Role of Librarian in NAAC

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Role of Librarian in NAAC

Beyond Librarianship for Better Visibility

Dr Suresh Jange
University Librarian & NAAC Coordinator
Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi
Karnataka India

Abstract:- Today Librarianship is an evolving and and future as well and these laws acts as guidelines and
multi-disciplinary in nature with its rich information indicators for evaluation and accreditation process also.
sources both print and online sources to support
learning, teaching, research and extension activities of Accreditation has become a powerful weapon in the
the user community in the networked environment. battle for talent. Competition among higher education
National Assessment and Accreditation Council has institute is reflected in the rising significance and
really given strength and motivation to the Librarians popularity of accreditation that attempt to measure the
and now the Librarians have significant role to play in talent catching capacity. Now a day’s every institution is
IQAC and RUSA activities of university and colleges very much conscious about the dimension and quality of
occupying positions as Director – IQAC, NAAC education which keeps on changing with time, also quality
Coordinator, RUSA Coordinator and also NSS and IT cannot be assessed by a single yardstick. In this context
Coordinators. In this context, an attempt has been made NAAC has developed certain measures for continuous
notify the vibrant role of Librarian(s) in the NAAC improvement of their quality of higher education. For better
process. Discusses the inevitability of Librarians in visibility social reorganization, market acceptability and for
NAAC and Quality Excellence in Higher Education not better competence, accreditation becomes a better option.
confining themselves to just Key Indicator - 4.2
Libraries as a Learning Resource (20 marks), but also II. NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND
to play significant role in other criteria’s of NAAC. ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC)

Keywords:- Quality and Accreditation, NAAC, Role of “To make quality the defining element of higher
Librarian, Revised Accreditation, Framework, Quality education in India through a combination of self and
Indicators, external quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance
NECESSITY National Assessment and Accreditation Council
(NAAC) was established in 1994 as an autonomous
Evaluation of libraries is an essential component and institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC) in
its use of library and information system is one of the major making quality assurance an integral part of the functioning
concerns and an integral part of library and information of Higher Education Institutions. NAAC primarily focuses
science practitioners. It is easily recognized as an important on assessment of the quality of higher education institutions
issue, although it has been looked at or defined variously. in the country for promotion of quality in teaching-learning
Obioma (1986) defines evaluation as “the quantitative and research in higher education institutions.
judgment results from assessment; that is, a value judgment
on quantitative data arising from testing and measurement.” Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) function in a
In a library, evaluation is the process whereby we dynamic environment, the impact of technology on the
systematically collect and analyze information about educational delivery, the increasing private participation in
students’ encounter with the library system, by using higher education and the impact of globalization have
evidence (testing), assigning numerical values to the necessitated marked changes in the Indian higher education
evidence (measurement), and using the results to make system. Higher Educational Institutions have been grouped
decisions. The purpose of evaluation aims to improve the under three categories namely, Universities, Autonomous
delivery of library services by means of testing, measuring Colleges and Affiliated/Constituent Colleges. The
and assessing (evaluation) the effectiveness of a library assessment process will be carried out in three stages viz.,
system is through research. Many organizations, Self Study Report (SSR), Student Satisfaction Survey and
institutions are developing standards to evaluate libraries in the Peer Team Report. Assessment and Accreditation is
the present context. During 1930’s, the father of Library broadly used for understanding the “Quality Status” of an
Science in India Dr. S.R. Ranganathan has developed Five institution (Source: NAAC has
Laws of Library Science (1931) is a classic of library identified the following seven criteria to serve as the basis
science literature which has greater relevance even today of its assessment procedures:

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Curricular Aspects  Student Support and Progression
 Teaching-Learning and Evaluation  Governance, Leadership and Management
 Research, Innovations and Extension  Institutional Values and Best Practices
 Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Metrics Universities Autonomous Colleges Affiliated/Constituent Colleges


Criteria 7 7 7 7

Key Indicators (KIs) 34 34 31 32

Qualitative Metrics (QlM) 36 36 35 36

Quantitative Metrics 79 72 58 60

Total Metrics (QlM + 115 107 93 96


Table 1
[Source: NAAC Manual December, 2019]


