Additional 2M Chemistry 1st Year PDF

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1) What can we do to reduce the rate of global warming?

The rate of global warming is reduced by:
a) Minimize the use of automobiles
b) Avoid burning of fossil fuels.
c) Plant more trees to increase the green cover.
d) Minimize the usage of CFC’s.
2) What is classical smog? and what is its chemical character ( Oxidizing /
The mixture of smoke, fog and SO2 is called classical smog. It exists in cool humid climate.
The chemical character of classical smog is reducing character. Hence it is also called as reducing

3) What is PAN ? What effect is caused by it?

Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate is called as PAN.
1) It causes photochemical smog.
2) It is a powerful eye irritant.
4) What is Eutrophication?
Drying up of ponds and lakes due to excess growth and decay of algae by over nutritious
substances like nitrates, phosphates are called eutrophication.
5) What is Bio-amplification?
The process of increase in concentration of pollutants in higher animals over the time from lower
animals through food chain is called Bio-amplification.
Ex: Minamata disease
6) What is ozone hole? Where it was first observed?
The depletion of ozone layer is commonly known as ozone hole. It was first observed in
Antarctica over the South Pole.
7) How is ozone formed in stratosphere?
In stratosphere, Ozone is the product of UV radiations acting on Dioxygen molecules. The
UVradiations split apart molecular oxygen into free oxygen atoms. These oxygen atoms
combine with oxygen to form ozone.
O 2(g) ⎯⎯→
O (g) + O (g)
O (g) + O 2(g) ⎯⎯→
8)What do you know about waste recycling?
➢ Fuel obtained from plastic waste has high octane rating without lead known as green fuel.
➢ Production of electricity from garbage.
➢ Garbage mixed with water cultured with bacteria for producing methane known as biogas.

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9)What is Green chemistry?

Green chemistry is a production process that would bring about minimum pollution or
deterioration to environment.
10) Name the chemical pollutants that are responsible for Blue baby syndrome and
Laxative effect?
➢ Excess of nitrate ions (>50ppm) in drinking water causes Blue baby syndrome (or)
➢ Excess of sulphate ions (> 500ppm) in drinking water causes laxative effect.
11) Which ion causes fluorosis disease and writes its values?
Fluoride ion causes fluorosis disease.
If the fluoride ion concentration is >2ppm causes mottling of teeth and
>10ppm causes harmful effects to bones and teeth.
12)Write the application of Green chemistry in day-to-day life?
a) Green chemistry is used in Dry cleaning of clothes.
b) Green chemistry is used in Bleaching of paper.
c) Green chemistry is used in Synthesis of chemicals like acetaldehyde.
13) Name three industrial chemicals that pollute water
Polychlorinated biphenyls, detergents and fertilizers
14) Name the major particulate pollutants present in Troposphere?
Major particulate pollutants present in troposphere are dust, mist, fumes, smoke and smog
15) List out four gaseous pollutants present in the polluted air.
Oxides of Sulphur, Nitrogen and carbon, Ozone, Hydrocarbons etc., are gaseous pollutants
present in polluted air.
16) What are smoke and mist?
The mixture of solid and liquid particles formed by the combustion of organic matter is
called smoke. Ex: Cigarette smoke, Oil smoke etc.
The particles that are produced by the spray liquids and by condensation of vapor in air are
called mist. Ex: H2SO4, mist, Herbicides, Insecticides etc.
17) Define the term Soil Pollution?
Any factor which reduces the quality, texture and mineral content of the soil and disturbs the
biological balance of living organisms in it called as soil pollution.
Soil gets polluted due to industrial wastes, urban wastes, agricultural pollutants, chemical,
radioactive pollutants etc.
18) Balance the following equation. CH2 = CH2 + O2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ →?
Pd /Cu (s) (s)

Now Ethanal is commercially prepared by one step oxidation of Ethene in the presence of ionic
catalyst in aqueous medium with a yield of 90%.
CH2 = CH2 + O2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Catalyst

Pd(s) (II)/Cu(s) (II)(in water)
→ CH3CHO(90%)
19) Give the chemical equations involved in the ozone depletion by CF2Cl2?
• •
CF2 Cl2 ⎯⎯→
Cl + C F2Cl
• •
Cl + O3 ⎯⎯
→ Cl O + O 2
• •
Cl O + O ⎯⎯
→ Cl + O 2

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1) What happens when quick lime is heated with silica?

When quick lime is heated with silica, calcium silicate is formed.
CaO + SiO 2 ⎯⎯
→ CaSiO3
2) What happens when chlorine reacts with slaked lime?
When chlorine reacts with slaked lime, bleaching powder is formed.
Ca(OH) 2 + Cl2 ⎯⎯ → CaOCl 2 + H 2O
3) What happens when sodium metal is heated in a free supply of air?
Sodium is tarnished readily in moist air first giving a thin film of Na2O which further reacts with
atmospheric CO2 forming Na2CO3.
2Na ⎯⎯ O2
→ Na 2O ⎯⎯⎯
→ Na 2CO3 + H 2O

4) What happens when sodium peroxide is dissolves in water?

