150 Language Arts Activity Plan

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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity: Curriculum Area: My Place Language Arts

Length of Activity: 15-20 mins Learning O !ectives "s#ecify at least three$: The child will be able to: -express their lives through drawings (DRDP 17) -write their names (DRDP 1) -discuss his li e b! telling what he has made on his paper (DRDP "#) Material%&'ui#ment Nee(e(: $onstruction paper %aga&ines %ar'ers $ra!ons (cissors (tic'er box )lue stic's )litter *dds and end box Pre#aration ")hat (o you nee( to (o eforehan(*$: To prepare or this activit! + will ensure that all materials are together and are read! to grab and that there are maga&ines li'e ,ome and )arden- and other ones that the! can use to help describe where the! are rom. + will as' parents to send 'ids with pictures or items the! can use or their placemats to help them describe their lives in a more graphic wa!. + will have these with the supplies read! or the children to use. Proce(ures "ste# y ste#$ + ,e -#ecific .,eginning "/o0 0ill 1 intro(uce activity*$ To introduce this activit! we will read a stor! entitled %! /amil! b! 0isa During circle time a ter the stor! + will introduce the activit! and allow the children to go to one o the tables and start ma'ing their placemats or them to use during snac' time. + will encourage the 'ids to use as man! materials as the! want to show their lives.

.Mi((le: "/o0 0ill 1 su##ort%enhance%scaffol(*$ + 2he #erson rea(ing your lesson #lan shoul( e a le to i(entify 0hat you are saying or (oing to su##ort your state( learning o !ectives3 2/1- 1- 4&56 1MPO52AN23 + will as' open-ended 1uestions li'e 2hat holida!s do !ou and !our amilies celebrate3 2hat ood does !our amil! li'e to eat34 + will encourage the 'ids to tal' about what the! are ma'ing and wh!- and discuss what the! are using compared to what their riend might be using to show them the di erences in our classroom. + will as' them to write their name. (/or those who struggle with this + will dot out their name with their hand and let them trace it) + will as' them how man! letter are in their name. + will as' them what the! live in. + will as' them what shape the! are cutting and what is it or. + will as' them to tell me what the! have drawn5made rom their lives. .&n(: "/o0 0ill 1 ring this activity to a conclusion an( transition to the ne7t activity* ,e very s#ecific in ho0 you 0ill transition the chil(ren3$ This activit! will end b! turning on our clean up song and allowing the children to inish the last piece and ma'e our wa! bac' to the carpet to read another stor! about cultures in our class. 6 ter the clean up song + will sa! 70ets go ind a seat on the carpet and read another stor!- ma!be someone can help me with the stor! this time84 2hroughout the (ay%0ee89 0hat o##ortunities 0ill the chil(ren have to reflect ac8 on this activity* 9! ma'ing placemats (and laminating them) the children will be able to use them during the wee' or the whole !ear i the! choose. 9! giving them this activit! to use dail! the! can alwa!s loo' bac' and re lect on what the! made and tal' about what their neighbor made as well during lunch or snac' time. + will have cultural boo's out that da! or the children to compare their placemat drawings too as well as getting ideas or their placemats.

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