Advanced Open Sales User Guide
Advanced Open Sales User Guide
Advanced Open Sales User Guide
User Guide Documentation
Advanced OpenSales
Document AdvncedO!enS"es.odt
#ur!ose $ser Guide %or Advnced O!enS"es
&ersion 1.0
Dte '1 (u") 201'
#re!red *) D"e +urr)
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 1 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Table of Contents
$ser Guide Documenttion....................................................................................................1
Re"ese Notes........................................................................................................................'
Recommended Settings.........................................................................................................'
#-!.ini Settings..................................................................................................................4
Sugr.R+ Settings...........................................................................................................4
$sing Advnced O!enS"es /AOS0.......................................................................................5
1. Settings..........................................................................................................................5
2. #roducts .tegories +odu"e.........................................................................................1
'. #roducts +odu"e............................................................................................................2
4. #DF 3em!"tes..............................................................................................................4
4. 5uotes +odu"e............................................................................................................12
5. Invoices +odu"e...........................................................................................................12
1. .ontrcts +odu"e.........................................................................................................19
3rou*"es-ooting nd Su!!ort ..............................................................................................20
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 2 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Advnced O!enS"es /AOS0 %or Sugr.R+ %etures n dvnced nd ro*ust set o%
*usiness e6tensions %or s"es nd su!!ort mngement. AOS is t-e resu"t o% %ive )ers o%
continuous deve"o!ment nd innovtion.
3-e "ist o% AOS %etures is e6tensive nd gro7s 7it- ec- re"ese. AOS is com!"ete")
u!grde8s%e nd con%orms to Sugr.R+9s rc-itectur" re:uirements. +odu"es inc"uded
7it-in AOS re s %o""o7s;
#roduct .tegories
#DF 3em!"tes
Release Notes
Advnced O!enS"es /AOS0 5.'.< is com!ti*"e 7it- Sugr.R+ .ommunit) =dition
versions 1.0.0 nd -ig-er. 3-e so%t7re is re"esed under t-e GN$ AFF=RO Gener"
#u*"ic >icence /AG#>v'0 7-ic- ""o7s users to do7n"od? use nd modi%) AOS. AOS 5.'
c-nges inc"ude;
Ne7 #roduct .tegories +odu"e
>ine Items -s *een dded to .ontrcts
#roduct Descri!tion dded to >ine Items
#rt Num*er dded to >ine Items nd is serc-*"e insted o% t-e !roduct Nme
Discounts dded to Service >ines
#DF 3em!"tes cn *e mde ctive@inctive
Ne7 Admin .on%ig !ne";8
=n*"e@Dis*"e >ine Item Grou!s
S!eci%) t-e strting Num*er In 5uotes@Invoices
And &rious ot-er %i6es
Recommended Settings
Due to t-e siAe o% t-e !cBge 7e recommend t-e %o""o7ing settings to ensure t-t "" %i"es
re inst""ed correct").
Php.ini Settings
Ce recommend t-e %o""o7ing v"ues 7it-in t-e 9!-!.ini9 %i"e ;
u!"odDm6D%i"esiAe E 10+
m6De6ecutionDtime E 200
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge ' o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
!ostDm6DsiAe E 120+
Fou 7i"" need to restrt )our server %ter mBing t-ese c-nges %or t-em to tBe e%%ect.
I% )our %i"e !ermissions re not set correct") it cn !revent Advnced O!enS"es %rom
u!"oding nd inst""ing correct").
For >inu6 users 7e recommend t-e %o""o7ing;
1. Set t-e 7-o"e Sugr.R+ instnce to 255 recursive"). /e.g. 9c-mod 8R 255
2. 3-en 7it-in )our Sugr.R+ instnce set t-e %o"ders cc-e? custom? dt? modu"es?
I t-emes to 225 recursive"). /e.g. 9c-mod 8R 225 cc-e custom dt modu"es
'. I% )ou re using Sugr.R+ 1.4 or -ig-er t-e 9u!"od9 %o"der is no "onger 7it-in t-e
cc-e %o"der. 3-ere%ore )ou "so need to set t-t to 225 recursive") /e.g. 9c-mod 8R
225 u!"od90
For Cindo7s users !"ese us t-e Cindo7s #ermission Guide.
SugarCRM Settings
3-e Sugr.R+ 9+6imum u!"od siAe9 is set t '000000 *) de%u"t. #"ese c-nge t-is to
15000000. Fou cn c-nge t-is v"ue in Admin8HS)stem Settings8HAdvnced #ne".
Advnced O!enS"es /AOS0 cn *e inst""ed *) n Admin user using t-e modu"e "oder. I%
)ou re -ving di%%icu"t) inst""ing t-roug- t-e modu"e "oder nd -ve used t-e
recommended settings t-en !"ese tr) one o% our "terntive met-ods.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 4 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Using Advanced OpenSales (AOS
1. Settings
Admin users cn "ter t-e settings %or AOS using t-e AOS Settings !ge under t-e
Advnced O!enS"es !ne" 7it-in t-e Admin #ne".
$sers cn customise t-e %o""o7ing settings 7it-in AOS.
Rene!al Reminder "eriod J 3-is de%ines -o7 mn) d)s *e%ore t-e Contract
#nd Date t-t reminder c"" s-ou"d *e creted.
Initial Invoice Number J A""o7s users to set t-e initi" invoice num*er. For e6m!"e
Initial $uote Number J A""o7s users to set t-e initi" :uote num*er. For e6m!"e
#nable %ine Items Groups J I% se"ected t-en users 7i"" *e *"e to *und"e "ine items
into grou!s. I% t-is is not se"ected t-en )ou 7i"" not *e *"e to use t-e AOS Grou!
%unction"it). Please note: This setting should be selected before using AOS It is
difficult to migrate from/to groups once Quotes/Invoices have been created.
Add Ta& to %ine Total J I% t-is is se"ected t-en t-e 36 7i"" *e dded into t-e %ine
Total on %ine Items. I% t-is is not t-e se"ected t-e >ine 3ot" 7i"" not inc"uded Ta&.
Once con%igured? c"icB 9Sve9 to con%irm t-e AOS settings.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 5 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
2. Products Categories Module
3-e !roduct ctegories modu"e ""o7s users to structure !roducts into -ierrc-ic"
ctegor) structure. 3o crete !roduct ctegor) record? nvigte to t-e #roduct
.tegories modu"e nd c"icB 9.rete #roduct .tegories9 *utton in t-e ction *r.
3-e "arent Categor' %ie"d is re"tions-i! %ie"d to not-er #roduct .tegories record. I%
t-e user c-ecBs t-e Is "arent Categor' %ie"d t-en t-is signi%ies t-t t-e ctegor) is t-e
-ig-est "eve". Once se"ected )ou 7i"" not *e *"e to se"ect "arent Categor' using t-e
re"te %ie"d.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 1 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
3. Products Module
$sers cn crete #roduct records using t-e !roducts modu"e. .reting !roducts ""o7s
users to se"ect !roduct "ines 7-en !re!ring 5uotes using AOS.
3-e !roducts modu"e ""o7s users to s!eci%) t-e "roducts Name? "art Number?
Categor' nd T'pe. Addition" %ie"ds %or #roducts cn *e dded using Studio.
3-e modu"e "so ""o7s users to de%ine Cost nd "rice %or t-e !roduct. "rice is t-e
se""ing !rice 7-ic- 7i"" *e used in t-e :uoting !rocess. A re"ted Contact cn *e
ssocited to t-e !roduct. 3-is is t-e !oint o% contct 7it- t-e su!!"ier concerning t-is
I% )ou -ve n Image o% t-e !roduct t-en t-is cn *e u!"oded 7it-in t-e !roducts record.
A UR% to t-e !roducts !ge on )our 7e*site cn "so *e s!eci%ied.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 2 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
4. PDF Templates
Creating Templates
AOS ""o7s users to generte #DF documents nd merge dt %rom Sugr.R+ modu"es.
Fou must -o7ever crete #DF tem!"te %irst.
3-is modu"e !rovides CFSICFG inter%ce to crete d)nmic #DF tem!"tes. Fou must
se"ect T'pe. 3-is is t-e modu"e )ou re *ui"ding t-e #DF 3em!"te %or. B) de%u"t t-e
modu"es )ou cn se"ect re;
Admin users cn e6tend t-is "ist *) editing t-e 9!d%Dtem!"teDt)!eDdom9 using t-e dro!
do7n editor %unction"it). #"ese note t-t t-e dro! do7n 9Item Nme9 must *e t-e nme o%
t-e modu"e director).
3o insert %ie"ds into t-e (od' o% t-e tem!"te users 7i"" %irst se"ect modu"e. 3-is 7i"" *e
t-e eit-er t-e sme modu"e s t-e T'pe or re"ted modu"e to t-e T'pe modu"e. 3-is is
se"ected using t-e %irst dro! do7n on t-e Insert )ields ro7.
3-is 7i"" !o!u"te t-e second dro! do7n 7it- "" t-e %ie"ds %ound 7it-in t-t modu"e. Once
)ou -ve se"ected t-e %ie"d )ou 7is- to insert ?t-e te6t %ie"d 7i"" !o!u"te 7it- t-e %ie"d
vri*"e nme. ."icB 9Insert9 to !"ce t-is %ie"d into t-e (od' of t*e template.
I% t-e Active c-ecB *o6 is se"ected t-en users 7i"" *e *"e to generte #DFs %rom t-is
tem!"te. I% it is not se"ected t-e) 7i"" not.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 4 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
%oading Samples
AOS comes 7it- seven !re8de%ined #DF tem!"tes to -e"! users crete t-eir o7n. 3-ese
cn *e "oded *) se"ecting t-e !!ro!rite tem!"te %rom t-e %oad Sample dro! do7n "ist.
%ine Items
C-en using sm!"e to crete tem!"te %or $uotes or Invoices t-e %ine Items re
%ormtted 7it-in t*"e. Fou cn c-nge t-e %ie"ds %ound in t-is t*"e s 7e"" s dd or
remove co"umns. #"ese note t-t i% )ou re creting t-e tem!"te %rom scrtc- )ou must
%ormt t-e %ine Items section s t*"e.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 9 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
At t-e *ottom o% t-e #DF 3em!"te edit vie7? users cn s!eci%) t-e mrgin 7idt- %or t-e
#DF out!ut.
,eader and )ooter
Cit-in t-e #DF 3em!"tes edit vie7? users cn "so de%ine ,eader nd )ooter %or t-eir
tem!"tes. 3-ese cn *e com!"eted using t-e ,eader nd )ooter te6t res %ound *e"o7
t-e (od' te6t re.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 10 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Generate %etter
$sers cn generte #DF documents %or Accounts? .ontcts nd >eds using t-e
Generte >etter %unction"it).
."icBing t-e 9Generte >etter9 *utton %ound on t-ese modu"es deti" vie7 7i"" !rom!t
!o!8u! sBing to se"ect tem!"te.
3-e tem!"te se"ector !o!8u! 7i"" s-o7 "" t-e ctive tem!"tes 7-ic- -ve t-e sme T'pe
s t-e modu"e o% t-e record. ."icBing t-e tem!"te nme 7i"" generte #DF document
7it- dte !o!u"ted %rom t-e record nd it9s re"ted records.
3-e Generte >etter %unction"it) cn "so *e ctioned %rom t-e "ist vie7. 3-is ""o7s )ou
to se"ect mu"ti!"e records nd c"icB t-e 9Generte >etter9 *utton 7it-in t-e "ist vie7 ction
3-e !rocess %or generting #DFs %or 5uotes? Invoices nd .ontrcts is descri*ed in t-eir
res!ective sections.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 11 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
4. Quotes Module
Creating a $uote
$sers cn crete 5uote *) going to t-e 5uotes modu"e nd c"icBing 9.rete 5uote9 %rom
7it-in t-e ctions *r.
3-e %irst !ne" ""o7s )ou to s!eci%) deti"s concerning t-e :uote suc- s t-e Title? re"ted
Opportunit'? Stage nd "a'ment Terms. 3-e $uote Number %ie"d is c"cu"ted
3-e second !ne" ""o7s )ou to s!eci%) 7-o t-e 5uote is %or *) re"ting n Account nd
Contact to t-e 5uote. C-en )ou se"ect t-e Account- t-e (illing Address nd S*ipping
Address re d)nmic"") !u""ed %rom t-e Account nd !o!u"ted into t-e %ie"ds on t-e
5uote record.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 12 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
%ine Items !it* Groups
3-e t-ird !ne" ""o7s users to s!eci%) t-e $uote Groups- %ine Items nd t-e Currenc'.
A Grou! is co""ection o% %ine Items 7it- its o7n Group Total. A %ine Item cn *e
"roduct %ine or Service %ine.
