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Epics have their own narrative styles and there are many expressions which consist of formulaic structures in them. From these expressions, elliptical words and epithets have been examined in terms of linguistics in this study. Elipsis... more
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      Oral TraditionsLinguisticsEllipsisWritten Language
Modern ethnic processes in different groups of Enets occur, depending on the specific ethno-demographic situation. In the northern (tundra) group of weak processes of cross-breeding with Caucasians, but actively mixing with the Nenets.... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceIndigenous PoliticsInterracial Families
This article examines discussions on language maintenance among the indigenous inhabitants of the Evenki municipal district of Krasnoiarsk krai, specifically exploring the model of a nomadic preschool as a means of Evenki revitalization.... more
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      Teaching, learning and revitalising Indigenous languagesIndigenous Language RevitalizationSiberian Languages
During the XIX-early XX century, the authorities deliberately pursued a policy aimed at leveling position of the Siberian Tatars and their adjustment to the Russian peasants. This occurred through the development and implementation of... more
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      Russian StudiesGovernmentRegional and Local GovernanceGovernance
The purpose of this article is to show the changing dynamics of attitudes toward indigenous languages in the USSR and the Russian Federation. Since language attitudes have rarely become a special object of investigation in Russian... more
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      Language AttitudesSiberian StudiesSociolinguistics, Sociology of Languages, Language Policy and PlanningSiberian Languages
The article reflects the results of an ethnosociological study of the situation with ethnocultural education in the south of the Tyumen region. The analysis of historical processes showed that in the 20s–40s of the 20th century in Tatar... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSiberiaLinguistics
Этот документ был опубликован Европейским исследовательским центром Меркатор по вопросам многоязычия и изучения языков при финансовой поддержке Фриской академии и провинции Фрисляндия. Перевод с английского выполнен Р.И. Лаптандер. ©... more
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      Minority LanguagesIndigenous PeoplesBilingualism and MultilingualismMultilingual Education
4; 395 Anthropological Theory Rane Willerslev spiritual knowledge and dreaming
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The publications of and opened a new round in the discussion about the subclassification of the Tungusic language family. In this paper it is argued that both appproaches, though full of fresh and important insights, may not replace the... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAnthropologyAnthropological Linguistics
Giriş, metin, , çeviri, dizin.
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      FolkloreRiddlesÇağdaş Türk LehçeleriTürkoloji
В коллективной монографии публикуются результаты исследований, посвященных взаимосвязи идентичностей и языков как ценностей российского общества и его символических маркеров. Мониторинг языковой ситуации, этнического и иного культурного... more
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      DemographyEducationIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
В издании опубликованы 50 образцов музыкального фольклора нганасан с нотыми и текстами (на нганасанском и русском языках). Представлены различные жанры: личные, иносказательные, детские песни, колыбельные укачивания, напевы из эпических... more
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      MusicMusicologyIndigenous StudiesEthnomusicology
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      FolkloreSiberiaFolklore (Literature)History of Folklore Theory and Method
В книге на основе документальных материалов рассказывается об истории общины сибирских татар и бухарцев города Тобольска с XVII в. по настоящее время. Особое внимание уделено религиозной жизни мусульман Тобольска, взаимоотношениям... more
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      EducationIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesSiberia
В сборнике фольклорных текстов представлены сакральные песни медвежьего праздника, записанные у казымских хантов. Тектсы записаны на казымском диалекте хантыйского языка, переведены на русский язык Т.А. Молдановым. Публикуются впервые.... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEthnographyIndigenous PeoplesSiberian Studies
This paper provides background information about the shamanism of the Tungus-speaking peoples in northeast China, particularly the Oroqen. It describes in detail the life, initiatory illnesses, training and healing practices of the last... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPsychiatryAnthropologyPsychological Anthropology
Plural World Interpretations are part of our everyday lives, even if we are not aware of the fact. They result from the simultaneous existence of different but equal models for interpreting the world we live in. These models are the... more
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      Environmental SociologySociology of CultureSociology of ReligionSocial Anthropology
Шестой том сборника аннотированных фольклорных и бытовых текстов обско-енисейского языкового ареала – продолжение проекта по публикации исследовательского наследия кафедры языков народов Сибири ТГПУ. Языковой материал сборника охватывает... more
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      FolkloreLanguages and LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsSiberian Studies
Davletov, Timur B. (2018) Şaman Masalları: Üç Alem Gezgini. [The Shaman Legends: The Traveller of Three Worlds], (Genel Yayın Yönetmeni/Editor-in-Chief: Gürkan Hacır, Yayıma Hazırlayan/Prepared for Publication by: Nükhet Okutan Davletov,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesAnthropologyMythology
The article deals with the problems of preservation of their native language by the Siberian Tatars at the present stage of historical development. The brief overview presents the stages of studying the Siberian Tatar language from the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeSiberiaIndigenous Peoples
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      LanguagesHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
Книга, конечно, уже старая, но местами годится и, насколько я знаю, используется. Поэтому выкладываю имеющийся у меня скан, сделанный неведомыми доброхотами. Тут же выкладываю ещё полезную рецензию В. Чуракова. ВНИМАНИЕ! Оглавение во... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEastern European historyUralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languages
