The Students Will Understand That: The Students Will Keep Considering The Following

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Michael’s College
Basic Education Department
Iligan City
S.Y. 2019-2020

Subject Area: Science 6 Quarter: One Unit: 1

Unit Topic: Classification of Matter No. of Days: 8


Content Standard:
The pupils demonstrate understanding of the properties of pure substances and mixtures.

Lesson/ Topics:

 Pure Substances and Mixtures

 Types of Mixtures

Transfer Goal:
The students will be able to create models of molecules in different kinds of matter and make a chart,
poster, or multimedia presentation of common elements showing their names and symbols.

Essential Understandings: Essential Questions:

The students will understand that: The students will keep considering the following:

1. Properties and classification of matter 1. Why are pure substances and mixtures important
determine its usefulness. to our lives?
2. Matter has distinct characteristics and 2. Why do we have different forms of matter?
properties that may be useful and/or 3. How can we apply the knowledge about matter in
harmful. our lives?
3. One kind of mixture is distinguished 4. How could mixtures be classified?
from another kind because of its 5. How does one benefit from an understanding of
characteristics and properties. the classification of mixtures?
4. Mixtures exist in different forms, each 6. How can we apply the knowledge about mixtures
with its own characteristics and in our lives?

The students will know… The students will be skilled at:
1. Classification of matter and its examples. 1. Differentiate pure substances from mixture
2. Classification of elements, its 2. Classify pure substances as to elements and
characteristics, and examples; metals and compounds based on their characteristics
nonmetals. 3. Describe how elements are formed a compound
3. Classification of mixtures and their and the characteristics of compound.
examples. 4. Describe the appearance of mixtures.
5. Classify mixtures as homogeneous or
6. Give the uses of uniform ad non-uniform
7. Use various types of reasoning in classifying


Goal – Apply the concept of matter in every day circumstances.

Role – a chef

Audience – All learners in Grade 6 and Science Teacher.

Situation – Present a vegetable salad mixture to the class and ask them: Have you ever prepared a vegetable
salad? Let them share their experiences in preparing vegetable salad, and be able to link this lesson for the day.
What kind of matter did we form?

Product/output presentation – Performance Task


Product – 40 %
Presentation – 40%
Teamwork – 20%

Other Evidences:
Reflection Logs Review Exercises Quizzes
Board work exercises Oral Recitation Performance Task
Reflection Logs Chapter Test


Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

The teaching and learning will involve

Day 1: (Pure Substances): Activate the students’ background knowledge through the game “Name that
Thing” then allow them to classify the materials.

Day 2: (Pure Substances): Discuss how to classify matter, then allow them to do Think-Pair-Share where
they will identify the name of the element, its symbol and uses. Then they will share the information of
elements with their partner.

Day 3: (Pure Substances): Let the pupils make a journal of the properties of some elements and their uses.
State some ways on how can they conserve natural resources.
Day 4: (Pure Substances): Note taking: Let the pupils read text on kinds of compound. Let them do note
taking using a Frayer’s model diagram.
Day 5: (Pure Substances): POE Method: Let the pupils Predict, Observe, and Explain a certain change.
They will be grouped into elements and compounds. They group will stand if the examples mentioned by
the teacher describe their group.
Day 6: (Types of Mixtures): Allow the students to do Jot-Pair-Share. Ask some questions about mixtures,
Pupils will be given two minutes to write down everything that they know about mixtures. After the
allotted time, they will share their responses with a partner, then with the whole class.
Day 7: (Types of Mixtures): Allow the students to do their collaborative activity – demonstration through
making a vegetable salad mixture (performance task).
Day 8: (Types of Mixtures): Process Skills. Allow the students to compare elements and compounds
using a Venn Diagram.
Day 9: Unit Summative Assessment

Reference/ Instructional Materials

Science Links – Teacher’s Resource Material
Lord Ian C. Cruz, Kristoffer Lloyd Quicho, Evelyn Castante-Padpad – Authors

Understanding Life Through Science

Joyce Rabina-Calica, RN, Winona Yapit-Diola - Authors
(worktext, video clips, television, lecture notes, magazines)

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Ms. Mary Analyn D.

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