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a u t o s h i p Tel: (604) 254-4171
Systems Corporation Fax: (604) 254-5171
Suite 312 - 611 Alexander St Vancouver, BC V6A 1E1 CANAA !!!"autos#ip"com Autostructure the easy way to create the iteral structure o! your ship Autostructure is used to create a 3 model o$ vessel structure and to output t#e parts o$ t#at model in CA $ormat" %#e CA representation can &e used eit#er to prepare construction dra!in's or $or input to NC cuttin' processors" Autostructure utili(es an Autoship-'enerated #ull and)or superstructure and can also include t#e s#ell plate in$ormation created in Autoplate" *Autoship and Autoplate are pro'rams $rom Autos#ip Systems"+ Every aspect o$ Autostructure !as desi'ned to allo! parts to &e created ,uic-ly and !it# minimal input" .#ile t#ere is a 'eneral !or-$lo!, no set !ays or se,uences are $orced upon t#e user, t#us ena&lin' maximum productivity !it# minimum e$$ort" Since parts can &e 'enerated rapidly, mista-es can &e ,uic-ly and easily remedied" Also, i$ a part is c#an'ed or moved, Autostructure can update t#e a$$ected structure $or you, savin' you time and e$$ort" %#e tools t#at Autostructure provides are/ 1+ A part data&ase !it# a po!er$ul cate'ori(ation system 2+ %#e a&ility to rapidly cut parts to t#e s#ell and)or eac# ot#er 3+ Sop#isticated 2 part editin' 0+ Compre#ensive CA output 1+ Extensive reportin' capa&ilities 6+ A user-expanda&le 2aterial li&rary Autostructure is &uilt on top o$ S34 Server 5 6 2icroso$t7s most po!er$ul data&ase system" As delivered, Autostructure can support up to $ive users eit#er in a client-server or peer-to-peer net!or-" 8or more t#an $ive users, a $ull S34 Server system s#ould &e purc#ased separately" Autostructure allo!s t#e user to set up a #ierarc#ical system to or'anise t#e model" %#ree examples are/ i+ &y actual structure i"e" rin')&loc-)module)su&assem&ly9 or ii+ &y desi'ner/ eac# desi'ner could &e assi'ned #is)#er o!n, separate assem&ly, !#ic# could &e $urt#er su÷d, and !ould &e a&le access t#e ot#er desi'ner7s !or-9 or iii+ &y material/ $or a repair :o&, t#e user mi'#t !ant to 'roup individual parts &y material type, i"e" material)si(e)pro$ile)'rade" Also, $or eac# 1 pro:ect, Autostructure provides t#e user !it# t#e a&ility to set up a ;ermissions sc#eme t#at controls !#ic# operations eac# desi'ner is allo!ed to per$orm" Autostructure provides several di$$erent met#ods $or creatin' parts" Eac# one is ,uic-, simple and strai'#t$or!ard" Autostructure also includes special tools t#at speed up t#e part-ma-in' process, suc# as t#e a&ility to rapidly copy t#e details *sti$$eners, cutouts, openin's and mar-in's+ $rom one part to anot#er or to ,uic-ly su÷ a lar'e part into t#e separate plates $rom !#ic# it !ould &e $a&ricated" Additionally, eac# time a part is trimmed at t#e #ull or anot#er part, a !eld pat# is automatically created alon' t#e trimmed ed'e" %#e !eld pat#s can &e used to 'enerate !eld relie$ cutouts on ot#er parts and can &e included in !ei'#t and sc#edulin' reports" Autostructure uses AutoCA 2<<< *or later+ $or all 2 editin' $unctions" Special tools allo! t#e user to easily attac# and edit sti$$eners, s!i$tly 'enerate openin's, sti$$ener cutouts and mar-in's and also to per$orm Boolean operations" =$ course, all t#e usual AutoCA $unctionality is availa&le as !ell" All CA output is trans$erred directly into AutoCA" %#ree di$$erent $ormats are availa&le/ i+ a 2 array o$ selected part outlines !it# cutouts and mar-in's, i"e" t#e typical in$ormation !#ic# !ould &e sent to an NC-cuttin' processor and)or nestin' pro'ram9 ii+ a 2 presentation o$ parts, suc# as a cross section !