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a. Edge species
b. Keystone species
c. Endemic species
d. Foster species
Ans. a
Ans. d
Ans. d
b. Transport planning
d. All of these
Ans. d
a. Air pollution
b. Soil pollution
c. Water pollution
d. Soil erosion
Ans. c
a. Edge species
b. Endemic species
c. Endangered species
d. Keystone species
Ans. b
a. Industrialisation
b. Agriculture
c. Nature
d. Urbanisation
Ans. c
a. Air
b. Water
c. Land
Ans. d
9. The term ‘Environment’ has been derived from the French word which means to encircle or surround
a. Environ
b. Oikos
c. Geo
d. Aqua
Ans. a
10. Biosphere is
b. The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of the earth comprising of all the living things
c. The sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all the spheres
Ans. b
a. Volume
b. Weight
c. Density
d. All of these
Ans. b
a. Greek
b. French
c. Spanish
d. English
Ans. b
a. pressure
b. humidity
c. temperature
Ans. d
b. 5th June
c. 18th July
d. 16th August
Ans. b
15. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
a. air pollution
b. water pollution
c. soil degradation
Ans. d
c. balance between human needs and the ability of earth to provide the resources
Ans. c
17. The most important remedy to avoid negative impact due to industrialisation is
Ans. c
a. Social economic development which optimizes the economic and social benefits available in the
present, without spoiling the likely potential for similar benefits in the future
b. Reasonable and equally distributed level of economic well being that can be perpetuated continually
c. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future
generations to meet their own needs
Ans. c
a. Water pollution
b. Soil degradation
c. Water logging
Ans. b
a. Organic matter
b. Plant nutrients
c. Both a and b
Ans. a
c. Erosion of soil
Ans. b
a. Submerged forest
Ans. d
a. Plant trees
b. Halt deforestation
c. Control pollution
Ans. d
b. is a study of bio-physical characteristics of the environment that may result from a human action
c. Both a and b
Ans. b
25. Which of the following is the most environmental friendly agricultural practice?
b. Using insecticides
c. Organic farming
Ans. c
a. Producer
Ans. b
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. Chlorophyll
Ans. c
a. Green plants
b. Sun
c. Inorganic nutrients
d. Animals
Ans. b
29. A group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the same time refers to a
a. Community
b. Species
c. Population
d. Consumers
Ans. c
30. Which of these organisms has a diet consisting only of plant matter
a. Omnivores
b. Carnivores
c. Herbivores
d. Insectivores
Ans. c
a. Decomposer
b. Predator
c. Consumer
d. Human
Ans. a
a. Phytoplankton
b. Zooplanktons
c. Fishes
d. Benthos
Ans. b
33. Which of the following can act as a pioneer species in a xerach succession
a. Lichens
b. Humans
c. Herbs
d. Animals
Ans. a
a. Bidirectional
b. Unidirectional
c. Multidirectional
d. All rounds
Ans. c
35. Which of the following is an example of a man-made ecosystem
a. Tissue culture
b. Herbarium
c. Aquarium
d. Forest
Ans. c
a. Inverted
b. Upright
c. Linear
d. Irregular
Ans. b
d. Over population
Ans. c
a. Herbivores
b. Primary consumers
c. Secondary consumer
d. Producers
Ans. a
39. Which of these belong to the category of primary consumers in grazing food chain
a. snakes and frogs
Ans. d
40. The pyramid of energy is always upright for any ecosystem, this situation indicates that
Ans. d
