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Semantic Similarity relates to computing the similarity between concepts which are not lexicographically similar. We investigate approaches to computing semantic similarity by mapping terms (concepts) to an ontology and by examining their... more
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      Information RetrievalSemantic similarityComputational SemanticsWordnet
Estimation of the semantic likeness between words is of great importance in many applications dealing with textual data such as natural language processing, knowledge acquisition and information retrieval. Semantic similarity measures... more
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      Semantic similarityOntologiesSemantic RelatednessMathematical Sciences
Noun phrases in queries are identified and classified into four types: proper names, dictionary phrases, simple phrases and complex phrases. A document has a phrase if all content words in the phrase are within a window of a certain size.... more
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      Information RetrievalEvaluationWord Sense DisambiguationProper Names
This paper describes our work in integrating three different lexical resources: FrameNet, VerbNet, and WordNet, into a unified, richer knowledge-base, to the end of enabling more robust semantic parsing. The construction of each of these... more
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      WordnetKnowledge baseFrameNet
The information content (IC) of a concept provides an estimation of its degree of generality/concreteness, a dimension which enables a better understanding of concept's semantics. As a result, IC has been successfully applied to the... more
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      Semantic similarityOntologiesWordnetKnowledge Based Systems
This paper presents a new open text word sense disambiguation method that combines the use of logical inferences with PageRank-style algorithms applied on graphs extracted from natural language documents. We evaluate the accuracy of the... more
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      Word Sense DisambiguationWordnetSemantic NetworkKnowledge base
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      Information ExtractionKnowledge extraction (Data mining, rough set, neural networks)WordnetRelation Extraction
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      Information SystemsUser ModelingMachine LearningWord Sense Disambiguation
This paper presents a new model to measure semantic similarity in the taxonomy of WordNet, using edgecounting techniques. We weigh up our model against a benchmark set by human similarity judgment, and achieve a much improved result... more
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      Information RetrievalWordnetThesaurus ConstructionSemantic Distance
We describe in this paper a boolean Information l~.etrieval system that adds word semantics to the classic word based indexing. Two of the main tasks of our system, namely the indexing and retrieval components, are using a combined... more
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      Information RetrievalWordnetIndexationCOL
WORDNET, a ubiquitous tool for natural language processing, suffers from sparsity of connections between its component concepts (synsets). Through the use of human annotators, a subset of the connections between 1000 hand-chosen synsets... more
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    • Wordnet
Lexical databases are invaluable sources of knowledge about words and their meanings, with numerous applications in areas like NLP, IR, and AI. We propose a methodology for the automatic construction of a large-scale multilingual lexical... more
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      MultilingualismTaxonomyLexical SemanticsWordnet
Latest research efforts on the semi-automatic coordination of ontologies "touch" on the mapping /merging of ontologies using the whole breadth of available knowledge. Addressing this issue, this paper presents the HCONE-merge approach,... more
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      Information SystemsWeb SemanticsOntology MappingWordnet
A class of semantic theories defines concepts in terms of statistical distributions of lexical items, basing meaning on vectors of word co-occurrence frequencies. A different approach emphasizes abstract hierarchical taxonomic... more
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      Brain ImagingSemanticsCorpus LinguisticsLexical Semantics
ABSTRACT Several branches of computer vision heavily rely (but we could even say depend) on the availability of large datasets of labelled images. While such labeling is usually done by hand, a powerful help can be obtained from Internet... more
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      OntologyComputer VisionSemantic Web TechnologiesSemantics
This paper is a contribution to the discussion on compiling computational lexical resources from conventional dictionaries. It describes the theoretical as well as practical problems that are encountered when reusing a conventional... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputational LinguisticsLexical SemanticsLanguage Resources
This paper presents a new approach to determine the senses of words in queries by using WordNet. In our approach, noun phrases in a query are determined first. For each word in the query, information associated with it, including its... more
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      Information RetrievalWeb searchWord Sense DisambiguationWordnet
Human creativity generates novel ideas to solve real-world problems. This thereby grants us the power to transform the surrounding world and extend our human attributes beyond what is currently possible. Creative ideas are not just new... more
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      CreativitySemantic NetworksWordnet
Question Answering Systems, unlike search engines, are providing answers to the users' questions in succinct form which requires the prior knowledge of the expectation of the user. Question classification module of a Question Answering... more
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      Cognitive ScienceWordnetQuestion Answering SystemWikipedia
The star schema is widely accepted as the de facto data model for data warehouse design. A popular approach for developing a star schema is to develop it from an entity-relationship diagram with some heuristics. Most of the existing... more
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      WordnetDesign PatternData Warehouse DesignData Model
Princeton WordNet (PWN) is one of the most influential resources for semantic descriptions, and is extensively used in natural language processing. Based on PWN, three Chinese wordnets have been developed: Sinica Bilingual Ontological... more
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      Computational LinguisticsWordnet
The whole world is changed rapidly and using the current technologies Internet becomes an essential need for everyone. Web is used in every field. Most of the people use web for a common purpose like online shopping, chatting etc. During... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisOpinion Mining (Data Mining)Documentary FilmBook Reviews
This paper reports on a study to explore how semantic relations can be used to expand a query for objects in an image. The study is part of a project with the overall objective to provide semantic annotation and search facilities for a... more
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      Information SystemsSemantic relationsWeb SemanticsWordnet
Capturing the sentiments and the emotional states enclosed in textual information is a critical task which embraces a wide range of web-oriented activities such as detecting the sentiments associated to the product reviews, developing... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisWordnetKnowledge Based SystemsPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
In the field of process mining, the goal is to automatically extract process models from event logs. Recently, many algorithms have been proposed for this task. For comparing these models, different quality measures have been proposed.... more
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      Process MiningWordnetText ClusteringMinimum description length
