SOGo Mobile Devices Configuration PDF
SOGo Mobile Devices Configuration PDF
SOGo Mobile Devices Configuration PDF
Mobile Devices Confguration Guide
Copyright 2009-2014 Inverse inc. (
Permission is grante to copy! istri"#te an/or moi$y this oc#ment #ner the terms o$ the
%&' (ree )oc#mentation *icense! +ersion 1.2 or any ,ater version p#",ishe "y the (ree
-o$t.are (o#nation/ .ith no Invariant -ections! no (ront-Cover 0e1ts! an no 2ac3-Cover 0e1ts.
P,ease re$er to,icenses/$,-1.2.t1t $or the $#,, ,icense.
+ersion 2.2.1 4 5arch 2014
Chapter 1 About this Guide 2
Chapter 2 Introduction 3
Chapter 3 Installation 4
(#nam"o, -ync5* C,ient 4
&e1t6a#s -ync7e 4
-ynthesis -ync5* C,ient 8
Chapter 4 Confguration 6
(#nam"o, -ync5* C,ient 9
&e1t6a#s -ync7e :
-ynthesis -ync5* C,ient ;
<pp,e i=- > Ca,enars 10
<pp,e i=- > Contacts 10
Chapter 5 Additional Information 11
Chapter 6 Commercial Support and Contact Information 12
Chapter 1
1 About this Guide
0his g#ie .i,, .a,3 yo# thro#gh the insta,,ation an con?g#ration o$ pop#,ar -ync5* c,ients to
"e #se .ith the -=%o so,#tion.
0his g#ie a,so inc,#e instr#ctions $or con?g#ring <pp,e iPhone =- evices (iPhone! iPo
to#ch! an iPa).
0he instr#ctions are "ase on version 2.2.1 o$ -=%o.
0he ,atest version o$ this g#ie is avai,a",e at
2009-201@ Inverse inc. <"o#t this %#ie 2
Chapter 2
2 Introduction
-=%o is a $ree an moern sca,a",e gro#p.are server. It o$$ers share ca,enars! aress "oo3s!
an emai,s thro#gh yo#r $avo#rite Ae" "ro.ser an "y #sing a native c,ient s#ch as 5oBi,,a
0h#ner"ir an *ightning.
-=%o is stanar-comp,iant. It s#pports Ca,)<+! Car)<+! %ro#p)<+! i5IP an i0IP an
re#ses e1isting I5<P! -50P an ata"ase servers - ma3ing the so,#tion easy to ep,oy an
interopera",e .ith many app,ications.
-=%o $eat#res :
-ca,a",e architect#re s#ita",e $or ep,oyments $rom oBen to many tho#san #sers
Cich Ae"-"ase inter$ace that shares the ,oo3 an $ee,! the $eat#res an the ata o$ 5oBi,,a
0h#ner"ir an *ightning
Improve integration .ith 5oBi,,a 0h#ner"ir an *ighthing "y #sing the -=%o Connector
an the -=%o Integrator
0.o-.ay synchroniBation s#pport .ith any 5icroso$t <ctive-ync-capa",e evice! or =#t,oo3
-=%o is eve,ope "y a comm#nity o$ eve,opers ,ocate main,y in &orth <merica an
D#rope. 5ore in$ormation can "e $o#n on http://....sogo.n#
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Intro#ction @
Chapter @
3 Installation
0his section .i,, g#ie yo# thro#gh the insta,,ation o$ pop#,ar -ync5* c,ients on vario#s
Funambol SyncML Client
0he recommene -ync5* c,ient $or 2,ac32erry! <pp,e iPhone ($or contacts)! mo"i,e evices
"ase on 5icroso$t Aino.s 5o"i,e -martphone or Aino.s 5o"i,e Poc3etPC! is the one
provie irect,y "y (#nam"o,! .hich is $ree an open so#rce.
(or 5icroso$t Aino. 5o"i,e! yo# m#st ienti$y .hich 3in o$ evice yo# have (E-martphoneE
vs. EPoc3etPCE).
