Prevent, Control and Fight Fires On Board

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14.Pencegahan, pengendalian dan pemadaman kebakaran di atas

kapal (Prevent, control and fight fires on board)
1. "A" Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of
preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of a standard fire test held
for how many minutes?
a. 60 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 45 minutes.
d. 15 minutes.
2. *B Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of
preventing the passage of flame to the end of a standard fire test held for:
a. 30 minutes
b. 15 minutes
c. 45 minutes
d. 60 minutes
3. *What type of fire integrity must be provided for an engine control room ?
a. A 60
b. A 0
c. B 15
d. C
4. A fire bulkhead of the "C" class must be constructed of:
a. Non-combustible material
b. Steel or equivalent material
c. Low flame spread material
d. Ignition resistant material
5. According to basic principles regarding fire protection the ship is to be divided
in zones by structural and thermal boundaries. (SOLAS II-2/2.2.1)
a. In main vertical zones
b. In main horizontal zones
c. In main zones according to utilization (Accommodation, Machinery,
d. Main Fire zones in accordance with the ship's fire-fighting system

6. How many separate means of escape are provided from each fire zone above


the bulkhead deck?

a. At least two
b. One
c. At least three
d. At least ten
7. The fire integrity of any bulkhead shall be maintained
a. At the openings and penetrations
b. Only at the continuous/solid part of the bulkhead
c. Up to 5 meters above the deck level
d. Up to 5 meters below the upper deck
8. The superstructure and deck houses of passenger ships carrying more than 36
passengers shall be divided into main vertical zones by
a. Class "A" division
b. Class "B" division
c. Class "C" division
d. Class "P" division
9. The use of combustible material is restricted in the accommodation spaces in
order to:
a. Contain and suppress fire and explosion in the compartment of origin
b. Prevent occurrence of fire and explosion
c. Reduce cost of construction
d. Make the ship light
10. What are class "C" bulkheads?
a. Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials but do
not meet any of the requirements relative to smoke and flame nor
limitations relative to temperature rise.
b. Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can
withstand the standard fire test for 15 minutes.
c. Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can
withstand the standard fire test for 30 minutes.
d. Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can
withstand the standard fire test for 45 minutes.
11. What is class "A" division


a. Bulkhead constructed of steel, suitably stiffened and insulated so as to

be able to meet a prescribed fire test of one hour duration
b. Bulkhead to divide accommodation from the cargo spaces
c. Bulkheads used to divide a vessel in different parts
d. Bulkhead used to divide a ship horizontally
12. What is the maximum length of a fire zone on any deck?
a. 40 meters
b. 30 meters
c. 50 meters
d. 100 meters
13. What kind of measure is the division of the vessel in upright areas by using
thermic and structural separations?
a. It is both a prevention and protection measure
b. It is a prevention measure
c. It is a protection measure
d. It is neither a prevention nor a protection measure
14. What type of construction material should be avoided regarding fire protection
purposes? (SOLAS II-2/2.2.3)
a. All combustible materials
b. All uncovered wooden materials
c. All plastic materials
d. All composite materials
15. Where would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by "A" or "B" class
divisions on a ship?
a. On the Ship's fire control plans
b. On the general arrangement plan
c. On the capacity plan
d. All the mentioned alternatives
16. Which deck is the "bulkhead deck"?
a. The uppermost deck to which transverse bulkheads are carried
b. A deck between two transverse bulkheads
c. The deck on which the transverse bulkheads are resting
d. A deck which transverse bulkheads go through
17. Which of the following is a characteristic that is required for a "class A"

bulkhead or deck?
a. It stops the spreading of smoke and flames during one hour
b. It withstands a temperature of 750 ºC for one hour, with no
c. It is made out of at least 50% incombustible materials
d. It is made out of at least 75% incombustible materials
18. Which of the following statements applies to fire doors in main vertical zone
bulkheads and stairway enclosures in passenger ships?
a. All the alternatives are correct
b. They shall be of the self closing type
c. They shall be capable of being closed from a control station
d. They shall be capable of closing with an angle of up to 3, 5° opposing
19. Which spaces, in regard to fire protection, shall be separated from the rest of the
ship by thermal and structural boundaries? (SOLAS II-2/2.2.2)
a. Accommodation
b. Machinery spaces
c. Cargo compartments
d. Storage rooms for inflammable materials
20. Why are accommodation spaces separated from the remainder of the ship by
thermal and structural boundaries?
a. To provide means of escape for the passenger and crew
b. So that passengers can stay in the accommodation in case of fire in the
engine room
c. To increase effectiveness of the air-conditioning in the accommodation
d. Because it is required by the flag port regulations
1. *As a general rule, what is the minimum flash point of an oil used as a liquid fuel
on board?
a. 60ºC
b. 30ºC
c. There is no limit
d. 10ºC
2. *Besides certain other factors, a BOILOVER takes place:
a. When the container also contains water

