10 Lesson
10 Lesson
10 Lesson
$RADE% Lesson Objective(s): (1% &'(en&s )ill *e a*le &o (+% ,ri&i-'e &.e rele/an,e of &.e Cons&i&'&ion &o(ay 'sing 0as& resear,. an( lesson no&es1 (2% in a gro'0 (3% )i&. #04 a,,'ra,y. Assessment(s): 1. In a gro'01 s&'(en&s )ill 5a6e a s.or& fil5 &.a& o'&lines ).y &.e Cons&i&'&ion is s&ill i50or&an& &o(ay in &.e +1s& ,en&'ry an( gi/e an in ,lass 0resen&a&ion. Adjustments to the assessment: Reso'r,e s&'(en&s )ill *e gi/en 5ore &i5e &o ,o50le&e &.e ans)er. &'(en&s )ill .a/e &.e o0&ion of going an al&erna&i/e 0ro7e,& ins&ea( of a fil5. Materials: C.al6 C.al6*oar( A &i5er Fil5 ,rea&ion R'*ri, (1 ,o0y 0er s&'(en&1 a00ro8i5a&ely +# ,o0ies% T.9. an( /i(eo 0layer for s&'(en&s &'(en&s )ill nee( &o *ring &.eir &e8&*oo6 &o ,lass 28: *lan6 no&e ,ar(s for s&'(en&s &o ans)er &.e ,ri&i,al &.in6ing -'es&ion on &.e *oar(1 (1 ,o0y 0er s&'(en&1 a00ro8i5a&ely +# ,o0ies%. In&erne& ,onne,&ion for lin6 &o ;Prea5*le; lyri,s. Ea,. s&'(en& )ill nee( &o *ring &.eir assigne( &e8&*oo6 &o ,lass Content Core Standards, Objectives, Indicators: CORE NATIONAL STANDARDS: Standard 6 "Standard 6: Students will understand the structure and function of the United States o!ern"ent esta#lished #$ the Constitution% O#&ecti!e ': E(a"ine the #asic structure of the Constitution% <.2.* E()lain the )ur)ose of the Constitution as outlined in the )rea"#le%" Purpose= >as&ery Con,e0&'al In&er0ersonal elf?e80ression T.is lesson (eals )i&. a*ili&y &o re?,all infor5a&ion 5e5ori@e( fro5 &.e Cons&i&'&ion.
Strate !: &'(en&s )ill re?,all fa,&s in or(er &o ,o50le&e &.e A>e5ori@e for fill?in?&.e *lan6 -'i@A on &.e De,lara&ion of In(e0en(en,e. &'(en&s )ill also re?,all infor5a&ion &.a& &.ey .a/e learne( fro5 &.e in ,lass Po)erPoin&Bs an( le,&'res &o ,o50le&e a ;T.in61 Pair1 .are1; regar(ing &.e 0'r0ose of &.e Cons&i&'&ion as o'&line( in &.e 0rea5*le. "ime C0 5in'&e ,lass 0erio( 1: >in'&es Learnin Activities (includin technolo !)# Use s&ra&egy s&e0s. $# Critical "hin%in : Students &ill &atch the video o' (Preamble) 'rom School *ouse +oc%,s &ebsite lin%: (http:--&&&#schoolhouseroc% #tv-Preamble#html) Students &ill listen to the video and anal!.e the l!rics to the son , (Preamble) 'rom School *ouse +oc% b! ans&erin the 'ollo&in t&o critical thin%in /uestions, 'rom the board, on the 012 note cards# 1. What is the song Preamble from School House Rocks website link about? 2. Why are the wor s from the !onstitution still meaningful? A(a0&a&ions Reso'r,e s&'(en&s )ill *e gi/en 5ore &i5e &o ,o50le&e &.e ans)er. &'(en&s )ill .a/e &.e o0&ion of going an al&erna&i/e 0ro7e,& ins&ea( of a fil5.