=nce yo#Fve ienti?e .hat 3in o$ evice yo# have! o.n,oa the appropriate c,ient $rom :
0he version ;.8 %< or ,ater is reG#ire.
Net!aus Sync"e
(or 2,ac32erry an <pp,e iPhone evices! yo# can a,so #se the -ync7e -ync5* c,ient $rom
&e1t6a#s ( c,ient a,,o.s one to synchroniBe contacts! event an
tas3s .ith -=%o.
0he version 2.4@ or ,ater is reG#ire. (or 2,ac32erry :HHH evices! the reG#ire version is 2.28
"#t isnFt o$?cia,,y s#pporte. Io# can insta,, -ync7e on yo#r 2,ac32erry evice! over the air! "y
opening the $o,, ,in3 $rom yo#r 2,ac32erry evice :
0his .i,, o.n,oa an insta,, the app,ication on yo#r mo"i,e evice. ItFs important to #se the
Ae" "ro.ser app,ication an not the A<P "ro.ser to per$orm this operation. =nce insta,,e!
restart the evice. 0his proce#re can a,so "e #se to #pate the -ync7e app,ication. &ote that
an #pate o$ -ync7e .i,, not a$$ect the state o$ previo#s synchroniBations. ItFs not necessary to
per$orm a Es,o. syncE a$ter an #pate o$ -ync7e.
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Insta,,ation 4
Chapter @
Synthesis SyncML Client
0he -ynthesis ( company provies a -ync5* c,ient $or Pa,m =--"ase
E=ver 0he <irE synchroniBation is possi",e! as .e,, as synchroniBation thro#gh a cra,e. (or the
,atter! yo# m#st insta,, -o$tic3 PPP #sing the Pa,m )es3top so$t.are. 0he version @.01 or ,ater is
reG#ire an yo# can o.n,oa it $rom$ =nce insta,,e! the
es3top comp#ter m#st "e restarte.
=nce comp,ete! yo# m#st o.n,oa the -ynthesis c,ient $or Pa,m =-. 0he version @.0.2.9 or
,ater is reG#ire. Dither the stanar or the pro$essiona, version can "e #se.
=nce o.n,oae! #ncompress the archive an insta,, the F.prcF ?,e on yo#r Pa,m =--"ase
evice. <$ter! yo# sho#, see a E-ync5*E icon on yo#r evice.
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Insta,,ation 8
Chapter 4
# Con$%uration
In this section! yo#F,, ,earn ho. to con?g#re the pop#,ar -ync5* c,ients in orer to $#,,y
synchroniBe yo#r mo"i,e evice .ith -=%o.
Instr#ctions $or <pp,e iPhone =- "ase evices are a,so inc,#e. &ote that those evices o
not reG#ire a -ync5* c,ient $or synchroniBing ca,enars.
Funambol SyncML Client
=nce the (#nam"o, -ync5* c,ient is insta,,e! start the app,ication $rom yo#r mo"i,e evice to
con?g#re it #sing the $o,, steps :
(rom the Tools men#! choose Options...:
-peci$y the Location. I$ yo#r SOGo server is! the ,ocation sho#, "e
-peci$y yo#r #sername an pass.or
Chec3 the Contacts chec3 "o1 an c,ic3 on the Details "#tton. 0he synchroniBation type is two-
way an the emote name is Fsogo-carF. 0he ata $ormat is vCar.
Chec3 the Calendar chec3 "o1 an c,ic3 on the Details "#tton. 0he synchroniBation type is two-
way an the emote name is Fsogo-ca,F. 0he ata $ormat is vCa,enar.
Chec3 the Tas!s chec3 "o1 an c,ic3 on the Details "#tton. 0he synchroniBation type is two-way
an the emote name is Fsogo-tooF. 0he ata $ormat is -I(.
-ave the pre$erences.
0o prevent the 2,ac32erry to a#tomatica,,y a a ne. event in the ca,enar .hen an invitation
is receive "y emai, (I5IP message) on the 2,ac32erry evice! yo# sho#, e,ete the CIC<*
service $rom the -ervice 2oo3. 0o o so! procee .ith the $o,, steps :
(rom the Options men#:
Choose "dvanced Options
Choose #ervice $oo!