b. When the container is nearly full

c. When the product is a combustible liquid
d. If the tank has a floating roof
3. *In which one of the following an oil, the flash point of which only needs to be
over 43°C, may be used?
a. In emergency generators
b. In inert gas generators
c. In the main engine
d. In the kitchen
4. *What are the main components of the atmospherical air?
a. O2: 21% N2: 78% H2O: traces CO2: traces, Rare gases: traces
b. O2: 50% N2: 50% H2O: traces CO2: traces Rare gases: traces
c. O2: 21% N2: 72% H2O: 5% CO2: 2% Rare gases: traces
d. O2: 75% N2: 10% H2O: 5% CO2: 5%, Rare gases: traces
5. *What is the factor that makes the difference between a deflagrating and a
detonating explosion?
a. The speed of the shock wave created by the initial combustion
b. The material which is at the origin of the explosion (powder or gas)
c. The confinement of the place where the explosion occurs (inside or
d. The initial pressure, temperature and moisture content

6. A class "D" fire involves what type of material?

a. Metals
b. Gases
c. Liquids
d. Wood or other carbonaceous material
7. According to European standards (E.N.) fire can be classified…
a. A, B,C,D
b. A, B, C
c. A, B
d. A, B, C, D, E
8. According to their physical state, extinguishing agents may be classified in to:


a. Solid, liquid and gases

b. Synthetic, proteinic, gases and liquid
c. Proteinic and synthetic
d. Solid, proteinic and gases
9. Among the additives used to improve the effectiveness of water in the fight against
fire there are the moisturing ones. What is the task they perform?
a. They reduce the surface tension of water
b. They protect the fuel with a thin covering that holds up the ignition
c. They increase the viscosity of water
d. They protect the fuel with a thin covering that holds up the ignition and
they increase the viscosity of water
10. Fire provokes:
a. Gases, flames, smoke and heat
b. Radiation and smoke
c. Vapours, radiation, gases and flames
d. Vapours, smoke and flames

11. For which of the following groups of substances or materials is the use of water as
an extinguishing agent dangerous?
a. Sodium hydrosulphite , potassium hydroxide, magnesium
b. Wood, rubber, oil
c. Gas-oil, oily rags, synthetic textiles
d. Alcohol, paraffin
12. How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil
a. By smothering and also by providing some cooling
b. By cooling only
c. By smothering only
d. The heat from the fire causes the foam to produce an inert gas which
gradually extinguishes the fire
13. Hydrocarbon gas encountered in oil tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere
containing less than approximately what percentage of oxygen (by volume)?


a. 11%
b. 13%
c. 15%
d. 17%
14. If a fire starts in the fuel tanks of a vessel, the fire will be ?
a. A class B fire
b. A class A fire
c. A class D fire
d. A class E fire
15. In general, what is the best extinguishing agent to put out a class A fire?
a. Water
b. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
c. Dry chemical powder
d. Foam

16. In which ways is heat transmitted?

a. Conduction, convection and radiation
b. Delay, conduction, radiation
c. Gasification, conduction and convection
d. Radiation and gasification
17. The extinguishing agent which can be applied on any fires of class A, B, or C is:
a. Multipurpose powder
b. Sprayed water
c. Halon
d. CO2
18. The fire point is
a. The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that
may burn in contact with oxygen in air, and at which combustion
persists once the source of ignition has been removed
b. The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that
may burn when they are in contact with oxygen in air, when there is a
presence of activation energy; but with no capacity of maintaining


c. A process of chemical decomposition by oxidation-reduction at
unusually high temperature, in areas with slight ventilation.
d. The maximum pressure that will be reached when a given combustible
burns into an enclosed space
19. The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a
flammable mixture with air is known as the:
a. Flash point
b. Fire point
c. Lower explosive limit
d. Threshold limit value

