Well Living

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25 simple tips for a great living:

1. Drink lots of water, Eat proper food. 2. Sleep for 6-8 hours a day 3. Exercise your body daily at least for 30 minutes 4. Follow your passion/s and work. 5. Hurt no one 6. Love everyone 7. Laugh out loud, or atleast smile. 8. Play often. 9. Develop interesting hobbies 10. Take time out to meet old friends 11. Develop your self. 12. Read inspiring books/biographies 13. Remember to connect to the Creator 14. Meditate 15. Travel and admire Nature. 16. Make friends , forgive enemies 17. If in a problem , say out loud : "So , whats the big deal. This too shall pass" 18. See humourous films to have a hearty laugh. 19. Accept the life given to you. 20. Accept the life given to others. 21. Be grateful 22. Surrender to God 23. Sing songs or play music 24. Be truthful to self and others.

25. Do seva / help others.

Happy Living! Celebrate Life!

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