Zebra Pages
Zebra Pages
Zebra Pages
The ZEBRA Battery (Zero Emissions Batteries Research Activity) is a
Sodium Nickel Chloride battery, manufactured in limited volume in
Switzerland for EV applications. It is the only dedicated EV battery in
production in the world today.
The technology was first developed in South Africa during the 1970s
and 1980s. The major development then took place at AERE Harwell,
who then entered joint development with AEG. AEG were later bought
by Daimler Benz and then divested.
The -alumina ceramic electrolyte tube has the cross section of a clover
leaf to increase the surface area available for ion transport between
anode and cathode.
1. From ZEBRA Battery - Material Cost, Availability and Recycling, Dr. Galloway,
Dr. Dustmann, MES-DEA GmbH, EVS 20, 2003.
The Zebra battery will withstand at least 1,000 100% DOD charge/
discharge cycles including any type of partial charge/recharge and is
also marketed by Rolls-Royce for demanding marine applications,
including stand-by power in military submarines and surface vessels. It
is an extremely robust and rugged battery capable of being used in
demanding and harsh environments.
Efficiency Comparison
The major perceived drawback of the Sodium Nickel Chloride battery is
that it is a high temperature technology. The battery has to be
maintained at an internal operating temperature of between 270C and
350C for efficient operation. While the battery is being used, this
causes no energy penalty since the internal resistance of the Zebra
battery coverts resistive losses to heat with 100% efficiency. All batteries
have internal resistance and in all batteries, this internally generated
heat has to be removed by a cooling system to prevent overheating.
Therefore in the case of the Zebra battery, the heat generated during
operation can be used to maintain the temperature.
However, when the vehicle is not in use, the battery will start to cool
down. After about 4 hours, external heat has to be applied to maintain
the temperature. The battery contains a heater which can be powered
by the mains or powered by the battery itself. If the vehicle is left
overnight it can be plugged in to both recharge it and to keep the battery
hot. If the vehicle is left for more than 4 hours in a location without
access to a source of mains power, the onboard DC heater switches on
to maintain the temperature.
The trial has been carried out under the auspices of the Swiss Federal
Office of Energy and monitored independently by the local municipal
Over a two year period, the Peugeot 106 used an average of 25.8kWh
of electricity from the mains per 100 km driven, or 0.41Wh/mile. Over a
These figures for the Renault Twingos equipped with the ZEBRA battery
include use of the battery to heat the car in winter, not a trivial
requirement in Switzerland. In fact, the winter consumption averaged
25kWh/100km versus 20kWh/100km in summer. In addition, the
Twingos were equipped with winter tyres which increase rolling
resistance, while the Peugeot 106s were not. There was no difference
between winter and summer energy use by the Peugeot 106s for these
same reasons.
The thermal energy loss of the ZEBRA battery when not in use is about
90W or 2.16kWh per day. However, in normal use the energy loss will
be lower than this. Even if the vehicle was left unused with the battery
plugged in for an extended period of time, the cost of this electricity to
keep the battery at operating temperature would be minimal - less than
20 cents per day in Europe or the USA and would be equivalent to about
5 - 8 miles driving distance per day.
In normal everyday use, it does not appear that the ZEBRA Battery will
use any more electricity than a NiCad system. There is so much
variation in daily driving habits that the extra energy required to keep the
ZEBRA battery hot does not appear to make much difference to overall
energy efficiency.
$/kWh $/ Battery
Nickel 17.75 376.30
Other Internal 10.53 223.24
Battery Case 9.37 198.65
Cell Manufacture 13.82 292.98
Case Manufacture 9.37 198.65
Controller - 250
TOTAL $1540
The most expensive item in the ZEBRA battery is the Nickel metal used
in the cathode. MES-DEA state that the NaNiCl technology makes much
more efficient use of Nickel than NiMH or NiCd: 1.53kg of Ni is used per
kWh of stored electricity compared to 6.8kg/kWh for NiMH and 3.5kg/
kWh for NiCd. This is partly because the potential of the NaNiCl cell is
2.58V, more than twice the 1.2V of other Nickel systems.
In practice, future Mixed Oxide cathodes using Mn, Ni and Co for LiIon
EV batteries will probably use less Nickel than 2.5kg/kWh but it may still
be the second metal in the cathode after Manganese, so it could be
present in similar quantities to that used in ZEBRA technology.