20. The method of extinction by smothering is based on this basis;

a. The fire is extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel
vapours and the oxygen
b. The fire is extinguished by eliminating the heat so as to obtain a
temperature at which the fuel doesn't give off enough vapour
c. Te fire is extinguished by interrupting the chain reaction, as it stops the
transmission of heat by means of the action of chemical agents
d. The fire is extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel
vapours and the hot surface
21. The necessary elements to create fire are
a. combustible, oxygen, heat and chain reaction
b. combustible, oxygen, flames and chain reaction
c. combustible, air, flames and gas
d. heat and chain reaction
22. To maintain a fire, three conditions need to be met: Oxygen, combustible material
and sufficient temperature for combustion. What subject must be removed to
extinguish the fire?
a. Either of the mentioned alternatives.
b. Heat, Oxygen and combustible material.


c. Oxygen.
d. Combustible material.
23. Water is the extinguishing agent which is the most widely employed and its action
as an extinguishing agent is due to a combination of the following phenomena:
a. Cooling, smothering and dispersion
b. Cooling, inhibition and dispersion
c. Smothering and dispersion
d. Smothering and inhibition
24. What are the characteristics of CO2?
a. All the mentioned alternatives.
b. It displaces oxygen.
c. It is heavier than oxygen.
d. It is in itself not dangerous (not poisonous)
25. What class of fire involves gas?
a. Class C fire
b. Class A fire
c. Class B fire
d. Class D fire
26. What class of fire involves liquids?
a. Class B fire
b. Class A fire
c. Class C fire
d. Class D fire
27. What class of fire is a smoldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other
carbonaceous materials?
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
28. What is a polar (liquid)?
a. A liquid that mixes with water
b. A liquid that doesn't mix with water
c. A liquid that emits flammable vapour


d. A liquid that conducts electricity

29. What is flashpoint of an oil or liquefied gas?
a. The flash point for an oil or liquefied gas is the temperature at which it
is possible to ignite the vapour above the liquid
b. The flashpoint is the mixture of oxygen and hydro carbons needed to
have an oil or liquefied gas to burn
c. The flashpoint is the temperature the oil or liquefied gas need for self
d. The flashpoint is the temperature needed to have a oil or liquefied gas

30. What is the minimum necessary condition for the start and permanence of an oil
fuel fire?
a. The temperature is equal to or over the flash point
b. The temperature is below the flash point
c. The temperature is above 250°C
d. The temperature is below 100°C
31. What is the name given to a devastating explosion that may occur when a rigid
container containing a liquefied gas is exposed to a very high *temperature?
32. What kind of fuel will originate a class A fire?
a. a solid (cardboard or wood…)
b. a liquid (gasoline or petrol…)
c. a gas, not under pressure
d. a gas, under pressure
33. What kind of process is a fire?
a. All the mentioned alternatives
b. It is a chemical process
c. It is a process characterised by an emission of heat, light and smoke
d. It is a physical process
34. Which element must be removed to extinguish a fire?

a. All alternatives. It is enough that one of the mentioned elements are

b. Heat
c. Oxygen
d. Chain reaction
35. Which of the following is a combustion reaction?
a. All the answers are good
b. Smouldering fire
c. Open fire
d. Explosion
36. Which one of the following appliances is allowed to burn an oil fuel, the flash point
of which may be a little bit lower than the one used for the main *engine?
a. The emergency generators
b. The inert gas generators
c. The incinerators
d. All the answers are wrong
37. Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is most effective against an open
oil fire?
a. Foam
b. Water
c. Powder
d. Gas
1. *Welding and flame cutting are among the factors which give the highest risk
of fire on board ships. Precaution has to be taken to avoid this risk. Which of
the following safety rules may be regarded as the most important?
a. The welder shall have been instructed in the use of the ship's welding
b. Electric welding plants shall be controlled by a responsible engineer
before use
c. Only holders of welding certificates shall be allowed to carry out
welding on board ships
d. Only use electrodes from a well-known manufacturer
2. *What is the signal actuated by a fire detection system?