When Na2O2 reacts with water to give NaOH and H2O2.
5) Lithium reacts with water less vigorously than sodium. Give reasons.
Alkali metals react with water to give hydroxides and dihydrogen.
2M + 2H 2O ⎯⎯
→ 2MOH + H 2
But Lithium reacts with water less vigorously than sodium. This behaviour of lithium is attributed
to following. Reasons: 1) Lithium has small size and
2) Lithium has very high hydration energy.
6) Lithium iodide is the most covalent among the alkali metal halides. Give reasons?
The Li+ ion is very small in size and has high polarizing power since anion with large size (iodide)
can be easily distorted among halides. So lithium iodide is most covalent in nature.
7) In what respects lithium hydrogen carbonate differ from other alkali metal hydrogen
Except lithium hydrogen carbonate, other alkali metal hydrogen carbonates are solids. But lithium
does not form solid hydrogen carbonate due to its less electropositive nature. Except lithium
hydrogen carbonate other alkali metal hydrogen carbonates are decomposed on heating.
8) How would you prepare sodium carbonate from sodium chloride?
When CO2 is passed into aqueous NaCl solution saturated with NH3, sodium bicarbonate is
precipitated. It is filtered off and heated to form sodium carbonate.
NaCl + H2O + CO2 + NH3 ⎯⎯
→ NaHCO3 + NH 4Cl

2NaHCO3 ⎯⎯ → Na 2CO3 + CO2 + H 2O

9) Why does the solubility of alkaline earth metal hydroxides in water increase down the
Among alkaline earth metal hydroxides, the anion being common the cationic radius will
influence the lattice enthalpy. Since lattice enthalpy decreases much more than the hydration
enthalpy with increasing ionic size, the solubility increases as we go down the group.

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10) Why does the solubility of alkaline earth metal carbonates and sulphates in water
decrease down the group?
The size of anions being more much larger compared to cations, the lattice enthalpy will remain
almost constant with a particular group. Since the hydration enthalpies decrease down the group,
solubility will decrease as found for alkaline earth metal carbonates and sulphates.
11) Write balanced equations for the reactions between a) Na2O2 and H2O b) K2O and H2O.
a) When Na2O2reacts with water to give NaOH and H2O2.
Na 2 O2 + 2H 2O ⎯⎯
→ 2NaOH + H 2O 2
b) When K2O reacts with water to give KOH.
K 2 O + H 2O ⎯⎯
→ 2KOH
12) Which of the alkaline earth metal carbonates is thermally most stable. Why?
BeCO3 is the thermally most stable alkaline earth metal carbonate. Because thermally stability of
alkaline earth metal carbonates increases with increasing cationic size.
13) Draw the structures of i) BeCl2 (vapor) ii) BeCl2 (solid)
a) Structure of BeCl2 (vapour) :
BeCl2 exists as dimer in vapour state Cl Be Be Cl
b) Structure of BeCl2 (solid):BeCl2 exists as a chain structure in solid state.
Cl Cl Cl
Be Be Be Be
Cl Cl Cl
14) Give the reactions that takes place at anode and cathode in Castner-Kellner process? (IBMP)
Castner-Kellner process is a commercial method used for the preparation of sodium hydroxide.
In this process, NaOH is prepared by the electrolysis of brine solution (Aq. NaCl) in Castner-
Kellner cell.
Ionization of NaCl → 2 Na + + 2 Cl−
: 2 NaCl ⎯⎯
At anode : 2 Cl− ⎯⎯
→ 2 Cl2  + 2e− ( Oxidation )
At cathode : → 2 Na − Hg ( Reduction )
2Na + + 2e− + Hg ⎯⎯
2 Na − Hg +2 H 2 O ⎯⎯
→ 2NaOH + Hg + H 2
15) Write the chemical name and formula of Plaster of Paris?
The chemical name of Plaster of Paris: Hemi hydrate of calcium sulphate.
Formula of Plaster of Paris: CaSO 4 . H 2 O
16) Write completely the electronic configuration of K and Rb?
The Electronic configuration of K is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
The Electronic configuration of Rb is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 5s1

