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      IconographyMesoamerican ArchaeologyCoastal GeomorphologyTeotihuacan
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      Aztec ArtMesoamericaDecapitationMaya
"Issues of formation and evolution of the early (archaic) state continue to remain among those problems which have not found their generally accepted solutions yet. Contributors to The Early State , Its Alternatives and Analogues... more
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      Social TheoryArchaeologyAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
A sophisticated, state-of-the-art study of the remaking of Christianity by indigenous societies, Words and Worlds Turned Around reveals the manifold transformations of Christian discourses in the colonial Americas. The book surveys... more
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      Latin American StudiesAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesColonialism
This study of the hieroglyphic writing system of Preclassic and Classic Monte Alban in the Mexican state of Oaxaca discusses the origins of writing in the Zapotec area and highlights the various academic perspectives (above all, those of... more
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      IconographyWriting Systems & DeciphermentWriting Systems (Languages And Linguistics)Oaxaca (Archaeology)
En 1521, los mixtecos y los zapotecos tenían mas de 300 años librando guerras, y los mexicas tenían una guarnición militar en Huaxyacac, donde los españoles fundarían la ciudad de Guaxaca, hoy Oaxaca. El lienzo de Santiago Tlazoyaltepec... more
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      Cultural HistoryIdentity (Culture)Oaxaca (Anthropology)Oaxaca (Archaeology)
Artículo a publicarse en el número 54 de la revista Desacatos (mayo-agosto de 2007) Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es entender de manera integral el papel que tienen los palos del telar de cintura, específicamente el instrumento... more
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      TextilesCosmology (Anthropology)CosmovisionMesoamerican Archaeology
Como muestra, se incluye el capítulo 1 de la versión revisada en español de mi libro "The Invisible War: Indigenous Devotions, Discipline, and Dissent in Colonial Mexico" (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011), publicado por la... more
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Anales de Antropología 50:247–265. 2016 Resumen Desde el descubrimiento de la increíble Tumba 7 en Monte Albán, hace más de 80 a˜nos, se ha consideradoque el despoblamiento y la decadencia hacia 800-900 dC de dicho centro urbano del... more
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      Ancient HistorySocial ChangeArchaeologyAnthropology
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyOaxaca (Archaeology)MesoamericaMesoamerican Ethnohistory
Social media is used by speakers of languages big and small. For languages with a small number of speakers, social media may offer opportunities not easily available elsewhere, such as low-cost publishing and distribution of text.... more
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      Language revitalizationLanguage DocumentationEndangered LanguagesSocial Media
Resumen: Dentro de la perspectiva etnohistórica Cocijo, deidad zapoteca del Rayo y la lluvia, estuvo estrechamente vinculado con el culto al agua, al maíz e incluso a la tierra. Tanto en la iconografía arqueológica como en referencias en... more
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      CosmovisionRitualMesoamerican ArchaeologyPrehistoric religion and r ritual a
- Estudio iconografico del Lienzo de Analco, documento colonial perteneciente a los aliados indígenas del barrio de Analco en Villa Alta, Oaxaca. Esta tesis realiza un análisis intensivo y multidisciplinario de los elementos pictóricos... more
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyIconographyAztecs
Voice registers are linguistic registers in which the primary marker is an acoustic quality of the voice layered on a stretch of talk and used in speech situations to stereotypically define social roles, stances, and activities. I present... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAnthropological LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
The walls of Structure J at the Zapotec centre of Monte Albán incorporate monuments, probably carved during the Pe ceramic phase (300–100 bc), bearing distinctively formatted hieroglyphic inscriptions. Alfonso Caso suggested that... more
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      ArchaeologyEpigraphy (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyState Formation
This thesis investigates the interaction between different prosodic patterns in Quiaviní Zapotec (Otomanguean), and accounts for them both at the phonetic and the phonological level. In it, I examine an array of complex patterns along... more
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      PhonologyStressLaboratory/Experimental PhonologyTones
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      Historical LinguisticsVowel harmonyFieldwork on Otomanguean languagesFieldwork on Zapotecan languages
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      Oaxaca (Anthropology)Mesoamerica (Anthropology)MesoamericaMesoamerican Ethnohistory
Después de examinar los antecedentes históricos y las interpretaciones previas sobre las vasijas efigie, la parte medular de esta obra se centra en un profundo estudio de la iconografía desplegada en las piezas. Se presenta aquí un... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyReligious StudiesCeramics
Privileging functionalist approaches—based on descriptions of natural discourse and independent from formal grammatical models—, this collected volume gathers original contributions on the syntax-pragmatics interface in Spanish as well as... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSpanishPragmaticsIndigenous Languages
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      Languages and LinguisticsTypologyLanguage, Space and PlaceGrammaticalization
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSemanticsIndigenous Languages
To date, no research has focused on indigenous Mexican youth and their adaptation to U.S. schools, which includes their educational experiences associated with academic achievement. This dissertation examines high school students in an... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesSecondary EducationZapotec
In this dissertation I address the timing of and interrelatedness between initial Early Formative period (2000–1500 BCE) transitions in residential mobility, subsistence, and social organization in Mesoamerica. I approach these topics... more
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      Central America and MexicoMesoamerican ArchaeologyOaxaca (Anthropology)Oaxaca (Archaeology)
An enhanced version of this peer-reviewed volume can be downloaded for free from the ROM's website:
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      ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesMexico HistoryHeritage Conservation
Analysis of the complex meaning of the Zapotec Lienzo of Guevea (Oaxaca, Mexico).