a. A visual and audible alarm signal at the control panel

b. An audible signal at the control panel
c. A visual signal at the control panel
d. An audible and visual signal consisting in 7 short signals followed by a
long one
3. *What is the term used to designate the work that may cause heat, sparks or
flames and that cannot be performed if specific compulsory precautions are not
taken in places where nearby flammable products could be present?
a. Hot work
b. Machinery labour
c. Flammable work
d. Specially hazardous work
4. *Which of the following measures should be applied when hot work is to be
undertaken in a harbour.
a. To have a hot-work permit
b. To use only intrinsically safe equipment in the area where hot-work is
c. To maintain a permanent fire watch of at least four persons
d. All the answers are good
5. After smoking, cigarettes should be disposed off as follows:
a. Disposed of in an ashtray, ensuring that it is extinguished
b. Dropped over the side only if you are certain they are extinguished
c. Dropped over the lee side only so that it cannot blow back on board
d. Dropped into a waste bin
6. If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the
following actions is the first to be taken?
a. Raise the fire alarm.
b. Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other
adequate appliances.
c. Call the officer on duty.
d. Check all nearby compartments for survivors.
7. If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room,
what precautions should be taken?


a. Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer in charge.The loop for this
special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot
b. No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire
extinguisher available.
c. Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
d. Disconnect the smoke detector.
8. Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise
that fire break out onboard.
a. Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons
around the fire and join the fire squad
b. Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and
commence fighting the fire
c. Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the
fire squad
d. Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and
commence fight the fire
9. Oily rags and metal turnings:
a. Are a fire hazard because they are liable to spontaneous combustion
b. Are a fire hazard because they generate their own oxygen when ignited
and are therefore difficult to extinguish
c. Are not a fire hazard unless ignited
d. Are not a fire hazard at all
10. On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What
action should you take first?
a. Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location
of the fire.
b. Get the nearest fire extinguisher and then open the door to see what the
situation is.
c. Take a look inside the cabin to see what the situation is.
d. As most people are sleeping, call a friend and ask him to assist in
putting out the fire.
11. One of the checks during the annual Class survey of the UMS functions is


focusing on cleanliness of the engine room. What is the reason for such a
check ?
a. To reduce the general risk of fire in an unmanned engine room.
b. To prevent risk of pollution.
c. To have the engine room looking tidy.
d. To avoid frequent alarms.
12. The aim of fire detection is:
a. All the answers are correct
b. To discover where a fire starts
c. To activate the alarm
d. To begin applying an emergency plan
13. The duty engineer of a UMS ship is approached by a member of the ship's staff,
seeking permission to hang wet working clothes in the engine room to dry. He
a. Not allow the clothes to be hung anywhere in the unmanned machinery
b. Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail anywhere
c. Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail provided there is no electrical
equipment directly below
d. Allow the clothes to be hung over rail next to the warm F.O. service
14. We must clean the spots of oil on hot surfaces because:
a. all the answers are correct
b. They cause fires
c. They imply uncleanness
d. They give off vapours
15. What is the inherent danger in welding/cutting in piping containing freon?
a. Development of nitrous gases?
b. Depletion of oxygen in the air?
c. Depletion of the ozone layer?
d. Development of explosive gases?
16. When at sea, you discover that the bilges in the engine room have a large
quantity of oil residues floating around. What action should you take?


a. Notify Chief Engineer, find cause of leakage, remedy the leakage and
then immediately start to clean the bilges
b. Apply foam to the bilges to minimise the risk of fire
c. Start the fire pump
d. Open the overboard valve and immediately start the bilge pump in order
to draw these residues away from the bilges
17. Which of the following actions will most effectively prevent fire in a cabin?
a. Ensuring that all persons avoid smoking in bed.
b. Request people to refrain from smoking.
c. Removing all ashtrays.
d. Install fire detecting devices.
18. Which of the following are frequent causes of fires in accommodation?
a. 1 Smoking in bed. 2 Covering of electric fires with blankets. 3
Overloading electric plugs.
b. Smoking in bed
c. Covering of electric fires with blankets
d. Overloading electric plugs
19. Which of the following is a precautionary measure to prevent fire in general:
a. All the answers are good
b. Storing rags impregnated with oil in closed containers
c. Cleaning dirty surface
d. Emptying waste bins

