Book Manual For Booking

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Choose and Book Manual for Booking Managers

Issue 2.0 April 2010

Amendment History: Version/Issue Date 0.1 1.0 2.0 Re ie!ers: "his document must be reviewed by the #o!!owin$ %ame &ane '!ements/ Monica Harrison 'A) Document Review +ane! Appro als: "his document must be a roved by the #o!!owin$, %ame &u!ie "ay!or "it!e / Res onsibi!ity %H( 'onnectin$ #or Hea!th 'hoose and )oo* "eam Date Version/Issue 1.0 "it!e / Res onsibi!ity %H( 'onnectin$ #or Hea!th 'hoose and )oo* "eam %H( 'onnectin$ #or Hea!th 'hoose and )oo* "eam Date February 2010 March 2010 Version/Issue 0.1 0.1 February 2010 March 2010 A ri! 2010 Amendment History Reviewed A roved Amended

"o#ument $ummary "his document is aimed at rovidin$ $uidance to 'hoose and )oo* trainers and end user on the 'hoose and )oo* system. "he sections covered in this manua! are s eci#ica!!y tai!ored towards the ro!e o# )oo*in$ Mana$er .

Issue 2.0

A ri! 2010

Table of Contents
CH%%$& A'" B%%( MA')A* +%R B%%(I', MA'A,&R$ ......................................................1 -AB*& %+ C%'-&'-$......................................................................................................................1 .HA-/$ '&. I' R&*&A$& 0.12......................................................................................................2 .HA-/$ '&. I' R&*&A$& 0.12......................................................................................................2 +I'"I', H&*3 %' CH%%$& A'" B%%(........................................................................................4 +I'"I', H&*3 %' CH%%$& A'" B%%(........................................................................................4 $&--I', )$&R 3R&+&R&'C&$......................................................................................................5 $&--I', )$&R 3R&+&R&'C&$......................................................................................................5 6%)R H%M&3A,&...........................................................................................................................10 6%)R H%M&3A,&...........................................................................................................................10 A33%I'-M&'- &'7)IR6...............................................................................................................12 A33%I'-M&'- &'7)IR6...............................................................................................................12 8&RI+6 -H& 3A-I&'- CA**&R......................................................................................................11 8&RI+6 -H& 3A-I&'- CA**&R......................................................................................................11 B%%( -H& A33%I'-M&'- I' -H& 3A$.......................................................................................10 B%%( -H& A33%I'-M&'- I' -H& 3A$.......................................................................................10 CA'C&* -H& A33%I'-M&'- R&7)&$-......................................................................................19 CA'C&* -H& A33%I'-M&'- R&7)&$-......................................................................................19 CA'C&* %R CHA',& -H& A33%I'-M&'- B%%(I', IB$........................................................15 CA'C&* %R CHA',& -H& A33%I'-M&'- B%%(I', IB$........................................................15 8I&.I', A33%I'-M&'- HI$-%R6...............................................................................................21 8I&.I', A33%I'-M&'- HI$-%R6...............................................................................................21 I'"IR&C-*6 B%%(&" A33%I'-M&'-$ -% CA'C&* I' 3A$ .%R(*I$-...............................22 I'"IR&C-*6 B%%(&" A33%I'-M&'-$ -% CA'C&* I' 3A$ .%R(*I$-...............................22

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.hat/s 'e! in Release 0.12

"his is a summary o# the main chan$es in re!ease -.. #or users with the )oo*in$ Mana$er ro!e. For #u!! detai!s !ease view the -.. u date resentation #ound on the 'hoose and )oo* website and in the end user manua!s/ where a!! the !atest #unctiona!ity is detai!ed. 1.1 In#rease to .orklist Count

"he ma0imum count va!ue #or 1or*!ists wi!! increase #rom 223 to 230. A messa$e wi!! be dis !ayed showin$ users the new count. 1.2 "ate of "eath 3ro#essing 1here recorded on the +D(/ a date o# death wi!! a ear in a #i0ed #ie!d on the Home a$e and within the 4 date +erson Modu!e. Re#erra!s can sti!! be made where a date o# death shows/ to a!!ow errors made on the +D( to be overridden. "he #o!!owin$ warnin$ messa$e wi!! a!ert you $ivin$ the o tion whether to roceed or not with the re#erra!.


