Intranet Chatting System in LAN Network (Synopsis)
Intranet Chatting System in LAN Network (Synopsis)
Intranet Chatting System in LAN Network (Synopsis)
This Project Entitled as INTRANET CHATTING is used basicall !or chattin"
#ur#ose $ith the re%ote clients or users on Internet or local net$or&s' Here in this
#roject a ja(a client ) ser(er co%bination is used to chat $ith re%ote users' *hen a
Client $ants to chat $ith a user on a re%ote host+ he sends a re,uest to the -er(er
$ith a identi!ication na%e li&e the ser(er res#onds to the re,uest b
identi!in" the $hich is alread re"istered in the ser(er do%ain and $hen
%atched his re,uest is "ranted and the client can be"in to chat $ith the re%ote users
#resent on the internet or local net$or&'
The #o$er o! Internet is such that it inte"rates to"ether /ANs located across
di(erse so!t$are and hard$are !or%s into a sin"le lar"e co%%unication net$or& that
s#ans the "lobe' The client needs to ha(e a client so!t$are such as Netsca#e Na(i"ator or
Internet E0#lorer to retrie(e in!or%ation as $ell as chat on the
$$$' *** is re!erred to as Netsur!in"' And it su##orts chattin"+ te0t+ (ideo and audio'
The bene!it o! usin" 1INTRANET CHATTING2 o(er other chattin" tools is that+
$ith the hel# o! ja(a+ the #ro"ra%%er can create a##let a##lications $hich can be use the
internet as a ser(er' A##lets are %achine inde#endent and so ja(a #ro"ra%s can run on
an co%#uter on the internet'
The ter% client)ser(er is used in the conte0t o! net$or&in"+ $hat it actuall
It is i%#ortant to understand the ter%s client)ser(er because the INTRANET
CHATTTING #roject is su##orted co%#letel b client)ser(er %odel' A ser(er is
anthin" that has so%e resource that can be shared' There are co%#ute ser(ers+ $hich
#ro(ide co%#utin" #o$er+ $eb ser(ers+ $hich store $eb #a"es' A client is si%#l an
other entit that $ants to "ain access to a #articular ser(er' The interaction bet$een
client3ser(er is li&e an interaction bet$een an electrical soc&et and a la%#' The ser(er is a
#er%anentl a(ailable resource $hile client is !ree to 1un#lu"2 a!ter it has been ser(ed'
The #ro"ra%4s #re%ier !eature is its $hiteboard dra$in" utilit' 5ou can dra$ !reehand+
do circles+ s,uares+ lines+ te0t+ or #aste i%a"e !iles to the can(as' This is ideal $hen users
$ant to 6s&etch6 conce#ts !or one another' Users can interact #ublicl $ith e(erone else
on the ser(er+ or the can chat)dra$ #ri(atel usin" ja(a Chat4s 6$his#er %ode6' Users
can create and %ana"e chat roo%s+ $hich can be either 6#ublic6 or 6#ri(ate6' The ser(er
$ill also store and %ana"e ans$erin" %achine.stle %essa"es !or users $ho aren4t
online+ and instant %essa"es can be sent to those $ho are' Additionall+ users $ho aren4t
$atchin" their screens can be #a"ed $ith sound'
Ha(e u e(er thou"ht that $e can chat $ith #eo#le residin" At !ar o! #laces i'e'+
re%ote chattin" around the $orld no$ $e can do this+ thats $hat technolo" is all about
and u $ill be sur#rised that u can chat $ith #eo#le all o(er the "lobe just sittin" at our
PC+ sounds interestin" es7+ just at the clic& o! a button u can co%%unicate and share
in!or%ation bet$een di!!erent users $ho are #resent on their ter%inals at the ti%e ou
lo""ed in' All this can be done throu"h a #ro"ra% called CHAT and the #roject
INTRANET CHATTING is all about chattin"'
The #ro"ra% is called Chat+ $hen ou are Chattin"+ e(erthin" ou t#e $ill instantl be
trans%itted around the $orld to other users that %i"ht be $atchin" their ter%inals at the
ti%e' The can then t#e so%ethin" and res#ond to our %essa"es+ and (ice (ersa'
Chattin" is based on a client.ser(er %odel' Clients are #ro"ra%s that connect to a ser(er8
a ser(er is a #ro"ra% that trans#orts data+ 9%essa"es:+ !ro% a user client to another' There
are clients runnin" on %an di!!erent sste%s that allo$ ou to connect to a Chat ser(er'
Currentl %ost o! the current Chat a##lications are te0t based and !e$ are ca#able o!