a. Pyramid of numbers
b. Pyramid of biomass
c. Pyramid of energy
Ans. c
a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Carbon cycle
c. Sulphur cycle
d. Phosphorus cycle
Ans. d
43. Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra regions are the examples of
a. Biomes
b. Biogeographically regions
c. Ecosystems
d. Biospheres
Ans. c
a. Lake
b. Pond
c. Grasslands
d. Forests
Ans. d
a. Climax
b. Pioneer
c. Sere
d. Carnivores
Ans. a
46. Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area at any given time is called
a. Standing state
b. Standing crop
c. Humus
d. Detritus
Ans. b
a. Dry areas
b. Bare area
c. Wetter areas
Ans. c
a. Producer
Ans. b
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. Chlorophyll
Ans. c
a. Green plants
b. Sun
c. Inorganic nutrients
d. Animals
Ans. b
51. A group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the same time refers to a
a. Community
b. Species
c. Population
d. Consumers
Ans. c
52. Which of these organisms has a diet consisting only of plant matter
a. Omnivores
b. Carnivores
c. Herbivores
d. Insectivores
Ans. c
a. Decomposer
b. Predator
c. Consumer
d. Human
Ans. a
a. Phytoplankton
b. Zooplanktons
c. Fishes
d. Benthos
Ans. b
55. Which of the following can act as a pioneer species in a xerach succession
a. Lichens
b. Humans
c. Herbs
d. Animals
Ans. a
a. Bidirectional
b. Unidirectional
c. Multidirectional
d. All rounds
Ans. c
a. Tissue culture
b. Herbarium
c. Aquarium
d. Forest
Ans. c
a. Inverted
b. Upright
c. Linear
d. Irregular
Ans. b
d. Over population
Ans. c
60. In a pyramid of numbers in grassland ecosystems, the largest population is that of
a. Herbivores
b. Primary consumers
c. Secondary consumer
d. Producers
Ans. a
61. Which of these belong to the category of primary consumers in grazing food chain
Ans. d
62. The pyramid of energy is always upright for any ecosystem, this situation indicates that
Ans. d
a. Pyramid of numbers
b. Pyramid of biomass
c. Pyramid of energy
Ans. c
b. Carbon cycle
c. Sulphur cycle
d. Phosphorus cycle
Ans. d
65. Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra regions are the examples of
a. Biomes
b. Biogeographically regions
c. Ecosystems
d. Biospheres
Ans. c
a. Lake
b. Pond
c. Grasslands
d. Forests
Ans. d
a. Climax
b. Pioneer
c. Sere
d. Carnivores
Ans. a
68. Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area at any given time is called
a. Standing state
b. Standing crop
c. Humus
d. Detritus
Ans. b
a. Dry areas
b. Bare area
c. Wetter areas
Ans. c
a. Producer
Ans. b
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. Chlorophyll
Ans. c
a. Green plants
b. Sun
c. Inorganic nutrients
d. Animals
Ans. b
73. A group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the same time refers to a
a. Community
b. Species
c. Population
d. Consumers
Ans. c
74. Which of these organisms has a diet consisting only of plant matter
a. Omnivores
b. Carnivores
c. Herbivores
d. Insectivores
Ans. c
a. Decomposer
b. Predator
c. Consumer
d. Human
Ans. a
a. Phytoplankton
b. Zooplanktons
c. Fishes
d. Benthos
Ans. b
77. Which of the following can act as a pioneer species in a xerach succession
a. Lichens
b. Humans
c. Herbs
d. Animals
Ans. a
a. Bidirectional
b. Unidirectional
c. Multidirectional
d. All rounds
Ans. c
a. Tissue culture
b. Herbarium
c. Aquarium
d. Forest
Ans. c
a. Inverted
b. Upright
c. Linear
d. Irregular
Ans. b
d. Over population
Ans. c
a. Herbivores
b. Primary consumers
c. Secondary consumer
d. Producers