A##identally Closing Choose and Book

"o e0it 'hoose and )oo* correct!y/ c!ic* the *og %ut te0t at the to ri$ht hand o# the screen. I# you try to e0it usin$ the mar*er the #o!!owin$ messa$e wi!! be dis !ayed/ $ivin$ you the o tion to e0it or to continue with your 'hoose and )oo* session usin$ the o u bo0 be!ow.

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&n:uiries )sing "ate Range +ilters &nhan#ement

For a!! user en5uiries that a!!ow a date ran$e to be entered/ the ma0imum date ran$e a!!owed wi!! be e0tended #rom .1 days to 62 days. A messa$e wi!! be dis !ayed #or users to show the increase. 1.4 Content $ensiti e

"he 'ontent (ensitive #unctiona!ity wi!! be e0tended so that the Re#errin$ '!inician and Re#errin$ '!inician Admin in the Re#errin$ and Re$istered 7+ +ractice 8i# di##erent to the Re#errin$ +ractice9. "he )M( H'+ +ro0y wi!! a!so be ab!e to see and action these 4)R%s when !o$$ed in on beha!# o# the re#errer. 4sers with )oo*in$ Mana$ement (ervices wi!! sti!! not be ab!e to view re#erra!s mar*ed as 'ontent (ensitive. 1.; A#ti e< $oft!are Installation

Active: is a technica! enhancement to im rove the !o$in er#ormance o# 'hoose and )oo* #or a!! users/ a##ectin$ every +' used to !o$ into 'hoose and )oo*. ;oca! I" de artments have been re5uested to insta!! the Active: contro! onto a!! +'s in advance o# Re!ease -../ or to ma*e sure the +'s are ready to automatica!!y down!oad the so#tware #rom 'hoose and )oo* when Re!ease -.. $oes !ive. I# Active: has been insta!!ed users wi!! not see any chan$e to the !o$ in ste s/ and can roceed to use 'hoose and )oo* as norma! a#ter Re!ease -... I# users see a messa$e as*in$ them to ta*e action they shou!d use the #o!!owin$ $uidance. I# the +' does not have Active: insta!!ed/ the #o!!owin$ messa$e wi!! a ear every time 'hoose and )oo* is !aunched a#ter Re!ease -... 4sers are advised to contact their I" de artment or su ort des* #or assistance.

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4sers who do not wish to ta*e action this time can c!ic* <'ontinue 1ithout Insta!!in$=. I# users see one o# the messa$es be!ow/ they are advised to #o!!ow the instructions in the messa$e to insta!! the Active : so#tware. I# any di##icu!ties are e0 erienced/ users shou!d contact their I" de artment or su ort des*.

IM3%R-A'-: )sers should not attempt the installation on#e they are logged into the Choose and Book appli#ation as !ork may =e lost. In summary, Installation )ser $ees A#tion Re:uired %one %one

;oca! I" de artment insta!!s %o chan$e to !o$ in rocess Active: remote!y Automatic insta!!ation o# %o chan$e to !o$ in rocess Active: when user enters 'hoose and )oo* Active: not insta!!ed as above

"he #u!! screen Action 4sers shou!d insta!! as Re5uired messa$e 8#i$ure 19 rom ted and contact their with an additiona! messa$e to !oca! I" de artment or su ort insta!! 8#i$ure 2 or .9 des* #or assistance i# re5uired "he #u!! screen Action 4sers shou!d contact their Re5uired messa$e 8#i$ure 19 !oca! I" de artment or su ort but without an additiona! des* #or assistance messa$e to insta!!

Active: not insta!!ed as above

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+inding Help on Choose and Book

>n!ine he! can be accessed #rom the He! menu or a conte0t sensitive !in* #or some a$es. "hese he! screens rovide access to a com rehensive set o# he! in#ormation. "hese a$es shou!d be used as the first !ine in the he! rocess.

"he he! screen wi!! dis !ay

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?ou can e0 and the sections on the !e#t hand side o# the screen to revea! re!ated to ics. @ach item in =lue is a !in* to a to ic and can be c!ic*ed.

?ou may search #or words or hrases in the he! system by c!ic*in$ on the search !in* at the to

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'!ic* 3rint to rint the current he! to ic.

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$etting )ser 3referen#es

1.9 $etting 3referen#es 'hoose and )oo* wi!! a!!ow you to set user re#erences. "hese re#erences are remembered between !o$ins and are avai!ab!e er user ro!e. "here#ore i# you have mu!ti !e 'hoose and )oo* ro!es on your smartcard then you wi!! have re#erences set #or each ro!e. @ach !o$in home a$e wi!! have a C+re#erencesD button.

