Language Summary 11 - Level 3

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Teacher: Minerva Pons

Bank account
Apology An arrangement with a bank which allows you
to keep your money in the bank and to take
A regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure. some out when you need it.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Action of threatening to reveal a secret about someone,
unless they do something you tell them to do, such as
giving you money. A strong but temporary feeling of liking someone.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Driver’s license Essay
A short piece of writing on a particular subject,
especially one done by students as part of the work for
a course.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Financial advisor Grade
A financial advisor provides financial advice or A level of quality, size, importance, etc.
guidance to customers for compensation.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Internship Student loan
A period of time during which someone works for a An agreement by which a student at a college or
company or organization in order to get experience university borrows money from a bank to pay for their
of a particular type of work. education and then pays the money back after they
finish studying and start working.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

An important event in the development or history of
something or in someone's life.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Regret Turning point
A feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or The time at which a situation starts to change
about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it in an important way.
could have been different and better.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Sabotage An ability to understand, recognize, value, or react to
something, especially any of the five physical abilities to
see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.
The act of intentionally trying to stop someone from
achieving something or to stop something from

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Sleepover Teamwork
A type of party when a young person or a group The activity of working together in a group with other
of young people stay for the night at the house of people, especially when this is successful.
a friend.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Ambitious Argumentative
Having or showing a strong desire and determination Using or characterized by systematic reasoning.
to succeed.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Carefree (im) Mature
Mature people behave like adults in a way that shows
Having no problems or not being worried about they are well developed emotionally.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Naive Pragmatic
Too willing to believe that someone is telling the Solving problems in a sensible way that suits the
truth, that people's intentions in general are good, conditions that really exist now, rather than
or that life is simple and fair. obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Rebellious (ir) Responsible
Difficult to control and do not behave in the way Having the duty of taking care of something.
that is expected.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Selfish Short-fused
Caring only about what you want or need without Quick-tempered. To get angry very easily.
any thought for the needs or wishes of other

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Sophisticated Wise
Having a good understanding of the way people Having or showing the ability to make good
behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and judgments, based on a deep understanding and
fashion. experience of life.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Heartfelt Strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated.
Deeply and strongly felt; sincere.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Blame Borrow
To say or think that someone or something did To get or receive something from someone with the
something wrong or is responsible for intention of giving it back after a period of time.
something bad happening.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Get a paycheck Get a credit card

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Get married Retire
Leave one's job and cease to work, typically on reaching the
normal age for leaving service.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Look something up
To check a fact or get information about something.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Move away Reject
Go to live in another area. To refuse to accept, use, or believe something or

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Hurt Take care of yourself

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Take out a loan Yell
To shout something or make a loud noise, usually
To get money from a bank.
when you are angry, in pain, or excited.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Spend time Stay in touch
An informal parting phrase, used especially with a
person one isn't likely to see again anytime soon.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons Teacher: Minerva Pons
Teacher: Minerva Pons
SHOULD HAVE: A different action was recommended in the past.

• I shouldn’t have yelled at you yesterday. I’m sorry.

• You should have studied, you shouldn’t have played video games all the weekend.

COULD HAVE: Possibilities if something had been different in the past.

• If I had gone to college, I could have gotten a better job.

• She could have won a gold medal if she hadn’t fallen three times.

WOULD HAVE: Imagine a result if something had been different.

• If we had arrived earlier, we would have caught our flight.

• If I had brought my umbrella, I wouldn’t have gotten wet in the rain.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

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