At current Nickel prices, the cost of the 21.2kWh NaNiCl battery above
would increase to US$1,735, i.e. an end user selling price of $123/kWh.
The other main chemicals used in the ZEBRA battery are Iron, common
salt (NaCl) and the inert mineral boehmite, a form of alumina. These
substances are cheap and available in unlimited quantities. The total
material cost is less than $40 per kWh.
The cost of the case is quite significant, since the battery requires good
thermal insulation. The case is made of a double walled stainless steel
box, containing a vacuum like a Dewar flask to minimise thermal
conduction. However, the cost of the case rises at a lower rate than the
size of the battery, so larger capacity batteries have a proportionately
lower casing cost.
Even at todays high Nickel prices, $130/kWh would be far cheaper than
any competing battery technology, with the possible exception of Lead
1. For comparison with the cost of NiMH batteries, See Cost Analysis on page 80.
The ZEBRA battery must maintain an internal operating temperature of
between 270C and 350C. In operation, the anode consists of molten
sodium. The cathode consists of nickel chloride (or a mixture of nickel
chloride and ferrous chloride) combined with molten sodium
tetrachloroaluminate (NaAlCl4).
The NREL commented that AEG Zebra (as it was then) felt that a
breached cell was very unlikely to release sodium, since any trauma
capable of breaching the cell would also break the ceramic electrolyte,
binding all of the sodium into sodium chloride. No sodium had been
released in any safety tests. However, the report did recommend that
tests should be undertaken to determine if there were circumstances in
which sodium could be released and what the effects would be.
The use of the battery in military and civilian submarines, including its
proposal by Rolls Royce for nuclear submarines, indicates that any
safety concerns have been satisfactorily resolved.
High Temperature
Being a high temperature battery, the Zebra battery uses 90W of power
to maintain its operating temperature if it is not used. The battery is
plugged in to the mains to power an onboard mains heater when not in
use and has a small onboard DC heater for use where mains power is
not available. This requirement to keep the battery hot is not a problem
1. Current Status of Health and Safety Issues of Sodium Metal Chloride (Zebra)
Batteries, D. Trickett, NREL, WW171000, November 1998.
On the other hand, the high temperature of the Zebra battery has the
advantage that the poor cold weather performance of ambient
temperature batteries, especially LiIon, is avoided. The Electric A Class
developed by Mercedes used an oil cooled Zebra battery that could also
provide instant cabin heating in winter. The Zebra Battery was found by
Mercedes to perform equally well in an outside temperature range from
minus 40C to +40C. Standard LiIon batteries are down to 50%
capacity at -20C and experience a further sharp drop off in
performance below that temperature.
If the battery is not required for an extended period, the heater can be
switched off and the battery allowed to solidify. This freezes in the state
of charge and no charge is lost while the battery is frozen. Unlike the
earlier Sodium Sulphur battery, an unlimited number of freeze-thaw
cycles can be performed without damage or loss of capacity. On
thawing the full charge that was in the battery at time of freezing
becomes available again. Therefore there is no self-discharge during
idle periods, unlike NiMH. The battery takes 12 - 15 hours to heat up
after it has frozen.
Recent Developments
In September 2004, MES-DEA started an active commercial
programme to convert the Renault Twingo and Smart Car to electric
propulsion, equipped with the Zebra battery. These vehicles can be
purchased from MES-DEA for about 18,000 euros. The Italian
Government provide a 65% subsidy to people who buy an EV, which
makes the vehicle an attractive proposition for the Italian market.
The Zebra battery has been selected by Th!nk Nordic for their new
Th!nk Public 4 seater EV. The Indian electric car manufacturer Reva
have also selected it for their proposed NXG city electric car. A number
of US bus manufacturers also offer it as an option for hybrid or pure
electric buses. The 3 UK Commercial EV programmes have all selected
the Zebra battery.
The ZEBRA battery has many advantages:
1. Energy density higher or equal to LiIon
2. Lowest Cost of any modern EV battery technology
3. Available, cheap and plentiful materials
4. Resistant to Overcharge and Overdischarge
5. Fail-safe to cell failure
6. Ruggedness
7. High calendar life
8. Undiminished low temperature performance
Its disadvantages:
1. 12 - 15 hours to thaw out after freezing
2. 90W energy loss while not in use