'!ic* the button to enter the re#erences home a$e. "he o tions avai!ab!e to each user ro!e wi!! be de endant on the wor*!ist and en5uiry o tions avai!ab!e to that user. As each user ro!e is di##erent there wi!! be sma!! di##erences in the re#erences screen dis !ay.

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"he !e#t hand section a!!ows you to se!ect the a ro riate section to edit. %ot a!! ro!es wi!! have a!! the o tions avai!ab!e. 3atient Column %ptions (e!ects the o tiona! co!umns to be visib!e in the +atient Activity ;ist 8+A;9 on the re#errer=s home a$e. .orklist Column %ptions (ets the o tiona! co!umns to be visib!e when dis !ayin$/ rintin$ wor*!ists. .orklist "efaults (ets the wor*!ist to be used as the user=s de#au!t. &n:uiry Column %ptions (et the o tiona! co!umns to be visib!e when dis !ayin$/ rintin$ en5uiries. %ot a!! user ro!es wi!! have a!! these settin$s. For e0am !e the )oo*in$ Mana$er ro!e has some o tions disab!ed. "his ro!e does not have the o tion to se!ect wor*!ists so no de#au!t o tion is avai!ab!e.


Restoring 3referen#e "efaults '!ic* the Restore "efaults button to reset a!! the user re#erences bac* to the de#au!t state.

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6our Homepage
?our home a$e has two areas, &n:uiries and .orklists se!ected by c!ic*in$ on the re!event tab. &n:uiries contains the 3atient &n:uiry which a!!ows you to search #or atients either by %H( %umber or 4)R% 84ni5ue )oo*in$ Re#erence %umber9. "he 4)R% identi#ies each a ointment re5uest that is initiated #or the atient and is rovided to them on an a ointment re5uest summary #rom the 7+. .orklists contains one wor*!ist the Indire#tly Booked Appointments to Can#el in 3A$ wor*!ist. "his shows a!! the a ointments that have been cance!!ed in 'hoose and )oo* and need to be cance!!ed in the +A( manua!!y.


Indire#tly Booka=le $er i#es ?IB$@ 3ro#ess An Indirect!y )oo*ab!e (ervice 8I)(9 is a service #or which the Re#errer can ma*e the Re#erra! or A ointment Re5uest via 'hoose and )oo*/ but cannot com !ete the A ointment )oo*in$ e!ectronica!!y via 'hoose and )oo*. "he boo*in$ is com !eted when the atient contacts a )oo*in$ Mana$er at the chosen I)( run by a (ervice +rovider 8e.$. Hos ita!9. 1hen a +atient chooses an I)(/ the A ointment Re5uest is made by the Re#errer 8e$. 7+9 and the +atient is $iven a rintout with the te!e hone number o# the I)( to ca!! to com !ete the boo*in$. "he +atient then ca!!s the I)( te!e hone number and the )oo*in$ Mana$er answers the ca!!. "he )oo*in$ Mana$er discusses the dates and a time with the +atient/ then boo*s an a ointment on their !oca! +atient Administration (ystem 8+A(9/ then they a!so record the a ointment detai!s in the 'hoose and )oo* a !ication.

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Appointment &n:uiry
"he atient wi!! ca!! the I)( te!e hone number to re5uest to boo* an a ointment with your service. "he atient shou!d have a rinted Appointment Re:uest/ rovided by their Re#errer. "his document wi!! contain their )BR' #or the re#erra!. "hey wi!! a!so have a assword to identi#y them.
IBS call centres should use local call scripts for verifying patient callers. IBS call centres should use local call scripts for verifying patient callers.

1.10 $ear#h for the Appointment Re:uest '!ic* &n:uiries tab on the to !e#t o# the window. As* the atient #or the )BR' and enter it into the )BR' #ie!d 8or as* them #or their %H( number and enter that into the %H( #ie!d9.



If you see no appointment requests for your Patient, it means that the If you see no appointment requests for your Patient, it means that the Patient has not had an appointment request made for your service. You Patient has not had an appointment request made for your service. You should redirect the Patient back to their referrer. should redirect the Patient back to their referrer.

?ou shou!d now see an A ointment Re5uest #or the +atient. '!ic* the b!ue )BR'.

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8erify the 3atient Caller

'!ic* on the +atient=s )BR' and you wi!! see their detai!s inc!udin$ their assword.