INFORMATION CENTRES  Library as a Learning Resource
 IT Infrastructure
It is needless to state that because of emergence of  Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
NAAC has improved the image and importance of college
and university libraries in India by earmarking parameter of The Criterion IV – Infrastructure and Learning
Library. The adequacy and optimal use of the facilities Resources has 100 marks. The University or college has to
available in an institution are essential to maintain the prepare the data in advance with respect to the formats and
quality of academic and other programmes on the campus. data templates as per the quality indicator framework of
It also requires information on how every constituent of the NAAC available in the NAAC manual (NAAC Manual,
institution – students, teachers and staff – benefit from Jan. 2019).
these facilities. The focus on fourth Criteria has four
indicators i.e. Key Indicator – 4.2 Libraries as a Learning Resource

Indicators Weight age

Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) 4
Collection of rare books, manuscripts, special reports or any other knowledge resource for library 3
e – journals, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga membership, e-books &. Databases 2
Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years (INR in 5
Availability of remote access to e-resources of the library 1
Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students (current year data) 2
E-content is developed by teachers 3
(e-PG-Pathshala, CEC (Under Graduate), SWAYAM,MOOCs platform, NPTEL/NMEICT/ and
Institutional LMS
Table 2

As per the latest NAAC guidelines, the Library as a learning Resource Centre incorporated in Criteria four Infrastructure and
Learning Resources has been allotted only 20 marks which accounts to just 2 percent of total marks of 1000 marks involved in
accreditation. Never the less, the Library indirectly has to play significant role in other criteria’s as well and the librarian should
keep in mind that even point 1 percent plays significant in getting better accreditation and hence, the library should ensure to get
20 marks full with their innovation and zeal of professionalism. For this, they need to prepare and keep up to date with the format
designed and tabulate in the format as shown below for the last five years.

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Key Indicator – 4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)

Metric Questions Weightage

4.2.1. Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
QlM Data Requirement for last five years: Upload a description of library with,
 Name of ILMS software 4
 Nature of automation (fully or partially)
 Version
 Year of Automation
File Description:
 Upload any additional information
 Paste link for Additional Information
4.2.2. The institution has subscription for the following e-resources 6
1. e-journals
QnM 2. e-ShodhSindhu
3. Shodhganga Membership
4. e-books
5. Databases
6. Remote access to e-resources

A. Any 4 or more of the above
B. Any 3 of the above
C. Any 2 of the above
D. Any 1 of the above
E. None of the above
Data Requirement for last five years: (As per Data Template)
 Details of membership:
 Details of subscription:
File Description:
 Upload any additional information
 Details of subscriptions like e-journals, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga Membership etc
(Data Template)
4.2.3 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-
journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) 5
QnM Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals
year wise during last five years (INR in Lakhs)
INR in Lakhs
Data Requirement for last five years: (As per Data Template)
 Expenditure on the purchase of books/e-books
 Expenditure on the purchase of journals/e-journals in ith year
 Year of Expenditure:

Expdi= Expenditure in rupees on purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-
journals in ith Year
File Description (Upload)
 Any additional information
 Audited statements of accounts
 Details of annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and journals/e- journals
during the last five years (Data Template)
4.2.4 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for 5
online access)
QnM (Data for the latest completed academic year)

IJISRT20APR352 706

Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 Number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
Data Requirement
 Upload last page of accession register details
 Method of computing per day usage of library
 Number of users using library through e-access
 Number of physical users accessing library

File Description(Upload)
 Any additional information
 Details of library usage by teachers and students
Table 3

