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nable S/artS$ite Software i" a co/ lete web ba"ed Software Serie" w1ic1 incl$de" "ol$tion for Ti/e 3ttendance, !4 Manage/ent Sy"te/, #ayroll, and Contract Labor Manage/ent.
2eing a web ba"ed Ti/e 3ttendance, !4MS Sol$tion, #ayroll, Contract Labor Manage/ent5 o$r S/artS$ite "oftware can be acce""ed by $"er"*e/ loyee" fro/ anyw1ere anyti/e on t1e web rovided yo$ 1ave an active internet connection and a "$ orted brow"er rogra/. T1e infor/ation i" available anyti/e, anyw1ere. T1ere are lenty of e61a$"tive /od$le" available in S/art S$ite, w1ic1 /a7e" it ' User Friendly Highly Versatile Quickly nstallable Co!"letely #atabase #riven Centrali$ed #atabase
%eb based &yste! 'obust H'(& ntegration )ith other Bio!etric &yste! %indo)s*Linu+ Co!"atible ,uto!ated -verti!e Calculation ,uto!ated Late. n*Early.-ut Calculation #aily*(onthly*/early ,ttendance 'e"orts 'educes ti!e s"ent on Leave (anage!ent 'educes the "a"er )ork and "hysical !ove!ent E!ail 0 &(& ,lerts 1or users and e!"loyees Custo!i$able 'e"orts 2&ave3 Print and E!ail re"orts in di11erent 1or!ats4 Easy to a""ly 1or leave Easy to check status o1 a""lied leaves Easy to a""rove or re5ect o"en leave re6uests 'educes the cost o1 Leave (anage!ent
,vailable (odules
User (anage!ent 3 Co!"any * Branch * #e"art!ent (anage!ent 3 &hi1t (anage!ent 3 Holidays and Leave (anage!ent3 E!"loyee (anage!ent 3 Payroll Con1iguration3 E!"loyee 'ecords (anage!ent3 E!"loyee ,ttendance (anage!ent3 'e"ort (anage!ent3 -rgani$ation Charts3 (achine Con1iguration3 (anual Entry o1 ,ttendance3 7e) ,ttendance ,""roval &yste!3 E!ail*&(& Facility -ur &!art &uite &o1t)are hel"s you to !anage your e!"loyee ti!e attendance records )ithout any "a"er )ork. &!art &uite &o1t)are allo)s you to track your e!"loyee attendance !ore accurately and !ore e11iciently. &!art &uite &o1t)are a""lication "ro!ise you to give!and e!"loyee ti!e tracking re"ort. Using &!art&uite Contract Labor (anage!ent &yste!3 e!"loyers are able to !onitor contractors and laborers online. This online !onitoring o1 contractors and laborers eventually hel"s e!"loyers to deal )ith things like absenteeis! and "ay!ent 1rauds 1ro! the contractor8s "art.
Contact BioEnable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Office No. 203, 2nd Level Cyber City Tower S4 Magar atta City, !ada "ar #$ne-4%%0%3, M!, &ndia Tel' 020-(()%3(()*(()%3++2 Mobile' ,-%-)(00%023+( ./ail' " web"ite' 1tt '**www."/art"$