#ic# !ould &e used to prepare construction or classi$ication dra!in's9 and iii+ 3 output to use $or 3 dra!in's to s#o! t#e relations#ips o$ parts or crucial construction details, and to &e used as input &y ot#er pro'rams" Extensive control is provided $or output, suc# as layer creation, si(e and dept# o$ cross-section and type o$ sti$$ener mar-in'" Autostructure can 'enerate many di$$erent reports, suc# as .ei'#ts and Centres, Bill =$ 2aterials and .eld reports" %#e output is sent to Crystal >eports, !#ic# allo!s t#e presentation to &e completely customi(ed !it# minimum e$$ort" =ptionally, #ull plate in$ormation created in Autoplate can &e added to t#e Autostructure model and t#en included in reports" %#is means, $or example, t#at a centre o$ 'ravity report $or a su&- assem&ly can include t#e !ei'#t and centre o$ t#e s#ell plates, t#us allo!in' t#e user to prepare a proper li$tin' arran'ement $or t#e structure" Autostructure maintains a li&rary o$ materials t#at includes material type, plate t#ic-ness, extrusions *sti$$ener pro$iles+, $lat &ars and $inis#es *$or renderin' purposes+" As eac# part t#e user creates is assi'ned properties $rom t#e li&rary, consistency o$ material $or all parts is 'uaranteed" %#e material li&rary is user-expanda&le and provides $or easy input o$ ne! material and pro$iles" %#e s#ip model appearin' in t#e $ollo!in' pa'es !as created to s#o! #o! some o$ t#e modellin' operations per$ormed in Autostructure are carried out" 2ost pa'es include an indication o$ t#e time spent per$ormin' t#e operation" %#e total num&er o$ parts created and t#e total time ta-en to create t#e model is detailed near t#e end o$ t#e presentation" 2 3 ;ro:ect 2ana'er is a separate pro'ram t#at is used to mana'e t#e pro:ect data&ase" As indicated &y t#e lar'e num&er o$ ta&s, ;ro:ect 2ana'er allo!s many aspects o$ t#e data&ase to &e mana'ed $rom one convenient application" =ne o$ t#e main $unctions o$ ;ro:ect 2ana'er is to create ne! Autostructure pro:ects" ?n t#is vie!, !e #ave already selected an Autos#ip pro:ect, #ad ;ro:ect 2ana'er set up t#e data&ase, and are no! settin' up t#e ;ermissions $or t#at pro:ect" %#e next step !ill &e to esta&lis# automatic &ac-up sc#edules" %otal time to create a ne! pro:ect/ a&out 1 minutes" 0 %#e Bul-#ead ;lacement dialo'ue is used to ,uic-ly esta&lis# t#e locations o$ transverse !aterti'#t &ul-#eads" %o provide 'uidance $or &ul-#ead placement, t#e dialo'ue can also calculate and display $looda&le len't# curves and 1/1 lines"
?n t#is vie!, !e #ave positioned our &ul-#eads &y clic-in' t#e Create Bul-#ead &utton and t#en at t#e $rame locations *t#e vertical das#ed lines+" .e can compare t#e 1/1 lines !it# t#e 8looda&le len't# curve and reposition t#e &ul-#ead accordin'ly" .#en a satis$actory layout #as &een ac#ieved, !e7ll clic- Make Parts to #ave t#e pro'ram cut eac# &ul-#ead to t#e #ull, complete !it# data on &evel an'les" .e7ll also use t#is in$ormation to #elp produce our @eneral Arran'ement dra!in'" %otal time/ a&out 1 minutes, plus t#e $looda&le len't# curve calculation time, !#ic# varies !it# t#e #ull $orm" 1 6 %#e @lo&al 4ayout dialo'ue !as desi'ned to allo! rapid 'eneration o$ lar'e structural parts t#at lie in one o$ t#e t#ree principal planes" ?n an e$$icient t!o-step process, part locations are ,uic-ly esta&lis#ed &y indicatin' t#eir position on a set o$ 'rid lines, and t#en all t#e parts are se,uentially cut in a sin'le operation" As eac# part is cut, it is automatically trimmed to t#e #ull and any surroundin' previously cut parts" %#e $rame 'rid is set &y t#e Autos#ip pro:ect, t#e dec- and lon'itudinal 'rids are set !it# t#e controls at ri'#t" A special ma'ni$ication !indo! *t#e s,uare overlay+ is availa&le to #elp c#oose amon' closely spaced 'rid lines" ?n t#is vie!, !e7ve