Final Portfolio 2

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Career Portfolio

Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548)

Professor: Hacker
Due Date: 3/30/08
Stu!e"t #
Current goals
$% &ar" a Masters Degree i" '"ter"atio"al Busi"ess
#% &ar" a Masters Degree i" Marketi"g
3% &ar" M PH%D i" Busi"ess
4% Begi" &(ecuti)e trai"i"g
5% *i"! a Me"tor
+% ,ra)el
-% De)elo./e"t of '"ter"atio"al relatio" skills
Work philosophy
Stro"g 0ork et1ic
*ull a"alsis of co/.a" .roce!ures a"! .olicies
De)elo./e"t of 1u/a" resources a"! skills

Pro2le/ a"alsis a"! critical t1i"ki"g
*i"!i"g "e0 i""o)ati)e 0as to i/.ro)e orga"i3atio"s efficie"c
Results of DISC Survey and written report
4efere"ce: The AMA DISC Survey% 4etrie)e! 5a"uar #06 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7
9M9 D'SC Sur)e
:eller Gra!uate Sc1ool of Ma"age/e"t ; <"li"e GM5807<=
Career Success Strategies
Stu!e"t #
Marc1 $+6 #008
Describe your personal styles
9ccor!i"g to t1e 9M9 D'SC sur)e / stro"gest c1aracteristic is / co"te/.lati)e "ature% M
co"te/.lati)e "ature gi)es /e t1e a2ilit to c1aracteri3e i" .ossi2le situatio" 2 a"al3i"g t1e
01ole .icture i"stea! of t1e "arro0 as.ect% ,1is c1aracteristic .ro)i!es /e 0it1 all t1e
i"for/atio" at 1a"! 2efore ' /ake a !ecisio"% ' "ee! to 1a)e all t1e .ossi2le solutio"s a"! facts
i" / 1a"!% Critical t1i"ki"g is also !irectl correlate! 0it1 a co"te/.lati)e "ature%
92ilit to co/e u. 0it1 "e0 i""o)ati)e i!eas t1at ca" 2e"efit a situatio" is also !irectl tie! to a
co"te/.lati)e "ature% ,1e sur)e also suggeste! t1at ' a/ taske! orie"tate!6 i"stea! of .eo.le
orie"tate!% ' t1i"k t1at i" t1is as.ect t1e sur)e is "ot reall accurate% 't is all a /atter of t1e
.ositio" a .erso" 1ol! i" t1ere career% ,1ere are /a" .ositio"s t1at ' 1a)e 1a! t1at 1a)e focuse!
o" i"!i)i!uals i"stea! of tasks% ,1e .ositio" ' curre"tl 1ol! is a fiel! re.rese"tati)e 01ic1
/ai"l te"!s to !eal 0it1 co/.leti"g tasks i"stea! of !eali"g 0it1 i"!i)i!uals% *or e(a/.le6 if '
0ere i" a .ositio" 01ic1 !ealt 0it1 custo/er ser)ice t1e" / !escri.ti)e sur)e 0oul! s1ift o)er
to .eo.le orie"tate!%
M 0eakest stle is / su..orti)e "ature% ' !o "ot agree 0it1 t1e sur)e i" t1is as.ect% ' a/ )er
su..orti)e i" / .erso"al life6 2ut !ue to t1e .ositio" ' 1ol! at 0ork t1e re>uire/e"ts are /ai"l
taske! orie"tate!% ' 0as a s1ift at a co/.a"6 a"! / /ai" focus 0as custo/er
ser)ice 01ic1 is )er su..orti)e of co"su/ers 0ell 2ei"g to0ar! t1e .ro!ucts t1e .urc1ase% 9
su..orti)e "ature is usuall of a" i"!i)i!uals .erso"alit6 a"! 0eat1er it 2e i" sc1ool6 life6
or 0ork e)ero"e 1as t1e a2ilit to 2e su..orti)e i" o"e 0a or a"ot1er%
Discuss 1o0 ou !e)elo.e! our stles
M .erso"alit traits 1a)e !e)elo.e! o)er t1e ears 2ecause of t1e .ositio"s t1at ' 1a)e 1el! o)er
t1e .ast fe0 ears% <)er t1e ears ' 1a)e 2ee" i")ol)e! !irectl 0it1 /a"age/e"t 01ic1 is
taske! orie"tate!% ' 0as al0as taug1t to s1o0 result 0eat1er to ?o2 co"sists of ge"erati)e
re)e"ue6 or co/.leti"g a task 0it1 a faster res.o"se ti/e% ,1e a"alsis of a" gi)e" situatio" to
fi"! t1e 2est .ossi2le solutio" is e/2e!!e! i" e)er i"!i)i!uals D=9% @eat1er t1e c1oose to
utili3e t1is gift so to s.eak is u. to t1e/%
Seeki"g out i"for/atio" is a .ri/ar goal of /i"e% ' usuall like to !o researc1 0eat1er it 2e o"
t1e i"ter"et6 or 0eat1er it is goi"g to t1e li2rar to recor! facts% ' also .osses self co"trol 01ic1 is
t1e a2ilit to kee. cal/ i" a" situatio"% ,1e reaso" ' 1a)e self co"trol is 2ecause ' 1a)e 2ee"
taug1t 2 / fa/il6 c1urc16 a"! /a" .eo.le to co"trol / e/otio"s6 a"! "ot let t1e/ take
co"trol of /e% Gra"te!6 t1ere are situatio"s 01ere co"trolli"g e/otio"s ca" "ot 2e 1el.e! suc1 as
!eat1s6 2irt1!as6 0e!!i"g etc% 2ut t1ere are also "egati)e sce"arios t1at ca" cause a" i"!i)i!uals
e/otio" to lose co"trol suc1 a 2oss elli"g at ou for results6 or a s/all argu/e"t 0it1 a lo)e!
,1ere are /a" .erso"al e(.erie"ces t1at .eo.le go t1roug1 t1at /ol! t1ere stles6 2ut ' ca"
attri2ute / .erso"al stle to / a2ilit to o)erco/e a" goals t1at ' 1a)e set for /self% M
culture a"! fa/il also 1el. /e o)erco/e a" goals 01ic1 1a)e /ol!e! / .articular D'SC
