Work Done So Far
Work Done So Far
Work Done So Far
4th marc h Monda y Evaluation of director, Introduction of warm-up in drama class Fundamentals of play direction, Push not to win, walking different speeds, frozen action Director at work History of the director, Thespis, subtext, unit division in play script,
Questi Related Teachers Homework ons concept reflection engagemen after terms t the class
6th marc h
Wedne sday
8th marc h
Types of emphasizing on the stage, stage areas, Purpose of the play, find the motivation of the play to do, audition, improvisation, Five Ws, magic if, emotional memory and given circumstances.
h 18th marc h 20th marc h 22nd marc h 25th marc h 27th marc h 29th marc h 1st April 3rd April
Monda y Tuesda y Friday Sample video clips of Greek theatre Sample video clips of Greek theatre, Medieval theatre, Renaissance theatre. Function of lighting design, types of lights and their symbols in design.
of exam Students are absent because of exam Students are absent because of exam Students are absent because of exam Students are absent because of exam Students are absent because of exam Adhitya present
Amol and Vikram present Following spot? Moving heads? Adhitya and Vikram are present Find the images of different types of lights and their images? Fid the different types of images which says emphasizing the character, visibility on the stage and mood, reinforcing the style.
5th april
Drawing lighting plan on the paper for any short play or story.
8th April
Monda y
1pm to 3pm
Warm-up, Revising the class lighting desing,makin g connection with the performance Rathnakar,wa lking on the stage with different movements like straight line, curved, jigjag,diagonal, etc.. Reading
How many scenes are there in your story? Where it is happening ? What is the mood of the scene? How do you emphasize the character if you need? How the lighting designer used light to produce different moods in the play production Rathnakar? Did you find differences of movement of characters in the play
See the play and make the list of the lights they used in the play? Try to make your own lighting plan for a scene from the same play production.
Theatre in making
10th April
Wedne sday
1 to 3pm
1 . Walking with three speeds and finding purpose. 2. Different styles of sitting positions with the reference of any character from the play script. 3.director approach to
Rathnakar which we watched? How many scenes are available in our script? How do you divide in to units? Which scene is most interesting for you to do a particular character? Find out purpose of any movement of a character in a play which you watched last week? Find out different characters walking and their purpose
Theatre in making
from the play which you watched in the last play? How it is different to realistic acting? Done with Deeraj and Vikram Done with all
Friday Monda y
Follows the previous day Acting exercise, Practical scenic design for the play
Warm-up, Five frozen actions from students regular activity, Frozen actions from the play script, Locating the action of the play in a specific place and period. Finding reference images for scenic design, making rough drawings for scenic design
How do you adapt location which you find in the play to our south Indian society? How do you use the given empty space to create different locations? How many locales are there in our play script?
Theatre in making
17th April
Wedne sday
11 am to 1pm
Warm-up, body stretching exercises, elements of drama ppt, Warm-up, body stretching exercises, elements of drama ppt, introduction to costume design
19th April
11 to 12:00pm
How are these exercises helps to become an actor? How your voice changing in different states when you are really stuck in a closed space? How your senses reacting when you are walking in different spaces? How your body is reacting when you
22nd April
Monda y
11 to 11:30
Pushing Four Imaginary walls and saying five sentences which will be selected by students, Walking on different surfaces and speaking five senteces,
24th April
Thursd ay
11:30am 12:00am
26th April
11:30am to 12:00am
Integration game.
are walking in different spaces? How these exercises helps you to become a stage performer? How do you communicate your feelings using voice? Were you able to communicate with Gibberish language? what is the aim of this game? How were you cooperatin g to other performer in this game? Were you
Rhythm and
May 1st
Wedne sday
11:00am to 1:00pm
Mirror Exercise, Group Stop, group create a stoy with adding one word by each other, Storytelling Game and act pantomime,
able to recognize the object even you are in bling fold? What type of objects did you touch while you were playing this game? Did you feel the surface of the objects? What did you observe while you were doing mirror exercise? How you were communic ating to stop in the group stop exercise? How do you take reference
Theatre in making
Story telling game and pantomime couldnt finish. We will be done in next class. Adhitya is absent today. Students have come at 12:01pm. Worked only one hour.
to select a word to create a story in creating story exercise? 3rd May Friday 11:00- 1:00 Warm-up, Acting, function of costume design Storytelling Game and act pantomime. Watching ppt on function of costume design. Did you see any common function in both costume and scenic design? What are they?
monda y
9:50 to 10:30am
How do you use voice in different situations in a story? Please draw ground plan for different types of
Theatre in making
12:00 to 12:40
Types of spaces.
