessed through:
1. Identify the two types of coordination in living 35min Assessment will be based on
organisms. the basis of solving subjective
2. Differentiate between the modes of nervous and questions
chemical coordinations. Accuracy of answers according
3. What are the main components of coordination? the Federal Board.
4. Define reflex action and reflex arc. Headings and sub headings.
5. Trace the path of a nerve impulse in case of a reflex
6. Describe the pupil reflex in dim and bright light.
7. How would you associate the role of vitamin A with
vision and effects of its deficiency on retina?
8. Define the terms; hormone and endocrine system.
Subjective questions
Solve any one question.
. 9Describe negative feedback with reference to insulin and
10. Explain how adrenaline may be involved in exercise
and emergency conditions.
11. Enlist the important symptoms and treatments of
paralysis and epilepsy.

Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:

What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

WEEK 4 Day 3

SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Reproduction Class: XM Date 30.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson Starter: Elicitation session: The teacher will ask general Students skills of
pupils will questions related to the topic asexual reproduction. 5 min understanding the concepts
related to the topic
Study about METHODS OF Students will study about vegetative propagation, Biology Reproduction will be assessed
ASEXUAL Parthenogenesis and spore formation textbook XM through:
REPRODUCTION. Teacher will write points on the board. Their participation in
Teachers exposition class discussion 10min the class
discussion( during the
Teacher will explain in detail about the Parthenogenesis elicitation session)
Their responses in the
Students will write in detail about spore formation in 10min review session.
rhizopus Written work.
Update Biology notebook
Wrap up session. 5 min

Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:

What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Week 4 Day 4
SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Practical Investigations Class: IXM Date :6.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson Experiment Students skills of
pupils will: Practical 5 min beaker retort understanding the concepts
Is oxygen produced during photosynthesis? stand related to the topic
Study about the specific Students will place a short-stemmed funnel over some photosynthesis
role of light on Canadian pondweed in a beaker of water. will be assessed through:
Photosynthesis. They will Fill a test-tube with water and place it upside- Setting up apparatus
down over the funnel stem 20min Observation
. (The funnel is raised above the bottom of the beaker to Recording of results.
allow the water to circulate.)
Place the apparatus in sunlight. Bubbles of gas should
appear from the cut stems and collect in the test-tube. 10 min
A control will be set in a similar way but place it in a
dark cupboard.
When sufficient gas has collected from the plant in the
light, they will remove the test-tube and insert a glowing 5 min
Students will write the recordings.
To study the set up page no 124-125
Wrap up session .

Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:

What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

WEEK 4 Day 5
SUBJECT: Biology Topic : Reproduction Class: IXM Date.7.8.17

Objectives Plan (Methodology) Time Resources Assessment

By the end of the lesson Starter: Elicitation session: The teacher will show the Students skills of
pupils will: fungus on bread 5 min Books, understanding the concepts
Students will study about Vegetative propagation related to the topic Vegetative
Study about the specific Biology propagation
role of Vegetative 1. Bulbs textbook XM will be assessed through:
propagation for plant. 2. Corms . Bulbs Their participation in
3. Rhizomes 2. Corms
10min the class
3. Rhizomes discussion( during the
Feedback by the students (onions garlic elicitation session)
Teacher will write points on the board and ginger)
Teachers exposition class discussion
10 min Drawing.
Explanation by the teacher

Class work
5 min
Draw diagrams to show Vegetative propagation

Revise chapter 13 for weekly test

Wrap up session .

Evaluation of Student Learning: Evaluation of Teaching:

What did the children learn in this lesson? If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do
_______________________________________________________ differently?
_______________________________________________________ (Comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)
What did they actually do? _______________________________________________________
Or _______________________________________________________
What were they not able to do / understand? _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

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