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1) Define Catenation.
Combining capacity of the atoms of same element to form long chains, branched chains and
rings is called catenation.
2) What are silicones? Give one example.
The organo silicon polymers which containing R2SiO– as repeating units and Si – O – Si bonds
are called as silicones.
Ex:Linear silicones
3) Diamond is covalent, yet it has high melting point. Why?
Diamond has a three dimensional network involving strong C−C bonds, which are very difficult
to break. So it has high melting point.
4) Select the members of group14 that (i) Forms most acidic oxide
(ii) Is commonly found in +2 oxidation state
(iii) Used as semi-conductor?
(i) Carbon (ii) Lead (iii) Silicon and Germanium
5) Write two crystalline allotropes of carbon and give their hybridization present in them?
Diamond and Graphite are two crystalline allotropes of carbon:
In Diamond, carbon atom undergoes sp3 hybridization.
In Graphite, carbon atom undergoes sp2 hybridization.
6) Diamond is used as precious stone – explain.
• The weight of diamond is expressed in carats. (1carat = 200mg)
• Diamonds are naturally occurring hardest substances.
• Diamonds are clear, colourless form of pure carbon. So Diamonds are used as precious stones
in jewelry.
7) Classify the following oxides as neutral, acidic, basic or amphoteric:
a) CO, b) B2O3 c) SiO2 d) CO2 e) Al2O3 f) PbO2 g) Tl2O3.
Neutral oxides : CO
Acidic oxides : CO2, SiO2, B2O3
Basic oxides : Tl2O3
Amphoteric oxides : Al2O3, PbO2
8) How the following compounds behave with water? (a) BCl3 (b) CCl4.
(a) When BCl3 is treated with water, boric acid is formed.
BCl3 + 3H2O ⎯⎯→ H3BO3 + 3HCl
Boric acid

(b) When CCl4 is treated with superheated steam in the presence of iron phosgene is formed.
CCl4 + H2O ⎯⎯ → COCl2 + 2HCl
Steam Phosgene

9) Are BCl3 and SiCl4 electron deficient compounds? Explain.

BCl3is a deficient compound since Boron does not have octet. But SiCl4 is notelectron deficient
compound because Si has octet in this compound. But these two compounds behave as Lewis’s
acids. Hence these compounds are electron pair acceptors.
→  H3 N → BF3 
BF3 + N H3 ⎯⎯
− HCl
SiCl4 + H 2 O ⎯⎯⎯ → SiCl3 (OH)
10)What is the effect of water on tin?
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Tin metal reacts with steam to form tin dioxide and hydrogen gas. In this reaction steam is

2Sn + 2H 2O ⎯⎯ → 2Sn O 2 + 2H 2
11)Explain structure of silica?
Silica is a giant molecule with three-dimensional structure. In SiO2 each Si atom undergoes
sp3hybridization.In SiO2 each Si atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four Oxygen atoms. Each
Oxygen at the vertex of the tetrahedron is shared by two Si atoms.
12)What happens when heated with CaCO3 and SiO2?
Calcium carbonate up on heating gives Quick lime. It reacts with silica gives calcium silicate.

CaCO3 ⎯⎯ → CaO + CO2
CaO + SiO2 ⎯⎯
→ CaSiO3

13)How does CO2 increase the greenhouse effect?

➢ Green plants absorbs CO2 gas for photosynthesis and releases O2 gas.
➢ Due to deforestation, decomposition of lime stone and burning of fossil fuels CO2
concentration is increased in atmosphere. This increase in CO2 level disturbs the O2 – CO2
balance in the atmosphere and it is responsible for greenhouse effect or global warming.
14) What is synthesis gas (or) Water gas (or) Blue gas? How is it prepared?
A mixture of CO and H2 is called synthesis gas.
Synthesis gas is also called as Water gas. Because it is used for the synthesis of methanol and
a number of hydrocarbons.
It is prepared by passing steam over red hot coke.
473 − 1273 K
C + H 2 O ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ CO + H 2
Water gas

15) What is producer gas? How it is prepared?

A mixture of CO and N2 is called as Producer gas. It is prepared by passing air over red hot
2C + O2 + 4 N 2 ⎯⎯⎯
1273 K
→ 2CO + 4N 2
Producer gas

16) What happens when CO2 is passed through slaked lime?

When CO2 gas is passing through slaked lime Ca(OH)2, it turns to milky due to the formation of
insoluble calcium carbonate.
Ca ( OH)2 + CO2 ⎯⎯→ CaCO3 + H2O
On passing more CO2, CaCO3 is converted into calcium bicarbonate.
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O ⎯⎯→ Ca ( HCO3 )2
In soluble soluble

17)What happens when CaC2 is heated with N2?

CaC2 on heating with N2 gives calcium cyanamide and graphite. This mixture of CaCN2 and C is
called Nitrolim.
CaCO3 + N 2 ⎯⎯ → CaCN 2 + C

18) What happens when CaCO3 heated with excess of coke?

Calcium carbonate up on heating gives Quick lime. It is on heating with excess of coke reacts
with silica gives calcium silicate.

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CaCO3 ⎯⎯ → CaO + CO2
CaO + 3C ⎯⎯
→ CaC2 + CO
19) Why does Na2CO3 solution turn into a suspension when saturated with CO2 gas?
An aqueous solution of Na2CO3 when saturated with CO2, gives sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3).
Sodium bicarbonate is less soluble compared to Na2CO3, hence suspension is formed.
Na 2CO3 + CO2 + H 2 O ⎯⎯
→ 2NaHCO3
20) How do the following compounds behave with water: a) BCl3 b) CCl2?
a) BCl3 hydrolyses in water to give boric acid. BCl3 + 3H 2 O ⎯⎯
→ H3 BO3 + 3HCl
b) CCl4 does not hydrolysis in water due to the absence of vacant d-orbitals. So it is insoluble
in water by forming a separate layer.
21) Producer gas is less efficient fuel than water gas – Explain?
Producer gas has calorific value 5439.2 KJ/m3. Water gas has calorific value 13000KJ/m3.
Due to high calorific value of water gas, water gas is more efficient fuel than Producer gas (or)
Producer gas is less efficient than water gas.

