Offline Location Based Services Using Smartphone Based On Android OS
Offline Location Based Services Using Smartphone Based On Android OS
Offline Location Based Services Using Smartphone Based On Android OS
Department of Electrical and Electronics College of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy chennai 1 Ramanujam computing centre, Anna University, Guindy chennai 2
A stract! Location-based services rely on ubiquitous connectivity to deliver location-based contents to the users. The fact is that, connectivity is not available in all locations to service at all time even in urban areas. For example, underground indoors, remote areas are examples situations where users commonly do not have guaranteed connectivity but could profit from location-based contents. In this paper, we propose an open platform for developing an location-based contents that can be accessed offline by the user on a mobile device. The prototype we implemented for proof of concept consisting of an offline location based smart phone application, using geographical coordinates as location identifiers. ur prototype provides offline access, developing, installing location based contents.
$o mo ile roaming charges# Application stores maps on S flash card of "ser+s mo%ile device and "ses them ever# time $hen "ser start it, so it $or's $itho"t Internet. %oom in facility# Allo$s ,ooming in $ith high resol"tion. &"lti-to"ch pinch-to-,oom is s"pported or do"%le taps to ,oom in, tap the ,oom o"t %"tton to ,oom o"t. II. .OT/NTIAL T/!0NOLO1I/S US/ LO!ATION BAS/ S/R2I!/S3LBS4 IN
A& "atellites Satellite navigation s#stems provide geo-spatial positioning $ith glo%al coverage. !"rrentl# there are several glo%al navigation satellite s#stems dedicated to civil positioning incl"ding the US NA2STAR 1lo%al .ositioning S#stem 31.S4, the R"ssian 1LONASS, and the /"ropean Union+s 1alileo. The advantage of satellite s#stems is that receivers can determine latit"de, longit"de, and altit"de to a high degree of acc"rac#. 0o$ever, line of sight 3LOS4 is re)"ired for the f"nctioning of these s#stems. This leads to an ina%ilit# to "se these s#stems for an indoor environment $here the LOS is %loc'ed %# $alls and roofs. '& Cellular communication net(or) A !ell"lar !omm"nication Net$or' is a s#stem that allo$s mo%ile phones to comm"nicate $ith each other. This s#stem "ses large cell to$ers to $irelessl# connect mo%ile devices. The range of cell"lar comm"nication net$or's depends on the densit# of large %"ildings, trees and other possi%le o%str"ctions. &a(im"m range for a cell to$er is 56 'ilometers in an open r"ral area. This method is a %asic techni)"e "sing !ell-I , also called !ell of Origin, to provide location services for cell phone "sers. C& 'luetooth
Navigation and to"rist g"ide applications have recentl# sho$n a tendenc# to facilitate offline access to contents. The do$nt"rn of these sol"tions is that the# provide the contents in a proprietar# format em%edded into applications. These offline &ap applications on mo%ile device $or's an#$here. It does not need net$or' coverage or Internet connection. Ta'ing into consideration, "ser need not %e a comp"ter e(pert, desired properties of this application for its )"ic' adaptation,are as follo$s: "imple# User need not have to learn to "se the offline maps application, *"st do$nload and start the application. Availa ility of maps in offline: o$nload and store the entire map data to "ser+s mo%ile phone locall#, and "se the map $itho"t an Internet connection.
Bl"etooth is a $ireless comm"nication method "sed %# t$o devices over short distances. Bl"etooth is the I/// 789.:6 standard and is similar to ;i-<i. &a(im"m distance for Bl"etooth comm"nication is "p to :88 meters for a class : Bl"etooth set. The devices can send a ma(im"m of 5&%=s. Implementation can %e highl# e(pensive. III. &/T0O S AN T/!0NI>U/S US/ IN O<<LIN/ LO!ATION BAS/ S/R2I!/S
G& Android.anifest&/ml The Android&anifest.(ml file is the control file that tells the s#stem $hat to do $ith all the top-level components 3specificall# activities, services, intent receivers, and content providers descri%ed %elo$4 $e have created.
A& *ffline location ased services Location %ased services deliver Information a%o"t location to people $itho"t $ireless connectivit#.
0& 1ie(s A 2ie$ is an o%*ect that 'no$s ho$ to dra$ itself to the screen. Android "ser interfaces are comprised of trees of 2ie$s. If $e $ant to perform some c"stom graphical techni)"e, then $e $o"ld create a 2ie$. -& $otification A Notification is a small icon that appears in the stat"s %ar. Users can interact $ith this icon to receive information. The most $ell-'no$n notifications are S&S messages, call histor#, and voicemail, %"t applications can create their o$n. Notifications are the strongl#-preferred mechanism for alerting the "ser of something that needs their attention.
