2 1 Lesson
2 1 Lesson
2 1 Lesson
Teacher Date Beth Kusserow Subject/ Topic/ Theme Animal Classification Grade ______K________
ph!sical de elopment
socio$ emotional
C &
Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
S.*A.++.,- Communicate and present .ndin#s of obser ations. /0ote# 1rite as man! as needed. *ndicate ta)onom! le els and connections to applicable national or state standards. *f an objecti e applies to particular learners write the name/s2 of the learner/s2 to whom it applies.2 (remember" understand" appl!" anal!3e" e aluate" create
The research the! did the session before 4 what defines their animal cate#or!.
Pre-assessment (for learning):
* will er! briefl! as5 them if the! remember the animal cate#or! the! did the session before. The! will ha e their audio recordin#s if their memor! needs to be jo##ed. Outline assessment activities /applicable to this lesson2
Formative (for learning):
As the students present to each other" * will listen for all the important points and add some in if the! left an!thin# out.
Formative (as learning):
The students will ha e a rubric for their presentation Summative (of learning26 The students7 presentations should #i e me a relati el! #ood idea of what the! remembered
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 8ro ide options for perception$ making information perceptible The! will ha e audio recordin#s to jo# their memor!. Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 8ro ide options for ph!sical action$ increase options for interaction Students stand up in front of the class to present their wor5 to each other9 the! learn to e)press themsel es in front of a #roup. 8ro ide options for e)pression and communication$ increase me ium of e!pression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 8ro ide options for recruitin# interest$ choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats The! #et to choose their medium of presentation. Also" the! are the e)perts in their topic. 8ro ide options for sustainin# effort and persistence$ optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back
+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"
8ro ide options for lan#ua#e" mathematical e)pressions" and s!mbols$ clarify & connect language
The! will pro ide isuals /drawin#" model2 to accompan! their erbal presentation.
8ro ide options for comprehension$ activate, apply & highlight
* will hi#hli#ht the similarities and differences between animal t!pes with m! students.
The! will" as a #roup" ha e to 5eep each other accountable for followin# the rubric.
Their rubric will help them to 5now the e)pectations and meet up to them.
/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"
8aper for drawin#s Audio recorders with their recordin#s 8oster board /di ided in ; sections2 and mar5ers Cla!" pipe cleaners" cotton balls" se<uins" tape" card stoc5 for models %ubrics =! list of animal cate#ori3ations to help out if the! for#et somethin# The! will need the same small #roup areas as last time" or we could set up with a different #roup at each table. Also we will use the ru# in front of the classroom for presentations.
III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6 min Com!onents /otivation /openin#/ introduction/ en#a#ement2 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. To #et them settled down and read! to learn" at the Students will raise hands to share what the! learned ru#" * will as5 the students if the! remember what about the pre ious time. we did >last time in science? and wait for hands. 1hen *7 e heard a few answers" * will as5 each Students will share the animals the! studied. #roup in turn to mention an animal that was part of their #roup" and then e er!one needs to / er! Students will silentl! act out their animals. <uietl!2 act out that animal without lea in# their circle. * mi#ht write the si) animals on the board so we can act them out <uic5l!. After #oin# throu#h the animal actions" * will e)plain to them that the! will #o bac5 to their area Students sit and listen to directions. after #ettin# their audio recorder from me. Then the! will listen to the audio recorder to remember e er!thin# the! learned /the! can #et help if the! need it2. The!7re #oin# to teach the rest of the class about what the! /the scientists2 disco ered. Then *7ll show them the rubric under the document camera. *7ll tell them it7s li5e their writin# with >#reat? >#ood? and >tr! a#ain.? A #reat includes e er!bod! in the #roup tal5in#" sharin# one or two wa!s of tellin# the 5ind of animal" and an e)ample of the animal. 1hen *7m done *7ll as5 for someone to tell me what !ou need in a >#reat? presentation. *7ll e)plain how their isual can be a drawin# or it can be a model of the 5ind of animal" but the! don7t ha e a lot of time" so the! need to 5now first what the! are #oin# to sa!" then the! can ma5e their drawin#. * will hand out audio recorders and let them #o. At fi e minutes * will tell them the! need to 5now what the!7re #oin# to sa! now" and should ha e Students lea e into small #roups to discuss how to share their lesson and ma5e the art.
7 min
8 min
7 min
6 min 6 min
started their model. * will probabl! #o around to each #roup and as5 them to tell me what the! are #oin# to tell the class. /1hat is the name of !our animal t!pe@ Aow can !ou tell if an animal is a ____@ 1hat is an e)ample of that animal@ 1hat are !ou ma5in# that people will be able to see@2 * will #i e them a >two minutesB? and a >-+ seconds? warnin#" then call them all to#ether for their presentations.
Students will finish up their artwor5 and come bac5 to the front of class.
79 min
'ach #roup will ha e , or C minutes to share what the! learned" and * will prompt them with <uestions if the! seem to not 5now. * will call on the #roups. >1hat 5ind of animal did !ou learn about@ Aow can !ou tell if an animal is that 5ind@ 1hat is an e)ample of that 5ind of animal@ Can !ou thin5 of another one@ Tell us about !our art.?
Students will share their disco eries with the other 5inder#arteners. *f the! need promptin#" * will offer it. The! will tal5 about their 5ind of animal and share their drawin# or model.
As the! wor5" * will create a poster of what the!7re sa!in#. :our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. /1rite this after teachin# the lesson" if !ou had a chance to teach it. *f !ou did not teach this lesson" focus on the process of preparin# the lesson.2