This document provides summaries and metadata for several books related to negotiation skills and practices, including "Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices" by Carrell from Pearson Education. It lists over a dozen books on topics like negotiation tactics, collective bargaining, conflict management, and developing strong negotiation abilities. Publication details like author, publisher, date, and page count are provided for each book mentioned.
This document provides summaries and metadata for several books related to negotiation skills and practices, including "Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices" by Carrell from Pearson Education. It lists over a dozen books on topics like negotiation tactics, collective bargaining, conflict management, and developing strong negotiation abilities. Publication details like author, publisher, date, and page count are provided for each book mentioned.
This document provides summaries and metadata for several books related to negotiation skills and practices, including "Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices" by Carrell from Pearson Education. It lists over a dozen books on topics like negotiation tactics, collective bargaining, conflict management, and developing strong negotiation abilities. Publication details like author, publisher, date, and page count are provided for each book mentioned.
This document provides summaries and metadata for several books related to negotiation skills and practices, including "Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices" by Carrell from Pearson Education. It lists over a dozen books on topics like negotiation tactics, collective bargaining, conflict management, and developing strong negotiation abilities. Publication details like author, publisher, date, and page count are provided for each book mentioned.
Carrell | Pearson Education | Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and
Practices | file download dobykul.pdf
ISBN:9780133072839 | Beverly DeMarr, Suzanne De Janasz | Mar 14,
2012 | This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Complete and broad | Business & Economics | Negotiation and Dispute Resolution | 408 pages Skills, Essentials of Negotiation | 336 pages | ISBN:9781259298998 | Jan 23, 2015 | Bruce Barry, Roy Lewicki, David Saunders | Business & Economics pdf ISBN:8131805786 | Colonel (Dr.) Narender Singh | Negotiations | Jan 1, 2009 | 158 pages pdf download Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices download Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices pdf file Ethical and unethical conduct and the collective bargaining process | 1993 | CORNELL:31924069067688 | Philosophy | E. Edward Herman, Robert Faaborg, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School | 41 pages Theory, Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices pdf Negoaition & Counselling: Text and Cases | ISBN:9789350621356 download Harvard Business School Press | Dec 30, 2013 | Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges | Business & Economics | ISBN:9781422163764 | Negotiation is the process by which people resolve their differences. Whether those differences involve the purchase of a new automobile, a labor contract dispute, the terms of | Negotiating Outcomes | 102 pages pdf file Dec 1, 2008 | Conflict is something inevitable. It is an integral part of our lives. Normally we work in groups and while working, we relate with our superiors, peers and juniors. While | 297 pages | B D Singh | ISBN:8174466428 | Managing Conflict and Negotiation Practices Language Arts & Disciplines | STANFORD:36105063708536 | theory and practice | Melissa L. Nelken | 500 pages | 2007 | Negotiation Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices pdf download A Working Guide to Making Deals and Resolving Conflict | 288 pages | Mastering Business Negotiation | Aug 28, 2006 | Mastering Business Negotiation is a handy resource for any leader or manager who needs practical strategies and ideas when conducting business negotiations. Grounded in solid | ISBN:9780787986414 | Business & Economics | Roy J. Lewicki, Alexander Hiam A practical ePub guide to negotiating which will give you the information and skills to succeed Find out how to improve your negotiating skills by defining your style | Michael Benoliel, Wei Hua | Negotiating | Aug 3, 2009 | 72 pages | Business & Economics | ISBN:9781405359559 Negotiating Collective bargaining | 167 pages | Jan 1, 2000 | ISBN:0888043015 | The Art of Mutual Gains Bargaining | David J. Corry | Negotiation STANFORD:36105044168453 | Legal Negotiation | 225 pages | Donald G. Gifford | 1989 | Law | Provides for the first time a single text that describes competitive negotiation tactics and more collaborative approaches, such as problemsolving and cooperative tactics most | Theory and Applications 170 pages | Business & Economics | ISBN:1591391113 | Harvard Business Essentials | Negotiation-whether hammering out a great job offer, settling a dispute with a client, drafting a contract, or making trade-offs between business units-is both a necessary and | Richard Luecke | Negotiation | 2003 Essentials: Negotiation | Business & Economics | Roy J. Lewicki | 2003 | 552 pages | ISBN:0072432551 | Rev. ed. of: Negotiation / Roy J. Lewicki. 3rd ed. c1999 Margaret Ann Neale, Max H. Bazerman | Education | Cognition and rationality in negotiation | 1991 | STANFORD:36105035326011 | 211 pages and