'& Geo!tagging
1eo-tagging is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to vario"s media s"ch as a geo-tagged photograph or video, $e%sites, S&S messages, >R !odes or RSS feeds and is a form of geospatial metadata. This data "s"all# consists of latit"de and longit"de co ordinates, tho"gh the# can also incl"de altit"de, %earing, distance, acc"rac# data, and place names. 1eo-tagging can help "sers find a $ide variet# of location-specific information. <or instance, one can find images ta'en near a given location %# entering latit"de and longit"de coordinates into a s"ita%le image search engine. 1eo-tagging-ena%led information services can also potentiall# %e "sed to find location-%ased ne$s, $e%sites, or other reso"rces. 1eo-tagging can tell "sers the location of the content of a given pict"re or other media or the point of vie$, and conversel# on some media platforms sho$ media relevant to a given location. C& +ac)age An organi,ational entit#, the platform that aggregate a collection of locations and their associated contents. D& Activity An Activit# is a ch"n' of code that does some $or', if necessar#, that $or' can incl"de displa#ing a UI to the "ser. E& Content +rovider !ontent .rovider is a data storeho"se that provides access to data on the device. O"r application can access data that other applications have e(posed via a !ontent .rovider, and $e can also define o"r o$n !ontent .roviders to e(pose data of o"r o$n. ,& -ntents Intent is a simple message o%*ect that represents an intention to do something. The s#stem locates some other piece of code, that 'no$s ho$ to handle that Intent, and r"ns it. There are t$o t#pes of intents namel# implicit and e(plicit intents. Implicit intents has no specified component $here as /(plicit intents do specif# the component.
The OLBS 3offline location %ased services4 consists of the follo$ing components $hich are essential for the o%taining location %ased contents at offline, $hich in o"r case the offline location %ased contents is o%tained for the camp"s !ollege of 1"ind#, Anna Universit#. .o ile terminal, $hich are e)"ipped $ith Android OS: laptops, . A, cell phones, hand-held gaming console, etc. Android Application, $hich facilitates "ser $ith an int"itive "ser interface displa#ing the list of the categories, "nder each one there are list of %"ildings, thro"gh $hich "ser re)"ests the location %ased contents at offline
The soft$are $hich has %een developed and deplo#ed into the mo%ile device for the estimation of location %ased content is %ased on the Android platform. Its f"nctionalities are :. Sending application do$nload re)"est to the server. 9. o$nloading the application. 5. Option to select a location in the application. @. ispla#ing all %"ildings and its associated contents. The application developed for the android device is of the A.I level :8 and version Android 1inger%read 9.5.A.
'& +rocess of "ystem *peration# ""mmari,es the steps involved in the "ser position estimation and ro"te determination :. 9. 5. @. Offline location %ased services is deplo#ed into the mo%ile device. An activit# $ith a list of categories is displa#ed, clic' the re)"ired categor#. Another activit# is opened $hich has list of re)"ested categor#. <or e(ample $hen the categor# is clic'ed, department -Belectrical and electronics department -Bframe la#o"t 3contains image of department, details and clic'a%le map4. ;hen map %"tton is clic'ed, the map is loaded. 2I. R/SULTS AN 2. .ROC/!T S./!I<I!ATIONS A& 0ard(are perspective In the e(perimental set"p the hard$are "sed is !el'on $ith AR& processor and !.U operating speed of : 10,, the Smartphone is preloaded $ith 1oogle+s Android 1inger%read 29.5.A operating s#stem& '& "oft(are specification Soft$are+s that has %een "sed in the pro*ect are as follo$s: :. A T pl"g-in for the /clipse 30elios4 I / $hich provides an Integrated evelopment /nvironment for Android application development. Android S D 3.latform4 Cava C D :.E 3 evelopment Dit for .rogramming4.
<ig 5 eclipse I /
<ig @ A2 manager
The e(periment $as performed in the camp"s, !ollege of 1"ind#, Anna Universit#, !hennai. An area of @6,:6@ mF $as "sed for the e(periment. <ig.6 sho$s the %asic map la#o"t of the camp"s latit"de and longit"de G the Smartphone "sed is !el'on A76 made %# !el'on and has Android 9.5 O=S.
9. 5.
<ig"re 3E4 sho$s the first screen that, sho$s the list of categories 3departments, administration, %an' ,hospitals ,shops and canteen4.
<ig A
fig"re 3A4 sho$s the map vie$ $ith a mar'er on the place, $here "ser re)"ested.
<ig E
;e have proposed and developed an offline location %ased services for Android Smartphone+s. Location-%ased contents are organi,ed into pac'ages that can %e do$nloaded and stored on the mo%ile device for offline "se .The platform consists of a data%ase for location pac'ages, $hich are managed in a $a# similar to soft$are pac'age managers, providing a friendl# $a# for the "ser to list, pac'ages from his device. ;e e(pect o"r OLBS s#stem to %e "sed in vario"s indoor and o"tdoor places li'e shopping malls, airports, hotels in near f"t"re. R/</R/N!/S I:J 0. . !hon, S. C"n, 0. C"ng, and S. ;. An, KUsing rfid for acc"rate positioning,L 2ournal of Glo al +ositioning "ystems,vol. 5, no. :-9, pp. 59M5A, 988@. I9J &"lloni, . ;agner, I. Bara'on#i, and . Schmalstieg,KIndoor positioning and navigation $ith camera phones,L -EEE +ervasive Computing, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 99M5:, 988A. I5J 0. Dato and D. T. Tan, K.ervasive 9d %arcodes for camera phone applications,L -EEE +ervasive Computing, vol. E, pp. HEM76, 988H. I@J 1oogle. 1oogle maps api. IOnlineJ. Availa%le: http:==code. maps transit. IOnlineJ.Availa%le: director#. IOnlineJ. Availa%le: I6J ?elp. IOnlineJ. Availa%le: http:==$$$
<ig H
<ig 7
<ig"re 374 sho$s the corresponding departments location %ased contents as per the "ser re)"est