Ans. a
83. Which of these belong to the category of primary consumers in grazing food chain
Ans. d
84. The pyramid of energy is always upright for any ecosystem, this situation indicates that
Ans. d
85. Which of the ecological pyramid is always upright
a. Pyramid of numbers
b. Pyramid of biomass
c. Pyramid of energy
Ans. c
a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Carbon cycle
c. Sulphur cycle
d. Phosphorus cycle
Ans. d
87. Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra regions are the examples of
a. Biomes
b. Biogeographically regions
c. Ecosystems
d. Biospheres
Ans. c
a. Lake
b. Pond
c. Grasslands
d. Forests
Ans. d
b. Pioneer
c. Sere
d. Carnivores
Ans. a
90. Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area at any given time is called
a. Standing state
b. Standing crop
c. Humus
d. Detritus
Ans. b
a. Dry areas
b. Bare area
c. Wetter areas
Ans. c
a. Oil
b. Coal
c. Natural gas
Ans. b
a. Water
b. Wind
c. Solar
d. Fossil
Ans. c
a. Methane
b. Propane
c. Butane
d. Carbon dioxide
Ans. a
Ans. b
a. Methane
b. Ethane
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Carbon monoxide
Ans. d
a. Anthracite
b. Lignite
c. Peat
d. Bitumen
Ans. c
a. Freon
b. Teflon
c. Ethanol
d. Benzol
Ans. a
b. Global warming
Ans. d
b. Deforestation
Ans. d
101. Resources which are directly derived from nature are referred to as
a. Organic resources
b. Natural resources
Ans. b
102. Resources that take too long a period of time to be used as a resource are called as
a. Renewable resource
b. Non-renewable resource
c. Exhaustible resource
d. Inexhaustible resource
Ans. d
103. The fossil fuel that is derived from the dead remains of plants that grew some 250 million years ago
a. Petroleum
b. Natural gas
c. Coal
d. LPG
Ans. c
104. A resource that cannot be replaced in a reasonably short time is usually referred to as
a. Renewable
b. Non-renewable
c. Natural
d. Man made
Ans. b
105. Man made resources are alternative to natural resources for a variety of reasons. Which of these
would not be one of those?
Ans. c
a. Coal
b. Oil
c. Natural gas
d. Uranium
Ans. d
107. A liquid fuel that was formed from the ancient remains of sea plants and animals is
a. Natural gas
b. Petroleum
c. Geothermal energy
d. Coal
Ans. b
a. Solar energy
b. Wind energy
c. Tidal energy
d. Water energy
Ans. a
a Natural gas
b. Geothermal
c. Petroleum
d. Terrathermal
Ans. b
111. A coal deposit that is not economical to mine today would be considered part of our ___________
a. Coal reserves
b. Coal resources
c. Coal reservoirs
d. None of these
Ans. a
112. Which out of the following are the causes of soil erosion?
a. Unrestricted grazing
b. Over cultivation
c. Deforestation
Ans. d
113. The process of restoring forests that once existed but was removed at some time in the past is
known as
a. Afforestation
b. Reforestation
c. Deforestation
d. None of these
Ans. b
114. Red data book contains data of
c. Threatened species
Ans. c
a. Morges, Switzerland
b. Paris, France
c. Vienna, Austria
Ans. a
a. Mangroves
b. Temperate forest
c. Taiga
d. Coral reefs
Ans. d
a. Habitat pollution
b. Over exploitation
c. Habitat destruction
Ans. c
118. Dodo is
a. Endangered species
b. Rare species
c. Extinct species
d. Exotic species
Ans. c
a. Endangered
b. Rare
c. Extinct
d. Exotic
Ans. a
a. Ex-situ conservation
b. In-situ conservation
c. Ex-vivo conservation
d. In-vivo conservation
Ans. b
121. Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?
