The document discusses a student's career portfolio, goals, work philosophy, results from personality surveys, and strategies for managing stress and developing their career. It provides details on the student's personality styles, how they developed, and how they impact effectiveness based on survey results. The student identifies a target for personal growth and a strategy to interact more with people.
The document discusses a student's career portfolio, goals, work philosophy, results from personality surveys, and strategies for managing stress and developing their career. It provides details on the student's personality styles, how they developed, and how they impact effectiveness based on survey results. The student identifies a target for personal growth and a strategy to interact more with people.
The document discusses a student's career portfolio, goals, work philosophy, results from personality surveys, and strategies for managing stress and developing their career. It provides details on the student's personality styles, how they developed, and how they impact effectiveness based on survey results. The student identifies a target for personal growth and a strategy to interact more with people.
The document discusses a student's career portfolio, goals, work philosophy, results from personality surveys, and strategies for managing stress and developing their career. It provides details on the student's personality styles, how they developed, and how they impact effectiveness based on survey results. The student identifies a target for personal growth and a strategy to interact more with people.
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Career Portfolio
Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548)
Professor: Hacker Due Date: 3/30/08 B Stu!e"t # Current goals $% &ar" a Masters Degree i" '"ter"atio"al Busi"ess #% &ar" a Masters Degree i" Marketi"g 3% &ar" M PH%D i" Busi"ess 4% Begi" &(ecuti)e trai"i"g 5% *i"! a Me"tor +% ,ra)el -% De)elo./e"t of '"ter"atio"al relatio" skills Work philosophy Stro"g 0ork et1ic *ull a"alsis of co/.a" .roce!ures a"! .olicies De)elo./e"t of 1u/a" resources a"! skills
Pro2le/ a"alsis a"! critical t1i"ki"g *i"!i"g "e0 i""o)ati)e 0as to i/.ro)e orga"i3atio"s efficie"c Results of DISC Survey and written report 4efere"ce: The AMA DISC Survey% 4etrie)e! 5a"uar #06 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7 ser)er#%co//1s!isc/.art8sig"8i"%as. 9M9 D'SC Sur)e :eller Gra!uate Sc1ool of Ma"age/e"t ; <"li"e GM5807<= Career Success Strategies Stu!e"t # Marc1 $+6 #008 Describe your personal styles 9ccor!i"g to t1e 9M9 D'SC sur)e / stro"gest c1aracteristic is / co"te/.lati)e "ature% M co"te/.lati)e "ature gi)es /e t1e a2ilit to c1aracteri3e i" .ossi2le situatio" 2 a"al3i"g t1e 01ole .icture i"stea! of t1e "arro0 as.ect% ,1is c1aracteristic .ro)i!es /e 0it1 all t1e i"for/atio" at 1a"! 2efore ' /ake a !ecisio"% ' "ee! to 1a)e all t1e .ossi2le solutio"s a"! facts i" / 1a"!% Critical t1i"ki"g is also !irectl correlate! 0it1 a co"te/.lati)e "ature% 92ilit to co/e u. 0it1 "e0 i""o)ati)e i!eas t1at ca" 2e"efit a situatio" is also !irectl tie! to a co"te/.lati)e "ature% ,1e sur)e also suggeste! t1at ' a/ taske! orie"tate!6 i"stea! of .eo.le orie"tate!% ' t1i"k t1at i" t1is as.ect t1e sur)e is "ot reall accurate% 't is all a /atter of t1e .ositio" a .erso" 1ol! i" t1ere career% ,1ere are /a" .ositio"s t1at ' 1a)e 1a! t1at 1a)e focuse! o" i"!i)i!uals i"stea! of tasks% ,1e .ositio" ' curre"tl 1ol! is a fiel! re.rese"tati)e 01ic1 /ai"l te"!s to !eal 0it1 co/.leti"g tasks i"stea! of !eali"g 0it1 i"!i)i!uals% *or e(a/.le6 if ' 0ere i" a .ositio" 01ic1 !ealt 0it1 custo/er ser)ice t1e" / !escri.ti)e sur)e 0oul! s1ift o)er to .eo.le orie"tate!% M 0eakest stle is / su..orti)e "ature% ' !o "ot agree 0it1 t1e sur)e i" t1is as.ect% ' a/ )er su..orti)e i" / .erso"al life6 2ut !ue to t1e .ositio" ' 1ol! at 0ork t1e re>uire/e"ts are /ai"l taske! orie"tate!% ' 0as a s1ift at a co/.a"6 a"! / /ai" focus 0as custo/er ser)ice 01ic1 is )er su..orti)e of co"su/ers 0ell 2ei"g to0ar! t1e .ro!ucts t1e .urc1ase% 9 su..orti)e "ature is usuall of a" i"!i)i!uals .erso"alit6 a"! 0eat1er it 2e i" sc1ool6 life6 or 0ork e)ero"e 1as t1e a2ilit to 2e su..orti)e i" o"e 0a or a"ot1er% Discuss 1o0 ou !e)elo.e! our stles M .erso"alit traits 1a)e !e)elo.e! o)er t1e ears 2ecause of t1e .ositio"s t1at ' 1a)e 1el! o)er t1e .ast fe0 ears% <)er t1e ears ' 1a)e 2ee" i")ol)e! !irectl 0it1 /a"age/e"t 01ic1 is taske! orie"tate!