LP - Why Women Presentation

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Discuss the main points found
b. Examine the plot structure of “Why Women Wash the Dishes”
c. Examine each element of play (theme, plot, characters, setting, genre, audience, music, and
spectacle) as outlined on slides
d. Appreciate the lesson by showing active participation of the students towards the lesson.


Topic: Why Women Wash the Dishes – Role Playing


A. Routinary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Everybody stand up and let us pray.

Anyone who wants to lead the prayer? Heavenly father…

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon Maam Gea!

Okay, class before we start, I want you to pick up those

pieces of papers under your chairs and arrange it properly.
Are you through?

Okay, you may take your seat now.

Class, is there any absent today? None maa’am.

Wow that’s good!

B. Preparatory Activities

Class, last week we had discussed elements of drama and

have examined each element that can be found in the story
“Why Women Wash the Dishes.” After the discussion, we
watched a video clip about the story and critique those
part which needs to be improved and developed in
preparation for your performance today.

Are you now ready? Yes ma’am!

May I see the hands of group 1? Group 2? Group 3? Raising their hands
Group 4? What about group 5?

Your presentation must flow accordingly because you will

presenting the sequence of events of “Why Women Wash
the Dishes”, right?

Your performance will be graded accordingly based on

the criteria for presentation. Answers may vary…

(Reading the rubric)

Are you now ready?

(Group Presentation)

Please give yourselves with a big hand!

C. Motivation

What have you learned from the play? What can you say
about the performance of other group?

How did you come up with that kind of presentation?

What have you done in order to makes it entertaining and

What did you feel while making your script?

What conflicts are there?

What have you learned from the setting of the play? What
about the characters? The language used?

What are the ideas expressed in the play?

It is important to conceptualize first the things that might

be included in the play. These things in general may refer
to the characters, setting, plot, language used, action,
gesture, or even the conflict and ideas expressed in the
play especially when you are making the script so that it
would makes any given production of the play unique.

I’m happy that you have done well today, so again let’s
give ourselves with a big hand.

Okay, class I want you to remember each element that was

present in your play which made your play unique. That is
what we are going to discuss now.

D. Presentation

A drama, also known as a play, is a form of literature

written intentionally for theatrical performance. Most of
the parts in a drama are consisted of scripted dialogues, or
only the acting in some cases, between characters
intended to be performed by actors and actresses to move
the story along.

There are six main elements of drama which serve as the

basis of producing a successful play. These essential
elements of drama include the plot of the story, the theme,
the genre in which the story belongs, the characters, the
setting, and the audience. However, some elements that
was not mentioned such as music and spectacle can also
be considered as important elements of drama.

The followings are the elements of drama and their brief


What the play means as opposed to what happens. The
theme refers to the message that is intended to be
expressed through the story. In other word, it is the main
idea or the lesson to be learned from the play.

The order of events occurring in a play. The story as
opposed to the theme; what happens rather than what it

The plot structure can be divided into six stages:

exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and

 The expository is simply an introductory part that

provides background information.
 Rising action including complications and
discoveries which follow the inciting incident,
create the dramatic climax of a plot.
 Climax is the turning point which holds an utmost
emotional intensity of the play.
 Falling action is a series of events following the
climax that leads to the solution of the conflicts.
 And lastly the denouement which serves as the
conclusion of the plot or the ending scene of the

These are the people presented in the play that are
involved in the perusing plot. The main character of the
play is known as the protagonist. The antagonist is the
character who opposes the protagonist. The other
characters that are neither the protagonist nor the
antagonist are called the secondary characters.

The setting is the place, together with other conditions,
such as time and the environment, involved in which the
events occur. The setting in the drama can be presented
through the visual element deals with the scenes,
costumes and special effects used in it.

Audience is a group of people who watch the play.
Audience can be said to be the most important element of
drama to be considered about, since it is the audience that
determine whether the play is successful or not.
Genre is the type of the play. The examples of genre in
which the play can be classified include tragedy, comedy,
romantic, mystery, and historical play.
This element includes the use of sounds and rhythm in
dialogs as well as music compositions that are used in the Theme, plot, characters, setting, audience,
plays. The background score, the songs, and the sound genre, music, and spectacle
effects used should complement the situation and the
characters in it. Answers may vary…

The spectacle in the play can involve all the aspects of
scenery, costumes, and special effects in a production.
The visual elements of the play created for theatrical
event. There are various elements of drama
which serve as the basis of producing a
Again, how many elements of drama/play we have successful play. Altogether, they provide
discussed? a building block by which dramatic works
can be analysed and evaluated. By
And what are they? knowing and using the elements of drama,
the skills needed in creating a successful
performance, as well as the skills required
So, what are the functions of these elements of play? Why to analyze a drama, could be developed.
we need to consider these elements before or while
making our script?

E. Generalization
Therefore how can you say that you have created a
successful play?

Very well said!

I’m glad that you understand our topic today so let’s give
ourselves a round of applause.

F. Application

Read the story “Why Women Wash the Dishes.” Examine

and identify each element of play present in the text;
characters, setting, plot, theme, and genre.

Very good!

G. Evaluation

Group yourselves into seven. Today, you will work in group to create and perform an original scene of “Why
Women Wash the Dishes.” From this script, your group will work together to develop the script and perform
a dramatic performance.

Prepared by:
Lachica, Gea Shyne B.

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