A short multiple choice questions will be given to students on the topic of different types of theatre
23 july 2013
wednes day
1:20 to 2:30
Thursd ay
9:50 to 10:20
monda y
Revising costume design. Discussion Make-up in theatre Revising lighting design. Drawing for costume Elements of sound. sound design Essentials of dramatic structure, creating a dramatic structure, Dramatic purpose
Difference between theatre spectator and spect-actor, Joker in theatre of oppressed, Games of theatre of oppressed. Function of make-up, types of make-up, materials in make-up,
spaces? How joker Theatre in the functions world in theatre of oppressed? How makeup helps for style of production ? Theatre in making
spaces? done
Theatre in making
Warm-up, improvisation,Objectives of sound design. Warmup, Improvising a story based on these elelments
Wedne sday
1:20 to 2:00
Not finished
theatre in the world Theatre in making, theatre in the world Theatre in making, theatre in the world
Not done, Miss Sruthi was teaching about Bunraku. Not done, We all participated workshop for 11th IB,
Monda y
40 min
Monda y
40 min
Revising the chapter play making using pdf document which will be attached in attachments.
6th augu st
tuesday 40 min
Theatre critic
Theatre in world
wenesd ay
80 min
Kabuki theatre
Thursd ay
40 min
Noh theatre
monda y
1:20 to 2:00
monda y
2:00 to 2:30
Warm up, Theory of Noh theatre, Stance and body movement in Noh theatre. Watching the following video atch?v=4ohlJ63WrFI watch?v=67-bgSFJiKc
Tuesda y
11:20 to 12:40
Warm up, Theory of Noh theatre, Stance and body movement in Noh theatre. Watching the following video atch?v=4ohlJ63WrFI watch?v=67-bgSFJiKc
Tuesda y
11:20 to 12:40
Students will explore new things about Kabuki and Noh. They will write short notes on it.
Students will explore new things about Kabuki and Noh. They will write short notes on it.
Wedne sday
11:20 to 12 40
Sanskrit theatre
Monda y
1:20 to 2:30
Research investigation
We will be working on Research investigation. Introducing year plan and assessment details.
. Not done. Time table has been changed. I missed the class.
Monda y
1:20 to 2:30
Research investigation
We will be working on Research investigation. Introducing year plan and assessment details.
. done
Tuesda y
Research investigation
Wedne sday
Research investigation
Thursd ay
Research investigation
Research investigation
Working on research investigation, Students will be presenting a presentation on the topic of masks
Students could not present the presentation about the topic of masks.
Monda y
9:10 to 10:30
Students will do research on one particular culture of masks which makes them interesting after finishing this class.
Tuesda y
8:30 to 9:10
Definition for masks, masks around the world, Reasons of using masks, different types of masks forms, designing a mask, Working on Research investigation
First students will watch the ppt presentation about masks design and other details. Students will make 3d of paper masks using tape and papers and color it.
What other material can be used for mask making? how masks represents the culture?
Wedne sday
11:55 to 12:30
Thursd ay
1:00pm to 2:15pm
10:35 to 11:55
Tuesda y
8:30 to 9:10
Wedne sday
11:55 to 12:30
Research investigation
Thursd ay
1:05 to 2:15
Research investigation
10:30 11:55
Monda y
9:10 to 10:25
Tuesda y
8:30 to 9:10
Research investigation
Wedne sday
Thursd ay
1:05 to 2:15
10:35 to 11:55
Monda y
9:05 to 10:25
Painting masks
Tuesda y
8:30 to 9:05
Not done. Because students were busy for first two periods with language assessments.
Wedne sday
11:55 to 12:20
10:35 to 11:55
Tuesda y
8:30 to 9:15
Home work is students will find 10 images of different types of traditional puppets.
Monda y
9;05 to 10;25
Follow up RI