Armadilly Chili

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The Little Red Hen and Armadilly Chili

Rationale: The students

ill compare and contrast 7 di&&erent versions o& a &ol-tale# The students ill then re rite the story and ma-e it their o n#

Submitted by: Rachel Hardin Grade Level: 1st Subject/Topic: Reading

%aterials&E'(i)ment: Smart board!

youtube video o& The Little Red Hen (htt):&&yo(t(*be&+,y-i-.,r%$ '! copy o& the boo- /rmadilly 4hili by Helen )etteman! 7 Hula Hoops! 1 pac- o& large inde. cards! pencils! riting paper


(Statements about hat the children ill do! ritten out as "the student ill#$ %nclude objectives &or your chosen content area(s'# Re&er to the T()S and (L*S# The number o& objectives should meet the number o& T()S and (L*S'

TEKS Achieved:

:/; The student ill describe the plot (problem and solution' and retell a story,s beginning! middle! and end ith attention to se<uence o& events# :6; The student ill describe characters in the story and the reasons &or their actions and &eelings# 1:=; The student ill ma-e connections to their o n e.periences! to ideas in other te.ts! and to the larger community and discuss te.tual evidence# 1>/; The student ill rite brie& stories that include a beginning! middle! and end#

TS+ describe the plot and retell a story,s beginning! middle! and end TS+ describe characters in the story and the reasons &or their actions and &eelings TS+ ma-e connections to their o n e.periences! to ideas in other te.ts! and to the larger community TS+ rite a brie& story that includes a beginning! middle! and end

Lesson Plan:

%ntroduction (/nticipatory Set/0otivation':

% ill tell the students that e are going to be comparing di&&erent versions o& the same story# % ill as- them hat a &ol-tale is# +e ill tal- about ho &ol-tales are o&ten passed do n or passed on &rom one person to another# % ill as- them! "1o you thin&ol-tales can change2 +hy do you thin- they change2$ +e ill discuss ho people may change &ol-tales to help us relate to them and understand them# +e ill also tal- about ho changing them in creative ays ma-es old stories &un and e.citing3

Bloom s Ta!onomy:
)no ledge/Remember /nalysis 4omprehension/5nderstand (valuate /pplication 4reate

*rocess: (*lan ho you ill teach the lesson and &ollo the lesson plan cycle:

%n&ormation Giving! 0odeling! 4hec- &or 5nderstanding! Guided *ractice! %ndependent *ractice! 4losure/4ulminating /ctivity' %n&ormation Giving: The students ill then move to their Smart 6oard spot on the carpet# % ill tell them that e are going to atch a short video that tells the story o& The Little Red Hen# % ill tell them that The Little Red Hen is an e.ample o& a &ol-tale or traditional story# /s they atch! % ill tell the students to pay attention to the characters! setting! and plot o& the story# /&ter the students atch the video! % ill tell them that % am going to read a di&&erent version o& The Little Red Hen# The ne version is called /rmadilly 4hili# % ill tell the students that e are going to e.plore ho these 7 stories are ali-e and di&&erent# 6e&ore % read! % ill as- the students to pay close attention to the characters! setting! and plot o& /rmadilly 4hili#

"i##erentiated Learnin$:
/uditory )inesthetic 8erbal/Linguistic %ntrapersonal

8isual/Spatial Logical/0ath 0usical %nterpersonal

Classroom Strate$ies:
4ooperative Groups Technology %ndependent /ctivities 4harts/Graphs/0aps *roblem Solving *eer tutoring

Hands;9n 4enters Simulation Lecture +hole;group *airing

C(rric(l(m /nte$ration:
0usic Social Studies Science +riting 0ath Reading Theatre /rt

*( Health

0odeling: /s % read the boo-! % ill "thin- aloud$ to the students as % read# +e ill discuss some o& the di&&erences e see as ell as some o& the things that are similar# /&ter reading /rmadilly 4hili! % ill tell students that e are going to compare and contrast The Little Red Hen and /rmadilly 4hili# % ill as- the students! "+hat is the type o& graph e use hen e compare and contrast2 (8enn 1iagram'$ % ill then tell the students that e are going to ma-e a giant 8enn 1iagram together# Guided *ractice: % ill as- the students to move to the perimeter o& the carpet# % ill then put the 7 Hula Hoops in the middle o& the carpet# % ill lay them do n and overlap them so that they loo- li-e a giant 8enn 1iagram# 9ne hoop ill be labeled The Little Red Hen and the other ill be labeled /rmadilly 4hili# +e ill revie as a class ho to place ideas in the 8enn 1iagram# % ill as- them! "+hat -inds o& things or ideas should go in

the hoop that is labeled The Little Red Hen2 (9nly details that describe The Little Red Hen'$ % ill then as-! "+hat details should go in the hoop that says /rmadilly 4hili2 +hat should go in the middle here the hoops overlap2$ /&ter discussing the 8enn 1iagram! % ill put the students into cooperative groups o& ?;@ students# % ill then give each group ? inde. cards# % ill tell the students that they are going to orith their groups to rite do n some details on their cards# % ill tell them to thin- o& ays that the boo-s are the same and some ays that the boo-s are di&&erent# % ill model this &or the students# % ill give the students >;1A minutes to rite do n their ideas and details on their cards# /&ter the students are &inished riting their ideas! they ill return to the carpet and e ill sort their ideas and put them into the 8enn 1iagram#


% ill in&ormally assess the students, understanding o& comparing/contrasting &ol-tales as e ma-e and discuss the 8enn 1iagram# /s e discuss their ideas! % ill encourage them to understand that you can ma-e a story ne and interesting (but still -eep it the same' just by changing the characters! setting! and details# % ill also assess their understanding as they rite their o n version o& the &ol-tale#

Re0teach: To help students gain more e.perience ith comparing and contrasting
di&&erent stories! the students could create a t;chart on the Smart 6oard# The students ould use a di&&erent &ol-tale and rite or dra details &rom each story in the t;chart# The students could also use ? paper plates to create a less;complicated 8enn 1iagram# The teacher should gather lots o& di&&erent versions o& &ol-tales and let the children e.plore the similarities and di&&erences# The teacher ould then lead a small group lesson here they e.plore and analyBe ho the stories changed and ho they stayed the same#

%ndependent *ractice: /&ter e have completed the 8enn 1iagram! e ill discuss and evaluate hat -inds o& changes the author made hen she rote /rmadilly 4hili# +e ill discuss ho she changed the setting! characters! and some details o& the plot! but the story stayed mostly the same# % ill tell the students that they can rite their o n version o& any &ol-tale just by changing the characters and setting# 4hec- &or 5nderstanding: % ill as- the students &or some e.amples on ho they could change the story o& The Little Red Hen# +e ill share ideas o& ho e can change the characters and setting but still -eep the story the same# 4losure / 4ulminating /ctivity: The students ill then rite their o n version o& The Little Red Hen# % ill tell the students to be creative3 They may change the setting and characters to hatever they ould li-e# Ho ever! e ill revie that their story must have a beginning! middle! and an end#


Students may use the ipads and apps such as 8o-i to help tell the story they rote# They can use the app to create a cartoon o& the &ol-tale they created#

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