9sses t1e i/.act of our stles o" our effecti)e"ess
M stle 1as 1el.e! /e 2etter /a"age acti)ities 2 t1ere .riorit a"! task le)el% ' usuall 1a)e a
to7!o list t1at is !e!icate! o" / !ail tasks a"! t1e or!er t1at t1e task "ee!s to 2e co/.lete!% '
2elie)e t1at si"ce / stle is task orie"tate! it 1el.s /e .erfor/ 2etter i" / 0ork e")iro"/e"t%
M ?o2s co"sist of / !ail .erfor/a"ce to .ro)i!e accurate !ata to or clie"ts6 t1e 2etter t1e
accurac t1e 1ig1er t1e .erfor/a"ce 0ill 2e% 'f t1e .erfor/a"ce is at a 1ig1 le)el t1e" our clie"ts
0ill .a /ore for our !ata%
'" a grou. sce"ario / taske! orie"tate! .erso"alit gi)es /e t1e a2ilit to acco/.lis1 tasks a"!
.ro?ects as 0ell as to u"!ersta"! t1e "ee! for "e0 a"! i""o)ati)e i!eas t1at ca" 2e"efit t1e tea/%
Critical t1i"ki"g .ro)i!es /e t1e a2ilit to gi)e a tea/ /ulti.le o.tio"s of success6 as 0ell as t1e
.erfect solutio" t1at ca" 2e"efit t1e grou. a"! .ro?ect%
Ma"ager ca" usuall track / .erfor/a"ce 2 t1e >ualit of tasks t1at ' 1a)e co/.lete!6 2ut o"
a .erso"al "ote ' a/ )er su..orti)e of / tea/s6 a"! .art"ers% ' usuall fi"! /a" 0as to 1el.
i"!i)i!uals acco/.lis1 t1ere goals to t1ere full ca.acities% @1e" ' 0as a /a"ager ' 0oul! al0as
fi"!s 0a to s1o0 su..ort to associates% ' 0oul! e"?o fi"!i"g re0ar!s for associates t1at
.erfor/e! great results% Pro)i!i"g su..ort to frie"!s a"! fa/il es.eciall 01e" referri"g to
e!ucatio" is o"e of / su..orti)e tec1"i>ues t1at ' .osses i" ter/s 2ei"g a su..orti)e i"!i)i!ual%
'!e"tif a target for c1a"ge a"! a s.ecific c1a"ge strateg
,1e sur)e 1as 1el.e! /e reali3e t1at i" / curre"t ?o2 situatio" /a "ee! to c1a"ge a"! !eal
/ore 0it1 i"!i)i!uals a"! tasks% S1ifti"g .riorities to 1a)e 2ala"ce effect i" / life is a "ecessit
t1at ca" o"l 2e"efit /e i" t1e lo"g ru"6 as ' co"ti"ue to ear" / !egree a"! i"teract 0it1
!iffere"t i"!i)i!uals / .erso"alit 0ill e)ol)e i"to a 2ala"ce! .erso"% ,1is sur)e 1as i"s.ire!
/e to i"teract /ore 0it1 .eo.le a"! take t1e ti/e to u"!ersta"! t1e/ as 0ell as t1ere "ee!s% ,1is
sur)e 0as a great tool a"! e(.erie"ce t1at 1as 1el. reali3e! 01at areas of / life a"!
.erso"alit "ee! i/.ro)e/e"ts%
4efere"ce: The AMA DISC Survey% 4etrie)e! 5a"uar #06 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7
SPR (Stress Processing Report) and written report
Name: d00762389 Date: 3/21/2008
Your Stress Processing Report
The Stress Processing Report (SPR !e"sures 19 thin#ing $st%les& or p"tterns "ssoci"ted 'ith stress "nd
("rious s%!pto!s o) str"in* including !edic"l pro+le!s, These st%les "re org"ni-ed into )our clusters.
Self* 'hich descri+es on our (ie's "nd +elie)s "+out oursel(es/
Others* 'hich identi)ies our perceptions* pre)erences* "nd ("lues reg"rding rel"tionships 'ith
Process* 'hich )ocuses on our "ttitudes "nd +elie)s reg"rding ho' 'e go "+out the t"s#s 'e0(e
+een "ssigned or h"(e chosen to do/ "nd
Goals* 'hich descri+es our outloo# 'ith respect to the )uture,
Your SPR Scores
Your r"' scores "nd corresponding percentile scores )or the 19 SPR st%les "re presented in the t"+le
+elo', The r"' scores c"n r"nge )ro! 0 to 32, The percentile scores descri+e ho' %our results co!p"re
to the scores o) " s"!ple o) others 'ho h"(e co!pleted the SPR, 1or inst"nce* " percentile score o) 72
!e"ns th"t %our score )or " p"rticul"r st%le is higher th"n the scores o+t"ined +% 723 o) other
respondents, 4n contr"st* " percentile score o) 22 !e"ns th"t %our score is higher th"n the scores o) 223
o) other respondents,
Scores "t or "+o(e the 72th percentile "re considered $high& "nd indic"te he"lth% thin#ing p"tterns,
Scores "t or +elo' the 22th percentile "re gener"ll% considered 5lo'5 "nd highlight p"tterns th"t c"n
e6"sper"te7or e(en c"use7stress,
Youre SPR Profile
Cluster Style Raw Scores
Self 8ro'th 30 90
9))ecti(eness 29 83
Sel):4!"ge 29 83
P"st ;ie' 26 69
<ontrol 2= 20
>ppro("l 22 20
Others 4nclusion 29 90
4nterperson"l 29 82
4nti!"c% 32 99
Trust 29 82
Process Recepti(eness 31 92
S%nerg% 28 82
<ooper"tion 2= 28
Ti!e ?rient"tion 26 83
Ti!e @tili-"tion 2= 69
Goals S"tis)"ction 21 =2
Airectedness 31 97
96pect"tions 32 99
1uture ;ie' 22 63