a. Zoo
b. National Park
d. Biosphere Reserve
Ans. a
a. Zoo
b. Botanical Garden
c. Germplasm Bank
Ans. d
a. Rareism
b. Endemism
c. Diversity
Ans. c
a. Rare species
c. Cosmopolitan in distribution
d. None of these
Ans. b
125. Which one of the following has the maximum genetic diversity in India?
a. Tea
b. Teak
c. Mango
d. Wheat
Ans. c
a. Sundarbans
b. Western Ghats
c. Eastern Ghats
d. Gangetic plains
Ans. b
a. Convergent evolution
b. Adaptive radiation
c. Connecting link
d. Industrial melanism
Ans. b
a. Mammals
b. Fishes
c. Reptiles
d. Birds
Ans. b
Ans. a
a. Ecological disturbance
b. Ecological degradation
c. Pollution
d. Catastrophe
Ans. b
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Methane
c. Butane
d. Propane
Ans. b
a. Sulphur dioxide
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Carbon monoxide
Ans. a
a. Alum
b. Fluorine
c. Chlorine
d. Oxygen
Ans. c
a. Nitrogen
b. Sulphur
c. Carbon
d. Hydrogen
Ans. b
135. Which of the following does not causes air pollution when used for heating purposes
a. Coal
b. Petrol
c. Kerosene
d. Solar energy
Ans. d
136. pH of rainwater is
a. 5-6
b. 6-7
c. 7-8
d. 8-9
Ans. a
a. Carbon monoxide
b. Ethane
c. Methane
d. Carbon dioxide
Ans. a
a. Chlorine
b. Alum
c. Borax
d. DDT
Ans. a
139. Green house effect is linked to
a. Nitrogen oxides
b. Sulphur dioxides
c. Carbon dioxides
d. Carbon monoxides
Ans. c
a. PVC
b. Polystyrene
c. Polyvinyl alcohol
d. Polypropylene
Ans. d
a. Fog
b. Smog
c. Smoke
d. None of these
Ans. b
Ans. a
Ans. d
a. Water pollution
b. Thermal pollution
c. Marine pollution
Ans. b
a. Acid rain
b. Global warming
c. Ozone depletion
Ans. a
Ans. d
a. Eutrophication
b. Biomagnification
c. Bioaccumulation
d. Bioconcentration
Ans. b
148. Pollutants that are easily manageable and decomposable in nature are called
a. Biodegradable pollutants
b. Non-biodegradable pollutants
c. Renewable pollutants
d. None of these
Ans. a
c. Ozone layer
d. Oxygen layer
Ans. c
a. Bryophytes
b. Pteridophytes
c. Lichens
d. Algae
Ans. c
Ans. b
a. Highly polluted
b. Highly clean
c. Highly productive
Ans. a
153. Which gas is responsible for ozone layer depletion around earth?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Chlorofluorocarbons
c. Oxygen
d. Nitrogen oxide
Ans. b
c. It is an agreement among countries to take steps for planting trees to control pollution.
Ans. a
a. Hearing loss
b. Hypertension
c. Cardiovascular effects
d. All of the above
Ans. d
a. Hertz
b. Joule
c. Decibel
d. Seconds
Ans. c
a. Soil erosion
b. Water logging
c. Deforestation
d. Desertification
Ans. c
a. Water vapors
b. Nitrogen oxides
c. Sulphur oxides
Ans. d
a. Nitrogen
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Noble gases
d. Hydrogen
Ans. b
160. Which country has organized its cabinet meeting under the sea to drag attention of the world
towards the Global Warming and its threats?
a. Maldives
b. Sri Lanka
c. Fiji
d. Indonesia
Ans. a
b. Radioactive effect
c. Solar effect
d. Nuclear effect
Ans. a
a. CFCs
b. Methane
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Water vapor
Ans. c
163. Which of the following statements regarding the greenhouse effect has the lowest degree of
a. Addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere results in increased heat energy in the atmosphere
d. The concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing due to human activities.
Ans. b
a. Methane
b. Ozone
c. Water vapor
d. Carbon dioxide
Ans. c
165. The two major impacts expected as a result of rising global temperatures are
a. Higher water levels in lakes and streams but more consistent flooding patterns
Ans. b
b. Burning forests
d. All of these
Ans. a
167. The solar radiation that bounces off the earth back towards the atmosphere is mostly
a. Gamma radiation
b. X-ray radiation
c. Ultraviolet radiation
d. Infrared radiation
Ans. d
168. Things you can do to decrease global warming include
b. Turn off your light when you are not using them.