20. Which of the following may cause a fire in the accommodation spaces?
a. All the mentioned alternatives
b. Covering electric heaters with blankets
c. Overloading electric plugs
d. Smoking in bed
21. Which of the following measures should rather be considered as a prevention
measure than as a protection measure?
a. Restriction in the usage of combustible materials
b. Availability of an extinction equipment
c. Detection of fire in the area where it has started


d. Provision of an extinguisher in a compartment

1. *You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled compartment wearing a
breathing apparatus. At what stage should you start to make your way out of the
a. Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to
reach your work area. Start to return when you have this amount left
plus a reasonable reserve
b. Wait until the breathing apparatus warning whistle sounds.
c. 15 minutes after starting to use the set as this leaves you with five
minutes air left
d. Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the personnel
outside will be keeping a track of the time you have spent inside
2. A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available
is water hose with spray jet/spray nozzle. How, if at all, should you attempt to
put out this fire using water?
a. The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in a
sweeping motion.
b. Water should not be used on any type of oil fire.
c. Water should be applied to the oil in a single jet only.
d. Water should be applied in a jet to the back of the fire.
3. As a fire fighter, what should you always consider when fighting a fire in a
confined space?
a. The confined space always has six sides
b. The confined space has only four sides
c. The confined space can be considered to have one side only as heat
always rises
d. The confined space has only five sides
4. Before extinction of an electric fire we need
a. To disconnect the power source
b. To confine the area involved in the fire
c. To put out the fire without taking any special measures
d. To know the voltage and wear rubber gloves


5. Fuel oil from a leaking fuel pipe has been collected in a drip tray under the
boiler furnace.The oil is suddenly ignited by a backflash from the boiler
burner.The boiler room is manned and the person present has the choice of
various extinguishers. The fire is purely a surface fire. What would be the
preferable extinguisher?
a. Powder
b. CO2
c. Water
d. Any of the mentioned alternatives
6. Having a CO2 alarm during normal working hours, what immediate action
should be taken?
a. Get out of the engine room as soon as possible.
b. Get into the control room.
c. Awaiting further order.
d. Ignore the alarm.
7. If circumstances permit, how should low expansion foam be applied to oil
burning near a bulkhead of the engine room?
a. The foam should be aimed at the bulkhead behind the fire and allowed
to spread out slowly over the fire.
b. The applicator should be used in a sweeping motion to spread the foam
over the surface.
c. The foam should be applied to the centre of the fire.
d. The foam should be aimed at about 45 degrees upwards so that it can
drop onto the fire
8. In a liquid fire the surface of which is about 100m²,
a. Flames are usually higher than the diameter of the fire
b. the radiated heat can spread to exposures placed 100m away
c. the radiated heat can spread to exposures placed 200m away
d. the radiated heat is lower than the conducted heat

9. In a smoke filled alleyway where will the cleanest air be found, and how should
you proceed out?
a. Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as


b. It will be the same in all parts, therefore I would just leave as quickly as
c. Sit and wait for the rescue party.
d. Towards the upper part, stand as tall as possible and walk out.
10. In case of a fire inside the Acetylene-line in the ac/ox gas welding equipment,
what action is deemed necessary?
a. Close the valves on both the Acetylene and the Oxygen bottles.
b. Close valves on Acetylene bottle(s).
c. Close Acetylene valve in the workshop.
d. Close Oxygen valve.
11. In case of a fire on the line of an oxyacetylene gas-welding equipment, what
action should be taken?
a. Close the valves on both bottles, first the acetylene and then the oxygen
b. Close the valve(s) on the acetylene bottle only
c. Do not close any valve and attack the fire, preferably with powder
d. Close the valve(s) on the oxygen bottle only
12. In case of fire in the switch board, what kind of extinguisant to be preferred?
a. CO2
b. Powder
c. Water
d. Water spray
13. In order to extinguish a fire with a portable extinguisher, we must proceed in
the following way:
a. Maintain a safe distance, apply the extinguishing agent to the base of the
flames with the wind behind us
b. Maintain a safe distance, apply the extinguishing agent to the base of the
flames facing the wind
c. Maintain a safe distance, apply the extinguishing agent to the top of the
flames with the wind behind us
d. Maintain a safe distance, apply the extinguishing agent to the top of the
flames facing the wind


14. In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can
a. Anti-alcohol foam
b. Water
c. Water and foam
d. Sprayed water
15. In the fire fighting of fires of a type C with dry chemical powder extinguishers,
the application is performed
a. in a continuous way so that the powder spray is in the same direction as
the one of the flame
b. as soon as possible, to any point of the fire and in intermittent manner
c. across the flame, sweeping it
d. the chemical powder doesn't extinguish type C fires
16. The engine room is equipped with regular fire hoses and nozzles. What is
important to observe when using water as an extinguisant in the engine room?
a. All the mentioned alternatives.
b. Water may short circuit electrical installation and may be a threat to the
personnel operating the firehose as well as to electrical equipment itself.
c. Water has a clear limitation in fighting an oil fire.
d. To reduce the negative effect of water in an engine room, the spraying
function to be used.The spray function will also give the personnel
operating the fire hose good shelter against heat.
17. The main risk for people when using CO2 as an extinguishing agent in a closed
space is:
a. Air suppression
b. Low temperature at the nozzle
c. Toxicity
d. Reduction of visibility