Youre SPR Profile
> (isu"l pro)ile o) %our results is sho'n +elo', The pro)ile '"s constructed +% plotting %our percentile
scores on to " circu!ple6* or circul"r di"gr"! "round 'hich the 19 SPR st%les "re org"ni-ed,
The nu!+ers "nd d"r#l% sh"ded e6tensions on the pro)ile re)lect %our percentile scores, Bong e6tensions
th"t !o(e to'"rd the outer edge o) the circu!ple6 re)lect high percentile scores, Short e6tensions th"t
don0t go out !uch +e%ond the inner edge o) the circu!ple6 re)lect lo' percentile scores, C% co!p"ring
the length o) %our st%le e6tensions* %ou c"n identi)% 'hich thin#ing st%les7"nd cluster o) st%les7"re
"re"s o) rel"ti(e strength (ersus 'hich "re "re"s th"t !"#e %ou !ore (ulner"+le to stress,
Dhen (ie'ing the report online* clic# on "n% o) the st%les on the circu!ple6 to see " det"iled description,
The SPR circu!ple6 cont"ins 6 rings* 'hich represent the 10th* 22th* 20th* 72th* 90th* 99th percentiles*
respecti(el%* "s %ou !o(e )ro! the center out'"rd, The thic#* d"r# ring in the !iddle is the 20th
percentile, Scores )"lling "t or "round this ring "re in the $!ediu!& r"nge rel"ti(e to the scores o) others,
?ne ring out'"rd )ro! the 20th percentile is the 72th percentile, Scores )"lling "t or "+o(e the 72th
percentile ring "re in the $high& r"nge "nd indic"te he"lth% thin#ing p"tterns, ?ne ring in'"rd )ro! the
20th percentile is the 22th percentile, Scores )"lling "t or +elo' the 22th percentile "re in the $lo'& r"nge
"nd identi)% thin#ing st%les th"t li#el% "re pro!oting or c"using %ou stress,
HIGH :: Your score is in the E48E r"nge i) it is at or
above the 72th percentile,
MDI!M :: Your score is in the M9A4@M r"nge i) it is
between the 22th "nd 72th percentiles,
"O# :: Your score is in the B?D r"nge i) it is at or
below the 22th percentile,
The SPR Self-Development Guide cont"ins descriptions o) the SPR st%les* "s 'ell "s suggestions )or
de(eloping he"lthier thin#ing p"tterns "nd eli!in"ting those th"t "re !ore sel):de)e"ting, Re)er to the
Guide to g"in " +etter underst"nding o) %our current st%les "nd the steps %ou c"n t"#e to i!pro(e,
S$ecial Items
The SPR includes eight $speci"l ite!s& designed to sign"l e6tre!e le(els o) stress, 4) three or !ore o)
these ite!s 'ere gi(en " response o) $so!e'h"t "gree*& $"gree*& or $strongl% "gree*& ple"se re"d $The
Aescription o) the Speci"l 4te!s& in Section 8 o) the SPR Self-Development Guide,
S$ecial Item Statements from In%entory Your Res$onse
I &on't feel close to anyone Don't ()ree at (ll
I can't e*$ress my feelin)s Don't ()ree at (ll
I +ust can't han&le thin)s much lon)er Don't ()ree at (ll
I re)ar& the $resent wretche& moment with $ain an&
Don't ()ree at (ll
I start the &ay ,y re%iewin) my faults Sli)htly ()ree
I feel thin)s are ho$eless Don't ()ree at (ll
I &on't ha%e control of my thou)hts an& feelin)s Don't ()ree at (ll
My thou)hts an& feelin)s are a&%ersely affectin) my
Don't ()ree at (ll
Reference :Stress Processing Report% 4etrie)e! Marc1 $#6 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7
Stress Processi"g 4e.ort
Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548)
Professor: Hacker
Due Date: 3/#4/08
Stu!e"t #
Descri2e "ee! areas
9fter !oi"g a careful a"alsis of all t1e .erce"tile !o/ai"s ' fou"! t1at ' score! )er lo0
i" t1e goals cluster for satisfactio"% ,1e reaso" ' score! .rett lo0 i" t1is !"t 0as !ue to
/ curre"t state at 0ork a"! i" sc1ool% ,o get a 2it /ore !etaile! ' a/ curre"tl "ot real satisfie!
0it1 / 0ork situatio" 2ecause ' k"o0 t1at ' a/ ca.a2le of so /uc1 /ore% M tale"ts a"!
a2ilities furt1er sur.ass / curre"t ?o2% '" t1e gra"! sc1e/e of t1i"gs ' feel t1at ' ca" /ake a
!iffere"ce !oi"g so/et1i"g else% Do "ot get /e 0ro"g it is a great ?o2 to 1a)e6 2ut it is )er
re!u"!a"t a"! t1ere is "o roo/ for a!)a"ce/e"t i"to t1e 2usi"ess !"t 2ecause it is
locate! i" =e0 Aork%
Satisfactio" i" sc1ool is a 2it !iffere"t% @1at ' /ea" is / satisfactio" 0ill 2e co/.lete!
01e" ' fi"all ear" / !egree% 't 1as 2ee" a great ?our"e u. to t1is .oi"t6 2ut t1ere is still so/e
0ork to 2e !o"e% ,1e "e(t categor t1at ' score! )er lo0 o" 0as t1e co"trol as.ect% Co"trol i" a
0ork e")iro"/e"t is usuall left u. to /a"age/e"t a"! se"ior staffB ' ca" co"trol o"l t1e as.ect
t1at ' co"tri2ute to / orga"i3atio"% '" orga"i3atio" co"trol is usuall !ifficult to .osses%
&/.loees o"l 1a)e t1e ca.acit to follo0 .olices a"! .roce!ure .ertai"i"g to t1e !e)elo./e"t
a"! gro0t1 of t1e orga"i3atio"% is a"ot1er categor t1at ' score! lo0 o"% 9ccor!i"g to t1e sur)e /a" .eo.le
t1at score 1ig1 i" t1is .erce"tile usuall "ee! acce.ta"ce fro/ ot1ers i" t1ere !a to !a actio"%
*or !ail i"teractio"Cs ' feel .rett co"fi!e"t i" / !ail !ecisio"s as 0ell as / .ro2le/
sol)i"g tec1"i>ues% is "ot a "ecessit for /e to co"!uct 2usi"ess i" / !ail
Discuss 01et1er t1ese results are realistic
' 2elie)e t1ese results are accurate to a certai" e(te"t% ,1ere are /a" )aria2les i")ol)e!
suc1 as t1e /e"tal state t1e .erso" is curre"tl i"% ,1ere are also fi"a"cial as.ects t1at "ee! to 2e
accou"te! for% *or e(a/.le if a .erso" is atte"!i"g college t1ere score i" t1e sur)e s1oul! 2e
lo0er t1e" is a .erso" t1at is esta2lis1e! i" t1e lo"g ter/ career%
' t1i"k t1roug1 ti/e .eo.le !e)elo. !iffere"t of stress c1aracteristic i" t1ere life%
'"!i)i!uals career .at1s6 .erso"al li)es ca" !ecli"e or i/.ro)e% ,1i"ki"g 1a2its usuall /ature