Ans. d
169. Excess atmospheric carbon dioxide increases green house effect as carbon dioxide
Ans. b
170. Which of the following is not a potential adverse effect of global warming?
b. Retreat of glaciers
Ans. d
171. Which of the following processes adds to the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
b. Photosynthesis
c. Respiration
d. Deforestation
Ans. b
172. Which is the only country who has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol yet?
a. United States
b. Australia
c. Japan
d. India
Ans. a
a. 3rd January
b. 16th September
c. 10th November
d. 26th March
Ans. b
a. Troposphere
b. Mesosphere
c. Thermosphere
d. Stratosphere
Ans. d
175. Which one of the following gases can deplete the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere?
a. Methane
b. Ammonia
c. Carbon tetrachloride
d. Sulphur dioxide
Ans. c
a. Carbon monoxide
b. CFCs
c. Coal burning
d. Methane
Ans. b
a. India
b. Europe
c. Antarctica
d. Africa
Ans. c
178. Increasing skin cancer and high mutation rate are the result of
a. Global warming
b. Ozone depletion
c. Acid rain
d. Pollution
Ans. b
Ans. c
a. Decibels
b. Dobson unit
c. Meter
d. Armstrong unit
Ans. b
a. Chlorine
b. Fluorine
c. Carbons
d. Nitrogen peroxide
Ans. a
182. In the breakdown of the ozone layer, the ozone (O3) directly reacts with
a. Ultraviolet light
b. Chlorine atoms
c. Oxygen atoms
d. CFC molecules
Ans. b
a. Individual in a family
b. Individuals in a species
c. Communities in an ecosystem
d. Species in a community
Ans. b
184. The main cause of world population growth in 18th and 19th centuries was
c. Industrial revolution
d. None of these
Ans. c
185. What is most important factor for the success of animal population?
a. Natality
b. Adaptability
c. Interspecies activity
d. Unlimited food
Ans. b
a. Horizontal line
b. L-shaped curve
c. J-shaped curve
d. Parabola curve
Ans. c
187. The main factors contributing to the decline in death rate in 20th century were
Ans. b
a. 5.1 billion
b. 2.1 billion
c. 6 billion
d. 8 billon
Ans. c
a. Stable
b. Increasing
c. Decreasing
d. Not changing
Ans. b
b. No environment resistance
d. No biotic potential
Ans. b
191. The disease which wiped out 33% of population of Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries was
a. Cholera
b. Meningitis
c. Plague
d. Diphtheria
Ans. c
a. Mutation
b. Gene flow
c. Genetic drift
d. Natural selection
Ans. c
193. Which of the following is a problem not associated with population growth?
b. Environmental pollution
d. None of these
Ans. d
a. Birth rate
b. Carrying capacity
c. Fertility rate
d. Biotic potential
Ans. d
195. The concept that “population increases geometrically while food supply increases arithmetically”
was given by
a. Stuart Mill
b. Charles Darwin
c. Adam Smith
d. Thomas Malthus
Ans. d
Ans. d
b. Natality
c. Mortality
d. Limiting resources
Ans. d
b. Mosquito bites
c. Blood transfusion
d. Breast feeding
Ans. d
a. Pollution
b. Population explosion
c. Nuclear proliferation
d. Natural calamities
Ans. b
a. 500 years
b. 300 years
c. 400 years
d. 150 years
Ans. d
201. Study of trends in human population growth and prediction of future growth is called
a. Demography
b. Psychology
c. Biography
d. Kalography
Ans. a
202. One of the critical mechanism by which the environment controls population of species is
a. Spread of disease
b. Removal of excreta
c. Supply of food
Ans. d
203. If the rate of addition of new member’s increases with respect to the individual lost of the same
population, then the graph obtained has
a. Decline growth
b. Zero growth
c. Exponential growth
d. None of these
Ans. c
a. Natality
b. Mortality
c. Immigration
d. Emigration
Ans. a
205. The zero population growth due to equal birth and death rates is called
a. Fertility rate
b. Replacement level
c. Natural increase
d. Demographic transition
Ans. d
a. High infant mortality, low fertility, young age distribution and uneven population growth
b. High fertility, high density, high mortality rate and young age distribution
c. High fertility, falling mortality rate, rapid population growth and young age distribution
d. High density, high mortality, uneven population growth and very old age distribution
Ans. c
a. D = S(size) / W(weight)
b. D = S(space) / N(number)
c. D = N(number) / S(space)
Ans. c
a. Biotic potential
b. Carrying capacity
c. Natality
d. Reproductive potential
Ans. b
a. Population
b. Community
c. Tribe
d. Density
Ans. a
210. In India, human population has higher number of younger age group because of
Ans. b
211. July 11 is
Ans. b
a. Growth rate
b. Conception rate
c. Reproduction rate
Ans. d