% ' 0as al0as taug1t to s1o0 result 0eat1er to ?o2 co"sists of ge"erati)e re)e"ue6 or co/.leti"g a task 0it1 a faster res.o"se ti/e% ,1e a"alsis of a" gi)e" situatio" to fi"! t1e 2est .ossi2le solutio" is e/2e!!e! i" e)er i"!i)i!uals D=9% @eat1er t1e c1oose to utili3e t1is gift so to s.eak is u. to t1e/% Seeki"g out i"for/atio" is a .ri/ar goal of /i"e% ' usuall like to !o researc1 0eat1er it 2e o" t1e i"ter"et6 or 0eat1er it is goi"g to t1e li2rar to recor! facts% ' also .osses self co"trol 01ic1 is t1e a2ilit to kee. cal/ i" a" situatio"% ,1e reaso" ' 1a)e self co"trol is 2ecause ' 1a)e 2ee" taug1t 2 / fa/il6 c1urc16 a"! /a" .eo.le to co"trol / e/otio"s6 a"! "ot let t1e/ take co"trol of /e% Gra"te!6 t1ere are situatio"s 01ere co"trolli"g e/otio"s ca" "ot 2e 1el.e! suc1 as !eat1s6 2irt1!as6 0e!!i"g etc% 2ut t1ere are also "egati)e sce"arios t1at ca" cause a" i"!i)i!uals e/otio" to lose co"trol suc1 a 2oss elli"g at ou for results6 or a s/all argu/e"t 0it1 a lo)e! o"e% ,1ere are /a" .erso"al e(.erie"ces t1at .eo.le go t1roug1 t1at /ol! t1ere stles6 2ut ' ca" attri2ute / .erso"al stle to / a2ilit to o)erco/e a" goals t1at ' 1a)e set for /self% M culture a"! fa/il also 1el. /e o)erco/e a" goals 01ic1 1a)e /ol!e! / .articular D'SC stle% 9sses t1e i/.act of our stles o" our effecti)e"ess M stle 1as 1el.e! /e 2etter /a"age acti)ities 2 t1ere .riorit a"! task le)el% ' usuall 1a)e a to7!o list t1at is !e!icate! o" / !ail tasks a"! t1e or!er t1at t1e task "ee!s to 2e co/.lete!% ' 2elie)e t1at si"ce / stle is task orie"tate! it 1el.s /e .erfor/ 2etter i" / 0ork e")iro"/e"t% M ?o2s co"sist of / !ail .erfor/a"ce to .ro)i!e accurate !ata to or clie"ts6 t1e 2etter t1e accurac t1e 1ig1er t1e .erfor/a"ce 0ill 2e% 'f t1e .erfor/a"ce is at a 1ig1 le)el t1e" our clie"ts 0ill .a /ore for our !ata% '" a grou. sce"ario / taske! orie"tate! .erso"alit gi)es /e t1e a2ilit to acco/.lis1 tasks a"! .ro?ects as 0ell as to u"!ersta"! t1e "ee! for "e0 a"! i""o)ati)e i!eas t1at ca" 2e"efit t1e tea/% Critical t1i"ki"g .ro)i!es /e t1e a2ilit to gi)e a tea/ /ulti.le o.tio"s of success6 as 0ell as t1e .erfect solutio" t1at ca" 2e"efit t1e grou. a"! .ro?ect% Ma"ager ca" usuall track / .erfor/a"ce 2 t1e >ualit of tasks t1at ' 1a)e co/.lete!6 2ut o" a .erso"al "ote ' a/ )er su..orti)e of / tea/s6 a"! .art"ers% ' usuall fi"! /a" 0as to 1el. i"!i)i!uals acco/.lis1 t1ere goals to t1ere full ca.acities% @1e" ' 0as a /a"ager ' 0oul! al0as fi"!s 0a to s1o0 su..ort to associates% ' 0oul! e"?o fi"!i"g re0ar!s for associates t1at .erfor/e! great results% Pro)i!i"g su..ort to frie"!s a"! fa/il es.eciall 01e" referri"g to e!ucatio" is o"e of / su..orti)e tec1"i>ues t1at ' .osses i" ter/s 2ei"g a su..orti)e i"!i)i!ual% '!e"tif a target for c1a"ge a"! a s.ecific c1a"ge strateg ,1e sur)e 1as 1el.e! /e reali3e t1at i" / curre"t ?o2 situatio" /a "ee! to c1a"ge a"! !eal /ore 0it1 i"!i)i!uals a"! tasks% S1ifti"g .riorities to 1a)e 2ala"ce effect i" / life is a "ecessit t1at ca" o"l 2e"efit /e i" t1e lo"g ru"6 as ' co"ti"ue to ear" / !egree a"! i"teract 0it1 !iffere"t i"!i)i!uals / .erso"alit 0ill e)ol)e i"to a 2ala"ce! .erso"% ,1is sur)e 1as i"s.ire! /e to i"teract /ore 0it1 .eo.le a"! take t1e ti/e to u"!ersta"! t1e/ as 0ell as t1ere "ee!s% ,1is sur)e 0as a great tool a"! e(.erie"ce t1at 1as 1el. reali3e! 01at areas of / life a"! .erso"alit "ee! i/.ro)e/e"ts% 4efere"ce: The AMA DISC Survey% 4etrie)e! 5a"uar #06 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7 ser)er#%co//1s!isc/.art8sig"8i"%as. SPR (Stress Processing Report) and written report Name: d00762389 Date: 3/21/2008 Your Stress Processing Report TM Results The Stress Processing Report (SPR !e"sures 19 thin#ing $st%les& or p"tterns "ssoci"ted 'ith stress "nd ("rious s%!pto!s o) str"in* including !edic"l pro+le!s, These st%les "re org"ni-ed into )our clusters. Self* 'hich descri+es on our (ie's "nd +elie)s "+out oursel(es/ Others* 'hich identi)ies our perceptions* pre)erences* "nd ("lues reg"rding rel"tionships 'ith others/ Process* 'hich )ocuses on our "ttitudes "nd +elie)s reg"rding ho' 'e go "+out the t"s#s 'e0(e +een "ssigned or h"(e chosen to do/ "nd Goals* 'hich descri+es our outloo# 'ith respect to the )uture, Your SPR Scores Your r"' scores "nd corresponding percentile scores )or the 19 SPR st%les "re presented in the t"+le +elo', The r"' scores c"n r"nge )ro! 0 to 32, The percentile scores descri+e ho' %our results co!p"re to the scores o) " s"!ple o) others 'ho h"(e co!pleted the SPR, 1or inst"nce* " percentile score o) 72 !e"ns th"t %our score )or " p"rticul"r st%le is higher th"n the scores o+t"ined +% 723 o) other respondents, 4n contr"st* " percentile score o) 22 !e"ns th"t %our score is higher th"n the scores o) 223 o) other respondents, Scores "t or "+o(e the 72th percentile "re considered $high& "nd indic"te he"lth% thin#ing p"tterns, Scores "t or +elo' the 22th percentile "re gener"ll% considered 5lo'5 "nd highlight p"tterns th"t c"n e6"sper"te7or e(en c"use7stress, Youre SPR Profile Cluster Style Raw Scores Percentile Scores Self 8ro'th 30 90 9))ecti(eness 29 83 Sel):4!"ge 29 83 P"st ;ie' 26 69 <ontrol 2= 20 >ppro("l 22 20 Others 4nclusion 29 90 4nterperson"l 29 82 4nti!"c% 32 99 Trust 29 82 Process Recepti(eness 31 92 S%nerg% 28 82 <ooper"tion 2= 28 Ti!e ?rient"tion 26 83 Ti!e @tili-"tion 2= 69 Goals S"tis)"ction 21 =2 Airectedness 31 97 96pect"tions 32 99 1uture ;ie' 22 63
