Ancient Greek Philosophy

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ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Philosophy 221, Section 1 Ancient G!ee" Philosophy Se#este!$ %&ll, 2 ' Inst!(cto!$ M!

) *e+in ,) M(!phy Phone$ 01 122212200 O44ice$ CRSC 11/ M&il-o.$ CRSC 1/1 E1#&il$ Ple&se (se An3el e1#&il O44ice ,o(!s$ M5%$ 6$ 1'$ &)#), T(es) &n7 Th(!s) 6$ 1'$/

Re8(i!e7 Te.ts$ The Classical Mind, 2nd Edition. W.T. Jones. HBJ Publishers, 1970. Greek Philosophy Thales to Aristotle, 3rd Edition. ED. Regin ld E. !llen. The "ree Press, 1991. Re8(i!e7 M&te!i&ls $ #o$%uter !&&ess, !ngel Web'b se Pl t(or$ nd )*!!## )*!!## is lo& ted on !!##+s ho$e% ge t ,,,. &&.edu -nstru&tions (or logging in re lo& ted on the !!##+s Dist n&e .e rning site t htt%/00,,,. &&.edu0dist n&ele rning0online0. -( *ou h 1e n* di((i&ulties, & ll !!##+s Te&hni& l 2u%%ort Des3 t 410'777'HE.P. 4. !ngel -nstru&tions/ -nstru&tions (or logging in re lo& ted on the !!##+s Dist n&e .e rning site t htt%/00,,,. &&.edu0dist n&ele rning0online0. Te&hni& l 2u%%ort'410' 777'HE.P)
1. 2. 3.

Le&!nin3 O-9ecti+es$ 1. 2. 3. 4. ;. .e rn nd e1 lu te theories o( $ 5or !n&ient 6ree3 %hiloso%hers7 #riti& ll* n l*8e nd underst nd te9ts o( 3e* %hiloso%hers7 Re&ogni8e nd underst nd 3e* %hiloso%hi& l ter$s nd de(initions7 To &h llenge ssu$%tions o( un:uestioned belie(s7 To thin3 $ore &riti& ll* nd re(le&ti1el* bout the n ture o( the hu$ n &ondition.

:io3!&phic&l In4o!#&tion$ 19<='19<< !nne !rundel #o$$unit* #ollege !.! 6ener l 2tudies 19<<'1990 To,son >ni1ersit* B.2. Philoso%h* 1990'1992 To,son >ni1ersit* ).!. ) ster o( !rts Pre1ious E$%lo*$ent/ Johns Ho%3ins >ni1ersit* Position/ -ntern tion l 2&hol r nd 2tudent !d1isor -nterests/ Re lit* T.?., es%e&i ll* reruns o( @The Re l WorldA

Co(!se Re8(i!e#ents$

"or this &ourse, *ou ,ill h 1e 4o(! 100 %oint tests. Bou ,ill lso h 1e t;o o%tion l rese r&h %ro5e&ts nd % rti&i% tion gr de. Bour gr de (or the &ourse ,ill be & l&ul ted s (ollo,s/ !C;<; nd bo1e7 BC;<4';207 #C;19'4;;7 DC4;4'3907 "C3<9 nd belo, M&n7&to!y Co(!se Re8(i!e#ents

"our Tests #l ss P rti&i% tion Non1M&n7&to!y Co(!se Re8(i!e#ents F%tion l Pro5e&ts

400 %oints/ D100 %oints e &hE

12; %oints


12; Points D7; %oints e &hE GThough the F%tion l Pro5e&ts re not $ nd tor*, the 12; %oints re ( &tor in to *our (in l s&ore. There(ore, o%tion l %ro5e&ts re not &onsidered e9tr '&redit.G <= Points

Co(!se Policies
1. Atten7&nce$ Regul r ttend n&e is &ru&i l to &l ssroo$ le rning. Bou re e9%e&ted to ttend ll &l sses. -( *ou $iss $ore th n 3 hours o( instru&tion, *our $ust %ro1ide do&u$ented e9&use or ris3 neg ti1e &onse:uen&e to *our (in l gr de. "re:uent l teness nd le 1ing e rl* $ * lso hurt *ou (in l gr de. Note$ Reg rdless o( *our re son (or $issing &l ss, yo( re res%onsible (or rr nging to $ 3e u% $issed ,or3. 2. P&!ticip&tion$ Bou re e9%e&ted to be %re% red (or &l ss nd to % rti&i% te in &l ss dis&ussions nd other &ti1ities. 2u&h % rti&i% tion ,ill be di((i&ult unless *ou h 1e re d the ssigned $ teri l nd h 1e the te9t ,ith *ou.