22) How does silica(SiO2) react with (a) NaOH (b) HF

a) Reaction with NaOH:
Silica reacts with NaOH and forms Sodium silicate
SiO 2 + 2NaOH ⎯⎯
→ Na 2SiO3 + H 2O
b) Reaction with HF:
Silica is treated with HF to form SiF4, which on hydrolysis to form H4SiO4 and H2SiF6.

SiO2 + 4HF ⎯⎯
→ SiF4 + 2H 2O
SiF4 + 4H 2O ⎯⎯
→ H 4SiO4 + H 2SiF6

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1) A balloon is filled with hydrogen at room temperature. It will burst if pressure

exceeds 0.2bar. If at 1bar pressure the gas occupies 2.27 liter volume, up to what
volume can the balloon be expanded?
According to Boyle’s law, P1V1 = P2V2
Given data, P1 = 1bar P2 = 0.2bar V1 = 2.27L V2 = ?

P1V1 1  2.27
 V2 = = = 11.35liters
P2 0.2
2) At 25℃ and 760mm of Hg pressure gas occupies 600ml of volume. What will be
its pressure at a height where temperature is 10℃ and volume of the gas is 640ml?
P1V1 P2 V2
According to Combined gas law, =
T1 T2
P1V1 T2
 P2 = 
T1 V1
760  600  283
= = 676.6 mm Hg
640  298
Given data,
P1 = 760mm Hg P1 = ?
V1 = 600ml V1 = 640ml
T1 = 25 + 273 = 298K T2 = 10 + 273 = 283K
3) Critical temperatures of ammonia and CO2 are 405.5K and 304.10K respectively.
Which of these gases will liquify first when you start cooling from 500K to their
critical temperature?
Ammonia will liquify first because its critical temperture will be reached first.
Liquifaction of CO2 will require more cooling.
4) Calculate the temperature of 4 moles of a gas occupying 5 dm3 at 3.32 bar pressure?
According to Ideal gas equation, PV = nRT
PV 3.32  5
 T= = = 50.5K
nR 4  0.0821
Given data, P = 3.32bar n = 4
V = 5dm3 R = 0.0821
5) Calculate the volume occupied by 8.8 gr of CO2 at 31.1℃ and 1 bar pressure?
According to Ideal gas equation, PV = nRT
P = 1bar
Given data,
nRT 8.8 0.0821  304.1
 V= =  = 5 Lit. R = 0.0821
P 44 1
T = 31.1 + 273 =304.1
6) Explain the different terms in Vander Waal’s equation?

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Where, T = Temperature in absolute scale,

 an 2  V = Volume occupied by a gas,
Vander Waals equation is  P + 2  ( V − nb ) = nRT
 V  a = Pressure constant,
b = Volume constant,
Give the relation between the partial pressure of a gas and its mole fraction?
Partial pressure of gas = Mole fraction × Total pressure of mixture.
Pi = Xi × Ptotal.
8) What is aqueous tension?
The pressure exerted by the water vapour at a given temperature is called aqueous
9) What is Boyle Temperature?
The temperature at which a real gas obeys ideal gas laws over a wide range of pressure
is called Boyle Temperature.
10) What are Normal and Standard boiling points? Give their values for H2O.
The boiling temperature of a liquid at 1atm pressure is called Normal boiling point.
The boiling temperature of a liquid at 1bar pressure is called Standard boiling point.
Normal boiling point of water is 100oC.
Standard boiling point of water is 99.6oC.
11) Why pressure cooker is used for cooking food on hills?
At high altitudes atmospheric pressure is low. Therefore liquids boil at lower
temperatures. So pressure cooker is used for cooking food on hills.
12) What is critical Temperature? Give its value for CO2.
The temperature where a gaseous state is continuously transforms into the condensed
state is called ‘Critical temperature’
Ex: Critical temperature(Tc) of CO2 is 31.04℃.
13) What is coefficient of viscosity? Give its units.
The force when velocity gradient is unity and area of contact is unit area is called as
coefficient of Viscosity.It is denoted by η.
Units: Poise. In CGS system: 1poise =
14) What is laminar flow of a liquid?
The regular gradation of velocity for layers in passing from one layer to the next layer is
called laminar flow.

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1) What is the redox concept? Give an example?