trans!errin" tin i%a"es+ but there lac&s a Chat sste% !or the technical #eo#le $ho can
chat as $ell as the can re#resent their ideas in the !or% o! dra$in" the #ictures online'
;an (endors distribute e(en these technolo"ies se#aratel but to obtain these !eatures at
one sste% $ill be the hauntin" tas&'
-o $hat should $e do and ho$ should $e sol(e the #roble% that e(en the technical
#eo#le are bene!ited b this chattin" technolo"'
Throu"h current chattin" technolo"ies $e are able to send onl te0t
<ased %essa"es to #eo#le and tin i%a"es+ but this t#e o! chattin" is not hel#in" the
technical #eo#le to $or& e!!icientl $hen the ,uestion o! sendin" bi" #ictures li&e sa
business #lans to the custo%ers that is the business clients to a##ro(e o! the #lan or the
client #roject+ i%a"ine bi" business #lans and deals "ettin" a##ro(ed throu"h chattin"
and lar"e business #rojects started+ ho$ bene!icial it $ill be to the technical #eo#le as
$ell the client on the other side' /ets see ho$ to sol(e this #roble%'
To sol(e the incon(eniences as %entioned abo(e+ an 1INTRANET CHATTIN#2
is #ro#osed' The #ro#osed sste%s #re%ier !eature is its white%oar& dra$in" utilit'
5ou can dra$ !reehand+ do circles+ s,uares+ lines+ te0t+ or #aste i%a"e !iles to the can(as'
This is ideal $hen users $ant to 6s&etch6 conce#ts !or one another' This !eature o!
1INTRANET CHATTING2 can be a boon !or the technical #eo#le $ho $ant to share
their ideas or conce#ts in the #ictorial !or%' This sste% includes the !acilities o!
traditional chat ser(ers and clients li&e #ro(idin" a $indo$ !or each Other user+ *his#er
chat+ %ulti#le chat roo%s etc' *ith the hel# o! the *HITE <OARD dra$in" utilit no$
the technical #eo#le can carr out their tas&s easil and can share their bi" #icture #lans
re"ardin" their business to the clients+ e0chan"e ideas and conce#ts and %an %ore
thin"s+ basicall e0chan"e as $ell as share the in!or%ation alon" $ith the usin" the
dra$in" utilit e(en lon" con(ersations can be %ade bet$een t$o users $hich %a be
i%#ortant business %eetin"s or deals to be sanctioned and all this is carried out $ith the
su##ort o! a##lets $ith the hel# o! i%a"e based $eb %enu i%a"es can be trans!erred'
This a##lication can be %ainl di(ided into t$o %odules=
>' -er(er
?' Client
This #roject 1INTRANET CHATTING2 is %ainl de#ended on client)ser(er
%odel' The client re,uests the ser(er and ser(er res#onses b "rantin" the clients
The #ro#osed sste% should #ro(ide both o! the abo(e !eatures alon" $ith the
!ollo$ed ones=
SER*ER+ The ser(er should be able to #er!or% the !ollo$in" !eatures=
The !irst and !ore%ost #roble% is to !ind the ser(er' *e should identi! the
#ro"ra% in the ser(er $hich #rocesses the clients re,uest'
Ad%inistrator Client $ho $ill be actin" as a su#er user'
Creatin" o! #ri(ate roo% $ith the #ass$ord !acilit to enable #ri(ate chats $ith the
users online' The ser(er is al$as $aitin" !or clients re,uests 'The clients co%e and
"o do$n but the ser(er re%ains the sa%e'
CLIENT+ The client should be able to #er!or% the !ollo$in" !eatures=
-hould be able to send %essa"e to anbod in the roo% $ith clients uni,ue chat na%e
created in the ser(er !or chattin" #ur#ose'
-hould be #ro(ided $ith the dra$in" tools li&e !ree hand+ rectan"le+ o(al+ line and
also sendin" te0t %essa"e o(er the roo%'
In all the net$or& a##lications+ $e !ind t$o sort #ro"ra% $here the !irst i'e'+ ser(er
sends the in!or%ation and the second i'e'+ client recei(es the in!or%ation'
Har&ware S,eci-ication
TOTA/ RA; = >?B ;<
DI-CETTE A = >'DD ;< E/OPP5 F'G2
DI-P/A5 = -G@A CO/OR
So-tware S,eci-ication
ERONT END = Ia(a -$in"
<ACC END = ;-. Accesss