Youre SPR Profile > (isu"l pro)ile o) %our results is sho'n +elo', The pro)ile '"s constructed +% plotting %our percentile scores on to " circu!ple6* or circul"r di"gr"! "round 'hich the 19 SPR st%les "re org"ni-ed, The nu!+ers "nd d"r#l% sh"ded e6tensions on the pro)ile re)lect %our percentile scores, Bong e6tensions th"t !o(e to'"rd the outer edge o) the circu!ple6 re)lect high percentile scores, Short e6tensions th"t don0t go out !uch +e%ond the inner edge o) the circu!ple6 re)lect lo' percentile scores, C% co!p"ring the length o) %our st%le e6tensions* %ou c"n identi)% 'hich thin#ing st%les7"nd cluster o) st%les7"re "re"s o) rel"ti(e strength (ersus 'hich "re "re"s th"t !"#e %ou !ore (ulner"+le to stress, Dhen (ie'ing the report online* clic# on "n% o) the st%les on the circu!ple6 to see " det"iled description, The SPR circu!ple6 cont"ins 6 rings* 'hich represent the 10th* 22th* 20th* 72th* 90th* 99th percentiles* respecti(el%* "s %ou !o(e )ro! the center out'"rd, The thic#* d"r# ring in the !iddle is the 20th percentile, Scores )"lling "t or "round this ring "re in the $!ediu!& r"nge rel"ti(e to the scores o) others, ?ne ring out'"rd )ro! the 20th percentile is the 72th percentile, Scores )"lling "t or "+o(e the 72th percentile ring "re in the $high& r"nge "nd indic"te he"lth% thin#ing p"tterns, ?ne ring in'"rd )ro! the 20th percentile is the 22th percentile, Scores )"lling "t or +elo' the 22th percentile "re in the $lo'& r"nge "nd identi)% thin#ing st%les th"t li#el% "re pro!oting or c"using %ou stress, HIGH :: Your score is in the E48E r"nge i) it is at or above the 72th percentile, MDI!M :: Your score is in the M9A4@M r"nge i) it is between the 22th "nd 72th percentiles, "O# :: Your score is in the B?D r"nge i) it is at or below the 22th percentile, The SPR Self-Development Guide cont"ins descriptions o) the SPR st%les* "s 'ell "s suggestions )or de(eloping he"lthier thin#ing p"tterns "nd eli!in"ting those th"t "re !ore sel):de)e"ting, Re)er to the Guide to g"in " +etter underst"nding o) %our current st%les "nd the steps %ou c"n t"#e to i!pro(e, S$ecial Items The SPR includes eight $speci"l ite!s& designed to sign"l e6tre!e le(els o) stress, 4) three or !ore o) these ite!s 'ere gi(en " response o) $so!e'h"t "gree*& $"gree*& or $strongl% "gree*& ple"se re"d $The Aescription o) the Speci"l 4te!s& in Section 8 o) the SPR Self-Development Guide, S$ecial Item Statements from In%entory Your Res$onse I &on't feel close to anyone Don't ()ree at (ll I can't e*$ress my feelin)s Don't ()ree at (ll I +ust can't han&le thin)s much lon)er Don't ()ree at (ll I re)ar& the $resent wretche& moment with $ain an& nausea Don't ()ree at (ll I start the &ay ,y re%iewin) my faults Sli)htly ()ree I feel thin)s are ho$eless Don't ()ree at (ll I &on't ha%e control of my thou)hts an& feelin)s Don't ()ree at (ll My thou)hts an& feelin)s are a&%ersely affectin) my health Don't ()ree at (ll Reference :Stress Processing Report% 4etrie)e! Marc1 $#6 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7 ser)er#%co//s.r/.art8sig"8i"%as. Stress Processi"g 4e.ort Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548) Professor: Hacker Due Date: 3/#4/08 B Stu!e"t # Descri2e "ee! areas 9fter !oi"g a careful a"alsis of all t1e .erce"tile !o/ai"s ' fou"! t1at ' score! )er lo0 i" t1e goals cluster for satisfactio"% ,1e reaso" ' score! .rett lo0 i" t1is !"t 0as !ue to / curre"t state at 0ork a"! i" sc1ool% ,o get a 2it /ore !etaile! ' a/ curre"tl "ot real satisfie! 