The reactions in which reduction and oxidation both takes place simultaneously is called
redox reactions.
Ex: C + O2 ⎯⎯ → CO 2
2) Which indicator is used to detect the end point in the reaction between Cr2 O7
and Fe2+ in the acidic medium?
Cr2O72− Oxidizes Fe2+ in the presence of acidic medium. This titration takes place in
presence of diphenyl amine as an indicator. Formation of intense blue colour solution
indicates the end point.
3) State Law of definite proportions?
It state that ‘a given chemical substance always contains same elements and combined in
a fixed ratio by weight’.
Ex: 2 samples of CaCO3 taken, one from natural sources and the other prepared in
Element Natural sample % Synthetic sample %
Ca 40 40
O 48 48
C 12 12
1) Calculate the equivalent weights of Na2CO3 andH2SO4?
Equivalent Weight of Na 2 CO3 :
Valence of Carbonate ion in Na 2 CO3 = 2
Mol Wt 106
 Eq Wt. of Na 2 CO3 = = = 53.
2 2

Equivalent Weight of H 2 SO 4 :
No. of ionisable ‘H’ atoms in H 2SO 4 = 2
Mol Wt 98
 Eq Wt. of H 2 SO 4 = = = 49
2 2
2) How many molecules of glucose are present in 5.23 gr of glucose?
No. of molecules =  Avagadro No
Given, Weight of Glucose = 5.23 gr.
GMW of Glucose = 180
No. of molecules of Glucose =  6.023 1023
= 0.02906  6.023 1023 = 1.75 1022 molecules.
3) Calculate the number of molecules present in 1.12 × 10—7 cc of a gas at STP?
One mole of any gas occupies 22,400 c.c of volume.
One mole of any gas contains 6.023 × 1023 molecules.
22,400 c.c of gas at STP contains = 6.023 × 1023 molecules

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11 | P a g e

1.12 × 10—7c. c of a gas at STP contains =?

1.12  10−7  6.023  1023

= = 3.015  1012 molecules.
22, 400
4) What volume of H2 at STP is required to reduce 0.795gr of CuO to give Cu and
The balanced equation is CuO + H 2 ⎯ ⎯
→ Cu + H 2 O
1 mole 1 mole
79.5grams of CuO requires = 22.4 lit of H2 at STP.
0.775 grams of CuO requires = 0.795  22.4 = 0.224lit. (or) 224 ml.
Volume of H2 gas required at STP to reduce 0.795 grams of CuO is 224ml.
5) Calculate the mass percent of the different elements present in sodium sulphate?
The molecular formula of sodium sulphate is Na2SO4. Its molar mass is 142.
Mass of the element in the compound
Mass percent of an element =  100
Molar mass of the compound
Mass percent of Sodium =  100 = 32.4%
Mass percent of Sulphur =  100 = 22.6%
Mass percent of Oxygen =  100 = 45.05%
6) Calculate the molality of a solution containing 60grams of glucose in 100ml of
Given, Weight of Glucose (wt) = 60grams (GMW of Glucose = 180)
Volume of water = 100ml (Density of water = 1gr/ml)
Weight of water (a) = volume × density = 100 × 1 = 100grams.
wt 1000 60  1000
 Molality of Glucose (m) = × = = 3.33m
GMW Wt. of solvent in gr. 180  100

7) Calculate the mass of sodium acetate (CH3COONa) required to make 500ml of

0.375 molar aqueous solution. Molar mass of sodium acetate is 82.0245 gr/mol.
GMW of CH 3COONa = 82.0.245
Molarity of given solution = 0.375M
wt 1000
Molarity (M) = × Volume of given solution ( V ) = 500ml
GMW Vin ml
Weight of CH 3COONa ( wt ) = ?

M × GMW × V in ml 0.375 × 82.0245 × 500

 Weight of CH3COONa = = = 15.37grams
1000 1000

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8) Calculate the volume of 0.1N H2SO4 solution required to neutralize 200ml of 0.2N
NaOH solution. It is an acid base neutralization reaction. Hence at the
No. of equivalents of acid = No. of equivalent base
N1V1 = N 2 V2
N1 = 0.1N N 2 = 0.2N
N V 0.2  200 40 V1 = ? V2 = 200ml
V1 = 2 2 = = = 400ml
N2 0.1 0.1

9) Calculate normality of H2SO4 solution, if 50ml of it completely neutralize 250ml of 0.1N

Ba(OH)2 solution?
N1V1 = N 2 V2 N1 = ? N 2 = 0.1N
NV 0.1  250 V1 = 50ml V2 = 250
N1 = 2 2 = = 0.5N
V1 50

10) Calculate the volume of 0.1M KMnO4 required to react with 100ml of 0.1M H2C2O4.2H2O
solution in presence of H2SO4?
2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 5H2C2O4 → K 2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 10CO2

M1V1 M 2 V2
n1 n2
M 2 V2 n1 0.1  100 2
 Volume of KMnO 4 (V1 ) =  =  = 40ml
n2 M1 5 0.1