0it1 ti/e a"! sta2ilit of a .erso" t1oug1ts .rocess% 'f a ou"ger c1il! 0ere to take t1e SP4
sur)e t1ere /e"tal state is "ot usuall !e)elo.e! a"! ca" "ot .rocess logical t1i"ki"g 1a2its6 so
' 0oul! a"tici.ate )aria2les t1at "ee! to 2e co"si!er%
,1e suggestio"s t1at t1e .rogra/ offers are .rett useful a"! ca" 1el. a" i"!i)i!ual
i/.ro)e t1ere t1oug1 .rocess as 0ell as e>ui. t1e/ 0it1 2etter sce"arioCs to reli)e stress a"!
i/.ro)e t1ere !ail o.eratio"s% ' ca" .erso"all use t1ese tec1"i>ues to 1el. i/.ro)e / t1oug1t
.rocess6 as 0ell as to 1el. /e u"!ersta"! 1o0 to co"trol / e/otio"s i" certai" situatio"% ' also
t1i"k t1at t1is .rogra/ ca" 1el. /e .erfor/ 2etter i" sc1ool 2 telli"g /e 01at areaCs of / life
"ee! to 2e i/.ro)e! o"%
'"ter.ret t1e fi"!i"gs
@1e" ' first see" t1e fi"!i"gs ' 0as ki"! of s1ock6 2ut ' 1a! a" i!ea 01at to e(.ect% '
k"o0 01at areas of / t1oug1t .rocess "ee!s i/.ro)e/e"t% 't all 1as to !o 0it1 / curre"t
career c1oice as 0ell / curre"t state of stress% ,1ere 1a)e 2ee" a great !eal of u"foresee"
c1a"ges i" / life t1e last fe0 /o"t1s6 ' a/ still lear"i"g 1o0 to gro0 2ala"ce out all t1e
)aria2les as 0ell as !eal 0it1 all t1e c1a"ges i" / life%
,1e satisfactio" sectio" .ro)i!e! /e 0it1 !etaile! feeli"gs o" 1o0 ' feel o" a !a to !a
2asis% ,1e suggestio" t1at are offere! are to 0rite !o0" t1i"gs t1at ' 0a"t to !o6 as 0ell as t1i"gs
t1at ' !o"Ct 0a"t to a"! /ake t1e/ e"?oa2le% 't /a!e .erfect se"se to /e% ' reall e"?o /usic
or listi"g sta"!u. co/e! 01e" ' a/ !ri)i"g to 0ork% ' t1i"k / iPo! ca" co/e i"to 1a"!6 /
?o2 is )er tec1"ical as 0ell as !ri)e" a"! so a little /usic ca" co/e i"to 1a"! 01e" '
.erfor/ t1ese tasks% M ?o2 ca" 2e .rett stressful at ti/e 2ut it reall is "ot t1at 2a!% ,1ere are
/a" resources a"! tools t1at / ?o2 .ro)i!es t1at ca" 1el. co/.lete tasks6 as 0ell as .ro?ects%
Co"trol is a"ot1er as.ect t1at "ee!s i/.ro)e/e"t% 9ccor!i"g to t1e sur)e !e.ressio"
.las a role i" scori"g )er lo0% ,1ere are ti/es t1at ' !o t1i"k t1at ' a/ "ot i" co"trol of 01at is
goi"g o" i" / life6 2ut ' reali3e t1at if ' ?ust !o / 2est i" all areas t1at ' ca" 1a)e a goo! se"se
of 01ere ' a/ 1ea!i"g% ' a/ frig1tful so/eti/es 01e" it .ertai"s to t1e future a"! t1e
u"certai"t t1at lies 0it1 it% ,1e .rogra/ suggests t1at ' /ake list of .ro?ects a"! categories
t1e/ 2 t1i"gs ' 1a)e co"trol o)er a"! t1i"gs ' !o"Ct% Dear"i"g 1o0 to coo. 0it1 t1ese situatio"s
are ke to a" i"!i)i!uals success%
' 1a)e lear"e! a great !eal fro/ t1is e(ercise% ' "ee! to acce.t t1at t1ere are issues i" /
life t1at "ee! to 2e i/.ro)e! o"% @riti"g goals !o0" a"! lear"i"g 1o0 to !eal 0it1 stress 0ill
1a)e to 2e a .rocess t1at i/.le/e"t i" / !ail life% Perfor/i"g 2etter i" sc1ool as 0ell as /
?o2 0ill "ee! to i/.ro)e6 2ut t1e .rocess "ee!s to 2egi" 0it1 /e% ' "ee! to lear" 1o0 to 2e 1a..
0it1 / situatio" at 0ork a"! i" sc1ool% ' also "ee! to 1a)e .atie"ce a"! k"o0 t1at e)ert1i"g
1a..e"s i" t1ere o0" ti/e% =e)er t1e less t1is 1as 2ee" a great lear"i"g e(.erie"ce for /e%
Reference: Stress Processing Report% 4etrie)e! Marc1 $#6 #0086 fro/ 1tt.://000%sur)e7
Saples of key course outcoes and assignents
Career 4esearc1
Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548)
Professor: Hacker
Due Date: 4/$3/08
Stu!e"t #
9fter co"!ucti"g researc1 a2out future .ers.ecti)es .ositio"s ' 0oul! 1a)e to sa t1at '
fou"! C1ief ,ec1"ological &(ecuti)e (C,<) .ositio" >uite i"teresti"g% ' reall e"?o tec1"olog6
a"! ' 0oul! like to take it u.o" /self to 0ork 0it1i" a fiel! t1at ' reall e"?o% 9fter
.artici.ati"g i" t1is 0eek !iscussio" ' fi"! t1at t1e "ee! to e(.a"! .erso""el k"o0le!ge is /
/ai" o2?ecti)e% ,ec1"olog .ro)i!es /e 0it1 all t1e resources t1at ' /a "ee! to co"ti"ue /
e!ucatio"al .rocess%
C,< 1a)e t1e ca.acit to 2e i" c1arge of orga"i3atio"s tec1"ological "ee!s% ' fi"! t1is
.ositio"s to 2e >uite i"teresti"g 2ecause ' lo)e co"!ucti"g researc1 o" "e0 tec1"ologies as 0ell
as t1ere .ote"tial 2e"efits% 9 C,< ?o2 !escri.tio" is )er 2roa!6 a"! it ca" ra"ge fro/
co"trolli"g t1e 2u!get 0it1i" t1e tec1"ological !"t to t1e !e)elo./e"t of a "e0
tec1"olog6 /a"agi"g a grou. is a /ust it is re>uire! i" a" e(ecuti)e .ositio"%
,1ere are /a" reaso"s t1at t1is ?o2 0oul! 2e .erfect for /e% Si"ce ' 1a)e starte! /
e!ucatio"al career ' 1a)e 2ee" groo/e! for t1is .ositio" 2ecause of all t1e courses t1at ' 1a)e
.ursue!% Ma" of t1e courses t1at ' 1a)e take" 1a)e .ro)i!e! /e 0it1 all t1e skills t1at ' 0ill
"ee! to 2e a great ca"!i!ate for t1is .ositio"%
,1ere are a fe0 !ra02ack of t1is .ositio"6 t1e e(.erie"ce re>uire! to gai" a .ositio" to
2eco/e a C,< are $0 ears or /ore6 2ut t1is is )er u"!ersta"!a2le 2ecause it is a 1ig1 .ai"g
.ositio"% <"e t1i"g t1at ' 1a)e lear"e! is t1at life al0as .rese"ts !iffere"t o..ortu"ities t1at ca"
s0itc1 our career c1oice% C,< 1a)e a !irect co//u"icatio" li"e o.e" 0it1 t1e C&<% ,1e
reaso" t1is .ositio" is )er i/.orta"t is 2ecause t1ere are /a" orga"i3atio"s t1at co"!uct
2usi"ess 0it1out utili3i"g t1e full .ote"tial of tec1"ological .ro!ucts%
<rga"i3atio"s .a a great !eal of fi"a"cial resources to t1ese i"!i)i!uals 2ecause it takes
a great !eal of co"trol6 a"! .assio" to /ai"tai" t1is .ositio"% ,1e .ositio" re>uires a .erso" to 2e
o" to. of t1ere ga/e 01e" fi"!i"g "e0 tec1"ologies to 1el. a" orga"i3atio" 2eco/e efficie"t i"
t1ere !ail acti)ates% ,1is ?o2 see/ great6 a"! ' 0oul! 1a)e a great ti/e co"!ucti"g 2usi"ess as
