Trade Union Friends of Israel (TUFI) Statement August 2014
Trade Union Friends of Israel (TUFI) Statement August 2014
Trade Union Friends of Israel (TUFI) Statement August 2014
August 2014
Trade Union Friends of Israel (TUFI) is fully supportive for all efforts to secure a permanent cease fire
between Gaza and Israel and that we will witness no return to the appalling events of the last
month. The conflict is the result of failing to make a final peace agreement between Israelis and
Palestinians in sixty plus years. The only solution to this is for two-states, no matter how hard or
painful the concessions will have to be, to end this cycle of violence.
We condemn all the rocketing and tunnel terrorist attacks from civilian centres, perpetrated by
Hamas, against the Israeli civilian population and we regret the loss of life on both sides that is the
result of this pointless conflict. We also expect that the Israeli military act in a proportionate and
measured way, to avoid Palestinian civilian casualties. The only way to resolve this conflict is for a
commitment to solely peaceful means of action. This means stopping all rocket and tunnel attacks,
permanently. This has to be also responded with an easing of the closure of the Gaza boarders,
whilst also remembering that currently thousands of tons of food, materials, humanitarian aid and
medical supplies regularly cross from Israel into Gaza, and many Gazan patients are cared for in
Israeli hospitals. We want an eventual free flow of goods and people between the two territories,
with all the safeguards for security.
TUFI wants to work with all agencies and NGOs to rebuild Gaza, into a fully functioning, prosperous
state living in peace and security beside its neighbour Israel. We support the rebuilding of Gazan
trade unions, with full freedom of association and trade union rights, in association with the PGFTU,
who should play a part in developing the infrastructure and economy of Gaza that is so desperately
We call on the global trade union movement to make these demands of the governments in Israel
and Palestine and work with the international community with the ongoing efforts for the long term
development of Gaza and transition to normality for both Israelis and Palestinians. We also call on
world's trade unions to campaign for return of full trade union rights and freedom of association for
the people of Gaza.