KMnO 4 H 2C2O 4
M1 = 0.1M M 2 = 0.1M
V1 = ? V2 = 100ml
n1 = 2 n2 = 5

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13 | P a g e


1) State law of chemical equilibrium?
The ratio of product of molar concentrations of the products to the products of molar
concentrations of the reactants has a constant value. This is known as the equilibrium law
or law of chemical equilibrium.
2) Define equilibrium constant?
The ratio of the product of equilibrium molar concentration of products of the product of
equilibrium molar concentrations of reactants, at a given temperature is called as
equilibrium constant.
3) The equilibrium constant of a reaction at 27℃ and at 127℃ are 1.6×10−3 and
7.6×10−2 respectively. Is the reaction exothermic or endothermic?
From the above values as the temperature raised the equilibrium constant value increased.
Here H = + ve . Hence the reaction is endothermic.
4) What is KC for the following equilibrium when the equilibrium concentration of
each substance is [SO2] = 0.60M, [O2] = 0.82M and [SO3] = 1.90M.
Given equation is 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)
Given data, SO2  = 0.60M,
SO 3 

KC = O2  = 0.82M,
SO 2  O 2 

SO3  = 1.90M.
(1.9) 2 3.61
 KC = = = 12.22
(0.6) (0.82) 0.36  0.82

5) PCl5, PCl3 and Cl2 are at equilibrium at 500K and having concentration 1.59M
PCl3, 1.59M Cl2 and 1.41M PCl5. Calculate KC for the reaction
PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) ?
The equilibrium constant KC for reaction PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) can be written as
[PCl3 ][Cl2 ]
KC = Given data,  PCl3  = 1.59M,
[PCl5 ]
(1.59) 2
Cl2  = 1.59M,
 KC = = 1.79  PCl5  = 1.41M.
6) The equilibrium constant for the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) at 725K is
6.0×10−2. At equilibrium, [H2] = 0.25mol L−1 and [NO3] = 0.06mol L−1. Calculate
the equilibrium of N2?

Given, K C = 6.0 10−2.
[NH 3 ]
KC = [H 2 ] = 0.25 mol/lit.
[N 2 ][H 2 ]3
[NH3 ] = 0.06 mol/lit.
[NH3 ]2 (0.06) 2 0.0036
 [N 2 ] = = −2
= = 3.84moles/lit.
K C [H 2 ] 6.0 10  (0.25)
3 3
6.0 10−2  0.015625

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7) KC for the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) is 0.5 at 400K. Find the KP?

K P = K C ( RT )
n Given data, K C = 0.5

 K P = 0.5  (0.0821 400) −2

Δn = 2 − 4 = −2
= 0.5  (32.84) −2
R = 0.0821
= 4.63 10−4 mol/lit. T = 400K

8) Hydrolysis of sucrose gives, Sucrose + H 2O Glucose KC for the reaction is 2×1013

at 300K. Calculate Go at 300K?
G o = −2.303RT(logK C ) Given data, K C = 2 1013
= −2.303  8.314  300 log(2 1013 ) R = 8.314
= −7.64 104 Jmol−1 T = 300K
9) At 27℃, KP value for the reversible reaction PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) is 0.65. Calculate
the KC?
Given, K P = 0.65
K P = K C ( RT )

Δn = 2 − 1 = 1
KP 0.65
 KC = = = 0.0264mol/lit. R = 0.0821
( RT )
(0.0821 300)1
T = 27 + 273 = 300K

10) What is buffer solution?

A solution which resists any change in its PH value on dilution (or) on addition of a small
amount of a strong acid or a strong base is called as buffer solution.
Ex: Acid buffer: (CH3COOH + CH3COONa)
Base buffer: (NH4OH + NH4Cl)
11) What is degree of ionisation?
The ratio between the number of molecules ionized and the total number of molecules of
an acid or base is called as degree of ionisation. It is denoted by ∝.
No. of molecules ionized
Degree of ionization( ) =
Total no.of molecules taken
12) Define pH of a solution? Write its significance.
The negative value of logarithm of the Hydrogen ion molar concentration in a solution is
called as pH of the solution.
a) PH is used to distinguish acidic, basic and neutral solution.
b) When dealing with some biological and cosmetic applications, the determination of
pH of the solution is very essential.
13) What equation is used for calculating the PH of an acid buffer?
 [Salt] 
Hendersen’s equation is used to calculate the P H of an acid buffer is P H = P Ka + log  
 [Acid] 
14) What is the effect of temperature on ionic product of water?