0ell as co/i"g u. 0it1 "e0 i""o)ati)e solutio"s for 2usi"esses%
,1e :eller career ser)ices 0e2site 1as a great !eal of i"for/atio" .ertai"i"g to t1e career
searc1 e"!ea)or% ,1e 0e2site .ro)i!es sa/.le letters as 0ell as resu/es t1at ca" 2e use! as
gui!eli"es% ,1e career ser)ice 0e2site also offers /a" a)e"ues o" t1e ?o2 searc1 suc1 as
)arious 0e2sites t1at a stu!e"t ca" use to searc1 for a .ositio"% ,1e 0e2site also gi)es tec1"i>ues
o" 01at to e(.ect i" t1e i"ter)ie0 .rocess% '"for/atio" is also .ro)i!e! o" co/.a"ies t1at are
1iri"g a"! 1a)i"g career fairs% :eller .ro)i!es all t1ese resources to stu!e"ts to e"sure t1at t1e
ca" 2egi" t1ere career .at1s 0it1 all t1e i"for/atio" t1at 0ill 2e "ee!e!%
*uture ,ec1"ological 9!)a"ces
Class: Career Success Strategies (GM548)
Professor: Hacker
Due Date: 3/30/08
Stu!e"t #
M researc1 of t1e =9S9 0e2site 2roug1t /e to a" article of a "e0 tec1"ological
a!)a"ce t1at ca" 2e"efit /a" i"ter"atio"al cor.oratio"s6 as 0ell as t1e s.ace or2it%
,ec1"ologies suc1 as t1e co"trol of !e)ice6 a"! co/.uter a2oar! )arious s.ace crafts6 satellites
etc% 1a)e e/erge! out of =9S9% ,1e first e(.eri/e"t 0as a" eas task i" t1e .ers.ecti)e of
co/.uter .rotocols 01ic1 co"sists of t1e .i"g of a satellite i" or2it a"! 0aiti"g for a res.o"se%
,o a co/.uter tec1"icia" t1is task 0oul! see/ /i"uscule6 2ut to aero"auticsC e"gi"eeri"g t1is
ca" c1a"gi"g t1e 0a t1e s.ace fir/s co"!uct 2usi"ess i" s.ace so to s.eak% 9s t1e .rocess
co"ti"ue! t1e !e)elo./e"t of .rotocols of e(isti"g i"ter"et co!e 1as 2ee" a!a.te! to use t1e
i"ter"et to co"trol certai" fu"ctio"s o" s.ace /issio"s as 0ell satellites%
,1is tec1"olog ca" re)olutio"s t1e s.ace .rogra/ as 0ell as i"ter"atio"al orga"i3atio"s%
*or e(a/.le6 letCs take i"to co"si!eratio" t1at a fir/ is full auto/ate! 2 /a"ufacturi"g
/ac1i"es it 0oul! 2e great resources or tool to logi" i"to a co/.uter t1at is co""ecte! to a
)irtual "et0ork a"! gat1er i"for/atio" t1at ca" 2e use! i" real ti/e6 t1e co"trol of ro2otics as
0ell as i"for/atio" is a )er useful tool a"! ca" 2e"efit a" orga"i3atio" 0eat1er is locate! i"
s.ace or locate i" a"ot1er regio"%
=9S9 is reall e(cite! t1at t1e use of t1e i"ter"et ca" actuall 1a)e t1e ca.a2ilit to
co"trol t1e !e)ices i" s.ace6 a"! gat1er u.!ate !ate i"for/atio" to /ake !ecisio"s% Securit 1as
2ee" co"si!ere! as o"e of t1e 1ig1est .1ases of t1is .ro?ect6 2ut accor!i"g to =9S9 t1e
co/.uters t1at are co""ecte! to satellites6 s.acecraft etc% 0ill "ot 2e co""ecte! to a .u2ic
i"ter"et6 a"! t1ere 0ill 2e a seco"! i"ter"al i"ter"et t1at 0ill 2e co"structe! to 1a"!les all t1e
fu"ctio"s associate! 0it1 t1is .ro?ect%
,1e .ro?ect is calle! t1e <.eratio" Missio"s as =o!es o" t1e '"ter"et (<M=')% ,1is
.rocess 0oul! .1ase out t1e .rotocols of usi"g P<P sste/s a"! 0ill 1a)e t1e .ote"tial to
co""ect all .eri.1erals i" s.ace o" o"e si"gle "et0ork% ,1e .eri.1erals i" s.ace 0ill 1a)e t1e
ca.acit to co//u"icate 0it1 eac1 ot1er )ia t1e i"ter"et% '"for/atio" 0ill 2e tra"sferre! t1at
0ill co"sists of 0eat1er co"!itio"s a"! at/os.1eric i"for/atio"6 a"! .ro?ect 0ill 1a)e t1e
ca.acit to 2e !e)elo.e! a"! i/.le/e"te! .ertai"i"g to i"for/atio" a)aila2le%
Gar"er6 4% (#0086 *e2ruar $E)% NASA% 4etrie)e! Marc1 306 #0086 fro/
!ist of technical and life skills gained fro each "eller course
#eneral $ducation% Micro &co"o/ics6 Grou. D"a/ics6 Co/.ositio"6 College Mat1e/atics6
=ee!s assess/e"t a"! Pro?ect Pla""i"g6 Busi"ess a"alsis
!I&'( ) *pplication Software% Co"figuri"g @i"!o0s F. a"! D'=GF getti"g a>uati"te!
0it1 t1e )arious fu"ctio"s of t1e o.erati"g sste/s6 !eali"g 0it1 i"stallatio"s6 co"figuratio"s6
co//a"! .ro/.t usage6 u.gra!i"g sste/s a"! "et0ork a!a.tatio"%
Protocols and &+,-...,(p,/ista% Deali"g 0it1 t1e i"structio"s t1at are t1e 2ases of "et0orki"g
suc1 as t1e <S' refere"ce /o!els t1e !iffere"t sta"!ar!i3e! 2o!ies etc% @i"!o0s =,/#000
Gsage of o.erati"g sste/s6 creati"g users6 !o/ai"s6 orga"i3atio"al u"its etc6 also u.gra!i"g6
i"stallatio"s6 i/.le/e"ti"g a"! /ai"tai"i"g co/.uter sste/s for Microsoft clie"ts/ser)ers%
0perating Systes,Intro to Coputer Prograing% '"tro!uce! to /a" ke o.erati"g
sste/s a"! t1ere tasks orie"tate! .rocesses suc1 as D'=GF6 =o)ell =et0are6 @i"!o0s E86 =,6
#0006D<S6F.6 a"! Hista% 9lso .rogra//i"g k"o0le!ge6 !e2uggi"g6 .ro2le/ sol)i"g6
algorit1/ic !esig"6 a"! o2?ect orie"tate! .rogra//i"g 0it1 Hisual Basic +%
&etware,W*&% '"stalli"g a"! co"figuri"g =o)ell =et0are6 creati"g users6 orga"i3atio"al u"its6
setti"g .olices6 etc% '"tro!uce! too /a" of t1e "et0orki"g tec1"ologies suc1 as 9,M6 'SD=6
a"! ,CP/'P etc%
&etwork Concepts and Data Counications,#'I Design ) Develop% Deali"g 0it1 /a"
of t1e "et0ork co"ce.ts suc1 as routers6 .rotocols6 "et0ork !e)ices etc6 also !eali"g Gra.1ical
Gser '"terfaces a"! 1o0 to create a GG' 0it1 t1e access !ata2ase a"! t1e /a" features of GG'%
Web Server *dinistration/&etwork Systes 1anageent2 +echnology2 and Service
Integration% Deali"g 0it1 t1e co"figuratio"s6 i"stallatio"s6 of 0e2 ser)ers a"! o.erati"g sste/
to i/.le/e"t i" t1e 0e2 ser)ers6 i"tegratio" of "et0orki"g to.ologies6 i"stallatio" a"!
co"figuratio"s of /a" "et0ork ser)ices a"! to.ologies%
Database% 9..licatio" of 2asic !ata2ase .rogra/s suc1 as 9ccess% Pro?ect co"sists of
co"structi"g a !ata2ase .rogra/6 usi"g >ueries to ge"erate custo/er6 a"! class re>uests%
Personal Resue