18. The presence of smoke represents one of the greatest dangers in the fire
fighting. Why?
a. It reduces the visibility, provokes panic, is irritating and may be toxic


b. It hinders communications, causes burns, and provoke panics

c. It refrains the equipment from setting out the fire, and is irritating
d. It only reduces visibility and is very hot
19. The pressure in a flexible fire hose must be set up
a. After it has been laid down
b. Before it is being laid down
c. While it is being laid down
d. All answers are correct
20. What class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other
carbonaceous materials?
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
21. What is the absolutely main purpose with fighting a fire on board?
a. Rescuing of life
b. To put out the fire.
c. To limit the fire.
d. Try to put out the fire.
22. What kind of extinguishing-remedy would you choose to put out an electrical
a. Dry extinguishing remedy.
b. Water
c. Foam.
d. Combination of powder and water.
23. When fighting fire, why shall you never pour water into hot fat?
a. The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away
thus possibly causing severe burns or fire.
b. The fat will stiffen immediately and need reheating.
c. The water will turn into steam and cause the fat to explode.
d. The fat will not be edible any more.
24. Which activity will have the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a fire?
a. Extinguishing attempt is started immediately


b. All possible fire-fighting equipment is brought to the scene

c. All fire-fighting teams are organized as soon as possible
d. Call the Chief Officer
25. Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a
fire in an electric installation (for example the main switchboard)?
a. Powder.
b. Water fog.
c. Sprinkler.
d. Foam.
26. Whilst in the Engine room you hear the CO2 release alarm, what action if any
should you take.
a. Leave the engine room as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind
b. Proceed to the engine control room and call the bridge for further
c. Take no action as it is probably someone testing the system, as the fire
alarm has not been sounded and the engine room is not on fire.
d. As CO2 can not kill you, secure present work and proceed out of engine
27. You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled room, wearing a breathing
apparatus. How would you conduct this search?
a. Carry out a right or left hand search and proceed carefully, feeling the
area in front with the foot and using the back of the free hand to check
the area around.
b. As soon as you enter carry out a right or left hand search by placing the
appropriate hand onto the bulkhead and then follow the bulkhead round
as quickly as possible.
c. Proceed to the approximate centre of the room and then carry out the
search on a circular pattern.
d. Proceed straight ahead to the far bulkhead and then carry out a left or
right hand search as appropriate

28. You are leading a team fighting an interior fire. If you see the colour of the


smoke changing from dark black to grey, what is the most probable reason for
that change?
a. The team is applying water and the temperature is decreasing
b. the temperature inside is increasing
c. the team has started to ventilate
d. the percentage of oxygen is getting below 15%
1. *Could a lift be considered as an escape route from the engine room ?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Yes, if it is constructed with class A materials
d. It depends on the distance of the escape route
2. *Generally speaking, what is the value commonly recognised as the maximum
concentration of CO allowed in the breathing air of a breathing apparatus?
a. 20ppm
b. 40ppm
c. 80ppm
d. 100ppm
3. *Generally speaking, what is the value commonly recognised as the maximum
concentration of oil vapours allowed in the breathing air of a breathing
a. 5mg/m3
b. 50mg/m3
c. 500mg/m3
d. 10mg/m3
4. *Monoammonium phosphate used as a dry powder can be effective on which of
the following type of fire?
a. Solid, liquids, and gases
b. liquid and gases
c. Metals
d. Solid, liquid, gases and metals
5. *What is the minimum capacity of the portable tank of a portable foam
applicator ?
a. 1 litre
b. 5 litres