set t#ree dec- 'rid lines and t!o lon'itudinal 'rid lines and #ave laid out t#e positions o$ a several lon'itudinal &ul-#eads and dou&le &ottoms - t#ey appear in red 6 and are :ust a&out to position a tan- top" %#e oran'e lines are t#e &ul-#eads !e created in t#e previous step, t#e Bul-#ead ;lacement dialo'ue" Next, !e7ll clic- 2a-e ;arts to #ave t#e parts cut" %otal time a&out 1< minutes" 5 %#e main screen $eatures an =pen@4 vie!er $or 'rap#ical representation o$ t#e model and a Bro!ser $or navi'atin' t#e assem&ly and part #ierarc#y" Eit#er, or &ot# may &e displayed in several di$$erent con$i'urations" %#e Vie!er provides many separate tools $or (oom, pan, vie!, rotate, li'#tin', cut-a!ay and $o' *t#e $urt#er a part is $rom t#e vie!point, t#e more it is o&scured+ ma-in' it easy to see t#e structure as you !ant" %#e user #as complete control over #o! t#e #ierarc#y is arran'ed, t#us allo!in' $or a meanin'$ul and :o&-speci$ic system to &e set up" Autostructure7s main tools are al!ays !it#in easy reac# alon' t#e top in t#e menu &ar and tool &ar" ?n t#is vie!, t#e Vie!er is at its de$ault position at ri'#t, and t#e Bro!ser is on t#e le$t" ?n t#e Bro!ser, !e7ve selected all t#e parts created t#us $ar &y clic-in' on t#e upper-most assem&ly, 2ain" ?n t#e Vie!er, !e #ave rotated t#e model to loo- do!n $rom a&ove, star&oard" A Autostructure $eatures a separate pro'ram, >eport 2ana'er, $or 'eneratin' reports" Several report types, suc# as .ei'#ts and Centres, Bill =$ 2aterials and .elds are availa&le" %#e report $ormat may &e customi(ed usin' Crystal >eports" %#e >eport 2ana'er uses t#e same Bro!ser as Autostructure in order to allo! easy selection o$ t#e parts to &e included in t#e report" >eports may &e printed directly and)or saved to dis-" ?n t#is vie!, !e7re loo-in' at t#e last pa'e o$ a !ei'#t summary $or t#e entire structure !e7ve created so $ar" B %#e 2 editor is used $or addin' details suc# as cutouts, openin's, sti$$eners and mar-in's to $lat parts" .e7ve made part editin' easy &y incorporatin' AutoCA and addin' some special tools $or !or-in' on Autostructure parts" Autostructure maintains a user-expanda&le li&rary o$ material and extrusions, t#us ensurin' consistency o$ material and type $or all parts" ?n t#is vie!, !e7ve &rou'#t a transverse $rame into t#e 2 editor and t#en attac#ed #ori(ontal sti$$eners, created li'#tenin' #oles &et!een t#e sti$$eners and added $lat &ars to t#e ed'es o$ t#e openin's" %otal time $or t#is $rame a&out 1< minutes" 1< %o save time !#en ma-in' parts, !e7ve created t#e Copy ;anel Con$i'uration dialo'ue" %#is allo!s you to copy t#e details *openin's, sti$$eners, cutouts and mar-in's+ $rom one $lat part to similar $lat parts" %#e settin's at t#e ri'#t provide easy control over !#ic# details to copy" ?n t#is vie!, !e7re copyin' t#e $ive openin's, t#e $ive $ace &ars and t#e $our sti$$eners $rom part %r 8>2 8r 6B to part %r 8>2 8r 5<" %ime to copy t#ese details to C0< ot#er $rames, a&out 6 minutes" 11 %#is vie! s#o!s one o$ t#e central &loc-s t#at #as &een considera&ly detailed" %#ere are AB 8lat plates, AA1 Extrusions, 1<<A 8lat Bars and 2131 !elds" %otal operator time to ma-e t#ese transverse $rames, $loors, s#ell sti$$eners, dou&le &ottom sti$$eners and &ul-#ead sti$$eners !as a&out $our #ours" 12 %#e ;anel Su&division dialo'ue is used to cut a lar'e part into t#e separate plates $rom !#ic# it !ill &e constructed" Controls !#ic# set t#e plate si(e, pattern and ori'in allo! $or $ast su&division o$ t#e part" Additionally, parts can &e re-su&mitted to &e su÷d a'ain" 13 %#e Su&division ;revie! s#o!s t#e resultin' layout o$ plates and lets you c#an'e t#e t#ic-ness o$ any o$ t#em" Eac# plate &ecomes a ne!, separate part, and t#e pro'ram also creates t#e !elds &et!een t#e plates" Su&division may also &e made alon' curves !