Obtain a position with ITT Technical Institute* "s an Educational Recruiter and to !urther
"# $nowled%e and to ad&ance "# %rowth with the co"pan# in e&er# aspect'
ITT Technical Institute San Bernardino C( ) DeVr# Uni&ersit# ) *eller +rad
(ssociate o! Science In In!or"ation Technolo%# ) Bachelor,s in Business ) -B(.-IB
-a/ors0 Co"puter Networ$ S#ste"s ) Business ) Currentl# Enrolled
+raduate0 June 2112 +3(0 2'45 ) +raduated June 2116 2'25 ) Co"pletion June 17
'General Education: -icro Econo"ics +roup D#na"ics Co"position Colle%e
-athe"atics Needs assess"ent and 3ro/ect 3lannin% Business anal#sis
LINUX & Application Software: Con!i%urin% 9indows :p and 8INU: %ettin%
a;uatinted with the &arious !unctions o! the operatin% s#ste"s' Dealin% with
installations con!i%urations co""and pro"pt usa%e up%radin% s#ste"s and networ$
Protocols and NT/2/Xp/!ista: Dealin% with the instruction that is the base o!
networ$in% such as the OSI re!erence "odels the di!!erent standardi<ed bodies etc'
9indows NT)2111 Usa%e o! operatin% s#ste"s creatin% users do"ains or%ani<ational
units etc' (lso up%radin% installations i"ple"entin% and "aintainin% co"puter
s#ste"s !or -icroso!t clients)ser&ers'
"peratin# S$ste%s/Intro to &o%puter Pro#ra%%in#: Introduced to "an# $e#
operatin% s#ste"s and there tas$s orientated processes such as 8INU: No&ell
Netware 9indows 57 NT 2111DOS:p and Vista' (lso pro%ra""in% $nowled%e
debu%%in% proble" sol&in% al%orith"ic desi%n and ob/ect orientated pro%ra""in%
with Visual Basic 6'
Netware/'AN: Installin% and con!i%urin% No&ell Netware creatin% users
or%ani<ational units settin% polices etc' Introduced too "an# o! the networ$in%
technolo%ies such as (T- ISDN and TC3)I3 etc'
Networ( &oncepts and )ata &o%%unications/GUI )esi#n & )e*elop: Dealin%
with "an# o! the networ$ concepts such as routers protocols networ$ de&ices etc'
(lso dealin% +raphical User Inter!aces and how to create a +UI with the access
database and the "an# !eatures o! +UI'
'e+ Ser*er Ad%inistration)Networ( S$ste%s ,ana#e%ent- Tec.nolo#$- and
Ser*ice Inte#ration: Dealin% with the con!i%urations installations o! web ser&ers
and operatin% s#ste" to i"ple"ent in the web ser&ers' Inte%ration o! networ$in%
topolo%ies' Installation and con!i%urations o! "an# networ$ ser&ices and topolo%ies'
)ata+ase (pplication o! basic database pro%ra"s such as (ccess' 3ro/ect consists o!
constructin% a database pro%ra" usin% ;ueries to %enerate custo"er and class