Two novel word clustering techniques are proposed which employ long distance bigram language models. The first technique is built on a hierarchical clustering algorithm and minimizes the sum of Mahalanobis distances of all words after a... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingSignal ProcessingPattern Recognition
In this paper we present a new semantic smoothing vector space kernel (S-VSM) for text documents clustering. In the suggested approach semantic relatedness between words is used to smooth the similarity and the representation of text... more
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      WordnetText ClusteringWikipediaKnowledge Based Systems
A key application of ontologies is the estimation of the semantic similarity between terms. By means of this assessment, the comprehension and management of textual resources can be improved. However, most ontology-based similarity... more
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      OntologiesWordnetKnowledge Based Systems
This paper will focus on recent and near-term future developments at FrameNet (FN) and the interoperability issues they raise. We begin by discussing the current state of the Berkeley FN database including major changes in the data format... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCrowdsourcingWordnetCorpus
This paper examines and proposes the automatic generation of concept hierarchies using WordNet. Existing researches have mostly explored the utilization of concept hierarchies, but have not addressed the prohibitive cost occurred in... more
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      TaxonomyMathematical SciencesWordnetHierarchy
In this paper, we propose a probabilistic graphical model to represent weakly annotated images. We consider an image as weakly annotated if the number of keywords defined for it is less than the maximum number defined in the ground truth.... more
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      Semantic similarityBayesian NetworksProbabilistic Graphical ModelsImage Classification
This paper gives an overview of the scientific program "Computational linguistic models and language technologies for Croatian" that has been launched recently. Its short and long term goals, its composition as well as methodology and... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningComputational ModelingComputational Linguistics
We investigate the directed and weighted complex network of free word associations in which players write a word in response to another word given as input. We analyze in details two large datasets resulting from two very different... more
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      Applied MathematicsComplex SystemsComplex NetworksWordnet
This paper presents an algorithm for aligning FrameNet lexical units to WordNet synsets. Both, FrameNet and WordNet, are well-known as well as widely-used resources by the entire research community. They help systems in the comprehension... more
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      Semantic similarityWordnetFrame SemanticsFrameNet
Text processing has been playing a great role in information retrieval to solve the problem of ambiguity in natural language processing, e.g., internet search, data mining, and social media. In semantic similarity, it will be used to... more
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      Semantic similarityEnglish Language LearningWordnetInformation Content
The linked open data (LOD) paradigm has emerged as a promising approach to structuring and sharing geospatial information. One of the major obstacles to this vision lies in the difficulties found in the automatic integration between... more
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      Linked DataSemantic WebWordnetGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
In this paper, we develop formal computational models for three aspects of experiential systems for browsing media-(a) context (b) interactivity through hyper-mediation and (c) context evolution using a memory model. Experiential systems... more
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      ArtComputer ModelWordnetKnowledge Acquisition
The semantic similarity between two concepts is widely used in natural language processing. In this article, we propose a method using WordNet 3.1 to determine the similarity based on feature combinations. This work focuses on overcoming... more
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      SemanticsText MiningWordnet
A number of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) exist on the market today. A subset of a LMS is the component in which student assessment is managed. In some forms of assessment, such as open questions, the LMS is incapable of evaluating... more
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      Information RetrievalNatural Language ProcessingData MiningSemantics
This paper describes a rule-based semantic parser that relies on a frame dataset (FrameNet), and a semantic network (WordNet), to identify semantic relations between words in open text, as well as shallow semantic features associated with... more
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      WordnetNatural languageSemantic NetworkFrameNet
Metaphor and analogy are perhaps the most challenging aspects of linguistic creativity for a conceptual representation to facilitate, since by their very nature they seek to stretch the boundaries of domain description and dynamically... more
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      CreativityOntologiesWordnetKnowledge Based Systems
Sound engineers need to access vast collections of sound effects for their film and video productions. Sound effects providers rely on text-retrieval techniques to offer their collections. Currently, annotation of audio content is done... more
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      Knowledge ManagementMusical InstrumentsWordnetIntelligent
This paper presents a set of methodolo-gies and algorithms to create WordNets following the expand model. We explore dictionary and BabelNet based strategies, as well as methodologies based on the use of parallel corpora. Evaluation... more
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    • Wordnet
FrameNet is a large-scale lexical resource encoding information about semantic frames (situations) and semantic roles. The aim of the paper is to enrich FrameNet by mapping the lexical fillers of semantic roles to WordNet using a... more
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      Word Sense DisambiguationSemantic WebWordnetOWL
We describe building a large-scale image ontology using the WordNet lexical resources. This ontology is based on English words identifying portrayable objects. We reviewed the upper structure and interconnections of WordNet and selected... more
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      OntologyImage ProcessingWordnet
Incorporating background knowledge into data mining algorithms is an important but challenging problem. Current approaches in semi-supervised learning require explicit knowledge provided by domain experts, knowledge specific to the... more
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      Information RetrievalData MiningSemi-supervised LearningWordnet
By analysing the current structure and the usage patterns of collaborative tagging systems, we can find out many im-portant aspects which still need to be improved. Problems related to synonymy, polysemy, different lexical forms,... more
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      The Social WebLexical SemanticsSemantic WebWordnet
In this paper we highlight the main challenges in building a lexical database for Kurdish, a resource-scarce and diverse language. We also report on our effort in building the first prototype of KurdNetthe Kurdish WordNet-along with a... more
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      Information RetrievalKurdish LanguageWordnetSorani Kurdish
A new approach to numerically measure the semantic distances between lexical units (words and collocations) based on the geometric analogies and analytical calculations, is put forward. Having considered the cases of equal and different... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSemantic Web TechnologiesSemanticsCognitive Semantics