Under the Key Indicator 4.2 Library as a learning utilization are important parameters for quality
Resource Centre, the aforesaid questions are just four i.e. accreditation in Library.
4.2.1 to 4.2.4, in these questions, where ever there is a
question to upload the data as per the Data Template, it Kulkarni (2018) discussed Librarian’s role in overall
means the librarians have to collect and prepare the data for NAAC process of the institution in the light of revised
the last five years framework beyond 4.2. Librarian has to play basic two
roles, first as a member of the college team and second one
IV. BEYOND LIBRARIANSHIP IN NAAC: ROLE as a leader of the Library. The areas where he can actively
OF LIBRARIAN TOWARDS QUALITY participates are, Higher Education Institution (HEI)
EXCELLENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Registration, Information for quality Assessment(IIQA)
Submission, Self-Study Report (SSR) Submission,
Librarianship is such a wonderful noble profession Quantitative Metrics (QnM) Assessment For Pre-
that deals with entire gamut of information and knowledge Qualification, Peer Team Visit (PTV) Management
possession, organization and dissemination to the society Process, SSR Qualitative Metrics (QlM) and actual
for empowerment and enlightenment and this profession is Assessment Process by Peer Team (PT).
considered as on par with that of medical profession. This
is mainly because of the fact that doctors cure the disease To justify the multi-dimensional ability of Librarians
with medicines whereas library enlightens the society with as Teacher of Teachers and survival of Librarianship as a
information for betterment of life. Today, the libraries have viable discipline, the role of library and the librarian in
undergone sea of changes due to the impact of information overall NAAC process specifically beyond 4.2 are
and communication technology and the curriculum is more discussed below.
of inter-disciplinary in nature wherein the components of
information technology, management skills and A. Criteria I - Curricular Aspects [150 marks]
psychological aptitudes are essential and preferred for Curriculum evolved by the University/Autonomous
career in librarianship. The librarians equipped with College comprises Programme Outcomes (POs),
technological and management skills are highly preferred Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and Course
not only in academic and research universities or colleges Outcomes (COs), the substantive outlines of courses in
or institutes but also in foreign embassies like British every discipline (syllabus), organizational details of
Council or American Council and corporate world like implementation as well as assessment of student
Infosys, TCS, Wipro etc. Libraries have a pivotal role to performance and thereby attainment of PSOs and COs.
play in realising the dreams of National Knowledge
Commission and Digital India in building vibrant Libraries supports curricular aspects of the institution
knowledge society using information technology to reach by maintaining curriculum of different programs and its
the unreached. supporting documents and upload it on institutional
website. Library can introduce/Support Certificate
The College or University Library’s focus of courses/Diploma course. Librarian can be a Senate
assessment is on the library holdings in terms of collection member, Academic Council member, BOS chairman,
of print and online sources, and other learning materials member etc. thus Librarian can add to the weightage of the
and technology-aided learning mechanisms, usage and institution. Librarian may support in student’s field projects
innovations which enable students to acquire information, and internships. Librarian can also participate in feedback
knowledge and skills required for their study programs. process as he is in touch with maximum students (Kulkarni,
Library automation using the ILMS, use of e-journals and 2018)
books, providing remote access to e-resources in the library
have become a matter of necessity and its optimum

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The curriculum needs to be revised and updated at a greater role to play as Teachers as the UGC in its
regular intervals and hence the Librarian being 543rd meeting held on 9th August 2019 approved two
intermediary has to assist the teaching faculty with its credit courses on “Research and Publication Ethics” as a
rich print and online sources to each department about mandatory for all the PhD students for their course
the emerging concepts, laws and policies of the work irrespective of departments. It is to be noted that,
government and also about the online learning tools. As who else is authority to teach this syllabus as mentioned
a Academic Council member, the Librarian needs to be below, other than Librarians, who are the real
pro-active in supporting the faculty of various Authoritative with their theoretical and strong
departments with its rich resources instead of thinking knowledge base to impart the research skills.
in what way I am connected?.
Syllabus - “Research and Publication Ethics” [2
 University Grants Commission Letter dated December credits and 30 hours]
2019 has given strength to the Librarians that they have

RPE 1 Philosophy and Ethics (3 hours)
RPE 02 Scientific Conduct (5 hours)
RPE 03 Publication Ethics (7 hours)
RPE 04 Open Access Publishing (4 hours)
RPE 05 Publication Misconduct (4 hours) – Group
discussions and anti-plagiarism tools
RPE 06 Databases and Research Metrics
Table 4