#00+7Prese"t =ielse" Me!ia 4esearc1 D96 C9 DPM
Field Representative
4es.o"si2le for o)er t1irt 1o/es6 i"stalli"g e>ui./e"t6 custo/er ser)ices6
Ge"erati"g !ail fault a"alsis6 a"! setti"g a..oi"t/e"ts to fi( .ro2le/s6 etc%
#0057#00+ Co/.GS9 <"tario6 C9
Senior Technician
Meeti"g !ail sales goals6 custo/er ser)ice6 tec1"ological co"sulta"t 6
,rou2le s1ooti"g )arious co/.uter .ro2le/s etc%
#0047#005 Sketc1ers GS9 <"tario6 C9
Second Assistant
Ma"agi"g Store6 /eeti"g !ail sales goals6 o.e"i"g a"! closi"g !uties6
retail sales6 custo/er ser)ice
Work $3perience
#00+7Prese"t =ielse" Me!ia 4esearc1
Field Representative
4es.o"si2le for o)er t1irt 1o/es6 i"stalli"g e>ui./e"t6 custo/er ser)ices6
Ge"erati"g !ail fault a"alsis6 a"! setti"g a..oi"t/e"ts to fi( .ro2le/s6 etc%

#0057#00+ Co/.GS9
Senior Technician
Meeti"g !ail sales goals6 custo/er ser)ice6 a"! a tec1"ological co"sulta"t6 as 0e as
trou2les1ooti"g )arious co/.uter .ro2le/s etc%
#0047#005 Sketc1ers GS9
Second Assistant
Ma"agi"g Store6 /eeti"g !ail sales goals6 o.e"i"g a"! closi"g !uties6
4etail sales6 custo/er ser)ice
$3aples of work e3periences
#00+7Prese"t =ielse" Me!ia 4esearc1 D96 C9 DPM
Field Representative
4es.o"si2le for o)er t1irt 1o/es6 i"stalli"g e>ui./e"t6 custo/er ser)ices6
Ge"erati"g !ail fault a"alsis6 a"! setti"g a..oi"t/e"ts to fi( .ro2le/s6 etc%
#0057#00+ Co/.GS9 <"tario6 C9
Senior Technician
Meeti"g !ail sales goals6 custo/er ser)ice6 tec1"ological co"sulta"t 6
,rou2le s1ooti"g )arious co/.uter .ro2le/s etc%
#0047#005 Sketc1ers GS9 <"tario6 C9
Second Assistant
Ma"agi"g Store6 /eeti"g !ail sales goals6 o.e"i"g a"! closi"g !uties6
retail sales6 custo/er ser)ice
' 1a)e lear"e! a great !eal t1roug1out / 0ork e(.erie"ces 0it1i" eac1 orga"i3atio"% So/e of
t1e skills t1at ' 1a)e gai"e! co"sist of 2ei"g )er orga"i3e!6 as 0ell as taske! orie"tate!% ' 1a)e
1a! t1e o..ortu"it of 0orki"g i" t1e retail6 tec1"ological6 as 0ell as t1e researc1 i"!ustr6 0it1
eac1 of t1ese .ositio"s ' 1a)e al0as 2ee" .ro/ote! to so/e sort of /a"age/e"t .ositio"%
Ma"age/e"t .ositio"s 1a)e gi)e" /e t1e c1a"ce to 2e )er !i)erse a"! to u"!ersta"! 01at of
.roce!ure a"! .olicies are i")ol)e! i" /ai"tai"i"g a" orga"i3atio"%
9ll t1e orga"i3atio" t1at ' 1a)e 0orke! for 1a)e 2ee" )er !i)erse a"! t1is 1as taug1t /e" t1at
t1ere are a great !eal of e(.erie"ces out t1ere t1at ca" 1el. a" orga"i3atio" as 0ell as a"
i"!i)i!ual o" a .erso"al le)el%
$3aples of volunteer and counity service e3periences
' 1a)e "ot 2ee" a2le to co/.lete )olu"teer 0ork i" our societ% ' e(.ect t1is to c1a"ge 0it1 t1e
ears to co/e% ' 1a)e fou"! a "ecessit 0it1i" our societ to 1el. t1e 1o/eless or .oor
i"!i)i!uals i" t1e 0orl!% ' t1i"k t1at our go)er"/e"t 1as !o"e a great ?o2 i" 1el.i"g cou"tries all
o)er t1e 0orl! 0it1 fi"a"cial 1el. as 0ell foo! resources%
' 2elie)e t1at it is "o0 t1e ti/e to 1el. t1e .eo.le !o/esticall% ,1e eco"o/ i" t1e G"ite!
States is )er 0ell /ai"tai"e! a"! ' t1i"k t1at all t1e resources use! i" /a" !iffere"t cou"tries
s1oul! 2e use! 0it1i" our o0" cou"tr to i/.ro)e t1e >ualit of less fortu"ate i"!i)i!uals%
*cadeic Degree &avigator
!ist of professional associations or eberships
=SHMB9 is a great .rofessio"al orga"i3atio" to 2e a .art of% ,1e 1el. His.a"ic stu!e"ts 0it1
t1eir .rogress to0ar!s ear"i"g t1eir gra!uate !egree% ,1is orga"i3atio" 1ol!s /a" /eeti"g a"!
/i(er 0it1 !iffere"t e(ecuti)es a"! orga"i3atio"s% ,o. e(ecuti)es usuall gi)e fee!2ack to
.rofessio"als6 a"! stu!e"ts o" 1o0 to ac1ie)e success i" life a"! i" a" orga"i3atio"% Belo0 is a
!escri.tio" t1at is offere! o" t1e associatio" 0e2site%
-he National Society of His$anic M.(s /NSHM.(0 '"s cre"ted in 1988 "s " 201(<(3 non:pro)it
org"ni-"tion, Didel% #no'n "s the 5Pre!ier Eisp"nic ?rg"ni-"tion*5 FSEMC> ser(es 32 ch"pters "nd
7*000 !e!+ers in the @,S, "nd Puerto Rico, 4t e6ists to )oster Eisp"nic le"dership through gr"du"te
!"n"ge!ent educ"tion "nd pro)ession"l de(elop!ent, FSEMC> 'or#s to prep"re Eisp"nics )or
le"dership positions throughout the @,S,* so th"t the% c"n pro(ide the cultur"l "'"reness "nd sensiti(it%
(it"l in the !"n"ge!ent o) the n"tion0s di(erse 'or#)orce,
To +e the pre!ier Eisp"nic MC> pro)ession"l +usiness net'or# )or econo!ic "nd phil"nthropic
Mission: )ostering Eisp"nic le"dership through gr"du"te !"n"ge!ent educ"tion "nd pro)ession"l
de(elop!ent in order to i!pro(e societ%,