c. 10 litres
d. 20 litres

6. *What is the minimum volume of air contained in the cylinders of a SOLAS

compliant self-contained compressed-air operated breathing apparatus
a. 1200 litres
b. 1000 litres
c. 1800 litres
d. 2500 litres
7. *What is the only reliable way of checking that the CO2 cartridge in a dry
powder extinguisher is full?
a. Remove the cartridge and weigh it to check that it has the full weight
stamped on it
b. Check if the seal on the extinguisher release handle is intact
c. Weigh the extinguisher and check that it complies with the weight
marked on it
d. All of the alternatives are reliable methods
8. *Which of the following hose lengths corresponds best to the most common
ones found onboard?
a. 20 m
b. 30 m
c. 10 m
d. 5 M
9. *Which of these series of sizes corresponds to the international standard for
a. 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm
b. 5 mm, 10 mm and 20mm
c. 10mm, 20 mm and 30 mm
d. 10 mm and 20 mm
10. Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a CO2 extinguisher?
a. Black
b. Light blue


c. Green
d. Yellow

11. Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a dry powder
a. Blue
b. Black
c. Green
d. Yellow
12. As a general rule, where would you expect to find a portable fire extinguisher in
any space?
a. Near to the entrance to the space
b. There is no such standard practice.
c. Near the middle of the space
d. Under a porthole or window
13. Breathing apparatuses is an important piece of equipment for being able to fight
a fire onboard a vessel. What routine precautions to be observed with regard to
use and maintenance of such equipment?
a. All the mentioned alternatives.
b. That the equipment always to be kept cleaned,checked and bottles are
recharged immediately upon use, and frequently inspected.
c. That personnel that are appointed as smoke divers, primarily are given a
shore based proper basic education and training.
d. That personnel having a beard are not selected as smoke divers.
14. Dry chemical powders extinguish fire by...
a. Inhibition and smothering
b. Cooling and/or inhibition
c. Unfeeding, cooling and/or smothering
d. Cooling and/or smothering
15. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Flame detector
b. Powder handgun
c. Emergency station
d. Locker with protective clothing

16. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. International shore connection
b. Flame detector
c. Vertical fire main
d. Sprinkler installation
17. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Fire main with fire valves
b. Fuel lubricating oil valves
c. Foam valve
d. Section valves drenching system
18. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Area protected by sprinkler
b. Area protected by drenching system
c. Area protected by Halon 1301
d. Sprinkler installation
19. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Area protected by halon
b. Halon horn
c. Heat detector
d. Portable fire extinguisher with halon
20. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Heat detector
b. Foam release station
c. Powder installation
d. Bilge pump
21. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. A class fire door self closing
b. Closing appliance for exterior door
c. Foam valve
d. B class fire door self closing

22. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. B class fire door self closing

b. A class fire door self closing

c. C class fire door self closing
d. D class fire door self closing
23. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Gas detector
b. Emergency fire pump
c. Fire pump
d. Fire control plan
24. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. CO2 horn
b. Area protected by CO2
c. CO2 portable fire extinguisher
d. Gas detector
25. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Sprinkler horn
b. Halon horn
c. Water monitor gun
d. CO2 horn
26. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Manually operated call point
b. Fire alarm panel
c. Fire station
d. Water fog applicator
27. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Portable fire extinguisher
b. Wheeled fire extinguisher
c. Fire alarm
d. None of the above

28. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. Remote controlled fire pumps
b. Foam release station
c. Powder handgun
d. Hose box

29. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. Foam release station
b. Remote controlled fire pumps
c. CO2 battery
d. International shore connection
30. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Primary means of escape
b. Secondary means of escape
c. B class fire door
d. Powder release station
31. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Portable foam applicator
b. Powder installation
c. Portable fire extinguisher
d. Foam installation
32. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Smoke detector
b. Hose box with spray set
c. Powder hose and handgun
d. Hose box
33. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Secondary means of escape
b. Primary means of escape
c. Main vertical
d. A class division

34. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. Wheeled fire extinguisher
b. Portable fire extinguisher
c. Emergency generator
d. Fire pump
35. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Push button for fire alarm
b. Foam nozzle

c. Gas detector
d. Heat detector
36. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Fire station
b. Flame detector
c. Fire pump
d. Smoke detector
37. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Foam monitor gun
b. Water monitor gun
c. Powder handgun
d. Powder hose and handgun
38. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Space protected by foam
b. Foam valve
c. Flame detector
d. Fire pump
39. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Sprinkler section valve
b. Fire alarm panel
c. Area protected by sprinkler
d. Fire pump

40. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. Fire alarm panel
b. CO2 battery
c. Sprinkler horn
d. Hose box
41. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Area protected by CO2
b. CO2 horn
c. CO2 battery
d. Portable fire extinguisher
42. Give the meaning of the following symbol

a. A class division
b. B class division
c. C class division
d. Primary means of escape
43. Give the meaning of the following symbol
a. Foam installation
b. Sprinkler installation
c. Portable foam installation
d. Powder installation
44. How do the extinguishing agents act?
a. by cooling, smothering, combustible suppression, inhibition
b. by cooling, smothering, dilution with water and/or ventilation
c. by inhibition
d. by ignition suppression
45. Identify this symbol:
a. Emergency fire pump?
b. Fire escape route?
c. Bilge pump?
d. Gas detector?

46. In general what is the proportion of concentrate to water to produce foam?

a. Between 3% and 6%
b. Between 50 and 100%
c. This operation is done automatically and in relation to the foam
d. over 100%
47. Proteinic foams have the feature of being?
a. Of low expansion, viscous and solid, easily contaminated by
b. Of high expansion, made of tense-active compounds
c. Of high expansion, not easily contaminated by hydrocarbons
d. Of low expansion, not easily contaminated by hydrocarbons
48. The basic components of the self-contained breathing apparatus are…
a. Mask, bottle, frame, medium pressure valve and low pressure valve


b. Mask, bottle, frame

c. Mask, bottle, frame , safety valve
d. Mask, bottle, frame; low pressure valve
49. The effectiveness of CO2 as an extinguishing agent is based on:
a. Combustion suppression
b. Inhibition and combustion suppression
c. Cooling and inhibition
d. Dilution, cooling and inhibition
50. The effectiveness of foam is based on:
a. smothering and cooling
b. smothering and dispersion
c. Inhibition
d. Dilution
51. What are the components of the personal equipment of the fireman's outfit
a. All the items mentioned
b. Protective clothing to protect the skin from heat, burns and scalding
c. Boots and gloves of rubber
d. A rigid helmet, an electric safety lamp and an axe

52. What are the main basic components of a portable extinguisher?

a. The container, the extinguishing agent, the impulsion system
b. The shooting nozzle, the seal, the safety valve
c. The seal, the pressure gauge, the extinguishing agent, the safety pin
d. The container, the hose, the safety pin
53. What are the three diameters of fire hoses most commonly found on ships?
a. 25, 45, or 70 mm
b. 10, 50 or 85 mm
c. 17, 43 or 74 mm
d. 50, 74 or 100 mm
54. What is the "international shore connection" used for?
a. To connect the ship fire main to the shore lines
b. To connect the cargo hoses to the shore
c. To connect the bunker hoses to the shore


d. To connect the ship fresh water hoses to the shore

55. What is the main advantage of a positive pressure breathing apparatus?
a. If the face mask has a leak toxic fumes/smoke would still not enter the
b. The positive pressure makes it easier to breathe when working hard
c. It ensures a constant supply of air
d. It is less complicated and cheaper than a breathing apparatus of the
demand type
56. What is the main criterion generally taken into account to classify portable
a. The extinguishing agent
b. The way they can be moved
c. Their capacity of charge
d. Their pressurisation system
57. What is the most common fixed fire fighting extinguishing system fitted in an
engine room?
a. A carbon dioxide (CO2) system
b. A chemical powder system
c. An halogenated hydrocarbon system
d. A pressure water-spraying system
58. What type of nozzles for fire hoses can be provided aboard ships?
a. Dual purpose (jet/spray) type incorporating a shutoff
b. Jet type only, incorporating a shutoff
c. Spray type only, incorporating a shutoff
d. All of the above types can be provided
59. What types of fire extinguishers shall be used in the engine room?
a. Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.
b. Fire extinguishers of the handy-size types only.
c. Fire extinguishers filled with fresh water only.
d. Any fire extinguisher with a weight of less than 100 lbs.
60. Where is the International Shore Connection to be stored?
a. Easy accessible by the gangway
b. In the engine room


c. In the accommodation
d. Together with the cargohoses
61. Which one of the following is a limitation on the use of chemical powders?
a. All the below mentioned alternatives
b. In some cases they may cause a violent reaction on combustible metals
such as sodium
c. They may put an insulating deposit on electronic equipment
d. Some of them may give off NH3
62. Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is most effective against an
open oil fire?
a. Foam.
b. Water.
c. Powder.
d. Gas.


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