PPF Metamoprhoses

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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 12 Project Proposal

Name Holli Harris
Candidate 544843
Pathway Performing and production arts

Project Title FMP metamorphoses

Section 1: Review
Since joining this course, i have gained so many skills, from stage combat to accents. And going
through all these workshops and opportunities, such as film acting, stage acting, musical theatre,
contemporary and stage combat. I can only say thank you for everything i have had the opportunity to
I have become so much more confident, and positive in how i am as a performer and as a person,
which is something i could never do before joining the course, i am so thankful for all the opportunities
that i have taken part in, they have expanded my knowledge so much, and i have so much growth
thanks to it.
When joining the course, i had a big interest for screen acting, and after doing a term on screen acting, i
found the backstage and AD side of things so much more interesting, so for long term i think if i get the
chance i would definitely become a part of a backstage screen team.

Section 2: Project Concept

In FMP this year we are doing metamorphoses by Ovid, and we are being directed by Nat Simones.

Metamorphoses is a play that covers a vast amount of ancient Greek stories written by Ovid, the stories
all have a theme within them and a message, some of the themes are, love and desire, tragedy, free
will, power and authority.

When i first read the script, my mind immediately went to the idea of sound and how to bring it to life
rather than just visualising the characters on stage, this would engage the audience more. I was drawn
to the idea of using recorded audio to heighten the impact of the Gods in the play. Their voices are very
demanding and must be heard, it was also making comedic aspects if the costumes contrasted the

We would need things such as recorded studio audio, to make sure it's crisp and not bubbly or airy. We
could also use microphones to give the same effect, but instead of prerecorded it would be raw audio.

Section 3: Evaluation
To make sure I'm always evaluating my work, i keep a notebook full of feedback, good and
bad. We also have weekly reflections where we discuss everything possible about our week
and how we could improve for next week and what went well.
We also take loads of videos and photos of what's happening, mainly to put on our websites,
but there also for looking back on.
Finally, we will have a final reflection which is where we reflect on everything we have done in
the whole of FMP, all the way from the start, this is the final thing we do for the year, so it's the
most important to reflect on this task deeply. Especially for this year as it's the last piece of
coursework we will do.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
 Presentation: The Symbolism of Animals in Greek Mythology - MythologyWorldwide
Sunday 3rd March
 Context posters: Top 10 Important Events of Ancient Greece (ancienthistorylists.com)
Social Networking in Ancient Greece (nationalgeographic.org)
ANCIENT-GREEK-FOOD-FACT-FILE.pdf (mulberryhouseschool.com)
Ancient Greek civilization | History, Map, Culture, Politics, Religion, Achievements, & Facts |
Britannica Tuesday 5th march

 Context Posters: https://www.history.com/topics/1980s/1980s


Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

Monday: we spent all day reading through Folder for script, pen, and notebook.
26th Feb the scenes that Nat has chosen to be in the
play, after reading every scene we would
discuss the creative design of the play and
how we think it could be portrayed on stage.
Wednesday: we had a voice session with
Ellian, and we talked about the voice in
singing and projection on stage and how to
use our voices effectively.
Monday: we chose a line in a scene that
4th march excited us, and recited it in our heads, we
then walked around the room as this
character and then spoke then line, we then
stood in a circle and said our lines in the
middle of the circle staying in character
while talking to everyone.
Wednesday: In this lesson we chose a
scene in the script that we could relate to, or
easily understand, and we found a piece of
music that went with the feel, mood, and
flow of the scene, we then performed the
piece to everyone seeing what everyone
else thought, we then did a contrasting
piece of music that made the scene feel
completely different.
Monday: We started with a small talent
11th march show, giving Nat some ideas of what kind of
things we could do, whether it was
something as small as clicking your ears, or
triple backflips. We then did a movement
exercise; this involves turning into a stag or/
and a dog while gradually walking across
the stage. This was embodying the Greek
animals in transformation.
Wednesday: in this lesson we paired up
and chose a scene that excited us, and we
picked out how the character was feeling in
the piece, we then found a piece of music
that we could change the lyrics to, to also fit
the mood and flow of the piece at the same
Monday: this week we had our movement
18th march director in, and we did the whole day with
her, we looked at scenes, mainly at Diana
(Actaeon) and we played with microphones,
we also learnt a small dance and embodied
animals during this. We also did a lot of
work with the transformation from dog to
human, this was a very vulnerable exercise,
but we were all fully committed to it. We also
did some work on lifts, in this exercise I was
the flyer, so we played with being thrown
into the lift as if I was flying and then
plummeting to the ground when I was put
down, this then involved into incorporating
cartwheels and other tricks I learnt in
gymnastics, which was really fun to put one
of my talents into play.
Monday: this week we got our casting,
25th march so we were able to look more into
characters slightly, so firstly we did a lot
of singing with Ellian our vocal coach,
we did a ciconain women section where
i was leader of the women, meaning i
was do the higher harmonies, this was
really difficult coz i hate singing solo, but
i had to deal with it, it ended up being
really really good!
We also did a little jingle which was also
really fun, we had to make a really short
little song, we used microphones, as
this is what we are using in the show,
instead of recorded audio, everything
will be raw.
This audio jingle was for the palace of
the sun scene.

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