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      ZapotecCódices MixtecosMesoamerican codices
Introducción DURANTE los años noventa, Runsten y Zabin (1994) realizaron un estudio com-parativo entre la migración mixteca y la migración más establecida provenien-te de las regiones expulsoras del occidente de México. A diferencia de... more
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      Social MovementsIndigenous StudiesRace and EthnicityGlobal Studies
At first glance, interaction between ancient polities of unequal sociopolitical complexities suggests a situation of dominance. Yet, as archaeologists continue to broaden their focus from major centers to peripheral regions, such an... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyOaxaca (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ancient Warfare
La fundación del sitio de Monte Albán en una posición estratégica en la cima de un cerro y en el centro del Valle de Oaxaca se dio en un escenario de una gran inestabilidad social y una marcada interacción conflictiva entre sociedades... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyEarly State FormationZapotecPerspective of the Origins, Medieval Topography, Architecture and Urban Design
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      Social TheoryArchaeologyAnthropologyMesoamerican Archaeology
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This paper provides a detailed description of inflectional classes of verbs based on TAM-marking morphology in Coatec Zapotec. This description is then used as a standard for comparison with other Zapotec languages spoken in the Southern... more
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      MorphologyInflectionFieldwork on Zapotecan languagesZapotec
The Central Zapotec languages share the innovation of a progressive aspect prefix in /ka-/ which contrasts with a habitual aspect /r-/, which is the reflex of a Proto-Zapotec imperfective prefix */tyi-/. Early instances of this... more
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      Historical LinguisticsTense and Aspect SystemsFieldwork on Zapotecan languagesZapotec
This contribution suggests to look at the figure of Quetzalcoatl – in the Teotihuacan iconography as in the later Aztec one – by analyzing imaginary beings and the representations of hybrids in Mesoamerica as an analogical transcription... more
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      IconographyMimesisAmerindian CosmologiesHybridity
Here we present the language and content of the last will and testament of a Zapotec woman named Sebastiana de Mendoza prepared no later than 1675. We provide historical context for understanding how and why the document was written and... more
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      EthnohistoryLinguisticsHistory of Colonial MexicoMexico
En este trabajo se propone una escala de grados de laringización que considera, además de los tipos de laringización que resultan de la interacción entre las válvulas del tracto vocal laríngeo (cf. Edmonson y Esling 2006), el tipo de... more
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      Optimality TheoryZapotecLaryngeal Features
Bridging the Gaps: Integrating Archaeology and History in Oaxaca, Mexico does just that: it bridges the gap between archaeology and history of the Precolumbian, Colonial, and Republican eras of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, a cultural area... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyOaxaca (Anthropology)Oaxaca (Archaeology)
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyOaxaca (Archaeology)Zapotec
En el marco de una maestría en Historia del Arte, se discute de manera amplia el huipil de Yalálag como objeto, como imagen y como prenda. A través de una metodología de interlocución y análisis conjunto de archivos me adentro en... more
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      Indigenous StudiesTextilesFeminismZapotec
En el presente artículo se expone un análisis de la vocal alta central /ɨ/ en seis variantes zapotecas: Santa Ana del Valle, Teotitlán del Valle, San Lucas Quiaviní, Tierra Blanca, San Baltazar Chichicapan y Santiago Apóstol... more
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      PhonologyDialectologySociolinguisticsMesoamerican linguistics
En este artículo, colaboran lingüistas e historiadores en la transcripción, traducción y análisis de un texto escrito en zapoteco del Valle de Oaxaca en 1614, hallado en el ramo de Tierras del Archivo General de la Nación. El documento... more
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      PhilologyEthnohistoryLinguisticsHistory of Colonial Mexico
Parte del libro 'Rumbos de la lingüística'. 2010: México. UNAM/UAM
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      PhonologyLanguage AcquisitionFirst Language AcquisitionLanguage Acquisition and Development
En el presente trabajo examinaré el sistema tonal y la glotalización en la voz de dos hablantes de zapoteco del municipio de Santo Domingo de Morelos, estado de Oaxaca. Como un primer acercamiento de análisis fonológico con el fin de... more
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¿Por qué escribir en una lengua que (casi) nadie lee? * Twitter y el desarrollo de literatura Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, Haverford College; [email protected] 7 de abril de 2016; Coloquio sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinas VII: Juan... more
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      Language revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsZapotecZapoteco
el texto más antiguo en zapoteco 227 El tExto más antiguo En zapotEco michel R. oudijk La llegada de los españoles a lo que llamaron la Nueva España significó el inicio de un proceso histórico doloroso y traumático para los pueblos... more
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      ZapotecColonial Valley Zapotec
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsIndigenous LanguagesSyntax
The Prehispanic ballgame was an important ritualized sport and shared cultural tradition throughout much of Mesoamerica, and has long been linked to local and regional sociopolitical relationships between different communities and social... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesRitual
This paper draws on both elicited and conversational data to present the range of grammatical devices for marking agency and verb valence in Lachixío Zapotec, a West Zapotec language. In addition to syntactic valence related to the... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsMorphologyLinguisticsArgument Structure