Mrs - Yasmine & Ms - Reem's KG1!: Library Day 2
Mrs - Yasmine & Ms - Reem's KG1!: Library Day 2
Mrs - Yasmine & Ms - Reem's KG1!: Library Day 2
Library day 2:
Tuesday , November
Dear Parents:
Was your week as exciting as ours?!
We had a great week learning at
school where the kids got to read
some great books, use their journals
for creative drawing and writing and
play happily in their favorite centers!
Home Connection:
You can discuss with your child who your friends are and how you are caring to them.
You can ask your child who their friends are at school and out of school and what activities they share together.
Continue discussing shapes with them and point out any shapes in the house
That they can identify. Please continue reading with your child . Thank you for all you
Efforts and continuous support. Have a great week learning and teaching!