0it1 / 0ork situatio" 2ecause ' k"o0 t1at ' a/ ca.a2le of so /uc1 /ore% M tale"ts a"! a2ilities furt1er sur.ass / curre"t ?o2% '" t1e gra"! sc1e/e of t1i"gs ' feel t1at ' ca" /ake a !iffere"ce !oi"g so/et1i"g else% Do "ot get /e 0ro"g it is a great ?o2 to 1a)e6 2ut it is )er re!u"!a"t a"! t1ere is "o roo/ for a!)a"ce/e"t i"to t1e 2usi"ess !"t 2ecause it is locate! i" =e0 Aork% Satisfactio" i" sc1ool is a 2it !iffere"t% @1at ' /ea" is / satisfactio" 0ill 2e co/.lete! 01e" ' fi"all ear" / !egree% 't 1as 2ee" a great ?our"e u. to t1is .oi"t6 2ut t1ere is still so/e 0ork to 2e !o"e% ,1e "e(t categor t1at ' score! )er lo0 o" 0as t1e co"trol as.ect% Co"trol i" a 0ork e")iro"/e"t is usuall left u. to /a"age/e"t a"! se"ior staffB ' ca" co"trol o"l t1e as.ect t1at ' co"tri2ute to / orga"i3atio"% '" orga"i3atio" co"trol is usuall !ifficult to .osses% &/.loees o"l 1a)e t1e ca.acit to follo0 .olices a"! .roce!ure .ertai"i"g to t1e !e)elo./e"t a"! gro0t1 of t1e orga"i3atio"% is a"ot1er categor t1at ' score! lo0 o"% 9ccor!i"g to t1e sur)e /a" .eo.le t1at score 1ig1 i" t1is .erce"tile usuall "ee! acce.ta"ce fro/ ot1ers i" t1ere !a to !a actio"% *or !ail i"teractio"Cs ' feel .rett co"fi!e"t i" / !ail !ecisio"s as 0ell as / .ro2le/ sol)i"g tec1"i>ues% is "ot a "ecessit for /e to co"!uct 2usi"ess i" / !ail i"teractio"s% Discuss 01et1er t1ese results are realistic ' 2elie)e t1ese results are accurate to a certai" e(te"t% ,1ere are /a" )aria2les i")ol)e! suc1 as t1e /e"tal state t1e .erso" is curre"tl i"% ,1ere are also fi"a"cial as.ects t1at "ee! to 2e accou"te! for% *or e(a/.le if a .erso" is atte"!i"g college t1ere score i" t1e sur)e s1oul! 2e lo0er t1e" is a .erso" t1at is esta2lis1e! i" t1e lo"g ter/ career% ' t1i"k t1roug1 ti/e .eo.le !e)elo. !iffere"t of stress c1aracteristic i" t1ere life% '"!i)i!uals career .at1s6 .erso"al li)es ca" !ecli"e or i/.ro)e% ,1i"ki"g 1a2its usuall /ature 0it1 ti/e a"! sta2ilit of a .erso" t1oug1ts .rocess% 'f a ou"ger c1il! 0ere to take t1e SP4 sur)e t1ere /e"tal state is "ot usuall !e)elo.e! a"! ca" "ot .rocess logical t1i"ki"g 1a2its6 so ' 0oul! a"tici.ate )aria2les t1at "ee! to 2e co"si!er% ,1e suggestio"s t1at t1e .rogra/ offers are .rett useful a"! ca" 1el. a" i"!i)i!ual i/.ro)e t1ere t1oug1 .rocess as 0ell as e>ui. t1e/ 0it1 2etter sce"arioCs to reli)e stress a"! i/.ro)e t1ere !ail o.eratio"s% ' ca" .erso"all use t1ese tec1"i>ues to 1el. i/.ro)e / t1oug1t .rocess6 as 0ell as to 1el. /e u"!ersta"! 1o0 to co"trol / e/otio"s i" certai" situatio"% ' also t1i"k t1at t1is .rogra/ ca" 1el. /e .erfor/ 2etter i" sc1ool 2 telli"g /e 01at areaCs of / life "ee! to 2e i/.ro)e! o"% '"ter.ret t1e fi"!i"gs @1e" ' first see" t1e fi"!i"gs ' 0as ki"! of s1ock6 2ut ' 1a! a" i!ea 01at to e(.ect% ' k"o0 01at areas of / t1oug1t .rocess "ee!s i/.ro)e/e"t% 't all 1as to !o 0it1 / curre"t career c1oice as 0ell / curre"t state of stress% ,1ere 1a)e 2ee" a great !eal of u"foresee" c1a"ges i" / life t1e last fe0 /o"t1s6 ' a/ still lear"i"g 1o0 to gro0 2ala"ce out all t1e )aria2les as 0ell as !eal 0it1 all t1e c1a"ges i" / life% ,1e satisfactio" sectio" .ro)i!e! /e 0it1 !etaile! feeli"gs o" 1o0 ' feel o" a !a to !a 2asis% ,1e suggestio" t1at are offere! are to 0rite !o0" t1i"gs t1at ' 0a"t to !o6 as 0ell as t1i"gs t1at ' !o"Ct 0a"t to a"! /ake t1e/ e"?oa2le% 't /a!e .erfect se"se to /e% ' reall e"?o /usic or listi"g sta"!u. co/e! 01e" ' a/ !ri)i"g to 0ork% ' t1i"k / iPo! ca" co/e i"to 1a"!6 / ?o2 is )er tec1"ical as 0ell as !ri)e" a"! so a little /usic ca" co/e i"to 1a"! 01e" ' .erfor/ t1ese tasks% M ?o2 ca" 2e .rett stressful at ti/e 2ut it reall is "ot t1at 2a!% ,1ere are /a" resources a"! tools t1at / ?o2 .ro)i!es t1at ca" 1el. co/.lete tasks6 as 0ell as .ro?ects% Co"trol is a"ot1er as.ect t1at "ee!s i/.ro)e/e"t% 9ccor!i"g to t1e sur)e !e.ressio" .las a role i" scori"g )er lo0% ,1ere are ti/es t1at ' !o t1i"k t1at ' a/ "ot i" co"trol of 01at is goi"g o" i" / life6 2ut ' reali3e t1at if ' ?ust !o / 2est i" all areas t1at ' ca" 1a)e a goo! se"se of 01ere ' a/ 1ea!i"g% ' a/ frig1tful so/eti/es 01e" it .ertai"s to t1e future a"! t1e u"certai"t t1at lies 0it1 it% ,1e .rogra/ suggests t1at ' /ake list of .ro?ects a"! categories t1e/ 2 t1i"gs ' 1a)e co"trol o)er a"! t1i"gs ' !o"Ct% Dear"i"g 1o0 to coo. 0it1 t1ese situatio"s are ke to a" i"!i)i!uals success% Gro0t1 ' 1a)e lear"e! a great !eal fro/ t1is e(ercise% ' "ee! to acce.t t1at t1ere are issues i" / life t1at "ee! to 2e i/.ro)e! o"% @riti"g goals !o0" a"! lear"i"g 1o0 to !eal 0it1 stress 0ill 1a)e to 2e a .rocess t1at i/.le/e"t i" / !ail life% Perfor/i"g 2etter i" sc1ool as 0ell as / ?o2 0ill "ee! to i/.ro)e6 2ut t1e .rocess "ee!s to 2egi" 0it1 /e% ' "ee! to lear" 1o0 to 2e 1a.. 0it1 / situatio" at 0ork a"! i" sc1ool% ' also "ee! to 1a)e .atie"ce a"! k"o0 t1at e)ert1i"g 1a..e"s i" t1ere o0" ti/e% =e)er t1e less t1is 1as 2ee" a great lear"i"g e(.erie"ce for /e% Reference: Stress Processing Report% 4etrie)e! Marc1 $#6 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7 ser)er#%co//s.r/.art8sig"8i"%as. Saples of key course outcoes and assignents Career 4esearc1 Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548) Professor: Hacker Due Date: 4/$3/08 B Stu!e"t # 9fter co"!ucti"g researc1 a2out future .ers.ecti)es .ositio"s ' 0oul! 1a)e to sa t1at ' fou"! C1ief ,ec1"ological &(ecuti)e (C,<) .ositio" >uite i"teresti"g% ' reall e"?o tec1"olog6 a"! ' 0oul! like to take it u.o" /self to 0ork 0it1i" a fiel! t1at ' reall e"?o% 9fter .artici.ati"g i" t1is 0eek !iscussio" ' fi"! t1at t1e "ee! to e(.a"! .erso""el k"o0le!ge is / /ai" o2?ecti)e% ,ec1"olog .ro)i!es /e 0it1 all t1e resources t1at ' /a "ee! to co"ti"ue / e!ucatio"al .rocess% C,< 1a)e t1e ca.acit to 2e i" c1arge of orga"i3atio"s tec1"ological "ee!s% ' fi"! t1is .ositio"s to 2e >uite i"teresti"g 2ecause ' lo)e co"!ucti"g researc1 o" "e0 tec1"ologies as 0ell as t1ere .ote"tial 2e"efits% 9 C,< ?o2 !escri.tio" is )er 2roa!6 a"! it ca" ra"ge fro/ co"trolli"g t1e 2u!get 0it1i" t1e tec1"ological !"t to t1e !e)elo./e"t of a "e0 tec1"olog6 /a"agi"g a grou. is a /ust it is re>uire! i" a" e(ecuti)e .ositio"% ,1ere are /a" reaso"s t1at t1is ?o2 0oul! 2e .erfect for /e% Si"ce ' 1a)e starte! / e!ucatio"al career ' 1a)e 2ee" groo/e! for t1is .ositio" 2ecause of all t1e courses t1at ' 1a)e .ursue!% Ma" of t1e courses t1at ' 1a)e take" 1a)e .ro)i!e! /e 0it1 all t1e skills t1at ' 0ill "ee! to 2e a great ca"!i!ate for t1is .ositio"% ,1ere are a fe0 !ra02ack of t1is .ositio"6 t1e e(.erie"ce re>uire! to gai" a .ositio" to 2eco/e a C,< are $0 ears or /ore6 2ut t1is is )er u"!ersta"!a2le 2ecause it is a 1ig1 .ai"g .ositio"% <"e t1i"g t1at ' 1a)e lear"e! is t1at life al0as .rese"ts !iffere"t o..ortu"ities t1at ca" s0itc1 our career c1oice% C,< 1a)e a !irect co//u"icatio" li"e o.e" 0it1 t1e C&<% ,1e reaso" t1is .ositio" is )er i/.orta"t is 2ecause t1ere are /a" orga"i3atio"s t1at co"!uct 2usi"ess 0it1out utili3i"g t1e full .ote"tial of tec1"ological .ro!ucts% <rga"i3atio"s .a a great !eal of fi"a"cial resources to t1ese i"!i)i!uals 2ecause it takes a great !eal of co"trol6 a"! .assio" to /ai"tai" t1is .ositio"% ,1e .ositio" re>uires a .erso" to 2e o" to. of t1ere ga/e 01e" fi"!i"g "e0 tec1"ologies to 1el. a" orga"i3atio" 2eco/e efficie"t i" t1ere !ail acti)ates% ,1is ?o2 see/ great6 a"! ' 0oul! 1a)e a great ti/e co"!ucti"g 2usi"ess as 0ell as co/i"g u. 0it1 "e0 i""o)ati)e solutio"s for 2usi"esses% ,1e :eller career ser)ices 0e2site 1as a great !eal of i"for/atio" .ertai"i"g to t1e career searc1 e"!ea)or% ,1e 0e2site .ro)i!es sa/.le letters as 0ell as resu/es t1at ca" 2e use! as gui!eli"es% ,1e career ser)ice 0e2site also offers /a" a)e"ues o" t1e ?o2 searc1 suc1 as )arious 0e2sites t1at a stu!e"t ca" use to searc1 for a .ositio"% ,1e 0e2site also gi)es tec1"i>ues o" 01at to e(.ect i" t1e i"ter)ie0 .rocess% '"for/atio" is also .ro)i!e! o" co/.a"ies t1at are 1iri"g a"! 1a)i"g career fairs% :eller .ro)i!es all t1ese resources to stu!e"ts to e"sure t1at t1e ca" 2egi" t1ere career .at1s 0it1 all t1e i"for/atio" t1at 0ill 2e "ee!e!% *uture ,ec1"ological 9!)a"ces Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548) Professor: Hacker Due Date: 3/30/08 B Stu!e"t # M researc1 of t1e =9S9 0e2site 2roug1t /e to a" article of a "e0 tec1"ological a!)a"ce t1at ca" 2e"efit /a" i"ter"atio"al cor.oratio"s6 as 0ell as t1e s.ace or2it% ,ec1"ologies suc1 as t1e co"trol of !e)ice6 a"! co/.uter a2oar! )arious s.ace crafts6 satellites etc% 1a)e e/erge! out of =9S9% ,1e first e(.eri/e"t 0as a" eas task i" t1e .ers.ecti)e of co/.uter .rotocols 01ic1 co"sists of t1e .i"g of a satellite i" or2it a"! 0aiti"g for a res.o"se% ,o a co/.uter tec1"icia" t1is task 0oul! see/ /i"uscule6 2ut to aero"auticsC e"gi"eeri"g t1is ca" c1a"gi"g t1e 0a t1e s.ace fir/s co"!uct 2usi"ess i" s.ace so to s.eak% 9s t1e .rocess co"ti"ue! t1e !e)elo./e"t of .rotocols of e(isti"g i"ter"et co!e 1as 2ee" a!a.te! to use t1e i"ter"et to co"trol certai" fu"ctio"s o" s.ace /issio"s as 0ell satellites% ,1is tec1"olog ca" re)olutio"s t1e s.ace .rogra/ as 0ell as i"ter"atio"al orga"i3atio"s% *or e(a/.le6 letCs take i"to co"si!eratio" t1at a fir/ is full auto/ate! 2 /a"ufacturi"g /ac1i"es it 0oul! 2e great resources or tool to logi" i"to a co/.uter t1at is co""ecte! to a )irtual "et0ork a"! gat1er i"for/atio" t1at ca" 2e use! i" real ti/e6 t1e co"trol of ro2otics as 0ell as i"for/atio" is a )er useful tool a"! ca" 2e"efit a" orga"i3atio" 0eat1er is locate! i" s.ace or locate i" a"ot1er regio"% =9S9 is reall e(cite! t1at t1e use of t1e i"ter"et ca" actuall 1a)e t1e ca.a2ilit to co"trol t1e !e)ices i" s.ace6 a"! gat1er u.!ate !ate i"for/atio" to /ake !ecisio"s% Securit 1as 2ee" co"si!ere! as o"e of t1e 1ig1est .1ases of t1is .ro?ect6 2ut accor!i"g to =9S9 t1e co/.uters t1at are co""ecte! to satellites6 s.acecraft etc% 0ill "ot 2e co""ecte! to a .u2ic i"ter"et6 a"! t1ere 0ill 2e a seco"! i"ter"al i"ter"et t1at 0ill 2e co"structe! to 1a"!les all t1e fu"ctio"s associate! 