Ienti$y the ,ine that mentions the emai, aress o$ the 2,ac32erry #ser $o,,o.e "y the JCIC<*K
string. (or e1amp,e! JCIC<*K.
)e,ete this entry.
=nce comp,ete! yo# m#st restart the evice "y removing its "attery $or a co#p,e o$ secons. I$
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Con?g#ration 9
Chapter 4
yo# ever .ant to reactivate the CIC<* service! $o,,o. those instr#ctions :"oo3s-on-",ac3"erry.asp1
=nce comp,ete! the c,ient is reay $or an initia, synchroniBation.
Iea,,y! yo# sho#, delete a,, ata $rom the mo"i,e evice "e$ore the initia, synchroniBation. 0o
o so :
(rom the Tools men#! choose ecover...
Choose eplace wit% data &rom server
Chec3 the Contacts! Calendar an Tas!s chec3 "o1es
(ina,,y! c,ic3 on the #ync "ll "#tton to procee .ith the synchroniBation.
Net!aus Sync"e
=nce &e1t6a#s -ync7e is insta,,e! procee .ith the $o,, steps! $rom yo#r 2,ac32erry
evice! to con?g#re it :
=pen the #ync'e Client
(rom the #ettings men#:
-peci$y the #erver (L. I$ yo#r -=%o server is! the 'C* sho#, "e
-peci$y yo#r #ser name an pass.or
Chec3 the Contacts chec3 "o1 an speci$y Fsogo-carF as the )oldername
Chec3 the Calendar chec3 "o1 an speci$y Fsogo-ca,F as the )oldername
Chec3 the ToDo chec3 "o1 an speci$y Fsogo-tooF as the )oldername
Chec3 the "uto #ync chec3 "o1 i$ yo# .ish to a#tomatica,,y synchroniBe contacts! events an
tas3s at a pree?ne time interva,
)o not chec3 the #ync events between c%ec! bo*
Chec3 the #!ip saving attendees - this .i,, prevent the 2,ac32erry evice $rom sening emai,s to
meeting participants $or events o.n,oae $rom the -=%o server
Chec3 the $+# chec3 "o1 ($or $lac!$erry +nternet #ervices)
*eave the other ?e,s to the their e$a#,t va,#e
0hen choose #ave $rom the men# to save the pre$erences
0o prevent the 2,ac32erry to a#tomatica,,y a a ne. event in the ca,enar .hen an invitation
is receive "y emai, (I5IP message) on the 2,ac32erry evice! yo# sho#, e,ete the CIC<*
service $rom the -ervice 2oo3. 0o o so! procee .ith the $o,, steps :
(rom the Options men#:
Choose "dvanced Options
Choose #ervice $oo!
Ienti$y the ,ine that mentions the emai, aress o$ the 2,ac32erry #ser $o,,o.e "y the JCIC<*K
string. (or e1amp,e! JCIC<*K.
)e,ete this entry.
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Con?g#ration :
Chapter 4
=nce comp,ete! yo# m#st restart the evice "y removing its "attery $or a co#p,e o$ secons. I$
yo# ever .ant to reactivate the CIC<* service! $o,,o. those instr#ctions :"oo3s-on-",ac3"erry.asp1
=nce one! yo#Fre no. reay $or yo#r ?rst synchroniBation.
Iea,,y! yo# m#st e,ete a,, ata on the 2,ac32erry "e$ore proceeing .ith the initia,
synchroniBation. 0o o so! procee .ith the $o,, steps :
=pen the #ync'e Client
(rom the #ettings men#:
Choose the Clear databases option
Cespon ,es to a,, G#estions. 0his .i,, e,ete a,, contacts! events an tas3s $rom yo#r 2,ac32erry
%o "ac3 in the previo#s men#
Choose the )orce #low #ync option
Choose the #tart #ync option to start the synchroniBation. 0his co#, ta3e a $e. min#tes i$ yo#
have many contacts! events or tas3s. -#"seG#ent synchroniBations sho#, "e m#ch $aster.
