Yeniseian linguistics
Recent papers in Yeniseian linguistics
Linguistic analysis of the verb in Ket (Yeniseian language family). Leningrad "Nauka" 1968
Bir dilin yapı bilgisi (morfoloji) ile anlam bilgisi (semantik) birbirinden temellenen ve birbirini doğuran bir kesişim noktasında yer almaktadır. Söz türetim eklerinin sınıflandırılması yalnızca adlara gelerek yeni adlar, adlara gelerek... more
Hier der an dem von ihm selbst ins Leben gerufenen Göttinger Seminar für Turkologie und Zentralasienkunde (vormals Seminar für Turkologie und Altaistik) lehrende Prof. Gerhard Doerfer (8.3.1920-27.12.2003).
Loanword analysis is a unique contribution of historical linguistics to our understanding of prehistoric cultural interfaces. As language reflects the lives of its speakers, the substantiation of loanwords draws on the composite evidence... more
Measurements and frequencies of diagnostic nonmetric traits in 37 cranial samples from Asia and America were integrated using a new multivariate approach. Overall, Kets are the closest to Khants, Mansi, Selkups, and Turkic-speaking groups... more
This short paper demonstrates that the Xiong-nu were literate
We learn the words belonging to the language of Xiongnus (Asian Huns), who played an important role in the history of the world, through the works written by the Chinese who developed political, military and economic relations with this... more
Other isolated languages of Asia
Bu çalışma, Stephanos Byzantinos’un Ethnika adlı eseri başta olmak üzere, Bizans kaynaklarında geçen ve ‘Karca’ olarak nitelendirilen bazı sözcükler üzerinde durmaktadır. Bu sözcükler, Karca yazıtlarda tanıklanmadığı için, ilgili... more
This paper presents several Yeniseic loanwords in Tofalar.
There appears to be plenty of evidence for Tocharian-Samoyedic language contact, and no traces of Tocharian-Yeniseic contact. Ergo: Proto-Yeniseians crossed the Western Sayan Mts. into the Minusinsk Hollow AFTER the Afanasievans... more
Issledowana slovnaq prostranstwenno-wremenaq dinamika rasprostraneniq solitonopodobnyh swetowyh impulxsow w dwulu~eprelomlq`}em wolokne. Pokazano,~to dinamika opisywaetsq nizkorazmernym kwazisolitonnym attraktorom. Korrelqcionnaq... more
Issledowana slovnaq prostranstwenno-wremenaq dinamika rasprostraneniq solitonopodobnyh swetowyh impulxsow w dwulu~eprelomlq`}em wolokne. Pokazano,~to dinamika opisywaetsq nizkorazmernym kwazisolitonnym attraktorom. Korrelqcionnaq... more
In this paper we discuss the etymology of Written Manchu ihan 'bovine, bull, ox' and its possible connection to the corresponding term in Ket (via the Tungusic and Yeniseian parent languages). Thesaurus gentium & linguarum. A Festschrift... more
Эпическая поэма. Книга для чтения в старших классах кетских школ. Красноярск, 1999, 266 рр. [A Song about My Brother. An epic poem: A reading book in Ket and Russian for the Ket Schools]
Toward the problem of the subject version as a grammatical category in the Yeniseian Languages
// Евангелие от Иоанна, 1, 1-17. Благостное сказание (перевод на кетский язык стихов 1-17) – В начале было слово (In the beginning was the Word). Москва, 2011:90-91
Kets, who are you?. Manuscript in Russian, followed by some photos and maps. Bonn, 2015, 180 pp.
In 1931, the Soviet architect Ivan Il’ich Leonidov was sent 2,800km northeast of Moscow to help to design the Soviet Union’s new arctic port, Igarka: a pioneering something, inscribed into the vast nothing of Northern Siberia; that,... more
The paper explains the reasons why Ibn an-Nadim did embark on the project of compiling his Kitab al-Fihrist.
I tried to reconstruct a version of Proto-Yeniseian, using (very limited) lexical items listed in the wikipedia article of Yeniseian languages( ), and I list what I have reconstructed in... more
The chasm between Slavonic archaeography and Slavonic linguistics and how to bridge it.
(Перевод статьи "Der russische Aspekt und die lexikalische Bedeutung des Verbs", в жунале "Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie" XLVIII. 1. 1988: 170-181) О так наз. Способах Глаг. Действия и их отношении к видовым корреляциям... more
Scientific internationalism-ideology, patrons aod networks: the 7th lntemational genetics congress. The history of the 7th international genetics congress is considered in detai\ and in social and poJitical context. Осенью 1936 года около... more
Die drei voluminösen Bände des vergleichenden Wörterbuchs der jenisseischen Sprachen, die Heinrich Werner vorlegt, stellen -soviel vorweg -zweifellos eine der wichtigsten Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der sibirischen Sprachwissenschaft des... more