3o dd 5uote Grou!? c"icB t-e 9Add Grou!9 *utton.
ote: Add !roup "ill be displa#ed if $%nable &ine Item groups' is selected in Admin .
3-is 7i"" dis!") t-e Group? ""o7ing )ou to insert Group Name and dd "roduct %ine
or Service %ine. It 7i"" "so dis!") t-e Group Totals.
3o dd "roduct %ine? c"icB t-e 9Add #roduct >ine9 *utton. 3-is 7i"" ""o7 users to :uote
%or "roducts %rom t-e "roducts modu"e.
3o se"ect "roduct? )ou cn strt t)!ing in t-e "roduct or "art Number %ie"d 7-ic- 7i""
!rovide "ist o% resu"ts simi"r to n) re"te %ie"d. A"terntive") c"icB t-e rro7 *utton ne6t to
t-e "art Number %ie"d. 3-is 7i"" dis!") !o!8u! 7indo7 ""o7ing )ou to se"ect %rom "ist
o% "roducts.
Once )ou -ve se"ected #roduct? t-e %ist? Sale "rice nd Total 7i"" !o!u"te
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 1' o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
utomtic""). $sers cn c-nge t-e $ualit'? dd Discounts /#ercentge or Amount0 nd
increse t-e Ta& !ercentge. 3-ese 7i"" "ter t-e Sale "rice- Total "rice nd Group Total
3o dd Service %ine- c"icB t-e 9Add Service >ine9 *utton. 3-is 7i"" ""o7 users to :uote %or
For Service >ines? )ou must s!eci%) t-e %ist !rice. 3-is 7i"" !o!u"te t-e S"e #rice. Ta&
nd Discounts cn *e dded simi"r") to t-e "roduct %ine.
AOS 7i"" Bee! Grnd 3ot" %or ec- Group.
AOS 7i"" "so Bee! Grand Total %or "" Groups com*ined.
3-e S*ipping %ie"d ""o7s )ou to dd s-i!!ing cost. 3-e S*ipping Ta& %ie"d ""o7s )ou
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 14 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
to dd t6 to t-is v"ue.
Once t-e 5uote -s *een com!i"ed? c"icB 9Sve9 to sve t-e 5uote.
%ine Items !it*out Groups
.reting 5uotes 7it-out Grou!s is ver) simi"r to creting 5uotes 7it- Groups. 3-e on")
di%%erence is )ou do not -ve to c"icB 9Add Grou!9. Fou sim!") 9Add #roduct >ine9 nd 9Add
Service >ine9 to t-e :uote. Cit-out Grou!s )ou re cnnot see t-e Group Total %ie"ds. Fou
7i"" on") see t-e Grand Total %ie"ds.
Sending $uotations
3o out!ut 5uote )ou cn se"ect one o% %o""o7ing t-ree *uttons %rom t-e 5uote deti" vie7.
AOS !rovides users 7it- t-ree met-ods o% sending 5uotes.
"rint as "D) J A""o7s users to se"ect tem!"te nd do7n"od or sve #DF o%
t-e 5uote.
#mail "D) J A""o7s users to se"ect tem!"te t-en directs t-e user to t-e
Sugr.R+ emi" c"ient!ose9 screen. 3-e 5uote #DF 7i"" *e ttc-ed to emi"
nd t-e emi" 7i"" *e ddressed to t-e re"ted .ontct o% t-e 5uote. 3-is ""o7s
user to %i"" out t-e emi" *od).
#mail $uotation J 3-is directs t-e user to t-e Sugr.R+ emi" c"ient!ose9
screen. 3-e emi" 7i"" *e ddressed to t-e re"ted .ontct o% t-e 5uote. 3-ere 7i""
*e no ttc-ment nd t-e 5uote 7i"" *e dis!")ed 7it-in t-e *od) o% t-e emi".
Convert To Invoice
Cit- AOS users cn convert 5uotes to Invoices. 3-is cn *e c-ieved *) c"icBing t-e
9.onvert to Invoice9 *utton on t-e 5uote deti" vie7.
3-is %unction"it) 7i"" redirect users to t-e edit vie7 o% n Invoice record. Fie"ds 7i"" *e
!o!u"ted *sed on t-eir 5uote counter!rts nd %ine Items 7i"" *e co!ied over. C-en
)ou re red) to crete t-e Invoice? c"icB t-e 9Sve9 *utton. .onverting 5uote to n
Invoice 7i"" set t-e Invoice Status o% t-e :uote to 9Invoiced9.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 15 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Create Contract
As 7e"" s converting to n Invoice? AOS ""o7s users to crete .ontrct *sed on
5uote. 3-is cn *e done *) c"icBing t-e 9.rete .ontrct9 *utton on t-e 5uote deti" vie7.