As* the +atient #or their assword to veri#y they are the +atient.
Please refer to your local Call Script for the local procedure for verifying the caller. Please refer to your local Call Script for the local procedure for verifying the caller.

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Book the appointment in the 3A$

Before you book the patient appointment ensure that the patient ill not be Before you book the patient appointment ensure that the patient ill not be calling other services to see if they can obtain an earlier appointment. If calling other services to see if they can obtain an earlier appointment. If they do they ill be unable to book to the ne service if they have previously they do they ill be unable to book to the ne service if they have previously booked to your service, even if you cancel the appointment. Choose and Book booked to your service, even if you cancel the appointment. Choose and Book only provides one chance for the patient to choose the service and it cannot only provides one chance for the patient to choose the service and it cannot be changed. be changed.

@nsure you have both the +A( and 'hoose and )oo* o en on your com uter8s9. In 'hoose and )oo*/ c!ic* on and se!ect 8ie! re:uest.

?ou now see a summary o# the Appointment Re:uest showin$ the $pe#ialty/ Clini# -ype and 3riority/ !us the 'amed Clini#ian i# this has been re5uested by the re#errer. Find the correct c!inic in the +A( that corres onds with the (ervice and '!inic "y e and %amed '!inician 8i# re5uested9 in the +atient=s a ointment re5uest. Discuss the ossib!e dates and times that the +atient cou!d have an a ointment s!ot/ and ma*e the boo*in$ in a s!ot in your +A(. 'on#irm the date and time o# the a ointment with the +atient. Arran$e #or a '!inic ;etter 8maybe #rom the +A(9 to be sent to the +atient to con#irm the boo*in$ made. '!ic*

when you have #inished viewin$ the A ointment Detai!s as you now need

to record the a ointment detai!s in 'hoose and )oo* 8see 2.109. 1.11 If your 3atient needs to =e registered on your 3A$ ?ou may #ind that your +atient is not re$istered on your +A(/ and you need to re$ister your +atient on the +A( be#ore you can boo* them in #or an a ointment. "o re$ister a +atient on your +A( you wi!! need more in#ormation about your +atient.

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In 'hoose and )oo*/ c!ic* on the atient=s 4)R% and then History

and se!ect 8ie!

?ou now see a summary o# the history o# your +atient=s re#erra!/ and the screen you see wi!! have the +atient=s name in b!ue across the to bar on the ri$ht hand side o# the screen.

'!ic* on the +atient=s name in b!ue and you wi!! see their basic detai!s 8name/ address etc.9 that you can use to re$ister them on your +A(.

'hec* the detai!s with your +atient to ensure they are u to date. I# the detai!s are not correct/ a user with $er i#e 3ro ider Clini#ian Admin access ri$hts wi!! be ab!e to u date the atient detai!s in 'hoose and )oo* 8re#er to (ervice +rovider '!inician Admin manua!9. '!ic*

when you have #inished with the History screen.

1.12 Re#ording the Appointment in Choose and Book ?ou now need to record the boo*in$ you have made/ in 'hoose and )oo*. '!ic* the 4)R% then c!ic* on A#tions and se!ect Book Appointment. ?ou see the A ointment Detai!s screen.

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?ou now need to com !ete the ye!!ow #ie!ds. (e!ect the correct $er i#e #rom the ic* !ist o# services that matches the c!inic you have Gust boo*ed the atient in to on your +A(. @nter the "ate and -ime o# the a ointment you have boo*ed in the +A(. '!ic*

'!ic* Close >nce you have submitted this in#ormation/ the Re#erra! ;etter sent by the 7+ wi!! a ear in the $er i#e 3ro ider Clini#ianAAdmin B Referrals for Re ie! 1or*!ist #or this service/ so they can review the re#erra! and then either acce t or reGect the boo*in$ and re#erra!. "e!! the +atient that they wi!! receive a !etter #rom your hos ita! con#irmin$ their a ointment/ as the re#erra! !etter sti!! needs to be reviewed and acce ted by your hos ita! c!inicians.

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Can#el the Appointment Re:uest

If the appointment is booked, then you first need to cancel the booking and then If the appointment is booked, then you first need to cancel the booking and then cancel the request as e!plained belo ". cancel the request as e!plained belo ". #ote that if you cancel the request the patient ill no longer be able to use this #ote that if you cancel the request the patient ill no longer be able to use this referral. $o be referred the patient ill no need to get a ne %B&# from the 'P. referral. $o be referred the patient ill no need to get a ne %B&# from the 'P.