The Uralic language family has often been hypothesized to be related to Yukaghir, even though no widely accepted evidence for this theory has been presented so far. The study of Uralic-Yukaghir relations has in part been held back by the... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsEtymologyComparative Linguistics
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    • Siberian Languages
Religious practices of Siberian Tatars in the South of the Tyumen region are considered. Particular attention is paid to the types of voluntary alms sataka. Some texts bagyshlau are posted at the end of the article. Рассматриваются... more
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      ReligionIslamic PhilosophySiberiaIslamic Studies
Although nobody doubts today that a Ural-Altaic protolanguage is an obsolete idea there still exists some peculiar conformity between Uralic and Altaic that cannot easily be explained by simple borrowings. In this article some... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
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      LanguagesHistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistory
Пятый том собрания аннотированных фольклорных и бытовых текстов обско-енисейского языкового ареала – является продолжением проекта публикации исследовательского наследия кафедры языков народов Сибири ТГПУ. Языковой материал пятого тома... more
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      AnthropologyFolkloreLanguages and LinguisticsSiberia
Futaky, I.: Tungusische l*hnwiirter des Ostjakischen (: Ver<iffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica l0), Wiesbaden 1975, 96 S. = Ubrjatova, E. I. (Ed.): Grammatika sovremennogo jakutskoSo literaturnogo jazyka, Moskva 1982, 496 S. :... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLexicologyComparative LinguisticsSiberia
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsEtymology
In the Yenisei inscriptions, as in Old-Turkic inscriptions in general, a great number of place names occur. However, Old-Turkic toponyms have not been studied satisfactorily. In this article emphasis has been laid on the word qatun... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)Siberia
E ssyste 2001 Bibliotheksund Information m der Universität Oldenburg Einleitender Teil Winfr ied Boeder, Oldenburg Uberblick Variation ist trotz einer langen sprachwissenschaftlichen Tradition, die eher kategorische Unterscheidungen... more
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      Slavic LanguagesArabic Language and LinguisticsSerbianGerman Language
Настоящее издание – второй том из серии сборника «Материалы по языку нымыланов-алюторцев»; он включает 9 рассказов (Тексты 1–9) и 11 сказок (Тексты 10–20). Материалы, использованные в настоящей работе, были собраны автором в ходе полевой... more
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      FolkloreIndigenous LanguagesEndangered LanguagesSiberia
LINGUISTICS Khanina O. V. Multilingual practices in the lower Yenisei area: a sociolinguistic study of the past. Amelina M. K. “The big shift to Tundra Nenets”: reconstruction of the sociolinguistic situation in Tukhard tundra (Taimyrsky... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreArchaeologyAnthropologyLanguages and Linguistics
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      ArcticSiberian StudiesSiberian LanguagesSiberian Ethnography (Anthropology)
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      EthnolinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSiberiaAinu
Malchukov, Andrej L. / Whaley, Lindsay J. (Eds): Recent Advances in Tungusic Linguistics. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2012. VI, 279 S. 8° = Turcologica Bd. 89. Brosch. 68,00 €. ISBN 978--3--447--06532--0. Der anzuzeigende Band enthält... more
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      LanguagesAnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
Berta, A. (ed.): Historical and linguistic interaction between Inner-Asia and Europe (PIAC 39), Szeged 1997: 255-267. = Rozycki, W.: Mongol kil7asun 'horse hair'-proto-Tungus *k'inga 'animal hair'.-Stary, G. (ed.
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      Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsLexicologyLanguage Variation and Change
timäx einem anderen Idiom entstammen als tüm-und tümük.-Zu Problemen der Vokalismusgeschichte fügen sich die der Konsonantismusgeschichte. Neben dem wohl bekanntesten Beispiel: jak. tul 'Traum' begegnen wir auch einigen anderen Wörtern... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPhonologyPhonetics
Review of the said work, forthcoming
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Nenets, Khanty and Selkup languages in the education of the Yamal region, Russia. Regional dossier. Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language learning at the Fryske Akademy, the Netherlands.
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      EducationEndangered LanguagesMinority LanguagesYamal
Lehçelerde şeklen aynı olan kelimelerin anlamca farklı olması şeklinde izah edilen “yalancı eşdeğerlik” metin aktarmalarındaki temel sorunların başında gelmektedir. Bu terim araştırmacılarca “sahte karşılıklar”, “sözde denkteşler”, “tam... more
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      SiberiaFalse friendsSiberian StudiesSiberian Languages
Paleo-Siberian Ket substrate might influence the Proto-Germanic language and remain in Britain as the Pictish language
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      European HistoryGermanic linguisticsMedieval EnglandOld Germanic Languages
In this article are completed researches about Turk folks in Siberia. Obviously since 1990 years Siberia researches in Turkey are widespreaded. This resarches are realized almost at universties and connected with languages of this groups.
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      Languages and LinguisticsLiteratureSiberian StudiesSiberian Languages
This study is devoted to the problem of the interrelationship between Turkic syŋar ‘direction’ and jak ~ jan ‘side’ on the one hand, and the Khakas, Shor and Oyrot directive suffixes -jar(y) ~ -sar(y) ~ -sāra, and so on, on the other. --... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeEtymology
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      FolkloreSiberiaFolklore (Literature)Turkish Literature
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      FolkloreEthnographyHistory of AnthropologySiberia
The publication of a small, but very interesting book on Khakas national dishes (Abakan 1994, 32p.) by V. Ja. Butanaev was an important stimulus for the present author to make a modest attempt at an etymological study on some food names... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsFood ScienceEtymology