3-is 7i"" redirect t-e user to t-e edit vie7 o% .ontrct record? !u""ing t-roug- n)
!!ro!rite %ie"ds %rom t-e 5uote. 3-is inc"udes n) %ine Items on t-e 5uote.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 11 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
. !n"oices Module
Creating an Invoice
.reting n Invoice record is ver) simi"r to creting 5uote record. $sers cn crete n
Invoice *) going to t-e Invoices modu"e nd c"icBing 9.rete Invoice9 %rom 7it-in t-e
ctions *r.
3-e %irst !ne" ""o7s )ou to s!eci%) deti"s *out t-e Invoice suc- s Status nd Due
3-e second !ne" ""o7s )ou to s!eci%) 7-o t-e Invoice is %or *) re"ting n Account nd
Contact to t-e Invoice. C-en )ou se"ect t-e Account- t-e (illing Address nd S*ipping
Address re d)nmic"") !u""ed %rom t-e Account nd !o!u"ted into t-e %ie"ds on t-e
Invoice record.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 12 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Groups and %ine Items
AOS ""o7s users to dd Groups nd %ine Items to Invoices. 3-is is com!"eted in t-e
e6ct sme 7) s 5uotes. #"ese re%er to 5uotes section %or deti"s on -o7 to crete
Groups nd %ine Items.
Sending Invoices
3o out!ut n Invoice )ou cn se"ect one o% %o""o7ing t-ree *uttons %rom t-e Invoice deti"
AOS !rovides users 7it- t-ree met-ods o% sending Invoices.
"rint as "D) J A""o7s users to se"ect tem!"te nd do7n"od or sve #DF o%
t-e Invoice.
#mail "D) J A""o7s users to se"ect tem!"te t-en directs t-e user to t-e
Sugr.R+ emi" c"ient!ose9 screen. 3-e Invoice #DF 7i"" *e ttc-ed to
emi" nd t-e emi" 7i"" *e ddressed to t-e re"ted .ontct o% t-e Invoice. 3-is
""o7s user to %i"" out t-e emi" *od).
#mail Invoice / 3-is directs t-e user to t-e Sugr.R+ emi" c"ient!ose9
screen. 3-e emi" 7i"" *e ddressed to t-e re"ted .ontct o% t-e Invoice. 3-ere 7i""
*e no ttc-ment nd t-e Invoice 7i"" *e dis!")ed 7it-in t-e *od) o% t-e emi".
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 14 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
#. Contracts Module
Creating a Contract
AOS ""o7s users to crete .ontrcts using t-e .ontrcts modu"e.
C-en t-e .ontrct is creted t-e Rene!al Reminder Date 7i"" !o!u"te utomtic"")
*sed on t-e mount o% d)s s!eci%ied in t-e AOS Settings in Admin. A ."" 7i"" *e
sc-edu"ed nd ssigned to t-e .ontrct +nger %or t-is dte.
Groups and %ine Items
AOS ""o7s users to dd Groups nd %ine Items %or .ontrcts. 3-is is com!"eted in t-e
e6ct sme 7) s 5uotes. #"ese re%er to 5uotes section %or deti"s on -o7 to crete
Groups nd %ine Items.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 19 o% 20
ISO 9001 Registered No. GB2004459
Troubles*ooting and Support
At S"esAgi"it) 7e re dvoctes o% O!en Source. As suc- !"ese do not contct us
direct") vi emi" or !-one %or Advnced O!enS"es su!!ort. Insted !"ese use our
su!!ort %orum. B) using t-e %orum t-e Bno7"edge is s-red 7it- ever)one in t-e
communit). Our deve"o!ers ns7er :uestions on t-e %orum di") *ut it "so gives t-e ot-er
mem*ers o% t-e communit) t-e o!!ortunit) to contri*ute. I% )ou 7ou"d "iBe S"esAgi"it) to
customise Advnced O!enS"es s!eci%ic"") %or )our Sugr.R+ needs t-en !"ese use
our contct %orm.
Advnced O!enS"es ,, $ser Guide Documenttion ,, #ge 20 o% 20