0it1 t1is .ro?ect% ,1e .ro?ect is calle! t1e <.eratio" Missio"s as =o!es o" t1e '"ter"et (<M=')% ,1is .rocess 0oul! .1ase out t1e .rotocols of usi"g P<P sste/s a"! 0ill 1a)e t1e .ote"tial to co""ect all .eri.1erals i" s.ace o" o"e si"gle "et0ork% ,1e .eri.1erals i" s.ace 0ill 1a)e t1e ca.acit to co//u"icate 0it1 eac1 ot1er )ia t1e i"ter"et% '"for/atio" 0ill 2e tra"sferre! t1at 0ill co"sists of 0eat1er co"!itio"s a"! at/os.1eric i"for/atio"6 a"! .ro?ect 0ill 1a)e t1e ca.acit to 2e !e)elo.e! a"! i/.le/e"te! .ertai"i"g to i"for/atio" a)aila2le% 4efere"ce: Gar"er6 4% (#0086 *e2ruar $E)% NASA% 4etrie)e! Marc1 306 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%"asa%go)/to.ics/tec1"olog/features/o/" !ist of technical and life skills gained fro each "eller course #eneral $ducation% Micro &co"o/ics6 Grou. D"a/ics6 Co/.ositio"6 College Mat1e/atics6 =ee!s assess/e"t a"! Pro?ect Pla""i"g6 Busi"ess a"alsis !I&'( ) *pplication Software% Co"figuri"g @i"!o0s F. a"! D'=GF getti"g a>uati"te! 0it1 t1e )arious fu"ctio"s of t1e o.erati"g sste/s6 !eali"g 0it1 i"stallatio"s6 co"figuratio"s6 co//a"! .ro/.t usage6 u.gra!i"g sste/s a"! "et0ork a!a.tatio"% Protocols and &+,-...,(p,/ista% Deali"g 0it1 t1e i"structio"s t1at are t1e 2ases of "et0orki"g suc1 as t1e <S' refere"ce /o!els t1e !iffere"t sta"!ar!i3e! 2o!ies etc% @i"!o0s =,/#000 Gsage of o.erati"g sste/s6 creati"g users6 !o/ai"s6 orga"i3atio"al u"its etc6 also u.gra!i"g6 i"stallatio"s6 i/.le/e"ti"g a"! /ai"tai"i"g co/.uter sste/s for Microsoft clie"ts/ser)ers% 0perating Systes,Intro to Coputer Prograing% '"tro!uce! to /a" ke o.erati"g sste/s a"! t1ere tasks orie"tate! .rocesses suc1 as D'=GF6 =o)ell =et0are6 @i"!o0s E86 =,6 #0006D<S6F.6 a"! Hista% 9lso .rogra//i"g k"o0le!ge6 !e2uggi"g6 .ro2le/ sol)i"g6 algorit1/ic !esig"6 a"! o2?ect orie"tate! .rogra//i"g 0it1 Hisual Basic +% &etware,W*&% '"stalli"g a"! co"figuri"g =o)ell =et0are6 creati"g users6 orga"i3atio"al u"its6 setti"g .olices6 etc% '"tro!uce! too /a" of t1e "et0orki"g tec1"ologies suc1 as 9,M6 'SD=6 a"! ,CP/'P etc% &etwork Concepts and Data Counications,#'I Design ) Develop% Deali"g 0it1 /a" of t1e "et0ork co"ce.ts suc1 as routers6 .rotocols6 "et0ork !e)ices etc6 also !eali"g Gra.1ical Gser '"terfaces a"! 1o0 to create a GG' 0it1 t1e access !ata2ase a"! t1e /a" features of GG'% Web Server *dinistration/&etwork Systes 1anageent2 +echnology2 and Service Integration% Deali"g 0it1 t1e co"figuratio"s6 i"stallatio"s6 of 0e2 ser)ers a"! o.erati"g sste/ to i/.le/e"t i" t1e 0e2 ser)ers6 i"tegratio" of "et0orki"g to.ologies6 i"stallatio" a"! co"figuratio"s of /a" "et0ork ser)ices a"! to.ologies% Database% 9..licatio" of 2asic !ata2ase .rogra/s suc1 as 9ccess% Pro?ect co"sists of co"structi"g a !ata2ase .rogra/6 usi"g >ueries to ge"erate custo/er6 a"! class re>uests% Personal Resue
STUDENT 2 OBJECTIVE Obtain a position with ITT Technical Institute* "s an Educational Recruiter and to !urther "# $nowled%e and to ad&ance "# %rowth with the co"pan# in e&er# aspect' EDUC(TION ITT Technical Institute San Bernardino C( ) DeVr# Uni&ersit# ) *eller +rad (ssociate o! Science In In!or"ation Technolo%# ) Bachelor,s in Business ) -B(.-IB -a/ors0 Co"puter Networ$ S#ste"s ) Business ) Currentl# Enrolled +raduate0 June 2112 +3(0 2'45 ) +raduated June 2116 2'25 ) Co"pletion June 17 S*I88S 'General Education: -icro Econo"ics +roup D#na"ics Co"position Colle%e -athe"atics Needs assess"ent and 3ro/ect 3lannin% Business anal#sis LINUX & Application Software: Con!i%urin% 9indows :p and 8INU: %ettin% a;uatinted with the &arious !unctions o! the operatin% s#ste"s' Dealin% with installations con!i%urations co""and pro"pt usa%e up%radin% s#ste"s and networ$ adaptation' Protocols and NT/2/Xp/!ista: Dealin% with the instruction that is the base o! networ$in% such as the OSI re!erence "odels the di!!erent standardi<ed bodies etc' 9indows NT)2111 Usa%e o! operatin% s#ste"s creatin% users do"ains or%ani<ational units etc' (lso up%radin% installations i"ple"entin% and "aintainin% co"puter s#ste"s !or -icroso!t clients)ser&ers' "peratin# S$ste%s/Intro to &o%puter Pro#ra%%in#: Introduced to "an# $e# operatin% s#ste"s and there tas$s orientated processes such as 8INU: No&ell Netware 9indows 57 NT 2111DOS:p and Vista' (lso pro%ra""in% $nowled%e debu%%in% proble" sol&in% al%orith"ic desi%n and ob/ect orientated pro%ra""in% with Visual Basic 6' Netware/'AN: Installin% and con!i%urin% No&ell Netware creatin% users or%ani<ational units