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As the temperature increases ionisation of water increases and hence ionic product of
water value also increases.
15) Give two examples of salts whose aqueous solutions are basic.
Sodium acetate (CH3COONa) and Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) salts aqueous solutions
are basic in nature due to anionic hydrolysis.
16) Give two examples of salts whose aqueous solutions are acidic.
Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and Ammonium sulphate ( ( NH4 )2 SO4 ) salts aqueous
solution are acidic in nature.
17) Ice melts slowly at high altitude. Explain. Why?
Ice melts slowly at high altitudes. Because ice and water are equilibrium only at a
particular temperature and pressure conditions. At high altitude temperature and pressure
conditions are changed.
18) The PKa of acetic acid PKb of ammonium hydroxide are 4.76 and 4.75 respectively.
Calculate the PH of ammonium acetate solution?
 PKa − PKb 
PH = 7 +  
 2 
 4.76 − 4.75 
 PH = 7 +  
 2 
 0.01 
= 7+  = 7 + 0.005 = 7.005
 2 
19) 50ml of 0.1M sodium acetate, 25ml of 0.2M acetic acid were added together to
form the buffer solution. PKa of acetic acid is 4.8. Find the PH of the solution?
The given buffer solution is an acidic buffer.
Hendersen’s equation for an acid buffer is PH = PKa + log
 0.1  50 
 P = 4.8 + log
H  75  = 4.8 + log1 = 4.8
 0.2  25 
 75 
20) A liter buffer solution contains 0.1 mole of acetic acid and one mole of sodium
acetate. Find its PH. If PKa of acetic acid is 4.8?
P H = P Ka + log
P H = 4.8 + log = 4.8 + log10 = 4.8 + 1 = 5.8
21) The solubility product of a salt AB = 10 mol /L . What is solubility?
2 2

For AB A + + B− Given, K Sp = 10−10 mol2 /L2


KSP = [S][S] = S2
 S = KSP = 10−10 = 10−5 mol/L.

22) The solubility of A 2 B = 2 10−3 molL−1 . What is solubility product?

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For A 2 B 2A + + B− Given, S = 2 10−3 molL−1

2s S

K SP = [2S]2 [S] = 4S3

= 4(2 10−3 )3
= 4  8 10−9
= 32 10−9 (or) 3.2 10−8 mol3 /lit 3 .


1) Mol. Wt. of 1st member of homologous series is 32. What is the Mol. Wt. of 5th
Given Molecular weight of 1st member = 32
Molecular weight of 5st member of series = 32 + (4 × 14) = 32 + 56 = 88.
2) What is metamerism? Give example.
Compounds having same molecular formula and same functional group but differ in
their nature of alkyl group attached to the functional group are called as metamers and
that phenomenon is called metamerism. Ex: The molecular formula C4H10O has two
metamers. They are
CH 3 − CH 2 − O − CH 2 − CH 3
C 4 H10 O
CH 3 − CH 2 − CH 2 − O − CH 3
3) Write the conformations of ethane?
Ethane can have infinite number of conformations, but only two extreme conformations
are important. They are 1) Staggered conformation and
2) Eclipsed conformation.
Any other intermediate conformation is called as Skew conformation. They can be easily
represented by Newman projections.

Eclipsed form (E)
Staggered form (S)

4) Write chain isomer structures of carbon compound C4 H10 .

Butane ( C 4 H10 ) has 2 chain isomers. They are:

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5) How do you prepare ethyl chloride from ethylene?

Ethylene reacts with hydrogen chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl 3 as a catalyst
to form ethyl chloride.
CH 2 = CH 2 + HCl ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→
Anhydrous AlCl3
CH3 – CH 2 – Cl
6) Discuss Lassaigne’s test?
In Lassaigne’s test, covalent bonds between elements present in the organic compound
are converted into ionic form according to the following reactions.
Na + C + N ⎯⎯
→ NaCN
2Na + S ⎯⎯
→ Na 2S
2Na + X ⎯⎯
→ 2NaX (X = Cl, Br or I )
Lassaigne’s test is useful to detect the elements like nitrogen, sulphurand halogens
present in organic compound.
2) What is hyper conjugation?
The delocalization of σ – electrons of C – H bond is in conjugation with π–bonds is called
hyper conjugation. It explains the preferential formation of non-terminal alkanes.
3) What is meant by Pyrolysis?
Thermal decomposition of an organic compound in the absence of air is called as
In case of alkanes it is called as cracking.

C2 H 6 ⎯⎯ → C2 H 4 + H 2
4) Sodium salt of which acid will be needed for the preparation of propane? Write
chemical equation for the reaction.
Sodium salt of butanoic acid is needed for the preparation of propane.
CH3 – CH 2 – CH 2 – COONa + NaOH ⎯CaO
⎯⎯ → CH 3 – CH 2 – CH 3 + Na 2CO3

5) What is the product formed when sodium propionate is heated with soda lime?
Ethane. When sodium propionate is heated with soda lime to form ethane. This reaction
is called as decarboxylation.
CH 3CH 2 COONa + NaOH ⎯⎯
⎯→ CH 3 – CH 3 + Na 2CO 3
Sodium propionate Ethane

6) What is meant by decarboxylation? What is the de-carboxylating agent?

Removal of carboxyl group as CO2 from a salt of carboxylic acid is known as
decarboxylation.Soda lime (NaOH + CaO) is the de-carboxylating agent.
CH3COONa + NaOH ⎯CaO ⎯⎯
→ CH 4 + Na 2CO3
7) What is Dehydrohalogenation? Write the equation for the formation of alkene
from alkyl halide.
Removal of hydrogen and halogen from the adjacent carbon atoms of an alkyl halide is
called as Dehydrohalogenation. When ethyl chloride is heated with alcoholic KOH
solution it form ethylene due to Dehydrohalogenation.

