CourseworK Ele3102 PPG
CourseworK Ele3102 PPG
CourseworK Ele3102 PPG
Learning Outcomes: 1" #isc!ss $ sic principles% &heories% ppro ches% 'e&ho(s% n( &echni)!es in secon( l ng! ge &e ching n( le rning" 2" *o'p re n( con&r s& le rners+ n( &e cher+s roles in l ng! ge cl ssroo'"
3" E, 'ine n( -!s&if. cl ssroo' s/ills n( ' n ge'en& in pri' r. school &e ching" 0" #ifferen&i &e re'e(i l n( enrich'en& c&i1i&ies" 2" Selec& n( si'plif. ' &eri ls for l ng! ge &e ching" 3" 4n&erpre& n( selec& s.ll $!s i&e's n( c!rric!l!' specific &ions in 5ri&ing sche'e of 5or/" 6" An s 'ple lesson pl ns" Project O jecti!es: To en $le s&!(en&s &o7 "#$K % &Report on $chool 'ased ()perience * +,-. / Groupwork 4n gro!ps of no& 'ore &h n 3 5ri&e repor& on &he o$ser1 &ions (one (!ring S8E" The repor& '!s& consis& of s!'' r. of ll &he o$ser1 &ions n( n n l.sis of 5h & h s $een le rn& $o!& &he 1 rio!s s&r &egies !se( $. &he &e cher 5hile &e ching" The repor& '!s& $e & le s& 0 pages e,cl!(ing &he references 9fon& si:e 11% Ari l; (o!$le sp cing< n( no& 'ore &h n %, pages"
"#$K 1 &$ourcing and presenting in2ormation* +,-. / Indi!idual " So!rce infor' &ion on &he principles% &heories% ppro ches% 'e&ho(s% $oo/s% ' g :ines% -o!rn ls n( in&erne&" $" Re ( n( selec& "3R(( r&icles 9on (ifferen& &heories< fro' e&c" of r&icles" S!$'i& &hese r&icles"< n( &echni)!es in secon( l ng! ge &e ching n( le rning fro'
c" Use .o!r co'p!&er s/ills &o presen& &he infor' &ion in &he for' of shor& no&es in s!i& $le gr phic org ni:er9s<"
"#$K + &Lesson #nalysis and Report * +,-. / Indi!idual 8 se( on lesson o$ser1e( (!ring S8E% (o n n l.sis of &he lesson ' /ing reference &o &heories% ppro ches% 'e&ho(s% n( &echni)!es in secon( l ng! ge &e ching n( le rning" =ri&e lesson pl n 7 i" &he 1 rio!s s& ges of &he lesson ii" &he s&reng&hs n( 5e /nesses of &he lesson" "#$K 4 &5uiz * %,-. / Indi!idual
"he Project The pro-ec& i's &o f cili& &e &he in&egr &ion n( pplic &ion of &he co!rse con&en&% s&i'!l &e cri&ic l &hin/ing n( reflec&ion% n( enco!r ge !&ono'o!s le rning" >o! re re)!ire( &o !se &he s/ills n( insigh&s .o! re (e1eloping in &his co!rse &o con(!c& n in?(ep&h ssess'en& of one person@s &e ching in l ng! ge cl ssroo'" This & s/ 5ill in1ol1e7
Group Work >o! re re)!ire( &o 5or/ in gro!ps of &hree" Aro!p 5or/ re)!ires in&erperson l s/ills% ' &!ri&. n( responsi$ili&." All &hree gro!p 'e'$ers re re)!ire( &o 5or/ coll $or &i1el. on e ch co'ponen& of &he pro-ec&" Data collection Fin( cooper &i1e person 9 l ng! ge &e cher< 5hose ins&r!c&ion l s/ills .o! 5o!l( li/e &o 5or/ on" Recor( &his person &e ching n English l ng! ge lesson" Analysis of the Data Bie5 &he recor(ing in .o!r gro!p n( (o n n l.sis of &he &heories% ppro ches% 'e&ho(s% n( &echni)!es in secon( l ng! ge &e ching n( le rning !se( in c o!& &he lesson""
Findings The repor& '!s& $e & le s& 0 pages e,cl!(ing &he references 9fon& si:e 11% Ari l; (o!$le sp cing< n( no& 'ore &h n %, pages"