____________ _ +: >in'&es 3# Classroom 4iscussion: ;De .a/e no) s&'(ie( &.e Uni&e( &a&es Cons&i&'&ion an( Eill of Rig.&s1 )i&. a 5a7or fo,'s on &.e firs& &en A5en(5en&s. I no) )an& ea,. s&'(en&s &o s&an( '0 fro5 &.eir (es6 an( 5o/e &o one si(e of &.e
roo5. I )ill as6 a -'es&ion &.a& rela&es &o o'r rig.&s &o(ay1 e&.i,al -'es&ions an( ,ons&i&'&ional 0ri/a,y in &.e +1s& ,en&'ry. Af&er I as6 a -'es&ion I )ill &ell s&'(en&s &o 5o/e &o &.e o00osi&e si(e of &.e roo5 if &.ey &.in6 5y -'es&ion is Cons&i&'&ional or 'n,ons&i&'&ional an( &.en I )ill o0en '0 roo5 for (e*a&e an( as6 s&'(en&s &o e80lain &.eir ans)er an( &o s'00or& &.eir o0inion. ;T.e s&'(en&s )ill gain a *e&&er 'n(ers&an(ing a*o'& &.eir rig.&s &o 0ri/a,y an( free(o5 of s0ee,.; af&er &.e ,on,l'sion of &.e (e*a&e. *% "Are laws #ein "ade and )assed to )rotect users on the Internet+" ,% "-a$ a state !alidl$ enforce a law that "a.es it a cri"e to ha!e an a#ortion+" '% "Can a state re/uire "andator$ testin for the AIDS !irus%" 0% Is it constitutional to teach a#out reli ion in a )u#lic school+ 1% Is hate cri"e )rotected under the free s)eech a"end"ent% 6% Is censorshi) constitutional+ 2% -a$ ad"inistrators re"o!e contro!ersial #oo.s fro" school li#rar$ shel!es3 in $our o)inion3 is this constitutional+ 4% Are )u#lic school students re/uired to recite the 5led e of Alle iance+ Is this constitutional+
6% "The word "euthanasia" draws its roots fro" 7ree. "eanin " ood death%" As it is used in this discussion3 it "eans "the act of endin the life of a )erson sufferin fro" either a ter"inal illness3 or an incura#le disease%" There is currentl$ onl$ one state in the US that allows for euthanasia3 and that is Ore on3 where in *6623 the "Death 8ith Di nit$ Act%" In $our o)inion3 is this constitutional+ *9% Is the Declaration of Inde)endence still i")ortant toda$ in the ,*st centur$+
____________ _ 0# 51plain the Short 6ilm Assi nment: &'(en&s )ill *e (i/i(e( in&o gro'0s. 2: 5in'&es I )ill &a6e s&'(en&s &o &.e ,o50'&er la* &o *egin ,on(',&ing resear,. for &.e 0ro7e,&. For &.is assign5en&1 ea,. assigne( gro'0 )ill *e re-'ire( &o ,rea&e a : 5in'&e /i(eo on &.e follo)ing &o0i,= :8h$ is the Constitution still i")ortant toda$ in the ,*st centur$+
1: >in'&es
1: >in'&es
Clos're= !an( o'& 28: ,ar( a& en( of ,lass. As6 s&'(en&s &o )ri&e a res0onse &o &.e follo)ing -'es&ion1 ).i,. is *ase( on &.e in? ,lass le,&'re of &.e (ay= Is the Declaration of Inde)endence still i")ortant toda$ in the ,*st centur$+ A& &.e en( of ,lass1 gro'0s )ill .a/e &.e o00or&'ni&y &o 5ee& an( *egin )or6ing on &.e fil5 0ro7e,& As6 s&'(en&s if &.ey .a/e any -'es&ions.
5valuation: 1. A -'i@ )ill *e gi/en on &.e= De,lara&ion of In(e0en(en,e. A>e5ori@e for fill?in?&.e *lan6 -'i@.A +. &'(en&s )ill *e e/al'a&e( for &.eir 0ar&i,i0a&ion in (is,'ssions an( &.e in?,lass a,&i/i&y &.a& re-'ires .ig.er or(er &.in6ing -'es&ions (;T.in61 0air1 s.are; on &.e 0'r0ose of &.e Cons&i&'&ion as o'&line( in &.e 0rea5*le%. &'(en&s )ill *e e/al'a&e( on &.e ).ole 0ro,ess. Par&i,i0a&ion 0oin&s )ill *e a)ar(e( &o s&'(en&s ).o 0'& )or&. an effor&.