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CH3 − CH2 − Cl + KOH(alc.) ⎯⎯

→ CH2 = CH2 + KCl + H2O
8) What is carcinogenicity? Explain with two examples.
Benzene and poly nuclear carbons containing more than two benzene rings fused together
are toxic and said to possess cancer producing (or) carcinogenic property. They enter into
human body and undergo various biochemical reactions and finally damage DNA and
cause cancer.
Ex: 1,2-Benzpyrene, 1,2-Bezanthracene


1) Write the structrue of AlCl3 as a dimer?

2) Sketch the structure of ortho boric acid?

1) Enthalpy of combustion of carbon to CO2 is −393.5KJ/mol. Calculate the heat
released upon formation of 35.2gr. of CO2 from carbon and Dioxygen gas?
(March-2015, TS)
C(g) + O2(g) ⎯⎯
→CO2(g) H = −393.5KJ/mole
44gr of CO2 released heat is = −393.5KJ/mole.
35.2  − 393.5
35.2gr of CO2 released heat is = = −314.8KJ/mole.
∴The heat released upon formation 35.2gr of carbon from CO2 = −314.8KJ/mole.
2) Enthalpies of formation of CO(g) , CO 2(g) , N 2O 4(g) and N 2O (g) are
−110, − 393.5, 9.7 and 81KJ/mol respectively. Find the value of Δ r H for the reaction
3CO(g) + N2O4(g) ⎯⎯
→3CO2(g) + N2O(g) .
For the reaction, 3CO(g) + N2O4(g) ⎯⎯
→3CO2(g) + N2O(g)

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Δ r H = Sum of the enthalpies of Products – Sum of the enthalpies of Reactants

= (−393.5  3) + 81 − (3 − 110) + 9.7 = 1098 − 320.3 = 777.7KJ
3) Calculate the entropy change in surroundings when one mole of H2O(l) is formed
under standard conditions. ΔH of = 286KJmol−1
ΔHof −286
Ssurroundings = = = −1.0476KJmol-1K -1.
T 273
4) The equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. What will be value of ∆Go? R =
8.314KJ/mol, T = 300K.
Given, R = 8.314KJ/mol; T = 300K; K eq = 10
ΔGo = −2.303RTlogKeq = −2.303  8.314  300  log10 = −5774.14KJ/mol.

5) Calculate Δ r G for conversion of oxygen to ozone. Δr Go = 163KJ.mol−1 for O2(g) → O3(g) at


298K. KP for the 3/2 reaction is 2.43 10−29 ?

ΔG o = −2.303RTlogK eq Given, R = 8.314KJ/mol,
= −2.303  8.314  298  log(2.43 10 −29
) T = 298K.
= −16300J/mol = − 163KJ/mole. K P = 2.43 10−29
6) In a process 701J of heat is absorbed by a system and 394J of work is done by the
system. What is the change in internal energy for the process?
ΔU = q + w
Given data, q = 701J
ΔU = 701 − 394 = 307J w = −394J
7) Two liters of an ideal gas at a pressure of 10atm expanded isothermally into a
vacuum until its total volume is 10 liters. How much heat is absorbed and how
much work done in the expansion?
We have q = −w = Pext (V2 − V1 ) = 0(10 − 2) = 0
No work is done in isothermal expansion of gas in vacuum. So heat no heat is absorbed.

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1) Why is dihydrogen used in welding of high melting metals?
Atomic hydrogen and oxy-hydrogen torches used for cutting and welding purposes.
Because atomic hydrogen atoms are allowed to recombine on the surface to be welded to
generate the temperature of 4000K.
2) What happens when dihydrogen reacts with a) Chlorine b) Sodium metal?
a) Reaction with Chlorine:
Dihydrogen reacts with chlorine to give hydrogen chloride. This reaction occurs in
presence of sun light. H2(g) + Cl2(g) ⎯⎯
→ 2HCl(g)
b) Reaction with Sodium metal:
Dihydrogen reacts with sodium metal at a high temperature to give sodium hydride.
H2(g) + 2Na (s) ⎯⎯
→ 2NaH(g)

3) During photosynthesis water is oxidized to O2. Which element is reduced?

In Photosynthesis,thereaction takes place in green plants is
6CO2(g) + 6H2 O ⎯⎯
→C6 H12 O6(aq) + 6O2(g)
During the photosynthesis the element carbon is reduced and oxygen is oxidized. In this
reaction CO2 is reduced to glucose and water is oxidized to O2
4) The unusual property of water in condensed phase leads to its high heat of
vaporization. What is that property?
The unusual properties of water in condensed phase are due to the presence of extensive
intermolecular hydrogen bonding between water molecules. This leads to high F.P, high
B.P and high heat vaporization and high heat of fusion.
5) How D2O2 is prepared? Give its equation.
D2O2 is obtained by the reaction of K2S2O8 with heavy water. This is similar to the
hydrolysis of H2S2O8.
K2S2O8(s) + 2D2O(l ) ⎯⎯
→ 2KDSO4(aq) + D2O2(l )

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