Fo!!ow the sta$es in 8erify the Caller to #ind the a ointment and veri#y the ca!!er. '!ic* on the 4)R% o# the A ointment Re5uest. '!ic* on and se!ect 'ance! Re5uest.

(e!ect a 'ance! Reason. '!ic*

'ance! Re5uest

"he system warns you that you are about to cance! an a ointment re5uest.

'!ic* '!ic*


i# you are sure you wish to cance! the a ointment re5uest.


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Can#el or Change the Appointment Booking IB$

"he atient may hone the I)( )oo*in$ Mana$er and as* i# they can chan$e the date o# their a ointment. 1.11 Ho! to Change or Re=ook an Appointment for an IB$ As* the +atient i# they have their 4)R%/ %H( %umber and assword handy to he! veri#y them. Fo!!ow the sta$es to #ind the a ointment and veri#y the ca!!er. In your 3A$ cance! the o!d boo*in$ and a$ree a new date and time with the atient over the hone/ and ma*e the new boo*in$ in your +A(. ,o =a#k to Choose and Book. '!ic* on the )BR' '!ic* '!ic* 6es ?ou wi!! see the Appointment "etails screen. and se!ect Re=ook Appointment.

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"y e In the new "ate and -ime o# the boo*in$. '!ic*


?ou wi!! see the warnin$ dia!o$ bo0 be!ow.

I# you have cance!!ed the o!d date and time #or the boo*in$ in the +A( then answer 6es. I# you have not cance!!ed the o!d boo*in$ date and time in +A( answer 'o. I# you answer %o the 4)R% wi!! be added to your wor*!ist to remind you to de!ete the o!d boo*in$ in your +A(.
You ill need to confirm the ne appointment details ith the patient in riting You ill need to confirm the ne appointment details ith the patient in riting according to local operational procedures according to local operational procedures

'!ic* Close 1.10 Ho! to Can#el an appointment for an IB$ "he +atient may hone the )oo*in$ Mana$er and as* i# they can cance! their a ointment. As* the +atient i# they have their 4)R%/ %H( %umber and assword handy to he! veri#y them. Fo!!ow the sta$es to #ind the a ointment and veri#y the ca!!er. In your 3A$ #an#el the old =ooking. ,o =a#k in to Choose and Book. '!ic* on the )BR' '!ic* and se!ect Can#el Appointment.

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(e!ect a reason #or the cance!!ation '!ic* Can#el Appointment "he dia!o$ bo0 shown be!ow wi!! be dis !ayed

I# you have cance!!ed the o!d date and time #or the boo*in$ in the +A( then answer 6es. I# you have not cance!!ed the o!d boo*in$ date and time in +A( answer 'o. I# you answer %o the 4)R% wi!! be added to your wor*!ist to remind you to de!ete the o!d boo*in$ in your +A( '!ic* on Close

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8ie!ing Appointment History

History a!!ows you to view actions that have been carried out on beha!# o# the +atient. "his wi!! enab!e you to chec* what sta$e an A ointment Re5uest is at/ e.$. when and i# this re5uest has been boo*ed and con#irmed. '!ic* on the )BR' o# the Appointment Re:uest '!ic* and se!ect 8ie! History

Down the !e#t hand side o# the screen you wi!! be resented with a !ist o# actions that have occurred. '!ic* on each action to view the detai! o# that action.

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Indire#tly Booked Appointments to Can#el in 3A$ .orklist

"he Indire#tly Booked Appointments to Can#el in 3A$ is intended to assist you with maintainin$ cance!!ed a ointments in 'hoose and )oo* and +A(. "here is no !in* between 'hoose and )oo* and +A( #or I)(/ there#ore when an a ointment is cance!!ed in 'hoose and )oo* this a ointment needs to be manua!!y de!eted in +A(. "he a ointment may be cance!!ed by you or another user ro!e durin$ a cance! or reboo*in$ rocedure. "he wor*!ist acts as a reminder and has no other #unction. (e!ect the Indirect!y )oo*ed A ointments to 'ance! in +A( wor*!ist #rom the wor*!ist #i!ter. "his wi!! show the wor*!ist Indire#tly Booked Appointments to Can#el in 3A$.

'!ic* the 4)R%.


"he 4)R% is now removed #rom the wor*!ist.

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