#l ss % rti&i% tion ,ill &onstitute 12= points to, rds *our (in l gr de. -t ,ill be di((i&ult (or *ou to e rn these %oints i( *ou re not %re% red (or &l ssHthis $e ns not h 1ing re d the re ding ssign$ent nd not h 1ing brought *our boo3s to &l ss. Bou re e9%e&ted to re(er to the boo3 nd re d (ro$ it ,hen & lled u%on to do so. Points ,ill be , rded to students ,ho s3 intelligent ,ell'thought out :uestions nd rgu$ents th t re grounded in the &ourse re ding ssign$ents or &o$e (ro$ %erson l li(e e9%erien&e. Bou $ * lso be s3ed to % rti&i% te in grou% ssign$ents, nd0or &l ss %resent tions. Bou ,ill not e rn &l ss % rti&i% tion %oints i( *ou re (re:uentl* bsent (ro$ &l ss, slee%ing, te9ting, &o$%leting other ssign$ents et&. # using n* (or$ o( disru%tion to $e or to the &l ss ,ill result in the e9%ulsion (ro$ &l ss. Ple se do not test $* % tien&e.

3. Option&l P!o9ects$ -n&luded in the &ourse gr ding stru&ture re t,o OPTIONAL %ro5e&ts. Bou $ * &hoose t;o o4 th!ee o%tion l %ro5e&t ssign$ents to &o$%lete. 2in&e the gr de stru&ture is b sed u%on %oint s*ste$, student $ * de&ide to &o$%lete one, both or neither o( the %ro5e&ts. Iee% in $ind, ho,e1er, th t it is e9tre$el* di((i&ult to e rn n ! i( t le st one o( the %ro5e&ts is not &o$%leted. Pro5e&ts should be turned in on the due d te (or o%ti$u$ %oints. Those p!o9ects t(!ne7 in l&te ;ill lose >1 ? points 4o! e+e!y 7&y they &!e l&te) 4. M&"e1(p E.&#s$ Bou re e9%e&ted to t 3e ll e9 $s on the d te the* re s&heduled. -( *ou re un ble to $eet this re:uire$ent (or so$e 1er* good re son, %le se s%e 3 ,ith $e in &7+&nce bout the %ossibilit* o( $ 3ing other rr nge$ents. >ne9&used, $issed e9 $s ,ill be %en li8ed nd $ * not be $ de u%. ;. Ac&7e#ic honesty$ Pl gi ris$ nd other 3inds o( & de$i& dishonest* ,ill be de lt ,ith s %res&ribed in the #ollege+s !& de$i& -ntegrit* Poli&* D2ee the #ollege # t logE. =. St(7ent Co7e o4 Con7(ct$ Be res%e&t(ul o( $e s ,ell s *our (ello, students''&l ss disru%tion ,ill not be toler ted. Ple se do not te9t *our (riends during &l ss nd %l &e ll &ell %hones on 1ibr te. !n* 1iol tion o( this %oli&* $ * result in student+s sus%ension (ro$ &l ss. 7. Gettin3 ,elp$ -( *ou (eel *ou need hel% ,ith *our ,or3, s%e 3 ,ith $e be(ore or (ter &l ss. -n ddition, - ,ill $ 3e $*sel( 1 il ble 1i o((i&e hours. <. Dis&-ilitiesH!!## is n e:u l o%%ortunit*, ((ir$ ti1e &tion, Title -J, !D! Title ;04 &o$%li nt institution. # ll Dis bilit* 2u%%ort 2er1i&es, 410'777'230= or ) r*l nd Rel * 711, 72 hours in d1 n&e or e'$ il dssK &&.edu to re:uest s%e&i l &&o$$od tions. "or in(or$ tion reg rding !nne !rundel #o$$unit* #ollegeLs &o$%li n&e nd &o$%l ints &on&erning dis&ri$in tion or h r ss$ent, & ll I ren #oo3, Es:., !!##Ls (eder l &o$%li n&e $ n ger t 410'777'7370 or ) r*l nd Rel * 711.