 The Library should support the students undertaking Teams (, Hypersay (a
field projects/ research projects/ internship not only platform for live interactive presentations)
supporting with their resources in identifying research,, Google Form
problem, literature reviews, statistical tools etc., but also (For online Quiz/Test)
help the students referring students to various (, Google
universities/ research institutes for carrying out Classroom Teaching and Learning Platform
Internship, which is one of the important component of ( etc.
master degree programme.
 As a Central Facility equipped with Computer systems  Teachers should use ICT enabled tools including online
in network environment should facilitate in obtaining resources for effective teaching and research which are
Students feedback by developing pre-determined mainly facilitated by the University Grants Commission
NAAC questionnaire using tools like Survey Monkey, and free national resources and the Library deals with
Google survey tools etc., and assist the institute and these online resources, should assist and make them
NAAC process in collecting, analysing and interpreting accessible. Developing Institutional repositories by the
for further improvement in the curriculum and learning Library helps in preserving the courseware’s and less
outcomes. plans of the faculty and make them available to the
students community under network environment.
B. Criteria II - Teaching, Learning and Evaluation [200
marks]  Library should assist in creating database as Library has
centralized membership database of users, they will be
 Libraries support students, research scholars and faculty able to create the database of enrolled students and
members in their learning, teaching and research scholars comprising of field like name, class, gender,
activities with their print and online information sources ID, mobile, email and share this data with NAAC for
mainly books, journals, reference sources, e-resources online submission.
under Eshodhsindhu consortia/ NLIST, citation
databases and annual reviews and reports. C. Criteria III - Research, Innovations and Extension [250
 Quality of learning provided in the institution depends
largely on teacher readiness to draw upon such recently The University/ College has the responsibility to
available technology supports and also the initiative to promote research culture and enable faculty to undertake
develop such learning resources to enrich teaching- research projects useful to the society. Further, serving the
learning. Library should indicate and actively support in community through extension, which is a social
developing online class rooms with the existing online responsibility and a core value to be demonstrated by
learning tools i.e. Learning Management systems institutions, is also a major aspect of this Criterion.
namely Zoom Classroom ( , Microsoft

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
of Science or Indian Citation Index databases. Efforts
 Documentation of research policy is essential and it be made to cull out the number of research papers per
serves as a guideline for maintaining code of ethics for teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during
research. Particularly, today the Libraries main task is to the last five years.
ensure quality of research articles and PhD thesis, for
which plagiarism testing is carried out by them. Hence,  Assist and guide the faculty to develop e-content for e-
Plagiarism policy needs to be developed by Librarian as PG-Pathshala, CEC (Under Graduate), SWAYAM ,
a research document as it is mandatory for students MOOCs platform, NPTEL/NMEICT/any other
pursuing M.Phil and PhD degrees in various Government Initiatives and Institutional LMS .
departments of University to check originality of
research work before it is submitted using authenticated  The Librarians are well versed with citation,
anti -plagiarism Software. Code of Ethics for research scientometrics and bibliometric techniques and hence
and the implementation of which is ensured through the they should compile average Citation Index in Scopus/
Inclusion of research ethics in the research methodology Web of Science/PubMed Data Requirements of
course work, presence of institutional Ethics teaching faculty and also to identify the h-Index of the
committees, Plagiarism check and Research Advisory university based on Scopus/ Web of Science – h-Index
Committee and for this Librarian has to play significant of the University.
 IRINS is web-based Research Information Management
 The Library should establish ‘Academic Commons’ (RIM) service developed by the Information and
comprising of different software’s required for Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre in collaboration
departments including general universal applicable with the Central University of Punjab. The portal
software’s like SPSS, Statastika etc., and reference facilitates the academic, R&D organisations and faculty
management tools like Medley, Zotero etc., and thereby members, scientists to collect, curate and showcase the
support research activity of the university. scholarly communication activities and provide an
opportunity to create the scholarly network. The Library
 The Librarians should prepare a list of UGC CARE should develop IRINS database of its university or
journals approved by the University Grants Commission institute integrating academic identity such as ORCID
and educate the academic community and promote the ID, ScopusID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID,
research culture to publish in the UGC approved Google Scholar ID for ingesting the scholarly
journals and also the journals indexed in SCOPUS/ Web publication from various sources.

