Mrs - Yasmine & Ms - Reem's KG 1 Super Stars: Star of The Week Fawaz Al-Furaih

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Yasmine &
Ms.Reems KG 1
Super Stars

Dear Parents:
Thank you so much for honoring us with
your visits for the 3-way conferences, We
really appreciate all the positive feedback
you gave us and we really enjoyed
showing you all the progress our super
stars have reached so far!

Star of the Week

Fawaz Al-Furaih

Library day
Sunday Nov.27

Show and tell this

Thursday will be for:
letter Ee.

Sneak Peek on this Week

Literacy Inquiry:
We will be learning all about the letter Ee.
We will introduce the sight words am and review the
sight words we, at, is, the ,it, to and I.
We will be reading lots of great books including Elmer
and Emily & Mortimer.
We will be doing an Elmer craft , rainbow writing sight
words and many more fun activities.

Math Inquiry:
We will be introducing 3D shapes and differentiating
between 2D and 3D shapes through different activities.
We will work on number recognition & number writing.
We will continue creating and extending patterns.

Unit of Inquiry:

Have a great week !

Central Idea: The interdependence of living things impacts

the environment.
We will be having our prior knowledge assessment on this
unit and we will be introducing the word Interdependence
and environment
Learner Profile: We will discuss how we can be Principled
in our daily lives.

Important Reminders
Thursday,December 8 th: International day festival for
KG Land.

Home Connection:
Please practice identifying and writing numbers 0-10. Always feel free to capture a picture of your child learning at
home and send it to me. Please send family pictures to be added to our family love tree if you still havent. Thank
you for all your support and hard work with the children !

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