CM = The Classical Mind GP = Greek Philosophy from Thales to Aristotle

Weeks 1- Reading Assignments 1 5 Week 1 08/25/09 08/2)/09 Week 2 09/01/09 *M 1-10; (" 25-29


Syllabus Review; The Three Main Branches ! "hil s #hy; $n%r & % 'ncien% (reek "hil s #hy Transi%i n ! r My%h % "hil s #hy+ ,esi - % Thales& The Milesians0 'na1i2an-er3 'na1i2enes& 'ls 4en #hanes3 an"y%ha5 ras will be -iscusse,eracli%us an- 6ie%7sche

*M 11-1.; 19-20; /1-/9 (" 29-/.; /5-/9

09/0//09 Week $ 09/08/09 09/10/09

*M 1.-18; (" .0-.2 Niet sche !ando"t# *M 21-25; (" ./-.8 *M 25-/1; (" .9-5.

"ar2eni-es Rec ncilin5 ,eracli%us an"ar2eni-es0 The '% 2is%0 9euci##us3 :e2 cri%us an- The "luralis% ;2#e- cles an- 'na1a5 ras

Week % 09/15/09 09/1)/09 Week + 09/22/09

&'am ( Re)ie* &'am ( *M 108-119 *M 8/-)/; *M 90-9. (" 5)-)/ (" ).-8. (" 8.-9) (" 99-109 an-19/-198 !ando"t# =>erry anS cra%es0 The ;1a2ine9i!e? &'am (( Re)ie* &'am (( *M 119-128 (" 19)-20) *M 15/-18/ (" 208-22/ *M 1).-182 0ptional Pro1ect ( 2"e (" 21)-22/ *M 128-1/5 (" 22.-2.5 *M 1/5-1.2 $n%r -uc%i n % S cra%es The S #his%s an- "r %a5 ras; :e2 cri%us< view; '% 2is2<s Re#ly % S #his2 Euthyphro Apology Apology c n%inueCrito; Phaedo3 :ea%h Scene

09/2./09 Week , 09/29/09 10/01/09 Week 10/08/09 10/08/09

Week . 10/1//09 10/1./09 Week / 10/20/09 10/22/09 Week 13 10/2)/09 10/29/09

$n%r -uc%i n % "la% The Republic0 B k $@ "la% nic ;%hics The Republic0 B k @ "hil s #her Ain5s

The Republic0 B The Republic0 B ! %he *ave?

k @$ =The Sun? k @$$ =The 'lle5 ry

OPTIONAL PRO@ECT I Fn the -nternet, loo3 u% (i1e 6ree3 %hiloso%hers th t ,e ,ill not be dis&ussing this se$ester. Print the rti&le. Print out t le st one rti&le on e &h %hiloso%her. Write one to one nd h l( % ge % %er on e &h %hiloso%her. Bour % %er should in&lude the (ollo,ing/ 1E % r gr %h or so bout ,here, ,hen he0she , s born, ( $il* li(e, et&7 2E dis&uss the %hiloso%her+s $ 5or belie(s or theories7 3E nd (in ll*, ,rite % r gr %h or t,o on ,hether *ou gree or dis gree ,ith the %hiloso%her+s theories. The rti&le MUST be h nded in ,ith the indi1idu l % %ers. The % %ers $ust be t*%ed. "or$ t Bour % %er, %%ro%ri tel* titled, should be bet,een one nd t,o t*%ed % ges, double's% &ed, in 10' or 12'%oint t*%e. >se one'in&h $ rgins ll round. Bour title should be &entered on the (irst % ge, three lines belo, *our n $e, nd *ou should begin *our te9t three lines belo, *our title. T*%e *our n $e in the u%%er right'h nd &orner o( e &h % ge, nd %le se nu$ber *our % ges. Ple se use ,hite % %er, nd 7o not (se co+e!s.

OPTIONAL PRO@ECT II F( the si9 %%lied %hiloso%h* :uestions belo,, sele&t D4E to ns,er. P %ers $ust be t*%ed, double's% &ed nd t le st one % ge long. Muestions $ust be (ull* ns,ered. 1. Niet8s&he thought th t be& use he , s %urel* bstr &t thin3er, P r$enides h ted li(e. Do *ou greeO
2. -( the %ursuit o( 3no,ledge is s di((i&ult, gr du l, disorienting nd % in(ul s Pl to

des&ribes in the )*th o( the # 1e, ,h* do itO

3. Tell *our (riends the )*th o( the # 1e, nd then (ind out i( the* belie1e the e9 $ined or

the une9 $ined li(e is ,orth li1ing. 4. T 3e n* $o1ie *ou li3e nd e9 $ine it (ro$ n !n&ient 6ree3 Philoso%hi& l %ers%e&ti1e, i.e., one o( the &on&e%ts th t ,e+1e dis&ussed in this &ourse. Bou $ * , nt to e9 $ine the $o1ie using the ide s o( Being nd Be&o$ing, &o$% re it to Pl toni& so&iet*, or e1 lu te it in ter$s o( !ristoteli n Ethi&s. ;. T 3e n* rti&le (ro$ %o% &ulture %hiloso%h* boo3, li3e The Matrix and Philosoph*, Seinfeld and Philosophy, House and Philosophy or Family Guy and Philosophy nd &riti:ue one o( the rti&les de ling ,ith !n&ient 6ree3 Philoso%h*. =. 2tudent+s &hoi&e/ &riti& ll* e9 $ine *our o,n %hiloso%hi& l :uestion nd re(le&t u%on ho, the !n&ient 6ree3s $ight hel% to ns,er it.

"or$ t Bour % %er, %%ro%ri tel* titled, should be bet,een one nd t,o t*%ed % ges, double's% &ed, in 10' or 12'%oint t*%e. >se one'in&h $ rgins ll round. Bour title should be &entered on the (irst % ge, three lines belo, *our n $e, nd *ou should begin *our te9t three lines belo, *our title. T*%e *our n $e in the u%%er right'h nd &orner o( e &h % ge, nd %le se nu$ber *our % ges. Ple se use ,hite % %er, nd 7o not (se co+e!s.

OPTIONAL PRO@ECT III$ Se!+ice Le&!nin3 Option "or e &h 2er1i&e .e rning )odule, *ou $ust %er(or$ t le st 10 hours o( 1olunt r* ser1i&e. !(ter the 2er1i&e .e rning )odule is &o$%leted, *ou $ust ,rite re(le&tion ess *. The re(le&tion ess * $ust be 2'3 t*%ed % ges nd $ust in&lude the (ollo,ing/ . b. t le st one % r gr %h des&ri%tion o( the 2er1i&e .e rning Pro5e&t t le st t,o or three % r gr %hs rel ting %hiloso%hi& l ide l in n %%lied %r &ti& l setting. -n this % r gr %h, *ou should tr* to in&lude the (ollo,ing/ 1. st te$ent o( the %hiloso%hi& l ide th t , s e9%lored 2. n* di((i&ult &h llenges to %%l*ing n %hiloso%hi& l ide or &on&e%t in ,or3 rel ted en1iron$ent. &. t,o or three % r gr %hs o( *our %erson l re(le&tions u%on nd o1er ll re &tions to *our 2er1i&e .e rning E9%erien&e7 d. n* :uestionDsE th t the 2er1i&e .e rning E9%erien&e r ises in *our $ind. "or$ t Bour % %er, %%ro%ri tel* titled, should be bet,een one nd t,o t*%ed % ges, double's% &ed, in 10' or 12'%oint t*%e. >se one'in&h $ rgins ll round. Bour title should be &entered on the (irst % ge, three lines belo, *our n $e, nd *ou should begin *our te9t three lines belo, *our title. T*%e *our n $e in the u%%er right'h nd &orner o( e &h % ge, nd %le se nu$ber *our % ges. Ple se use ,hite % %er, nd 7o not (se co+e!s.

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