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Universal Design for Learning Lesson Plan

Teacher(s):Mike Platt Joe Marcano Date: Subject: English- Poetry

Materials Needed:

Make sure you have all of your aterials collecte! an! organi"e! so your lesson #ill flo# s oothly$ %f you are &resenting this lesson collaboratively' ake sure you kno# #ho is res&onsible for #hat$

-Colored Pencils (X) -Video Camera(X) -Computers( !X) -Pens(X) -"tencils(X) -#on $on: % cat tale told in &ai'u((! ) -Pencils(X) -"tic'ers(X) -)ai'u *ritten +, teac&er(%!(! ) -PP slide s&o* on )ai'us(() -Construction Paper(X) - Musical &ai'u-s (.nternet) ((! ) - /outu+e )ai'u0s ((! ) -"cissors(X) 111(2 (epresentation 2 ngagement X2 3pression %2 %nticipator,

Lesson 4+5ective(s):

State your objectives behaviorally$ (or e)a &le: *iven (state the con!ition un!er #hich the stu!ents #ill &erfor the objective)' the stu!ents #ill (state an observable stu!ent behavior) #ith (state the criteria here + a state ent that s&ecifies ho# #ell the stu!ent ust &erfor the behavior) accuracy$ ,n e)a &le of a behavioral objective is: *iven an unlabele! !iagra of the solar syste ' the stu!ents #ill label the nine &lanets an! the sun #ith -./ accuracy

6iven an e3position and various e3amples of )ai'us! students *ill +e a+le to *rite and e3press a past event! feeling! or season t&roug& a )ai'u7 $&e )ai'u *ill follo* t&e correct format of 8-9-87 Doing so! along *it& sta,ing *it&in t&e guidelines of t&e topics *ill e3press competenc,7


,re you aligning your lesson #ith !istrict or state stan!ar!s0

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.4 Produce clear and co&erent *riting in *&ic& t&e development! organi<ation! and st,le are appropriate to tas'! purpose! and audience7 (6rade-specific e3pectations for *riting t,pes are defined CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9 %nal,<e &o* t*o or more te3ts address similar t&emes or topics in order to +uild 'no*ledge or to compare t&e approac&es t&e aut&ors ta'e7 N.E.T.S. 2 Communication and Collaboration ;) Communicate information and ideas effectivel, to multiple audiences using a variet, of media =ormats7 N.E.T.S. 6 Technolo y !"eration# and Conce"t %) Understand and use tec&nolog, s,stems7 ;) "elect and use applications effectivel, and productivel,7 C) $rou+les&oot s,stems and applications7

%nticipator, "et:
your lesson for stu!ents0

1o# are you going to

otivate your stu!ents2assess or revie# &rior kno#le!ge2intro!uce your to&ic2organi"e

$&e teac&er *ill start off t&e lesson +, as'ing t&e students if an, of t&em li'e poetr,! and *&at are some of t&e features t&e, li'e a+out it7 $&en t&e teac&er *ill s&are eit&er a personall, *ritten )ai'u or one from t&e +oo'7 %fter finis&ing reading it! t&e teac&er *ill as' if t&e students noticed

an,t&ing distinct a+out t&e poem7 %fter receiving feed+ac' t&e teac&er *ill e3plain t&at a )ai'u follo*s a five-seven- five format and s&e *ill +egin s&ort Po*erPoint presentation

Multiple Means of (epresentation:

1o# are you going to &resent your content so that it eets the nee!s of all stu!ents2is the infor ation re&resente! in !ifferent #ays0 (or e)a &le' utili"ing gui!e! notes an! gra&hic organi"ers in a!!ition to a lecture for at or having several books that re&resent !ifferent rea!ing levels$

$&e content *ill +e presented in a *ide range of *a,s7 =irst t&e teac&er *ill read a personal &ai'u or one t&at &as +een preselected for a su+stitute7 $&en t&e, *ill continue presenting t&e topic +, s&o*ing a Po*erPoint t&at *ill +etter descri+e t&e form! and t&e &istor, of t&e &ai'u7 =ollo*ing t&e Po*erPoint! t&e teac&er *ill s&o* t&e students e3amples of &ai'u videos on ,outu+e! )ai'u +oo's! and &ai'u0s pla,ed to music> eac& time stopping to demonstrate t&e fiveseven-five format$ The !ifferent level books #ill give any e)a &les of the 1aikus #ith the lo#er level books &ro!ucing ore &ictures an! i ages to go along #ith #hat is being e)&laine!$ There #ill also be so e great au!itory e)a &les in the youtube vi!eos for the stu!ents #ho just #ant to listen an! get the rhyth of the &oe in that e!iu $ (inally' there #ill be sli!esho#s for the stu!ents to vie# #hile they #ork that e)&lains not only #hat they learne! but also #ith the !irections for their activity in #hich they actually a&&ly their kno#le!ge to ake a 1aiku of their o#n$ Through these various re&resentations' #e feel that #e can reach a larger stu!ent au!ience an! eet their &ersonal nee!s through any !ifferent angles in or!er to ensure a)i u learning$

Multiple Means of ngagement:

Stu!ents are going to be able to learn the aterial by crafting a haiku of their o#n$ (ollo#ing the teachers &resentation' the stu!ents #ill have 34 inutes to research haikus on the internet through vi!eos an! other interactive sites' in the books &rovi!e!' or rea! so e of the teachers &ersonal haikus$ During this ti e both teachers #ill be #alking aroun!' aking sure the stu!ents are on track' an! un!erstan! the conce&ts$ Stu!ents are encourage! to #ork together an! share so e of the &oe s they fin!$ Stu!ents #ho !o not #ish to #ork in grou&s #ill be allo#e! to #ork by the sevles$ Through these vi!eos' e)a &les' an! active searhes' stu!ents have any o&tions to learn an! beco e fa iliar #ith the content$ %f stu!ents finish faster than e)&ecte!' those #ho are at higher levels' #ill choose a e!iu like singing' acting' !ra#ing' etc$ to re&resent their 1aikus$ Stu!ents #ill be actively #orking on these e)&ressions throughout the class an! tol! that they #ill be ju!ge! by their &eers in or!er for the stu!ents to !esire to create goo! 5uality #ork$

Multiple Means of 3pression: Stu!ents #ill have ulti&le eans of e)&ression$ They can

choose to !e onstrate their co &etency of haikus by aking a vi!eo #ith their haiku' utili"ing both the vi!eo ca era an! co &uter$ 6y !ra#ing a &icture' using the colore! &encils' stencils' or stickers an! &resenting their haiku orally$ They can ty&e or han! #rite their haiku an! attach it to car!boar! &a&er #ith either han! !ra#n &ictures or ones &rocure! fro the internet$ Stu!ents #ill also be allo#e! to &resent their haikus as a song if they so choose to$The class #ill have ti e in front of the class in #hich they #ill share their 1aikus as #ell as their chosen for of e)&ression of those 1aikus$ Stu!ents #ill be gra!e! on a rubric that the teachers create as #ell as &eer revie#e! by class ates$ The class #ill be given a sli& of &a&er calle! the &eer revie# &a&er$ The Peer revie# #ill be a short 7 &art rubric that #ill have the stu!ents rate' on a syste #here 3 is the best an! 4 is one that nee!s i &rove ent$ The 7 &arts #ill be creativity' #or! choice8for at' an! effort$ Stu!ents #ill assess each other for the correct for at as #ell as if

the #or! choices #ere interesting an! able to evoke e otion$ The creativity #ill also be looke! at by the class as #ell as the section in effort on the overall e)&ression they chose$ Through their assess ents' the stu!ents #ill a&&ly their learne! kno#le!ge an! sho# that they have astere! the aterial to such a !egree that they #ill be able to gra!e an! ju!ge others$

9ubric :reativity 3$ 6est ;$ 7$ <$ 4$ =ee!s % &rove ent

>hat !i! you like about the creativity0 >hat coul! be better0

(or at8#or! choice 3$ 6est ;$ 7$ <$ 4$ =ee!s % &rove ent

>as this in the correct for at0 1o# #as the #or! choice0 %s there anything you #oul! change0

Effort 3$ 6est ;$ 7$ <$ 4$ =ee!s % &rove ent

,re there signs of effort in their 1aikus an! e)&ressions(singing' !ra#ing' etc)0

1aiku?s@ , haiku is an unrhy e! three-line &oe $ %t is base! on a tra!itional Ja&anese &oetic for $ Though there are !ifferent #ays to #rite haiku' the tra!itional &attern in English is to #rite the first an! last lines #ith five syllables each' an! the i!!le line #ith seven syllables$ %n other #or!s' the &attern of syllables looks like this: Aine 3: 4 syllables Aine ;: B syllables Aine 7: 4 syllables 1ere?s another #ay to visuali"e the sa e thing: 3;7<4 3;7<4CB 3;7<4 Most often' haiku &oe s are about seasons or nature' though you can #rite your o#n haiku about anything you like$ %f you !on?t #ant to #rite about nature' an! #oul! &refer to #rite haiku about can!y or s&orts' that is &erfectly okay$ Dne ore thing to kee& in in! is that the last line of a haiku usually akes an observation$ That is' the thir! line &oints out so ething about the subject you are #riting about$ Aet?s see so e e)a &les so #e can &ut these fe# rules together an! get you starte! #riting your o#n haiku &oe s$ E)a &les >inter >inter is co ing$ Sno# #ill be arriving soon$ >e shoul! rake the leave =ature Tire! cat slee&s all night$ 1e nee!s lots of rest for a

Aong !ay of na&&ing$ To begin #riting haiku &oe s' just follo# these ste&s: Select a to&ic for your haiku$ Deci!e if you are going to #rite a &ast event' feeling' or season Think about #hat is !ifferent about your last line$ >hat observation !o you #ant to ake0 Start #riting$ Don?t forget to count the syllables as you rea! to ake sure you?ve got the right &attern$ (inally' EcenterF your &oe on the &age like the &oe s in this lesson$ >hen you are all !one #riting your first haiku' see if you can #rite another one$ ,n!' ost i &ortantly' have fun@

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