Fig 1

D. Criteria IV- Infrastructure and Learning Resources based collections, well organized, maintained with
[100 marks] proper retrieval tools is required. The contention of
discussion becomes relevant, only when the library is
 The institution has to provide adequate facilities for centrally attractive and receives appreciation from the
teaching - learning viz., classrooms, laboratories, users, otherwise the role of librarian beyond 4.2
libraries, computing equipment, language labs etc. The becomes mockery.
Library - central hub of knowledge should develop need

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The Library should be automated using any Integrated point to acquire needed information with the state-of-
Library management software and the librarian should the-art ICT facilities for e-information access, Career
ensure that all the activities and services are automated guidance cell with resources, anti-plagiarism software is
with proper OPAC/WEB-OPAC facility to further the used for checking the similarity index of thesis and
efficiency of library system. dissertations, network environment using minimum of
1GBPS (NMEICT) leased line connectivity provides
 Proper documentation is very much required regarding access to e-learning/teaching/research resources and
expenditure towards information sources and maintains provision for Digital Language Lab; STP (Spoken
usage statistics with facilities like remote access, CCTV Tutorial Project), Self Learning packages, Online E-
monitored, Wi-Fi and RFID enabled library system is books, E-journals and Databases under national
highly desirable. Consortia, Citation Database and Gateway Portals –
JGATE Plus, Videoconferencing, Online Courseware’s
 The Library should subscribe/ member of INFLIBNET and Remote access facility. Further user sensitization
services mainly Shodhganga, e-ShodhSindhu consortia and user workshops should become regular calendar of
and subscribe e-books, e.journals and databases. events for optimum use of library sources, facilities and
 The Library, should make sincere efforts to see the
library a “Happening Place” on campus and one stop-

Fig 2
Source: Virtual Learning Resource Centre @ Gulbarga University Library

E. Criteria V- Student Support and Progression [100 available for use needs to be oriented to the students
Marks] (Ex:
 Users are the key to library and library exists to serve ogin].
user's Information needs. The library has to conduct
user sensitization/ user orientation/ user workshops not  The Library has to support students with innovative best
just once in a while but rather at regular intervals practices if awarding Best user award, motivational
pertaining to means of promoting reading habits, conducting
 New service or new technology being implemented exhibitions on various occasions like Librarians day,
 Soft skills Teacher's day, Women's Day, National occasions and
 Skills development program also conduct cultural and sports events for users.
 Use of resources print and online
 Plagiarism tools F. Criteria VI - Governance, Leadership and Management
 Author workshops- Research publication and ethics [100 marks]
 Research productivity and scientometrics etc.
 The Library and its staff should excel their leadership
 The library should support students to build them with ability and contribute in achieving institutional vision in
competitive skills so as to enable them to get through the capacity as a Academic Council Member, IQAC
competitive exam's like UGC-NET, JRF, banking, Coordinator, NAAC Coordinator, IT Coordinator and
Statutory Officer. The Librarian should accept the
insurance, railway, IAS, KAS, IPS, KAS etc and build
separate collections within the Library and preferably additional responsibility entrusted in addition to the
term it as ' Competitive Examination and Information routine duty and should never think it as burden.
Resource Centre'. Further, today, eresources pertaining
to Competitive examinations are made available in
mobile apps and there are also free mobile apps