settin% polices etc' Introduced too "an# o! the networ$in% technolo%ies such as (T- ISDN and TC3)I3 etc' Networ( &oncepts and )ata &o%%unications/GUI )esi#n & )e*elop: Dealin% with "an# o! the networ$ concepts such as routers protocols networ$ de&ices etc' (lso dealin% +raphical User Inter!aces and how to create a +UI with the access database and the "an# !eatures o! +UI' 'e+ Ser*er Ad%inistration)Networ( S$ste%s ,ana#e%ent- Tec.nolo#$- and Ser*ice Inte#ration: Dealin% with the con!i%urations installations o! web ser&ers and operatin% s#ste" to i"ple"ent in the web ser&ers' Inte%ration o! networ$in% topolo%ies' Installation and con!i%urations o! "an# networ$ ser&ices and topolo%ies' )ata+ase (pplication o! basic database pro%ra"s such as (ccess' 3ro/ect consists o! constructin% a database pro%ra" usin% ;ueries to %enerate custo"er and class re;uests'
#0057#00+ Co/.GS9 Senior Technician Meeti"g !ail sales goals6 custo/er ser)ice6 a"! a tec1"ological co"sulta"t6 as 0e as trou2les1ooti"g )arious co/.uter .ro2le/s etc% #0047#005 Sketc1ers GS9 Second Assistant Ma"agi"g Store6 /eeti"g !ail sales goals6 o.e"i"g a"! closi"g !uties6 4etail sales6 custo/er ser)ice $3aples of work e3periences #00+7Prese"t =ielse" Me!ia 4esearc1 D96 C9 DPM Field Representative 4es.o"si2le for o)er t1irt 1o/es6 i"stalli"g e>ui./e"t6 custo/er ser)ices6 Ge"erati"g !ail fault a"alsis6 a"! setti"g a..oi"t/e"ts to fi( .ro2le/s6 etc% #0057#00+ Co/.GS9 <"tario6 C9 Senior Technician Meeti"g !ail sales goals6 custo/er ser)ice6 tec1"ological co"sulta"t 6 ,rou2le s1ooti"g )arious co/.uter .ro2le/s etc% #0047#005 Sketc1ers GS9 <"tario6 C9 Second Assistant Ma"agi"g Store6 /eeti"g !ail sales goals6 o.e"i"g a"! closi"g !uties6 retail sales6 custo/er ser)ice ' 1a)e lear"e! a great !eal t1roug1out / 0ork e(.erie"ces 0it1i" eac1 orga"i3atio"% So/e of t1e skills t1at ' 1a)e gai"e! co"sist of 2ei"g )er orga"i3e!6 as 0ell as taske! orie"tate!% ' 1a)e 1a! t1e o..ortu"it of 0orki"g i" t1e retail6 tec1"ological6 as 0ell as t1e researc1 i"!ustr6 0it1 eac1 of t1ese .ositio"s ' 1a)e al0as 2ee" .ro/ote! to so/e sort of /a"age/e"t .ositio"% Ma"age/e"t .ositio"s 1a)e gi)e" /e t1e c1a"ce to 2e )er !i)erse a"! to u"!ersta"! 01at of .roce!ure a"! .olicies are i")ol)e! i" /ai"tai"i"g a" orga"i3atio"% 9ll t1e orga"i3atio" t1at ' 1a)e 0orke! for 1a)e 2ee" )er !i)erse a"! t1is 1as taug1t /e" t1at t1ere are a great !eal of e(.erie"ces out t1ere t1at ca" 1el. a" orga"i3atio" as 0ell as a" i"!i)i!ual o" a .erso"al le)el% $3aples of volunteer and counity service e3periences ' 1a)e "ot 2ee" a2le to co/.lete )olu"teer 0ork i" our societ% ' e(.ect t1is to c1a"ge 0it1 t1e ears to co/e% ' 1a)e fou"! a "ecessit 0it1i" our societ to 1el. t1e 1o/eless or .oor i"!i)i!uals i" t1e 0orl!% ' t1i"k t1at our go)er"/e"t 1as !o"e a great ?o2 i" 1el.i"g cou"tries all o)er t1e 0orl! 0it1 fi"a"cial 1el. as 0ell foo! resources% ' 2elie)e t1at it is "o0 t1e ti/e to 1el. t1e .eo.le !o/esticall% ,1e eco"o/ i" t1e G"ite! States is )er 0ell /ai"tai"e! a"! ' t1i"k t1at all t1e resources use! i" /a" !iffere"t cou"tries s1oul! 2e use! 0it1i" our o0" cou"tr to i/.ro)e t1e >ualit of less fortu"ate i"!i)i!uals% *cadeic Degree &avigator !ist of professional associations or eberships =SHMB9 is a great .rofessio"al orga"i3atio" to 2e a .art of% ,1e 1el. His.a"ic stu!e"ts 0it1 t1eir .rogress to0ar!s ear"i"g t1eir gra!uate !egree% ,1is orga"i3atio" 1ol!s /a" /eeti"g a"! /i(er 0it1 !iffere"t e(ecuti)es a"! orga"i3atio"s% ,o. e(ecuti)es usuall gi)e fee!2ack to .rofessio"als6 a"! stu!e"ts o" 1o0 to ac1ie)e success i" life a"! i" a" orga"i3atio"% Belo0 is a !escri.tio" t1at is offere! o" t1e associatio" 0e2site% -he National Society of His$anic M.(s /NSHM.(0 '"s cre"ted in 1988 "s " 201(<(3 non:pro)it org"ni-"tion, Didel% #no'n "s the 5Pre!ier Eisp"nic ?rg"ni-"tion*5 FSEMC> ser(es 32 ch"pters "nd 7*000 !e!+ers in the @,S, "nd Puerto Rico, 4t e6ists to )oster Eisp"nic le"dership through gr"du"te !"n"ge!ent educ"tion "nd pro)ession"l de(elop!ent, FSEMC> 'or#s to prep"re Eisp"nics )or le"dership positions throughout the @,S,* so th"t the% c"n pro(ide the cultur"l "'"reness "nd sensiti(it% (it"l in the !"n"ge!ent o) the n"tion0s di(erse 'or#)orce, 1ision: To +e the pre!ier Eisp"nic MC> pro)ession"l +usiness net'or# )or econo!ic "nd phil"nthropic "d("nce!ent, Mission: )ostering Eisp"nic le"dership through gr"du"te !"n"ge!ent educ"tion "nd pro)ession"l de(elop!ent in order to i!pro(e societ%,
NSHM.( Strate)ic O,+ecti%es
C% the %e"r 2020* the coll"+or"ti(e e))orts o) the F"tion"l Societ% o) Eisp"nic MC>S "nd its p"rtners should re(e"l "n incre"se in the percent"ges o) Eisp"nic.