NSHM.( Strate)ic O,+ecti%es

C% the %e"r 2020* the coll"+or"ti(e e))orts o) the F"tion"l Societ% o) Eisp"nic MC>S "nd its p"rtners
should re(e"l "n incre"se in the percent"ges o) Eisp"nic.

MC> 8r"du"tes )ro! >><SC Cusiness Schools
Eisp"nic 96ecuti(es le"ding 1ortune 200 co!p"nies
Eisp"nic Airectors ser(ing 1ortune 200 Co"rds
Together our go"ls "re "cco!plished +% re!"ining )ocused "nd ensuring ("lue "nd e))icienc% is present 'ith
e"ch eng"ge!ent, This )ocus "nd co!!it!ent h"s " positi(e i!p"ct in our co!!unit%* corpor"te >!eric" "nd
our n"tion,
4n coll"+or"tion 'ith str"tegic p"rtners* FSEMC> is )ocused in )our "re"s to "chie(e the desired i!p"ct.

Ae(eloping "nd deli(ering educ"tion"l progr"!s 'hich prep"re Eisp"nics )or "d!itt"nce into gr"du"te
!"n"ge!ent schools, FSEMC> is )ocused on supporting the success)ul co!pletion o) "d("nced degrees,

Professional De%elo$ment:
The est"+lish!ent o) " pro)ession"l de(elop!ent center o) e6cellence* +"sed upon " consistent
!ethodolog% o) 'orld:cl"ss progr"! de(elop!ent "nd content )or "ll st"#eholders* en"+les " continuu! o)
the educ"tion"l process, Pro)ession"l Ae(elop!ent is " li)elong "nd c"reer:long Gourne% sh"red 'ith our
st"#eholders "nd societ% "t l"rge,

"ea&ershi$ De%elo$ment:
>d!inistering " le"dership de(elop!ent progr"! )or FSEMC> ?))icers "nd St")) en"+les continuous
i!pro(e!ent "nd succession pl"nning "s "n org"ni-"tion, ?ur co!!it!ent to our people is deli(ered +%
o))ering 8o(ern"nce* Be"dership* 1in"nci"l* "nd ProGect M"n"ge!ent tr"ining* "!ong other rele("nt topics,

FSEMC>* "s the Pre!ier Source o) Rese"rch on Eisp"nics in the Dor#pl"ce "nd in Eigher 9duc"tion*
utili-es rese"rch "s the +"sis )or our progr"!s "nd initi"ti(es, The Cusiness Hourn"l o) Eisp"nic Rese"rch is
" peer re(ie'ed rese"rch Gourn"l "nd "ddresses +oth "c"de!ic "nd e6ecuti(e perspecti(es,
Topics include "nd "re not li!ited to.
e!plo%!ent issues
corpor"te go(ern"nce
+est pr"ctices
thought pieces
org"ni-"tion"l rese"rch

+"c# to top
NSHM.( 2acts

#ho is NSHM.(3
The F"tion"l Societ% o) Eisp"nic MC>s (FSEMC> '"s cre"ted in 1988 "s " 201(<(3 non:pro)it org"ni-"tion,
Didel% #no'n "s the 5Pre!ier Eisp"nic ?rg"ni-"tion*5 FSEMC> ser(es 32 ch"pters "nd o(er 7000 !e!+ers
(includes 3 ch"pters in )or!"tion in the @,S, "nd Puerto Rico, 4t e6ists to )oster Eisp"nic le"dership through
gr"du"te !"n"ge!ent educ"tion "nd pro)ession"l de(elop!ent, FSEMC> 'or#s to prep"re Eisp"nics )or
le"dership positions throughout the @,S,* so th"t the% c"n pro(ide the cultur"l "'"reness "nd sensiti(it% (it"l in
the !"n"ge!ent o) the n"tion0s di(erse 'or#)orce,
4efere"ce: National ispanics Society of M!A"s% 4etrie)e! 5a"uar 0$6 #0086 fro/
&etworking connections
' usuall kee. i" co"tact 0it1 a great !eal of /a"age/e"t i"!i)i!uals t1at ' 1a)e 0orke! 0it1 i"
t1e .ast% ,1ese i"!i)i!uals .ro)i!e /e 0it1 great resources6 a"! i"for/atio"Cs t1at ' 0ill "ee! to
.rogress for0ar! 0it1i" / .rofessio"al career6 as 0ell as / aca!e/ic career% '" / curre"t
.rofessio" ' /eet /a" i"!i)i!uals 0it1 e(te"si)e .rofessio"al 2ackgrou"!s% ,1e also .ro)i!e
a great !eal of k"o0le!ge a"! 1o0 to ac1ie)e success%
M fat1er is also a" e""eur t1at starte! 1is orga"i3atio" fro/ t1e grou"! u.% He 1as
.ro)i!e! /e 0it1 great cou"seli"g as 0ell as 01at is e(.ecte! of /e if ' !eci!e to start / o0"
tec1"ological fir/%
!ist of favorite web sites
$% 1tt.://000%eas2i2%co//
#% 1tt.://000%!e)ru%"et/
3% 1tt.s:///%!e)r%e!u
4% 1tt.://000%a1oo%co//
5% 1tt.://000%0iki.e!ia%org/
+% 1tt.://000%ask%co//
-% 1tt.://000%!og.ile%co//
8% 1tt.://s/.to/s%0e2/!%co//
E% 1tt.://000%"e0egg%co//
$0% 1tt.s://000%0ellsfargo%co//
$% Hel.s 0it1 Bi2liogra.1
#% Class
3% Course sc1e!ule
4% Searc1 e"gi"e
5% '"for/atio" resources
+% Searc1 e"gi"e
-% Searc1 e"gi"e
8% Me!ical resources
E% Great !eals o" tec1"olog
$0% *i"a"cial 4esources
Personal observations% (!ate &ight +houghts While !istening to 1ahler4s &inth)
' 0oul! reall like to ac1ie)e /a" t1i"gs i" / life% ' ofte" t1i"k t1at t1ere is "ot e"oug1 ti/e
to co/.lete all t1ese tasks% ' a/ )er goal orie"tate!6 2ut t1e ti/e it 0ill take to ac1ie)e success
see/s so far alo"g% ' ofte" get )er i".atie"t 0it1 co/.leti"g /a" t1ese tasks6 2ut ' ofte" ?ust
s1rug it off a"! co"ti"ue stri)i"g for0ar!%
,1ere are /a" as.ects of / life t1at ' 0oul! like to c1a"ge a"! i/.ro)e o"6 a"! ' k"o0 if '
ca" ?ust follo0 t1roug1 0it1 t1ese c1a"ges t1at / life 0oul! !rasticall i/.ro)e a great !eal% '
0oul! l like to fi"! a /e"tor t1at ca" e!ucate /e i" t1e 0a of 2usi"ess6 as 0ell as i" /
.erso"al !e)elo./e"t% ' curre"tl at a crossroa!s i" / life 01ere it is !ifficult fro/ /e to
!eci!e 01at ' 0a"t to !o6 ' eit1er 0a"t to 2e a" e(ecuti)e6 or start / o0" fir/ t1at 0ill
s.eciali3e i" tec1"ical as 0ell as 2usi"ess as.ects%

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