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Volume 5, Issue 4, April – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Librarian and staff of the library are always part of the subject to certain exceptions. Librarians do not need any
activities conducted for promotion of universal certificate to prove its worth but rather make others to feel
values(Truth, Righteous conduct, Love, Non-Violence the inevitability of Librarians inevitability in NAAC and
and peace); national values, human values, national Quality Excellence in Higher Education not confining
integration, communal harmony and social cohesion as themselves to just Key Indicator - 4.2 Libraries as a
well as for observance of fundamental duties by Learning Resource (20), but also to play significant role in
displaying necessary banner or displays and build the other criteria’s of NAAC as discussed.
national temper.
G. Criteria VII- Institutional Values and Best Practices
[100 marks] [1]. Department of Collegiate Education, Government of
Karnataka (2015). The College Library Manual: A
 Library can show gender sensitivity in providing Guide for LIS Professionals, Bangalore: Department
facilities such as: Safety and Security, Counselling and of Collegiate Education.
Common Room. Library may support green initiative [2]. Feigenbaum, A.V (1994). Quality education and
on the campus by replacing tubes/bulbs with LED bulbs America’s competitiveness, Quality Progress, 27(9),
and go for rain water harvesting. Librarian can promote 83-4.
and participate in Green Practices - Students, staff using [3]. Guidelines on quality indicators in Library and
a) Bicycles b) Public Transport c) Pedestrian friendly Information Services: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
roads, Plastic-free campus, Paperless office, Green has been issued by National Assessment and
landscaping with trees and plants, green library project Accreditation Council (NAAC) (Source:
and waste management.
[4]. Jange, Suresh (2014) Innovative Practices in
 Quality manual of University or institution is the need Academic Libraries of United Kingdom. Journal of
of the hour and there is a need to develop such best Indian Library Association, L(1), 2014.
practices indicating documenting of Library Quality [5]. Kaula, P.N. (1993). Report of the Curriculum
Manual. Library Code of conduct handbook can be Development Committee in Library and Information
prepared for users and also develop a quality Manual Science. New Delhi: UGC.
which serves as a guideline or bible that incorporate the [6]. Krishan Kumar and Sharma, Jaideep (2009). Library
rules and regulations for collection development, and information science education in India. Har-
services, penalties and scope for development of Anand, New Delhi, 2009. p. 72.
libraries. [7]. Kulkarni J N (2018), Beyond 4.2: Librarian’s role in
overall NAAC process of the institution in the light of
 Librarian and Library play major role in making revised framework. IP Indian J Libr Sci Inf
available Braille Software/facilities, in specific and Technol 2018;3(2):67-69
Physical facilities, provision for lift, Ramp/Rails, [8]. National Assessment and Accreditation Council
Braille Software/facilities, Rest Rooms, Scribes for (NAAC) (2019). NAAC Institutional Accreditation:
examination, Special skill development for differently Manual for self study Report Universities, Bengaluru:
abled students. NAAC.
[9]. Obioma G O (1986). Introducing continuous
 One of the Best practices in addition to the `Go Green assessment In Ali, A. (ed.) Measurement and
Library’ is `Library News Café’ service, wherein the evaluation: ACE Series. Nsukka: Institute of
significant news articles pertaining to higher education Education, University of Nigeria. 1986.
be sent to all the faculty by creating the whatsapp group [10]. Sherikar, A., Jange, S., & Sangam, S.L. (2006).
and it may also be extended to the whatsapp group of Performance Measurement of quality services in
students. academic and research libraries in India. IN C. Khoo,
D. Singh & A.S. Chaudhry (Eds.), Proceedings of the
V. CONCLUSION Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information
Education & Practice 2006 (A-LIEP 2006),
Today libraries are not just issue or return of books Singapore, 3-6 April 2006 (pp. 61-67). Singapore:
but have plenty of information sources both in print and School of Communication & Information, Nanyang
online sources to support learning, teaching, research and Technological University.
extension activities of the user community and the [11]. University Grants Commission, New Delhi (2003).
Librarians have significant role to play in IQAC and RUSA Higher Education In India Issues, Concerns and New
activities of university and colleges occupying positions as Directions. Recommendations Of UGC Golden
Director, IQAC/ RUSA Coordinators and also NSS and IT Jubilee Seminars- 2003, New Delhi, UGC.
Coordinators. There has always been counter argument
about the role of librarians claiming teacher of teachers and
we are none to second in the learning, teaching and
research process but at the same time, the teaching
fraternity or management looks in a negative approach,

IJISRT20APR352 711

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