MC> 8r"du"tes )ro! >><SC Cusiness Schools Eisp"nic 96ecuti(es le"ding 1ortune 200 co!p"nies Eisp"nic Airectors ser(ing 1ortune 200 Co"rds Together our go"ls "re "cco!plished +% re!"ining )ocused "nd ensuring ("lue "nd e))icienc% is present 'ith e"ch eng"ge!ent, This )ocus "nd co!!it!ent h"s " positi(e i!p"ct in our co!!unit%* corpor"te >!eric" "nd our n"tion, 4n coll"+or"tion 'ith str"tegic p"rtners* FSEMC> is )ocused in )our "re"s to "chie(e the desired i!p"ct.
&ucation: Ae(eloping "nd deli(ering educ"tion"l progr"!s 'hich prep"re Eisp"nics )or "d!itt"nce into gr"du"te !"n"ge!ent schools, FSEMC> is )ocused on supporting the success)ul co!pletion o) "d("nced degrees,
Professional De%elo$ment: The est"+lish!ent o) " pro)ession"l de(elop!ent center o) e6cellence* +"sed upon " consistent !ethodolog% o) 'orld:cl"ss progr"! de(elop!ent "nd content )or "ll st"#eholders* en"+les " continuu! o) the educ"tion"l process, Pro)ession"l Ae(elop!ent is " li)elong "nd c"reer:long Gourne% sh"red 'ith our st"#eholders "nd societ% "t l"rge,
Research: FSEMC>* "s the Pre!ier Source o) Rese"rch on Eisp"nics in the Dor#pl"ce "nd in Eigher 9duc"tion* utili-es rese"rch "s the +"sis )or our progr"!s "nd initi"ti(es, The Cusiness Hourn"l o) Eisp"nic Rese"rch is " peer re(ie'ed rese"rch Gourn"l "nd "ddresses +oth "c"de!ic "nd e6ecuti(e perspecti(es, Topics include "nd "re not li!ited to. e!plo%!ent issues !"r#eting educ"tion corpor"te go(ern"nce +est pr"ctices thought pieces org"ni-"tion"l rese"rch
+"c# to top NSHM.( 2acts
#ho is NSHM.(3 The F"tion"l Societ% o) Eisp"nic MC>s (FSEMC> '"s cre"ted in 1988 "s " 201(<(3 non:pro)it org"ni-"tion, Didel% #no'n "s the 5Pre!ier Eisp"nic ?rg"ni-"tion*5 FSEMC> ser(es 32 ch"pters "nd o(er 7000 !e!+ers (includes 3 ch"pters in )or!"tion in the @,S, "nd Puerto Rico, 4t e6ists to )oster Eisp"nic le"dership through gr"du"te !"n"ge!ent educ"tion "nd pro)ession"l de(elop!ent, FSEMC> 'or#s to prep"re Eisp"nics )or le"dership positions throughout the @,S,* so th"t the% c"n pro(ide the cultur"l "'"reness "nd sensiti(it% (it"l in the !"n"ge!ent o) the n"tion0s di(erse 'or#)orce, 4efere"ce: National ispanics Society of M!A"s% 4etrie)e! 5a"uar 0$6 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%"s1/2a%org/01o0eare%as. &etworking connections ' usuall kee. i" co"tact 0it1 a great !eal of /a"age/e"t i"!i)i!uals t1at ' 1a)e 0orke! 0it1 i" t1e .ast% ,1ese i"!i)i!uals .ro)i!e /e 0it1 great resources6 a"! i"for/atio"Cs t1at ' 0ill "ee! to .rogress for0ar! 0it1i" / .rofessio"al career6 as 0ell as / aca!e/ic career% '" / curre"t .rofessio" ' /eet /a" i"!i)i!uals 0it1 e(te"si)e .rofessio"al 2ackgrou"!s% ,1e also .ro)i!e a great !eal of k"o0le!ge a"! 1o0 to ac1ie)e success% M fat1er is also a" e""eur t1at starte! 1is orga"i3atio" fro/ t1e grou"! u.% He 1as .ro)i!e! /e 0it1 great cou"seli"g as 0ell as 01at is e(.ecte! of /e if ' !eci!e to start / o0" tec1"ological fir/% !ist of favorite web sites $% 1tt.://000%eas2i2%co// #% 1tt.://000%!e)ru%"et/ 3% 1tt.s:///%!e)r%e!u 4% 1tt.://000%a1oo%co// 5% 1tt.://000%0iki.e!ia%org/ +% 1tt.://000%ask%co// -% 1tt.://000%!og.ile%co// 8% 1tt.://s/.to/s%0e2/!%co// E% 1tt.://000%"e0egg%co// $0% 1tt.s://000%0ellsfargo%co// $% Hel.s 0it1 Bi2liogra.1 #% Class 3% Course sc1e!ule 4% Searc1 e"gi"e 5% '"for/atio" resources +% Searc1 e"gi"e -% Searc1 e"gi"e 8% Me!ical resources E% Great !eals o" tec1"olog $0% *i"a"cial 4esources Personal observations% (!ate &ight +houghts While !istening to 1ahler4s &inth) ' 0oul! reall like to ac1ie)e /a" t1i"gs i" / life% ' ofte" t1i"k t1at t1ere is "ot e"oug1 ti/e to co/.lete all t1ese tasks% ' a/ )er goal orie"tate!6 2ut t1e ti/e it 0ill take to ac1ie)e success see/s so far alo"g% ' ofte" get )er i".atie"t 0it1 co/.leti"g /a" t1ese tasks6 2ut ' ofte" ?ust s1rug it off a"! co"ti"ue stri)i"g for0ar!% ,1ere are /a" as.ects of / life t1at ' 0oul! like to c1a"ge a"! i/.ro)e o"6 a"! ' k"o0 if ' ca" ?ust follo0 t1roug1 0it1 t1ese c1a"ges t1at / life 0oul! !rasticall i/.ro)e a great !eal% ' 0oul! l like to fi"! a /e"tor t1at ca" e!ucate /e i" t1e 0a of 2usi"ess6 as 0ell as i" / .erso"al !e)elo./e"t% ' curre"tl at a crossroa!s i" / life 01ere it is !ifficult fro/ /e to !eci!e 01at ' 0a"t to !o6 ' eit1er 0a"t to 2e a" e(ecuti)e6 or start / o0" fir/ t1at 0ill s.eciali3e i" tec1"ical as 0ell as 2usi"ess as.ects%