#ic# you create in an AutoCA editin' session" %ime to su÷ one part, C 2 minutes" 10 All Autostructure CA output can &e export directly to AutoCA as dra!in's" %#ree di$$erent $ormats, eac# #avin' many options, are availa&le and ena&le you to easily produce dra!in's to your o!n standards" ra!in's exist as 1/1 scale in 2odel Space, allo!in' you to !or- easily !it# t#e parts" ?n t#is vie!, !e7ve exported t!o parts $or NC-cuttin' preparation" As t#e text, outlines and mar-in's all exist on di$$erent layers, it is a simple tas- to select t#e appropriate entities to send to t#e NC processor" 11 %#e material mana'er, !#ic# is inte'rated into Autostructure, is used to create ne! materials, plate types, extrusions, $lat &ars and $inis#es *$inis#es are used $or renderin'+" Autostructure arrives !it# most common materials, plate t#ic-ness and sti$$ener and $lat &ar s#apes already included in t#e li&rary" Davin' one common li&rary ensures t#at t#e material type, plate t#ic-ness and sti$$ener pro$iles used t#rou'#out t#e pro:ect !ill &e consistent" Autostructure: Features "ist 3-tier data&ase system &ased on S34 Server 5 A tree-vie!)list-vie! &ro!ser provides a user inter$ace to t#e data&ase" A vie!er &ased on =pen@4 provides visuali(ation" Bul-#ead layout !it# or !it#out internally calculated $looda&le len't#s curves" A 'lo&al layout module in !#ic# s#eet parts parallel to t#e principle planes are created, !it# automatic trimmin' to ad:acent parts" @eneral plane $lat plate parts A parametric !e& $rame desi'n option is provided in t#e 'lo&al layout module" .#en cut to a s#ell, t#e &evel an'le at !#ic# eac# &oundary se'ment meets t#e s#ell is retained and can &e exported" 8lat parts can &e edited" %#is is done &y usin' AutoCA 2<<< as an auxiliary pro'ram" ;arts 'eometry is trans$erred pro'rammatically to and $rom AutoCA" A custom tool&ar provides access to $unctions speciali(ed to part editin'" .it#in t#e editor $ace sti$$eners and ed'e sti$$eners can &e created and located" Extrusions can #ave parametrically speci$ied end s#apes" Ne! materials, s#eet types, extrusions, $lat &ars and $inis#es can &e created" Extrusion cross section editin' is supported" ;arts can &e created &y re$lectin' existin' parts across t#e centre line" Sti$$eners can &e created alon' curves em&edded in t#e s#ell sur$aces" ?nter$erence !it# $lat parts and extrusions can &e detected and displayed in dialo'ues" t#e user may t#en c#oose corrective action" 16 .elds are automatically 'enerated !#ere parts are cut to t#e s#ell, !#ere parts are cut to ot#er parts and alon' extrusion pat#s" etails, includin' openin's, mar-s and sti$$eners, can &e copied $rom one part to ot#er similar parts and t#eir mirrors &y a mouse clic-" 4ar'e parts can &e su÷d to t#e si(e o$ availa&le stoc-" 2ar-s and sti$$ener in$ormation are copied to eac# ne! part" %#e division can &e alon' user-edited mar-s or on a 'rid" ;art properties editor !it# detection o$ part invalidations >e'eneration o$ invalidated parts Autoplate pro:ects can &e incorporated into t#e Autostructure data&ase" ;arts may &e exported directly into AutoCA 2<<< $or dra!in' preparation, nestin' and NC cuttin', or ot#er purposes" %#ree export types are supported/ 2d parts, 2d assem&ly and 3d" ?nverse &endin' curves $or extrusions optional in part export" %#e separate >eport 2ana'er pro'ram provides 0 report types" Ne! report types are easily added" ?mportation o$ penetration reports $rom >e&is7 Auto;4AN% pipin' desi'n pro'ram, display o$ t#e data and production o$ a report o$ Autostructure user actions" Arc#ivin' o$ complete pro:ects $or exc#an'e and lon'-term stora'e" 15