<$ter the initia, #low #ync! yo# can simp,y chose the #tart #ync option i$ yo# o a man#a,
synchroniBation to synchroniBe a,, changes.
Synthesis SyncML Client
=nce the -ynthesis -ync5* c,ient is insta,,e! procee .ith the $o,, steps to con?g#re it :
=pen the #ynt%esis #yncML #tandard -dition app,ication
(rom the #ettings... men#:
-peci$y the #erver (L. I$ yo#r -=%o server is! the 'C* sho#, "e
-peci$y yo#r #ser name an pass.or
Chec3 the Contacts! -vents an Tas! chec3 "o1es
C,ic3 on the more... "#tton
(or the Contacts! choose reload device an speci$y Fsogo-carF as the #erver .at%
(or the -vents! choose reload device an speci$y Fsogo-ca,F as the #erver .at%. )o not chec3 the
Only &rom... chec3 "o1
(or the Tas!s! choose reload device an speci$y Fsogo-totoF as the #erver .at%
=nce comp,ete! c,ic3 on the Done "#tton
0he reload device va,#e .i,, delete a,, entries on the evice #ring the initia, synchroniBation
an o"tain contacts! events an tas3s $rom the server. I$ yo# o not .ant to e,ete everything
$rom the evice! p,ease choose normal instea o$ reload device.
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Con?g#ration ;
Chapter 4
=nce reay! c,ic3 on the E-tartE "#tton to procee .ith the initia, synchroniBation.
)#ring the initia, synchroniBation! the Pa,m evice .i,, as3 yo# ho. to connect to the es3top
system. (rom the Pa,m evice! choose EAino.s C<-E .itho#t speci$ying an #ser name or a
pass.or. 0his .i,, a,,o. the Pa,m evice to esta",ish a PPP connection "et.een itse,$ an
-o$tic3 PPP an then comm#nicate #sing its 0CP/IP stac3 to the (#nam"o, server.
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Con?g#ration 9
Chapter 4
A&&le i'S ( Calendars
-tarting $rom i=- @! <pp,e has ae Ca,)<+ s#pport to the ca,enar app,ication inc,#e in
the iPhone/iPo/iPa.
0o a a Ca,)<+ acco#nt! $o,,o. those instr#ctions :
(rom the #ettings men#! choose Mail/ Contacts/ Calendars
Choose "dd "ccount...
Choose Ot%er
Choose "dd CalD"0 "ccount
-peci$y the #erver! the 'C* sho#, "e<username>
=n i=- @.1.2 an ,ater! yo# m#st a,so speci$y the range o$ events yo# .ant to have.
(rom the #ettings men#! choose Mail/ Contacts/ Calendars
(rom the #ync men#! choose <ll -vents
&ote that other options (-vents 1 2ee!s $ac!! etc.) o not .or3 right no..
A&&le i'S ( Contacts
I$ yo# .ant to synchroniBe contacts .ith yo#r <pp,e mo"i,e evice! #se the native aress "oo3
app,ication .ith -=%o #sing the Car)<+ protoco,. 0o con?g#re the aress "oo3 app,ication
so it .or3s .ith -=%o! create a ne. Car)<+ acco#nt an speci$y yo#r server name. In the
"dvanced #ettings! set the port to ;;00.
=n i=- prior to version 4! yo# m#st insta,, the (#nam"o, c,ient an con?g#re the sogocard
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Con?g#ration 10
Chapter 8
) Additional In*ormation
(or more in$ormation! p,ease cons#,t the on,ine (<Ns ((reG#ent,y <s3e N#estions) :
Io# can a,so rea the mai,ing archives or post yo#r G#estions to it. (or etai,s! see :,ists
2009-201@ Inverse inc. <itiona, In$ormation 11
Chapter 9
+ Commercial Su&&ort and Contact
(or any G#estions or comments! o not hesitate to contact #s "y .riting an emai, to :
Inverse ( o$$ers pro$essiona, services aro#n -=%o an (#nam"o, to he,p
organiBations ep,oy the so,#tion an migrate $rom their ,egacy systems.
2009-201@ Inverse inc. Commercia, -#pport an Contact In$ormation 12