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4th Grade Class Newsletter
February, 2024
A Month Full of Adventure
January came and went so quickly! Our student teacher has now joined us for
the remainder of the school year. This month we will be celebrating Valentine’s
Day in class and lists of students’ names will be sent home with each student.
We are still accepting volunteers for our Valentine’s party and our two upcoming
fieldtrips for ice skating on February 9th and the Farm Expo at the Fairgrounds
on February 22nd.


Our class will be going ice skating at Bill This month we are working on writing
Collier Ice Skating Rink on Friday, February comparative pieces and summaries. We will
9th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Permission also be working with rounding numbers and
slips that were sent home last week must be representing equations in a variety of ways.
returned by Thursday, February 8th. On As always, students will be given a reading
February 14th, our class will be having a log and expected to read 30 minutes a day.
Valentine’s Day party from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00
p.m. where students will be invited to play
games, have snacks, and pass out Valentines. February is Black History Month, and
If your child would like to hand out students will have the opportunity to learn
Valentines, please make sure they have about the contribution of African Americans
one for each student in the class. Lastly, on and their culture to American society
February 22nd, students will have the helping to create in them a global
opportunity to go to the Farm Expo at the perspective. Throughout the month, students
Fairgrounds from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. will be given opportunities to check out
Buses will transport students and parent books from the library about influential
volunteers to the off-campus sites. African Americans in history.

Thank for your endless support of our student culture, classroom culture, and school culture. We
look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events! If you have any questions about how
to become a volunteer, please reach out to me at [email protected].

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